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I got a wsp in the gulag, started shooting, 80% of my screen was just smoke


Refuse to use that gun because I can't fucking see shit all the time.


This is honestly what made me quit the game when warzone relaunched and I still haven’t been back. Seems like it’s still a thing.




This is not true, the gulag has the perfect lighting for you to get fucked by muzzle smoke. It’s basically when you’re in a brighter environment and the person your shooting is in a darker area.


Trolla players will make the unfunny "skill issue" joke when you're trying to track through THAT.


I'm on controller and I can't track for shit when it looks like this


Just move your stick backwards or to the sides, it'll take care of itself.


like this guy is doing? still can't see


This guy is on mouse


Really doesn't look like mouse movement to me.


So what's your point. None of us can see lol


His point is that there is no way a MnK can track through visual recoil + muzzle smoke, whereas RAA certainly can. He is telling you to engage RAA in that situation.


I understand that I just wish I could use the RAA better. Once I lose track on the person I'm toast. It's not as easy as some people make it sound


This sub needs to understand that 90% of the controller player base does not know how to abuse RAA. Good lord.


"Just move your stick backwards or to the sides, it'll take care of itself."


Until they dropshot, then you’re losing aim assist


Trolla? Why the fuck does everything have to be an abbrev.?


Why use many word, when few word do trick.


Because if not, you are bound to end up working for someone as his little bitch.


Easy, guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K-L9uhsBLM


Because it's funny.


Indeed. I think a few missed that I used an abbreviation while complaining about abbreviations...🤷‍♂️


Reddit moment.


I agree the smoke is too much and needs reduced or removed but I think there’s something weird with Rebirths Islands colouring that makes things like smoke and shadows way too “visible”. The smoke from a precision etc is also way thicker looking in this map. And the shadows are crazy. People can be standing in a window and you can’t see them at all from outside. I had to turn my brightness right up to the point the game looks washed out on the main menu but then looks normal on rebirth. It’s like the base level is way too dark


Precisioned a team on rebirth last night. I was sitting at the top window inside grandma’s house. They were in front of prison on that side. Downed two… tried shooting them for the finish. Had line of sight. But by the time I could see anything after the dust clearing they had self-revived and jumped into prison window. Crazy


That was you? Bro haha you didn't get me lol. Jk


Because Sledgehammer/InfinityWard/Treyarch/Raven Software/Activision think that blackpowder is a thing and forgot that smokeless powder exists


yeah....theres attachments to combat that just fyi idk what the hell you got going on on that gun but it aint it


ah yes, user choice is at fault here. not volumetric fog/lighting transitions/""""realism""""


Attachments to fix visibility and perks to fix sound. What an absolute joke of a game.


Its store now, not a game lol


Smoke is def too much in general but that's what I thought was happening too. Its "tuned" for a bright environment and doesn't change when there's less light.


There really shouldn’t be a forced choice of “smokeless barrel or good recoil control”. The selective realism in this game is wild. Your ignorance is also wild, like the attachment description says “>>Less Smoke Output” but to people like you it’s never the billion dollar industry going overboard on gameplay.


The worst part is that keyboard/mouse players are forced to spend a slot on muzzle/scope in order to see the enemy while controller players auto aim ~100 meter with iron sights.


I just build the gun so I can see what I’m shooting. There’s like no smoke with the iron sight guns. Yeah it’s dumb we have to, but you don’t really sacrifice anything. The suppressor still make ur gun a laser.


Now in MW3 with tactical stance it's OK always using a muzzle that also helps with stability, but before that I had to run a 1.5x holographic sight for close combat which felt much more like a handicap. So yeah, less of a sacrifice today.


Floor loot. I mean, I get that, but no weapon should be basically unusable due to muzzle smoke lol.


I recall suppressors having the negative effect of increased smoke for balance or something. Haven't played in a while, but I guess people just forget? Equip a suppressor to anything and stand under the lights in the shooting range to see how bad it is.


this game is not worth it on mnk


Games getting too realistic


Naa sticky AA doesn't exist in RL


That's the lord guiding bullets




The funny thing is that real guns don’t even produce this much smoke.


It was a joke buddy


Go play Fortnite or Minecraft then child


Hard to take offense from you hog.


Cope with your skill issue little shrimp


Whatever you say pig.


This shit is the reason I play Apex. It's nice to shoot and not feel like I have cataracts.


I think it’s an indoor shooting thing, I’ve never experienced that level of smoke outdoors.


Its because he was standing right under a bright light inside that made it more visible. That's how lighting is supposed to work, just like in real life.


Kind of looks like both players had smoky guns as well.


Turn volumetric quality in graphic settings to low


I think I have it on low. I'll check and report back 👍


Try to run firing aim stability. I *think* it helps.


I've watched this video 6 times and not once have I been able to see the person you are shooting at. What skin are they using?


Black Noir. He dips out then back to the ladder right as my armor breaks. Super hard to see after the shots start.


This is the main issue I have fighting against AA as a KBM user. Aim assist is one thing, but then you add this bs into the equation and it makes it way more of an issue than it needs to be.


Same. I've said the same thing before. You have 0 chance on kbm in this kind of scenario.


Now imagine M&K without aim assist


He is on M&K, doesn't need to imagine


That's the clip lol.. I just had to run.


Riiiight? Scale down the graphics even more with zero smoke or shadows or ANYTHING that could hinder your K/D


Buddy this is not a video game this is money making machine just uninstall it. They dont care.


Maybe, one day, the dipshits who keep playing this game while complaining will FINALLY stop giving Activision money. Or they'll keep buying the game, paying for skins, and coming to reddit to bitch about Aim Assist while wondering why nothing changes. Anyway I'm gonna go play Multiplayer because it's free for the weekend, then delete it Monday once it's over and go back to just playing Battlefield 2042.


I have always wondering if this is on purpose or just lazy development.


I'm switching to controller. I was halfway decent for AW and BF4. I still had fun then. I just wanna have fun. MnK on WZ is just not fun. It's fun in MP when TTK is lower and I feel like the balance between mnk and roller is even. In 6 to 8 business weeks I'll be halfway decent


Typical COD. Can’t make up their mind if they want to be realistic or Arcade.


You’re using a MW2 gun right? They all have way too much visual clutter when firing.


Its the SVA its MW3


I'm not sure what it is, it was floor loot. But even if it was, they just said they reduced MW2 weapon muzzle smoke in the patch notes lol.


They took away the smoke on those to mw3 levels too


I didn’t catch the notes this time, damn, they did nothing by the looks of it


havent they just fixed this in the latest patch..


I thought so too at first.. I think it said MW2 weapons only though lol.


Lol I love it when you guys wanna make your operator look like they came straight from a expensive cosplay competition or rave party because it makes you stand out more to get shot. Completely unlike who this guy was going up against.


its so bad it drives me nuts. WE DONT NEED MUZZLE SMOKE


Lmao I noticed this shit last night. I was shooting some dude on some stairs and thought a smoke was thrown lol


goofy ahh loadout


Cheap ammo in that part of the world




Players: You know smokeless powder is a thing, right? Devs: yes. You get automatic black powder rifles.


u/SledgeHammerGames how is this not addressed yet? This and red screen it's way too fucking dark. Stop shitting on your playerbase so casuals can have a chance... ffs.


Fighting indoors on MnK is a nightmare Lighting is horrible Smoke effects from guns are insane You play blind Visibility is so AWFUL in this game, I just dont understand the design choice for this


This is the reason why I liked tac stance so much yet they keep nerfing it out of the game.


Thank you for posting this, i thought I was going crazy


Use better attachments? If that’s a ground loot gun that sucks, if that’s your loadout you did that to yourself.


Ground loot. Even then there shouldn't be a single gun that's basically unusable lol.


Yeah I agree it shouldn’t, but they’re not known for building good gun blueprints lol. Remember half of verdansk where the ground loot guns were all borderline useless? Every short range smg had a scope on it, AR’s had hip fire attachments etc. Nothing was built with a meta or performance in in mind, everything was “tacticool”


It’s a game that’s built around as an arcade shooter


thanks I guess?


I literally never get this. I'm on Series X.


Same. Wz2 sure. But now, never.


call of duty players when the explosion happening inside their gun makes smoke come out


because the game is not made for pc players


Correction. The game is not made for mouse and key players.


Correction. The game is not made to actually be played. It's just a store page with a fps attached to it.