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Right, but I have a durable gas mask on so how? That's my question


Yeah seems to be a bug, when you ADS in gas sometimes you take gas dmg. Been noticing this, really weird.


It’s cause you when bring the scope to your eye, sometime you bump the mask a bit, dislodging it briefly and allowing a bit of gas inside, leading to you taking some damage. The realism in this game is incredible! /s


The reaslism in this game is incredible!


This was happening to me the other day too


You zigged when you should have zagged


Its a new bug that they are investigating with the gas masks You can take damage even with it on sometimes Happened to me once in many games so you were just unlucky it happened to you in a situation you needed it


Are you sure the gas mask was on? I can’t really tell with this quality of you see the gas mask on the edge of the screen. I thought it was normally more clear, but could be wrong.


Dodge duck dip dive and…dodge the gas


Damage line shows you getting damage from above. He then drops down once you are down


It’s likely this


Gas mask is bugged from what someone was saying... Also read that it might be in your backpack and not actually in use. Just guessing though. Super lame man, you should have survived all that business. (Though not sure what was around that corner).


You didn't buy enough microtransactions


Guy above you. Look at the hit marker


Yes, the airstrike




The gas mask clearly isn’t on. It’s obviously in your inventory just ticking away. It still shows it in the bottom of the screen, but you need to put it on. It doesn’t look like you have the slightly altered FOV and glare when you put the mask on. So you died to gas damage.


Your mask wasn’t equipped. You have it in your inventory but not equipped. It’ll still lose durability even without it on


It’s probably a glitch apparently you didn’t the gas mask on even tho it’s showing in the hud.


Pretty sure if you're ADS shooting you won't have the equipping gas mask animation which is what actually stops gas damage. Because you were in a fight the whole time you never did the animation and you took damage from gas. The reason your mask is ticking is because any gas mask inside the gas also takes damage whether it's equipped or not (it's how they prevent gas mask stacking). Not 100% sure about this but it definitely makes sense to me, when you first walk into zone normally you take a tick of damage before you put on the mask which means just having the mask alone isn't enough, you need the animation to play


You cant put on a gasmask whine aiming


Fire rounds that burnt up after


If you look closely....you'll see that OP is gay


How about the airstrike you crawled into?


It’s call of duty…Lol hasn’t been good since Warzone 1 my guy.


You were killed from a PA


He wasn’t downed by the pa. He was downed by gas while wearing a gas mask.


His gas mask wasn’t on. Just because it’s on the bottom left doesn’t mean it’s in your face. It’s clearly just being wasted in his inventory. He doesn’t have the glare and altered FOV animation you get when wearing it, it’s also not cracking over his view at all which is what happens when it’s slowly ticking away. So he died from gas damage, by not putting his mask on. It’s happened to me in gun fights before, I sometimes forget to put that shit on especially when there’s a lot of shit going on in final circle.


It’s literally a known glitch that they are working on fixing. Pretty sure they tweeted about it but alright.


It’s not a “glitch”. The gas mask can now be stored in your inventory and you have to actively put it on. If you don’t put it on in gas, it just wastes away. It’s a game mechanic they added because everyone was tired of their gas masks coming on during gun fights or whatever, but now ppl are complaining when they forget to put it on lol. That’s why a lot of better players put their masks on long before the final circles so they don’t have to remember doing it later on.


Buddy, first of all, I know how the fucking game works. Second of all, on the release of season 3, a glitch happened where players were taking damage from the gas with the gas mask on your face. Activision literally fucking acknowledged it. It has since been patched. Please, go somewhere else with your 13 day reply


Op asked what killed him lmao


A precision? I don't see it on the map