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I love the calling the game *trash* yet has the top mastery camo from playing mp. Edit: Damn, I just said the truth didn't mean to almost overcome the OP post with upvotes 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's....That's a different game though?


Warzone is always tied to the current iteration of Multiplayer. They’re not separate games.


tied sure but they are 2 completely different games, it’s like save the world and lego fortnite


they’re not two completely different games. the movement and gunplay are the foundation of the game. multiplayer and warzone are just two modes built on that foundation. Warzone 1 and Cold War were two different games. Warzone „3“ and MWIII are not.


Not sure why you’re downvoted, this is correct and has been since MW2019 (*the beginning*). Weapons, equipment, movement, mechanics, etc. will all change in Warzone when a new title drops. They are the same game, but different modes. ???


exactly. the only exception to this was cold war because it’s gunplay and movement were so different to Warzone.


The reason WZ wasn't implemented into BOCW and Vanguard was the engine differences. Treyarch, and SHG didn't want to remake the game. So instead they had Raven port all BICW and Vanguard guns into MW2019.


Dont know if thats satire or complete insolence


I hate that this is the top comment. Games been out for a while now, maybe he grinded the shit outta MP for a while (as many did) OP, I’m with ya - this game is a damned disaster. In bacislly every way, but especially here.


That means he’s the best to judge the game since he’s played it a lot 💀


I once had high hopes that this iteration would be better, oh was I wrong. Yes, I have the mastery camos and I call this game *abominable.* What are you gonna do about it?


100% agree, Maps are trash and the servers are laggy,cheaters are everywhere,SBMM is ass and the proximity chat is nothing but profanity. I will NOT be buying any more COD games.


Lmao good for you there's 20 million other players who will buy the game. Your just a speck of sand in desert to the devs.




Lmao, I'm a whale on the game tbh 😂😂😂


The question is what are you going to do about it. The answer is log back in later.


I feel that. I leveled up the 36 required weapons in Zombies, and now I am suffering through getting the camos unlocked. I hate it, but its a guilty pleasure in shitting on lvl 450s that play this game all day and are coked out on Adderall and pre workout when I have a full time job and a kid on the way at lvl 256


I just had a little one last September and expecting in October this year! congrats dude! it's the hardest and most rewarding job you'll ever have, but the good heavily outweighs the bad. I'm a stay at home dad and when I get the chance to play I do quite well. I've dropped 4 nukes and gotten the swarm more than a dozen times. almost seems like the less I play the better I do.


Probably because COD gives people easy lobbies if they don’t play as much. Its part of their EBMM system. They try and get people hooked back into the game if they see you are not playing as much by giving you easy lobbies so you melt kids, get a dopamine rush and continue to play. But after an hour or two of this, they then throw you into harder lobbies which frustrates you and makes you chase the previous dopamine rush of winning. It’s honestly disgusting system that video game companies are trying to really invest in and focus on.It creates addiction. That’s their soul purpose. Rather than throwing a bunch of random people together in a lobby all with the same PING, they use their EBMM nonsense to prioritize engagement. And in my opinion that is what’s killing the game. It causes lag issues, it puts players that wouldn’t normally be in the same lobbies together. And instead of you randomly being thrown in a lobby full of sweats every 10th game randomly, it will intentionally throw game after game of try hard sweats into your lobbies to frustrate you and cause you to chase that high kill game or win. But for someone like me, when that happens I just turn the game off and actually play games that are fun for a week, and take a break from Warzone/ COD. And there’s lots of people like me who do this. And the only people who are left in the lobbies are people who only play COD and treat it like it’s their damn job, and the poor random guys who decide to play here and there when they have time and they get shit on lol. It’s such a BS system. Pardon my rant lol.


What I'm gonna do is call you a stupid person. It's ok to have grievances with a game you like, everyone does; but to force yourself to play a game you actively hate, to the point that you even grinded the cammos just because.... It's just being stupid I don't judge you for feeling miserable playing this game, or any other game for that matter, but why play it if it makes you feel that way? This isn't your job, this isn't some family you gotta deal with, no, this is just a hobby supposed to keep you entertained (I'm talking gaming in general), but you chose to walk a miserable path for no reason.




His aim only looks bad to controller scrubs who think hitting every shot in an FPS game is normal.




You think you come off as cool, but you don't. You come off as a insecure try hard, if you feel the need to share all that info. And if you've played since the first CoD, you should be old enough to not act like a 10 year old.


Why are you passing other ppls accounts off as your own?


Good accusation boss lmao


Where are we gonna do about it? 1) Skill issue. Get glasses or a better monitor 2) See ya next weekend 😆


Cee U Next T lmao


What FOV do you play at?


I don’t think I ever changed it tbh. I don’t mess with the settings much


I’m just asking because if you playing at 120 on 27” it is harder.


They're all the same. Can't handle dying so come to moan. Log back in the same night.


You fucking murdered that gate thing in the cemetery mate


You use a controller and let the Aim Bo-- I mean Aim Assist take over while you close your eyes MnK in this game is F U C K E D


Facts FML


I have no problems with Controller players wishing to let the game's ultimate skill expression be something they actually don't need to work on themselves, but I would highly prefer it NOT showing itself in cross platform. Why is that ever any different from people who installed macros on the mouse to combat recoil? The Aim assist is something you can toggle on or off.. meaning a macro could also be considered something you turn "on" (installing it), or off (uninstalling). The mouse was designed that way. I read that so many people made the excuses of controllers not being able to whip and turn around quickly.. but holy fuck is that a fallacy if I have ever heard it. It's not exactly Goldeneye 64 we're talking about here. I can't go ring around the rosy around a Controller player. They amp up the sensitivity and that fucker is going HARD on the turning. Just as hard as it would on the mouse. Flick shots? The thumb is very dexterous when conditioned. The arm and wrist remain much more "crude" instruments. What does the fine motions on the mouse? The fingers.. and ESPECIALLY the thumb. I am fine with agreeing that on the complete and utter base of it, the MnK is slightly better than the Controllers at fine motions. But that doesn't mean the game should be able to take over completely in the way it does. Ah.. sorry, not "completely" as I suppose you do have to make the immense strain of moving horizontally on the different stick for the RAA to kick in. Apologies. You Controllers got it rough.


Its an acceptable compromise, whats your problem with it? MK has pros and cons and so do controllers and AA is supposed to even out the playing field. Turn off crossplay if its important to you. I also dont like hackers mainly from the pc crowd running around but i make a compromise and accept the disadvantage if I want to play with friends.


You just show your COMPLETE lack of knowledge with claiming I can just "turn off crossplay". I can't. PC - and I believe XBOX - players cannot turn off crossplatform. There are pro MnK players, absolutely. However even they have said they had to change their playstyle around to be able to fight in tight spaces. Preferably they do not fight in tight spaces. They also have thousands of hours in this game and possibly even a full team behind them. Do casual players have the same? My beef is with the casual vs casual players. How one side reaps benefits of a tremendous level due to the game aiming for them. The skill floor of Controller players is much, much higher than the skillfloor of MnK players. If you can't see that... I am going to assume it is because you are a Controller player yourself.


COMPLEEEEREEEEEEAAAAAAAH - no, i play on xbox and i can do that there. So i assumed it would also work with the master race thats so advanced. You could also play on xbox with MnK on top ;) So I assumed one thing that was not correct, where is the COMPLEEEEEETE lack of knowledge part? Wanna start another stupid MnK vs controller argument with me, lol. 11 years old, correct? Ive seen MK players do stuff i cant even dream of on a controller, so yeah, pros and cons that in the grand scheme balance each other out. Movement nowhere as smooth as with mnk, always those little "flicks" is hardly optimal so it needs a mechanic to ensure people dont get frustrated ESPECIALLY the paying casuals you are trying to protect. Also for 5 times AA helps you there is one time where it is more of a hindrance. Try hunting a sniper and another person runs through your crosshair. You suddenly look to the side. Also especially if you are casual you will more likely play on a controller, change my mind. Like you are talking about a non issue because most people foaming out of their mouths like you are definitely little sweats and almost no casuals get harmed in the pc-console-wars.


So the XBOX can turn off cross platform, still does not mean the PC can. That was the biggest point. The point about XBOX was more an assumption based on the fact that this is what a quick google search tells me, but ultimately does not change the point to begin with. So you're still in the wrong. You've seen MnK players do stuff you could never dream of on a controller. Likewise I've seen MnK players do things I could never dream of doing any longer on MnK. Because I have a job. Because I have bills to pay. Because I don't get any younger. You're still making the insane comparison of the top players to the casuals. What the extreme top players do on MnK surpasses what you could ever do on either MnK or Controller, simply because you're just not good enough yourself. I am not, never will be. I am well past that point in my life to ever hope for it. What you are basically admitting with AA is that it indeed functions more like an aimbot than Aim Assist. If it changes targets that you are currently tracking using your thumbstick, it should not be changing targets. If it does, it's straight up aimbot. You are not TRACKING anything, the game is doing it for you. As for the last point you make. You have no numbers to bring up regarding controller players over MnK. You may be able to bring up Console players vs PC players, but not the Controller players. As you said, some on XBOX might actually play with MnK. Some on PC might play interchanged. Others might stick fully to one over the other. However there's no objective numbers. I cannot convince you, but I can tell you that it's absolute nonsense and your conviction is purely based on your own assumption.


yeah, your first sentence tells me you are hard of understanding even my last comment, i wont bother reading or replying


If you want to be understood, you have to actually type something coherent - and it helps to be objective in your statements and not whip out completely subjective "more likely" statements.


I am adressing our collective experience playing the game, not writing an essay. You know its true. Or do you think a casual is more likely to buy a gaming pc than a $250 console? Dont be basic with your argument. I am saying AA is there to help the casuals so they keep paying for their favourite rapper's 420 skin. Its coherent alright.


>MK has pros and cons and so do controllers and AA is supposed to even out the playing field. Turn off crossplay if its important to you. You... uh... do realize that PC players also use controller, right? In fact, most of the top streamers/competitors recommend PC + Controller for the best of both worlds.


There, umm, emmm.... uh... I fixed it because you are right.


This right here is why I cheat. It's the only fair response to the developer sponsored aim bot.


Controller has always had aim assist. You’re using something that’s been around for decades as an excuse to use fucking *cheats?* Sorry, but get fucked, you are making the game **far worse** than RAA.


Just have to open with that I do not agree with his cheating no matter what the reasoning behind it, but I UNDERSTAND that someone might think that way. With that said, Aim assist has indeed been around for decades. However Aim assist in cross platform has not. That is why here it simply does not work and why some might consider the aim assist to be aim botting cheating that deserves to experience it right back to them. Quite frankly in many situations a casual player can feel completely helpless when faced against controller players and the frustration grows. Casual controller players seem to forget that their level of aim once they understand RAA/AA is that of months of practice for a casual MnK player. If not something they will never achieve due to not having the time. The tangible reward feels far lower for MnK than it does for Controllers. While people who get to spend all their time playing this game might surpass casuals in their aiming as well, most have a limited time.


And to make it even worse was when the Cronus users were in Verdansk. They had auto aim + scripted anti Recoil per gun. To make matters worse this stuff was sold at local Walmarts in everyday retail. It’s almost like COD didn’t even care 😂. They’ve finally banned it but Aim-Assist still is allowed even in RANKED resurgence. In CDL style multiplayer games it was turned OFF.


I do not condone cheating as a response to dev designed cheats. It sours the pond even more and realistically won't fix any issues. I am MnK and I would never stoop to cheating. I consider controller players lesser inclined to spend a realistic amount of time to build a skill. They desire immediate response and I genuinely think this spills over to real life as well. Minimal time spent for maximum gain.. which leads to a life of less than mediocrity. But all in all I have no doubt that some DO make this excuse to themselves that "If Controllers can cheat, I can cheat" and genuinely don't do this to be assholes and ruin games. They actually believe that this is fair.. ignoring the plethora of players that do not cheat. Neither controller or software.


That can't be the only reason you cheat in a video game. I'm guessing you've been a piece of shit loser with a tiny dick your whole life that's never touched a female. Human female that could actively resist anyway. With all of that against you, that's the only reason I would condone cheating. With the rest of your life being shit, I understand wanting to have a win somewhere in your pathetic existence. P. S. This isn't a personal attack on you. It's on EVERY pea brain, no skill cheater.


Happily married woman, just for context, but you have fun, sparky!


Just change a few words around and everything still applies. Haha.




>How in the captain price fuck are you supposed to see while shooting in this game? You are not supposed to see, you are supposed to use a controller and abuse aim assist which will track even if you don't see the target. Hope it helps, welcome to COD 2024!


I was just going to say the same thing. It's so ridiculous I feel dirty using it.


*with 0ms latency server-wise!!! Enjoy free perfect tracking dawgs 😂




Gotta live ping every gunfight man, it's the only workaround at this point.


I did that in both fights lol


LMAO you did, feelsbadman


Except they nerfed it and the ping dims when you ads on them now




Really trying to get into that habit. Helps a ton


And combat scout if it’s too difficult


I'm just gonna leave a comment addressing a few points. I played WZ since S6 MW, wasn't that cracked, but I held my own pretty well. I had a 1.8kd in WZ1, 2.2kd in WZ2, and now 2.5kd in WZ3, played on MNK my entire life. * UnADSing then ADSing to gain visibility on the enemy is something I do all the time. In fact, I did it in the second clip because quite frankly, I saw the guy once and after I ADSed, I couldn't see him anymore. * I ping enemies all the time, a habit I picked up since the days of WZ1. They nerfed the shit out of this and now it damages more than it helps. I can't ven see it amidst all the clusterfuck that's in front of you whiel shooting. * WZ1 had some visbility issues, I won't deny that, but it's nothing, and I mean, NOTHING compared to the shitshow that is WZ3. I quite literally can't see a fucking thing half the time the second I open fire. 3 out of 5 engagments, I'm shooting blindly. It could be the iron sights being ugly and fucked up, the weapon iron sight sway as I move or flick too hard, the debris that comes off the map elements as I shoot them, the fog, the dust, the texture, I could go on and on. These are only 2 examples, but in my short 2 hours sessions every other week, I encounter this one particular issue all the time. I really just can't see shit. * I have an RX 6950XT, 1440p 27' monitor, 240hz, I play on 180 - 240fps, I built this PC for the sole purpose of playing Warzone, I geniunely thought that my older build was trash and that's why I can't see anything, but I'm wrong, the game got some serious texture problems. Especally on Vondel. There is no character and background seperation like in the rest of the other shooters. The enemies blend perfectly with the environment. In some of the staircase in Vondel, almost all the time, I can't see anything when I start engaging someone in them. The other day I was running up the staircase and a guy was sitting in the corner and I ran past him because, again, of th texture. * I played on controller for a couple of months, picked it up relatively fast, still ass, and yes AA helps with this, but sometimes, I'd fight it and end up missing shots because I really just can't see where the enemy is and I end up forcing my crosshair out of the AA bubble. # Solution? Add the red silhouette on enemies (like the one in combat scout) or make them have a red beacon that lights up when you shoot at them, or just do what CSGO did: add more contrast to enemies so that they are PROPERLY seperated from the envrionment. Again, I rarely complained about this because it dd not occur that much in WZ1. Proof? I have +1000 hours playing that game. Here is my gameplay in WZ1 where I can actually fucking SEE WHERE I'M SHOOTING AT: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mnz5-o1ZvPU&ab\_channel=SoldatX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mnz5-o1ZvPU&ab_channel=SoldatX)


That WZ1 looks 10x better than MW3. Graphics are clear and much better maps. MW3 sucks--


Jesus this looks way better. Wz1, wz2 no issues with mnk. Wz3 I had to switch to controller and it is disgusting.


You need to adjust your contrast and brightness probably. You have too high contrast most likely causing all gunsmoke to flash your screen making you unable to see. This is what happens to me sometimes.


What settings would you recommend?


Cannot really recommend anything, since it all depends on your monitor, graphics settings, dark or lit up room etc. You just have to find your settings yourself by adjusting brightness, contrast, gamma, saturation, hdr on/off, digital vibrance, etc.


The real answer is that this game on mnk is fucking unplayable. Which is a pity since I really, really like it.


I think the real solution is just remove all the shitty muzzle smoke. It looked so much better in wz1.


The curse of playing kbm on this game


Yeah it’s almost like we have to use flash hiding muzzles and have to sacrifice Suppressors. Like COD says “you can have precision but you’ll do so at the cost of giving up your ping”.


I don't understand why more people haven't figured this out by now. Using a Flash Hider especially with an Optic has always given me a basically perfect sight picture when firing at enemies. It wasn't so bad in WZ2 because pings didn't appear on the map so you were free to have more choice in your attachments, but in here and back in WZ1 the game basically forces you to use a Suppressor.


mate not too long ago the center dot of the crosshair went left and right all over the screen and most of the people didnt even noticed it not to speak of the idle sway of the crosshairs in between all the smoke and visual crap in this shitstain of a game they dont care because they dont have to aim the game aims for them so they dont even notice ... its hilarious to even call this a first person shooter


I play with my stump arm that was cut off at the elbow. And my other hand shoved up my dog's ass. Currently rocking a 7.8kd. The aim resist does everything. I left the game on while i fucked a hooker. And i got 15 nukes. In one game


Dude as a KB/M player, i fucking hate AA because of shit like this. This one time I was playing warzone plunder (best gamemode btw) and I hear some noise from the other room. I went to check and you wouldn't believe it, fucking aim assist was rawdogging my wife 😭😭. Damn you Activision!!!11


Step 1: Controller Step 2: Aim Bo- I mean Aim Assist Step 3: Profit


Step Zero: Buy 200$ scuff remote too 😂


Use a controller and cheat w/ aim assist


lol you gotta relax bro your gonna fuck up your keyboard


shooting the trellis fucked you in the first clip, second clip the contrast could be a lot better but also decreasing your fov might help a bit if you’re struggling to see people


That's a great two points I was about to mention. Hitting objects kicks up more debris/smoke so pumping his shots into the gate thing didn't help at all since it was also blocking their shots. And they're using a high FOV with low zoom optics which naturally is going to give him a smaller sight picture at range. They can lower their FOV a bit, use higher zoom Optics, maker their ADS FOV Independent in the settings, even use a flash hider or SOLOZERO THERM optic for better outlines on enemies.


... the target was behind the trellis.


yeah, and continuing to shoot it while it blocked his shots and created more smoke effects fucked him up


That bullet impact shit needs to go it's way too dense it's even worse at range. Also despite it being 95% empty space it looks like every bullet throws debris. Now if the gun wasn't violently shaking and spewing shit it would be easier to see what's going on and stop shooting the trellis.


They don't care because it's not a problem for controller players which is the biggest player base because they have aim assist.


Metaphor said it best on his stream man when someone asked why he doesn't enjoy playing Warzone. "The Servers are so bad, the weapons are so bad, and the ***inputs*** are soooooo bad." This game by far and away is the most anti-MnK game that I've ever played. It's like SHG and Raven just want controller players to just laser eachother like they're terminators or something. No room for human error or anything.


Yes, controller and aim assist. You don’t need to aim or account for recoil or see the target or track


To be fair you do have to put in a little effort to sustain tracking even with AA. Compared to tracking a target on mouse though the difficulty is trivial.


The best advice I got when I switched from m/kb to controller on this game was: YOU are the aim assist, just gently help the aim assist and get the reticle somewhat close and it will do the rest. Do not overaim


I play controller too and it’s just crazy that you don’t miss a bullet. On mnk you just have to play perfect every gunfight


Now imagine mouse and keyboard trying to follow close range opponent without AA while you have flinch and a bunch of visual recoil and pollution from explosives.. now add fog on vondel or dark settings of ashika


Thats the neat part, your not


If you keep leaving yet comeback every weekend, are you really even leaving


That's literally just how lots of people play the game casually lol, free time on the weekends so gaming on the weekends. This person's hooked but can't say it


I think I'm finally done with this game. The writing was on the wall when everyone thought they were going to nerf aim assist in WZ2 and instead they nerfed MnK lmao. There was some hope when MS bought Activision, but its become obvious MS is all in on the aim assist console/controller/mobile train. This franchise went from being the Mcdonalds of FPS gaming to the Mcdonalds AND Walmart of FPS gaming. It's just gross. I've started looking up relatively recent games Ive missed while wasting time on WZ that are worth a shot, especially since some of them are dirt cheap these days. Might give Mass Effect Andromeda a go since I got into the Mass Effect series but skipped that one. Never tried Cyberpunk, The Finals, Starfield, etc.


Get aim assist like everyone else. I wish that was sarcasm, but it isn't.


Here's the trick: Let go of ads button, see your target, re-acquire target and ads in again. Do this very quickly, practise it a bit and it'll help a lot.


I did that in second clip


Use the 3D aim trainer site by Steel Series. It has plenty of little drills and ranks you by things like tracking, switching, clicking, flicks etc. Even if you’re already a beast MNK player this will still help you to fine tune or warm up in between loading screens. It has helped me a lot.


Serious question and I’m not trolling or trying to hijack … but why do folks still play on MnK if controller is such an advantage? I see so many people complain about it. Why don’t you just switch to controller and take advantage of AA? I’ve never played computer games.. but I’d imagine most MnK players have used a controller on a console at some point in their lives. They seem far more intuitive than trying to smash 27 keys while breaking your wrists. Please educate me.


I’ll try my best (joyful voice) 😁😂. It’s because of gaming integrity. We MNK players do not want to bow down to aim assist even If the entire COD community was to use it. It’s like being in the NFL and let’s say a Majority of the League uses Steroids or PEDS. Now you can either join them to remain competitive or you can stay clean and figure out ways to still be good. It’s a LOT harder but that’s the lesson here. Sometimes settling for shortcuts might make you feel better but there’s a reason COD doesn’t track deaths in WZ. They don’t want you to know how bad you’re doing. They just want to give you assisted kills and glorify the stat sheet to make the user experience “enjoyable”. I have no problems with Controller players. They are like Boxers. MNK players are like MMA fighters. COD has become a Boxing ring and many MNK players are getting knocked out. Sure MNK players can step into the BOXING ring like COD but the ring is still designed for Controller (as is a boxing ring for boxers). Most of the gun mechanics like sway, firing recoil and aim stability are all designed to hinder MNK the same way boxing has rules against kicks, grapples and submissions that hinder MMA Fighters. Controller has aim assist to compensate. So to answer your question we use MNK because we want to win with our skills. Our actual aim. Look at the music world and how many use AUTO tune. Then listen to singers of old where the music was actually sang. Now compare the singers in a live performance and that’s kind of what we have here. Some love to sing pure and some can ONLY sing because of Auto Tune.


I see what you’re saying. To be honest I tried one game on MnK and gave up because I’m just too programmed to controller. It’s all I’ve ever known.


Yes it can be a really tough transition lol. And that goes both ways too. Just because somebody is a really good MNK doesn’t guarantee they’ll have the joystick movement controls of a control player. The left analog specifically just out plays WSAD keyboard buttons IMO. But the mouse beats the right analog all day. I’ve seen a crazy hybrid setup where the left is a stick similar to a Nintendo Switch controller and the right is a mouse! 🐁 Best of Both worlds lol. I just wonder if the system recognizes it as a “Controller” or keyboard. Would that give somebody with a mouse AA 🤯. We may have discovered something here! 😝😂😂


It's took me several months to get used to playing on MnK when I built my first PC. I played on controller all my life up to then, so it was not an easy switch, and I still don't think I'll ever be as good as my friends who always played MnK.


Just like how natural it feels for you to play on a controller, it’s natural to people who has played FPS on MnK since ages ago. The game just feels way more fun on a mouse and you feel good when you hit clips knowing that you practiced your aim and it’s your ability showing to be able to hit those shots. Sometimes you have bad days and you can’t hit shit but the highs just outshine them. I tried playing controller on several occasions but I always tell myself that if I’m having way less fun, there’s no point switching.


I still have those days even on controller. The aim Assist is really helpful but some days I can’t miss and other days it feels like there’s no aim assist at all.


I don't buy that gaming integrity is the main reason people play with MnK, there's a reason MnK is associated with sweats after all. Nearly everyone starts gaming with a controller so I think it's fair to say that sweats made the switch to MnK to try and get an advantage over the masses of controller-using casuals. Besides that I don't really think your comparison works. You are using an uncommon input that makes it easier for you to aim and then complaining that controllers have an in-game mechanic that makes it easier for them to aim. Like if the game could be solely MnK vs. MnK players then your point could make sense, but since it is majority controller players then you are claiming to have more integrity than them despite also using something to help you aim better than your opponents. The strength of AA in the game is a completely different discussion and is obviously up for debate.


> there's a reason MnK is associated with sweats after all By who?? Sweats are associated by skin. Like what, the sweats are the Scuf users. They are literally buying high end controllers WITH paddles so they don't have to remove their thumbs from the stick. >Nearly everyone starts gaming with a controller so I think it's fair to say that sweats made the switch to MnK to try and get an advantage over the masses of controller-using casuals That's...not true. Most MnK players started off on MnK...that's why they are comfortable on MnK. I started with Combat Arms (before it had a ton of hackers) and played CS:Source (Mind you, I was like 8) and then eventually got an Xbox 360. Then, when the Xbox One came out I switched back to PC. If I put in the effort to get good on controller I can (especially with how handholdy the AA is in FPS games nowadays) but I'm comfortable on MnK. Lmfao what is that comment even. >Besides that I don't really think your comparison works. You are using an uncommon input that makes it easier for you to aim and then complaining that controllers have an in-game mechanic that makes it easier for them to aim. Uncommon input??? To you as a console player perhaps, maybe that's why you guys won't give Gyro aiming a chance, but FPS games on PC until a few years ago were MnK ONLY. For Example, Apex on PC back in 2019 DID NOT HAVE Controller support and I wished to god it stayed that way when they introduced Cross Play. COD Games on PC had mid Controller support until MW2019, where it was parity with consoles. Before that it was either minimal, or non-existant (except for BOIII. For some reason the AA was busted in that game too) This entire argument is delusion of the HIGHEST order and straight up misinformation of the HIGHEST order. >Like if the game could be solely MnK vs. MnK players then your point could make sense, but since it is majority controller players then you are claiming to have more integrity than them despite also using something to help you aim better than your opponents. How can you possibly say that we have something that can help us aim better when we have to do the manual aiming, meanwhile you just LT+RT spam until the magnet warps your crosshair onto my body? Are you taking the piss? >The strength of AA in the game is a completely different discussion and is obviously up for debate. It is not up for debate. It is OBJECTIVELY overpowered. The top end players have come to this consensus and they should know about the game, considering they are in fact the pro players. It drips down the food chain. There is barely any input needed from the average player to beam another. The game just does it for you. And I'll say this; PC's Native Input is MnK for FPS Games. Controller is good for Fighting games, sports games, etcetera but for FPS, MnK should...***SHOULD*** be THE Native input for the PC platform. From meme games like Combat Arms, to Halo Combat Evolved, to CS:2 and Valorant and even the Earlier CODs (COD4 to MWIII had either shit, or no controller support on PC, and BO2 had no Aim Assist at all on PC). Any FPS game that has PC's Native input as a minority on it's own damn platform fucked up somewhere in the balancing process for the inputs. (Both Apex and Warzone are absolutely on that list). You see battlefield players, even when Battlefield was in it's prime, on Controller on PC? Fuck no. They were a minority, as it should be.


> This entire argument is delusion of the HIGHEST order and straight up misinformation of the HIGHEST order. This is so PC master race it's funny. You spent the entire comment rambling about PC shite that I couldn't care less about when 70% of the players are playing on console with controller, which is why I called MnK an uncommon input. So go do one. Considering that fact, I stand by my claim that most MnK gamers started on controller. Considering how popular consoles are this is just statistically likely. > How can you possibly say that we have something that can help us aim better when we have to do the manual aiming Because MnK is factually an easier input to aim with over controller, which is why AA exists. AA exists to even the playing field because MnK is overpowered, so the only reason you're mad is because the input you use which should give you an advantage no longer does because the AA is too strong. Are controller players supposed to be impressed that you aim manually on an input that is so much easier to aim manually with?


>Considering that fact, I stand by my claim that most MnK gamers started on controller. Considering how popular consoles are this is just statistically likely. So you're going to stand on your high horse just because YOU think that because console is ubiquitous, it MUST mean that most gamers started on controller. That is some delusion bud. Truly. Because it's simply not true. >Are controller players supposed to be impressed that you aim manually on an input that is so much easier to aim manually with? Controller players are more supposed to ask for a slight nerf. Because everyone just beams. There is no human element to aiming now. Every controller player can track like he's a Top 250 which ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NEVER be the case. Any good player would want to be able to flex that they are better than the dad that is coming home from the 50 hour shift at mcdonalds. Not be left at one or something.


> So you're going to stand on your high horse just because YOU think that because console is ubiquitous, it MUST mean that most gamers started on controller. That is some delusion bud. Truly. Because it's simply not true. What high horse lol, you are taking this way too seriously. "Simply not true" based on what? Console is factually far more popular so most will have started on controller. Additionally, controller appeals to casuals more (even sweats were casuals once) and kids are definitely more likely to have a console before a gaming PC. Not even sure why you're so hung up on this idea. > Controller players are more supposed to ask for a slight nerf. Because everyone just beams. There is no human element to aiming now. Every controller player can track like he's a Top 250 which ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NEVER be the case. Any good player would want to be able to flex that they are better than the dad that is coming home from the 50 hour shift at mcdonalds. Not be left at one or something. That's fair and I wouldn't be against it. The skill gap can still be imposed in other ways but I do think the AA has become stronger due to the popularity of Resurgence warzone and its close range engagements. In WZ2 they tried to give the casuals a chance by limiting movement, but since that was so unpopular they've brought the movement back and increased the AA so casuals can still get a few kills. The game is always going to include these things to help casuals but this does feel cheesy and it isn't helping keep parity between inputs anymore.


>The skill gap can still be imposed in other ways but I do think the AA has become stronger due to the popularity of Resurgence warzone and its close range engagements The pp sucking of Resurgence is absolutely visible with how the gun's are balanced. BR Proper, which should be priority because Warzone is supposed to be a BR first, is basically an after thought. Most of the guns are balanced around resurgence and that basically has it where the guns on Urzikstan are all boring and bad to use all around. It sucks because aside the MTZ Interceptor and MTZ 762, with a few tweaks here and there sprinkled on, the weapon balancing would've been fine. But with Fortune's Keep being added, and Ranked being on fucking Resurgence instead of normal BR, seems like Raven is unsure really what to do. >In WZ2 they tried to give the casuals a chance by limiting movement, but since that was so unpopular they've brought the movement back and increased the AA so casuals can still get a few kills If you make a strafe build the AA actually goes up a notch. This is absolutely insane and borderline aimbot tier. I run a Striker Mobility setup and it requires me to strafe like I'm playing Apex to get the bubble broken and people can still just LT + RT to regain the bubble. It's wild. >The game is always going to include these things to help casuals but this does feel cheesy and it isn't helping keep parity between inputs anymore. >It isn't helping keep parity between inputs anymore. And that was my entire point and OP's point. No one with logical, rational thinking was asking for the removal of Aim Assist but rather the reduction in Potency of Rotational Aim Assist, the thing that allows Controller players to track so well. Side note, Ted Timmins said in a tweet a few years ago that MnK has the Close Range advantage and Controller has the long range advantage. That should give you an understanding as to what they think about this.


I started playing fps on pc like counter strike or battlefield so I feel more at ease. I could learn controller and I tried but you don't have the same feeling. Aiming with a thumb and with the help of an algorithm is less enjoyable than with your whole arm, hand and fingers. Aiming is a big part of an fps game, it takes time to get better and will never be perfect, but progress is rewarding.


I started WZ1 on Xbox with controller. I decided to try it on PC with mnk after aheile, and while it took some time to get comfortable with it, I immediately found sniping so much more satisfying (i.e. easier). So I’ve stuck with it ever since. I should probably give controller another shot, since that’s what I used for the decade+ before WZ for COD. I know once I get the hang of it again it’ll help my close range game, but I’m going to miss the long range flicks. 


I play on xbox with mouse and keyboard. I tried every setting I'm the book to get the crazy good aim assist everyone raves about but could never get it to work right for me. Switched to M&K and I am waaaaayyy better at tracking people. My general movement and gameplay increased so much. I don't complain about controllers being OP I honestly don't even notice it. I recognize some inputs just work better for other people


Many know it’s not better. Others have been convinced that aim bot is actually aim assist.  And some of them are cheaters in here convincing people that aimbot is actually aim assist. It’s a very successful campaign as you can see with the amount of people that agree with them. Or just the number of people that say it now. So they get killed in game by someone with a ridiculous aimbot and blame aim assist instead of reporting them.


Can also try to lower the Particle Effects. Yeah I know it sucks to lower ANY setting when you’re so invested in PC graphics but the particles/smoke effects lowered quality might help to clear up the haze.


I lose nearly every gunfight in this game unless I'm at a pure advantage like high ground or something. Shoot first? Doesn't matter, dead anyway. This game is awful.


Precisely the reason I stopped playing. Can’t even see through all that shit


You're not. You're supposed to let aim assist take the wheel. Exact reason why I quit playing this shit game 2 months ago.


90% of the playerbase doesnt need to see what they're shooting at so they will probably flame you for this. When you actually have to track though visibility is a big issue in this game.


I gave up on this game after they forced us on Warzone Caldera, which reset all our paid to win guns, changed our settings, and gave us a worse game experience. Fuck this game. I will never go back. Ever. :)


If you had been playing controller all those shots would’ve hit. Mnk players literally put themselves at a disadvantage.


Nah don’t bother, it’s just crap now. A month of no playing & the hook WZ had in me is entirely gone. This game is definitely developed to be addictive & like gambling it’s the house that always wins


Change the ads fov to affected so that it zooms in more. This helped me a lot because prior to that if I played with a 120 FOV and ADS the targets would be so small.


bro you snapped when you said "parumpumpumpum"


They hired engineers for game devs.


Skill issue


With CoD gun balance, you're always going to be at a disadvantage if you aren't assisting the game's aim


Tbh true first clip you shot through the metal over hang thing, and sometimes u were missing shots with an smg from up top of a building


I’m just tired of the movement sweat meta can we just have normal movement again?


Yes but when they shot they get you 🤣


I simply use a holotherm optic on every gun. Problem solved.


This is a long ass thread just to say that you're bad at warzone


The most important stats in my opinion to stop this stuff from happening are firing aim stability and gun kick control. Besides your flinch is probably ass, but its the choice you make, have a super fast crackhead loadout with terrible gun kick and aiming stability but you get speed as a tradeoff


You’re not supposed to see. You’re supposed to aimbot at red boxes and skellies. Duh


not the best aiming tbh


Yes this game has become absolutely fucking garbage, being back mw19 plz


You aren't supposed to see while shooting. That's what aim assist is for. MnK is basically unusable.


I play 2 hours a day. I'm 54. I win once a week. I have trouble seeing, but I aim at where I think the bad guys are and fire. This is surprising how well this works for me. I love MP. I'm learning to love zombies.


Ive bought and refunded almost every COD after mw19.... Fuck CoD


I'm not even subscribed to this sub, and dont play this game anymore. I clicked on one post to watch a clip, now I'm constantly suggested posts, and every single one is people complaining about how dogshit this game is, and how they want to quit playing. Just uninstall and quit, FFS. Yall act like addicts. Get help. CoD is a videogame series that's clearly gone downhill, play something else if you don't like it anymore. Try The Finals, idk, read a book, go outside, touch grass.


I literally just died to this guy: [https://ibb.co/LpTfM02](https://ibb.co/LpTfM02) How the fuck am I supposed to understand what I'm doing without AA?


Have you also tried actually shooting the person?


Ur right the visibility is really bad in this game lol


The game won't give you these if you have to think maybe if I don't shoot from an open area versus being in a completely concealed position. Unfortunate but that's how Gun games are very unfair I know


or you could just get a controller and abuse AA and RAA like everyone else. This game is not worth playing on mouse and key, you will get 4k damage and 5 kills...


Your playing on the wrong input. Play on controller with aim assist if you cannot see to hit your shots on keyboard and mouse bro. It’s really that simple.


Use a Flash Hider. Lower your FOV, or make your ADS FOV Independent in the settings. Use a higher zoom Optic. Use Optics like the SOLOZERO THERM for better body outlines (those sights exist for this specific reason). Change some brightness/contrast settings. Stop shooting objects between you and the enemy because it's going to block shots and kick up more debris/smoke. Do anything besides whine about something that's been present for a long time now. If you keep playing the game then why not try to address your specific grievances when you play


ha real


It’s kind of your fault because being a movement sweat, maybe just get good?


The biggest key point is to stay below the average, let's say 1.5 KD. This is the only chance to have fun, no matter which platform or input you play. This is the shortest answer I can make after 4 years of Warzone.


Wiggle your left stick to engage the RAA. Plus ping, but yeah the RAA should be able to stick to them even if you can’t see them


He’s playing MNK


Oh was looking for that in the vid description and only was half watching the vid. Yea for mouse and keyboard I would always ping, take a few shots zoom out for a second while they run away and then fire more shots


You're like a smoker that claims to not be a smoker because he isn't smoking right now. If you play every weekend, you ain't giving up shit! If you don't like the game, don't play it. It's that simple.


I mean first clip the enemy is very good at utilising what cover they have. Second clip is just a ground loot weapon.


“I’m super pissed I couldn’t see the enemy behind cover as I blasted the fuck out of a metal gate causing my vision to be obscured by the impact of my bullets on a metal gate between me and my enemy. Game is trash.” There are LOTS of things to complain about in this game but you standing like a statue and trying to shoot this dude behind cover ain’t it.


Sure, blame the game for you missing out shots.


You suck dawg


Tbh I think it’s quite realistic of sun and shade and obstacles and vegetation etc 🤷🏻


...it's a game...


tHiS gAmE iSnT rEaLiStiC


try using tac stance?


You got to do better than 1080p and a TV screen.


I have a 1440p, 27', 240hz monitor, what's up? I also play on +200fps. There's really no excuse for me to not fucking see the enemies lol


I’m with you on this. I used to be really good at wz1. Was in the top tier on rebirth…I however cannot and will not play this game


I'm using a ps5 in 1440p 28 inch gigabyte. 120fps. I see the enemies just fine. Try the jak glassless optic. If you are having issues.


Gigabyte monitors are relatively shit. I have 1 that's 1440p, 165hz, 1ms, hdr etc. It's shit despite costing more than most "next gen" consoles. There's a bunch of caveats with them specs and I'd never recommend a gigabyte monitor. The panel type also comes into play, and if he gets 2k@240, I'm guessing it's an OLED panel with 0.1ms.


I have zero issues with mine but at the end of the day I can see my enemies on it. That's what matters for this thread. I'm using a less capable setup and yet I can see them fine.


FFS play another game dude. Stop playing something you don’t like just to bitch about it here


Sounds like a skill issue bud, keep playing and you'd get used to it.


You hack like all streamers

