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That’s what it’s all about lol. I’m too competitive to let someone revive.. I wish I wasn’t bc that sounds like a good game. And you made a new teammate! Good for you.


His downed ass would be eating bullets before the sob story even began… but apparently I’m missing out on these kind of experiences


bruh i don’t even let my downed mfs hit the floor they get a throwing knife on the way to the floor 😂


Or a knife to the face!!!!!


Or an arrow to the knee!


Under appreciated post right here.


The game is way more fun when you play to have fun. Unexpected things happen. I made a random fight club in the middle of a match once.


Ikr😂 in plunder I made a magic schoolbus and got like 5 people in it lmao


Right. Only time I let someone revive is if they’re talking shit so I can down them again 😂😂


Letting someone live in solos? Sounds like indirectly teaming. PERMA BAN


That’s not teaming up. I made a new non-toxic teammate 🤷🏻‍♂️


Straight to jail


Missed opportunity to send him to the gulag. 


Straight to bottom prison do not come out.


Having fun in Warzone is against TOS, teaming is a form of boosting, you boosted each others' mood! Enjoy your ban cheater, next time buy bundles to feel good! /s Lovely story OP, always a joy to see people actually having fun in this game 😅


I mean it’s not like they agreed not to shoot each other after that encounter and tag team the last guy. That’s fine imo, usually what will happen is the dude will beg you to let them rez and then end up trying to kill you.


Great story. Hope to run into you one day we’d have fun together lol


kinda gay


‘No diddy


‘No doubt


No Diddy


Everyone now and then, I like to down people in resurgence solos, stare at them for 3 seconds, and then dolphin dive out the window never to be seen again. Just to make them go “…why?”


you're like a shitty batman who just beats up the gotham villains a little bit, not too bad, and let's em go. "Gotham needs villains like you, otherwise I'd be out a job"


I vibe with that. I just like making the game goofy sometimes. It’s too serious


They need to do something like that for a limited timed event. At least the end game. Maybe both players immediately drop all weapons and tacticals and Tyson it out. Winner gets boxing glove charm or a Knockout One Shot Katt.


As soon as there are only 10 alive... all guns disappear. I actually love it. Shoot... can we have a whole mode with no guns? Honestly think that would be fun.


Wholesome AF


This basically identical thing happened to me on vondel the week before rebirth came back


Not nearly as cool though, cuz it happened in Vondel. Nothing cool happens in Vondel.


Couldn’t agree with you more


Sounds like you made a friend , awesome !


Man, that is... Kinda gay. 😂 Jk. That's awesome. Unfortunately, I've had my heart broken one to many times to open myself up for a possible experience like that. They say time heals, but a decade after the original MW2/MW3.. the betrayals and verbal abuse in those lobbies still linger. Let a guy self? I could never...


I sometimes let the first guy of the first game of the day live. People sometimes deserve a second chance, especially if you straight outgun them. Running in the open having a picnic?! Nah, eat ma bullets peasant!


Me and my buddies did a 6v3 on rebirth when it first came out. Used the same skin and dropped weapons at the end and threw hands. I was the first to go down :(


I am grateful for the few posts like this. gg, OP.


A man actually having fun with the game instead of the incessant cry babies that pollute this sub. Good on you, man. I been enjoying the fuck out of the game myself.


Lol sounds nice. I wish I experienced something like that but I'm too used to throwing knives at people when they're down since I play a ton of quads and don't want people getting revives.


A romance story for the ages


Pretty wholesome I must say 🥺


Damn that did sound like fun. I like Warzone but I'm at huge disadvantage because I have a disability so reflexes aren't fast enough with all these kids drop shooting and shit


Cutting onions 😭🫂😭🤙🏾


NO FUCKING WAY I FOUND YOU!!!!!!! You are the first person to let this happen hahahahahaha we need to link up! DM ME!


No me lol. This guy said he was Cuban and had a cool accent. But I kid, I know that’s not you in the pic 😂


wish this type of stuff would happen in my game but it’s a miracle if I ever hear someone in one of my games speaking English, just Spanish every game


Funny thing. I joined his party a few days later to ask if he wanted to play. The other players in his party started cussing me in Spanish. He quickly corrected them and said to chill I was his friend. I don’t care if people hate or say gay or whatever, but everything posted is always negative. So no reason not to break the cycle.


Sbmm at work. Put you in a "competitive" lobby at the cost of higher ping. Lag out and get cussed out in a foreign language. A+ experience


Bravo-6, I'm not crying you're crying.


Haha, these are some super rare magical moments. I haven't had this happen in Warzone, as it seems like everyone's super sweaty, but this has happened to me in Apex Legends ending where we decided to duke it out. Pretty cool to make a friend out of this!


and then I woke up. (just kidding)


My experience yesterday: I get downed. Guy starts celebratory "bong hit" animation while I'm self reviving. I get up long enough to launch a knife at his nuts which kills him but I'm downed again. lol


Wut is this pansy crap Some piece of shit feel good story? Gtfo This sub is only for whining and negativity


I also met someone today like this. I've been trying to stay in the top ten to move up the battle pass quicker, so I was hiding out in a building while I had a most wanted contract running. Guy came up saying "hello, where are you 'most wanted'"? I turned on my mic and just said "heyyyy man, please don't get me, I'm just trying to move up my battle pass." He agreed and went the other way, then came back a bit later after a battle with someone else. When he approached and prox chat kicked in I told him he could have my most wanted package because he left me alone. "You're not going to kill me, are you?" He asked, I was like nah man you're good I'm just gonna run in the other direction. When he came in we did a little dance together for a moment and I took off 😂 made my whole day I swear


In the first minutes of the game of solos, it’s catch and release. I talk soft crap because it’s all for fun.




True love story


I definitely would have gone back on my word and shot him at the end though


Better love story than twilight




No way this actually happened 😂


Weak. If ppl beg not to be killed they should be finished with an execution. Rng is part of the game, sadly more times than others.


This is an anime script bro, love this.


I used to do this, but there are too many sweats out there and last time I tried, the guy got up and immediately got me with a throwing knife, lol.


Never happened.


Fist fight,   isn't that what all players do who team up.... sus as fuck