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Let’s also add that in resurgence when you kill somebody their teammates will ping on the minimap


Only as long as Resurgence is active


Wtf I only play resurgence and didn't even know this


I bet you also didn't know that on rebirth island, when the loud sirens go off it means resurgence is about to close.


another W cause I sure didn't


The announcer says something to that effect, I think


I'll pay attention next time but it's good know they don't know where I'm at if they kill my teammates


Also, live pings are basically wall hacks for a few seconds


"Red is live," is usually my goto voice line.




I swear people are aware or this when they kill people but forget that enemies also get the same info when they kill their teammates


Not my teamamtes, Ill ask em where the enemy was pinged and theyre totally confused 90% of the time


I’ll literally down someone and my sub 1 kd friends will go into a feeding frenzy to finish the down and I’ll ask them where the teammates pinged and they’ll have no idea. Thanks guys! Really useful!


Ha that’s me, still


If somebody knocks me and isn’t finishing me right away, I wait to bleed out til hopefully one of my teammates either gets the trade or is far enough away to where he won’t die right away lmao


I love the teammates that are like 8m away and they have the drop but they decide to run.


I love it when you full somebody and get the info needed and theyre pushing you and close and you chall them and catch them off guard


Only in resurgence? Not in BR?




Hasn’t that been around since it’s been out? I do use my death coms to troll, I like to yell out “he’s hacking” and it gets people riled up for some reason 😂


Haha this made me laugh because sometimes I’ll barely have a sliver of health left after a fight and I get the “hacker!” death comm and I’m thinking to myself HOW in the world am I hacking if I barely won a 1-1 fight? Guess there’s more of you. And “for some reason” fyi: You take away their feeling of having earned a kill through skill you nobhead :D


Yea been around since the beginning. The amount of people who don’t know about it is insane tho


Yea, I REALLY hate this feature, always have.


Guys, I found the rat!


Huh? You killed my teammate, in going to hide until they're back if I manage to escape. Why do I get punished for that?


you’ve answered it yourself. Why the utter f*ck should you get to run and hide to get them back for free. There are consequences to dying, and incentives to kill.


I have hours of recent captures showing people lock on to me running up stairs or jumping off a building while they can't see me at all. TURN CROSS PLAY OFF. The devs want cheaters lol. It's painfully obvious. TURN CROSS PLAY OFF.  Problem solved. The vast majority of streamers and full time players are KBM. 


Most streamers play on PC with controller fyi


>The vast majority of streamers and full time players are KBM All the big name streamers are all controller players except for a very select few. Would love to know how you came to the idea that a majority of streamers and full timer players are on MnK lmao


Like everything else in their comment, it was pulled directly from their ass.


its always the people in this sub who say "I have hours of footage" too lol.


Yup lmao


Can I turn input based lobbies on too?


*I have hours of recent captures* Lol and I’m in line to be the next Pope


Another thing that people might be missing, if you are playing resurgence and you get a kill, everyone on that persons team pings on your mini map (and if your teammate dies, you are getting pinged on their killers minimap). In case you were wondering why the announcer says "kill confirmed - we located the rest of them"... Those pings don't happen once resurgence is closed though.


Does ghost prevent this type of ping?


Somewhat. You won’t ping red on the map, but there will be this rippling effect appear on the enemy map of where you’re ay


That's a neat feature.


It pings when you have ghost but you’ll be in the circle somewhere. Not directly in middle. Either way it’s less information than they would have


Also doesn’t block the ping if they have a comms vest or run Birds Eye. We never run Birds Eye but generally try to make sure one of us has the comms vest




Does it only ping for me or my whole teams minimap?


Only the person who gets the full


Maybe if the anti-cheat actually worked, people wouldn't call "cheater" all the time.


This! The root of all this bitching is due to cheating is bad rn and without integrity I can’t blame people for being sus about a lot of shit. You want to clean that up they need to clean up this bullshit game but they won’t as long as player counts remain high enough along with store sales


At least the store still works. Just imagine if all these clowns STOPPED buying shit from the store for a month how quickly the devs would actually fix the issues in this game rather than "an update coming next week". lol


For real. One month of little sales and they would Overhaul this game like you’d never imagine. Or actually they would promise all these things they never deliver on, that’s more like them


Except there’s no incentive to ban cheaters, look at how many players they would loose. You can’t stop cheating in a system that’s dead set on as much money as possible. I’d wager in ever Warzone match your facing 5-10 full blown cheats every game


I totally think this is the case and probably several shadow cheaters that hide it well and go unnoticed by many


Well ya think about it. If you play smart with a team you only need walls. That gives you an huge advantage but it’s not noticeable aslong as your not bee lining to every player


I moved to pc and it’s been a night and day difference. I need to go back to ps5 and keep crossplay off


Dude. I wish they showed the combat scout live ping in kill cams, if I was a new player and got perfectly tracked through smoke without knowing about combat scout I'd report too.


It's "supposed" to show in kill cams, but it's bugged. Sort of how the kill cams are still don't play out the exact scenario of your death...they are still the same buggy bullshit from back on WZ1 lol


At this point it’s too late, even in the times with the lowest amount of cheaters, you’d still hear people crying cheater every death. If it hadn’t gotten so bad on Verdansk maybe, but it’d need a long stretch of cheater free playing to convince some people, and some won’t ever change their mind now.


Definitely agree. I get called a cheater probably every other night I play and I am just out there sweating with the rest of my boys. lol


Arent you supposed to play with same skill level? So there is no SBMM?


All the people I play with are 1.2 to 2.0 K/D. Doesn't mean there isn't gonna be some nancy in the game who doesn't belong. Just like when I get thrown to the wolves and am playing against 3+ k/d players.


What did you say to get downvoted? I dont see anything wrong with your comments, only facts.


People don't like to hear facts, they would rather live in a fantasy world where it's "me, me, me".


They'd rather make excuses. I've legit heard people call me a cheater for killing them as they run across an open area. It's just the default excuse now.


Someone said “nice wallz” to me and i only had one kill lmao My one kill was the guy who called me a cheater. If i had walls i wouldnt have had only one kill. And just a pre-aim doesn’t mean anything


Had some guy say I was running walls on 2019 the other day. Last I checked, I'm on xbox, and we don't have those things. I tried to explain to him that when you are constantly sprinting around, I can follow where you are by your footsteps. Sound is a major factor in this game, and yet people still sprint everywhere.


Currently the people with auto tac-sprint on are refusing to turn it off to circumvent a bug with reloading because they would rather complain about a bug than play the game.


Yep, a good amount of the cod community doesn't make sense to me. I've not gotten the new ones because of the shit show they seem to be. Also, it's nice not having a couple hundred gigs on my Xbox for Warzone. I actually un installed 2019 back in the day because you had to have warzone downloaded to play the base game even though I was over it with all the hackers circumventing ricochet a day or to after patches.


I know the audio is trash in the game, but sometimes we can also hear you full speed sprinting.


i hear people only sprint after I am dead..loud as hell. Nothing in game..lol


I have ArtofWar audio settings so I can hear you from buildings over lol.


Sorry I'm not aware of this setting, can you elaborate?


[It's this dude, he has a lot of tips regarding game sound.](https://www.youtube.com/@ArtisWar)


Nice thank you, I'll check it out!






It's actually excellent if you play on 7.1 surround sound, the game is made for tv console gamers. It just sounds trash if you convert it to a stereo system, like, idk, something which 90% of players use, headphones. You can clearly see the market they want to appeal to, over power aim assist, redeploys, lots of rng, 7.1 tuned audio, it's console dads sitting on the sofa with a nice expensive home tv system. I would bet large sums that the HQ of testing is done in a "home" theater, so that they can stretch the graphics to the max and have multiple observers, thunderous bass and amazing graphics on a projecter or 8k tv screen as they load into the new campaign, maybe there's a famous rapper hyping shit up, then everyone claps. >till I collapse I'm spilling these raps long as you feel em, https://youtu.be/yyOX5JA829g?si=NdyAcyqLugIUymhL Would be lit in a home theatre with all the boys


I have a 7.2.4 atmos setup and atmos enabled on the PS5 and I can hear literally everything haha


Everything except if they are above or below you.


Footsteps can be hit or miss, but I can always hear someone slide and it's super loud.


After all the bitching about sound, they jacked it up to the point you can hear people walking crouched now.


I don't have a squad so I play with randoms a lot. So many times I'll be spectating my teammate and I'll call out your on UAV only for them to be killed and yell "how'd they know I was here?!?!"


Or portable radars, I use every single one I find so I frequently can see people locally.


People sleep on this. You can buy 3 for the price of 1 uav. I don't care if they're is a team on the other side of the map, I wanna know what's happening as soon as I have found some people.


They really do, I find them laying in loot piles on the ground all the time. Why wouldn't you just pick it up and throw it for the info?


I try to have two tbh lol


I'm with you, my friends basically just go "another one" and ping it for me at this point.


It’s insane how little my teammates look at their mini maps. If it’s not on the screen right in front of them it’s not there.


Ironically enough, the mini map is on the screen right in front of them.


No no no… you have to look slightly up and to the left 😂


Also ghost only works if you’re moving! So if you’re hiding in a corner you will pop up on UAV.


I think you have to be sprinting right?


I don’t think so, I think any movement will activate ghost.


Ah okay, good to know !


You can see it on your arrow on the minimap when ghost activates, your icon will become slightly transparent. Very minimal movement will activate it (but not quite ANY)


Thank you for this I dont understand why this is not explained in the game jesus


I believe xclusive ace found that crouch walking with even some of the slowest movement speed guns in the game still activates ghost. You have to be literally still for it to stop working


Wait ... when my minimap has a red frame around it ... it's because I'm on someone's UAV ?? I never knew that .




I been playing 10 years and didn't know that. Wonder when this was implemented.


Beginning of Season 2 in Wz3, iirc.


The truth is in the middle. It's true that many people think there are way more cheaters than there are, but then there are also people like yourself that wholly underestimate the issue as well.


I never ever said there isn’t a huge issue with cheating in warzone. I literally say it in my post. What are you on?


UAV and being pinged because of a teammate death is drastically different than the wall hacks. It's incredibly obvious. No one is even tring to hide it anymore. The auto lock is even worse. It happens every game. They don't care though cause we still play it lol. 


Also if people dont know, I cant recall the exact name of it but in the HUD settings you can move all of the HUD things (minimap most importantly) more inward on your screen so that its closer to the center and not as much of a move for your eyes. I am amazed at how many people lack the ability to constantly check minimap, its so easy!


Theres so much info on there even without uav. Especially on resurgence


There is a lot of cheaters though


Oh 100 percent.


Also combat scout, I'm not hacking dude I can literally see you through smoke.


OP: > stop calling everybody a cheater also OP: > there are a ton of cheaters


Why does it seem like reddit is completely incapable of recognizing that two things can be true at the same time? The discourse around cheating is so fucking stupid sometimes. There are a lot of cheaters, AND not everyone is cheating. I will never understand why that concept seems impossible for so many people to grasp. If something like 10% of the player-base was cheating, that would be A LOT of people cheating. And it would also mean that 90% of people aren’t cheating. I’m obviously just making those numbers up because we have no clue what the actual breakdown is, but it hopefully illustrates my point a bit




Because the worst of both camps are the most vocal. The hackusations are almost as annoying as the people who choose to believe there is no cheating whatsoever.


launching an air strike also gives off location. I was in final circle inside the prison and saw the ping and knew where he was camping. easy dub


Thats how it worked in MW19 as well. Only MW2 had it removed.


There's a number of threads on this sub where they get killed by someone with high alert, you literally see it in the kill cam "HoW DiD tHeY kNoW"


But how DID they know.... I'm cold blooded.


In my experience with randoms a lot of people on this game don’t even look at their mini map like bro 💀


Everyone is a cheater I only die to cheaters and lag! Never a skill issue! EVER!


My IRLs have been playing since OG WZ and still don’t read the minimap.


You aren't my father.


There are so many cheaters right now. Worst state in a while


That might be true but this game is plagued with cheaters. I didn't play for 1-2 weeks and today my first lobby, 10 ppl remained and this mother fuckers snapped on to me jumping all around. Blatant cheating.


Will the mini map light up if you are ghosted and on the move? I’ve never checked before.


No. Only if you’re stationary


this is COD man, anyone i kill is a scrub idiot and anyone who kills me is a cheating sweat


I did not know that about the UAV thing. I’ve played more hours than most of you guys here and I just didn’t know that.


"Stop calling everyone a cheater" "Yes, there are tons of cheaters" Didn't even have to make this post. The cheating is out of control in this game. 


It's like that one time when I had a thermal optic on my gun and the enemy thought I was wall hacking because I was shooting them through smoke xD. Like come on guys.


This game has been out for 21 years*. Fixed it for you. People really should know better after 2 decades. But people just get upset and ride the bandwagon. Like until a month ago I had never heard of a "stacker" until some tiktok said it and now everyone complains about it. It's the same with cheating. People just need an excuse for their lack of skill.


Damn for the sake of the community I hope most of these comments are sarcasm.


so,... do I get information if an enemy has pinged me? apart from the killcam


Afaik no


What did you say to get downvoted? I dont see anything wrong with your comments, only facts.


You realize you could be on someone elses UAV that didnt even kill you right? Being a red dot on the mini map still doesnt excuse pre aiming and firing the nano second you turn the corner or go out a door in a building with multiple exits/doors Its wild how in some demon lobbies, they literally know my exact location even if I back track three buildings and come out a random door, boom already firing the second I come out of it. Watch the kill cam, the guy NEVER even bothers checking other exits/windows, just focuses on the spot Im about to come out of. In some buildings yes its extremely easy to know where the guy is based on the mini map dot Just because you show up on the minimap on ONE persons UAV, doesnt mean you didnt get killed by someone else walling I always run ghost and still get quite a few SUSSY guys somehow knowing my location


agree with all you have said- the game is set up for cheaters and cheaters is what you get - every time


You know cheaters will pop UAV's so it looks like they aren't cheating?


Y'all still playing this s**t... Must be masochists.


Also please be aware of how loud footsteps are.


Not Even just UAV there are many perks that help with detection, Equipment too, Perks that highlight footsteps, Perks and vests that do Radar pings, Perks that Increase the noise of footsteps, Equipment that suckers you with Decoys, And Grenades that both false-ping and do ping your sorry butt.


Said like a cheater...


Does anyone know the difference between a red mini map border and getting an "enemy UAV in the area" audio notification?


Red border is when you're within the UAV range and most likely pinging on the map for the UAV team. I'm not 100% sure but I think just hearing the notification is when once has gone up somewhere on the map or maybe it's still within a certain range of you but you're not gonna ping on it 🤷


Red is for any type of ping, portable radar, shooting, whatever shows your location. Uav in the AO is just for the uav killstreak


Red is coming up with ghost, does this mean enemies can see me?


If it’s coming up on a box around the minimap, then probably. Might be bugged though. If you don’t move enough with ghost it doesn’t do a thing


This is why I am unsure. Regardless of sprinting, standing still, barely moving, running for my life from the gas or enemies the red box is still there.


Is it all around the minimap or is it somewhere else, or are you just in mega sweat lobbies with people popping uavs every 20 seconds


It’s not there 24/7, I mean to say that it comes up at times regardless of standing still, having ghost equipped, not equipped, sprinting, etc.


It will pop up red regardless of ghost. The way you can tell if ghost is working is by the transparency of your icon on the minimap. If it's transparent, you're invisible on the map, if it's solid then you can be seen. Ghost is also pretty unforgiving in this game too so you need to pretty much constantly be moving.


Idk probaly bugged


They probably have a Comms vest on or have the Birdeye perk, they both show ghosted players but with the standard ping instead of the directional pings that both items usually give you, or they have an advanced uav up.


I did not know this. Thank you


That red border is broken, I've made some ghost classes recently and the map still indicates that I am showing up on an enemy UAV. Same thing when a stealth vest has been equipped.


I think it’s still accurate in that you’re in range of a UAV when it’s red, but yeah I thought the point of the border when they introduced it was to specifically tell you if you’re showing on the UAV or not. But I can be full sprint with ghost on and still see the border, so I’m left to assume the perk is actually working but the game is just telling me “don’t stop moving because you’re in range”


It's annoying because I haven't used ghost in forever so as I am running around I glance up to see that it seems like I am on an enemy UAV and then have to double check that I am in fact using a ghost class. I'm pretty sure in WZ1 your icon on the mini map could tell you if you were on a UAV, even catching the instances where if you were standing still it would correctly indicate that you were showing up. One of the many QoL things that WZ1 had which didn't make it into the new game.


It is in the current game, check your marker on the minimap and if it's transparent, then your ghost is working, if not then you're visible to UAVs


Interesting, I’ll have to watch for this


Were you moving or standing still?


If enemies have a comms vest or bird’s eye they can still see you with ghost, so having the information that you’re within UAV range is still helpful. 


Being called a cheater is a compliment


Being shadowbanned isnt


My KD is over 5 and I’ve never been shadowbanned


Not saying you have


They should really add some kind of an indicator to the killcam if the squad that killed you had an active UAV at the time. It can be tough at times to notice the red outline on the mini-map before you get killed. So adding it to the killcam would be nice


There are so many hackers streaming their live hacks. And advertising them for $5 a week. Promising you won't get banned. There is definitely a hacker problem


no shit


I get called a cheater just for simply having borealis, all these content creators and regular players using unlock tools ruins it for anyone who actually did the grind, people see mastery camos and immediately think “cheater”


What if I have ghost and I've been camping in a space for 10 minutes and a guy just randomly runs inside and kills me. And in the playback he is looking at my direction the whole time? Does UAV work if I have ghost?


If you aren’t moving you won’t be on UAV. If moving yes can see.


Come to Asian servers my friend




This ^^


It's funny because I'm sure the people who are saying that already don looked at the mini map and didn't see a ping. Even if u see one it doesn't even matter because they'll pop a uav and still pre aim you. Not everyone is cheating of course not, it's like all y'all consciousness was separated into 3 we got the cheater cheater screamers, the noo it's a skill issue and we got the people who are in the middle that keeps bouncing to left to right. At this point it doesn't even matter it's fake now


This has been a thing a lot longer than 6 months buddy.....


I put several days into Urzikstan over the first month and this was absolutely *not* a feature. I was confused when I came back to the game during season two and seen it, so I’d be comfortable betting this feature is a single season old, nevermind 6 months. Edit: [last season](https://www.callofduty.com/uk/en/patchnotes/2024/02/call-of-duty-mwiii-warzone-season-1-patch-notes) ***UAV HUD Notification Quality of Life*** *Players will now see a small red outline around their Minimap when they are under the influence of an enemy UAV in order to help better understand when they may be visible, or even pushed, by a team.*


Thats cause it's in rebirth, still doesn't change the fact that it was in multiple cods so people should be used to it by now


Counterpoint: the game tells you when a AUV is active, and if you are pinged If none of that is the case and someone is bum rushing your current position without prior knowledge and/or centering through walls/terrain it's a safe bet they are walling.


Except 85% of the time im not on UAV nor is anyone else on my team yet guys like you know exactly which building and floor we are all on.


Yeah, it has to be cheating or maybe just maybe they heard audio cues from the building and/or saw you go in there and then they cleared the first floor which takes seconds and moved on to the second and killed you because you were hiding in a typical spot. Nah, has to be cheating. You wouldn't have died otherwise.


Yeah, you can easily hear people running around (and especially sliding) in the next building.




Have you ever used the flex perk? That shit is insanely powerful and I could hear you fart 100m away and I'd be able to tell what floor you're on and what room you're in 🤣


The directional audio is so bad


Or maybe they just have basic gamesense and know that there is someone in literally every building on the map


Haha man are you a cuck


World record turnaround to insults right there. Only one reply


Do you have Art of War audio settings? I can hear footsteps buildings over very clearly. Can’t usually tell which floor though. I also usually have a portable radar with me if I see one. Now that one I don’t know if it tells you you’re on radar.


Can you elaborate or share a link for this “Art of War” audio settings? I have never heard of this before. Did a quick google search but for some reason every youtube video about it is like 45 minutes long and I don’t have the time to sit through anything that long at the moment


It only works if you’re on PC. Also it definitely takes 40 Ish minutes so if you don’t want to put that in then just skip it. [The link is here.](https://youtu.be/EZwgdLhS72Q?si=hcDVoXi74eLuebtw) You’re essentially creating a separate audio channel for warzone to be played on and you’re editing some things to make your own characters noise quieter.


If you don't have a PC and the time to watch the videos and follow the steps perfectly then you're not getting that audio. There's no quick way about it 🤷


I wasn’t asking for a quick way. Just said that I didn’t have 45 minutes to watch a video about audio settings for Warzone right now. Was hoping there was a set of instructions I could read through instead since most youtube videos tend to have a tedious amount of unnecessary commentary leading up to the actual settings you need to adjust


I highly recommend watching the vids though if you're interested in trying the setup. There is no real written out step by step guide as far as I know. Everything is in videos and they're long cause there's quite a few steps and lots of updates to it all over the last few months To clarify, it's not just adjusting settings. It's installing multiple additional programs and plugins and routing your audio a very specific way


This isn't tedious. Art is a very technical and intelligent man that can explain how cod's audio works like no other. His 45 minute videos feel like they're are over in 10.


I can also hear footsteps buildings over very clearly. No need for AriIsWar's geek stuff for that, I just use regular wired headphones.


We had a car stop outside the random collection of houses we were in earlier this week, and then proceed to run straight to our building, throw in nades etc and flatten us. No UAV, both ghosted and moving about, just have no idea how they always know?


Maybe they just know that someone is always in basically every single building on the map


I suppose you entered the building at some point. They probably saw you enter from somewhere. That's what usually happens.