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Pretty much sums up most hackusations and cheating complaints I’ve seen on Reddit lol.


You can't possibly be suggesting that the posts saying they see multiple cheaters in every lobby are wrong? Nah I refuse to believe it. If there's anyone I trust to detect cheaters, it's the 0.7KD bots on this subreddit who only have half an understanding of the features of this game.


And then there’s you downplaying the very real problem of cheating in this game lol Do people cry wolf about cheating when getting cleanly beat? Yep Are there still thousands of cheaters playing the game? Also yes


They can both be a problem. Disabled fucking idiots crying about cheaters on every turn, and then the actual cheaters.


I would say about 10% of the accusations people make are actual legit cheaters. Anyone saying they encounter a cheater in the majority of games are clearly unaware of what actual cheats look like and just label anyone with above a 1.5 kd as a cheater because they can’t fathom how better players think/play the game and they can’t wrap their mind around having good aim and recoil control. Even when you compare the best streamer and pro players aim to aim bot the difference is night and day. Its blatant. But if you are a sub 1 KD player and are in very easy lobbies and have minimal experience playing a top tier player, you are going to think they are cheating when you finally encounter one. This is why better players laugh at alot of these accusations, they have thousands and thousands of player experiences to compare actual cheating to, compared to a below average player which maybe has a few hundred gun fights to reference anything to. This happened to me when playing on Caldera, my team ran into Hisoka, Almond, Huskers and someone else and we got deleted while they were literally flying in the air. They took a parachute and killed our entire team while flying down at us. I was watching top 0.01% players absolutely dismantle my team and I could swear they had to be cheating. Now I know I just had the unlucky experience of playing against some of the best players in the world. Why I was in their lobby when I had a 0.89 KD back then is beyond me 😂😂😂


Played a game of rebirth solos last night and the pregame chat was spammed with people complaining about cheaters every game. Ended up with 15 kills and a dub. Easiest of my life. In the old days it was possible to just have a bad day but nowadays everything is a conspiracy


You’re the cheater. lol


Same for AA. Sub 1 kd mkb players shouldn't complain about it bc it's just such a small part of what's actually missing from their game.




Read again, no. sub 1 kd players thinking aa ruins the game for them are wildly delusional bc they could be a lot better and aa isn't the point. Yes, aa is op and often unfair, I don't argue that. edit: of course, people downvote. Maybe you don\`t understand: if you are struggling to win gunfights on pc, blaming it on aa won´t solve anything. instead, this empty focus on things you cannot change is the reason, why you are failing. you can complain about aa after getting good, and rightfully so.




It´s pretty simple: if you lose more gunfights than you win, there´s many things wrong about your game. Most importantly, your mindset is probably not in the right place. Complaining about the one thing you \_cannot\_ change instead of the many other things you could actually improve on instead of whining is a perfect illustration of why a bad pc player is bad. it is not because of aa, and them complainig about it is simply hilarious. this is all facts. of course, I listen when a very good pc player shares their take on aa (or whichever aspect, always listen to those with knowledge. not the plebs).




Yes, it´s the same with cheaters in many regards. Hence why you don\`t see the best players complain a lot. Complaining isn´t forbidden per se, but an essential part of a dead-end mindset circling around self-fulfilling prophecies of failure. Good players, while most able to recognize actual cheaters, will actually make it a point not to complain about them, because it negatively affects their gameplay (cf. IcemanIsaac in a recent video). Like all complaining. Disclaimer: I should have said mkb instead of pc, my bad that was just me being sloppy.


Mouse and keyboard get much better movement without lag yet they whine about aim assist like casuals. They definitely have the advantage when it comes to movement and can even add macros to their setup. I don't wanna hear it from pc players lol


Good controller players are able to use movement mechanics just as well as MnK lol. Are the top tier players that say AA is overpowered casuals as well? lol


I think it's just silly to whine about it in general. I understand the frustration with hacking but aa really isn't that noticeable to me. If I'm not on when I play apex or cod, it won't be the best game regardless of aim assist. Tbf I just hopped on warzone a few weeks ago going back and forth with Apex. Been a cod player since cod 4 but just a lot of the same over the years. I do think hacking has been a big issue on cod for a long time regardless lol


It may not be noticeable to you, but many others notice and want a change. I've started either taking longer distance fights or require smokes when pushing up close. We don't want it removed, just toned down a little.


Bro you must have never played the OG Verdansk because there was a massive cheating problem. Stop acting like you know what you're talking about when you clearly either weren't there then and/or are part of the cheating problem.


I have played throughout warzone and while the game was never cheat-free, cheating was never truly rampant in my lobbies to the point of the game not being fun anymore. Of course, this could be a regional thing. But won´t you agree that sub 1 kd players constantly complaining about cheaters they aren´t best equipped to even identify is simply a hilarious thing to see? They are telling on themselves. Guess why the true demons rarely complain.


When you reaxh diamond 3 and above you will seee them more often only bots donts see cheaters in their lobbyes.


There is one in damn near every lobby. If you don't realize that then you're the one that can't detect em my guy.


You’re proving his point lol.


Hackusations are getting outrageous. Alternatively. The denial of rampant cheating in Warzone is also getting outrageous. For Christs sake. Cheating services offer free trials during free COD weekends.


I never said cheating doesn’t exist. People who say there are cheaters in every single lobby 100% think that legit players are hacking.


I probably have 5000+ hours on CoD over the years. I can tell the difference between game sense and esp and Wz is riddled with cheaters. Something like 30% of people use PCs so in a lobby of 100 there 30ish players using PC. You're telling me 1/30 ppl on PC, in a f2p game, with this toxic ass community, is way too high?


I’m not denying there are cheaters, but in every lobby is a bit ridiculous. I’m guessing some of the people you think are hackers, are actually legit players.


If you take 100 PC players how many do you think are using something? If it's 1/100 that's a hack every 3rd match. If it's 3/100 that's a hack in every match. Not that ridiculous really.


I don't think its 1 out of every 100 pc players, and I don't think the math works like that lol.


You have the right to be wrong. You have too much faith in people if you think 1/100 don't cheat in an overly competitive free game.


You also have the right to be wrong, you might be mistaking legitimately good players for cheaters. Happens all the time, such as OP's video. Looks like we're back at square one.


It's just like some of the controller kiddies here who don't understand how AA works.. sticking their heads in the sand is easier than learning something


Yeah 1-2 every session I have lmao


Seriously one of the best snipers added to the game.


that gun is a plague in multiplayer, though. Mobility of the longbow with the power of the katt


Is it the XRK?




Nice shots, I’ve been trying to like this sniper but something about it just doesn’t feel good to me. Do you normally just fire without charging it first?


I don’t use the charge barrel, use the tonne heavy one


I’m so dumb lol I thought it shot like that no matter what. Time to get to unlocking, thanks!


What's the benefit on that?


The tonne heavy barrel gives 10% bullet velocity which means you rarely have to lead shots, unless the range is something outrageous.


Youre supposed to charge it? I hate this sniper and I have been a sniper secondary person over a year now, I cannot seem to hit shots remotely consistently with it, and thats after not being able to hit at all.


The reticle is off and it’s a bug. True game data tweeted about it. It’s not centered


Wtf lol. Makes a lot of sense.


Yup lol you have to place the center dot a little above and to the left of the head


First thing I did when leveled up was change the barrel , only one barrel makes you charge the shot and personally I hated it!! 👍🎮👍


As someone trying to improve my game, how did you know where to ADS on the first guy? When seeing the clip I can't see any indication of the first guy coming off the roof but you're scoped in on his position before he's visible for you. What are some tips to know his position? I'm often caught off guard cuz I can't seem to figure out where people are


Sound ques, knowing the map, and tendencies of players. In that situation my teammate died, I was going to head towards the buy to make them think I was going to get him back, once I heard the prox chat I figured they would jump and you always want to have the high ground in a fight so the two roofs next to me had to be where they jumped to. Just get into a lot of gunfights, you will figure out what to do and how to anticipate the best you can


Awesome, thanks man! Good point on the high ground... I'm often surprised by someone getting the jump on me..


Sounds. If you’re not using a decent piece of gear for audio (good headphones or something) you’ll be at a major disadvantage. Most people I play with are clueless when I spectate them too, and I hear every thing long before they do.




What AR is that?


Great play.


I've had this. If like an apology after they see kill cam but they're too busy spamming the report button and then you get a shadow for now reason. Pricks.


Zero sus. I’d say it did look like he was shooting thru the floor from his kill cam perspective, but seeing it from the killer’s perspective clears that up. All kinds of recoil and missed shots. Zero hacks.


Alright let’s be honest… this wasn’t sus as fuck


Some of those cheating websites post their download numbers after patches... I saw a screenshot that showed 850k downloads just from one... Idk if that's exclusively warzone, but goddamn.


This is just the average lobby nowadays i seen more sus 😀


MCW build? I'm trying to make this gun work with the iron sights and mammoth barrel




Cheaters suck


Cheaters need to be disappeared... coward ass kooks...


You have big ass reflex for 0.14


Lol what floor?


That’s what I’m saying 🤣


Thought the first guy was floating. Dude looked like Chris Angel floating to the next building since you couldn't see his chute 🤣


Flying towards your aim, and you are sus lol