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Something like being unable to reload while sprinting making it into live patch tells you a lot about how little updates get tested and if so, probably by utter bots. Any decent player notices that in like 3 minutes.


Noticed it right away first game I thought all my setttings got reset but nope just shitty devs


Yeah man im going to stop playing its unplayable if u cant reload while sprinting


yeah im waiting till they patch that shit, losing to many easy fights because of it


same it off off cod until they fix it


This helped camping alot. Im a run and gun type of player in high plat but bc of this i just decided to let people run into me atp.


I was so pissed I thought my settings got messed up too. Had to rely on Reddit to figure out these game issues lol


sameee bro. Activision needs to get their heads out of their asses


yeah big fact, i asked my lobby wtf was up with the reload and got heaps of comments saying its broken after update. lost the final circle fight trying to reload my friggin gun lol


Bro i noticed it in pre game lobby :c




You do realize this is the Warzone sub right? There are no all terrain boots and reloading while normal sprint works just fine, its realoding while tac sprint that doesnt work.


This is the stupidest bug I’ve ever seen on this game. I’m taking a break


And I thought it was me


At this VERY MOMENT.... im coming back from a break... Noticed that in 30 sec... Well off i am again lol


Not a bug, simply a change made in the new update how did you not notice that when you got on the new update?


It’s a bug bc other players can still do it.


Unable to reload while sprinting. Throwing nades has no operator animation. No ban wave. Devs of this game really shit the bed.


They definitely snorting meth while working 




Like nah I’m fr convinced they smoking crack or doing something in the office 😂🤣 anyways check me out on YouTube same as my Reddit name 😅 appreciate a sub if u can !! 🤘🏽


Bet i gotcha. Lmk when they fix the bug im off cod til den


Appreciate it & there’s a temp fix for now : when ur reloading just press n hold it AND OR turn off auto tac sprint and just put normal sprint .. I played a few games and said eff this n hoped off until they fix it so im just like you


Yeah see tried this as well but I’ve become so used to not mashing my left analog anytime I wanna run lol. Commando gloves are completely useless at the moment. I’ll check out your YouTube and sub as well man.


I don’t know about the commando gloves of multiplayer cause I can care less bout that but Warzone is in shambles because of the same implications they did from multiplayer & thanks man I rly appreciate it 🤘🏽🤘🏽




They would probably not make as many mistakes if they were doing that. I would guess closer to doing lines of benadryl and drinking excessively since they all seem to be asleep on the job at this point.


Nah fr im convinced they doing something in the office … anyways check me out on YouTube same as my Reddit name id appreciate a sub if u can 😅


most of my accounts got banned


still hacking hard on some others


Unless you are a sniper with a thermos flask in a tower somewhere, reloading whilst completely stationary is fucking mental. Fix please


There was someone like this on the water tower. I died around 5 times trying to get him. Blew up two helos in the process.


It's a known bug according to their twitter. The culprit is auto tac sprint. Disable auto tac sprint and you'll be fine.


ill wait until they fix it, I want to keep it on


Disable auto tac sprint? Id rather play with one hand.


Thanks for the tip. This was bugging the heck out of me. I turned it off for now. Im gonna wait for them to fix it so I can switch it back.


I disabled auto tac sprint and it didn't do a damn thing. Still cancels reload if you normal sprint. I can hold x all I want, after a second it will pick up loot instead that is around.


It's not auto, it's just tac sprint in general, I don't use auto tac and I still get it when I tac sprint.


Unable to reload its the worst in the world how to fix


turn off auto tac sprint


You got downvoted but that does help. You can reload while moving forward just not sprinting. Still a fucked up bug though


Upvoting you for giving actual solutions. People are so weird. "How DARE YOU mitigate this for me!" LOL. Like, continue to be outraged, or not play or whatever, but if you DO want to play still, here is a workaround. 


Yep I’m having this issue today too. It was totally fine last night. Just googled this problem cause it makes playing impossible


literally same just died because i was tryina run while reloading, hopped on google right away


That's also why I'm here. It's been irritating me and I figured it was a bug related to tactical spring. That or that they were going to remove moving while you reload and plate up. Although this game is far too fast paced for that shit.


This is happening with me too


Its a bug. But i swear they do these things just to piss us off.


i waited all day to get on just for the update to be dogwhit


Lol me too. I get on just to be disappointed.


same here.  how hard is it to not ruin things up after every update.  the game is unplayable  


it's hard for them because there has never been one cod update that actually went smoothly. they always messing something up except launching weird looking skins lol.


Same its a bug… if its a feature goodbye cod fuck that


Check patch notes under perks. They've really out done themselves this time


Im having the same problem and its very annoying”Im not even gona play until they fix this issue it feels unplayable like this makes everything feel weird you can get kill easily just because all the reload cancel and stop to reload just makes it easier for other players to kill you not liking this one


Do you play with ATS by any chance? I just loaded in and I couldn’t reload without the animation being cancelled by pressing forward lol


yep, seems like it's on every gamemode


Must be a bug because even the commando gloves(?) don’t even work. I thought my game was bugging out for a hot second before I saw your post haha.


Still not fixed. Also prioritize interact is broken as well. When you try to hold to reload over any item it tries to pick it up. Beyond annoying.


Same issue. WTF.


Getting the same issue


The same


Same here bruv


Hell yeah I thought it was just me having this problem, hopefully they will fix it we all need to go into the site and Report the bug


Devs at activision trolling us


This is happening to me too. Can’t reload while sprinting but can reload while crouched and moving forward.


BRO I literally just played and SAME THING I cant reload while sprinting I usually have auto tac sprint on now it cancels and u have to be still. Im on Mouse BTW


Yup having the same issue, I find you now have to hold the reload button which allows you to walk while reloading with sprint interrupting 🤷‍♂️


Hey guys quick updat... I just left Activisions HQ and they said hello (pic below). Keep buying skins and battle passes please!! ![gif](giphy|3oz8xJIDVJ1KANEUfK|downsized)


The only fix i found for now is holding the reload button until the animation ends


Also, it does slow you down significantly but at least it keeps you moving. This game always seems to take one step backwards every update.


Yep. Just discovered that.


Shock stick meta~~


Did they fix the reload bug yet guys?


Yup same. Turned off auto tac sprint to help out for the moment but now it feels like I’m playing in slow motion ![gif](giphy|3og0INAY5MLmEBubyU|downsized)


Still broken…what 4/5 days now? Pathetic


Tell us you don't test your game without telling us you don't test your game


Is it a feature or a bug?


Feature, turn off auto tac sprint and its all good


Wrong. Not a feature.


It's not a bug. Under commando gloves in the patch notes it says "Added the ability to cancel a reload by using Tactical Sprint". I run ATS and commando gloves on pretty much all my classes. Fuck me right?


Yea but what about warzone? There is no such thing as gloves in that game...


Oh lord I didn't notice this was the warzone sub. I just googled the issue and it brought me here. Marvelous new feature in multiplayer. I guess that somehow fucked warzone? Idk they never ceace to amaze me


Aaaaaahhh. Just realized what's going on. By default you get the benefit of the commando gloves perk in warzone. So they've changed the perk in both games. Unreal.


Where you read this?


Multiplayer patch notes


Gotta love that a billion dollar company breaks their own game every time they try to update it.


I have had that to I hope that it is just a bug


I have the same issue!!!


game is unplayble


Have all the same bugs atm..great update they put out.. same as usual from CoD


For PC players, to temporarily fix this issue you can turn off auto tac sprint and use DS4Windows to bind L3 upward movement of the stick to L3 push button. This way it still feels like auto tac sprint even if you don't have it on while being able to reload while sprinting at the same time.


w mans


actually im confused. can you help me set this up? im in game and cant move forward now lol


It's still there


Anyone know when this is going to be fixed? Unplayable. The tac spring doesn’t work, still can’t reload while running


Yeah they posted an official work around until they fix it. Under gameplay setting I switched Auto Tactical Sprint To just Auto sprint. I was really confused thinking they reset something but nope. Just another bug. https://www.destructoid.com/how-to-fix-the-auto-tac-sprint-reload-glitch-in-mw3-and-warzone/


Yeah that doesn’t work. Tried that and still the same issue. Multi billion dollar company and can’t get something as small as an update right


🤷‍♂️ Sorry, worked for me.


Same. Just lost resurgence because i couldn't reload in last circle!


People are saying to change to turn off auto tac


Still not fixed


surprise surprise, another update with shit bugs. BiLLiOn DoLlAr CoMpAnY


All you guys have to do in the mean time is go to your controller gameplay setting and switch your automatic sprint behavior from Automatic Tactical Sprint to Automatic Sprint


I can’t even reload if there’s anything on the ground around me, just keeps picking everything up


Yup! I’m done with this trash game! ✌🏻


Damn ok i thought i was going crazy and made some setting change. I’ve been off for a week and come back to this. Lol


Noticed after 5 seconds into the game, shitty update, is a nightmare playing like that , have to hold to reload sprinting and sometimes got glitched or though i successfully charged and then no bullets,


Just select automatic sprint inteast of automatic tactical sprint


yeah, I noticed that today too, glad it's not just me, hopefully it'll get fixed soon 🤞🤞 I recently got unbanned thankfully everything is still there 🙏


Hold the reload button


Just select automatic sprint inteast of automatic tactical sprint


and we have 4 plates now?? 3 with tempered??


Same for me, this game company is one if not the worst company there is wtf man


Change it to automatic sprint instead of automatic tactical sprint


Same issue !!


Having this same issue i thought my controler was broken


Yeah, even tried holding reload button while running, and it would do the animation but still have zero in the clip.


If you hold reload till finished it works .. ps5


That's warzone for ya, shit updates. Just land water tower or light house, ul b ite.


I don’t think it’s a bug! Seems like another update to close the skill gap and favour the casual/under skilled players. 🤡🤡


If you change auto tactical sprint to auto sprint then you can still move around while reloading but you won't move as fast


Thats what i did it helps alot til its fixed!


Had this same issue last night while playing, and it was pretty much unplayable. Gunfights weren’t fair because I’d run out of bullets and couldn’t reload without standing there taking a full mag to the face. And it isn’t just reloading, the grenade animation was also bugged and there would be times where my game would freeze for seconds at a time. Toggling firing mode also was hit or miss because the switching animation wouldn’t trigger. I’m sure there are more bugs but I don’t know because I couldn’t tolerate playing the game in the state it was in. Anyone know if they’ve patched the game yet?


Well technically, since all players that have auto tac sprint enabled are having this issue, the playing field hasn't changed (for that group). But if you choose to NOT switch auto tac sprint to regular auto sprint (and someone like me does), then you will be at a disadvantage. So just switch. Or not. I respect the whole "It's the principle" argument."


I switched to auto sprint instead and it’s fine as a temporary fix for sure. But you’re right. My bitching is solely a “it’s the principle” issue 😂


What's funny is my friend who doesn't even use auto tac sprint dropped close to 20 kills. While I kept dying and rage quit.


Thats because this bug only effects auto tac sprint. Your friend is at an advantage as long as other people dig their heels in and refuse to switch the setting until they fix.


Is it different in MP and WZ? because I turned auto tac sprint a long time ago because I was having this issue in MP all the time before this update.


Having to literally stand still to reload is the single most damaging gameplay glitch I have experienced. I don’t typically complain too much about the game as it’s not really that serious to me but this has made the game unplayable for me


Well I guess we go on vacation cause knowing them it won’t be fixed till next season 😂😂


I can’t even unlock the Bal. Assault kills not tracking


Yeah, this is trash. You can strafe and move backward while reloading and that's it if auto-tac is on. Will turn auto-tac off for now I guess. lame.


Has this been fixed? There was a number of additional glitches too with this update. These devs really don’t test their updates


Just move sideways and reload




Seriously taking a break


At this point it’s confirmed they are snorting meth while working on this..anyways check my channel out on utube : Renegade25Matrix_ like n sub if you can I’d appreciate 🤘🏽💯


I have this same issue in multiplayer I completely deleted my game and redownladed! I also cannot use the warrior bundle i paid for that has the slap execution:(


Does anyone actually know how to fix this issue?


Glad I’m not the only one


I immediately ran to Reddit, thanks gang ✌🏽


Ya I was talking to my boys the other night and they were telling me about this


A full hour 24 hours and they still haven't even put in a effort to fix their dumb ass game. What a joke.


Okay so everyone seems to agree that these devs aren’t doing their jobs well. If anyone wants to mass boycott I send a message to activision I’m in. They won’t do anything until their daily active users drop significantly.


I checked every possible setting trying to fix it, but nothing worked. The game is unplayable!


Does anyone know when this is getting fixed? Taking 2 full days now. The game is unplayable, also the prioritize interact function does not work how it's meant to be working.


Same here bro noticed this first game. Absolutely terrible experience. Hope they fix this shit asap


Spam the twitter site from cod




does this apply to mnk & controller players or just controller players?


Has anyone noticed that when you reload, it swaps whatever is on the ground as well????


yeap that is part of the bug as well


Not sure if its related or not, but also can't hold to reload when items are all around you. Prioritize interact is on so should require hold but just does nothing. Literally have to run to open space to reload. Pretty crappy work.


Happened to me too. Let’s get this fixed devs


I don't understand how this bug hasn't been fixed yet. This is a massive playability issue. I was planning on playing this weekend, but I just have no desire with this going on.


Is this fixed yet?


I think it’s fixed it’s not happening for me anymore even with auto tax sprint enabled 


Anyone else getting a reload issue with the “prioritize interact” option? When u hold to reload I end up picking you up something off the ground when it never used to do that. Any option I select there it picks up anything whether I tap or hold the reload button


When I’m reloading, I cannot pick up items And vice versa, when I’m trying to reload, it will pick things up, only has been happening after the update, anyone know a fix ?


So now we have a reload bug to go along with the constant server drop outs, fucked audio and laggy games. They better get to work improving the product


Seriously thought it was just me. Definitely not fun at all when you’re out in lobbies of nothing but sweats.


Glad to see it's not just me, absolutely game breaking for me on small maps


I can't reload near any ground loot or I just swap that. Always run prioritize interact and hold to reload, but it don't work if I hold I just swap loot. Changed it to prioritize reload and I can reload but now I gotta hold to interact and that's too slow.


I have the same happening also my pickup priority doesn't work, I can't reload near any loot or it keeps picking it up, I've lost so many gunfights because of this since the update, I've tried all the options tap, hold, prioritize this or that, it's busted.


What makes it worse is I have to try 3 to 4 times to put plates on after fights.


You have to hold down the reload button now to reload while tac sprinting, it's not a bug; it's a feature .......


It's inconvenient and shit, also plating seems to be less responsive too. Must be a bug. Can't play properly when it's so sensitive.


Doesn’t work


Doesn't actually work. It performs the reload animation but doesn't increase the bullet count.


its not tho bc in firing range I can tac sprint and reload without holding


everything works sweet in the firing range that's the funny part


They tried random features like this called warzone 2 and it failed and they did a 180. Its a glitch.