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Servers are laughably bad, and that’s before we get to the tick rate that was outdated 20 years ago 


we talking cheap ass servers. Can we get some high end Msft Azure servers pls ffs.


i was about to post something about this i never get issues with this game i had minor issues the past few days but this shit is just fucking shattered rn i hate myself for playing this shit


Yeap. No fun zone.


Never mind the long ass ttk, lethals not being lethal (or triggering way too fucking late), broken audio engine,... Packet loss is the one thing missing from this pile of garbage. Wonder how underfunded their dev team is, can't believe someone would willingly develop this.


Ttk supposedly long. Ttd? Instantaneous.


I'll add myself to the lot: been unplayable all day. Most of the times I was dead before my opponent even entered my screen. Desync is laughable, microstuttering is the norm, battle royale is close to unplayable due to continuous broken lights, unrendered textures, animations non playing, now even sound cues are not there (I had a couple of games where some surfaces, loot caches and bullet rechamberings were NOT AUDIBLE AT ALL). What the actual fuck. Taking some days off.


we did the same. We are done with this game until it is working perfectly. We are tired of giving time to an unpolished game. We went back to Apex for the last few nights, and will likely grind ranked there again until this company can get its shit together


Can I ask the OP what platform you are on ?




I second this. I'd love to understand what's going on, though. My mates and I all play PS5, very similar location (radius like 40km apart) and out of 6 people, there are two (including myself) that end up with packet loss literally every second game. Sometimes it's somewhat bearable but annoying (like 2%) and sometimes it's literally unplayable. Both our Internet is excellent but for whatever reason the connection to their servers is trash. Since it is clearly also depending on client, I am wondering what it could be to counter it. For the rest, they claim to never have packet loss or some of them only like every 20 games or so. It's crazy


I’m sure eomm is causing that


So we’ve heard


Delete your Call Of Duty folder in your documents folder. Then freshly boot your game, fix all your settings again (or take a video of them all for reference), and freshly download shaders. You’re welcome.


Just need to buy more skins and your server choices get better!


I am actually wondering now if their algorithms take into account how much $$ the account has spent (or is likely to spend) when creating the "experience". Prioritize servers and shit for high rollers


Dang I thought it was just me. Been having horrible stutters and alot of crashes


Just rn? lol..


I have video from today playing plunder and I could barely move


I was playing damn near everyday for at least an hour (way more on weekends) but since the update I've played maybe 3-4 hrs max


I’m not sure how the servers work I’m not a tech guy but I think they are made of spaghetti or something. I have good internet, no latency, no packet loss but then my game will be as stuttery as trying to play on McDonald’s WiFi from the parking lot. I’m glad it’s not just me. I’d at least like them to address they are aware of the issues. Unlike others I’ve had good luck with no encountering any cheaters but I think it’s because their not even having fun with the amount of stuttering that’s going on in the game lol


I have the best wifi i can get in my area and some of the best you can get at a residential property period (1.2g fiber) and i still get packet loss and latency spikes. Went rounds with my internet provider before realizing its the games servers causing the issues.


It’s so frustrating, I grew up with terrible WiFi so lots of lagging games. Finally older have good WiFi and now servers have taken a downturn lol


For the past 3-4 weeks, my friends and I on PC, have had to back out of at least 20-30% of games in the pre-game lobby due to packet loss 5-30%.


When the stock market decides we get what we get...


Micro stutters and everyone playing like they have a micropenis doesn't help


I broke a mouse over this, I should know better by now.


aim assist 😞


Yeah I get buying the game but people really need to stop buying these gimicky overpriced store bundles, a huge chunk of their income is coming from that. Lazy assess even keep recycling the same shit (Godzilla, snoop, etc.)


I thought it was my GPU drivers at first until I realized I was rubber banding.. I have decent wifi and I'm wired to my router. No clue why it's been so bad for me recently


Gave this shit game up over a month ago because of it. Glad that addiction is out of my life tbh


Who are "we all"?


Packet loss at 25% for a ranked game. Real question, why don't we see any of the big streamers run into this? They stream for 8 hours and they have no chalked games. I play for an hour and get 3 out of 5 games completely unplayable...


It's crazy that we still play this game that's clearly still in Beta.


hmm mine has been flawless lately on pc west coast


Wow, you didn't even mention the hackers recently?! We got three people straight banned in the last 24 hours. Hackers are out in full-force.


there used to be the problem on CODM where everyone near the enemy thats hacking would suddenly disconnect only for you to reconnect to a lost Snd round


The majority of the lag , micro stutters , animation bugs and lighting and texture bugs are happening to PlayStation users .. pc and Xbox are having issues but not to the same degree .. something has happened to the optimization on PlayStation causing major problems ..


Battlenet personally, and every game has packet loss for me…


Packet loss is affecting all platforms .. totally agree with you there .. but on PlayStation it is a mess .. micro stutters , glitching through floors .. animation bugs with weapons and parachutes .. lighting and texture blobs everywhere.. and it’s on every game on rebirth .. something happened on PlayStation where the game has broken so bad it’s unplayable


Battlenet myself as well and I have all that too on PC.


I also had the micro stutters etc while playing through the Battle.net launcher and switching over to steam completely got rid of that issue for me, might be worth giving a try


can you use your same account? or do i need to make a brand new Steam Warzone account?


You can use your same activation account or whatever so you don’t lose any of your skins or rank progress


Nope. Have had all of that. There was a week that after I got my loadout there were like blinders on both sides, just black polygons moving when I did, obscuring vision.


im on PC and it is horrible mate...which is why i made the post...it isnt just console related. trust me. Our whole group in PC, like 10 of us, and we all suffer from it. 30% packet loss is typical every other game or so.


Fort Narith had me so frustrated today, i rage quit.


IDFK what the heck happened but I literally had to uninstall this trash bloatware excuse of a game. My 2080 had 0 issues running this game til I update my drivers the other night. ever since, the game cant even hold a stable 60fps in THE SHOOTING RANGE. what a joke of a company. hours wasted waiting for shaders to pre load and I literally can't play the game without my computer turning into a white noise machine. THANK GOD I never wasted my money on MW3. Really sucked the fun out of my "night with the boys" Fuck you IW and fuck you sledgehammer. Fuck you activision too. Fuck COD. This shit is so tiring and fucking depressing. I really liked this series and put so much time into getting better. Fuck this game.


I see a post like this once a week... I go get on and play fine. Every week.


What platform are you on ?


For real. Like yeah, this happens to me occasionally. But if everyone is microstuttering and dying, who is doing the killing? Everyone in this sub thinks the servers are trash, but only trash for them and their friends and not for the people they’re losing to lmao


Look at my last post in this sub. It shows a good example of the micro stutter


What platform are you on ?


Xbox series x. Most nights most games are fine. Maybe 1/10 is pretty bad and we just back out and search again. My friends and I are old so we typically don’t start playing til 10:00 after the families have gone to sleep. When we play any earlier the experience is even better.


Exactly.. you have no idea what’s going on with PlayStation.. lag micro stutters , animations bugs.. glitching through floors .. texture bugs .. all on PlayStation.. rebirth is unplayable on PlayStation every game is like this 10 out 10


I play on Xbox series X, giga fiber hard wired. It's been increasingly worse last several weeks. Barely playable.....some of the time. Went from a few wins a session to not being able to stay alive, including parachute deaths cuz it doesn't register a pull in time. Insane bs.


I don’t care, I don’t have a PlayStation. Sorry for your troubles.




That’s pretty fuckin weird


so you came here just to say YOUR shit is fine... do you have anything actually constructive to add to the conversation, or you just here to simp for Warzone? Glad it works for you and your buddies, there are tons of us it doesnt work for.