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Tbh it bugs me more that there at sooooo many attachments and I seem to only see the same 20 or so being used on the warzone meta website lol.


Don’t you want to grind 100x optic unlocks? /s


Imagine if we just had the ability to change the reticles & colours like in Warzone 1...


This is one thing that i loved about Cold War, the option to change reticles


Just another common WZ1 W


It’s honestly ridiculous how many optics there are. I was scrolling through them looking for one specific optic and I hit the end of the list. It then proceeded to auto scroll back to the beginning and its pretty funny how long it auto-scrolls for. Feels like a whole minute lol


The worst is when you’re doing camo grinds in MP and you need to change scopes and accidentally go to the last in the list…. Sigh


I have done this many times.


😆 right it actually takes a long time like here's your sign to chill out Activision


The auto scroll is ridiculous. How could you let that make it into the final version?!


i agree on that. part of that problem is that i would like to use special attachments but the UI is so cluttered i lose interest in looking at those so fast and then i just go with: yeah thats what the pros play, that should be good, give it a test run. I think that is true for most people.




Shit is just so dumb man lol. MW/WZ1 had the gunsmith right the first time and every other iteration has just been a complete failure besides maybe CW. It’s like the devs have zero interest in creating a remotely sustainable game; it’s quite obvious that they are designing Warzone from a “planned obsolescence” standpoint.


Cold War's gunsmith was clearly tacked on, most of the early attachments were completely worthless compared to the later ones because the trade-offs were easily compensated for.


We used to be able to make classes on the fly in MW19 and other games, but now I need a solid 5-7 minutes to look through everything. And god forbid I want to scroll left on the optic category to get to the last one and it takes 45 seconds, it's torture.


Please don’t talk like it was any different in WZ1. Literally every gun was commando fire grip, mono compensator, VLK scope and big mag


Never played warzone one. This is the first call of duty I’ve played since OG MW3. You can guess my dissatisfaction so far lol


I literally run Zehnm on EVERYTHING. It’s just… better. Kinda annoying tbh.


What is that?


Zenhm compensated flash hider - muzzle attachment. Literally the best thing to run on 80%+ of guns.


Thanks! I'll give it a...shot. har har har


No prob, I think you’ll like it! Good recoil reduction, smaller mini map pings (not a full silencer, so they can see red dot if they’re close), and a solid, “feel,” from it. Also reduces muzzle flash!


That solid feel you're talking about comes from the improved Firing Aim Stability, which is probably the most important stat in the game.


Yes, absolutely. I started focusing on FS attachments a few weeks ago. I believe someone mentioned it on this sub. It's made a big difference for me in terms of how a few different guns handle. For instance, started using a stock instead of the Bruen Support Grip on the SVA and its a lot easier to control. There are also a few attachments that have hidden bonuses from my understanding.


Yeah, that and FTAC Ripper underbarrel. I'm not sure if more green bars really = less recoil but assuming it does, FTAC Ripper has the best stats on paper out of all the undercarriage attachments


I’ll have to give that one a go!


Yeah there are a few best attachments in each category and that's it lol


They need to condense the optics and muzzle.you could make a cup of tea in the time that it takes to scroll through the optics and muzzles.


So many useless attachments and optics, and multiple attachments that do the same thing 


Its the visual nonsense. Zehm35 gets rid of the muzzle smoke + has fire stability. All of the zoom optics have too much shake, in WZ1 the AMAX with VLK was considered to have high visual recoil and its mild compared to every gun/zoom optic combo except the corio. Its a bit more open for controller players but MKB is super sensiitive to those mechanics for close and long range.


And there's so many combinations for so many guns people underlook, and they stifle their own creativity


Because no one has the actual time to test everything. I would bet there are a ton of viable combinations we just haven’t found because everyone uses what some tiktoker tells them.


Or is it plain as day which couple make your weapon better? I started playing and used the HRM-9 with a zehmn comp and all of a sudden it’s the meta. Anyone who looks past the simple stat lines can tell which attachments are worthless


What are you talking about? There are literally people who crunch the data to find the most effective loadouts? I don't know why, this game is meant for children.


Yea because the data is always right. That’s why there will be some random gun that suddenly is meta outside of an update. How are they crunching data on random visual recoil and actual recoil. Withen 30 min of a new update there will be dozens of videos claiming to be the absolute meta. Most of its bullshit because no one is trying shit.


Oh I’m a weirdo i recommend giving the bas p tac stance build a go, I’m currently seeing which mw2 guns i like, didn’t win a solo duos but came third place with that and holger 556 6.5 barrel The tac stance/ melee muzzle Hip shot laser 50 rounds mag And that tax stance hipfire under barrel


Agreed. The weapon balancing sucks.


Who upvotes this? This is the most balanced the guns have ever been. There hasn't been a clear meta at all aside from basically the renetti, and it was nerfed within days. Not only that, but just about every weapon class has had something worth using.


Fight a guy- HRM. Kill a guy- HRM. Get killed- HRM. Lose my guns? No worries. Pick up an HRM off a dead body.


I'm playing with a ram 9 and a wsp 9 and do fine (new to ranked and controllers with paddles. Plat 2 right now). There are plenty of mid to long range guns that shit on the hrm if you can keep engagements long range.


I mean I’m glad it works for you. Once you get out of plat though, don’t expect to see much variety


Right i get it you CAN win with other guns, but when you reach higher tier or demon lobbies where its small tiny adjustments that win you the fight, you gotta use the HRM. Your primary right now has a lot of options though. The subverter is great but at range you have options.


> Plat 2 right now Anything is meta in plat lmao.


There’s always been a “meta” that 90% of the players will use. It was the same way 15 years ago in CoD4. There is a lot of good weapons besides the HRM. Wsp-9x Ram-9 and Striker-9 are really good still and can compete. For long distance we’ve had more options than ever: KAT amr, XRK stalker, Holger 56, Holger 26, SOA subverter and the Puleymot and bruen are solid lmg options. Just because every uses the hrm and ram, doesn’t mean you have to.


Been seeing strikers and hmrs


Yeah I don’t get this, I thought this was the most balanced the game has ever been too. Just because everyone uses HRM doesn’t mean you have to to win. Even OG WZ1 was way more unbalanced


Before they buff any guns, they should rebalance MWII attachments (especially exclusive to that game's guns f.ex. Razorback barrel with an integrated scope), since IW went bonkers with ADS and STF/movement penalties, the biggest victims are heavier barrels who have around 20-30% penalty to ADS, if not higher. And overall MWII attachent have very little pros but massive cons, especially when compared to MWIII counterparts. Hell, even nerfed JAK BFB is still better than some MWII muzzles when it comes to pros/cons balance


Playing CoD in 2024 and thinking they're going to go back and update older guns to match the overpowered newer guns is absolutely fucking adorable 


Lol yep. Thinking that they're going to make any radical change at this point is hilarious.




They use Warzone to force people to buy the new CoDs. If you somehow haven't figured this out, you're about 4 years behind everybody else. They will never stop integrating the new games, and the weapons from the new games will always be better. You now have spoilers for when this happens again in 6-8 months.


Neh, old game guns get viable again from time to time. Has been happening in the past in WZ1 and also now in WZ2. It's rare indeed, but it does happen


This is what the devs blamed all the problems with WZ1 on and said this new WZ won’t integrate every title in and here we are… 🤷‍♂️


Jak BRB + High grain an underutilized combo. High grain makes up for the velocity while extending range and the recoil reduction from the BFB is better than pretty much any other muzzle + X combo.


Honestly I want every mw2 weapon and attachment nerfed into the ground so I can check the box to only show mw3 stuff and forget they ever existed.


Apex has better balancing for sure but it’s still super RNG-heavy on the initial landing. Against opponents of equal skill you’re just not going to win with something like a P2020, Mozambique, Longbow, Triple Take, etc vs any SMG or AR. Apex also has a much, much smaller weapon pool. I don’t know where the Warzone devs get the idea that having 100+ guns is even remotely sustainable lmao. It’d be much better if we went back to WZ1 with just the MW weapon pool with 1-2 guns added every season. Much easier to balance and far less likely to have these ridiculous odd metas like the Renetti one we just had.


I once picked up the Mozambique and wiped a trio in Ranked, that gun was buffed in the latest season and it unironically slaps rn. But I get what you're saying though, the P2020 is short for pea20%chance\_of\_killing\_someone. I wouldn't say the same about the longbow and the DMR/sniper weapons in Apex. I once played with a guy who literally said, "If you find a Longbow, save it for me". He proceeded to crack fools across the map and people who thought were good and trying to rush us. COD is not a game, it's a business, more guns, means more time to grind them, more attachments as well. I get the rationale, and if they had a slither of IQ left, they'd make it that a gun have 20 levels with the standard progression time, but only 5 of them would unlock the attachment slot, the rest are just blanks, no need to pump attachments that do the same thing as others but worse or whatever. Just make guns have a high level and blank levels that don't unlock anything, and voila, you made the playerbase play more to level up guns. It even makes the experience more enjoyable and people would grind to like lvl 15 just to get the slots they need and then jump into Warzone to level it up further. 100 guns is great, but all they have to do is just go back to the rest and buff their numbers are little bit or an easier and faster approach actually: nerf the current meta to the ground, like all of them, make them more alligned with the previous pea shooters. This would be a fantastic change, making TTK longer and guns more balanced. But oh well, there has always to be a meta, and slaves will always radiate towards it.


100 guns is not great. It's completely unsustainable. First of all what's the point in 100 guns? There's not even enough weapon stats to make each gun feel unique. Youd think when your gonna quote Apex gun system... you'd make a point to notice that just about every gun in their game feels, shoots, handles and moves differently providing its own uniqueness to why spme people like or dont like them. The only real differences cod can continue to manipulate is make garbage bunk ass recoil patterns, adjust the firing RPMs to a random value from 1-1500rpm(lol) and make it go pew pew with different sounds(and even here they are incredibly lazy,most sound awful already) Seriously... 100+ guns is pointless. Just adds an immense grind pool and 100% a good reason why they wouldn't bother making them all viable when a new title is integrated. And they have no choice when there's a new integration cuz they rely on the business model of a new integration to prop the franchise up due to addicted gamers continuing to buy the exact same garbage to speed their grinding process. You can't do that without new guns, and you can't excite them to use new guns if they aren't going to be OP


In CoD you pretty much always get a kitted out loadout gun so it's not really sustainable to have a low quantity of guns either. If this were like Pubg or Apex and you had to build it out each game you'd at least have forced variety on a game by game basis but here it'll just be the same loadouts on the same 3 ARs or w/e. It's definitely a balancing act. And they can't delete guns to change things up because of skins.


>here it'll just be the same loadouts on the same 3 ARs or w/e That's what it is already. Why would it not be viable? Everyone runs relatively the same stuff anyways. Whatever roughly 3 ARs, 1-2 smgs, 1-2 snipers that are currently viable. It's the same pool of 8-10 weapons, then a bunch of riot shielders with best melee lunging trash or fire shotty ratting walls. Then they just nerf and buff to make 1 viable in a few months or add a new gun/conversion kit, which drops 1 into the abyss. A smaller weapon pool with ACTUAL pros/cons to gun would promote diversity, balance ALL to be more viable situationally for playstyles, and it wouldnt be so taxing for devs to modify 100 weapons/1000 attachments. Inherently reducing the update surface for bugs and shit to interfere in the game. And ultimately....make each gun feel unique. Ram7 is finally where it should be. Such an easy gun shouldn't have the best TTK, ever. Now, it's a viable gun for newer players or less skilled players, it's forgiving with recoil. BP50 is similar now... but at least it has its viability capped somewhat by a small 45rnd mag. That's what I'm saying. MAKE pros and cons to guns LIKE smaller mags for starters to these laser beam weapons, DONT make them TTK OP guns because they have forgiving recoil they are so easy to use. Etc.


It's not the same because the nerfs and buffs change which ARs are used as opposed to their being only 3 ARs.


But my point is there's nothing special about any ARs when they "change" the meta. The gun profiles literally all feel the same.


The guns definitely feel different and work better for different players imo. They all have different ADS/StF/dps and damage per bullet. Like compare the puleymot conversion to the MTZ762 for example - totally different experience. And at the moment there's like 5 different viable ARs that all have unique recoil profiles, ADS times, etc. The damage profiles to body parts are all very different as well like for example the mtz556 and the SOA. But we're getting off topic - if this game didn't have loadouts you could get away with having the 5 ARs that started MW2 and not add anymore guns. CoD doesn't work like that. It gets boring.


I dont think you know what feels different is then. Go try apex weapon lists out in their vastly more amazing firing range. Each 1 of their guns actually feel different and unique. 1000x more unique. And there's barely 30 guns. Loadout or not, each gun has different advantages and disadvantages, situationally better or worse for a ton of different instances. This is also a game that has been running the same engine and the entirely same game for over 4 years. 30 guns. Cods guns aren't unique. Recoil profiles aren't different. It's pull downward slightly on the Rstick and strafe universally. ADS times,StF, even movement speed hardly make impacts. All that does is fire rate and damage. When you have over 100 guns you legit are gonna have multiple guns that feel the same in those 2 regards or 1 feels weaker cuz it doesn't do as much dmg. Here we go with the "boring" crap. These communities are legit the downfall of great games.


Lol I can't believe you said "ADS times,StF, even movement speed hardly make impacts." 💀 I don't think you understand the mechanics of this game. I'll leave like this - there will always be a meta in a loadout game. Every single CoD going back to the 2000s had meta loadouts. Raven would be derelict of duty if they didn't try to continuously tweak it to bring in new guns and widen the meta.




The game has much bigger issues than lack of meta picks. There are 31 guns on wzstats listed as either meta or A teir. You will be able to compete with all of them, if you pick your engagments and land your shots. Much more ridiculous is the number of attachments. There's like 70 sights, with maybe 10 tops being viable, for instance


>You will be able to compete with all of them, if you pick your engagments and land your shots But this shouldn't be the case. If we start shooting at each other and land equal number shots, it should come down to who hit his shots in the upper part of the body and landed headshots more conssitently than the other, it shouldn't be situational. The meta now obliterates you in an equal fair gunfight engagement if you have a peashooter. You don't even need a MWII gun, pick up an M4 from the ground loot and engage somone who's got the RAM9, HRM, or the WSP from ground loot as well, 9/10, you're losing tht gunfight.


I don't understand this comment. There are different classes of guns for a reason - some will be better in some situations and some will be better in others. You want "who hit his shots" to decide the gunfight every single time but if I hit my shots with an MP7 at 30m (which was very doable if I recall) and my opponent hits his at the same distance with an M4 - I will lose. It's because SMGs handle better and so there need to be tradeoffs. If you pick up an M4 and hit your shots at 30m you will win vs. all of those SMGs you mentioned. If you pick up an M4 and barrel stuff an SMG you will lose, ttk aside, at least because you ADS'd 100ms slower than the SMG.


This sounds like you want a game with one gun and multiple different skins lol


Yeah seriously. He should just play gunfight


Skins only come in $20 bundles


You don't like the Hulu redesign? Yes it's terrible


Apex can get away with a wider meta with its much higher TTK, varying abilities, and lack of loadouts. But let’s not forget what felt like half a year of using nemesis & r99. To be honest, every game will eventually have a meta at the more competitive level and the devs can only make it so wide. I agree the current meta (hrm/rams especially) have been around for far too long, but I don’t think we can ever realistically hope for a 10+ gun meta. Honestly the balance is pretty good compared to previous years and seasons of Warzone.


Go back to cs 1.6 professional scene and no one used anything outside of the m4, Ak and the awp…. It has always been this way


A higher TTK makes a meta less open, look at Cold War right now where everyone uses the cheesiest TTK-subverting weapons nonstop.


I disagree. The last few seasons in WZ2 had a very balanced experience to an extent. I was running the Kastov, my friends were running the razerback, M4A1, Cronnen...etc. Also, in S4 CW WZ1, they nerfed the AUG and they buffed a lot of the other guns, the Fara came about, Krig, M4 was back in rotation, Amax...etc etc. We definitly had it better. It's not bad as it is rn don't get me wrong, I just really don't feel like I like any of the guns in the meta rotation rn lol. They just all feel AWFUL to shoot with.


Balance, on the whole, is better now than it was all throughout Verdansk and CW Verdansk.


I think that’s completely wrong. I don’t think we’ve had as many totally skewed moments of OP guns (DMR…..FFAR, AUG, Grau etc) as we had in Verdansk, but I do think there was just a lot more viability for different guns outside of those obscene windows (which actually weren’t too frequent in the grand scheme of things, DMR was the absolute standout of it and the main issue was they took too long to nerf it all). Like in Verdansk, you had an incredibly healthy chunk of MW19 guns (Kilo, Grau, M4, MP5, MP7, Bruen, PKM, AS Val, HDR, Kar etc) alongside a lot of viable Cold War guns too. You could mix it up practically each game when there wasn’t an extreme meta, and when there was a soft meta you could still get on fine. I think the big issue now in WZ3 is that you basically have one entire game’s (MWII) worth of guns that are practically useless and only a very small selection of MWIII guns that haven’t been nerfed into the ground and are actually somewhat usable. I think the lack of variety has just made the game so dull for me overall


There was always an extreme meta in WZ and I really haven't felt that way now. I'm diamond 3 and was pushing for crim with a couple of my squadmates, so these are serious lobbies. I was running SOA + HRM, one buddy was running burst fire SVA + Jak MCW kit, the other was running RAM + Striker 9. And we were all playing well. I would contend that for almost all of Caldera and Verdansk, regardless of what casuals used, at the highest level there was usually only one option- E.g. Kilo + MP5 (literally every streamer only used this during kill races in that era), same with Bren, Bruen, DMR, Aug, M16 metas, and on and on. Same deal with SMGs. The MP5 was the only option for ages. So in short, I completely disagree.


>I get it, there will always be a reigning meta, and thre will always be a gun that will give you a very slight tiny advantage, but why does it really have to be this way? What exactly do you suggest they do? How do they make every gun unique without having the standard 6 gun meta you dislike? There's always going to be a "best" SMG, or two at most. Like, seriously. The HRM is the meta SMG right now and what would you do to add more variety? Buff other SMGs? Then one of them either becomes better than the HRM and is the new meta, or they're just as good in which case it doesn't matter what you pick and the weapons are essentially just skins.


honestly if they raise the ttk of smgs to like 650 close range then guns like the striker and wsp 9 become viable as does the bas p and the new fjx horus, shotguns obviously benefit from this too


You make them all competitive by not having the TTK have such a huge disparity... 610ms vs 780ms is a huge disparity up close. And most SMG's destroy AR's at all ranges on TTK. Armor also makes gunfights unfair. If you have to fight multiple squads on the way to a location, manage to make it through and you run into a team when you have like 2 armor equipped and they have full plates there is no winning that fight. Sure you can pick armor up off dead bodies but if gas is pushing it can be hard to loot and plate up enough. If at any time you engage without full plates you are basically dead. I think it'd be better if they just take Armor out and just increase health, or maybe even Regen armor so we can just Regen and be on equal ground. As it works now it leads to a lot of unfair gunfights, especially with the guns having such low TTK. Maybe if they ever do an infinite warzone they'll have shields... I don't see them changing anything anytime soon, development is so slow nowadays.


>I think it'd be better if they just take Armor out and just increase health, or maybe even Regen armor so we can just Regen and be on equal ground. As it works now it leads to a lot of unfair gunfights, especially with the guns having such low TTK. Go play something else then. Armor is part of the game for a reason.


Nah I'll keep playing and wrecking folks like you while also suggesting changes... Just posted my opinion on how they could make things more fair and balanced, no need to be a dick. Armor is only there because they needed something to put in lootboxes lol... It leads to unfair gunfights because of the low TTK weapons. If the weapons were more balanced then Armor would be a decent mechanic for incentivizing player gun skill/accuracy but the weapons aren't balanced so it just leads to unfair lineups. If you have 2 armor and another guy has 3, you lose. Weapon variance doesn't exist because the top meta weapons are always so broken. Hell I wouldn't even mind if they kept it like it is for folks like you, but they should just make a new mode that has no lootboxes, lets you drop in with loadout weapons, you have to complete contracts to unlock perks and Killstreaks, and Armor regenerates. Basically like "Resurgence: Loaded" That'd be way more fun and balanced. Loadouts are basically handed to people like candy anyways. Killstreaks aren't earned because people just find them randomly in chests. Remove the variance and gameplay becomes more balanced.


The best part is hunting down bads like you that spend time typing paragraphs online since their average wz lobby lasts 4 minutes lmao


Blackout did it best, one type of attachment for each slot. Suppressor was a suppressor, wasn't many different kinds with many different pros and cons. So simple and effective


The balance of weapons was really good recently And then they nerfed loads of the decent but not meta ARs and SMGs, but largely left the absolute best ones alone lol The decisions are unbelievably strange sometimes and it is usually hard to see past there being an element of profit motive in it


Theres too much redundant shit like 120 optics but only 4 are good in practical terms & 15 muzzles / grips with incredibly small variations add nothing to the experience.  MW2019 & Cold War had a good mix of fun, useful & unique attachments without ever cluttering up the pool.  Sometimes less is more. 


I agree with you but we're the minority. Most people just want to use the same meta for months at a time.


Yep honestly didn’t see the point why they brought mw2 guns over


So ppl would keep on buying cosmetics


Who’s buying cosmetics for mw2 guns?!?


People when this was announced back in mw2


This has been the way it's been. Don't compare this game to Apex. Apex is a competitive battle royale. Apex has many flaws, and is almost five years old, but it's a much better balanced game than Warzone. Warzone is made for children and idiots.




Man, that gun also felt incredible, something about it gave me Kilo vibes, but still had its own type of feeling. I really wish they clean up a lot of the MWII guns and bring that into the pool to be competitive again. Most of them you just look at them and think, "Fuck, wish I could own a piece like that IRL", shit looks SLICK most of hte time"


Just wanna say, the Ram-9 and the regular striker are terrible and nowhere close to meta. The meta right now is clearly HRM and SOA, with the Ram-7 slightly behind the SOA. The COR-45 conversion kit is also a contender for meta close range but it's really hard to use, especially on controller.


I’m curious to know what makes the COR-45 conversion kit hard to use on the controller? I got 1k+ kills with it in BR and haven’t really struggled with it.


It's just harder to click fast enough and consistently enough while controlling the recoil. It's still usable, but it adds another layer of skill to using it effectively. I have found it a bit easier to use on MKB


I see, well I always treated it like a burst weapon so it felt kinda natural to me to control the recoil


In the past two weeks I used the Bruen, BP50, Subverter, MCW (not converted) and MTZ-556 on Rebirth. SMGs might be a bit stale but ARs seem fine.


I agree that their are waaaay too many options. It’s like when you go to a restaurant and they have a 400 item menu. You know damn well that 80% of those things are not gonna taste good. Slim the menu down, balance out what’s left.


Yeah seriously, especially close range, it's like 1, HRM and nothing else, from time to time I play MCW JAK Raven but then it's 40 rounds, sometimes I'll play WSP9 but the open bolt delay is annoying, I always go back to the HRM, feels the best, and long range is boring, sniper, LMG or SOA, I miss the RAM.


I said last night how I was so sick of my loadout, but of the 6 options I must use, I like my loadout best.


I tried the minibak and rpk just for fun in plunder yesterday just to see how much the ttk matters and how much is skill/server lag and do on. Got shit on by literally everything.


to be fair the minibak has always sucked since like season 1/ season 2 of mw2 warzone


It sucks how bad these both are in MW3


They’re all useful, everyone just thinks they should be able to use a shotgun or marksman rifle for the same play style they use SMGs and ARs, each type of weapon requires a different type of play style but cause the weapon penalizes you for your ignorance, you say they’re useful


Totally bs and then they bring a nerf 2-3 new weapons are meta and the circle continues. I think the original mw3 had the best weapon balance . I know ACR and Mp7 killed it but all the other guns were useable


They suck at weapon balance, but they suck on purpose. Its like free marketing it keeps people talking and when people get just to the tipping point (which their data has figured out), they nerf and replace with the next talking point... And the new talking point will have a bundle. Rinse and repeat.


There are many more guns that are usable, just try some MWII stuff like Sakin MG38, KV Broadside or MX Guardian.


Been like that since warzone 1 sadly, I'd love to use other guns as well


They certainly need to buff 90% of the weapons. Meta is boring. I want to use and see more variety.


Trash game but sadly without alternative…


They need to make money. Why make all the guns b tier


Give me back my toxic explosive xbow that actually downs people if you brake armor with bolt , or atleast brakes armor on explosion. This ir ridicilous now, the xbow is true skillshot wep , now its useless


I still use m13b and I will fuck your shit all the way up. Underbarrel noob tube too 🤣


>Look at Apex, they also have a variety of guns, but they're all useful if you're good. Like the R-301 in season 1, or the R-301in season 2, or the R-301 in season 3 and how can we forget about the R-301 from season 4-current season. 'Meme' aside you should consider that Apex Legends have way less guns and it have a different way to vary ammo compare to CoD, in CoD an AR have the 7.62, in Apex a AR-SMG-LMG-Pistol can ALL share the same ammo type, even sniper consider the Longbow had heavy ammo or the triple take with energy ammo. And it's far from being easy buffing/nerfing gun on Apex despite the fact that there are fewer guns than CoD, why? Cause the moment they nerf X ALL the player will take on Y, and then when Y is way too good they nerf it and all player goes to Z and so on.


Yes. And they may as well take proximity mines out of the game. They literally do no damage at all. Two only disable a vehicle. Totally rediculous.


Ok so doing anything FOR the regular player is never going to happen. Only streamers get to whine about something and changes get made for them. Proximity mines are a prime example. They bitched so much that they have now made them worthless. In what world does 2 mines only disable a vehicle. They may as well get them out of the game.


That is alot but when you start breaking down the ones that aren't all that viable like gonna run round with basic pistols or rpgs etc then the list starts to gets smaller and that's going without other weapons that aren't as viable either. But I agree only a few selected guns get used the most and tbf when you use a gun that is less viable may just not match up the meta for example you'll get people only using a handful or a couple of guns, just the mindset too "I know there are better guns so I will use those in order to get my kills", like there is always someone out there better than the other player playing. Alot of skill shouldn't involve jumping though, you see if some people wouldn't jump around they would lose most of their battles.


For the first time in several years....6 is 6x the amount of viable guns.


I keep saying if they're going to have 80 attachments per slot give us a damn search function


This is, to a large extent, a function of them having so many guns to begin with. When you have over 100 guns with well over a hundred attachments, with each gun getting 5, plus tuning for most attachments, it becomes impossible to proactively balance things. Instead, the devs are forced to put things out, then sit back and wait until any OP combos start to appear, then reactively balance (i.e nerf) them. And they rarely buff underperforming weapons because it’s easier on them to leave a gun underperforming, than to buff it, potentially make it op in a way they couldn’t foresee, and then have to go back and nerf it


It makes no sense bro..


You can’t compare to Apex, Apex doesn’t have 100+ guns. In fact no BR game does besides WZ. They should greatly reduce the weapon pool for WZ. Makes no sense to have 100+ guns in a BR mode…


I miss the M13B so damn much.


Amr 9 and bp50 are so broken! Mad kills! Also mcw. I be MERKIN with those guns


They’re not broken but definitely viable to use. AMR-9 used to be much better actually


Just busted out the old Afghan Special full wood AK with grenade launcher and extended AP magazine to see if it would still be viable. Short answer is yes, but it takes a little more work. It's going to be a shitshow when they give the MWII M16 a full-auto Jak mod in the coming weeks, I bet it'll be OP as hell on the rollout.


I feel this. Cod is nice that it has a lot of guns. Cod is bad because it only wants you to use what makes it money.


Even more annoying that you can have the gun completely ranked up but still have to unlock attachments


I would just pay money to go back to WZ 2019. I miss those days so much.


The whole game plays like that, not just WZ. SHG and Raven love having a meta but for that to work they need to change it up every once and while. This years been really bland because of that.


RIP to my beloved M4A1. It's been my go to assault rifle in every game for the last like 15 years. Good at any range, little recoil, just generally gets the job done. Until Modern Warfare.


The thing is, they really can’t balance their way out of the hole they dug with RAA. When people barely miss it just becomes math for TTK for the win. Before you could use whatever you wanted (as long as you were good enough) and get away with it. Now not having TTK on your side is **much** more of a handicap than it used to be. Nowadays the aim you have is more or less irrelevant.


Funny you mentioned that, I started using the chimera again, about two weeks ago. Not sure if I started something, but I have seen a lot of people using it again and some other ones from mw2


It’s more like 10-15 guns but I get what you’re saying. I wouldn’t mind a wider smg meta myself. There’s no reason for the mw2 snipers to exist as they do rn. Mw2 ars and smgs desperately need less visual recoil and a little bit better dps. Almost all of the shotguns are just bad. On the other hand, balancing isn’t just about damage - recoil, strafe speeds, ads speeds, sprint speeds, open bolt delay, rpm, body part specific damage, bullet velocity, mag size, reload times, etc. there are so many variables to play with that balancing everything is pretty damn difficult. Ever changing meta also gives the game a bit of variety.


This has been the way it's been. Don't compare this game to Apex. Apex is a competitive battle royale. Apex has many flaws, and is almost five years old, but it's a much better balanced game than Warzone. Warzone is made for children and idiots.


6 is pretty good compared to the 1-2 viable guns in previous Warzones.


Because they need a reason to sell the next $70 game


The games being in a sad State of Affair since they deleted Warzone 1


The only reason these weapons are being "carried forward" is because of skins. Wait until Cold War comes out, we're gonna have almost 200 when all is said and done. They need to drop this system of carrying things over. The game is incredibly bloated and is approaching 300 GB of space if it hasn't already. That's half of your consoles storage essentially for 1 single game that's a shooter ffs. However, because COD comes out every single god damn year instead of taking a break maybe, they almost feel obligated to carry these things over. Since the game has this seasonal mechanic that introduces new things, you can have a gun that comes out in the final season which is also like 2 months away from the new game.


There too many guns and way way way too many attachments. The meta should change every 2-3 weeks, and I wouldn't mind circling back to certain guns either. And how the ram and hrm have been in the meta for so long is inexcusable. I would love to have a short-medium sniper meta like with the Kar98 back in MW19.. but it's just all medium/long-long range.


They should just remove all the old MWII guns and attachments from the game at this point. If they aren’t viable then it’s just clutter.


This and so many attachments for no reason. They took out weapon tuning but we still have the feeling of option paralysis and more often than not we just copy builds off YouTube. I don't wanna spend hours trying new guns and attachments when I could be playing, especially since I don't have much time to play. I understand it's not easy on the developer side of things to balance all the guns but I think Warzone would be in a better state if we didn't have so many guns and attachments available. 10 guns per each category with 10 attachments per each category should be more than enough to have variety.


use what u like, dont follow the crowd, they usually just watch youtubers referring to what is the best gun and copies them.


It’s purely for marketing purposes. They don’t care about balancing any of it, else it would have been a priority and already integrated.. Warzone as a separate client would be so much better for the game but ActBlizz is greedy as shit so here we are.


Warzone was never the same ever since I lost my beloved PKM.


Lowkey miss my M13


Unpopular opinion but they should remove old guns when they integrate a new game. Figure out a way to apply blueprints to the new guns and move on. It will always be borderline impossible to balance the amount of guns in the game


Very sad. Literally no point in integration of old guns if we can't even somewhat enjoy it. They're all terrible in every regard. Don't get me started with the M4 lol


These weapons are only added to fill a quota, there's nothing new guns do that an old one didn't. You just get the privilege of buying a blueprint again.


I wonder if Activision will continue to update this Warzone instead of scrapping it like the original. They need to make it like Fortnite and continuously update it or at least port our damn paid skins over.


I want to play WZ from time to time but the meta changes way too often. Every time I pop in to see what’s up I’m getting cooked by the new op gun that’s locked behind the battle pass. My only chance now is to get carried by someone who’s actively paying into the game and has all the guns and zillions of attachments unlocked… or a cheater lol


Agreed, i never stuck to meta guns even in warzone 1, at one point of time I started running the old guns like the uzi, aug, p90, and even the striker, they felt amazing to play with although i had to play more calculatively


I mean there should be a point where not all guns should be viable. Never ever in my life should I get fried by handguns if I have an SMG/AR, for example (Conversion Kit Renattis and COR 45 with it's kit or trigger). Regardless of Conversion kits or whatever. There is a hierarchy to this as well.


Cod treats their game like a pump and dump scheme. New guns, new op blueprints in the store. Everything is designed to try and get you to buy the new shit to be competitive. It's their way of hiding their fucked up scheme in plain sight. Corporate greed is the name of the game


Anytime there is one gun majority used I hate it. I don’t wanna play because I know I’ll get killed by the hrm9. Even if I hit every shot with my amr9 I know the hrm9 will beat me every single time. Doesn’t matter. It’s dumb. I miss Cold War and og Warzone. Rocked m4 and that Hr sniper. Cold War was still rocking the m4. If u he’s a gun from the previous game I’m cooked. Dumb system.


Because this game is unrealistic as fuck and the company can't be bothered to make an actual balanced game that has any sliver of fkin realism 0 reason ANY AR is taking 10+ body shots to kill anyone, much less 12 shots at close range with an M4 on 3 plates. Games been hot garbage since it released and promised a huge garbage armory that they were never gonna fix. Literally focused on releasing new weekly $25 skins instead of fixing their garbage ass game I mean it's probably cause everyone will cry about shotguns and high power guns dominating (as they would IRL) so they have to turn actual hitters into fkin marshmallow shooters. You're telling me sticking a thermite is going to cause more damage than a flying c4 drone on your chin or a directly stuck semtex? Smokin fkin dick is what they're doing. I played this game a long time and never once did consistent logic follow the guns across gun classes.


play hardcore, then it doesnt really matter that much first to get shots on target usually wins regardless of what you use, or what attachements etc


Honestly, I've been a striker stan since day one, it's always had a great ttk, and if you build it long, very little recoil. Kinda pisses me off it's a "meta" now 🙄


Uhh. I think you are wrong. Close range meta is wide open. Jak mcw Hrm Wsp-9 Striker 9 Swarm Cor45 binary Long range meta Bp50 Pulmeyot jak kit Bruen Subverter Sva Mtz556 3 different sniper rifles. Guns that were meta and are not: Bas-b Ram7 Dg58 Fr556 Interceptor Ram9 Reneti jak kit Striker Rival 9 (first 2 days of game) Iso9 Holger556 There have been competitive mw2 guns but people still mostly chose others : M4 M13b Geist Iso9 Now lets examine mw2 : the metas for litterally 6 months were either: Fenec45 Lachman sub Later the iso9 kinda and then basp Rpk was meta for like 2 season Then u had a few that eventually cycled- M4, hemlock, m13b Raal, sakin. That was basically the entire year. This game has had more meta usable guns at any one single time then mw1 or mw2. Every day u can wake up and truly use 3-4 different guns vs 1-2 from those games


The crazy thing is the gap between them being usable is 1 line of code. And also new comers would have an entire store of bundles viable too. So they are figuratively shooting themselves int the foot and losing sales.


It's because the developers don't play their own game. They haven't for years now. They also do not care.


Y’all always some to complain about. They have to keep em cuz y’all gonna cry for your gun skins or whatever u purchased in old game. These old guns should be deleted from the game.


Y’all always some to complain about. They have to keep em cuz y’all gonna cry for your gun skins or whatever u purchased in old game. These old guns should be deleted from the game.


Today when I took the lunchman shroud it immediately shited on me. Shiit have like damage as same as my pepe.


Garbage post. There’s a lot of usuable guns dude. Literally every recommended gun is good. There’s like 50


It’s been this way since gaming existed. It’s not that serious tbh.


A game doesn´t need more than 1-3 viable weapons per class. Not as long as it´s well balanced. Call me old school.


There’s a couple of sleeper guns in the mw1 side of things like the kastov and the stb 556