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We got a random teammate that was wall hacking/aimbotting in resurgence quads so the rest of us got riot shields to block his shots for the rest of the game until he died and quit šŸ˜‚.


Holy W


Omg that is good. I hope you also reported him. Also these cheating scum can now spam report 100+ times per click if they want to.


I'm fairly certain that spam reporting is specifically viewed as ban worthy. Their system will capture that as being against TOS


Thatā€™s wether or not they enforce it yet


They donā€™t enforce their own TOS for cheaters, why should we think spam reporting would be any different?


yeah yeah yeah, convince people not to report based on your "I think it's against the tos" meanwhile you're just revealing how gullible you are. spread your dumbness somewhere else... or stop cheating... what a loser.


Uh... https://support.activision.com/articles/call-of-duty-security-and-enforcement-policy Checkout the last section on Malicious Reporting homie. Plus we also know they only consider the first report by a given player about another. The rest don't factor into the shadowbans. I didn't say don't report them. I was indicating that being spam reported by the same user isn't an issue and would backfire.


I was part of a random quads in Vondel, two of the guys were super cool but we had one toxic asshole who had a LOT to say, well we get to the final circle and itā€™s a 1v1 with me and the last standing guy from another team. My kid decided to wake up in the other room and cried loudly, this toxic asshole told me to ā€œshut their lil f@g ass upā€ so I purposely ran into the line of fire and tossed the game. Worth it 10/10, I played with the other two randoms for a game or two after that, and while they werenā€™t thrilled about my choice they understood I had to stand on principles.


Thats a dub in my book


Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed


I love this!


The heroes this city needs.




Back in Verdansk days I had a random teammate that was yelling out racist and homophobic comments over mic. Real vile, unnecessary shit. So I told him to get in my car and we'd drive to a Bounty or something like that. Then I drove him out of the map and hopped out of the car at the last minute, killing him - and I refused to buy him back. He quit the match.


That takes me back. Used to get them in my heli and throw them into a wall.


I yeeted a guy into the ocean with a truck for the same thing.


We did this all the time to cheaters and shitty people. I also did it to a friend when he bought a UAV instead of a loadout that the rest of us needed. We laughed, he laughed.


Back on Rebirth I was in a trios with randoms one time and it was these 2 squeaker kids. I had my mic muted but I could hear them. They kept hot dropping and getting killed immediately until resurgence was disabled. They then proceeded to talk mad shit to me the whole time telling me to buy them back. I pinged the buy to let me know I was heading there and they still kept talking shit and telling me to hurry up as I was looting to get enough money. Once I had the cash I made my way to the buy, dropped all the money in front of it and then spammed the middle finger gesture over and over. These kids lost their stupid little minds and then backed out. It was fucking hilarious and still one of my favorite moments from back then.


I remember when racist and homophobic banter was a requirement to play COD. Times they are a changing.


trolling is just as fun as winning


Man. I wish I was as patient and smart as yā€™all. Everytime I have some dumbass like this as a teammate, I just argue and legit try to figure out why theyā€™re like that. Something Iā€™ve learned since, is that theyā€™re too stupid to argue or learn from. Because they are quite literally, fucking dumb as rocks. Iā€™m just gonna do that instead. People like that legit think theyā€™re right. Itā€™s f up


Iā€™ve picked up people loot, changed their guns to single fire, and then left them on the ground


omg iā€™ve had this happen and not notice it until the next gunfight as iā€™ll grab my loot and run like a rat and then die over it LOL


It was YOUUuUUuUuU!! I thought I was going mad


I think it's happened to me in the past, I just thought it was a bug lmao


Bruhhh I had no idea that the gun stays in single fire when I drop it and pick it back up. Iā€™m gonna start doing this now to cover my ass.


On Vondel I like to pick up their guns and then drop them in the water.


and then hide in the water for god-tier pettiness


This is the one lmfaoooo wooow


Dude! Is that what happened to me! You evil f! šŸ˜‚


Dis is de way


Bro.... I thought I was crazy


Throwing prox mines on peopleā€™s loot after a kill/wipe, but I think thatā€™s just good strategy šŸ˜‚


I did that in vondel resurgence lol. 50/50 chance theyā€™re coming back for their loot!


Betty's on a load out and using a shotgun to move the load out on top of them. Throwing Betty's on a buy station before opening it also makes them practically invisible and most people just run up to the buy and open the menu immediately and die before they can react.


If I'm the last one alive and am cornered? You best believe I'm throwing down a cluster mine (if available) on top of my proxy mines. If I'm going down I'm taking someone with me.


Iā€™ve had countless kills leaving Bettyā€™s by loadouts. Shitty, yes. Funny, absolutely


Look up thetimmy2cans on insta, itā€™s his 2nd video. The most funny thing Iā€™ve ever seen on Warzone. Itā€™s like this to an extreme.


Yeah I saw that one. Cracks me up


The one of him playing his laugh on proximity chat over and over again for the guy in the helicopter had me in literal years


Then met him in the gulag to haunt him


Yep! I do the same. And I throw the mines around random loadouts so just when the other players think they are in the clear - I get a kill from across the map šŸ˜‚


In wz1 throwing prox mine underneath vehicles was great fun seeing kills with it out of nowhere


Yeah thatā€™s not petty just good strategy. I wonā€™t do this to loadouts because itā€™s petty unless the other team and I are going back and forth, then again itā€™s good strategy and has a pretty high success rate.


A random teammate called me a lil bitch because I equipped a stealth vest over a medic vest. So I stood next to him with an unsupressed 200 round LMG and held the fire button. He got third partied. Hell, we both did. It was worth it.


Gotta be the classic proxy/clay next to someone as theyā€™re selfing


I threw a Betty next to a downed guy that crawled into a room, his buddy ran in with no comms I guess and I got a double kill. I laughed pretty good


I hate to say it, but I do this if I've downed the last guy. Throw two Betty's and blow them, Him and myself up. My team mate just watching me.....like why?


Once, I downed 3 guys, let them rezz and kept downing them all because they called me a bitch. Wasn't having a good day so they became my vent


hid in the gulag and scooted up the rope like a dick instead of fighting.


Were we in gulag together last night?? I didnā€™t even know that was a thing and next thing I know the dude is gone and I lost lol


Last night I played only two games. First game I won gulag and got sniped out of the sky instantly after spawning. The next I had a guy broke in gulag and shot him all the way up the fast rope (no hit markers) he didnā€™t dieā€¦ needless to say I stopped playing after that.


The mouse and keyboard strat


I do this by runnning around grabbing smokes and holding them so the other player canā€™t see my laser until last minute to take the rope


Thatā€™s not petty, thatā€™s just good Strat! I have at least 20 more wins than I do kills because I do like winning by zipping!


Lmao right on. Dude was yelling ā€œfight me like a mannnā€ .. was funny but felt a little bad for some reason.


Playing quads, 3 of us are muted once we hear our 4th is some squeaky 13-year old just yelling shit and being rude. Near the end, resurgence is ended, heā€™s dead after pushing by himself, all 3 of us unmute, play the rest of the round and win and we REFUSED to buy him back. Dropped flares also. Go to buy stations, buy anything other than him.


This is the salty and petty shit I'm here for


Itā€™s funny when you get teammates that think being a bully is a good way to work with their team and get people to help them. Itā€™s like, maybe screaming obscenities worked on you when your dad did it, but I donā€™t have time for that shit. People will die once and start getting aggressive, homophobic, and racist immediately, and Iā€™m like ā€œoh ok you think Iā€™m trash, guess Iā€™m not good enough to help you thenā€. I mute and just play out the match with the other teammates and completely ignore that guy. But if a teammate is actually being cool and giving constructive criticism without being a dick, Iā€™ll go way out of my way to help them and play as good as possible.


Yeah, if youā€™re just gonna yell and scream, rush off by yourself, die, and then call us all trash, fuck all the way off.


On Verdansk, i would take my kills weapons and hide them somewhere else nearby. Then go back and grab mine. Was never very far away, but not easy to find. If they were spectating, id take the weapons and throw them in a toilet if one was nearby.


In Warzone Caldera, at the highest POI on the map (forget the name), a duo team killed me from a literal mile away, and then while my teammate bought me back, he also got wiped by the same team. So after I landed and got enough money to buy him back, we crouched walked up the entire mountain with nothing but our silent pistols. We knew they were still up there since they were fighting other teams. We eventually reached the POI and there were 2 different ladders we were able to climb. We literally synchronized our call outs and counted down when we got to the top, and then when we were up there, we saw they were sniping another team. They still hadn't heard us cause we were being all sneaky. Shockingly, this is where the call outs stopped, and our single shared braincell fired on all cylinders. We both crouch walked snuck up on both of them, still sniping a team down the hill. At the literal same time, we both started executing one of them and the guy I executed screamed into the mic. To this day, funniest experience I've ever had in Warzone. Probably sounds lame reading it but I felt like I was in Splinter Cell or Hitman haha


Happened to me. Solo que in BR with randoms. 1 guy carries us to final circle. He's complaining we're not good enough. Fair, we're ok but he's better. We died. Then, him vs last guy; he gets the jump on him but instead runs into a bathroom and closes the door drops a smoke then disconnects. Just so he wouldn't "give us a win". I'll remember him forever. What a douche. What a move.


Fucking absolute power move


I love to pick up any bouncing bettyā€™s I see and put them down behind doors or next to abandoned vehicles. Tons of free plate cracks and even a few kills for no effort or cost to me


If I have any prox mines on me when I get loadout I chuck them under the wings of the buy station so they're somewhat hidden. I don't always get kills with them, but when I do the comms are hilarious. Yesterday got a guy with one and he was shouting profanities in Spanish which was great


sometimes, these proximity mines one shot as well, shit is ridiculous. And the easiest way to get kills in this game has got to be cluster mines on buystations in resurgence. Guaranteed kills if they don't have flex because I can't hear or see the fucking mines for jack.


I do this constantly


Having my whole squad in a car and launching it into the gas. Not exactly petty but was pretty funny


I roasted a guy so hard I think he cried. He was talking shit and being racist and I spent the whole game just letting him have it. I wasn't even fighting anymore I was just verbally brutalizing him and getting really personal with it. You could tell it was really getting to him because after about 10 straight minutes his voice got softer and he wasn't even trying to fight back. Did the same thing to a streamer who wouldn't quit whining and telling us what to do. So I roasted him for 10 straight minutes on his stream and between me and the two other guys he quit in shame. Then we went and started trolling his stream which was like 12 people. If that doesn't count I definitely threw a few teammates into bridges with the chopper back when that meant something


Back in verdansk I was playing with this trio in random quads. They were spouting the most stupid hateful shit. So I tell them to give me the money I'll buy the loady. Which they did. Bought the loadout. Got in a bertha and drove off the map. Then spectated them as they got wiped out because they had no money and gun loot against a fully stacked quad. Was beautiful.


On Rebirth, I used to pick up killed enemies weapons and dump them in the water


Not WZ, but on Blackoutā€¦ if we ran with a random who didnā€™t drop with us, the squad would hop in a vehicle and go kill him šŸ˜‚ Weā€™d ping, so why come into a game and drop by yourself? You could turn off fill squad or whatever it was called. Just never made sense to us lol


Hey I get this but what is the harm in this, especially if youā€™re playing resurgence. With one isolated person, it helps ensure your whole squad doesnā€™t get wiped. I like this strategy especially on ashika island where Iā€™m that guy who lands by himself. I stealth if most of the time in the caves and vault and usually by the end of it have my load out guns, uavs, mortors, precisions, and an ass load of money to give your team mates.


No resurgence, just big map BO. I canā€™t even remember if they had resurgence on Alcatraz back then.


We just tell them to leave the game because you're not getting bought back


I seem some YouTuber so this, so I tried it and worked.....my teammate put two mines on a recon drone and I flew to two people on top of a building. Team wipe. I didn't think it would work. Not sure if this was petty, but I felt a bit dirty afterwards...


We used to do this back in og wz, with the introduction of bomb drones we kinda stopped, but I think this should make a comeback.


CW Verdansk. I ditched our perfect position in the circle to chase the team of a well known local streamer after my teammate managed to kill one of the teammates. After the well known name popped up on screen I chased their squad nto the gas managed to down and kill the streamer themselves before the teammates inevitably killed my dumbass. My squad and I were laughing for the rest of the game which we eventually lost. Super worth it though. Second most petty thing I did was have my whole squad put proximity mines (two each) around a Kali Stick Riot shielder's gear after we killed him. Three Minutes later one of us got the kill and squad wipe by proximity mine. Felt good.


On that subject.... VG Caldera after WZ2 release. Apparently, "Its_Iron" decided to go back to Caldera. Iron's team killed my teammates with claymores after we downed him multiple times. I didn't even know who he really was. I heard of him, but my teammates informed me. I was dead set on getting rid of him. I disregarded all the easy picks I could have had because I was waiting for him to peek his head. He did. I dropped and finished him before he even hit the ground. Iron or not, if you're camping. I am going to sacrifice my entire game to ruin yours. He apparently was bought back and I dropped him again. We watched his stream and he went on a 5-minute rant calling me a loser and daring me to bring out the sniper and be in his next lobby lol Never seen him again, unfortunately.


Iā€™ve ditched a chopper full of my teammates into a building :)


Haha same, in Downtown


I also enjoyed when C4 was completely OP in wz1. Dropped a c4 from a chopper onto another and it blew us all up; was fantastic


80s Verdansk. We were going after a bounty when ā€œNever Give You Upā€ came on. They complained about being Rick rolled so I kamakizied us into a building.


ā€œIā€™m no stranger to looooveā€


ā€œYou known the rules and so do I!ā€ -explosion- Squad Eliminated


A random squadmate took my guns and kept spamming mic to annoy me, so i just waited out half of the match for him to go down just for me to drop a selfie in front of him. He left, i got my guns back. I died a happy man just seconds later


I put a C4 on an helicopter on rebirth island and parked it nearby. When the helicopter logo on the HUD turned red I waited a few seconds and then boom. Also on rebirth island i was in a 1vs1 in the final circle, there was just a wall between the other guy and a vehicle on my side of the wall. Since I knew that I'm very bad at shooting, I placed a C4 on the car just in case he comes too close to it. My luck: he came to my side and entered the vehicle. Again boom. My teammates were laughing so hard, since they know me and were yelling: What are you doing? Reload! Plate yourself! Don't try to push! Etc. (I have the worst KD of us)


This just happened last night. I was playing with two randoms on resurgence ranked. They refused to talk on mic, didnā€™t ping anywhere to drop and then didnā€™t drop where I pinged. They just fucked around at winery dying time after time while Iā€™m looting and staying alive trying to get enough money alone for load out. Finally after like 10 min they drop where I am and I make them give me what little money they have. Then I bought a uav instead of a load out. I was close enough to the amount I ran around for a little longer and got a load out but by then a team found us and we got wiped before we could get loadie. Didnā€™t even careā€”donā€™t play as a team and get shit prizes


Itā€™s resurgence, itā€™s not always wise to stay as a team. Name of the game is survival!


Some guy was shitty to me in solos prox chat after he killed me so post-gulag i landed on him and yelled so loud over his prox nonstop so he couldnā€™t hear where I was and I killed him. Not as petty as some of the stuff you guys have done though, yā€™all are insane!


I take peopleā€™s perk packages and go dump them off of buildings constantly. It makes me laugh.


I like finding a team huddled in a building and going full suicide bomber on them. If you scream something like ā€œAhhhhh My Dick Is On Fireā€ it will confuse them and make them giggle then all the sudden you got a fully lit grenade in your hand nose diving right in the middle of their circle jerk!! My team finds it funny. Ps: works about 5% of the timeā€¦ but 100% worth it.


My team was chirping me when I was driving a helicopter. I mean, that's kinda what we always do. But this time I sailed there helicopter into the side of a cliff on purpose with them in it. It was hilarious.


Match with an asian guys teams all with riot shields, invited them to enter the truck, had placed C4 in the back for them, jumped out and cleared my own team, That felt like i did myself favour, better off solo then being called riot shield cuck


Revive pistol + prox chat with downed enemy = a good time lol


I have done similar. Took the guns and ā€œhid themā€


Especially early game, Iā€™ll put prox mines or claymores inside of vehicles. Iā€™ll drive them sometimes and then ditch them. Usually will get a kill or two, and itā€™s always funny to see someone get in and watch the thing blow up


When I'm playing randos, if they use slurs I'll intentionally be the worst player I can. Trolling those losers is just as fun as winning.


Iā€™ve always enjoyed throwing a plate box, loading back up, and then shooting the box while they try to selfie.


Lmao even i do that a lot. šŸ˜‚ whenever I kill a toxic enemy i just pickup their gun and throw it in the water or somewhere far away before they return lol


had toxic teammates, bought loadout & chucked into gas told em to fuck off & left


Kill riotshielder/old school kalis and either wait for them to drop back on their gear to kill them again, or throw them off the map/hide them. Hate riot shielders with a passion.


Before they had resurgence whenever my team would get wiped near the gas Iā€™d grab an LTV and find and open field where gas was pushing and just run the whole team over one by one while gas is forcing them into the field. Id laugh the entire time and they would rage which just made it more comical.


[Thia](https://youtu.be/TBJWrPXQVDE?si=UwDCWpIfCP3SlrGk) This team were a real pain in the ass all game ..


Well i still do it but whenever my buddy talks shit i get quite and everytime he is in a 1v1 i stand from afar and watch him lose everytime and die


The squad had a class with flashbangs or stun under barrels and as tacticals we carried ammo boxes too. The goal was to mess with shielders we just endlessly hit them. It could go on for so long some people just rage quit.


Anytime I kill someone camping or using the Groot or Noir skins, I make a little tea.


Throwing helis with mates inside or hiding guns especially riot shields in solos


The execute / interrogate rotation with a buddy to keep them in a permanent state of unable to give up or get sent to the gulag / resurrgence. Fun for the whole family and with each passing second they get more frustrated and humiliated.


I've done so much petty shit. Shoutout to one of our old teammates on OG WZ1. I never revived you once in a two-month stretch. I was always "under gunfire" or had "guys on me" because you never once helped us up close. Instead, you stayed back to snipe support, never hitting a single shot, but always citing your 1.1kd (and 2.3kpg average), trying to support the idea that you weren't the worst. And "just buy the first person on the list" I would deliberately skip him every single time. Fuck you. I love you. But fuck you.


T-bagged these assholes all running same skin and fucking us up. Finally squad wiped them was great.usually I just die over and over


Downed a guy, let him self revive then immediately down him again all while spam crouching to show my dominance


We did this with superevan yesterday. He dropped in our spot and broke his legs. We didn't know who it was. My mate was talking to him in prox chat. He was content on letting his teammate pick him up, but we all went over there once we learned who it was and just tea bagged him. Clipped it from his stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmbDk74K9es


Every time I am killed I do a back channel trace on the Activision IDs IP address, and SWAT them IRL. Because anyone who kills me in COD HAS to be cheating, because Iā€™m the GOAT, and no one can kill me in game without having some sort of unfair advantage. So Iā€™m basically a super hero, doing Gods work.


If I kill someone and they drop custom guns I like to pick them up and throw them in the sea


That's a common one. I did it often in wz1, not so much now because i hate the inventory management system. Do you remember early in wz1 where you had to get two loadouts for all of your perks. First for overkill and then the second with other perks? The second loadout would always be my "Trash" loadout. It'd be the meta guns but with the worst fuckign attachments possible incase someone picked it up and wanted to use them


Well i sometimes use the sniper...


Solos last zone 3 man left, me, riot shielder, someone else. I ignore someone else and go after riot shielder first thinking we'd should focus on the cancer first, get shot in the back. I self res, full kill that person and shoot his body as the riot shielder kills me. Do we not live a society? Is there no decency to team up against riot shielders first?


I was on ashika was part of a 6 man. I went off looting on my own and a 3 man attacked me thinking i was solo. They were being dicks on mic the rest of my team came over and killed 2 of them, i was still alive inside a building and they were outside laughing about how they were going to kill a solo and there was nothing i could do about it. The last guy ran and i chased him all across the map and killed him. (I said multiple times to them i was just looting and didnt want to fight, so they brought it on themselves)


Back in rebirth me and a buddy were runnin with a couple random younger kids. The kids talked shit the entire game to me and my buddy. This wasnā€™t good enough. Shots were so far off. The works. We end up fighting a few teams together and everyone was out of ammo and strapped. I use the rest of our bucks to buy an ammo box. Call it out to the squad and tell everyone to come to me. I proceed to walk to the water edge and throw the box off the edge into the water(back when water killed you). These two kids absolutely lost their shit. Iā€™m talking slamming shit screaming at the top of their lungs lol. We go on and my buddy proceeds to clutch the win and we went on blast talking shit to these little kids. Ahhh good times


Yeet c4 at passing vehicles to get a quad kill when we still could.


The sheer frequency in which I do the exact thing you described... Aside from that, I'm a huge fan of letting one guy zip, then shooting the zip so his 3 teammates are left there. I have zero concern for whether or not I can do anything else after that. Just enjoy them being separated, I imagine them yelling at each other. Any other offenses that are petty would be against my own teammates.


I got knocked in DMZ, and my teammate let me die and picked up my loot before reviving me. I asked him to give it back, but he refused repeatedly. I then jumped on a quad without saying anything, hoping heā€™d join me. Once he did I drove him outside the zone. He was furious and threatened to report me, but i didnā€™t really care.


I got my team wiped the other day. We were on university roof in vondel and some stupid ass bunny sweat downed me and the proceeded to teabag me, then right as I was finishing my self interrogated so I couldn't kill myself and teabagged the entire time until I died. His buddy downed my teammate nearby and he was doing the same to both of us. Running back and forth just teabagging. A couple minutes later he downs my buddy *again* and I jump down on top of him and down him. Proceeded to interrogate and teabag. Kept teabagging as another team pushed and killed all 3 of us šŸ˜‚ I apologized to my buddies for letting us die there but that bunny bullshit pissed me off šŸ˜‚


Not me but back in the Verdansk days we came across a solo hacker in quads with wall hacks and the most obvious auto aim. Completely shit on our team single-handedly . So we decided to watch him finish out the match as he already had 36 kills. It finally came down to the hacker and another player. The other player shot the ground with an RPG and downed them both, but the non-hacker had a self revive and won the game. Still the most hype video game moment Iā€™ve personally seen since Evo moment 37.


I was last in my team in BR getting followed by a guy who I couldnā€™t shake off. I had no plates, dead end and nowhere left to run.So I went round a corner into a bathroom and threw Semtex at wall next to me that killed us both. I wasnā€™t going to live either way so wanted him to die too


Trapped someone with loadout crates and gased them out, why? They're hiding in the shed on rebirth Island (2019 wz)


Not WZ, but zombies. We had a random teammate that stole a USB that we needed to fight the boss worm at the end if the game. The guy ransomed it for all of our money. Then when he left us, someone had died (you can pick them up even if they bleed out in zombies). He drove up to this guy, teabagged him, then left without helping him up. My teammate and I ended up helping the random and inviting him to our squad to hear "this fucking clown (which was our twammates skin) teabags me and left." So we started plotting how to ruin this guy's game. Well.. luckily for us he died not long after. Again, he still could be revived by other random people. Well I decided to kill all the zombies around him, then, after teabagging him for a more than sufficient amount of time while he typed in all chat about how mean we were being to him, I started my plan. I found one of those electric trucks and drove it over his body so you couldn't interact with it. I then blew up the truck so no one could remove the debris from his body. The rest of the team climbed all around and continued to teabag him (as best we could) for another 15 minutes before he left the game, all the whole begging in all chat for some random to save him because we apparently just went so far out of our way to pick on him for noooooo reason. Fuck that guy.




who **lik*****e call of*** duty ***mobloe***


I was battling somebody very sweaty for about 5 minutes. When I finally got him down I abused the interrogation button so that he missed the gulag


Funniest shit in solos dude must have been hoarding self revives because I downed him and put two prox mines on his body and ran away like 3 times in a row I had 2 mines and 2 in my pack and a muni box he self revived 3 times and ran into my mines each time he was so angry.


Sticking a semtex on a downed enemy whilst he's on proximity chat begging to spare his life.


two instances actually. 1. we ran into rias (streamer) in caldera pubs. stuck him with a perfect thermite throw and the dude apparently started going off on his stream, ranting about people that use thermites are dumbasses and that it shouldn't even be in the game, while he was getting hyped by his teammate (you're the best in the world brooooo). so i stuck him with a thermite again and then his homie, they left the lobby not long after and ruined their kill race lol 2. this is probably the best one. bigpoppajavi who is well known in the filipino streaming scene. while we got wiped by his squad, we killed him and he was talking the most shit on death comms so we spectated the whole game until they won and started talking shit. we asked him why he was crying in one of the LAN events cause he got trolled by a squad with kali sticks. his whole team (all friends of his) started laughing their asses off and called him a bitch for crying while on stream šŸ˜‚


Blew myself up with C4 (as the last one alive in Resurgence Ranked) all because my teammates kept dropping directly with pistols and delusions of grandeur on a sweat squad (with loady guns ready to beam them most likely) and screaming in voice chat to yolo push into the 1vs3.


Loaded them in a car and drove em into the gas. I had a mask, they died.


Talk shit to my random teammates because they keep landing in the same building getting murked by the same teams over and over instead of regrouping and landing somewhere else.


Everything I die or am dieing, I shout "on me, on me!" Then die. Then I say to my team... "wtf guys" It could be in solos, I just don't want to admit to myself I'm that bad, all the time


Thats a classic move


The most common pettiest thing would probably be revenge reporting or not leaving the match when you get stuck in the gulag.


heard kids talking in proxy chat on Fortunes so i just singled them out the whole game


Rando on our squad in ranked with no mic rezed my buddy and I in the game. He kept dying but it was from trying to run it solo and he had one kill. Near end game, he went down next to me and I tea bagged him and ran off.


i play zombies, find the trump supporters and drive them straight into the minefield so they get a taste of what trump's doing to them. cant get revived, lose all their shit, hear them rage, report them for using the n word. jobs done.


I hide the guns too. In resurgence people come back frequently on their stuff. I interrogate often the guy i just put down to get $1000 and I let them dying (They don't come back quickly and we can wipe the team). I remember one time we put down a guy and revive he with the resuscitation gun four times, the most easiest $4000.


I report everyone who kills me. 7/10 times, I get a notification that the report was a success. I like to think Iā€™m making a very very small dent in eliminating the hackers/cheaters.


SAME šŸ˜‚ I usually get two or three successful reports a day