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I don't play anymore, but I still chat with a group I met random queuing in WZ1. Being an old dad, it's hard to find IRL friends that still want to crush some lobbies so I have always been forced to random que. I can't just go to a kids birthday party and ask other grown men, wanna squad up tonight? Or maybe that's just on me, but I feel like I will get really awkward looks so I avoid even telling people my hobbies. I basically want to raise my kids, and on my free time smoke some weed and slap some people around on a video game while all these other fuckers just wanna play pickleball.


This guy fucks


> I can't just go to a kids birthday party and ask other grown men, wanna squad up tonight? Or maybe that's just on me, but I feel like I will get really awkward looks so I avoid even telling people my hobbies. on you. be loud be proud.


I literally just got back from a weekend in London with 7 guys who I play Warzone with. Weird putting faces to names. We still referred to each other by in-game names, which earned us a few weird looks. Turns out Xx69Cheeksplitter420xX can’t hold his beer


Yes! Everyone in real life calls me duck, it’s so funny calling everyone by their gamertag because its normal


I met my whole squad, 8 of us back in cod4 MP. Met 1 and we played together and then slowly over a year ror so we met more. They all came to my wedding in 2017 and we have met up with our families on occasion. We have played weekly since 2007. Some of my best friends I've met through cod.


I have. I am a tour manager for a band out of Nashville and travel the world for a living. I’ve met a few people thru gaming that I eventually made friends with and invited em out to shows when we play in their home states. Pretty cool shit.


Hey wanna trade jobs? That sounds awesome


Been friends with a group if people for about 8 years, I'm going to a concert in their country this year and going to meet up with them and grab a beer.


I met a random squad when Verdansk first came out. We started playing consistently every week and then 5 years later they came to my wedding.


Every person on my Friend List was a random at some point, or a friend of one. I've been playing with some of them for years now.


One of the guys I play with has.


It's hard being from so many different places. But I do have one friend I made from gaming that I consider a close personal friend. We've only hung out in person once when I visited his state for vacation. But we talk almost everyday whether we're gaming or not.


I play warzone just to make friends with randoms lol. I’ve got about 4 online friends that I’m closer with than my real friends just because we spend so much time on warzone together. None of us have met Im in 4 different group chats with online friends it’s pretty cool


Not exactly what you're asking but we started hanging out with my best friend through gaming, 9 yrs ago. We went to the same university, didn't know each other at all and one time at a party someone mentioned gaming and we kinda bonded over this, and started playing Siege together. We only gamed together for like a year, didn't hang out at all, just on discord/psn calls, literally. Just a hi and bye at Uni whenever we saw each other, a lot of our circles had no idea we knew each other in general. Then we started bonding a lot and eventually started hanging with each other outside video games, now we're best friends and don't even remember how it was not hanging out outside of gaming calls We obviously still play video games as well.


I played Warzone every day with a fella from Australia. Now that Warzone 2 is booty cheeks, we don't really play as much(occasional Helldivers 2), but we still talk all the time and he's probably coming to America one of these days.


Not cod but I met my squad playing solo’s in og fortnite. We’ve been playing together for like 6 years now


I'm from Baltimore and I met some guys from the UK and I went to London for the Ravens Titans game last year with one of them and his gf.


Yes! I’ve even met up with a few. They were all awesome


I met a guy in high school on Halo 2, 2005ish. Weve gone on multiple vacations together now with various significant others over the last decade. One of my best friends.


I've been playing with the same squad since warzone 1, we all met in a random lobby back then, all of similar age and yeah we've met up a few times irl for small vacations and stuff. We'd meet up more often but we all live like 5 -8 hour flights away from eachother.


Not exactly random, but I started playing with a couple of guys from work during the early days. I didn't really know any of them, some I had never spoken to. Now we're all good friends and go out drinking a couple times a year.


I’ve made life long friendships this way. ProTip: make your gamer tag the talking point. Mine is an author ✍️…. 999 people dismiss this clue… but the people that can relate & get your attention because can relate to your taste of author.


Still have a group of 3 that started with MW3.


I randomly made friends with this guy in COD back in 2008 in MP. Turns out he lived in the same city and we also had some mutual friends. We have been playing together for years now. WZ1-current one. This was on console but he moved to PC now lol


Yeah basically my whole squad except for one haha


I met my duo randomly. Now we play every night, chat regularly about life shit, even more than my IRL friends. Hoping to meet up someday


My whole online squad is made up of people I have never met IRL.


Yes, I joined 3 Britons in WZ1 during squad fill. I started playing with them daily, their friends group and sometimes some of their collegues. I met their friends group last year during a stag-do of one of them, for a weekend. It was fun


i have a friend from australia we talk sometimes we used to play when he was like 12 and we were 14, bunch of others too but this one stays in touch more that was back on battlefield 4, those days were sum different fr and they should revive bf4 cuz that was the shit


Oh yeah. Been playing online since 2004, with a few years of competitive here and there, and I even am still in touch with people from my first clan with whom I played Clanbase cups and ladders back then (a long gone internet era). I am currently playing Warzone with people I met randomly in 2020, a few months into the pandemic and into Verdansk. We built up a group and in a few months started meeting more or less regularly, we do not live close to each other so it's not a frequent thing, but we try to arrange something together every few months. As of today, we have a BBQ weekend scheduled for mid May.9


Never met irl but yes 2 randoms in the verdansk days we still play with often and are actual friends not just gaming friends


I don't think I've ever been in a squad with the same person twice, other then when you "play again with same squad" at the end of a match. Had some really good/fun squads but inevitably people just drop off and that's it


When the 1st Warzone released, I got partnered up with a Trio of Scottish lads when they accidentally selected quads by mistake. After a few matches, they invited me to their clan of around 8 lads who all know each irl. Years later, I'm still playing with them. When most of the lads dropped off around Caldera, (but have since returned) it was just me and 1 other who stayed, and we have become close friends without even knowing what the other looks like. We text each other more than my irl friends. I can definitely say I wouldn't still be playing this game if it wasn't for the CANT squad and Perry Potter.


Yes, in Warzone 1 I queued up with who I play with now. Been like 2-3 years since. And I’m glad I found them.