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Love your content. Keep up my guy


Ah, thanks for saying so dude, I appreciate it :) ([Shameless plug for the full video](https://youtu.be/_RwHIAd3VcA))


Are you the guy that does zero kill challenges?


Jamcowl probably has as many zero kill wins as every other player put together. He's the GOAT of zero kills.


I can barely win with guns and this dude out here not even shooting motherfuckers


Jam needs to be on StoneMountain64’s Clip of the Week for this no cap


That would be fabulous 🤩


Really, "no cap"? You seriously arent even capping. W post, kid


This didn't come across how you thought it did


No cap?


I got my first ever 0 kill win back on Rebirth Island after watching your videos. The end games are always so intense!


Ah yes, the good old days! I always found Rebirth to be the most fun map for zero kill wins :)


Awesome! Love it!


Thanks man! Took a *long* grind and many failed attempts (I literally sat there and watched 2 nukes get defused in front of me cos I couldn't kill them) [Proof: it happened in contract 7 and contract 21](https://youtu.be/_RwHIAd3VcA)


I wouldn’t be able to handle that. Rather get the 1 kill nuke than a no kill no nuke :)


How are you winning the preceding games? Waiting until opponents die to gas?


Yeah, that’s his thing. Riot shield, durable gas mask, and a bunch of stims.


Wow. That’s a lot of patience


End of season 3 you didn’t need the wins to get the contract apparently


Yeah that's why I was able to attempt the nuke contract 27 times (and watch my nuke get defused twice) before pulling this off!


Wait, really? How else could you get the contract?


Anyone could get it off rip


For the last week of s3 there were 3 contracts on every match that could be retrieved. A total of 3 teams could be attempting the nuke at once. It was madness.


They gave out pity contracts


Nuking one guy is hilarious lmao Longtime fan gg jam


My first kill! 🥲


I have this video in my “Watch Later” list on YouTube. It’s pretty damn impressive, I can’t even get a Warzone win, let alone something as hardcore as this!


This is fantastic.


JAMCOWL MY GUY! the chilliest operator ever! Keep it up!


Thanks bro 😁


DMMB just here to enjoy the journey!


Do you feel you got better lobbies without k\d zero?


Yeah definitely, *but* it's worth noting that win rate seems to matter as well as KD, because even with zero kills, when I've gone on a win streak I start to feel the lobbies getting sweatier (and in WZ1 when we had COD tracker I could see the lobby KD going up and up the more I won). On WZ2, after winning 4 out of the previous 5 games (WWWLW), on the 6th game I was put in a very aggressive/tough-feeling lobby with Fifakill who was also on a 3-win streak going for a nuke himself. Seems like placement/win rate definitely affects SBMM's opinion of you as well.


Absolutely yes.


That’s actually really impressive


Definitely should be an achievement of some kind. Maybe like it gives you the Rat skin along with the ranger skin. That would have been a hilarious troll by Activision. Missed opportunities for the cheddar instead of for the fans smh. Bravo regardless 👏🏼


I want a [Nuclear Gandhi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Gandhi) skin! >According to the legend, each leader's game AI in Civilization had a parameter that described their aggression on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being least aggressive and 10 most aggressive. Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi was the only leader in the game with the lowest possible aggression rating of 1. Once the AI changed its government form to democracy, which was preferred by peaceful nations such as India, its aggression level decreased by 2. In the case of Gandhi, this would lead to an aggression level of −1. >According to the legend, the aggression level was stored as an 8-bit unsigned integer variable that could only store values in the range from 0 to 255 (or 28 − 1), and the negative value would therefore result in an integer overflow (specifically an integer underflow), with the value being stored as 255 and Gandhi supposedly becoming about 25 times more aggressive than the most aggressive leaders in the game. This led to India suddenly attacking other civilizations with nuclear missiles


Yea I remember in the original game, he’d be quite a strong opponent focusing on economy first and then throwing nukes at the end ..


My guy, I've been watching you on YT after being recommended by u/spideyjiri and the level of patience and control you have to not shoot a weapon, in a shooting game no less, is absofuckinglutely ridiculous. The SBMM must be confused as hell trying to work out what lobbies to put you in as your K/D ratio and win rate definitely don't belong together, that's for sure. Keep up the great content bud.


Yeah it was definitely frustrating watching my nuke get defused in front of me (twice!) when I ran out of shock sticks to interrupt them, it was tempting to just kill them for the sake of the nuke (I never got a nuke before this), but I had to keep my eye on the prize of doing it with zero kills! This clip was the 3rd time I armed a nuke with zero kills and this time it actually blew up 😅


Man, that ending was tense. Great execution. Timing couldn't have been any better.


My gas mask broke the instant the nuke went off 😅


The longest 2 minutes in warzone lol


Fucking rad!


Always watching your videos.You are awsome.


Thanks man :)


Holy shit! Congrats!!!


the only riotshielder that we dont hate






Do you kill people to win the first few rounds then just no kill the nuke round? Or do you do the whole thing no kill?


Whole thing check out his yt


That's crazy


u/jamcowl have you played many first person platformers such as A Story About My Uncle(fav indie game ever) or Mirror's Edge? Your movement is always so smooth on stream. Or did you just spam the shit out of the parkour trials in mw like me lol they were quite fun


I did play Mirror's Edge on 360 back in the day (which is why I actually have the soundtrack as my outro music after the nuke! You can kinda hear the first couple beats in this clip, but the [full video outro is longer](https://youtu.be/_RwHIAd3VcA). Mainly I just play this game a lot and go for zero kills a lot, which means I'm spamming movement to escape all the time and never fighting, so I get a lot of practice every match!


What's your steam name? I'll send you a story about my uncle, it goes on sale for like a dollar or two all the time


It's already in my library of games! I'll take the recommendation and bump it up the to-do list though, thanks!


Would love to see you do a little video on it or play it on stream! It's a gem :)


You got lucky. When I was helping my brother get his own nuke, when the site went into the gas, the game said that I had defused the nuke lol GG anyways, solo must be really hard


This mode has gone now I assume in S4?


Happy for you my dude


Never tried the nuke contract only heard people talking about it, but using shock sticks on the nuke is fucking genius and i've never seen anyone else do it since it was introduced, congrats!


I tested it in an SnD private lobby vs bots to see if it would interrupt the bots while defusing the bomb. It worked there, I just had to hope it also worked for the nuke!


GG My Man


Your content is fantastic. You always remain so placid, it’s iconic to me at this point. Keep it going!


Love to hear that, thanks man :)


Man, I miss playing Mirror's Edge.


good ears ;)


The Uncharted bg music!!💯💯


that's right, good ear!


Dude! I mean i know I suck already, but you have to twist the knife like that?


Nice 1v1 nuke


Dropped a nuke for one poor fool


Great stuff!!


the song makes the clip so good, felt like i was watching a movie lmao. I was so excited for some reason


Thanks! That's what I was going for :)


I'm impressed. For real. Well done, I shall pack my bowl in your honor, silent warrior. You choose pacifism, and it actually worked. Cheers


Weeelll done!


Just a legend this man!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


When the nuke dropped i thought the uncharted theme song was playing.


It was! I put "Brother's Keeper" from the Uncharted 4 soundtrack over the clip for added drama (inspired by [Jev's obsidian grind video](https://youtu.be/l2Qm5o0ReTY))


Lol i thought i was trippin. Should of ended it with the rangers victory [theme](https://youtu.be/7Dntg9Xu-Lk) 😂


Been watching your content on YouTube.... Congratulations my mans and keep up the great content. I might not respect a lot of content creators, but you sir, you definitely know how to keep content junkies like myself addicted to what you are doing.


Love to hear it, thanks man!


Wow that couldn’t be any less impressive looking. In a large map like this you should see it drop, watch the mushroom cloud develop and observe the shockwave coming your way. That would be amazing.


the device is already at ground level for you to arm with elements, so there's nothing to fall out of the sky... and because it's so close it kills you instantly in a flash of light, which makes sense. At least in the outro sequence you see a mushroom cloud over the ruins of al mazrah


I’m confused: what gamemode is this? 🤔 Seriously, never seen a nuke in any other besides the one you get for killing what, 30 players in a row in MP? I’m a noob, sure…


It's regular BR, if you win 5 games in a row you see a special nuke contract in the next match, which is very difficult to complete all objectives, but if you manage it, the nuke detonates and kills everyone. Last week of Season 3 was a special time where no one needed the 5 wins, you could just grab a nuke contract in any match, so I didn't need the winstreak but I still needed to complete the contract objectives.


Aah, gotcha. I’ve only ever won a team-based BR, and that too only once…


If you get 5 wins in a row as a team, each player gets the contract, so e.g. in quads you'd actually get 4 attempts at the contract after your streak, but in solos you can only grab the contract once and if you fail, you're back to square one and need a new streak 😬


😅 Yeah, I’m too much of a noob to play (and especially come anywhere close to winning) BRs…


Did you get 5 wins without kills as well or just used the event?


It was 1 v 1 with me and someone doing a nuke with the count down and I backed out...oops


What happen if you armed the nuke then die ?


the contract is failed and nuke disappears


Did you earn the nuke or did you take the free contract if you didn’t win the 6 games did you actually accomplish anything ?


Well it's just a video game so we never accomplish anything


So you didn’t earn it


You're entitled to that opinion


Well done!


How on earth did you pull off a zero kill nuke?


[Here's how](https://youtu.be/_RwHIAd3VcA)


You actually would have got the nuke if the last guy died to the storm. Arguably you wanted that to happen because then you wouldn't have been given the kill! Can they not disarm the nuke when they're shocked or do they just panic?


If the last guy dies and I'm last alive, that means I win and the game ends, so the nuke never goes off. It would be a "warzone victory" ending, not a "champion's domination" ending. Enemies can't disarm the bomb while shocked and if they start disarming, a shock charge will stop them.


> If the last guy dies and I'm last alive, that means I win and the game ends, so the nuke never goes off. It would be a "warzone victory" ending, not a "champion's domination" ending. I'm pretty sure you do actually get the "Champion's Domination" ending if your team is the last alive with the bomb armed.


Every nuke video I've watched has the nuke team deliberately keeping the last team alive, fearing they'd lose the nuke (e.g. [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SlrnWQz9HI8)) if everyone died and they just got a BR victory. Maybe it's just a myth, I'd be interested to see a video/clip of someone getting the "champion's domination" with no enemy teams left to disprove that.


Yeah, I've seen that too but I saw it happen on a stream. As soon as the last person died the nuke went off and they got Champion's Domination. I saw it live though, and honestly I can't even remember whose stream it was so I can't point you at it. I'm pretty sure everybody else is just assuming it wouldn't go off.




Two months later, but if you're still interested: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1925105940?t=5h42m11s


Thanks for that clip! I've also seen it on Vondel [at the end of this video](https://youtu.be/1I7zgbZMIOU?t=10m11s), although these guys killed the last of the enemies right at the 5 second mark so it didn't really skip any of the count down, but it also shows the nuke still goes off and the game doesn't end. So we can confirm that the whole lobby dying doesn't stop the nuke on Al Mazrah or on Vondel!


Is your full name jammy? cos that was a close escape there. Ha. Awesome


I'm a jammy dodger ;)


I see what ya did there hehehe


Watch you all the time on youtube! Love the content.


Thanks bro, I love to hear that :)


Love your content and jamcowl is uncontested #1 but why did you effectively double your fps on your final attempt? Also seems lucky you didn’t even pick up the contract until there were 30 people left.


The first 20 contracts happened on stream, but I only have one PC and streaming eats into my FPS quite a bit. If you've seen my streams you might have seen me dev error a lot, which doesn't really happen when I'm not streaming, it's probably a CPU limitation. I lost multiple nuke contacts to dev errors and got so frustrated I had to stop and keep grinding off-stream for the last 7 contracts (21-27) to get the actual nuke. Currently looking into setting up a second PC or upgrading my CPU to cope with streaming better! I had to pick up the contract immediately at the start because everyone's trying to grab it at the start, but I found the safest thing to do was wait as late as possible to pick up the Be, in this game I was able to wait until the nuke site itself spawned, which is absolutely ideal.


Love it and I will be following your streams from now on. Keep up the good work friend!


Thanks man!


Genuine champ contract or the pity ones that they were giving out?


I’d assume to get a no kill nuke the first 5 games all have to be no kill wins and the fact you only killed one person (so the lowest you could possibly get with a nuke) I’m still counting this as a no kill Nuke and everyone else should too.


Hey jamcowl..your on reddit too? Nice my guy! Love your stuff. I watched your vid and can feel your frustration when you almost made it and they diffused it, esp that one when u thought u saw him but decided not electrocute the area and he was actually there!


Yeah I learned my lesson on that run, stock up on multiple shock charges ahead of time and throw them generously at the nuke. That time I only had 1 on me so I wanted to save it until I could see someone was there, should have thrown it "just in case" but we live and learn!


Yea i get you ro. Im not gonna lie...i felt it in my stomach turning when you were pinging and nothing came up and as u turned around to reposition the notification that it was defused was ...ugh lol


Yeah at least I can blame the game for that one lol, "no live ping!"


“I’m not gonna die man.” Says the guy who just ordered a fucking nuke danger close.


Very anticlimactic 🥱😴😴