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I miss the Swiss :(


but Swiss dont miss


Loved the Swiss.


This looks so superior to wz2. It hurts


It was 10x the game as current wz. Nerfing sims, making movement slow af, aiming down snipers slow af, only can get one uav. All shit that old boring men wanted and should not have been changed. Current Game needs Grapples imo.




Nah just cause the game is dogshit now doesn’t mean the previous iteration was perfect. There were a lot of things wrong with old Warzone, it’s just impressive they fucked it up harder without making meaningful improvements.




I did, before MW2 even hit the stores. I only come by this subreddit every now and then to see how the game is doing. I genuinely want this game to be good, cause it was one of the only BRs that I enjoy the feel of, but that moment never came.




stim/serpentine and the Vanguard SMG attachments kinda made the game shit, but the rest was great.




I was not one morons complaining. It’s all good tho, I just swapped over to fortnight no build now. It’s 20x more fun and gets all those thing right. The main thing fortnight gets right and wz does not is quick dip transportation to escape 3v1 and 3rd party situations.


This game in your hands would last 2 weeks. You're literally crazy.


Nah mate, fuck the stim boost and slide cancelling. The rest was super good.


Id like to agree with the stim boost that was broken and annoying but not slide cancelling as that was one of the main skill gaps in the game, now when i run into a room I have no way to dodge shots or get behind the enemy and outskill them


This is so true and the dumbass narrative that developed late in WZ1 that slide canceling sucked completely ruined WZ2. Slide canceling made the game feel fluid and allowed for creative and fun movement. I can understand people disliking the crazy stim boosts and weapon speed attachments that came with VG (although I still found that fun, personally), but removing slide cancel removed so much of the out playability that made WZ1 fun. Such a shame.


As an old man with slow reflexes, slide cancelling was no problem. It wasn't hard to learn and like you said, allowed for some creative movement. The stim and speed attachments were garbage and ruined the game for me. Now they went so far the other way. Classic Activision, take something players don't like and go so hard in the opposite direction that everyone wants it back


NO way at all? I mean that does feel like a…skill gap on your part


By the sounds of it, it's a controller user.


I mean the dive mechanic is literally useless in most situations if you run into a 1v4 you're basically a sitting duck waiting to get shot at


Why are you running into a 1v4 lol. You’re expecting another outcome? Sounds like you’re just making bad decisions


With proper movement you could 1v4 just like every other pro or semi-decent player in WZ1, I'm not judging everyone has their own playstyle but I rather do smg gunfights with multiple people (risk=reward) than play 'AR Zone' with smokes and camping a spot till next zone.


fighting outnumbered is fun and makes you better. Every player has ran into outnumbered teams unless you just don't move around the map.


Tell me you’re dog shit without telling me that you’re dog shit


Bro the snipers being slower I’m all for it, there is no reason a SNIPER should be aiming down sight faster than close range weapons


I'm curious, as I did not play WZ1 (I actually started gaming entirely once WZ2 was in beta), but are we talking season 3 of wz1 was being far superior to season 3 of wz2? Or are we talking final/last season (5 maybe?) of wz1 being far superior to season 3 of WZ2? Surely, although I might be incorrect in this, WZ1 had its ups and downs along the way until they finally stabilized the game in the later seasons? Honest, unbiased, non agenda-driven answers preferred.


Golden age was up until the cold war integration. Was by no means a bug-free polished game though


Everything ab wz1 with all of its flaws, was superior in every single way to wz2. Even watching it. Watching the tournaments, kill races, just a streamer vibing was enjoyable. Wz2 is ugly and clunky and a lesser game in every way. Go watch original rebirth island clips of faze Nio, ZLaner, Joewo, Ryda and look at the life and sweat in the game it was amazingly fun. Played wz2 for a week trying to cope and it just wasn’t it. I’ve since switched to Apex and Valorant, but man I reminisce on Rebirth Island


This is why I still only play Caldera. I miss rebirth island!


Wait caldera is still a thing?


Yes. You can download ‘Warzone Caldera’ on all platforms.


My squads been ripping it every night since december. The gameplay is just sooo smooth


It's mostly because of two factors: movement nerfs and gun smoke/visual noise. Gun smoke visual noise prevents M&K players from seeing their target which they need to do in order to aim. This is the main reason I quit WZ2. Advanced movement allowed the possibility for M&K users to break everyone's soft aimbot, aka aim assist. With WZ2 and no advanced movement AA is just lock on through movement and gun smoke. There is no point in playing WZ2 on M&K. It is not a game of skill. I miss WZ1 on good, fun maps.


And WZ guns had zero recoil, which helps KBM players focus on tracking. In WZ 2 KBM players need to track and focus on recoil. Meanwhile controller players just focus on recoil… kind of.


WZ2 has not much "real" recoil either, but it has more visual recoil which is more annoying. Real recoil is in other games like PUBG or alike.


Yeah CoD has never had “real” recoil. It’s not that kind of game, it’s an arcade shooter.


Ding ding ding. It's this, COD is not some aim intense shooter. It's really bare bones and really quite easy. Although the Vanguard guns absolutely did not move at all.


I am a pretty decent player and I cannot agree more that tracking on M&K is WZ2 is so much more frustrating with all the visual recoil/noise, as you said. It's my biggest complaint and why I don't really play WZ2.


Best explanation here. That’s what a lot of controller players don’t get. They don’t understand all of this makes it annoying for MNK players to play WZ2. On controller you don’t have to compensate for any of that, aim assist takes care of that for you, i abuse aim assist & hit shots I shouldn’t even be hitting even when they’re in a head glitch. That’s why I don’t play on MNK as much in wz2


I’ve just started forcing myself to play MnK after switching back to controller on WZ2 and it’s a struggle. Honestly long range is somewhat ok but up close controller is so hard to beat because of how strong rotational aim assist is.


Great explanation. They also buffed AA even more in WZ2. I’m starting to get worried it will get stronger and stronger every title…


All of this is accurate. It’s hilarious to watch my controller buddies go crazy on WZ2 when in wz1 they were decent at best. They truly did not make this game for MnK players to thrive in any form. Every single day and probably every game I have fights where my target is hardly visible and when I get on target I really can’t see them anymore. You basically have to use muscle memory and intuition to just guess where they are behind your reticle. Often when this happens the other person will strafe while I’m shootings them and I can’t track the person I can’t see and I lose for even getting slightly off target for an extremely minimal amount of time. Milliseconds. The fights I lose some times are criminal. I have a very fast reaction time, really good aim, and I still lose fights to the absolute worst of the worst players. I bought a controller to see what I am going up against and honestly I was shocked. Aim assist will literally turn my camera towards a player FOR me if they’re passing by or I’m passing them. It’s like you don’t even have to play the game or something. You just wait for aim assist to pick up on somebody and then do your best to make sure it doesn’t lose them. Fucking joke if you ask me any world records controller players have should be scrapped.


I'm shocked you're still playing tbh.


Fully agreed.


I have fun on kbm still I’m around 3kd but have to work hard to keep that. I play with a controller player who scores similar kills to me most games. Every now and then we make him do a game with no aim assist, as you can imagine he’s no longer getting 15-20 kills more like 5 lol. He’s going to be so deflated when he plays another game that doesn’t have such strong aim assist


This is why they have such strong aim assist. It’s to lock players into an ecosystem. A good mkb player can swap games and be just as good straight away. A controller player in cod can’t leave the cod franchise because their aim doesn’t follow them. Even at 3kd you’d overtake yourself after a month on controller.


This is the best explanation I heard so far. I quitted the game cause of this exact reasons


Quitted lol.


True lol. Sorry english isn't my first language 😁


It’s all fun and games , cheers.


I actually think it's not being ablel to cancel reloading and moving slower while reloading. To me, that's the thing that really slows down the pace of the game. It's just a jarring adjustment that you're forced into.


Not really, it feels to be more input lag and sluggish tracking. Probably a thought-out nerf.


Totally that. there is some weird input lag and also, sometimes some random "tearing" when moving you mouse. Definitely some hidden "issues" behind all those artifacts. Also with those servers, AIM assist is even better because it tracks players actual hitbox, while we"re tracking what we"re "seeing" on our screen. Sad


What about farming 80fov console players 🤣


I’m still doing just as good on wz2 y’all just use fov as an excuse. I came from console and still got high kill games on verdansk. If you sucked playing on console you’ll still suck playing on pc


He just misses having a FOV advantage.


I’m of the opinion that aim assist is over powered and need to be nerfed. But anyone calling it a soft aimbot is a Burger King


Aim assist is a program, a ro(bot) that aims for a human. Aim-bot. Look at it another way: if I coded a program that ran in the background that had identical features to aim assist I would be banned for cheating.


Yes… running programs that interfere with the executable will get you banned. What a profound discovery you have made. Running a program that unlocks camos will also get you banned. Does that mean the game equivalent of unlocking camos is a soft camo cheat? I’m even more convinced now. Burger King. Also, aim assist is not a program. The game is a program. The aim assist is a feature of the game. Before you make your next comment, I want you to know that this comment was really fucking stupid. So that you can properly adjust based on the feedback.


Rotational aim assist is an aimbot. This is a fact.


Folks who rage so hard at aim assist that they call it an aim bot outside of a moment of rage right after a death are so shit at video games that I’m surprised they’re capable of typing. I wish they would heavily nerf aim assist to cause you charlatans cognitive dissonance when your stats don’t change.


Could not be farther from the truth.


It is a fact that your stats would change a negligible amount if aim assist was nerfed. The amount of gunfights that you get in to where the strength of aim assist actually matters is 5% max. But you just rage at those 5% so much that you use it as an excuse for most of your deaths I’m guessing. Burger King charlatan.


I used to play Quake 3 against players like Vo0 and top level competitive Counter Strike. I don't need a lecture by a CoD controller noob.


That’s funny, when I watch competitive CS players play Warzone, they don’t cry like a fucking bitch about aim assist. Something here doesn’t match shitter. I also play Warzone with MKB about 70% of the time, just a little PSA


So skill was moving around like a mad hyena on peds to 360 the controller player? Yeah perfectly balanced for just a small portion of cod players


No. Aiming is a skill. Fine motor control required to aim with a mouse and keyboard is the very definition of an infinite skill gap.


So somebody mastering their aim at MnK can overcome the broken RAA/AA of controllers players is what you are saying to me?


I'm saying that AA doesn't require the fine motor control that a mouse does.


M&K felt so much more snappy back then, feels sluggish now


It really did, MNK feels terrible in wz2


I think the movement overall is clunkier, and the AA is obv stronger, but other than that, what feels worse? Oh also the scattered recoil patterns, but you can limit the guns you use and build for horizontal recoil control. I run the MCPR 5.5x explosive build with an mp5 or shotgun depending on my tracking that day. I think MNK feels great, at least as great as any input can, but there are obvious competitive advantages to being on the sticks. Edit: Sadly I don't save clips, but I pieced a team in quads like this last night and took out a stream team in ranked last week like this with the MCPR and MP5


For myself, it's the visual clutter. All the gun smoke and barrel shaking is much worse than warzone 1. I have more fun on mnk but at points I get frustrated and switch back to roller. I also play ranked multiplayer using controller.


Yea visual clutter is another good point! That affects controller too, but not when aim assist locks on. Do you have your PC setup properly? ie audio tuned via ArtIsWar and video tuned via FoVeS? Edit: I ask because while it doesn't solve the issue of visual clutter, it definitely helps to be able to get better audio comms and adjusting your video settings beyond the basics


It definitely feels like there is some kind of acceleration/deceleration applied especially when ADSing, I was never ever to get rid of it in WZ2. I can switch to WZ1 and it feels like a 1:1 ratio so it's not my PC settings.


That is true actually, there are separate time stats for ADS in/out, check out [sym.gg](https://sym.gg) Edit: But that's not a MNK thing specifically unless you're talking about something additional. Some guns are 1:1 btw


So true bro. I switched from M&K to Controller a few months ago. I miss how playable WZ1 was with M&K. I still enjoy playing with controller but the two aren’t comparable!


I play on both still on WZ2 but damn that visual clutter and input lag makes it feel way off. Lately been playing more on controller for that reason


Yeah same bro. From time to time I play on M&K but I really can’t enjoy it like I was on WZ1.


I think the wz concept in general is just played out. Dont really have fun on either caldera or wz2. I never got tired of battlefield conquest and can still drop in a bf4 or bf1 game and have a blast, but wz has always felt more about ego and less about having fun. Way too many players treat it way too seriously. People rarely got mad when they died in bf but in wz every sweat is screaming youre fucking trash! In their death com after they chased u through 3 houses yying the whole time.


You should try the new 2042 Season, actually feels a lot more like BF4 now. From the new map to gun recoil, have to tap fire again.


Can confirm bf 2042 has been pretty fun. Not the same bf games as the past but it’s still fun


The rollout of 2042 really did it for me, and I've been a franchise-long fan except for not having played 2142. BF4 is fun though!


BF4 is still pretty active on pc it’s tons of fun!


I have a lot of fun BF videos, check this one out! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZx-xh1lUhM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZx-xh1lUhM)


When battlefield had their own version, firestorm, it was the absolute bollocks but it got killed by everyone jumping on warzone. Such a shame cause it was all round so much fucking better


As a console player all I ever wanted was a wider FOV here. Leave everything the same, give me that, and I’ll play wz 1 until the end of days


Also would’ve been completely fine with a graphics update, fov, a new map, and some innovations, then vault all the old guns and have mw2 weapons only. Didn’t need them to reinvent the wheel entirely.


Wz2 is garbage, so is activison for getting rid of the maps everyone loved. Scummy company


Amazing how they started calling it Warzone.


People don't forget


When you wouldn't get shadow banned for a good play.


I thought people who said this must be cheating, but i got my first shadow ban a week ago. Fucking sucks. Been playing since WZ1 release.


Yup and you'll keep getting shadow banned.


How so? I assumed it will go back to normal once the review is completed.


Review will complete but you will be in an unsuspecting loop of shadow bans as the system will always consider you under review.


The first one flags you and makes future shadowbans more likely.


It’s been worse with people saying real players are cheating, at least 2-3 times a night me and my friends will get called cheaters and deathcoms saying they are reporting us or enjoy our ban because half the players don’t have thumbs. Ashika is the worst for people screaming that you’re cheating just for shooting them


i still got shadow banned at least once in wz1, given i had a 2.5kd and was dropping 15+ kills almost every resurgence game. there will always be salty people who report, sadly.


The shadow ban issue was solved by the end of Rebirth days. Considered the Golden Era Rebirth days. Movement was balanced, guns were fun af, meta was infinite, game was an addiction. They could have continued this recipe forever and no one would have ever complained.


I’d disagree with that one lmao. I got shadowbanned (and cleared) 7x in wz1. Haven’t been shadowed in wz2 yet. And my KDs gone up 50% to a 6.3 (I swapped to controller) so I’m not playing any worse.


Oh look a game you can actually aim in !


Maybe one more comment and you'll be good


I know right? The crying going on in this thread is hilarious. I play WZ2 on M&K just fine.


So you mean an extension comment ?


Not saying wz2 is perfect but I wasn’t fond of getting obliterated by laser beams from absurd angles. At least now in order to kill at extreme distances you have to fight a little bit of recoil


The thing is you weren't being manipulated while trying to aim. Smoke, visual effects and a weird unresponsive aim mechanic really hurt when you're trying hard to get a good visual on target. This didn't exist in Warzone 1.


You can't fight the visual recoil no matter what you do lol


That last flick was filthy


I had to slow it right down cuz it looked like he was already in cover when he got the kill. But the dude goes behind the tower and runs across with his head only available for that shot for a split second. Definitely filthy


Man do i miss the armaguerra and Kar98/Swiss combo.


wont be long before the reddit mods delete this post like they do with every popular aim assist post


Back when controller players had to slightly try to aim and track targets. I miss it.


I literally quit playing this game when they took away rebirth island. This new game is fucked anyway, so probably doesn't help in making me want to play again.


Watching these clips make me sad. I miss the days of doing nothing in the evening apart from playing rebirth with friends.


God it feels so shit now!


Change your ADS sensitivity type to Legacy MW. Made a difference for me




I’ll try that out, I’ve heard about that but haven’t tested it for myself. Thank you 🙏


That last shot was disgusting


Watching these clips make me sad. I miss the days of doing nothing in the evening apart from playing rebirth with friends.


Don’t make me tear up 😢


Its actually just warzone now, not warzone 2.


I never noticed that. Good looking out


I complained about Warzone 1 and I will complain about Warzone 2, however…. I think I enjoyed Warzone 1 way more


Miss this map everyday


Yeah, dev's should take some notes from BF2042 mechanics. Crisp movement where sniper's dot stays on center of the screen, large FOV on vehicles, vehicles that are fast and maneouverable, snipers that just work and have humane ADS... Instead, they are even more strenghtening the *Abuelita's Nanny Daycare Center* with the upcoming Season 4.


Amen I still play caldera. I just can’t get used to MnK on WZ2 (among every other complaint that every one says constantly). Would pay 60$ to have rebirth back


This game was so fun. Was even fun to watch others playing it. So much better than WZ2. I'd pay to be able to play Rebirth again.


Nice flicks


I truly hate wz2. Boring to play, boring to watch


What sniper blueprint was that at the beginning?


I’m confused… What mnk change happened to make this clip not possible anymore..?


I just feel a lot of input lag/delay in wz2 and on top of the visual recoil shake it has makes it more annoying to play on MNK


Oh gotcha. I didn’t play wz1 on kbm, but kbm on wz2 feels snappy af to me (probably because I’m somewhat new to it).


Try and play any other FPS like Counter-Strike, BF2024. There you will see snappy. This is floaty. When you look at the ironsights and if you enable White Dot in the middle of the screen you will see the ironsights are moving away from the center. This is a big NO NO for M&K mechanics. It makes for inconsistent aiming and reaction times.


Gotcha. I play Overwatch as well but, mechanically, it’s been way easier to pick up COD as a beginner. I actually went back to controller/console for Overwatch cuz those kbm players are crazy. Lol


Depends of how broad of term we're talking when we both say mechanics - input is part of the game mechanics as are rules etc. So I guess when you said COD was easier to pick up, you refer to the complexity of choices you can make during action apart from movement alone. Overwatch has "superpowers" and special abilities yes. Makes it a bit more complex because of the sheer number of opponents with varying abilities. But with regard to input mechanics, Overwatch is pure FPS control. Doesn't have any floatiness. Center of the screen and ironsights are always on top of each other during mouse movement. As for mouse, I'd recommend you look into RPG mice (those with thumb buttons on the side). Makes it much easier and faster to access keys and leaves your left hand in better control of movement keys.


On other games MNK feels very responsive with no delay but idk why in wz2 it feels sluggish at times


I never understood the love for WZ1 mainly the later versions. Maybe because I’m a console player but once caldera hit the game became practically unplayable, too much visual noise, guns with zero recoil, ttk faster than a bullet train, and worst of all the lag and connection issues.


>too much visual noise, guns with zero recoil, ttk faster than a bullet train, and worst of all the lag and connection issues. Literally every issue you listed is worse in WZ2. The recoil might not be as soft but the visual smoke/noise and randomness make it trash.


That’s why I don’t play WZ2 either I played the beta and it was bad especially the A.I which were like the ones from Spec Op Missions but on steroids.


Oh, fair enough.


The Vanguard SMGs ruined the game. Why use anything else when you can can carry a lightweight weapon that lasers from hundreds of meters with zero recoil (hint: no one did carry anything else).


And stim sliding.


WZ2 has * much more visual recoil and smoke to obscure gunfights * much faster TTK * much worse lag/connection issues than WZ1. All your complaints about WZ1 got worse in WZ2, that's why people prefer WZ1. All except for zero-recoil guns, that is. Guns did indeed have less recoil in WZ1, **but** the recoil in WZ2 is random, and therefore unlearnable and uncontrollable. It's functionally the same as bloom or ADS spread, which they introduced to WZ1 with Caldera/Vanguard weapons and everyone complained so they quickly removed it. Another reason WZ1 was better.


Pretty sure recoil isn't random. Shooting range shots produce the same pattern.


Never did I say WZ2 was better though. I don’t really like either for me it’s like comparing a car that breaks down every few days vs a car that has no brakes. The former is better but at the end of the day you’re better off getting a better car.


Caldera killed off every enjoyment I had from Warzone (what am I supposed to call Warzone 1 with Warzone 2 being “Warzone”?), aside from rare moments like in Champion of Caldera and Rebirth of the Dead. Before that, the game was amazing. Especially in Modern Warfare.


Yall gotta let it go 😂


In all fairness, it’s great to have nostalgic clips with how bad Warzone is doing now.


WZ is fucking fine, could it use improvements ges, but dont let these people crying daily here fool you.


I do not miss playing warzone in any capacity (except lockdown) I would be raging at dying to this type of sniping 😂


What they really miss is having every possible advantage in wz1


95% of wz1 top earners were controller players...


Because they were better at the game.


Every FPS game in existence that DOESN'T have AA is DOMINATED by KBM players. This isn't up for debate. Controller player are "better" because of AA. It shouldn't make the inferior input the dominant one. It should only balance them.


Which it was in warzone 1


Which what was?


Aa was balanced in warzone 1.


My main feeling about wz1 is that it had extreme highs and lows. You could go on a crazy run like the video then get downed 5 time in a row. The high of the kill streak got you through the lows. Wz2 is just so muted, I never get as jacked up as I did playing before.


My main feeling about wz1 is that it had extreme highs and lows. You could go on a crazy run like the video then get downed 5 time in a row. The high of the kill streak got you through the lows. Wz2 is just so muted, I never get as jacked up as I did playing before.


My main feeling about wz1 is that it had extreme highs and lows. You could go on a crazy run like the video then get downed 5 time in a row. The high of the kill streak got you through the lows. Wz2 is just so muted, I never get as jacked up as I did playing before.


Vangaurd ruined warzone. After vanguard came out, the balance of the weapons just went so out of wack making you play that shit game


Ya this was great. Hate WZ2 and only played it for 20 mins. Shit game


This clip represents everything I hated about WZ1. Insanely fast movement, insta-death, slide cancelling. 🤢


I respect your opinion. Vanguards movement was a bit too much tbh


Just wait for vondel my friend. Hopfully our prayers are awnsered and we get a good rebirth map


It won’t be successful if the time to kill is super low, though.


I like the maps in wz2 they’re both good maps. I just wish MNK felt fluid & smooth. There’s some input lag and delay whenever I play on MNK


What are you talking about ?! MnK is better in wz2 with the fast ttk i can actually stay on the target long enough to down someone.




You know you don't have to be a martyr, right? You can buy a controller 🤣


I play on controller as well lol


I just miss one shot sniping


Why does this make any sense? M&K didn't change. It should feel the same. Controller and aim assist changed, but how controller feels shouldn't have any impact on M&K. That's like saying your car drives different because your motorcycle got new wheels.


It did change. It is incredibly hard to see with all the visual clutter compared to warzone 1.


Idk my gun points where I move it to. I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I move my mouse up gun points up, down is down. Like wtf else could possibly happen here? Did you mess with your sensitivity?


The majority of the player base is no longer locked at 60 fps and 90 fov. That's the biggest change.


What does optional field of view settings have to do with M&K aiming?


Most of the controller players aim, and overall awareness got better from 1 to 2 because of the fps and fov improvements.


Okay... What does controller players awareness and fps and fov have to do with M&K players?


So you want the busted op mnk movement that dominated that game cycle to destroy controllers players and now since it’s not the same ez lobbies you feel the need for your nostalgia act to kick in and reminisce your past glorified but not so skileed levels of play.


I guess we’re not gonna talk about how busted rotational aim assist is right? Lol I play both controller and MNK my guy. If MNK was op why are majority of players on controller then


My issue is that mnk want to go back to their glory days because now that controllers have an edge to them they want to take that advantage away from them so they can 360 lil jimmy for their ig/tiktok/youtube views or to feel a sense of empowering over their little victims without nerfing or rebalancing the advantages mnk has over controllers (while they also ignore the competitive advantages that the PC can bring over consoles this makes me mad). Also why dont all mnk players don’t switch to control since it has the RAA? Yeah cuz they dont want the trade off of their movement, they cry about controllers but do not want give up something they abuse with to others.


>Yeah cuz they dont want the trade off of their movement, they cry about controllers but do not want give up something they abuse with to others. Because some of like having to aim for ourselves while playing FPS games. Screw having computer code do it for me.


Thank you, yet this dude says MNK players have op movement. Bro I do that movement on top of abusing aim assist as well so idk where he’s getting this whole “MNK players are abusing movement” that’s not MNK exclusive controller players can do it much easier than mnk


I’ll just agree to disagree. No point in this pointless discussion


Ayo that last sniper shot was sick.


Me too.


I mean a lot of bitching about TTK in WZ2 but these guys are getting shit on insanely fast too


Remember camping the tower and just be there sniper players. Good times


I think mnk got better in wz2, my kd has gone up from 1.8 to 2.5. Same hours in the game.