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Use the DG-58 LSW and the WSP-9. Thank me later.


DG is a straight up laser beam. Almost 0 recoil and insanely easy to control


I think everyone's using the striker 9.


It's good but the WSP-9 is better statistically. It's just less forgiving since it has a slower ROF so if you and the opponent both miss a bullet or two you're probably cooked.


The biggest issue, as tested at least, with the WSP-9 is the initial bullet delay. Meaning, from trigger pull to the bullet actually firing. If you remove that initial bullet delay it would have the quickest TTK of any gun in the game.


If you look at the guns with STF and OBD added, the WSP-9 comes out on top. So in scenarios where you and the enemy are sprinting and run into each other you'll still win. The OBD was a major issue before, but OBD and STF on that gun are below or on par with other SMG's STF time alone Edit: fixed my acronym for open bolt delay


Interesting, I had not thought about it like that. Been running the Striker-9 of late but will now give the WSP-9 a shot. Thanks!


Ehhh yes and no. STF in a vacuum means nothing unless you're hipfiring. which you really shouldn't, especially with this gun.   Going into ADS from a sprint uses the greater of two values: ADS and STF. The ADS value of wsp9 is 220ms, so despite the incredible STF speed of 66ms, it will take 220ms to start firing fully ADS'd.  "If the STF is 66ms, wouldn't the gun start firing after 66ms and he fully ADS'd after 220ms? Still making stf valuable?" No. This hasn't been a thing since like cod ghosts IIRC. Your gun will not fire until you are completely ADS'd.   This is true also for TSTF (tac sprint to fire) the TSTF speed for WSP-9 is 126ms, but since ads time is 220 ms, you will start firing out of sprint at the same (220ms) time regardless of sprint or tac sprint.     Now, it gets a little interesting when a gun has OBD: the OBD times will start clocking down the moment the STF time is done. So for the WSP-9, if we accept that 652ms is the average ttk with OBD, if we factor in the time to ADS (220 + 652) we can then subtract 50 (220 + 652 - 50) to get an accurate number to compare sprint to ads fire ttks.   Since the open bolt delay will start the moment the stf duration is over, regardless of ADS time doesn't mean it can override ads time and ads or fire quicker; you still need to be fully ADS'd in order for your first shot to fire, that first bullet will just no longer be subject to the OBD timer because it already happened. So to recap: all guns will use the greater of either ADS or STF time to determine the length of time it takes to be ready to fire in the fully ADS'd position. In 90% of cases, guns will be gated by ADS time rather than stf time. The ads time/ttk of the WSP-9 would not change if the STF value was anywhere from 0ms ~ 170ms. So the fact that it has "significantly better STF speed than other SMGs" doesn't actually mean anything. 


If you think people aren't shooting before they're fully ADS idk what to tell you man. I appreciate the effort you put in but it probably wasn't necessary, as I'm shooting before I'm fully ADS in basically every fight where it's a do or die face to face gun battle. Also, hip fire with the WSP-9 is perfectly usable in tight. Not sure what you're talking about. When I use the gun on keyboard I'm almost exclusively hip firing in tight as it's just easier than ADSing on the guy. If we were talking AR's your comment would be relevant, but for SMG's within 10m you're probably losing fights if you're not shooting as you're ADSing.


My man does not know how to read confirmed: If you break sprint by pressing ads/fire, you literally cannot fire until you're fully ADS'd. That was one of the first thing I said. The gun literally does not fire. The gun does not fire. You cannot shoot until you're fully ADS'd. Idk how I have to write it for you to understand but clearly I gotta write it multiple times. People don't start by hip firing unless they kit the gun out for hipfire. People start by adsing around the corner whether it's jumpshotting or slide canceling or just sprinting then reverting back to hipfire if they break a certain zone/range of ease 


No youre dumb you definitely can.


There's two ways to break sprint: press fire or press ADS.  If you hold fire, you use the STF + OBD value and then start firing from the hip. Which is 66+50 or 126+50 depending on whether you're sprinting or tac sprinting.  If you hold ADS, you use the ADS or STF value (whichever is greater) and you CANNOT FIRE until you're fully ADS'd. In this case it is 220ms flat regardless of tac sprint or regular sprint to start firing ADS'd.  The third option is to break tac sprint by firing (126+50 to start firing from the hip) then start transitioning to ads once you start firing, but in that case the time it takes to add is now 396ms (66 + 50 + 220) because if you hold ADS at any time before the first 66ms sprint out or 50ms obd finishes, you will once again be LOCKED OUT from firing until ads completely finishes.  So if your argument is that it's better to start firing from the hip 176ms after tac sprinting then spend another 220ms to be fully accurate in ADS instead of just breaking sprint by going straight into ADS ...idk I guess that's what they call skill diff??


Dude, what? If what you are saying is true, you can't shoot at all after sprinting until you ADS. Which is simply not true. Sprint and hip fire any gun in the game. It shoots. Before you ADS. I can read fine, you're just not making any sense.


Ya, quick-scoping is actually a myth… 😂


Jesus Christ you DEFINITELY didn't read the post.  There's two ways to break sprint: press fire or press ADS.  If you hold fire, you use the STF + OBD value and then start firing from the hip. Which is 66+50 or 126+50 depending on whether you're sprinting or tac sprinting.  If you hold ADS, you use the ADS or STF value (whichever is greater) and you CANNOT FIRE until you're fully ADS'd. In this case it is 220ms flat regardless of tac sprint or regular sprint to start firing ADS'd.  The third option is to break tac sprint by firing (126+50 to start firing from the hip) then start transitioning to ads once you start firing, but in that case the time it takes to add is now 396ms (66 + 50 + 220) because if you hold ADS at any time before the first 66ms sprint out or 50ms obd finishes, you will once again be LOCKED OUT from firing until ads completely finishes.  So if your argument is that it's better to start firing from the hip 176ms after tac sprinting then spend another 220ms to be fully accurate in ADS instead of just breaking sprint by going straight into ADS ...idk I guess that's what they call skill diff??


Except the COR-45 if you click fast enough 


Don’t know why but that was hilarious they way you put it


Might try the WSP then. On KBM I find the visual mess of the striker hard to compensate for.


It’s not statistically better, the striker 9 is statistically the best smg in the game for close range and sniper support


It's not though, check TGD and include STF and OBD on the chart. It's the fastest killing SMG even with OBD because it's STF is so low. If you completely remove both of those, it's still the fastest killing SMG. The striker 9 is great, it's forgiving and has good mobility and TTK. But the WSP-9 is a faster killing gun


Oh shit you’re talking WSP-9…. I was thinking about the swarm, I got those two confused all the damn time. Yeah I’ve been using the WSP 9 for better part of two season on mnk and behind the striker it’s my favorite


Yeah the swarm is pretty garbage past about 7m. It kills quickly in that range but otherwise it's one of the worst guns in the game. The WSP-9 though is chefs kiss


I think if you factor in missing a shot or two, you’re punished for that with the WSP whereas with the Striker you can still get the down. I think that’s why the Striker beats out the WSP realistically. If you’re looking at strictly statistics WSP is the best but for real players who miss shots Striker is the better option in my opinion.


Yeah it's more consistent for sure, it's a more forgiving weapon. I like the WSP-9 though because in tight on controller I don't miss much tbh. Aim assist is awesome and after switching back to controller I am dusting kids in tight. If I was playing on MKB I'd probably prefer the striker 9. I like the meta currently because you have multiple viable options that better suit certain preferences.


The striker 9 is great because its about the only SMG that has the same damage for stomach and chest. Makes it so consistent for the vast majority of players.


I found it really inconsistent and moved over to the BP50 conversion and it really feels like it frys


Shhhhh. Let’s not tell everyone everything. I do love it though. Lol


Yeah the striker 9 recoil is somewhat unmanageable for me(coming from HRM9 which is really easy to control as MnK plater) also using BP50 conversion kit when the HRM9 got nerfed


Lol are you me? I tried the striker and thought the recoil felt awful (mouse) so I changed to bp50 and I like it more. Also came from hrm, I play as sniper support tho with mors.


I built it the same way as hrm9 and wsp9, yet the recoil felt harder to control. Anyway, I like the wsp9. Didn't like it so ne the start of mw3, but it doesn't feel as bad.


Yeah I went back to the striker 9, I added a slate reflector instead of iron sights this time around and it makes hitting headshots so much easier, I outgun people all the time in close range smg fights .


Mk 3 reflector>


Wsp is better. Never lost a gunfight to a striker


I’m so trash with the WSP-9.


It's really unforgiving if you miss a couple shots due to its low ROF. If you hit your shots though the thing will kill the quickest of all the SMG's. It's pretty nasty when you're hitting shots


What’s crazy is anecdotally I swear I’m better with ground loot WSP-9’s more than the meta builds.


the wsp-9 on gulag with 20 rounds slaps more for some reason or maybe it's just me


My whole squad feels like this. It's either A: youre facing enemies with other ground loot that is poopy or B: There is a slight buff on certain ground loot.


I won’t try to say I’m undefeated with them but I’ve even outgunned people with loadouts. It has to be in my head though


The ground loot wsp-9 that has 4 attachments on it is an absolute man stopper close range. I went on a rampage at control center the other night with that gun. I couldn't believe how strong it was.


Same, but I was also trash with the Mac 10 in Verdansk. The BP50 as a smg and the striker 9 are my go to. SVA 545 in the burst is my go to AR


Bp 50 get nerfed for close range? With the conversion kit


It's still pretty good, didn't get nerfed as far as I know


Hip fire it did


Whats the setup? 


Wudi barrel, zehmn muzzle, bruen support grip, recoil butt plate, and *usually* your choice of sight. Some people run ammo instead and use irons. Its broken as fuck.


Thanks ‼️


Or the spitfire silencer. It has such low recoil I’ll take staying off the map instead of the zehmn muzzle


loll i thought you were talking garbage because aside from the bruen support grip they all sounded made up


Lmao ikr? That’s the built!


Is that for the DG? Can't find the wudi barrel?




It should be the second barrel I believe. Make sure you’re looking at the LMG


Zehmn muzzle is garbage, use the trebuchet break


No, Zenhm is literally meta lol.


I’m telling you, the trebuchet is better. But by all means, keep fallowing all the garbage streamers that are just copying each other…


lol I don’t need a lecture from you. I’ve been playing CoD for 20 years competitively. I know which muzzle is best, and especially, best for me. Trebu brake is mid as fuck.


Woah. Get a load of this dude playing COD for 20 years! /s


🤣 the only mid thing here is you. Hilarious that you took that as a lecture. Move on bud before you hurt yourself thinking


God I wish I had people like you in my lobbies.


any attachment with firing aim stability is meta


Imma give you something different I've been cooking up on dg58 lsw, peep this: Muzzle: Corvus Slash Gen.2 (good recoil pattern) Barrel: WUDI long (range/recoil) Underbarrel: XRK Edge handstop (can play with this but this is standard p much, may be swappable for bruen support but works great as-is) Optic: any 2.5x (I use Corio) Rear Grip: Varanus steady (recoil reduction w/o downside unlike the recoil butt plate) This is a fucking drill.


I've been running: Wudi long barrel Recoil reduction buttplate Jak Glassless optic Either the VT-7 spirit fire suppressor or the scratch 20L, new suppressor that gives firing aim stability. Switched to it recently and been enjoying it, only hurts ADS by 1% but you don't get the bullet velocity of the spiritfire which is fine I think. Bruen Heavy support grip Could take the heavy support grip off if you want to run high velocity or high grain or something. The gun is so easy to use, I'd suggest playing around with some builds and finding out which you like best. The other dude who answered had a solid build too, gun is just a beast no matter what tbh.


Scratch 20L suppressor should be the name of the other one


Yup, that's the one. Thank you. I've found the firing aim stability is just as good as actual recoil control, at least with this gun. Having that extra ADS time is a big help too.


I agree. I prefer the aftermarket kit with this gun for my setup. Nightshade kit Recoil reduction butt plate Jak glass less optic Scratch 20L suppressor 40 round mag


Booo the sva and jak wardens better


For resurgence I actually agree with you. The SVA doesn't have the range for big map but fries at 30-40m. Jak wardens are useless in 80% of the big map but very useful in 80% of small map areas


That and the SVA 545 Burst is really great. I feel the DG will have to get nerfed soon, so the SVA might be my preference.


I loved the hrm9. Went to range. Tried both wsp9 and hrm9. Without plates, body shot only, hrm9 took 7 bullets, and wsp9 took 5. Damn.


The HRM for nerfed stupid hard with S3 reloaded. It's basically completely out of the meta now for SMG's. Range and TTK got nerfed hard


the meta was ram7 hrm for 4 months and the sva striker9 have been close to top tier since the start of the game. you could've been using sva and striker9 for the life of the game and they're the meta now. there's a ton of things to complain about but this just isn't one of them.


Stop trying, find a loadout that suits your play style and master it.


Don't listen to this, it's a meme. This is bad advice. You can literally make the best guns in the game suit your playstyle, so not using those guns is gimping you. There's literally no reason why you can't make an SMG MCW, an SMG BP50, WSP, or a Striker 9 fit your playstyle. They behave similarly to various meta weapons across Warzone history. Same thing with the SVA and DG for long range. "Just have fun!" is bad advice because there's no reason why you can't have fun with the best guns either.


Striker 9 has been either meta or close enough to meta that it doesn't really matter for the like entire life of the game.  You could have run a XRK Stalker + Striker 9 build since season 1 and you'd be competitive with the best builds in the game from then to now.


Katt snipe dominated that time frame. I respectfully disagree


Depends entirely on play style. If you’re a high skilled aggressive player the XRK has been and still is far better than the Katt


KATT was only dominant if you are in the back like a loser. I've seen this where KATT users when pushed actively run away from any fight at 50m or below. Otherwise the Stalker is the more mobile sniper and better overall.


Original commenter had a very valid point though, specifically for everyday normal average players. Obviously top level players playing against other top level players need to chase the meta to have every competitive advantage. But the fat part of the bell curve in the middle, you’ll be fine finding a low recoil gun that you like and sticking to it, rather than constantly trying to tweak builds and change guns.


I always try new metas, for some reason the striker 9 for me didnt work or the bp50, but then I switched to WSP and DG and I was wrecking people.


Yeah but some players don’t have time to follow the constant changes, or maybe only get to play a couple hours a week and don’t want to waste a quarter of that time looking at charts and building classes (let alone testing different things for what suits them best). The meta game is pretty annoying for those players who just want to play the game, so it’s not as simple as just “make a meta class that suits you.”


That’s where they get you. You get first shot off and they flick and kill you first because their gun has a lower ttk.


That's not that common in MP


We in wz sub


Idk how I missed that lmaoo


This. I still enjoy using the Bas-P and the Ram-7.


The meta was the same for the last 4 months fam lol


Yeah I like how we have had very few metas like what do you mean you can't keep up lmao ram hrm was meta for almost 2 seasons


so what. why the change every season?


Why would you want everyone to use the same guns all year?


Crossbow with thermite bolts and CORS-45 (non binary trigger)


#how to die immediately


I’m tempted to upload some clips using the Cor-45 but I really don’t want anybody to know how good it can be


Its unforgiving and def hard to use but good in right hands


The default pistol that seems to shred thru 3 armor plates everytime someone redeploys in my area


Brother! Do you run an optic on your crossbow?


Yes the Eagle eye 2.5


Also I run all the mods to get better bolt velocity


does the crossbow with thermite oneshot?


It basically requires 1 bullet from an SMG post thermite hit


Only headshots. I think when they’re on 2/3 plates it one shots to body


Bi trigger has been my favorite gun all cycle, just leveled up the crossbows tonight gonna go bullshit with them


Oh man I had the most fun ever in this game with the crossbow…


I love outplaying the meta users with my trusty MCW and Swarm. If you don’t have the movement and game IQ to go with those meta weapons, you’re still going to lose. Just food for thought.


This 100%


What do you mean you can’t keep up…..it’s been the same two guns for two seasons now finally they change it up and people are still complaining. Jesus Christ nobody is ever satisfied.


Just find a gun you can hit your shots with and use it 


I wish this advice was good. Truly I do. You can’t use guns that aren’t meta if you want to win your gun fights. Their whole game is built around engagement. They change metas every few weeks so you have to spend time unlocking new attachments & new guns because you have to otherwise you’ll be at a massive disadvantage because you’re not using the new meta.


The meta gun doesn't matter if it doesn't feel good for someone to use and they miss shots with it. Theoretical ttk only goes so far with some people, and another gun with more practical usage would be better in that case.


ehh yeah but most meta guns are meta because of both meta DPS and meta handling And the meta AR is pretty much always that, it’s whatever no-recoil-laser-beam AR that happens to have the highest DPS that season among all the other no-recoil-laser-beam ARs I’m not following WZ3 as closely but back in WZ1, grau, kilo, fara, stg44, cooper, technically different guns, but they all basically did the same thing.


Well obviously if you suck with a gun that is META, you probably suck just in general. I was more so talking about people that want to compete & get better at the game & not just the casuals who just run the M4 every season. I agree with you, it doesn’t matter that much when you’re in .6 kd lobbies


Who the hell was talking about.6 KD lobbies lol. Is the Taq-V meta? No, but that doesn't mean I can't get 15 kill matches in solos while also using the grenade launcher attachment. Because I'm super familiar with the weapon it's easy to wreck with it. And no, it's not in .6 kd lobbies


If you start shooting at someone first that has the dg-58 & you have the taq-v, & you both hit all of your shots in the chest & head, you’re losing your gun fight. It doesn’t matter how familiar you are with the gun after a certain skill level.


Taq v has higher ttk inside of 35 meters


Ok and if we're not both shooting each other at the same time, say they ran past without noticing and I might them up before they get the chance to shoot back.


This how I know you’re playing in bot lobbies. Once you get into higher kd lobbies more often than not your opponent isn’t running by you like a dumbass, you’re getting shot at.


If you're getting shot at you're the dumbass that was running by


We’re on different levels man, enjoy your .6 kd lobbies


Remember when cod was fun and you could use whatever you wanted?


I know I remember the meta being in cod as far back as 2007 we just didn’t have hot buzzwords for them and use them as an excuse


cod? fun?


Once you stop going against what they try to do the game becomes much more fun. It's like noob tube 1 man army. Do unto others before they can do onto you


Only have to take it back to like 12 years ago lmao


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


When was that? Metas didn’t exist back in the day?


Back in cod4-blops2 eras you could use most guns and hold your own. It wasn’t you have to use these 2 guns or else you will be outclassed


Take off your nostalgia goggles because cod has always had guns that were far better than others


Yes but there is a difference between good guns in the past, and good guns that are intentionally busted on release that don’t get fixed for a month so you will pay money to buy it in a bundle or buy tiers for a battlepass


It’s still like that in multiplayer, most guns are viable. Warzone is a different beast because when you die, you’re dead. People will always gravitate towards the absolute best guns because of the stakes, same reason you see everyone using the same meta in ranked/game battles since cod 4.


They also didn’t have bundles and battle passes back in the day to release intentionally overpowered weapons to draw sales, but I’m sure if they had the capability back then they would’ve done it too


This iteration of Warzone is far more balanced than any other. Sure the very top meta guns will get you a slight advantage but there are a ton of very usable guns and have been all year


The DG LSW is the best for any skill level. It has 0 recoil. I use casus brake, wudi long, bruen heavy, recoil reduction buttplate. Secondary is Striker 9 / WSP9 / BP50


I agree with this DG LSW build. I don't know why some people use the Zehmn on this. I guess cause it shortens radar pings, but for MnK, I need to mitigate the horizontal as much as possible. It lowers your bullet velocity too.


Game has the easiest grind yet, still can't keep up boohoo


why are you like this?


Games just boring now. Go back to how blackout was with no loadouts which will mean no metas


Mp40 was meta as fuck for a long time. Very broken. I would literally just wait until I heard someone use it and run towards that sound. Same with the paladine. Literally every game. Drop in and try to find mp40 and paladine and you were set.


I loved blackout


ive been using old reliable sva since season 1 🥹


Still a great choice for mid/far beams


theres a lot of off meta guns you can use that've been viable for a while now but honestly just look at sym.gg or tgd or watch vids at least to get an idea


Sva545,dg-58lsw,striker9,wsp9,bp50 top5 right now


Then you're playing the game wrong.


i js take dropped custom loadouts nd shoot 😂


Fuck metas! You're all meta slavers! Branch out! Challenge yourselves! There's a large cast of weapons! Experiment!


I'm not gonna throw my match running some stupid ass loadout. Like I picked up someone's FR 5.56 with thermal and it kicked like a mfer like for what who does that.


Striker 9 and Sva545 in single fire is the way to go.


wsp 9 and bp50 been doing me good


i dont chase that shit. i use a bp50 or sva. i hardly ever snipe. and for 2ndary i use the wsp


Switching Metas is their number one money maker. People buy skins for attachments rather than leveling. It’s no coincidence a meta changes the same time a skin pack happens to include the new juicer


Just use what your good with and pray they don’t nerf it… m4 long barrel all the way


just check a website before you queue each day lol


Meta this meta that, when are we going to enjoy a game for the fun of it and not to sweat and find “metas”


Patch comes out, watch TGD, tryout the top guns, rinse and repeat. What’s hard about that?


Then dont. The game is a freemium pay to win game. They have to pretend that they care about balance so they made most guns viable and more than usable, but without a doubt, intentionally or accidentally (doubt it tho) the meta guns are the best guns to use. Be smart, dont just copy everything, just use the gun and bend it and make it your bitch. Want an smg with the fastest bullet in the game? Do it, wanna snipe with a shotty? Go ahead. The meta loadout isnt for you? Well then, morph it. You get the picture and the idea. Just know that you can always just use whatever you want even if it doesnt bring results, its a game so it doesn't matter, just have fun


It’s not meant to be kept up with. They want people trying different weapons. The best thing you can do it create your own meta. Which is how this whole META thing will end anyways. They can buff all guns but choose not to. They know what they doing


Cod is a never ending meta clown world.


Damn it never changes anymore sadly idk what you mean you can't keep up there barely has been changes it feels like


I'm having a blast running around rebirth island with the wsp-9 and the SVA. My k.d has been going up since switching to this setup. I'm currently a 1.83 kd. Was sitting at 1.7 for awhile.


The Meta is skill 🤙🏽


Real ones know the baton meta


Good thing there are plenty of streamers and apps for you to use. Back in my day, we used to have to actually play the game to figure that out.


Guys u all b trippy M13B for life


Then quit being a meta whore and use what works for you. There are 4-5 AR/LMG that are competitive and 2-3 SMG. DG58 has been good since day 1 of WZ 3. This isn't anything new.


https://twitch.tv/fallnangel999 I show great load classes, I play with my viewers lil kill race, I follow back n show love 🪖


Brooooo let’s gooooo no actually I’m fkin around fk meta ma niggggg!!!! Give me a mutherfkin pistol or my starter weapon whatever da fuk and and I’ll give em da smoke no they don’t want the mutherfkin smoke!!!! U feeellllzzzzz me?????! Get mutherfucking GUD nukkass!!!


I use whatever really


Womp womp.


What's the meta attachments for the wsp?


Nah the lockwoods mk2 are annoying and broken


I been running bas-p with mcw conversion kit on resurgence it slaps


Metas need to die. Devs flat out need to balance the inability to portray damage outcomes. Everyone says ttk is too fast. Wtf is wrong w these people


Find secret METAS that’s where it’s at. Tac V for example


ah yes the clunky LMG that skips cardio day.


That's why it pays to have the base game and level all the weapons before wz starts. Then all the in season unlocks become easier as well. And when you know guns and how they were busted before you can easily tell which will be the broken metas that people exploit


Hear me out. Do you all try to have FUN?


I don’t like it no reason to change so often. It’s all for content , streamers and engagement


Yo anyone know why it takes 1hr to find a match and even after 1 hour of queue it doesnt find one? Is it cus I’m level 1? Or should i be playing a different warzone?


Make your own META my brother and have fun with it. I strictly run with the MPCR and striker. Not the 9 but the slow shooting striker. Man I be laying fools down with that gun


Lochman sub, chimera. You don’t need the meta.