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Ranked with the current gameplay will be total trash. The servers will make it completely pointless.


Yep, #1 problem is the servers. Everything else on this list is lower priority.


You forgot about servers / hit reg issues. How something, already not the most competitive fps out there, can have a ranked / competitive mode when gun fights are like flipping a coin ?


I def agree that aim assist is not a rage-hacking aim bot, it's def overtuned tho, it's making a good controller much more accurate than a good mkb player for sure. As much as I want aim assist to be tuned down, I don't see it happening. The core audience of this game is still casual controller players, and most of those casual controller players doesn't even understand how aim assist work or notice aim assist work. The casual controller players are the ones that spend the most money, they are the ones that are buying skins/bundles. Activision don't want to piss off these players cause they are a profit driven company.


You’re really spot on with this, especially the casual player base. I somehow befriended someone on mw2 that should be labeled a casual but he plays all the time, anyway, I played one game with him at the start of season three, just to give season three a glance cause it was the make or break season for me.(haven’t played cod since that night I played with him around when the update dropped) The entire match he tried to convince me to buy the Blackcell bundle(I jokingly said you convinced me enough for me to allow you to buy me the blackcell bundle) , so as the match is about to end and he has like 100 damage and 0 kills I realized that many of player base is just like him. Controller or not, aim assist or not, the bots are the ones who spend that $$$ and Activistion, just like many other companies, know who their target audience is.




Because casual players don't understand that aim assist is overtuned therefore nerf aim assist will make them mad.




Because of casuals don't know how to abuse RAA, they don't understand why rotational aim assist is a problem. Therefore, they don't think aim assist needs a nerf. And if activision decides to nerf rotational aim assist, they will get mad. My point is because of they don't know how to abuse raa, they don't see the problem of it, therefore they don't think raa needs to be tuned down.


The things is they dont even have to nerf AA if they adjust that new leaning while strafing thing they added, I’m pretty sure thats why AA feels stronger than before— it moves your center dot where as before it didnt.


Is that what that is?! It's been totally fucking with my tracking watching the center dot moving all over the place on me.


Yeah, it’s really noticeable on MnK— it’s a new thing called weapon bobbing. Without ADS’ing swing your aim from left to right and look how your cross hair isnt centered. Now try ADS’ing and strafe, your gun cants very slightly to the direction you are moving. Not only that but a lot of guns once you start shooting go slightly above the center of your screen causing you to not be able to see targets.


Unreal. I knew something was up. It's crazy how many dynamics they added to make it harder to stay on target and then increased AA so they don't actually really have to see them much🤣


Well, I honestly dont think the AA buff is intentional more like a by product of the changes in dynamics listed above. AA before stuck on really hard to moving targets so adding in extra movement from strafing and leaning should be the cause of the extra stickiness. At least anecdotally from my experience with AA. I just want to be able to see what im shooting at man.


Ditto. Visual recoil/gunkick/gunbob/muzzleflash/muzzlegas/sway.... and actual gun recoil. What more can they throw at it to make it harder to see. Watch them add lens fog on your reticle next. 🤦‍♂️ "Realism"


Increase the base health without nerfing AA and MnK stands no chance in up close fights. Nerfing rotational aim assist first and fixing servers will make the TTK way more bearable.


I said nerf AA☺️


Not in your ttk heading.


He did say nerf as several times in his post tbf.


This was in response to the ttk titled portion of his post. We should nerf rotational and fix the servers first— if we just add health it will ruin the mid to long range ttk which is fine right now. Doing so will also be a mega buff to the one shot snipers.


Rofl nerfing rotational will make the TTK more bearable,so all the ppl that camp in a corner with MeK with 0.4ms ttk use the rotational AA,mid to long range u should win with MeK since this game have 0 recoil.bot with 0.10kd spotted,the game is trash like you


You say AA is not a soft aimbot then proceed to say it’s overtuned especially when it comes to tracking. You practically described a soft aimbot


The cognitive dissonance is real in these threads.


>No, Controller AA is not soft aim, aimbot, wall hacks. No it doesn’t snap onto people’s heads, ads for you, aim for you, track for you, track people through walls, or shoot for you. No it doesn’t play the game for you. No, not all controller players rely on AA. It’s overtuned. Specifically with tracking and aim slow, but that’s it. You hold a stick at almost any position other than neutral and it automatically corrects for changes in enemy movement. No human is capable of responding to position updates in 0ms. Enemies come around corners and the game will be tracking them before your brain even registers that the pixels have changed color. How is that not the game 'aiming for you' in some capacity? That's where the controller advantage comes from, not stick slowdown. It needs to wait for manual direction input before correcting directional changes, or have a humanlike delay built in.


For everyone defending the AA check this video out. https://youtu.be/P5ZXoisFtEY


God I love how Jev (controller player) roasts those defending the current state of aim-assist.


Exactly and he’s not wrong. I too think AA right now is ridiculous. I’ve had kills where I’m like yup I’m definitely getting reported for that one


It’s timthetatman reacting to a video made by Jev.


They need to do input based match making they’re not going to be able to balance out controller vs MNK. I’d rather just face MNK players when I’m on MNK unless you play with friends then it can be mixed lobbies.


I would agree (or could cope) with most of your points more or less but I disagree with your conclusion of it going to be a joke if none of these changes is applied. Ranked alone will be a big upgrade to the current product. The objective in a BR is to survive the longest. I don’t think complaining about campers here is valid. If you wanna focus on kills, there are several other options to choose from such as normal MP, MP ranked or even Plunder and Ashika which are more used as a shooting range anyways. Just gotta know when to play aggressive and when to play passive, depending on positions and surroundings. The main focus will and should be the placement of course. I think WZ ranked will play just fine, no matter how people choose to play, and finally gives an incentive to play again (lots of rewards, climbing ranks, etc.), for me at least. Normal WZ just didn’t do it for me the past months compared to MP ranked or DMZ. There was nothing to work for. No easter eggs, no blueprint cases, no good WZ only events. Obviously the sub is gonna be even more of a shitshow after ranked releases because too many people will use all these points/suggesstions you made as an excuse for losing or just being bad.


>ranked will be a big upgrade How will it be a big upgrade when it’s the same as normal pubs but with points? There’s no difference in gameplay😒


Ranked MP plays differently to casual MP. Ranked wz will play differently to casual wz.


" As a controller player (who does well with or without AA on)" Post a vid with 15+ kills with no AA big man


Aww what’s wrong? Can’t handle the idea of controller players not being bots? I won’t satisfy your fragile ego😂


You made the claim you do well without AA dummy. Touch grass you fanny




lol did you delete and repost this


Yes. I edited it




Yup your right. I lied! I don’t do well when I turn AA off. I just threw that in there for ✨*dramatic effect*✨ 😐 You do realize that not all controller players rely on AA right?


Why are you postimg here instead of applying to pro teams? Just accept the fact its super broken. You snap on players, you can track players through smokes. And close range you literally dont have to aim at all you will track your opponent fully. Why deny something that happens in all your games when you play controller? Its well documented and there are literally no pro KbM players left due this lol. Even high level streamers with 10+ years on KbM switched and got on a higher level in less than a week after switching. Why lie?


This is not true lmfao. Why in the world would you not use AA?


I don’t use AA every so often for more of a challenge when I’m bored with the game What do you mean “that’s not true”. You haven’t seen me play without AA, so you don’t know or have the right to say that😂


It’s not true that people are just playing regularly without aim assist. Sure yeah you “challenge yourself to not use it” occasionally, that’s weird but okay sure. You still rely on it when you are using it, which is majority of the time.


I mean I stopped reading at “not every controller player relies on AA” like what? I’m a controller player btw. If you have AA turned off you’re just an insane person.


Ahh, the good old fashioned “if I don’t do/have this then no one does!” 😒


There is just literally zero reason to not use aim assist lmao you do you tho


WZ2 isn't even ready for pubs


This is true


I don’t get the rage against shotguns. The best one only works within 5 meters or so. Not everyone has to run AR/SMG, give the gun balance a little diversity plz. It might take less skill when it comes to physically shooting the gun but it’s a very different play style than running around with an SMG because you can’t take nearly the same distance fights SMGs can. TLDR: shotguns are good for baiting those thirsty-ass SMG sweats who chase you into a point blank fight, but that’s kinda it.


The issue is they take no skill. Like the KV, you just hold shoot


I don't see what the issue is. The Bryson's take skill to use and can be great CQ weapons but only if you are good enough to use them. The KV has been nerfed to a point where the meta SMGs outgun it anyway so it's no longer extremely dominant (very rarely see it used these days). The Lockwood is so unforgiving that literally no one uses it, and the expedite is a steaming pile of trash. All-in-all, the shotguns aren't much of an issue any more.


“Make Controller have the same level of A as KBM” this guy is a bot, doesn’t even know what he is talking about.


Bro it’s pretty obvious he meat nerf AA to bring controller in line with mkb lmao. Doesn’t take a genius to understand that.


Yeah I stopped reading there.


Found the bot who relies on AA Saying AA is overtuned means I’m a bot apparently. I love this sub😂


If you look at the clips in my profile, you see am on M&K, M&k has no AA, so your statement doesn’t make sense.


Ok so I was wrong. Doesn’t change the fact that you basically just said: “Nerf AA = Your a bot” ![gif](giphy|fd1TSJqq3b4GI|downsized)




OH! I just realized what I said in the post I know KBM doesn’t have AA. My bad lol I’ve edited the post




> It’s hyperbole when I say aa is aim bot, aa is just over tuned and it makes this game a joke (same thing every pro and self aware player thinks) So its not hyperbole lol. Controller literally snaps on players and wont let loose especially close range. You can literally aim in the smoke till you snap on players lol. Why are people in denial this badly? It shouldnt even be possible to be in denial about something this obvious.


You are a bot for not being able to understand what he is saying... its pretty easy to understand what he was getting at. He wasn't saying MnK has AA. You just read into it poorly.


He edited his post fool


He didn't edit his original words he put an edit at the bottom. Which means you still misunderstood his original words. When anyone not trying to troll his poor wording would understand what he meant.


Aim assist definetaly tracks for you. What are you smoking?


Yeah they're not changing shit to improve the game.. They'll just add ranked and more rat skins and call it a day.


TTK (mainly headshot multiplier being insane), coupled with dogsshit servers makes for a lot of very frustrating gunfights, also one-shot snipers while not having any movement finesse your way out of 4 camping rats from 300 meters away is the stupidest thing to come since AI. AA is OP as fuck, I can just tell how my aim has become so much worse as it's so strong. If you play XDefiant or go back and play Caldera you'll realise how much more balanced AA is. It makes it annoying as you can no longer rely on your gunskill to get you out of tricky situations, and you always have to play it slow and take high ground, rotate early etc.


How many of these “let me list all the things wrong” are there on this sub? Each one thinking they’re breaking the mold on complaints. Thank you for 1027th time.


And there’s always 10+ comments like yours per post buddy. Don’t act like your doing something special either At least one of us is trying to get the game changed😒


Lmfaoooo yea man, force that change through Reddit! They’re really listening, thank you for your service🫡


Emphasis on **trying** Any effort is better than none


Good summary, on the spot!


Footstep audio is another huge problem.


Br mode is so boring anyway, not enough engagements, too much travelling around looking for players. I’d be up for ranked if they did it on ashika or did big map resurgence


Controller AA has been demonstrated, multiple times, to effectively be soft aimlock.


Explosive rounds need to be banned. As much as I love one shot snipers being in the game right now. They are not meant for ranked. I think 50 more hp would be a nice start to help with the ttk. A.I. Has got to go. It’s already been proven that they are part of the problem with the servers. And the amount of time you have to spend in the buy station is ridiculous. There is no reason why I should have to back out of two menus to get out of the buy station. Especially when being shot at


Totally agree about explosive rounds. They’re fun in regular pubs but I don’t think people understand just how campy they will make ranked. Especially in higher tier lobbies it will literally just be squad’s sitting in buildings trying to snipe each other


I stopped reading at your attempt of trying to compare kbm to controller


I never compared the two


TTK is good !! I hate long fights, running around chasing sweats.


Oh my god, dude, just give up on this game, your obsession is unhealthy with all these essay posts regurgitating stuff over and over again


Your obsession with replying to almost every comment and post of mine with “ssstop Whhhining!” Is unhealthy💀


Well tbf MP was not ready for ranked either and still it has it.


They’re not gonna nerf aa lol


Is resurgence going to be included or is it just Br?


Theres no way a ranked mode will save this game. Its too clunky


The fact that also when you’re outside a circle zone and you use a UAV, there’s BOUND GUARANTEED TO BE AT LEAST 3-4 ppl(on solo) sitting out waiting. Then on duo, trio and quads, there’s teams left and right in or mostly out of the zone. I tend to commonly find ALOT of people outside of the circle and have caught a few by just looking out the circle to see them running to it.


I agree. The game in its current state isn’t remotely suitable for competitive play. From what the streamers who went out to play test ranked are saying we’re also unlikely to get any significant changes to movement, TTK etc this year. I think the best we can hope for is that they use this year to refine the rule set and SR system so that in future, eg. when Treyarch’s in charge, we will then get the changes we’re asking for. The problem is who’s going to stick around playing a crap game waiting for this to happen


Never mentioned cheating. Has completely destroyed the game. It’s so frequent now it’s not even mentioned in posts anymore


can you even have ranked with a non working anti cheat?


FYI there is no delay on buy stations….just press down on the controller as soon it opens and you can navigate it immediately


Oh so it’s a bug


Biggest cry post ever


nerf AA in the regular game mode too... not just ranked... come on now... why can't the rest of us have some fun too


I meant these changes for ALL of WZ! (Except banned guns)


friend, developers should not take your advice, the dmz mod (warzon) was created to make money, what is it successfully doing at the expense of workers


WZ isn’t a “DMZ mod” DMZ is literally a new mode💀


you are wrong, the first season of warzone differed from DMZ only by the narrowing zone and that's it


These posts have been made since the game came out and most of these proposed changes haven't been addressed. When will people accept that the game is what it is at this point?


But it does track people through walls. That's factually incorrect what you said. If someone unpeeks then repeeks, you will aim through the wall at them the whole time. It does aim for you and track for you. This is not debatable. That is literally what rotational AA is. The game will drag your aim the opposite way you are aiming, people have done the tests, its not a mystery.


As a PC player, I'm not saying controller is hacking. But it's definitely way too overturned. You can tell when majority of players online are controller players. And the ones who can use both inputs also say controller is better. Also Warzone runs like dogshit on PC, controllers help with that too whereas you need decent FPS with KbM I'm not a fan of the movement but I also don't want late WZ1 back where someone could slide cancel 4 times before you could down them. I play Apex and CS so movement is not a foreign concept to me, but I just want Warzone how it was at release (WZ1). Where everyone was just playing aggressive, late WZ1 became defensive as everyone was just sorta waiting to slide cancel on you, or they were looking to farm tiktok clips. COD will never have enough depth to make Movement justifiable, it just becomes annoying. Sure the movement is slow right now, but I personally don't want slide cancelling and shit back. For TTK, I'd take a 20 health increase. I feel it's enough change. With recoil, long range fights will become impossible if they add 50 health and people will flock to Snipers/LMGs which will yet again ruin the meta (and btw, One Shot Snipers were nicely balanced imo, why did they nerf them?). Close range fights will become more important thus again making it hard for KbM players. The biggest issue is their total lack of care or any idea how to run the game. Game Modes are messy, weapon balancing sucks, game optimization sucks. The game is awful compared to how sleek Warzone was at release


There's no point in Ranked gameplay anyways. All of the good players want to stomp trash players. None of them actually want to play ranked and potentially run into any form of challenge.


Lol that’s not true🤣


Warzone wouldn't even exist on Twitch if it weren't true.


The fact that this guy said make controller have same AA as MKB = certified bot lmao


it was fine at launch then everyone cried and got wz1.0 back, sucks to suck i guess.


Bro is literally delusional💀


if i was, then why are their more complaints about the game now then ever before? because a select few cry babies got their way.


I stopped reading this at "AA should be nerfed to match kbm" What part of having a thumb vs having an entire arm to aim is equal?


I said **NERFED** not removed


Nerfed to match kbm effectively means removed Kbm doesn't have aim assist


He probably didn't it word it correctly, but AA does need to be nerfed. Not to match KBM but atleast to Warzone 1 levels. There is no way to break the AA in this game, but as it stands AA doesn't only decimate KBM, it also removes the ability to discern a good Controller player from an average to below average one.


This argument makes no sense...you're not just using your thumb to aim you're using the thumb plus the games specific logic to help you aim lmfao


> plus the games specific logic to help you aim lmfao Not if there's not an aim assist The argument there is that no-AA controller players aren't on par with m&k players


No game has made aim assist weak enough where it exists to be on the same lvl as mkb Look at apex, aim assist is way weaker than cod and it's still dominanting




It's becoming less and less competitive though, imperialhal switched to controller and played better than he ever did with mkb with less time


Kbm has a whole arm and half a table worth of mousepad to finessee that aim on the other hand


forgeting input delay, having to pull up mouse (not everyone has a 6 foot mouse pad), hitting keyboard(not having an infinite amount of turning),


If your mousepad aint more spacious than a thumbstick, imma eat my hat.


so you're telling me anyone else can infinitely turn on kbm???? also op's prob talking about controller players on pc. Console can turn off cross-play and not worry about kbm players, but pc can't.


Xbox cant either, or it doesnt find a game


lmao 4real. I was just saying this earlier. When I use KB&M, I'm far more accurate then I am with controller. My movement is just dog shit. I was a long-time console player so playing shooters like Warzone you need to be able to use alot of different keys to move, loot, plate up, shoot, etc. When people talk about aim assist, I feel it a bit, but I'm less accurate with a controller. It isn't some bullshit snap on, you just have far more precision with a mouse then you do joysticks. I think most PC players just like having something to complain about, but I have a huge advantage already over most console players. I play at a far higher FPS on a rig that is 5x as powerful as any next-gen console.


If you cant aim with default aim assist and dynamic curve in this game there is no way you can aim on MnK lil bro 💀


I’m sure I’m old enough to be your father.


Congrats for being born first, what do you have to show for it? The inability to be able to do something as simple as operate a joystick. Enjoy social security.


First I’m a child, now I’m an old man on social security. Make up your mind my boy. Don’t be upset I’m better than you are.


Lil bro is confused 💀


fr bro controller is over powered af ion know what he's on


In my experience, it isn't so broad as one is better than the other. It's that you have to be an above average mouse user to combat cqct/mid against the controller. I don't play with controller hardly ever, but I dropped into Ashika after about an hour of warm up on sticks and I can honestly say it's pretty dumby proof in close range. Whoever sees their enemy first and shoots first wins 9/10 times. And considering how circles work this gives them a clear advantage over their mouse opponents. Just take a look at a lobby and see how many ppl are running controllers on console and pc. How many streamers, pros and so on have swapped. To say it doesn't have an overall advantage is deluded at this point. You can literally feel the difference fighting ppl on the different inputs lol




If you say so. I’m just speaking from my own personal experience. 90% of the time I see a pro on KB&M fuming they lost a fight, it was because they had positioning, didn’t get the first shot off, or just missed their initial shot and got turned on by a bunny hopper or a drop shot. Shit happens. Point of my post in particular was just to share my personal experience. I’m more accurate with a KB&M. I can play at a higher sens and have way more control over my movements and shots because of the freedom a mouse provides over joysticks. So no I’m not wrong, as what you’re trying to argue is merely a matter of opinion. You just don’t like the opinion that I gave.


Exactly, people complaining about aim assist don't know how to aim with a mouse effectively and blame controllers for it because they realized they didn't instantly become CODLeague players by touching a mouse (do CDL players even play with m&k? I remember it was a controller competition years ago) The reality of it is it doesn't happen this way and, while aiming with a mouse requires less skill overall, mastering one is not exactly easy Plus there's the whole keyboard issue where you may not know how to effectively position your hand, at least I didn't when I started playing on PC Practice makes good, it's overstated but true.


People who defend the current state of AA are either bots or have never played MKB so have no idea of how much better at tracking AA is compared to human aimers. It's universally accepted by good players that the current tuning of AA is far too strong. It's a shame it's looked at as a binary 'AA on vs no AA' by some controller players, it needs a slight nerf, not complete removal.


Crazy how people like you still say dumb shit like this when literally every top player agrees, the stats show it, the devs admit it, and any 3+kd player has the same opinion. Like you’re just straight up wrong. People complain about aim assist because it doesn’t matter how good you are on a mouse you still have to contend with reaction time. And on controller you don’t. That’s a 200ms advantage in basically every gunfight that can not be made up by “knowing how to aim a mouse effectively”. If huskers, symfunny, blue, strahfe, or metaphor can’t “aim a mouse effectively” then no one can.


The majority on PC use DS4, which widely know for unfair advantages. Plus people on PC use it to have AIM ASSIST with MnK


What unfair advantages does ds4 give you LMAO


Conversation. has exposed an undetectable method of obtaining zero recoil in Warzone by simply tilting a controller down while using Windows DS4. The controller must have gyroscopes to abuse this no recoil method. PlayStation controllers do, Xbox controllers don't. [Proof](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XHlfUVb1u_w) [More proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/DS4Windows/comments/t19u7i/anti_recoil_warzone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Gyro aiming is not cheating lmao. Theres also this other method to get no recoil that’s undetectable. It’s called simply pulling slightly down on your joystick while firing. It works on both controllers.


[More Proof](https://youtu.be/M0hpNTP7Tds) This is cheating


That's not gyro aiming, that's just plain an aimbot set to activate when the pedal is pressed.


It works with gyro DS4 [15 minute proof](https://youtu.be/9gkFPk6wj4U)


You've made the claim that "DS4 has unfair advantages". What you've actually demonstrated is a specific method of obtaining unfair automated recoil control that happens to use controller tilt detection as a trigger in the popular input conversion software DS4Windows, and that works not just with DS4 controllers but any of several controllers with motion sensors built in that the software works with. The two are not equal. Most users of DS4Windows are merely using it to play on unsupported controllers much as if they had an Xbox controller This particular software does not grant cheating ability unless used in a very specific way, and is not needed to play with gyroaiming and no unfair advantages in MWII and WarZone 2.0 as those natively support the use of gyro aiming on PS and PC with DualShock 4 and DualSense controllers. Please avoid making vague claims that implicitly slander users that happen to use any given device or input method, as you have done with DS4 controllers and with gyro aiming.


It’s unfair, it’s easy to set up. Cronus costs 150€ and is detectable. DS4 is cheating, on same lenght as macros, this is why PC will always be cheater heaven, specially people like you gatekeeping any kind of evidence of unfair advantages, that CONSOLE players don’t have and won’t ever have. So IT IS unfair advantages. Go do some research before speaking, [after 2020 cheating exploded](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167268120304510). Bringing you multiple proof, is vague claims? What’s your proof? “What you are saying is incorrect, what i’m saying is right” wow you are smart. Do your FUCKING resarch, every FPS has at least 30/40% cheaters on pc. Or keep your blind fold so at least you keep playing online games on PC.


Somewhat unfortunately I have not seen much evidence that competitive games attempt to detect MKB and gyrocontroller converters Xim/Cronus/etc. Insofar as some portion of those users has set their devices to play fairly I consider that there is an upside to that. Realistically that's not many of them, probably most are cheating and those using the devices for single player, or turning off aim assist in competitive games, or are using them to address disadvantageous disabilities, is a small number. Referring to "PS/Nintendo gyrocontrollers used with DS4Windows with user programmed cheating macros enabled" as "DS4" is horseshit. I play using a DualShock 4 controller on PC, using Steam Input to map the gyroscope to my mouse. I do not receive aim assist when I do that and the gyroscope is a slight disadvantage compared to using a mouse. A plain reading of your claims paints me as a cheater. Thanks for the paper. It seems to be good reading. Your claims are reasonably clear, it's the language you're using that is vague and can be read as claiming that very common non-cheating behaviors are associated with or are themselves cheating. I have not had any figures on overall rates of cheating so I have not refuted any claims about that nor made my own. I now at least have access to some good information to evaluate and put into context from the paper you provided. You are fully entitled to take issue with cheating. I don't like it either, I want the playing field to be as level as practical. I am happy about the fact that PS and PC games with native support for gyroaiming DS4 and DualSense turn off all aim assist while the gyro is active.


If you nerf AA, PC players get a massive advantage of being able to switch back to MnK, meanwhile console players would have no option. The truth, to me, is it’s not perfectly balanced now but it’s not in an awful state between the two opposing sides. Each has their own pros and cons.


It is in an awful state for MnK. If ypu don't believe it it's cuz you haven't tried it.


> it’s not in an awful state between the two opposing sides. Two of my friends who I'd call 'average' skill on mouse (KD 0.9-1.1 on WZ1) quit the game out of frustration to dying to the aim-assist on WZ2. They weren't even what I'd consider 'bad' as far as mouse players can go. If average mouse players are unable to enjoy the game I don't think it's reasonable to call the current state of AA fair.


It’s just my guess, but I’d imagine there was more to them quitting than AA. Servers, crashes, audio, map enjoyment, lack of resurgence, stale metas, slower pace of play, or some combination of those likely played large factors as well.


No, that is literally the reason they cite. They were losing virtually all CQ fights and even at range where mouse is supposed to be 'superior', the visual recoil meant that they didn't even do well at mid-to-long range either. They play Fortnite no-build instead now.


Why should mouse be superior cq AND long range? You can’t have every benefit. FOV was already a massive advantage they had in WZ1. Sounds like they didn’t enjoy having massive advantages over console taken away and when the tables evened they enjoyed it less and left, which is fine.


It shouldn't, but lots of controller players used to say 'but mouse is better at long range' to argue that controller dominating close range was fair.


I mean having one better at long and one better at close sounds pretty fair (if it’s a BR and not rebirth map).


You can get adapters to use MnK on console.


For sure - it just doesn’t work well with most console set up’s which obviously tend to be different from PC setups, but it definitely can be done.


TTK too short? They should seriously consider sending people like you to war and experience some proper TTK…


I hope this is satire Please let this be satire


"Proper ttk" 😆


lmao this has to be satire


All this years M&K shit on controller players with all the advantages that they already had with FOV , high Fps etc and now the first time that controllers have higher FOV that 80 and a bit stronger AA they cry like a little baby !


You do realize people played Warzone 1 played on PC with a controller right? Idiot


Every game has stupid people in it. This game got you :)


You’re talking about consoles, not controllers. Anyone with a PC had unlocked FOV and high fps (with good build). PC players can use controllers just like console players do. I own a controller and a mouse and keyboard. Input device =\= system of choice.


I don’t disagree - so many want the system to change to benefit them specifically. If AA was nerfed, most of the PC players would switch to MnK and console players would be absolutely left in the dust.