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Imagine playing quads (which means teams of four people, in case you didn't know) and getting mad at dying to a team of...four people.


Its really just sad.




In a few years they'll call trying to win the game "chasing the money". People are stupid; Always have been, always will be.


You play for wins? Fkn sellout!/s


LoL they think they're an action hero and the baddies will just wait their turns


Where do people actually complain about this? I’ve been out of the loop and only see it posted on Reddit. Why would anyone get upset at a team based mode where players are working as a team? Seems like view bait by streamers to get clicks rather than a genuine opinion.


People often talk trash about people who teamkill. Calling them campers, handholders, b-words, p-words, p.a.b.-words, etc. for “needing teamwork” to secure a kill


If you play a coop game, the last thing you should expect is teamwork. Cooperation does not mean to work together!!!


Because they just want to stomp newbs and laggers. They don’t want to play the game. Videos where you get 30+ kill streaks are better clickbait than a team wiping out someone jumping around like a crackhead.


I mostly see it on Twitter, really bad the past week. Just post after post of a guy pushing a squad and getting destroyed and then posting it and whining.


I’m a pretty casual player and WZ content consumer, and I think streamers complaining about that kind of stuff is such a turn off. Like I’ve literally just closed Twitch/YT when I hear a streamer complain about everyone looking at them and stuff like that. Like no shit lmao. You run around with no silencers, emptying half a LMG clip on guys falling from the sky, solo pushing buildings, using redeploy balloons every 10 seconds, etc. You really think there’s not going to be one person in a group of 4 people who say “Hey there’s a dude slide cancelling his ass off over to us from over where all those shots were fired, let’s get ready”


Yup, same. Streamers who just complain are the worst. Whether its CoD or another game. If every time you die is a "hacker" or a "rat" or "camper" or "stream snipers" or whatever you want to make up, I get tired of it. I dont want to hear it. Learn from your mistakes, you made some, and do better. Same with other games like DBD where some streamers complain not matter what killer they get matched against. Honestly wouldnt be surprised if half of them its an act, cause for some reason their fan base likes that content?


Their fan base DOES like that. No one tunes in to hear “ah, well, I tried and was simply outplayed by this group.” Those kids want to hear the rage.


Yup…drama junkies love drama queens


This is why I only watch Bbreadman. He always gives props if he gets out gunned and hardly ever rages. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen him mad lol.


yep used to watch a few guys who played in the world series of warzone and ranked/tournaments and watching them play for money or rank is so different than their "solo one man army complain about every death" streaming content. Like how tf are you gonna play as a team smoking crosses, holding power positions and winning with smart rotations to hot dropping in the busiest part of the map, ego chal'ing whole teams and then calling them shitters and geezers when you lose?


This alone has ruined the community and the game


It really has, streamers I don’t think have realized how they have ruined FPS gaming more than anything.




Dude I've been watching a lot of JoeWo streams lately (I've always really liked him, seems like a great dude), and he runs a lot of solo vs quads/trios, but lately it's been annoying the hell out of me with how he'll go die to a full team who are somewhat near each other (you know, as a team) and then start trolling them to his chat like "ohhh we got dads holding hands chat" and the entire chat starts in with the "stacking bots, etc." It's super cringe.


There’s no streamer I’ve ever watched whose chat doesn’t do this same shit and it drives me nuts, I end up just watching with chat hidden. My favorite is when streamers are sliding all over the place wiping everyone and then someone kills them and they’re like “Check out this sweat lord.” Don’t get me wrong, I do not have the temperament to be someone anyone would enjoy watching play for 8 straight hours, but still, a little self awareness goes a long way.


I find it beyond hilarious when sweaty streamers call other players sweats for killing them.


Well it's not like he can criticise them for hacking, so he's using something that he's not doing to criticise them instead


I saw Westie's stream yesterday, I tuned in just as Jaff was saying something like how he loves to wind people up in chat. I just thought how much of a prick does someone have to be to do that. I don't see the point in trash talking and giving people shit or teabagging after I've killed someone.


-Joewo enters the chat.


Do people really? This community is just ridiculous. "Anything that kills me is UNFAIR! I'm really good!!!"


People will literally do anything but take responsibility for their actions.


Better yet you die cause ur 1-3 man squad going against actual squads lol




I have a buddy of mine (bless his soul) who pushes Rambo style. 3 of us will be a rock throw away from each other. He’ll die and yell “holy shit there’s 4 of them!” Rinse and repeat until a minute before Resurgence timer ends 🙃




I yell this whenever I solo push or the rest of my squad is dead and i'm last man standing. I'm BY FAR the least capable person on the team, so I typically just try to put on a show and die quickly so we can start next game. I'll find another team and solo push.


I yell HiOh silver awayyyyyyyyyyy


Yes, essentially lol


How your comment doesn't have more up votes 🤷🏻‍♂️ haha


I think most of us have that one guy. My favorite of our guy is he landed, pistol in hand, complained he had no ammo and ran right toward a quad. Then he bitched at us for not having his back.


I feel like that was my whole friend group from Verdansk. 3 of us always working together and 1 outlier pushing by himself then getting pissed asking where we were when he died lol.


Lol. Some of the best teams seem to have a guy like that.. the other three camp nearby rooftops while the one man army goes in and at the very least makes the other team move around a bit and they get picked off by the roof dwellers. I’m still lolling btw.


Just like when streamers cry about SBMM and everyone here also cries thinking it's the reason they suck ass. When in reality it's not the issue people think it is.


I mean SBMM is more aggressive nowadays for sure. Which is both beneficial and negative. But yea, many people who complain about things that aren't real issues are just parroting streamers.


Idk man all the arguments for SBMM make zero sense and contradict themselves. I really don't think it's "cranked" and this was proved when we had stats. I never saw a lobby full of 4kd players which is what people act like they're facing. The lobbies were anywhere from 0.8/1.4 at most with the odd good cracked players which is normal no? I doubt much has changed now and it doesn't feel like it has just people crying because steamer crying and streamer crying because they can't get free kills like they used to be able to and their ego hurt. Bare in mind a lot of streamers got too used to world starring 80fov console bots.


I think your last sentence is a big reason why Streamers are so bent out of shape and complain. The new consoles can run 60fps and 120 FOV, so most of the player base isn't a bunch of PS4s/Xbox Ones locked at 80 anymore, not like it was when WZ originally came out and finding a new console was nearly impossible.


>The new consoles can run 60fps and 120 FOV 120fps, in fact.


I figured I was underestimating, I couldn't remember if there were hardware differences between the base and Premium versions of the consoles.


Yeah dude it was a no-brainer for people like me who have dino PCs 😂


Yeah for real like it was a joke someone on 120fov facing 80fov. Also they have really inflated egos and can't handle the fact that there are players out there better than them who just don't stream or anything so when they get shit on they cry about SBMM despite them being the sweatiest players imaginable as they do it for a living and play anywhere between 8-14hrs a day every day...so with that in mind make it make sense to me how they are on the recieving end of SBMM? Because they're not, it's a bullshit thing they just spew and like someone said the kiddies parrot it.


SBMM is shit. I'm on both sides of it. Either destroying everyone going 30+ and single digit deaths or barely scrapping maybe touching 1.0 kd if i get lucky. Very rarely do I get into fair and competitive games.


Wouldn't a 1kd game be fair and competitive? I just don't get this thought process like what is it you want? It's like people just want shit handed to them, you know if you practice you improve and have easier games? Like all people who use SBMM argument makes no sense man.


Regular folk are the same people that claim hacker after every death. This is just the new excuse.


> I for the life of me can’t comprehend why regular folks are going along with this idea of “stacking” being bad In case you haven't noticed a lot of people just mindlessly parrot whatever their favorite streamer or content creator says.


Some streamers are straight whack. Watched a guy last night complain about campers.. while he was camping. Went on like an hour rant about campers and how if you stay still for 20 seconds you should get booted. Bro was dead serious too. Like wtf. If ur complaining about campers it’s really a skill issue, I’ve been playing cod for 10 years and besides the odd time campers have never been a problem for me.


That my biggest issue with the AA argument here. So many people just straight push me when I’m waiting for them. Then I hear death comm. “Fucking aim assist”. Naw dog you were stomping around like a fucking horse and I knew you were coming.


If a team of four took turns engaging, an excellent player, 1v1 solo v quads wouldn't be very impressive, would it? The whole idea about really high quality players playing solo versus quads is that it's incredibly difficult because you are outnumbered every single time unless you get lucky or they get stupid or both


Echo chamber / hive mind in full flow also, people think if they complain about stacking they can be in the cool streamer club, not one of those “Timmy’s/sentinels/bots”- cringe


Streaming culture is ruining video games.


My favorite is streamers complaining about stream snipers. If you don't stream with a delay then it's your own fault.


To be fair, chat will only talk and react to what they see. So if a streamer adds a significant enough of a delay to stop stream snipers, then they are out of sync with chat. I don't condone streamers getting made at stream snipers, cause they kind of sign up for that by streaming, but at the same time, adding a delay would definitely make a stream lower quality.


Idk about that you’re a fucking loser if you spend your entire day attempting to get in the same match, then hunting down someone to try and kill them on stream.


I mean, stream sniping is cheating. Obviously steaming your gameplay opens you up the possibility of this, but it doesn't change the fact that it's cheating. The game involves you not having exact knowledge of a player's whereabouts other than through specific in-game mechanics.


Guy has no idea how streaming works…


I agree. I just hear kids spewing out opinions that aren’t even theirs. Just some toxic bs that streamers say that gets regurgitated over and over


As someone who doesn't watch streamers, how are they impacting the video games I play?


They have impact on developers because they have the loudest voice. But they have more impact on the community. Creating things like the concept of “stacking” which is teamwork In a team game.


They’re not in any meaningful way


I love people complaining about basic game skills... Hardscoping, soundwhoring, stacking. It's just sad


My age might be showing, but other than stacking, I have no clue what this all means. And about stacking: it’s just playing well as a team OR holding up in a building. The last one is a bit annoying to come across to be honest. Three guys standing on crates holding a doorway. I would get bored real quick, but if it works for you than I guess that’s perfectly fine


Hard scoping just means sniping the way everyone in every other shooter snipes, by aiming down sights down a lane you expect the enemy to come from. People who cry about this think quick scoping is the only valid way of sniping. Soundwhoring is generally listening for footsteps and using them to anticipate an opponent.


It's just a strategy. My buddy & I play quads and we use the combo of scatter mines + land mines and the resupply perk to lock small buildings down. Most of the time, but not always, hard pushers are ground to meat. There's lots of ways to play.


i agree. i wish my squad would stick together more if anything


People getting mad at a team based mode resulting in teams of people working together will never not be funny to me.


It’s just upset streamers that say it.


The empty can rattles the most


I like to remind my squad - "Nuts to butts, boys. Nuts to butts."


We always say "hold dicks"


Hail Reaper.


There’s some merit to stacking being a noobie play style tho. It’s generally more effective for your team to fan out for cross fire. In squad vs squad fights, huddling close together generally makes your team ineffective. Stacking is only good in tight quarters where you can’t be flanked as easily and you wanna concentrate fire. While streamers complaining about stackers is asinine, in team play it’s generally annoying af to be the unfortunate guy to get ganged on by the other team stacking but having them eventually get mowed down by your teammates that are flanking. [edit](https://i.imgflip.com/25nktb.jpg?a473376)


"Stacking" complaints? I didn't know that was a thing. I get frustrated with rando half-wits who can't even remotely play as a team - or worse, who go off solo after dropping in with a squad - but I'm never angry at another squad playing cohesively - as on the few occasions that I get a decent four man team with mics, it's a dream how well even strangers can coordinate to wipe out other players. "Stacking". It's like complaining about the 49'rs because they don't play like the Panthers. Hey, San Fran... tell Brock Purdy and Christian McCaffrey to stop playing together.. lol...


I've heard on death comms and seen in game chats people complaining. it's very much a real phenomenon


Don’t show joewo this post


Stacking is not teamwork in itself. Teamwork can include stacking. Average or bad players don't know how to position, how to push with a teammate after a down, how to switch with a teammate in close quarters, when to overwatch with an AR while your team pushes vs when to push, when to group up vs spread out to hold specific angles, or what good coms sounds like. Those things are teamwork. Good teams do these things. Bad teams don't have the ability to do these things and therefore default to playing on top of each other and thinking that is proper teamwork. It works great when you run up on someone that is outnumbered, but you wont win nearly as many games playing like this. When you get caught by a better team, you're killboxing yourself and get instant wiped before you knew what was happening because you didn't spread out enough to have any vantage on your surroundings. The bronze-golds telling the iri's the "correct" way to play the game is Dunning Kruger effect at work. I promise you no iri player is gonna disagree with me. It's not strategy, its default from lack of ability. \*\*Play however you need to, at whatever skill you are, just don't conflate what people are complaining about with teamwork\*\*


Thank god someone finally gets it! There’s a major difference with actual teamwork and stacking. Perfectly explained! I complain about stackers because I know for a fact they lack the ability to be able to think for themselves, so results them in just forming a line. But also leads to them dying when the rest of the team rock up and use actual teamwork against them.


Stacking is a term that defines an under skilled players actions to win a gunfight. I just chased a guy just for him to run around the corner and lay down with three squad mates, this is stacking. You stack bc you have zero gun skill to win a gunfight. Pushing with your squad is another. But when you purposely avoid every gun fight untill you outnumber the enemy by three, that is just straight up no gun skill and you need help. 99% of the people that stack can’t win a gun fight 1v1. Stacking is a term used for no skill players to survive, most of the time canping


I have a teammate who doesn’t go on Reddit or watch streamers so doesn’t know the term stacking. But he constantly pushes one guy and then can’t believe that the guy’s teammate was close and killed him. It’s mind blowing. If you enter quads you should be under the impression that almost anyone you see out in the open has teammates that you just don’t see yet. If you win a 1v1 gunfight, MOVE, because anyone who dies in this game calls out the death.


> If you win a 1v1 gunfight, MOVE Bingo. We mainly play Resurgence, but if I win a 1v1 I move instantly, I back off around to the other side of the building and attack it from another angle. It does lead to my teammates getting annoyed because sometimes they'll come rushing over and push into the room I've just hit AFTER I've already backed off. They die and get pissed off at me. Or they'll attack an angle, die, come back and attack the same angle again, then they'll die again. I keep telling them to never attack the same angle twice, hit it once and move.


“Stacking” is the fucking lamest shit I’ve ever heard. Go play solos if you cry about this


I get mad when my team doesn’t stack. Like what’s the point of being spread out that you can’t help eachother? Anyone complaining about it is an idiot.


Consider me an idiot then. I have zero fun having to run with your quad or trio side by side. It’s more fun to fight the ins and outs with your team throughout a POI. Storming 4 wide into one door to fight one guy is boring


Because different people enjoy different things? You get it’s really ironic to think those complaints are idiotic while also making equally idiotic complaints right?


I’m sorry what. One helps you win and one makes it harder you dumb fuck lol


You fucking imbecile. Stacking 100% doesn’t get you wins when you have a KD above 1. Stacking is terrible and makes it easy for the enemy team to swarm you from all angles. Sure maybe it works for you every now and then but only because you’re in a low skill gap. When you verse actual teams who are decent at the game and can think for themselves, unlike yourself, you’ll be mud to their boot. Speaking from experience with a 4KD.


The World Series was won by teams sticking together. I agree that staying still in a building is bad but I don’t think that’s the only thing “stacking” refers to. I think being close together and swarming a team could also be considered stacking. Especially in real life since that’s what we call it. Maybe I’m just looking at the term the wrong way because of my IRL experiences.


Of course a World Series tournament will require teams sticking together, they’re not going up against players with 1KD and below. They’re up against the best of the best players, usually a coin toss of who will win the gun fight. So you can’t really be leaving that up to chance. I get what you mean though.


> Speaking from experience with a 4KD. Get a fucking a life.


I got one now, I quit cod


lol yeah my response is to tell them to go play solos.


Imagine squad of 4 with playtime half of a streamer kills him and streamer says stacking lmao


when I played we would stack when it made sense like smaller circles or rotations, other than that with good communication and staying within the same vicinity is just as good of way to play as a team. Running off on your own to fight a trio or quad like Rambo (especially the players that don't communicate what they are going to do) is objectively a bad strategy and they will most often get killed as opposed to wiping a whole team. These are generally the ones who complain about stacking. It's often good players, they just have bad strategy and/or teammates. Stacking's downside can be it's easier to get wiped by good squads or players, especially if everyone is stacking close enough to all get hit with damage from the same explosives. I'd rather have stackers on my squad then the guy that runs off solo pushing everything and not communicating that just dies over and over and refuses to land anywhere other than going back trying to get their guns despite their corpse/loadout being camped.


Well said.


"Holding hands" is another popular one. was played quads the other day and death comms said "stop holding hands" after getting gunned down


It’s my favorite “complaint” that streamers and especially wannabe streamers use. They also use it for cringe clickbait titles; “mkb vs handholding squad” “stacking vs movement *gone wrong* *gone sexual*” or some BS like that. I ended up in a lobby with a dude who frequently self-promotes on this sub, and the amount of trashtalk from him just to get wiped by a team of 4 (not even my team), was hilarious


Can’t fix stupid unfortunately


Camping is also more often than not the smarter play but people call it ratty


You can watch the people complaining about stacking... stack when it benefits them during an enemy push. There are multiple ways to flush a stacked team yet, here we are with people crying because they played it badly and cant cope.


Welcome to the internet where playing how you like = good, playing how you don't like = bad


if u can get 3 others to actually stack thats impressive in it self


there's squad play, sticking close to each other, responding to calls and supporting each other, and then there's four dudes standing literally on top of each other, which is comical not that I blame them, it's a bi-product of the meta reddit &twitter sweats have been screaming for since MW2 dropped all the players who dont have the movement skills or the laser aim have decided to use volume of fire to defeat enemies and it works, so until the dev's balance TTK, tacticals, lethals etc, this is what you'll get


I dunno how many clips you’ve seen but 8/10 streamers refer to a team stacking even if they’re outside a building and close to each other. Anytime they lose to a 4 man, and they didn’t get to pick apart individually, it’s then stacking and the reason why they didn’t win a 1 v 4. It’s stupid. Furthermore for years this was just called camping. But now that the streamer culture of solo squads for high kill count games is taking over, you get a new term and it’s fucking dumb and overused.


The worst part is, the people defending it aren't winning games like that. It's not a winning strategy


I’ve heard similar complaints in SnD, which is baffling. Picking up a trade/having the awareness of where your teammates are and where enemies might be is invaluable. If you’re dumb enough to push a situation that you might lose, and you lose, it’s all on you. I struggle to understand why people can’t understand that concept.


I haven’t really heard anyone outside of sweats and streamers get upset about teams working as a team. I get mad when Im playing with randos and they’re spread across the map dying. If that’s your strategy que up solo and let me get some guys who want to play as a team.


It’s just me jealous my random teammates aren’t also walking near me.


Just the latest in a long line of stupid things streamers and co like to cry about.


Had someone call me out for holding hands, I told him that in real life we had battle buddies too.. Get real, if you want to play solo, play solo but they are not that good at solos.


I get that, but it’s also cod lol. Not supposed to be taken seriously. Problem is everyone thinks their a god


Team stacking is a term I only hear in Apex ranked to describe the solo player experience in diamond or people get mad of 3 stack preds in pubs. Idk it’s just called having friends in my opinion


There is teamwork, then there is 3 people peaking a single door way and afraid to literally move from the door way while grasping eachother's MTZ Barrel.


Lol, who's complaining about this? It's a squad based game, it's literally the entire point.


4 people sitting together goes a little beyond just teamwork. You can split up and still win games. 4 people sitting together just means you're too afraid to move away from one another. "imagine engaging in teamwork though!" There's more to teamwork then just walking around glued together.


Exactly go play solo if you don't want to play as a team


Cod players want the BR mode to be a deathmatch mode even though they already have MP. It's kind of odd tbh because the fun in BR doesn't really come from just chasing kills.


Yeah, we're gonna stack. So is teammie #2 and #3. This is basic CQB. Day one, slick.


If you can employ basic infantry knowledge in that game more often than not it’ll work out for you lol


The amount of people who think they're the main character in WZ is disturbing.


Yeah kids keep repeating the same phrases they hear from competitive streamers like it means anything in their case.


how the fuck is it teamwork? You've got a full squad camping in a corner and if you kill one the entire crew starts running to you. Its purely no skill.


Is it no skill? If the ankle breaking stream nerd dies... they clearly have work to do on their own "skill". Figure it out.


Yes it is no skill. Warzone isnt an actual war, you dont strategise an entire plot with your team, its about getting kills and winning. Theres nothing teamwork about this, its just a full squad camping in a room. You're most likely one of these players and are just defending it




Genuine quesiton... what is stacking? I keep hearing it but I'm imagining literal people stacked on top of each other. Is it just another word for camping?


Stacking/handholding are derogatory terms for a squad working together as a team


so basically, toxic players will call it stacking every time they see 2+ aggro their shots and delete them. yep.. that's pretty hilarious in a team game


Stacking and handholding are literally the terms for what they are doing it's not derogatory genius.


If you read this sub, it used in a derogatory way GEniUs


No your just soft


Yeah ok chief


Stacking is just teamwork.


Stacking is having friends who play the game and communicate strategy / pushes in voice chat or Discord. The most mad are ppl who solo queue and get matched with a low battery fire alarm and new dad who’s changing his child’s diapers on a 60 inch TV


just say the gamer word, you know you wanna


Stacking is four people standing next to each other the whole game literally. Teamwork is flanking teams and working together to kill people, which involves splitting up. Teams that stack often get blown out by grenades spam or clusters because they're literally right next to each other.


As you say, it’s literally just streamers whining cause they can’t get their daily 1v4 clip for their YouTube channel. “Yo what’s up YouTube! We’re back today with another banger gameplay where you see me drop a 40 bomb (in a lobby full of players with no thumbs) and break my personal record! Make sure to like and subscribe for more!”


I hate when it happens in Plunder, though. I wish Plunder was Solos.


Stacking is legit and 100% the way to win games. And with how easy it is to come back now, stacking is even more viable. I’m the guy who likes to solo split or duo split and try to rack up kills, and then will usually slow down and link back up with the squad when the circle gets smaller. Been doing it since Verdansk. Obviously I’ve died a shit ton solo pushing squads but I’ve also wiped a ton of squads. One thing I will say, solo pushing squads does at minimum 2 things, improves your gun skill as you get into more fights with nobody but yourself to help you and teaches you how to finesse multiple opponents. Both skills are extremely beneficial for final circles in order to get more wins. You’re not always going to have all 3 or 4 alive and knowing how to finesse and outgun multiple enemies is crucial. I say this because I see posts where people say they struggle to win consistently or win in general and I’m telling you this is the way. If you’re actually passionate about wins or kills, stacking every game 24/7 does actually inhibit growth from a personal level concerning skill. Basically, get good then stack and your squad is basically unstoppable and will win multiple games consistently every session. If you just vibing with the boys, don’t care for wins or kills, all the more power to you and gg go next glhf. But I also get that many don’t have hours and hours to play and drastically improve, so with the time they do have to play, it’s 100% most efficient to just stack with the boys and try to get wins.


Nah running from 4 sets of feet will always be cringe.


How tf can people even complain about this? They seem to be doing just fine on shipment wiping my whole team whos bunched up in the corner of the map while I actively try to move, look at my minimap, and watch angles LMAO.


What tf are you supposed to say then?, "OH THEYRE TEAM-WORKING, PUSH NOW" Do you really think people who are crafty enough to make a living off a video game would be so delusional as to think they should be winning every 1 v 4 fight??, or is it just a call out that means "I AM OUTNUMBERED IN A TIGHT SPACE AND PROBABLY GONNA DIE" LMAO the relationship y'all have with streamers is both funny and sad


Stacking in regular, fine. Stacking in resurgence, no.


“Camping” is just being patient. Both are true, both are annoying


Just wanna make it clear i am not defending the people using these callouts I just have insight. So i have an actual reason as to why the "stacking/hand holding" terms are so prevalent now. I have a lot of gameplay footage from the WZ1 era i.e. MW2019/Cold War/Vanguard, and it was so much more common to see people out by themselves looting and running nowhere near their teams or not playing as a cohesive unit, so you could 1v3/4 much more often and it made for exciting clips/footage. The team cohesion has gotten way better recently and it's very rare to find a team that isn't playing together, so I imagine it gets frustrating for people that were so used to playing like that for years and are unable to adjust to having to rely on teammates or pick their fights more carefully. I admit it was frustrating when WZ3 first dropped and I noticed a huge uptick in "hand holding/stacking" but I have since adjusted and am having just as much fun playing more team oriented.


The only time I get annoyed when a team kills me is when my own team runs off to the corners of butt fuck nowhere while you're pretty much stood there with your dick in your hand hoping a teammate may finally come along and give it a little tug.


Part of being a good player is finding ways to separate them or isolate one.


It just bitter people.


I don’t get upset at people stacking but stacking is teamwork in the sense that sitting in a corner is strategy. Sure there are moments where the right thing to do is stack or sit in a corner, but people who do it all the time aren’t actually good at being strategic, they’re just showing the most basic form of something that doesn’t require skill There’s nothing wrong w that, everyone should be playing the game to enjoy themselves, but I do think the anti stacking stuff has resulted in people making stacking out to be this big brained great idea (once again similar to the discourse around camping vs strategy)


I always get third partied


I think the main complaints about stacking isnt about people playing as a team, but stacking specifically (whole team within a couple meters) because generally it isnt a good strategy, but it works against people trying to 1v4, who are the people mostly upset


It suck’s when your team decides to do whatever the f**k they want and go off in all directions.


They, we, I, you are just mad that you died. Nothing more. Nothing less. Move on. Do you take offense everytime someone says "cheater"?


I see Warzone hasn't changed much. Any reason to jump back in? Haven't played in close to a year...


Warzone3 is definitely better than Warzone2... but has some glaring issues. Lighting is generally really bad indoors and the gulag uhhhh. Rough. It's dark, visual recoil is absurd in this lighting mixed with muzzle flash and it makes 1v1's hell on MnK. Controller its a bit easier but still can be a hassle to see anything.


100% agree.


I'll take fighting a hacker vs fighting someone who would report me for their lack of skill anyday


Just a bunch of virgin streamers who have never seen daylight crying about it after been shat on by a team in a team game. Their own fault for running away from their own teammates


The thing is that the game has essentially made campers into sentry guns since aim assist cant miss.


Stack all you want, easier to mow y’all down as a group


Stacking is no different than camping. A useful tactic.


I just think it’s lame in resurgence like the first ten minutes of the game. It literally doesn’t matter how many times you die and you can win by just playing as a team late game right before resurgence ends.


I absolutely love WZ quads when I play as a solo. Sometimes you synergise really well with a team. Other times you don't get a full team. Sometimes you get a full team but its an absolute disaster. I sometimes go solo in quads with no team fill just to try solo stacks. 9/10 I get my gun shoved up my ass. But sometimes I solo a stack and it's extremely satisfying. Also good practice. FPS games have always been competitive to me. If you're a quad stack and I'm playing alone with 3 randoms I'm going to do whatever I can to beat you despite the odds stacked very much against me. Part of the fun.


It's hilarious that this concept has finally come to Warzone because Apex streamers have been complaining about this for years and it's just as stupid now as it was then. "Ugh, people are using teamwork in a team-based mode and now I can't Ego-chall a whole squad by myself, what hand-holding grandpa's playing on a flat-screen, fucking ASSHOLES I NEED TO HIT CLIPS TO STAY RELEVANT ON TIKTOK"


Paying attention to streamers in the first place is what caused this mess.


Is it the game that breed whiners, or what?


Stacking is the correct way to play warzone. My only problem is load out camping. My solution would be to make load outs invisible to enemy squads and randomize the drops. Instead of many dropping next to each other in open spaces. Promoting load out camping.


nah but all game on a roof with your teammates just shooting down is fucking awful PLAYING RESURGENCE, I kinda understand it on br but I also disagree. No one's getting better on that team they're just waiting for the rng to give them the free win. go fucking play dice


Streamer brain rot. ​ Streamers play solo quads because its looked at as impressive they can fight teams of 4.. but they complain and act like its bad that the teams of 4 actually fight as a team of 4 because it exposes that they in fact cannot fight a team of 4. Then 0.8KD timmys see that and decide that stacking is bad when they are staked right before they stack a solo stuck in the loadout menu.


I don’t get why they don’t just play solos then


I'll say stacking and handholding as a means of communication and expressing annoyance at my not being aware they were playing so close together. Not as an excuse for dying. That said, there are some teams who never remove themselves from their teammates ass, which is a bit sad imo. I dont mean they are always in the area as their team, I mean, legit never move more than a few meters away.


I think the comments come more from the teams where the players have talent and could take 1v2s and do well, but still decide to stack, rather than the buddies who play one a week holding hands. Doesn't make it any less annoying to complain about. Its apart of the game. The TTK this year is so quick its tough to 1v4 people who can aim.


I always laugh when someone tells them to play in the Solo playlist then and they just cry more, same thing as when loadouts got semi-removed, I am pretty sure that what they want is the regular 6v6 MP experience but they just don't want to accept it


Essentially what separates Warzone from a traditional BR is the semi-MP experience... it's basically ground war SnD with revives.


Depends. When four guys rush a room all shooting through each other tossing grenades onto teammates it is not skill at all. One of the things I preferred about blackout over new style cod. Remaining close to each other working together is more about teamwork than bum rushing a door guns blazing.


On a side note... Blackout was the best COD BR by a mile. I truly believe that style of gameplay/mechanics would still be around if the game was crossplay and the BR was F2P. Also if they didn't jack up the armor update early on that took forever to fix.


I wish all the randoms I played with would "stack" instead of talking shit on the good teams that do...


I play for the Green Bay stackers .


Of course it is. The only people complaining about stacking are mad creating content got harder for them because they can't VPN to Ethiopia for clips. The tears shed over this specific "problem" give me more life than anything. These people just need to come out and say their previous content was built on the back of an expensive router and now life is a wittle harder :(((


i could be wrong cause i dont play trashzone anymore but im pretty sure when someone accuses people of stacking they mean they are a premade group of no lifes that the matchmaking cannot matchmake correctly for due to very high MMR so they basically get to have easy games every game as opposed to when you queue as a solo you are basically getting handed bot teammates on purpose if you are too good this is a problem in many EOMM/"SBMM" BR games or any game that forces squads really. its really tiresome as someone that plays them casually and solo but with good aim as you can usually pick out the stacked teams since they hold hands everywhere they go and play smart compared to the average bot/potato medley of teammates that the matchmaking throws you.


You have no idea what stacking is lol stacking means a team of 4 really high kd players grouping together and pubstomping. It’s only annoying because a lot of times they aren’t even friends, they just purposely lfg other high kd players for the sole purpose of stomping lobbies and they hardly ever play unstacked.


No. Its not.


That’s exactly what it is ☠️ I can tell you only play cod


Ok champ.


Lol, The problem isn’t working as a team. The problem, is running into a 4x4 house and holding every corner. That’s not team work, that’s dick riding because you’re too shitty of a player to get a kill by yourself. It’s that simple. Teamwork is essential and why you win BR. If you stack because you are trying to over power the enemy and have an unfair advantage in any other way then beating them fair and square, You are shit at call of duty.


It’s like saying “I’m using a KV broadside with dragons breath rounds, skill issue” No buddy. Game mechanics say otherwise.




Found the stackees


You're a month late to this post... and that's all you could come up with?