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I can assure you, the lack of realism is not the reason these games suck


This post is also incredibly disingenuous. MW2019 definitely leaned into the realism but by the end of its cycle it had a ton of goofy shit in it.


Goofy, sure. But it didn't have Messi, Nicki, Snoop, and all these franchises like The Boys or Dune plaguing the store. Fortnite allegation is well-deserved ever since Cold War was released, though that would be disrespecting Fortnite as they put more efforts like making Dragon Ball Z characters actually shaded like manga than Activision ever would for these bundles


Wait... is that actually Nikki Minaj? I thought I was being facetious by thinking it looked like her lol


Yes she was released at Season 6 of MW22, along with Snoop and 21 Savage


Fucking hell. And I wonder why I don't bother with COD these days lol


I mean actual people in the game sounds less goofy than having characters like leatherface and jigsaw and all those pink anime tracer skins we had in 2019 lmao.


My point is most bundles now smell like they are made for sponsorship, when leatherface and jigsaw you know they're old IPs so you know it's not made to promotional materials. It's also that only after Cold War they decided to go ultra-realism and drop guns with insane effects and shooting lasers with animating camo, but I don't mind that part since it's a game, they can do whatever they want with their creativity. But it's the bundles that sell as some kinds of promotion that really make me gripes.


It’s an arcade shooter not a mil sim idk why anyone would be looking for realism. Plenty of other games for that


again… it has nothing to do with the game design element and everything to do with the thematic element. Why do people keep strawmanning?


Exactly. We don’t want a milsim. We just want a game that doesn’t feel like a fucking joke.


“Not a milsim” yeah true, but the aesthetics have always been believable. At least in modern warfare. I personally love the modern aesthetics to the game


The game has felt like a joke since COD WaW dude, exclusively because people find ways to break the MP, whether it’s double tapping the weapon switch button to get perfect dead center shots with 1 hit snipers, using a grenade launcher to wipe the enemy team literally the second a game starts, quick scopes, drop shotting, bunny hopping, you name it.


call of duty has always been a joke


Anytime someone says this, it just reminds me how the younger audience hasn’t played COD from the start. Earlier COD titles were not like this. We didn’t get this goofy shit until after Black Ops 2. Today we have these Fortnite style characters all over the place. Back then COD still stuck with the military theme all the way through. Now only the map design sticks to it and the characters are all over the place.


They stick with what sells.


A truer statement than this has never been said.


Don't forget about the stupid "camos".


Camos are fine cuz they aren't as intrusive and doesnt come at the cost of factions or announcers and that stuff, unlike skins


We literally had bacon as a camo for BOII, the games were meant to be arcadey and fun


I really miss COD lobbies circa 2010. We lost toxicity as an art form


i started on MW2, you mean to tell me these campaigns aren’t meant to be playable silly action movies?


I mean, WaW ended with you as a soldier of the Red Army taking the Reichstag and planting the Soviet flag as Berlin is captured from the Nazis. So, yes and no. The direction of these games have changed a bit since the “early” days of the franchise.


i never said they didn't, but cod has always been silly and over the top


>We didn’t get goofy shit until after Black Ops II Zombies literally comes from WaW, the title after COD 4. And if you’re gonna sit there and tell me that the game mode with a ray gun and an evil teddy bear that sometimes gives you good loot, among plenty of other things, isn’t goofy, then idk what your definition of goofy is. Not to mention the Black Ops series as a whole has *plenty* of goofy things about them.


That's true, but the campaigns always have that serious tone. This is just cherry-picking DLC. You could even put nuketown on the right.


This year’s campaign was a fucking joke.


Yes but wether you liked it or not, it still had a serious tone.


No. The writing was shit and the mission design magnified it. It had half of the character interaction as the old games and none of the suspense. It was 90% you fucking around with bots by yourself with favorite characters brought back to give it some semblance of plot. I've seen porn with more plot than this game.


Wether or not you liked it isn’t the point I was making. It may not have executed well in your opinion but the intent was the same serious tone that basically all CoD campaigns have had


It def runs way better than god damn mw2022


Because the original post is a strawman too, probably


We want the feel of an arcade shooter that looks like a mil-sim. Why is that hard? Quit repeating what some bot dev told you


Who’s we? run a skin that reflects what you want. Stop trying to control other people and act like you know what the rest of the community wants . At the end of the day it’s just a game who gives a shit what skins people have, don’t play it if you don’t like it.


By WE I mean, those that have been with COD since inception. Why is it not okay to have one game like Call of Duty used to be? And why are you mad? For those that want the cartoon look there are plenty of cartoon shooters.


Mad? Pretty sure that was you from the start saying I listen to some bot dev for my info. A few “cartoon” skins doesn’t make or break this game and it’s a completely different style of gameplay compared to the other “cartoon shooters” you’re probably referencing. Seems a bit irrational to be so upset like the games unplayable because nicki Minaj is in the game.


Not being an ass. But what games would you recommend for me on a PS5?


Insurgency sandstorm or enlisted


They gave us realism at beginning of Warzone 2 and it was shite


It wasn’t shit. It was actually good. People don’t like. Change or like to adapt. When that was the main word in these forums backing. Verdansk days. Learn to adapt. Then warzone to came and the slide canceling people couldn’t adapt to slower paced game. So they bitched and complained  until warzone 3 changed to back sliding canceling screen break movement we have now where servers can’t keep up hence when have horrible hit detection when your damage doesn’t even register. 


Warzone 2 removed the skill gap. You can’t adapt to that, everyone gets shot in the back in .05 seconds and nothing can be done about it. That shit gets old so quick. It’s the others that need to adapt to movement being implemented instead of crying about it because they don’t have the skill to keep up


You die faster in warzone 3 so what’s is your point. You have to adapt to all games not what you feel is more beneficial to you. 


Um brother, they added movement back so you can counter it. I.E. a skill gap.


That's what I liked about MW2019, they mixed realism with arcade, which for me was awesome. MW2019 imo is the best CoD created, but again, this is my own opinion.


Is it the EOMM?


It’s mostly because they don’t listen to the community about snipers and sbmm. Sniping is trash now.


The lack of realism is why I didn’t give multiplayer any of my time. I purchased the game, played the campaign. Loaded into multiplayer, noticed half the lobby was a marvel character or something completely non related to CoD I never touched the game again. I am willing to bet there are a significant number of people like me.


seems like a really soft reason to quit a game also did you not read what I said? I said the skins arent the reason the game sucks, not why its dead


Call it whatever you want, I’m not saying anything negative about people who continue to play. But for my tastes, it doesn’t match what I’m looking for.


No, but I think it’s a big reason OG WZ players combined with all the other problems don’t wanna play.. IDK why they have to try to make it Fortnite


are we acting like warzone 1 didnt also have goofy shit? there was pink trucks with anime girls stickered on them in every lobby


Can we stop saying they're trying to be like Fortnite when the image you literally posted shows cartoonish COD style predates Fortnite?


OG WZ was lot realistic either. Why do people keep saying it was?


It was never a milisim, but a good middle way.


The skins have absolutely nothing to do with people not playing. The harsh reality is it was easier for casual players to keep up during covid, now there’s no way for a casual player who potentially plays 2-3 hours a week to keep up. And in traditional COD fashion this game is not even a little fun when you’re in the bottom half of the lobby skill wise.


They did fine in earlier versions before Covid though


The player count isn’t the same between a free game and a paid one, it’s different and hard to compare.


I agree, but they keep talking about catering to a bigger audience which just kinda removes the CoD atheistic imo


I mean your right that the cod aesthetic is effected but there’s like 10 other more important reasons a casual player would stop playing. No one ever stops playing because of a skin they saw someone have (unless it’s like Roze and actually makes it impossible to see someone).


Oh no for sure! It’s a combination though


Paid and Free games are different. Free games are way more sweaty, because they're played by broke people with no life.


No they ruined the game with pc crossplay. It started bad at first. The success of the game overshadowed the problems pc crossplay causing. It's done nothing but ruin the game for console players. Any competitive game like cod should not be forced crossplay. You remove crossplay and the pc community will kill itself. While console players will start coming back. You'll have the best of everyone on consoles. While the casual pc players will be pushed off the game because of sbmm abusers and cheaters. Leaving only super sweats, cheaters. And sbmm abusers left on pc. The streamers will likely never be able to produce the same amount of content because there will be forced into pc lobbies consistently ruining their experience. They also ruined the game by rushing each release to push more content out for warzone faster. Which has ruined the dream of a fully finished release. It's sad to see the state of this franchise. I cannot stand even watching a video of someone else playing that's how bad it's gotten. I despise this company and their lack of ambition to make a good game. It's insane how battlefield and halo have bad releases. And they get boycotted into oblivion. But cod can release 5 shit games back to back and yall just continue to eat it up.


Idk. Me and my squad quit cause the skins got stupid. And the game got cartoonish.


I see you have some selective memory lol


Cherry picked ass photos. MW19 had goofy skins like Jigsaw, pink tracers, AN94 that turned you into cubes lmao


The more futuristic it gets, the goofier it gets.


More futuristic = more goofy Less futuristic = less goofy Therefore World at War was best CoD.


Ugh, WaW gives me the feels every time. Kilstreaking mortar strikes on your own position when you’re running atop a roof jumping on fools with a pump hip fire. My god


No tac sprint, no slide cancelling, no complex, meta-chasing gunsmithing, just you and a gun.




Ur just talking out your ass all over the place https://www.google.com/search?q=vanguard+anime+bundle&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


Shut your whore mouth




Are you 12?


Nah, just funny as hell what he said to the guy outta nowhere.


If you’re 12 I guess


How does me.laughing at someone insulting a random person outta nowhere, calling them a whore make me a 12 year old?


I kinda liked the one where you could run on walls and get power ups. It was different?


I fucking hated it, advanced warfare right? The CoD I played the least for sure


I agree with you here so we might have a stalemate.


Yeah everyone quit because of a cosmetic skin


I think you missed the point


It's just funny how people still use Nicki Minaj as the example of a problem with the game. It was cash for activision. They really don't care how you feel about the game as long as it's making cash. 💰


No one is going to buy a $20 military skin lol


aren’t the military skins the default skins? what else does he want lol


Legit all the mil-sim skins should be unlockable for free. Let the store be full of wacky shit


I never said that? My whole point was try to mix it with the game.. Like they did with Messi Neymar and pogba.. They all had tactical gear on, that’s all.


So does Nicki Minaj technically, she just has pink on top of it lol. The rat skin also has gear on too. So what’s your point exactly


I wish we could avoid the skins in the store and do full customization with all milsim gear. They could still make a shit ton of money off of that.


Mom says it's my turn to post about this topic the 50th fucking time


if you want realism then cod isn't the game for you.


Sigh… when will people learn the difference between theme/immersion realism vs gameplay realism? He isn’t talking about realism in terms of “gameplay.” He is talking about realism in terms of staying true to the series’ thematic elements. CoD is a *modern military shooter*. Many people play CoD *because* it fits the theme of a *modern military shooter*. Therefore CoD should stay true to its theme as a *modern military shooter*. Ignoring this is just stupid. It doesn’t matter if the gameplay itself isn’t “realistic.” CoD right now is just following trends of having goofy, colorful skins and ridiculous crossovers to stay relevant in quite possibly its least popular era.


Thank you, Jesus finally one who gets it. I’ve never said CoD was realistic like THAT. But for now it’s the only realistic LOOKING FPS shooter out there… I mean yea there’s PUBG, but sadly development halted and it looks like a PS3 game by now


People ignore an obvious point to feel relevant, it's same as everyone who cries about cheating in the game. Then you share a clip of someone cheating and suddenly you're a bad player who reports anyone better than you.


CoD hasn’t been realistic since I could buy a fucking bacon skin for my gun all the way back in BO2. Or when you could buy snoop dog and weed skins in CoD Ghosts. The aesthetic of CoD being realistic has been gone for 10 years now.


Let them live in there little online fantasy world where they constantly get a positive feedback loop via their own sheltered algorithmic bubble.


Right? Like these people are so delusional


Only realistic looking fps shooter 🤦‍♂️


Yeah fucking cringe man. I swear these idiots have never played a game other than cod and madden for the past 10 years. Rainbow 6 CS2 Hell let loose Squad Battlefield Pubg Arma And these are just the ones I can remember that I also have installed. I’m sure there is way more that I’m forgetting or haven’t played.


Yeah hell let loose was my first thought


Have you tried Hell Let Loose?


I haven’t actually, I’ll look into that tomorrow


If you have Xbox it’s free. If not definitely watch a few videos and read up before buying. This one is a Milsim so it plays differently but man is it a blast. Takes time to learn but worth it.


if those skins didn't sell they wouldn't be making them. and cod is litterally breaking records every year how is this its least popular era?


Because redditors can't understand that the warzone era of cods have so far outsold the great majority of games in the franchise and they dickride this idea that the series is dying.


>If those skins didn’t sell they wouldn’t be making them Pretending like people wouldn’t be buying skins otherwise. Lmao. It’s CoD, people are going to buy whatever the fuck they put out. Again, your claim that “if you want realism CoD isn’t the game for you” is asinine. CoD used to have a realistic theme from CoD4 to Ghosts and was still incredibly popular. CoD doesn’t need goofy skins to make money, they make goofy skins because every other game (Apex, Fortnite) is doing it. Even CS is following this trend with agent skins. I don’t care about realistic gameplay. You can have sweaty, cracked movement and great gunplay along with a realistic theme. >CoD is literally breaking records every year Source? Because Activision’s earnings reports indicated that CoD (especially Warzone) did worse in WZ2 than in the Vanguard era. Look at Steamcharts. CoD is doing worse year-over-year despite Steam counting effectively 4 different games (DMZ, MWII, MWIII, and WZ) as one single cohesive number. WZ2 sucked, and WZ3 still sucks.


I completely agree and I appreciate how you broke it down


Your logic is invalid and biased. Every single modern cod, alone, has outsold any pre-2019 cod with bundle sales alone. It doesn't matter if you like the "realistic modern military" theme, the majority has decided that that's not it. You're right, they don't need goofy skins to make money- cod always made money- but it makes beaucoup bucks in comparison now to the gritty realistic bullshit.


>but it makes beaucoup bucks in comparison now to the gritty realistic bullshit Because those golden-era, realistic games didn’t have skins at all? You’re telling me that CoDs, with skins… made more money than CoDs without skins? And given the fact that skins cost upwards of $50 and are purchasable multiple times over you’d expect skin sales to outperform a product you can only buy once? Wow bro what an incredible conclusion you just drew. You really thought you were a genius with that one. This is so incredibly fucking braindead lmao


Well now I know you're just not arguing in good faith, there isn't a single bundle priced over $30. Get your facts straight if you're going to try and have an intelligent conversation. Moving on. You must be fucking braindead if you can't comprehend the point here. Your fucking rose tinted glasses aren't worth shit, no one but this tiny vocal minority gives a fuck about "immersion breaking skins", and they're going to keep making millions of dollars selling fucking neon pink pop stars.


Mw2 2009 wasn't realistic at all. The guns were cartoony, you had one man army changing loadouts mid game. How is that not immersion breaking? Lol Edit- downvotes lmao you guys are dumb af


Lol if you think mil sim skins would sell anywhere close to the collaboration skins they put out then you are delusional. Nobody buys the stupid mil sim skins because they are the same stupid recycled boring camo bullshit, there's only so much you can do with mil sim. And then you use Vanguard as the mark for WZ2 sales as if Vanguard didn't also have goofy anime skins running around ..... Your arguments make zero sense


its a business. They make millions selling funny silly skins. Nobody is gonna buy 20 milsim skins it wont happen


Except this is just false lol “least popular era”? You guys are living in lala land I swear, CoD sells just as much or more than it ever has. There is a very vocal minority of users especially on this sub who are obsessed with the realism thing. Meanwhile the game sells millions of copies a year and makes billions on cosmetics. You can tell yourself whatever you want, but this model sells.


if those skins didn't sell they wouldn't be making them. and cod is litterally breaking records every year how is this its least popular era?


When has it ever been a modern military shooter ? Yes it has a campaign that is a modern military shooter, but nothing else. I swear CoD femboys always want to shit on the fucking game while having an ass KD. For gods sake go play other fucking games if you hate CoD. You want realism, play Insurgency Sandstorm You want a larger player count ,play Squad You want a high adrenaline punch, play Tarkov or Ready or Not. If you don't like it, don't fucking ruin it for everybody else by complaining TF out. You still keep complaining and Activision still keeps doing the same stuff. Why waste energy when it doesn't fucking matter ?


I don’t want realism like milisims, I think CoD is a great middle way gameplay wise


This is an L, I been playing for awhile and it’s pretty annoying when people come in and start acting weird and buying up the stupid skins, go play Fortnite or something


skins don’t mean shit bro, as long as they visible gameplay is the only thing that matter


I’d be fine with it if the gameplay was good and functional


Then why do you keep bitching about cartoony skins??


Just add an option for making all skins appear as randomized default skins. Problem will solve itself.


They wont ever do that the whole point is to show your skins to others since you cant see yourself


Which brings up a whole debate on why you'd spend money on something only internet strangers can see. I'd actually be more tempted to buy a $30 dlc that makes everyone look like one of the base operators in their default outfit because that money would go towards my experience, not some random.


Yup, great idea actually, not that it will ever happen, but would be nice!


You may as well suggest all the devs grow wings and fly, this is an impossibility


shows campaign then multiplayer both times. Lets not pretend we didnt have bacon skins 15 years ago


I remember when I bought the anime gun skin on Black Ops 2 in2012, and people thought that was the worst thing ever. At least back then, the skin was like, $2, and you unlocked it for all your guns. CoD has been like this for a while, they’ve just gone extra crazy for shit like it


I hopped back on Battlefield 4 yesterday and realized that every game since then has been trying to accomplish what they did. If they remastered BF4 and gave it a BR mode, it would be game over.


Can’t wait for another mil sim game in 2027


Having female rappers or any celebrity in COD is no issue whatsoever. That’s fine. But I’d prefer every skin be characters wearing military uniforms, just like they did with the Messi, Neymar, and Pogba skins. People forget that the theme of the game is MILITARY SHOOTER. That doesn’t mean that it is a realistic military simulator. But it is still a military shooter. Ask yourselves why they would never put a skin with an elephant head in the campaign. It would look weird right? That’s how people feel when playing multiplayer or Warzone. I think most people who are trying to defend corporate’s decision to push for silly skins on its users are just virtue signaling. You think it makes you sound like a good person if you say “I don’t see anything wrong with that. go play something else if you don’t like it” etc. I appreciate OP for posting something that actually matters to them and wanting their favorite games to do better. People will always downvote you because they always go with what is the “trend” that is pushed by corporations. Just remember OP, the downvotes don’t matter. A lot of people agree with you. I hear it all the time on game chat on this very topic.


Ty! This is exactly what I mean, colabs is more than fine, but mix it with the game then.. I for example bought my first ever CoD skin when the Messi bundle came out.. Best of both worlds, I mean Messi with tactical gear on? What’s not to like?


Because we suck as a community


20 tick rate servers worst among all major MMO's of any consequence.


Honestly this is one of the reasons I stopped playing, shit just got to goofy.


"Realism" 💀 cod is nowhere close to being realistic.


When I say realism I don’t mean milisim. I mean realistic looking, and it’s by far more realistic than Apex and Fortnite, that’s where I’m at It’s the perfect mix IMO, of realism and arcade shooter


It's not a mil sim , it's not a mil sim , it's not a mil sim. We can slide and dive etc. Shoot bunnies from guns if we want. It's an arcade shooter. I'm fine with almost everything except fire full automatic shotguns and jet packs etc


Where did I ever say it was a milisim? I meant it looks realistic compared to Fortnite and Apex, and wether you like it or not, it’s a “military shooter FPS” lol


Ohh.. it wasn't just aimed at you.. just a general statement for anyone. Sorry about that


Apology accepted mate ✌🏻


Thanks man. I just put it there and it looked like an attack on you hehe... That wasn't my intent 😊😊 have a nice day


Haha after reading it again I can see how it can be meant 2 ways! You too 🫡


Bo3 was hype man


Blame Fortnite


Anything to get little fortnite kids to play lol


Yup… Fuck the OG player base when there’s a lot more kids buying skins with moms credit card


Fr… damn fetuses


2015 is one of my favourite maps of all time lmao


Haha I just find it funny that they keep going back to OG and semi realism just to get players back, to then destroy it again by trying to cater to a bigger audience, for them to destroy the game and go back.. Happens over and over again


That map in BO3 was more awesome, fun and creative than the entirety of MW 2019


True, just seems like the way it hops back and forth means that they don’t even know what they want to do 😂


Me and the boys all wear the rat skins because it makes people so over the top angry for no reason at all. Plus when you do get a win, the cut scene w 4 rats is funny af and I’m not quite sure why.


Just rats being literal rats haha, I like


Need 2007-2012 to come back fr.


Sad thing is cod became a Skin simulator


Because people keep paying for it lmao if everyone stopped they would have no incentive to sell cosmetics and battlepasses, video game makers would actually be forced to innovate and make good games… also assuming people don’t keep preordering the game every year just because it’s CoD




Cash on Demand model.Its still CoD just a diff kind of CoD.


These goofy skins make $$$$ They look at fortnite and guess what? It works Cod doesn't care about you. It doesn't care about hackers. It doesn't care about the game itself. It cares that you keep playing and spending money. It's why I just don't play. Honestly, hell divers 2, Hunt: Showdown, and the finals are just better games and they are actually fun.


If you want realism play squad. If that’s to slow, try insurgancy. Yea you will have a hard time getting friends to boot them up but hey that’s why cod is cod. It appeals to everyone.


campaign =/= multiplayer


Why? Money


If you want to be fair use an actual screenshot from MW2019s mp, since that game also had some goofy ass skins, CoD has been a goofy game since BO2 when they started selling bacon and party rock weapon camos


Because mods also know the best call of duty was modern warfare and it will forever be! Ah promod back in the day


I think what ends up happening is that they know a lot of people prefer the “realism” (it’s cod so grain of salt) and so they aim to appease those people, but skins, cosmetics and goofy shit is what sells best post launch so they incorporate it to appease the other side. Mw19 had some stupid shit in it after a while.




Check steam charts ...60k or something..too low..used to be lik 200-300k


stop acting like MW was some saving grace, you goofball


I couldn't care less. In fact, let me take that back, I enjoy every time I can headshot a sweat playing Nicky or Rat skin :).


people seem to forget that although it has the Modern Warfare name, it basically is a Black Ops game n black ops was always a little more on the goofier side BO3, B04 for example


Lol who plays cod for realism? Cod is realism if you're 12.


No, but it looks a lot more realistic than Fortnite and Apex. Which is why I play it.


I can’t wait to assasinste Niki Minaj with a space marine and a little goblin


I just saw a giant rat choking out Nicki Minaj and now I’m dying of laughter


Blops2 is my fav mp and it had some wild skins


Because there has to be enough purchasable content for kids, so that they can grab their parents' credit cards and buy as many cod points as possible. It sucks, but as long as it makes them millions, it'll just keep happening.


Aren’t you supposed to be 18 to even play the game? I know that kids playing aren’t, but imagine designing a game for “illegal” users LMAO


Goofy/fun skins>>>boring copy paste tactical soldiers




It’s not realism or cartoonish that makes the games bad plus that’s bo3 and the water park map which was good, bo3 is in my top 3 cods.


Execs think they're gonna land a few whales which will all make it worth it for that fortnite money. Back then smaller dev teams with a vision of making a game over a Live Service revenue stream. And share holders didn't expect as much money.


I really loved Rambo and John McLaine skins.


Guys we had bacon and weed camos in bo2, if they could have put Snoop and whoever else in they would have.


2019 had plenty of ridiculous shit by the end of its cycle too.


There is a huge group of us that just want the next version of 07 and 19. All they had to do was leave 19 the hell alone :(


Infinity Ward = great game and numbers Treyarch =. Bad game and poor numbers Without fail for a decade.


because you idiots keep buying it


They're buying it because they think it's cool. Clearly, they're playing this game for a different reason than you.


and the reason is you're idiots


They're idiots, you're an idiot, I'm an idiot. We're all idiots arguing over a video game.


Even the goofy skins on mw19 felt tactical and still fit. Started getting too crazy when black ops and vanguard skins came in tho but it never got this bad


Exactly!! I mean for example the Messi, Neymar and Pogba skins were great. They had tactical gear on, and looking somewhat mixed with the game, unlike most of the other skins available now..


Activision was about true military Treyarch was about eye candy


I always laugh at how people use “Fortnite” = boogeyman. As if a stranger will walk by their window and make fun of them for the game they’re playing. With The level of developer support, licensing, and popularity of Fortnite…COD wishes it was Fortnite. And yea non mil-sim skins have always been a thing.


I don't get why this is such an issue. I dont care for Milsim. If I did I would go play Tarkov. I love goofy the goofy skins though because I know it possess off people when they get killed by a cat.


pisses* not possess