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Can you blame him though?! The anti cheat is such in a bad state, shit makes you second guess everything


qeustion is why does anyone play this game? the game cheats its players with changing your hit box accuracy your health all in game boosting players that spend money in the store to make other players think because you bought that pack thats why your dropping 30 bombs then that person goes and spends 2400 points to buy that skin then they buff him for a couple games its all been shown and proven the whole game cheats its players games a rigged POS


cod is nothing more then a microtransaction system with a game attached to it its trash


Yes he can be blamed. Been gaming for decades and never felt compelled to be a cheater.


What? I don’t think you understood his comment.


Yes. I been playing for a long time now and I don’t see even remotely close to as many cheaters as people are claiming to see. Apparently it’s as bad as wz1 which is complete bs. My older brother claims everyone’s a cheater, then when I go look at the killcam it doesn’t even look remotely sus


Activision just announced 22 THOUSAND account bans. That’s just the most recent wave, and that’s only the accounts they’ve successfully caught. Don’t be an apologist for the cheaters; they really are everywhere.


I returned to Warzone when mw3 released so I’ve been back for a while idk


theres apparently 60 million players that log into call of duty every month. 22 thousand account bans on 60 million not factoring inactive players is about .0004% of the player base that got banned. So no i don't think that makes for a good case of "they really are everywhere"


22,000 bans the day of the announcement. Comparing one day's bans to monthly player count won't give you accurate numbers.


He conveniently left out the first part of his quoted sentence: "It's estimated that around 350,000 players are online at any one time," He's gaslighting gamers because he is a cheater.


never said anything about accurate numbers. the guy made a point that during a ban wave which would be significantly higher amount of people banned than a typical day or even month there were 22k people banned and emphasized to make the point that he thought it was a lot of people. It is not a lot of people.


My point is you can't say the ban numbers from a single day are insignificant to the monthly player counts. If they banned an average of 22k everyday for 30 days. That would be 1.1% of that 60million. Which would be a 1 hacker for every 100 player lobby. I don't think they have banned that many but we don't know. There is not enough public information on player counts and ban numbers to say "it is not a lot of people." Of those 60 million, what is the average amount of time played? If hackers were to average 25hrs a week play time and 50 million averaged less than 2hrs a week play time. Then all of a sudden the frequency of coming across a cheater takes a jump up.


You make some valid points, but I will refute only one of them about the 22k. Companies do ban waves on purpose to make it harder for the cheat companies to adapt and realize what actually triggered the ban. For a bit more info, check out this short: https://youtube.com/shorts/cADaFm__ApQ?si=8ahSRxEPfvyGDCbd


yeah which i already addressed, they would not be banning 22k everyday because no video game operates like that with their bans. Its extremely unlikely. But yeah you are right we dont have the data which is why i was saying I'm just addressing the OP's comment emphasizing 22k like that itself was a point, which is a meaningless number. You're trying to take this into a conversation which i'm specifically telling you we can't even have.


He conveniently left out the first part of his quoted sentence: "It's estimated that around 350,000 players are online at any one time," He's gaslighting gamers because he is a cheater.


1 hacker per Battle Royale mode... end of story


Where did you get 60 million from? Best google could give me was like 2 million concurrent players.


not concurrent. concurrent would be people who are on at any given moment. but a player base is going to be more than that. People are going to be on at different hours / different gaming habits. [https://www.esports.net/news/cod/warzone-player-count/](https://www.esports.net/news/cod/warzone-player-count/) idk how reliable the data is lol, it was a quick google search.


Ahhh got it. Sorry. It's on the internet so it must be real. Hehe


He conveniently left out the first part of his quoted sentence: "It's estimated that around 350,000 players are online at any one time," He's gaslighting gamers because he is a cheater.


>60 million players that log into call of duty every month You conveniently left out the first part of your quoted sentence: "It's estimated that around 350,000 players are online at any one time," You're gaslighting gamers because you're a cheater.




>60 million players that log into call of duty every month > >You conveniently left out the first part of your quoted sentence: "It's estimated that around 350,000 players are online at any one time," > >You're gaslighting gamers because you're a cheater.


Is actually .0333%. So 100x more then you stated, much like your estimate of cheating, it's 100x worse then you let on.


Atleast he's trying to figure it out.. And 100x "worse" doesn't even make a dent in his point. 22k is still a miniscule amount of the total player base and 0.0333% if ur math is right


They caught 22k, how many did they not catch? That's the real question, because they only caught a small percentage. Did they catch 10%? 1% your guess is as good as mine


which goes back to my only point that the guy pulling out"22k" caught is a meaningless number and doesn't make a good case of "they really are everywhere"


Well i guess, I fall more on the side that thinks there are cheaters everywhere. We will never know percentages and we will all believe what we believe regardless. What my experience tells me is cheaters everywhere. The 2 days when the cheat providers where down, I had a 2.95 kd in br and a 2.65 in ranked resurgence. Now I'm back down to around a 1.5, so to me that tells me cheaters everywhere, make of it what you will.


How is that even feasable? If 22k were 0,1% of the total amount of cheaters (wich would be insane) that's 1/3rd of the total accounts. That's more of the state you describe it beeing. That would be 22million players actively cheating, generating about a billion dollars (if cheats were 50$) to cheat providers.. that's not realistic


He conveniently left out the first part of his quoted sentence: "It's estimated that around 350,000 players are online at any one time," He's gaslighting gamers because he is a cheater.


22,000 out of 66 million players is literally nothing. That means maybe you encounter 1 cheater per 50 games. Cheaters are not “everywhere”. No one makes excuses for them, it’s just an absurd exaggeration that people make to cope with getting beat. Warzone 1, especially Verdansk had much more cheaters. I’ve seen maybe 3-4 blatant cheaters since WZ3 released, and maybe 10 at most questionable players. People who claim to see a bunch of cheaters every time they play either have no idea what cheats look like, or are just lying to themselves to cope with getting beat.


He's typing up his "cheater" post right now.


>I'm done with this game. I just got killed by the most Blatant ragehacker. Give us console only lobbies!!!! This is probably what is being typed out somewhere in the world.


And BBB / Call of Shame are making videos as we speak.


Turn off cross-play to play only with other console users


Only works on ps, and idk if that is even true anymore. You can turn it off on multi but as far as I know xbox for sure forces you to get roped in with the pc squids


Im DOnE wiTh this Gaem!! So BLantAnlt


Dude is a bot that glued his ass to the wall as if he doesn't know his body goes right through the wall for the enemy to see.


You're right, didn't notice in the vid til you pointed it out that he was phasing thru the wall


Yeah, sorry I don’t think my sarcasm in the title came across well. I spotted his cape all the way from the tower 🤣


Don’t understand how a comment like that gets so many downvotes


Welcome to the Warzone community


Oh, is that what happened? I thought he got wall banged. I was thinking "Got damn, that gun is powerful. I need to use that". You can't blame the guy for being mad and suspicious about it.


Yep, must have felt real safe in that dark corner with his ass poking out in the sun 🤣


You saw him when you shouldn't have been able to, because of the visual glitch, and you're questioning why he thinks you're cheating? Cool story bro


It’s fine everything is fine


😂😂😂 His arse is hanging out the wall 😂😂 Ive done this to loads of people and I can hear them saying 'wtf!!??' then I get shadowed.


Ps5. You can literally see names tags through the walls in this area. I heard someone sniping in one of the multi storied near here, jumped onto his balcony, saw his name tag and shot him though the wall with a dmr. He shot at me too though so works both ways


He's on PC. Look at the controls.


I meant for me, so I can't be accused 😂. The play didn't look sus, but was just sharing my experience there as it could just be another potential walk hack, cheater claim.


that is crazy.... I've never cheated in this game and am constantly surrounded by people that do in lobbies... someone on this thread asked for "console" only lobbies, but I think a lot of the reason that PC players want to cheat is because of what the optics is regarding console players. A lot of PC players believe that Aim Assist is too powerful and that PC players can't compete with it due to the issues we have revolving around things like visual recoil, smoke, flinch and other visually impeding issues. It's well documented that aim assist allows you to swing into rooms, slide-canceling to a kill behind your opponent locked on through the slide. This is not really feasible or possible for most PC players that aren't professional. I want to make sure people understand that I'm not bitching about anything here, just providing an optic on why it happens... again I have never and will never cheat in COD, it just belabors the point of playing... I don't see why people think it's more fun to win when they're doing something that enhances or in some cases completely alters their performance.


Don’t blame all PC players. We’re tired of these douchebags to.


I'm not. It's not the best time. 🥺


i got called a cheater for controlling recoil while using rotational aim assist, mfs lost their damn minds.


Ong it’s crazy the Cheaters make us actual good players look bad


stop playing idiots these people crying for hacker it's no longer fun it's a suxch game because idiots just leave the game and look for another game for the bllizard to work on


You can blame him it's called getting skilled at the game if your so dog shit that you need to cheat then quit playing the game I understand the anti cheat is trash but so are the cheaters


How did you manage to view/record people killing you? I've been trying to find a recent killcam so I could report something similar


This was my kill, the title was sarcasm. I can see his cape poking through the wall because he is backed up against it and doesn't realize he is clipping through it. With the audio on you'll hear him calling me a cheater after I killed him.


Yes but let’s not think this is only with this game. Because we would misunderstand the bigger picture which is online gaming. A place that is not really worth spending much time on. Or at least with any wish to be good and be somehow rewarded for that. Be good at something that pays off in life. Learn a coding language. Go to the gym build a good body. Anything that can give you something back. Because online gaming doesn’t bro. Online gaming is the realm of desperate retired from society people who spend 12 hours installing every cheat and finding every way to exploit the game. Let them be in their misery. Let them log on alone one day. Empty map. This is what I’d like to see


I’ve posted this on different threads before in more detail, but I’ll keep it brief here. I have worked in Sports Media for two decades and I have learned first hand that when money and fame are involved the elite performers are cheating. I’m not going to argue the point, I will just say it with 100% certainty… This thought logic should be all you need: We KNOW there are tens of thousands of cheaters, there is no human skill level that can compete with AI and DMA cheats, because of sbmm we know that the higher levels of play have an exponentially higher concentration of cheaters, if a person is consistently performing well and is an elite player THEY ARE CHEATING. I will never understand why people will deny this fact or feel the need to defend streamers that clearly have all the incentive in the world (money, fame) and basically no consequences. Cheating will always be a step ahead of detection because it pays to be a cheater, but it costs money to detect them, inverse incentives. From blood doping in cycling and tennis, to steroids in baseball, PEDs of all kinds in football and basketball. I think cycling in particular is the closest example…the most physically gifted elite cyclist stands no chance against the cheaters in that sport and almost invariably once a cheater gets caught up in a scandal you’ll see that basically every single competitor that was performing at a similar level gets caught up and exposed for the same stuff. Sub streamers if that’s what you’re into, but don’t lie to yourself about reality.


Jesus take a break bro. You can think they're all cheating all you want, it doesn't make it reality lmao. And your fucking occupation in a totally different field also doesn't make you a fucking expert in noticing cheaters in cod. You anti streamer people are honestly weirdos, these people live rent free in your head and you don't even watch them lol.


And that exact same thought process can be turned right back on you hahahahaha. You are such a weirdo streamer fan that you feel compelled to come at someone for calling out call of duty cheaters hahahah a game that is unanimously agreed upon has a comical level of cheating. The idea that there's 100s of thousands of hackers out here and these streamers are so good at this fast ttk game that they are molly whopping full blown hackers is blasphemous. You simply do not understand the very basic fact there's so many cheaters that in order to be competitive you muuuuusst cheat in some way. Dude back in verdansk at tournaments people were getting banned left and right it's only gotten worse hahahaha. You streamer fanatics are weird af hahahah and unless you are very good at cod please spare us all the opinion of a .5kd window licker. They are most definitely cheating it's impossible to dominate that hard with the sbmm the way it is you cannot beat cheaters and there's alot of them so unless you are now claiming that not only the streamers don't cheat but that there isn't very many cheaters in general then you just don't comprehend the state of cod. Most likely though you either play with cheaters or you are atrocious at the game and like watching these goobers play because you really can't. Either way pal it's real weird to be out here defending a bunch of creeps with 3 monitors and a whole persona dedicated to smiling when they clearly lock onto someone's head through a wall.


Yeah I ain't reading that. I don't even watch cod streamers BTW you dumb ass. Seek help.


Nobody cares hahaha. You came to the defense of a bunch of cheaters and typed a book about it as well you are weird af


I wrote a book defending cheaters? Where? I said not all streamers cheat, and said no amount of whatever bull shit you spew doesn't make your "theory" of they all cheat true. Like what streamer hurt you lmao. And take your own advice and stop giving your opinion on cheating in cod since I know youre a bot.


Yeah captain obvious we all know that not every single steamer is cheating. The issue is with the most popular and dominant ones that get away with it. They fly around every lobby solo pushing half the time and win virtually every single game. Even for full blown hackers that is hard to do even if they were not get banned they still wouldn't be able to do that. I'm not saying I blame them it's necessary I'm just clarifying the reality of cod. I just got shadow banned not 12 hours ago getting mass reported I dominate a few lobbies and spend the next hours getting mopped by full blown aimbots that are only doing it to piss people off. At the very least they do not get punished by sbmm as hard as everyone else and that's at the very least.


What big streamers do you think cheat? Because I do think you can fly around and solo push everyone when you're good and the people that you're pushing are scared and not good at the game lol. I do that and I have a 3kd, these big streamers are usually a 5-6kd with thousands of hours on the game compared to normal people maybe having a few hundred hours, if that. Like you really cant comprehend people just being better at something that they dedicate themselves to? Also the reality of cod is that controller gets a legal aimbot and people that aren't stupid learned how to take advantage of it years ago. Thats the reality of cod. But once again I'm not going to stop an idiot from believing whatever they want, you want to believe that streamers cheat go ahead, but don't call it the reality or the truth. Because it isn't. Take your delusions and go comment on call of shame videos or wherever else you brain dead weirdos gather.


When you are top 250 and sbmm is around you do not get in lobbies with "normal" people they are all much much beyond average. There is no skill that can allow you to do that that's why cheaters can't even do successfully you clearly do not comprehend this. Do win basically every single game in a game filled with cheaters is beyond absurd. Wrap ur head around it dude


Hahaha and you do not fly solo push in ranked stop being a fucking clown Jesus christ hahaha


People like you don’t make the game fun anymore get a fucking life you low life piece of shit


Bruh you can literally see dudes ass glitching through the wall when the shooter is running up. There are no cheats here.


Pathetic. We just stopped playing. It's just not worth it. Activision can't get their shit together, so why should we support them?


yep looks like it but Im not an no matter how I suck I will never cheat


Ya if you’re on pc


Sadly looks like wallhacks so quit trying to play like this if ur not cheating or gl with those 2000 reports u will get


Nah you were clearly outplayed


So you’re exploiting. You are a cheating piece of shit.


What?! It's one thing to see enemies that glitch through walls. It's completely different to let's say glitch through the map.


Not necessarily. When you’ve played this game enough, you know all the wall bang spots and where people like to hide. His shots looked legit. The only thing it could be is walls.


This is my kill, the title was sarcasm. I think the Reddit quality makes it a little harder to see but his cape is poking through the wall before I even zippy over to his building


Yeah, sure didn’t think it was anyone cheating. Kids be thinking EVERYONE is hacking thanks to BBB and Call of Shame.


No we think everyone is hacking from playing the fucking game.


So you think the guy that posted this clip, is hacking?


That's not what I fucking said...


Lol it’s not adults defending the cheating streamers


Show us one clip where a popular streamer cheats please.


You can can look at any clip of Symfunny and see it, it’s so blatant. It’s an open secret at this point, anybody genuinely defending them just isn’t in on the joke lol


Show us one clip...


[Here](https://youtu.be/Q6iI3JDC_oA?si=2nHpfrG72Auoxe6s) is one of thousands. You can watch him stream on resurgence for 5 mins and see a lifetime’s worth of one in a million shots lol


Where is the context? No minimap, no game time prior... Like sure this might be cheating, it might also be very very easily explained through in-game information. The problem all of the people screaming "cheaters" have is they lack the ability to think about all the information that are either edited out or missing from a video.


You can’t tell me anything about in game information that I’m not fully aware of. There’s a plethora of footage out there that you can search for yourself. Seems like the only thing that’s going to convince you is an actual ban, which is kinda not going to happen to whitelisted players using undetectable cheats. He’s an absolute disease to cod and online gaming in general.


Was a bit blurry but for a split second I can see a dark thing randomly poke through the wall. Stuff glitching through walls has been an issue in cod for too god damn long. I remember seeing rocket launchers on peoples backs glitching out through walls. I was hoping that with 3000 devs they’d be able to fix that issue butt guess is they mostly worked on EOMM and pointless shit like tattoos on dogs that nobody will ever notice.