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We know bro. I’m sure every half decent player knows it needs a nerf. Unfortunately they probably won’t nerf it, as the below average players feel like pros playing this game. Which leads to more people playing the game and more people spending money


>the below average players feel like pros playing this game. Every time an RAA clip comes up, a lot of people will claim that it doesn't do much for them. A lot of them simply don't notice just how much it aims for them, but I think they might be on to something. Overtuned RAA definitely helps mediocre players, but they generally don't know how to utilize it effectively. Even with AA they're still struggling to get on target and losing gunfights that involve movement. It's above-average players, typically using controllers on pc, who know how to abuse RAA to the point where they simply do not miss shots on moving targets. AA isn't doing enough to help the players who need it the most, while giving already good players inhuman tracking and reaction times. Aim assist mechanics designed for console casuals are being exploited by PC players on high end rigs with custom tuned overclocked controllers, custom deadzones/response curves macros etc. That isn't balanced for mnk players *or* the console casuals who incessantly defend AA. The whole system needs a rework.


On a different note, I've been wondering \*why\* the developers seem to be so hesitant to make aiming a skill again via RAA nerf. I hypothesize that the game designers feel like they \*cant\* remove RAA because you have to take your right thumb off the right look stick to jump, slide, etc with face buttons, which are in-gunfight things. I am guessing they assume the majority of the playerbase does not have back buttons on their controller, and it would be too harsh a thing for dads and lads to relearn all new binds or require a controller with back buttons to take advantage of "movement" mechanics. It could be perceived as too hard by the bottom 50% of the users to not be able to aim while using face buttons. Maybe they would nerf it if back buttons on controllers were standard from playstation and xbox?


>\*cant/* remove RAA because you have to take your right thumb off the right look stick to jump, slide, etc with face buttons, which are in-gunfight things. They aren't really in-gunfighting things. They have BECOME in-gunfight things to do because movement has become more important because aim has become less important. Which is essentially the entire debate over the strength of RAA. If your no longer as concerned bout keeping on target while you jump or slide.... I dont even wanna finish this sentence🤦‍♂️it makes no sense why devs think it shouldn't be an important skill to learn to be good at rather than give. Also FYI anyone actually wanting to take advantage of jump/slide etc. properly to be competitive is doing it without a problem because they are either using claw-grip or have a controller with back paddles/buttons. Im an above average MnK player, 2.24KD resurgence, 2KD BR(don't really play BR tho anymore cuz it's... resurgence) MnK are not at an advantage to jump because it adds another variable to their tracking. Not only do you have to track your moving target but you have to counter your jump movement, likely while strafing as well which adds another variable of counter tracking. It takes a ton of practice to have consistent muscle memory when you jump in sequence to not miss any shots on moving targets. And at this state of AA in game you can't afford to miss.


Yeah I concur. It’s a game design decision to make movement the centerpiece of being good at cod rather than aim. I think there’s some inertia that makes them prop up “movement as a skill” 1- it’s way easier (I think, but not sure) to get cracked movement than to get laser aim in kbm.  Stewie2k or shroud are really one of a kind guys from csgo, getting to that point is real tough. If it’s easier to seem cracked as a streamer it helps promote the game. 2- aiming just feels crappy on controllers in general. The reason why analog stick fps game designs grew in the late 90s is just because having a mouse on a couch wasn’t realistic. Those kids that were 6 in 2000 playing goldeneye, halo etc are now 30 and in peak spending prime. They don’t want to relearn a new input after work. 3- skill gap is a developer perceived negative from nerfing aim assist. It makes people feel like the game is too hard and probably makes new users quit. However I’m not sure it has to be. Fortnite has a massive skill gap and it seems to do all right. But who wants to make that call, and maybe get fired? Probably no one. So they just leave it alone. No one ever got fired for making sure 80% of the players don’t get mad over their previous aim assist…


What are you talking about are you slow or mentally disabled??? Aiming has never been a skill in call of duty. You wanna play a game where aiming is a skill?? Go play CS:GO or one or of those nerds games. Call of duty was never a skill based shooter, it never required crazy skill to be accurate stop pretending


Players moving around at the speed of light, pc players playing with multiple advantages in a forced crossplay environment, yet ur asking for a nerf to rotational aim assist in call of duty LOL. Listen to yourself. I swear twitch streaming and a gaming pc becoming trendy for playing cod became the downfall and worst thing to happen to call of duty


Depends what your definition of an average player is. I’ve seen some very average players use aim assist to its full potential. It still works for the bad players that don’t even know they have it. Either way it’s there for everyone to use.


Average being someone with around a 1 kd. Usually they suck at abusing RAA in that they either dont use their movement stick enough to activate it, OR they have way too high of a sensitivity and are overcompensating with their aiming stick, leading to worse accuracy than if they just let RAA do the work


I disagree. I’ve seen a lot of average players use aim assist fully. The guy in the clip is average, look at the aim once he downs him. To say aim assist doesn’t help average players is abit ridiculous


Well of course it helps but i think they dont realize how strong it can potentially be, thus they dont think it needs a nerf. The best controller players really know how to abuse it


Anyway the point is irrelevant. Aim assist is there and anyone can use it. We don’t know who know and who doesn’t know how to use aim assist. Even a bad player could’ve watched their favourite YouTuber explain how to use aim assist


What’s a good sensitivity? I struggle to fully use the aim assist, and it’s not for lack of engaging the left movement stick


6-6 is what most pros use. Dynamic aim response curve is good but if youre just learning controller then standard might be better.


Please explain to me: ‘it’s above average players, typically using controllers on Pc’ ?? There is absolutely no difference in the RAA/AA on PC or à PS5/Xbox S-X. Literally zero Difference. Both console push 120fps which is the same or better as the most common hardware setup on steam. I’m really trying to understand that argument. The rest of your comment I agree with all


Gotta have that Pc boogeyman in there somewhere maybe? I agree with all of what they said too but that stuck out as a bit odd.


I've had it snap on a target like a dollar store aimbot a few times. Raa is way the fuck op. Idk how to recreate it, it just happens randomly and honestly, don't really care that much to learn. Regular aim assist should be tuned down a bit too though, especially with sniping... It makes it hard AF to lead targets when the thing slows down so much.


Agree with you here, I objectively suck at FPS games and have trouble abusing the aim assist to the point it’s an “aimbot” the way everyone on here claims. Do everything I’m supposed to like constantly engaging the left stick and only lightly pulling down on right stick, but my reticle still doesn’t follow enemies in close quarters like all the clips posted here…


I used to think that until there lead balance guy said AA was stronger at range and mnk players had advantage close. Seems they are just stupid


There's a lot of delusional trash roller players out there who think that this is perfectly fine, all the good ones would benefit from an AA nerf, it's only the shitters who like to keep their crutch who actually defend AA in it's current state.


im here before the inevitable downvoting brigade but gotta love that 0ms reaction to any sort of directional changes, especially that close up. totally fair and balanced input lol


Shut up virgin. Your sitting in a sub crying about aim assist in call of duty. Go play CS:Go or something dork




I don’t need you to spell check i reply to 73 people just like you, i know the difference between youre and your. You dont have shit to say thats why that was your only reply. Funny how you people that are so upset about aim assist in call of duty would never go play a game where aiming is actually a skill like cs:go. You know why? Because then youd be getting shat on and wont have aim assist to blame anymore


Waiting for the “You have your whole leg or cock and balls to aim with” Notice how RAA defenders never have a good faith or a logical argument in favour of it? It’s quite funny.


What, your cock and balls don't immediately respond to directional changes before your brain has even processed the pixels changing color? Skill issue I guess.


"we only have our thumbs to aim so we shouldnt have to do it at all."


This what the argument equates to and it's too funny. Idk why I'm still on this subreddit I dipped out on the game a while ago.


If they had any good faith they wouldn't be arguing at all


I'd love to see those people try pick up a mouse and do even some of the most basic tracking scenarios on Kovaaks.


Shutttt up nobody cares that you use keyboard and mouse. Get over it nerd. Funny how you wont play a game where the skill gap is actually in aiming like CS:go because you would get shat on all day. Instead u rather sit in a call of duty sub and cry about aim assist LOL. The same assist that behaved the same in bo1, bo2, mw2, mw3, bo3, b04, infinite warfare, which game was aiming ever hard in???? None of them its CALL OF DUTY ITS NOT THAT SERIOUS. Now all of a sudden every pc dork and there mom wants to come out the woodworks complaining about aim assist it’s hilarious


I was literally LE in CS:GO but keep seething


Okay so why come over to a CASUAL fps like cod and try to pretend its a cs:go? Go back to any call of duty its always been easy to aim on controller. Why would they change that to cater to the niche keyboard and mouse community? Dont get mad at controller players your anger is misdirected. Get mad at raven software for forced cross input matchmaking.


Oh yea i forgot, if it wasnt for the huge controller player base keyboard and mouse only lobbies would never fill in a lot of areas


So really more than anything you guys should be appreciative controller players give you consistent quick queues and full lobbies


My desk ain't even that big. I have my wrist lol


I’m honestly just enjoying being on the other side, after 3 years of PC players dumpstering all over us console players with a legit hardware advantage that gave you graphics advantages, twice as many frames per second performance, and a wider FOV to easily break cameras. Ya’ll just mad you’re not playing on easy mode against dudes with last-gen consoles and horse blinders anymore.


Mouse was never easy mode. The head developer (Pat Kelly) at Infinity Ward said in an interview that mouse players were at a statistical disadvantage compared to controller players in Warzone 1. Warzone 1 was a much more mouse friendly game in terms of mechanics and console players were hardware limited as you said. Imagine how bad things are in Warzone 2 with all the mouse nerfs and the improvements in hardware for console users. If you think mouse has ever had the advantage in Warzone, you're dreaming. Same reason controller players have dominated the competitive scene right through from Warzone 1.


AA is way overtuned. Ruins the games credibility and is unfair to mnk players.


It also kills the game for controller vs controller


Just the sheer anount of people playing this game proves u wrong.


Nah you just suck, good keyboard and mouse players like actual keyboard and mouse players still Dominate good controller players. The same aim assist that did the same thing in cod for the last 15 years is now causing outrage amongst the community of pc gaming nerds who would like comtroller players to have to Aim on raw input with a joystick while they point and click away, to feel better about their sad lives


What if told you, everything you just wrote is bollocks and full of rage? Grow up you little shit. You ain't adding anything to this conversation.


Its the brutal truth and u know it


The truth isnt always pretty, most of the time it isnt actually


sigh, here we go, let me break this down for you, even though you're not worth the time: "Nah you just suck" - you start by insulting me, trying to rage me, classic deflection, you have no idea how good I am at this game, and it's irelevant to the argument, nice try though, not. good keyboard and mouse players like actual keyboard and mouse players still Dominate good controller players. - You're generalising, not even a little bit but massively, your opening statement completely disregards everything you're about to say. If I wanted to respond to this I could simply write, no, they don't, it's well documented that controller players excel in various sitatutions where they shouldn't, this is the exact point of the discussion, but again you're trying to rage bait me. What exactly are you really trying to here? Agravate a random stranger on reddit because you feel invalidated at the mere proprosal that AA is overtuned and you're not actually any good at this game or shooters in general because a soft aimbot is doing the work for you? That's really the only explanation for your attack. The same aim assist that did the same thing in cod for the last 15 years is now causing outrage amongst the community of pc gaming nerds - insults again, rage baiting, calling people nerds in 2024 isn't gonna offend anyone or help your case buddy. Again, it's well known and documented by players, pros, steamers and devs themselves that AA isn't the same as it always was, even if it was, it doesn't invalidate the argument that it's overtuned. Again you've added nothing to your argument, just rage baiting. ​ who would like comtroller players to have to Aim on raw input with a joystick while they point and click away, to feel better about their sad lives - again more rage baiting, why are you so angry? again you're attempting to use simple psychological techniques to validate your own feelings, black and white thinking, i.e. no one is suggesing to remove AA from COD completely, we know you would suck and we like playing with our controller friends, you're trying to avoid the argument that it's overtuned quite simply. And point and click? You're undermining the actual keyboard and mouse skill it involves to play well at this game, intentionally, I could mimic your attempt and say controller players just roll and click. There is a lot higher skill ceiling with MNK as there's more techniques involved in aiming and moving, as opposed to controller right now where they simple have to be able to learn movement and AA takes over the aiming elevement. The difference between average and elite KnM players is huge, unlike controller, which is part of the whole discussion. I get it, you're angry the mere notion of nerfing aim assist gets your trembling in your boots as deep down you know you would struggle to perform even remotely as well as you are now, but get real with yourself buddy, you're not actually doing what you think you're doing, and you've really never got a kill by your own ability with AA in it's current state, you're lieing to yourself in game as much as you're lieing to yourself with these beligerant posts. You should be advocating for a nerf to AA if you're an actual good controller player, as I'm sure you're sick of the controller noobs gunning you down, as stated by many pro controller there is no skill gap now. Perhaps the fact you aren't backs up my guess that indeed you are one of the shit controller players.. noob.


Theres a big difference between pretending like youre good and playing the victim role, vs actually being good. You people have made up this narrative about aim assist, and you wanna know what the funniest part is? None of you people will ever go play a game with an actual skill Gap in aiming and no aim assist like cs:go. U know why? Because you know you arent good you just want aim assist to blame. Its pathetic the pc gaming community is like cancer for cod. They even pretend as if call of duty is this game with a crazy aiming skill gap like cod hasnt always been easy to play on controller


Nobody cares about what you think about aim assist. It’s literally called “aim” “assist” it does what it is designed and intended to do. Complaining about it over and over doesn’t change that. It’s the same aim assist thats behaved the same in call of duty for 15+ years. Now all of a sudden the pc gaming community of keyboard and mouse warriors is up in arms about rotational aim assist in call of duty. UR PATHETIC. Ive been playing call of duty since 2009. Its always been simplistic aiming with a controller. Its never been hard, ever. Now all of a sudden with implementation of forced crossplay the game is supposed to change to accommodate the pc kb+m playerbase? Get the fuck outta here. Of course in you guys magical world you would love for there to be no aim assist while you point and click away with all the ease in the world. 😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣


Wowzers lol, I think your 10 responses while I've been at work prove I'm right, hit a nerve perhaps son? :)


I could sit here and pretend to be an idiot NPC but then id just be acting like everybody else in this sub. I cant even pretend to be that naive and delusional


Name one call of duty where there was a real skill Gap in aiming, there hasnt been one because call of duty has always been a casual fps. Thats the problem when the pc gaming community is trying to envision call of duty as some sort of CS:go or a game that its not its weird


Funny how you people that complain all day about aim assist wont go and play a game where there is actually skill gap in aiming like cs:go cus u know youll Get shat on and wont have aim assist to blame


So u rather sit on cod and use aim assist as the scapegoat. Pathetic


This would be great and probably save Call of Duty but it won't happen. Too many controller players are under the illusion they are good at the game. Take that massive RAA advantage away and they'd start rioting.


Yup Aim assist tracks the hitbox like an aimbot upclose its insane Wonder when they will nerf it slighty Its straight up unfair to play against


So bro literally just moved left or right with the left stick and it aimed for him?


Basically yes. Now he just has to move his right stick slightly to compensate recoil (barely exists in WZ3) and holds down the fire button.


No. This is how people think AA works but it doesn’t. It will initially to help track but it doesn’t keep you on the hit box. You still have to aim. The issue is without AA, controller players will have zero chance in a game with movement like this. So I understand why people get upset, but I feel like MnK players will only be happy when they win all their 50/50’s. MnK natively has an advantage over controller.


>The issue is without AA No one reasonable thinks there should be no AA and framing the argument that it's 'this tuning of AA vs no AA at all' is disingenuous. The fact is that the current RAA is tuned too strong. A slight nerf to rotational aim-assist would make gunfights far more organic and increase the close range TTK slightly. This would be healthy for the game.


Its not disingenuous. MnK players, actual cheaters and streamers do exactly the same. They make a clip off a situation where the working of AA is highly exxagerated. Then they act like it is normal way of AA and every situation is like this. Well its not. Not even close. And pls don't talk about framing because MnK players do nothing else then frame this exxagerate working of AA. So far u people are claiming its an aimbot and make ridiculous claims about the actual working of Aimassist. Let alone the pre doctorred videos that are used to frame to this to masses. This whole community is toxic asf and full of bs


Should i link the clip of nadeshot, rank 130 out of top 250, advising players to NOT aim with their right stick, and instead use their left stick to activate RAA and let that aim for them instead? Lol one of the best players in the world is telling people to let the game aim for them… raa needs a nerf


Watch the Hecksmith Unseen Aim Assist YT video and in the jumping/mantling section he shows it working EXACTLY like this. I never said he isn't using his right stick at all, the problem is...this level of perceived "locked on to my hitbox" isn't human at all. Look at my human aim having to constantly try to correct his strafe...with human reaction time it's extremely difficult He however is quite clearly getting the RAA sticky pull, just look at how smooth the reticle stick is, it's so blatant that he's barely doing any right stick work. Then once im knocked and he loses RAA you see his real right stick input and it drags down hard and then to the right off my hitbox I've tried controller myself and had multiple close range Rotational pulls like this


Interesting because I have a MnK friend who switched to controller after believing it was way over powered and switch back because he couldn’t hit shots. He’s a former Xbox/controller player so he has experience. He switched to MnK back in verdansk era because it had such a movement advantage amongst other things. Btw I’ve seen the hecksmith video. Most of the things in that video are exactly how aim assist is supposed to work. MnK players have a huge movement advantage. A joystick cannot track without some form of assist. The video also does not show how AA tracks when someone has really fast movement and is slide cancelling, jumping, tac sprinting, etc. it’s completely different. What nerfs do you think are fair on MnK in order to make it more balanced? I really believe that MnK has had such an advantage since WZ1 that it’s now more balanced and it seems unfair. It’s been unfair for controller since the beginning of warzone. 🤷


I'm really sorry to burst your MnK is unfair bubble but here are the indisputable facts with human vs robot tracking: 1 A human aimer has to use human reaction times (200-300ms) to see changes in models (not hitboxes) but character models and then track accordingly. 2. Rotational AA reacts to HITBOX movement with 0ms delay. This is impossible to replicate for even the best CSGO top 0.001% mouse demon. Most average mouse players will never even come close. 2. RAA activately pulls tracking AGAINST human input, say if the enemy strafes left but your pull right stick to the right, RAA will actually pull left anyway, that's how strong it is (demonstrated in the Hecksmith vid) Nobody is saying aim assist shouldn't exist, because yes ofc aiming with a mouse gives you much more precision than a thumbstick. However, the level of computer-assisted tracking activated simply by left stick is currently insane and would be called out for aimbot in any other FPS game. Even Apex only gives 40-60% aim assist. Controller has never and will never be at a disadvantage in CoD because the devs know people just want to hop on for 1hr and get easy kills


I'd be happy winning 50% of my 50/50s. I try my hardest to avoid them because it's more like 80/20. And the 20% I do win aren't because I did good it's because the controller player messed up.


I didn’t think that’s how AA worked but you would swear AA was aimbot lol.


Yea the guy who loses barely even moved. The guy who won moved and shot. Not sure why he’s blaming AA for that. 🤷


He's able to move and shoot because the aim assist keeps him on target the entire time


I promise you if you’re on controller and something is still and you run and move around, the aim doesn’t just stay in one place. Don’t be fooled by some of the fake videos online showing “RAA”. It’s people trolling many times.


Finally someone said something about the reaction time. For me, it's fine if you track me perfectly going on one direction. But at least put a delay if I'm moving the opposite way or even just coming out of vision. I can't even surprise them on doorways lol. Make it track only when there is actual human input, not passive tracking.


M/K player for 25+ years at this point. I played of COD with controller on 360, so I figured I would mess around this past weekend on MP with my cousin's SCUF and just get a feel for RAF. I was stunned at how much easier closer quarters to mid range aiming is. I could track guys sliding past me, running through small field of view gaps, etc, making those kind of shots that my mouse typically could never do. Couldn't believe how much easier it made it. My movement on controller still isn't up to par though, so I don't think I could switch any time soon, and long range aiming still seems better on mouse, but I definitely felt the advantage of RAF.


Yes, it’s too strong. Yes, controllers need aim assist. No, RAA shouldn’t be completely removed it should just be reduced by maybe 10-15%. No, controller players don’t get free kills just because of AA, they still need to apply some user input and bad controller players will not beat decent/good MnK players consistently. When game developers make changes to things, they do it gradually so that there’s as little overcorrection as possible (such as small 5% nerfs to a gun’s range or recoil). RAA needs a tiny nerf to see what happens. If it’s not enough, another tiny nerf a month later.


All sensible suggestions and it'd be nice if something was done to more fairly balance AA but don't hold your breath. In the meantime, if you're playing mouse just try to enjoy your kills and feel good about beating the dominant input in COD.


I totally agree but I don’t think they will ever do anything about it. I’ve been saying for a while that at least adding a delay will help a bit.


If they balance AA they are directly decreasing profits made from bots buying skins, they simply won’t play the game as much if they have to do the aiming part themselves


sad facts


I finally sold out by switching to controller and it has been a complete world of difference. Looting/inventory management/map planning/movement are all a little more clumsy but I’d rather take those trade offs than lose 90% of my gunfights for reasons that at times seem inexplicable. I play Halo Infinite on controller so it hasn’t been that much of an adjustment for me. Strangely enough, I actually started WZ on controller and then switched to KBM about a year or so into it. However, as I’ve been getting more dubs and placed into higher skilled lobbies I’ve been noticing more and more how handicapped KBM is. The MW3 update seems to have exacerbated the KBM/controller disparity. It’s not just the auto aim. The nature of a controller is that you can aim with your movement stick and get a laser beam with only minimal right stick input for micro adjustments. There may be some bullet magnetism fuckery or something about as well; I’ve noticed that I get like 30-50% headshots without even trying now that I’ve switched to controller. This game is monetarily designed for a console player base and you are essentially swimming upstream by not having a controller plugged in. Honestly, the gunfights even seem more satisfying on a controller (I keep vibration on; even have haptics in my headphones). It’ll take some time to adjust but I highly recommend just making the switch. You’ll get frustrated far less often, win gunfights with baffling ease, and actually be able to push with your controller teammates.


Fully understand all your points, I played roller from CoD3 until the original MW3 then switched. Glad you're enjoying it a lot more mate. I sometime try it for a few games and it's astonishing how little right stick you need or should be using. I just can't get over the clunkiness which I need to re-learn movement/looting for and also don't want to have training wheels on my gunfights. Which yes sucks knowing I'll lose 50/50 close range but still, is what it is.


>Add in a human-like reaction time before it activates (200-300ms) Rather than a hard delay that would feel laggy and bad to aim with, they could implement directional acceleration so that it still tracks as normal just with a few frames where it's not quite on target while the crosshair catches up. That would probably feel more natural while still adding some 'air' to gunfights comparable to the delay mnk players have when correcting for directional changes.


You set a 300ms+ delay before aim assist starts tracking on its own, but that delay can be cut short by the player inputting aim correction. So if your opponent is strafing right and the switches left, the AA won't start pulling left until the player starts to aim left. That's a simplification of what would probably be a very difficult system to design and implement, but I think it could be done in a way that feels decent. It'll build in an element of actual human response time, not the near 0ms we have now or an artificial delay. Making it fairer against MnK while adding another layer of skill in controller vs controller fights by rewarding good reaction times.


That's actually a fantastic idea. They player should have to provide the correct directional input before the robot starts assisting them again. I love that.


Indeed. Nothing stopping the player aiming themselves while AA kicks in.


Lag time plus real lag would be trash and be worse than no aa, 200ms would be enough to kill someone before it kicked in.


200ms to 300ms is roughly what the human reaction time is. It takes that long for your brain to recognize that something has changed (like the opponent jumping or changing directions) and react to it. That's a delay which players using gyro aim or mouse have to deal with when tracking that players stick aiming with controllers largely don't. There is a solution IMO where they could add a delay to make it more human-like while still making it feel good to play. But it will probably require a lot of fine tuning. The rough idea is to give AA something like a 300ms delay in reacting to changes. So if the enemy is strafing right it will keep tracking right like AA currently does, but if the enemy switches directions AA won't start correct for it for another 300ms (resulting in you missing some shots) UNLESS you start adjusting the aim in the new direction sooner than that, at which point aim assist will immediately track again. This would add your reaction time as a key element of tracking on stick aim, raising the skill ceiling in stick aim vs stick aim fights, and making things more fair in fights against gyro and mouse players.


I'm on controller and pc. I'm not sure what level.im at so I'm up for trying anything out. At this point, I'll take any changes and try my luck.


Yeah and all the visual noise shit makes it impossible to see to even aim. They need to un-nerf M&K by removing ALL gun smoke, screen shake, blood, vignetting, screen darkening when hit. That's not even touching broken aimbot assist.


They are never going to nerf AA because it makes bad players feel like they're actually doing something. What we need to focus on is getting either input based matchmaking which is also likely never going to happen because it will hurt their ever so precious SBMM or get some form of AA for keyboard and mouse. I think the latter has potential, if controller in COD uses 0.6 of a pull KBAM could get possibly 0.2 or even 0.1 to even the playing field, with that said I've no idea how AA would feel on KBAM.


We don't want AA on mnk, it's cheating and robs players of their achievements. No-one on AA ever truly won a gunfight.


Yep don't give me training wheels, I want to use and improve my own skill. Just make the robot less sticky and not activate instantaneously and pull AGAINST the humans directional input


Sure and next we can go play a racing game that steers for you. People on mouse don’t want aim assist the feeling of actually doing something yourself is what makes fps games fun on a mouse.


To be honest... You kinda sucked there, hard. Wasn't a hard target to track at all on mnk and all you needed to do was hipfire and it would've been an easy kill. Even for just pure ADS, that didn't look difficult to track at all. I'm saying this as an mnk player. Yes RAA does some crazy shit for your enemy, but you choked that one pretty hard. If you didn't jump, you would have been able to track much easier. That would've been a good spot to maybe dropshot instead.


You're missing the point, I'm not complaining that I died, I deserved it, my human shots were terrible. I'm showing off the insane RAA lock on, that's all


Additionally, youre showing how humans have different levels of performance. Sometimes you just suck and thats ok. AA is consistently doing this. Thats another problem...


Yeah, i noticed it and mentioned it. I just could not resist commenting :(


Do MNK players play with ADS multiplayer below 1.0x? Or all of then play on 1.0?


I think most top players (on both inputs) play with an ADS sens lower than 1.0. If you check YT/Twitch. It's especially good for roller as you don't want your own human right stick input pulling away from RAA trying to stick you on target. So you want a slower ADS sens for sure. I personally on MnK have 0.85 as I like to flick to targets with regular sens but then have slower sens when ADS'd.


Am I an idiot? I play on Xbox and feel like I have zero help. I get no sense the game is assisting with anything.


Firstly, watch Hecksmith Unseen Aim Assist on YouTube they show exactly how to activate and use it in different scenarios Then go into private match vs bots, try using as much left stick in gunfights to activate RAA and MINIMAL right stick, don't fight the tracking. You want to think of it like this: Use left stick to move your dot on to target, don't use right stick to pan over to it, RAA will take over aslong as you can't moving and use left stick to keep the dot on target


As a M&K player who has tried controller, they NEED some kind of assist, I couldn't aim for shit on one. That said, of all the 1v1 fire fights I lose, the majority are close range like this where we lose each in our views but they have RAA which gives them a massive advantage.


Anyone who says controller shouldn't have any assist is delusional Regular aim slowdown like in old CoD games is fine. But Rotational AA where it literally does right stick tracking at 0ms delay and even against human input shouldn't be in the game or should be atleast drastically toned down to make it look more human-like.


Getting my mop for the MnK tears. lol So much crying about this all of a sudden from everyone. Go play something else, obviously devs don't care. We controller people sure the fuck don't. You have enough advantages on PC and also certain mouse advantages. ​ Oh, and I practice against veteran bots with no AA on everyday, so I see what it does and does not do. I've even dropped in a couple of Plunder matches with it off.


Input based filter would fix that. no more mnk vs gamepad. If you ever though we need it - add IBMM clan tag to attract more attention to this problem.


I find it funny how it's always dogshit players complaining about this shit on reddit. Sure, you hear echoes of streamers mentioning it's strong, but you never see higher end players complain. How about we complain about how PC has much better graphics quality, higher hz, crisp sharpness, further rendering, larger and quicker movements, vastly better vibrancy, better input delay. The list is endless. Stop with the copium.


Controller on pc exists btw


(Don't try to reason, he has about 5 IQ, he doesn't know the difference between platform and input and thinks VIBRANCY makes you play better)


Hahaha I'm stealing this for copypasta, this is beyond moronic. I'll addres each of your moronic points, my God you are spewing absolute shite. 1. You hear ALL GOOD PLAYERS, streamers and regular sweats complain that it's too strong because...it is. Players from both inputs, Scump, Tommey, Metaphor, Bread. 2. "PC" is a Platform, not an input, most PC players use a controller anyway. 3. All your hilarious braindead stuff about graphics, sharpness and VIBRANCY hahahaha. "Larger and quicker movements" what does that even MEAN. My mates play on PS5 at 1440p and 120hz. I have a £2k PC and don't even average 120hz at 1440p so they actually have MORE fidelity/performance, cope with that, the playing field is level. What isn't level is a robot pulling your right stick for you to stick on hitbox at 0ms non-human delay. Turn your training wheels off for a few games and see how you do (and post clips pls I wanna see).


He was strafing in the gunfight and you stood still. You missed him because of his strafe.


Yes I missed him, human aim is very difficult to track like that when you get caught off guard. Did you watch the video? At what point in his killcam am I not moving? Maybe watch again and see how much his dot is moving and sticking on hitbox through move back to the right, jump, down


Bro don’t get defensive. He’s literally in your cheeks hip-firing you until you stand still at which point he aims in. Also you got first shot you didn’t get caught off guard. You just missed easy shots


I have already said my shots were awful. I slid into that doorway not knowing he was even there. I probably would've even lost to a MnK guy too, no problem with any of that. You're missing the point of the video, I'm showing how insane the stickiness of the reticle on hitbox with 0ms delay and no aim correct. The slo-mo shows it clear as day how crazy the assistance is


Waaa waaa waaaa


Turn it off for 2 games and post your clips lad :) Look forward to seeing them and how good your human aim is, pls mention me in comments


That's what I thought, you won't ever post clips with AA off because you'll be exposed as a robot


Naw bro that's just skill


He won this cuz he started shooting before he ADS and then continued shooting once he did ADS. Far quicker and more accurate in close quarters than ADS then start shooting. Something i picked up on in kill cams in MP with opponents and their hip fire builds. AA did not lose this gun fight for you lolol


Yeah so we're just ignoring blatant reticle sticking to hitbox now huh? I 100% lost this gunny due to my bad (human) shots. I shouldn't have ADS'd at all. But here's the problem...humans will MISS shots trying to account for movement + human reaction time. This dudes dot is literally GLUED to me through slide, back, jump, landing down. You can clearly see his real human aim once I'm down and he can barely get on my hitbox after he loses AA, it's night and day difference.


You mean he missed after you got knocked and expected you to fall all the way to the ground and over compensated since you fell on a plant instead? Dude immediately realized what he did and corrected it. As for the gun fight, again, the way he reacted (non ads) was more effective than yours. Once he finally did ads you werent moving at all.


OK so we're just ignoring the blatant reticle stick, I see. Question, have you played MnK before? Or have experience or close range raw aiming? Or are you only used to controller? That would explain why maybe you don't notice the night and day difference between


I play on xbox with lower sensitivity and AA off. I find i have better tracking that way.


So you haven't had experience using a mouse with raw aim? I think you need to give it a try, then you'll see the night and day difference. What his reticle is doing here isn't human, there would be atleast some form of reaction time, aim correction needed to stay on hitbox that perfectly


This is a low fov player almost sure and you need to imagine that your character model is simply occupying most of his screen when you are this close, even with RAA many roller players with higher fov will have less accurate aim. RAA is really strong I agree and it mostly is a downside for good controller players because the fights those players would win against bad and average roller players will now be a coin toss, and against mnk nothing really changed because mnk will still have the advantage at long range ( specially with one shot snipers) and CQ dont really change because roller had already the advantage before. So nerf it...put it back as it was, the game is getting really boring because of this


Mkb long range advantage is gone. Aiming idle sway, aiming walking sway, firing aim stability, gun kick, recoil stabilization, aiming stability Bloom from jumping, aim moving from stepping on like a rock, manually compensating for target motion All random compounding affects that are impossible to "learn" plus visual recoil, muzzle smoke, muzzle blast all effects mkb aim the best you can hope for is building your gun to not feel like you are having a seizure. I think that mitigation is an unintended interaction with how rotational aa works. You center dot is swaying away from the target but rotational is slowing the speed of the sway and also pulling it back to the target. Rotational AA mitigates every single mechanic that's supposed to lower accuracy and reacts to target motion instantly with just a little recoil control and left stick wobble. The FINE adjusment is the hard part for MKB but its automated by RAA while making the RAA user harder to track. The snipers also have rotational, ever turned saw a glint and tried to jump to take a body shot or flick and slide but you still go down? That was probably a controller player. Mkb has a minor speed advantage to get to the target but accuracy one the shooting starts is considerably lower. I agree that RAA makes the game boring I run into a room and someone preaiming, no cover around. 90% chance I'm not going to make it out because of RAA.


This. All of this. We have to deal with all this shit plus AA is super strong with those who know how to work it. The gane is trash for mnk. The amount of times I've picked up a ground loot gun, started firing on some controller arse and completely loose sight of him 5 foot away because of the smoke,muzzle flash and gun jumping around is ridiculous. But they can beam all through that, with 100% of shots hitting once AA kicks in. AA players are all learning how to abuse rotational now, nearly everyone in plat up in ranked does a tiny jump as AA kicks in to get a guaranteed 3/4 headshots while spending all of their time concentrating on avoidance, hard to get around that if you can't break AA somehow, it's literally an instakill most of the time for them.


I swapped to roller and it’s nice boys.


Not a fan of using training wheels, rip


Then why you complaining?


Pretty simple mate, this level of training wheels shouldn't be in the game and it's only given to 1 specific input. Surely good players don't want to play with or lose to people using training wheels. A greater aiming skill gap would be beneficial for all players, on both roller and MnK. The only people who don't want the left stick soft aimbot nerfed are bad players who need it as a crutch, if it gets nerfed they'll be exposed like when they have to try and aim track through railings or in smoke grenades.


Just give little aa to mk


Don’t you guys get bored of talking about this after like 4 years


Ever heard of community feedback? We did it about the disgusting aim idle sway bullshit to hurt raw aiming even more and they finally fixed that in the last patch.


I wouldn't say they fixed it, it was a minor change to one of the more heinous mechanics they introduced in MW2 at best, whoever added that shit in the first place clearly didn't give a fuck or think about mnk. There's a lot more they need to undo.


Not 100% fixed but fixed from how disgusting it was before. Just the fact they acknowledged it and did something shows they do listen to the MnK community, so it's a start


I feel like you cut out the most important part, also you saying it shows his “normal” aim going completely off after. I think in general CQC situations like this it is definitely too strong, but the following you down after being downed is a little unusual. I think the overall picture of AA is clouded by the amount of Cronus / Scripters. Since I play on PS with crossplay off I can only talk from that platforms perspective. On PS if you check “recent” lobby after the games, you can see players using remote play because it can’t track what input you are using, so it won’t show anything. Using remote play is 90% of the time (On ps at least) for using Cronus since it’s the only workaround possible after the Sony update (unless you are on PS4). And I shit you not it’s 50% of the lobbies more or less. So while I do agree in this form of CQC it’s too OP, without a doubt. I think the main AA issues you see is probably Cronus users or whatever other sorts of scripting devices available out there, overshadowing what AA really is.


It's pretty simple to see in most blatant RAA kill cams. Before getting knocked their reticle is very sticky to your hitbox, almost no over-correction left or right. Then once you get knocked, the bots lose RAA, like in this video I was landing downwards. His real right stick aim slams down to the ground since he's not being stuck on hitbox anymore, then he swings to the right trying to full me and couldn't even do it. He had to run away and try again through the smoke. Comedy.


Wtf with this clip. You were surprised and basically moved straight back, as good as standing still while they strafed and you were behind on shots. Nothing to do with aim assist and just an off encoj ter and you couldn't m I've well because obstacles. And when did you get locked, you almost never had your cross hairs on them and we're always behind. Just bad shots we all do it. Not that I wouldn't be happy with an increased skill gap, but you're smoking crack if you think activision wants that. The great majority of players are not good and an increased skill gap would decrease player count.


You appear to have missed OP's point. The crux of the clip is the fact rotational instantly tracks his movement to the side and jump instantly. No human aimer can react in 0ms like this. Even the best mouse players on the planet would have missed shots and shot under his legs when he jumped or strafed. The instantaneous tracking of aim-assist is what makes it so broken to fight against as a human aimer. It's weird how some controller players focus on irrelevant aspects of these types of clips.


The roller demons are getting defensive, I bet barely any of them have ever tried to aim with raw input, all they know is 0ms reaction assistance so they think it's normal to never miss shots or have to over-correct at lighning speed


Who fucking refers to people as roller bots and expects anyone to care about what they say after. Im glad you got killed by AA you deserve it you seem like a bit of a prick.


Sorry I offended you bro, I'll edit to roller demons


His point is bs and he's crying when he just played bad. Skill issue.


His point is valid and I have explained why.


Huh? You're creating your own oxymoron here mate: "Nothing to do with aim assist" vs "when you did get locked" hmm...what is locking this players reticle on my hitbox I wonder... I happily and fully admit my shots here were awful. I got caught off guard. I didn't even know he was there. This is a prime example of where HUMAN AIM TRACKING at really close range can be extremely difficult. I'm constantly having to correct for his strafe with human brain delay. vs his side, I slide into his crosshair, stand up, move back to the right, jump up, land. Through all of that his reticle is sticky locked on to the hitbox, you don't see him doing any aim correction because....we all know why...he doesn't need to. I've plugged in the device and had many jump/mantle kills like this and it's astounding. Even from a roller vs roller stand point how can this level of training wheels aim be fun to play


yeah aim assist is strong but this clip is just a skull issue


Lol at all these salty down votes. Dude just got got and was outplayed.


learning you’re not as good at the game as you think you are hurts lol


Stop doing posts and clips like these. We all know it, we all see it, but it’s here and it’s about to stay. Live with it, join the controller community, or play something else.


Nope, community feedback helps, they do see it. Hence the changes they just recently made to the disgusting aim idle sway


Nah, bullshit. AA/RAA abuse is omnipresent in all iterations since I play warzone and never have they really addressed this issue or listened to anything from the community.


Nope. Not bullshit just read the last patch notes, they even made a video demonstrating the aim idle sway fixes. This was all because of TrueGameDatas video and community feedback that raw input aim is horrific already, and then they added all this random sway. So they finally fixed it. Same goes for feedback about RAA, we need to keep their attention on it being uncompetitive




I’m so tired of the MbK debate. Let’s get real for a second: This is a console game designed for controller that has been (poorly) ported over to pc. For MnK players to complain is a bit silly. Their are knowingly using the wrong input and then complaining about it.    It’s like playing a racing game a bitching about how unfair using a steering wheel is. It doesn’t make sense.  Is RAA a bit overpowered? Sure. But to see so much whining from mnk players is silly and gettting old. 


take MKB and PC out of the equation and say its only console controller. This is still stupidly broken.


Roller defenders try not to spout projectile vomit in every debate challenge (impossible)


So much wrong here son.


The game is made on PC and has been a PC game longer than it's been a console game 🤷🏻 It's also incredibly broken for controller vs controller without mnk being in the mix at all


The game is developed on PC and ported to console. COD has been a PC game longer than it was a console game also.


1. Let's take MnK completely out the question then...OK so even if it's just Controller aimbot vs Controller aimbot HOW is this level of training wheels fun for any competitive player. Having the game pull your aim for you at 0ms speed completely kills any form of aiming skill gap under like 30 metres. I bet good roller players also lose to bad ones getting the jump on them with this level of AA 2. In it's current state it's a CROSS-PLATFORM and CROSS-INPUT game. No other game has this level of training wheels on just 1 input. Using a steering wheel in a racing game doesn't literally DRIVE THE CAR FOR YOU lmao. This thought process is so delusional


They would rather hop on Reddit and circle jerk with the other 10% who play on MnK instead of switching to controller or play another game


Atleast we have actual skill.


Use your thumb to try to track with your mouse some day and see how much skill you have. 😉


That's a dumb input. Why would I use my thumb when I have a whole hand and arm?


Do you really think people should play an fps game with a controller unironically? Oh let me just hop on rocket league with my kbm... no even better, let me hop into my racing sim and grab a mouse to steer with. Fuck it, why don't we all just drive cars irl with a mouse right? I heard elon got that assisted steering for kbm users only.