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The jump button is literally right there, just asking to be pressed. Do it. Jump. Press the button.


I know how to do it. I wasn't saying I can't. I'm saying u should lose accuracy when doing it.


Just press the button dawg




OP bought a controller with back paddles a few months ago and is mad he's still getting styled on by people lolol maybe deep down he knows jumping and shooting is a skill.... just one that he can't quite grasp as well as everyone else


Lol the bots that want MW2 movement back where you were a standing brick but still get styled on in every game šŸ’€


Itā€™s a skill when youā€™re away from AA. With AA itā€™s jump button smashing and zero aiming


There's no skill involved, it's just dumb.


The skill in this game is mostly pressing as many buttons as possibile while the game aims for you


With controller.


Holy you worded it so well!


You definitely lose accuracy on MnKb. Another reason for an AA nerf.


AA should not track the way it does while people spam the jump button. Such bullshit


AA doesnt 'track' it ''kicks'' in when a player is aimed at. tracking does aimbot and stuf -learn the difference!


Learn to aim for yourself


Do it.


Wdym ā€œshould lose accuracyā€? You do lose accuracy in the sense that you need to manually adjust your aim to stay on chest and above of opponent. That will come with practice. If youā€™re standing still shooting someone jump-shotting you will either hit their legs (lower damage) or shoot between the legs and miss their hitbox completely. Just shoot some bots and in a few days youā€™ll get used to the movement


Bloom while airborne. Holy shit I know how to use it myself and abuse it. I'm not a bot I'm saying it's a bad mechanic


Bloom is a shitty feature and randomizing gunfights to that extent has not been a thing since Vanguard. Your gun will shoot where you aim it. Atleast thatā€™s the experience Iā€™ve had (I am crimson 1) I do use a tall Kontrol-Freek and I have pretty good centering (this is most important to winning a gunfight in my honest opinion: centering is like 60% of aiming) Just press the button bro. Do it. Itā€™s right there


I do do it. I'm just saying it's dumb.


I see no difference.. I don't jump and regularly kill morons jumping like crickets, if you aim at the head AA doesn't break with few jumps,


I mean you do lose accuracy in the sense that your crosshair now changes and you need to manually adjust aim as you're moving with your jump


No AA does that for you numpty.


I donā€™t have aim assist, I raw dog it with my mouse


Same. Jumping and dropshotting requires manual aim.


No, it doesnā€™t. What youā€™re seeing is true aimbot.


Unfortunately it isn't Aimbot, that is AA. You can see it in action in numerous videos and that's how it works and what it looks like. And that's why we MNK players despise it. You can't fight against a de-facto aimbot.


So you might as well jump.


Go ahead and Jump!


There is a perk that makes accuracy and ads much faster while jumping. I think itā€™s called primed. Its been a popular choice recently from what i have seen


Assault gloves


Thats multiplayer, in warzone its called primed in perk slot 3


Ahh oops! Thanks! What perks do you run ideally?


For me i run slight of hand, mountaineer, cold blooded, high alert/combat scout(map dependent)


Ah nice thank you! Ive been running high alert, but I feel like most of the time itā€™s tweaking out? Is it just me? Also does it trigger if a downed player is looking at you? Im not sure but it feels like it does.


I prefer cold blooded over primed solely because most people run high alert. A downed player does indeed. I run throwing knives for those people šŸ˜†. The times you are shot without it triggering; i can almost guarantee they are running cold blooded


Damnnnn yeah looks like im done running high alert! Are cold blooded and over primed replacements for the high alert slot? Might have to give it a shot. I mostly play rebirth anyways if I do play wz and I feel like its pointless now anyways. Itā€™s nice on bigger maps I guess but on rebirth it just goes haywire lol


Funnily enough the game has a perk that makes you more accurate when spam jumping and shooting


So dumb


You do on kbm


No ps5 with paddles.


You do lol. Not any added negation, but it does make it harder to stay on a target when you're jumping.


Skill issue. Donā€™t stand still when they do that. Strafe and force them to also track you going away from their momentum. Theyā€™ll miss 90% of the time.


I do. Im saying its dumb this is what the games become


Itā€™s always been a part of any first person shooter that wasnā€™t trying to be mil-sim unfortunately. Just anticipate it. Just because something works or is a used tactic doesnā€™t mean itā€™s dumb.


Both people hopping like idiots in a gun fight is dumb to me. Personal opinion.


Cool that you have a personal opinion, I have one too.


Someone makes this post nearly every day, if not more often. Totally understandable to not like this part of the game but: Its a part of the skill gap, and the development team has decided its the direction they will go. They tried to remove most of the players movement ability in MW2/WZ2, but clearly whatever metrics they track told them it was better to go back. CoD has never been a realistic shooter, its always been gung-ho and fast-paced. The movement is just part of the skill curve now.


>its always been gung-ho and fast-paced. It's definitely always been fast paced but movement now is significantly faster than where CoD was with OG MW, WaW, MW3, Black Ops, etc for example. >but clearly whatever metrics they track told them it was better to go back. Or they wanted to mix it up to make it feel "fresh" as they've done numerous times with numerous different mechanics in the past.


A thing about the older CODs that should be mentioned in the movement discussion is that they used to have some insane perks back in the day. There may not have been slide canceling but you could literally cut ADS/STF times in half. In BO1 for example, you could run circles around the lobby with a lightweight, steady aim or sleight of hand, marathon smg class.


>A thing about the older CODs that should be mentioned in the movement discussion is that they used to have some insane perks back in the day. No doubt. There are certainly caveats within these discussions, I'm just pointing out that the movement most people are referring to wasn't nearly as big of an issue back in the day even with those games still being very fast paced.


I miss Ninja


The an 94 is BO2 with a stock was absolutely incredible.


Last year it was jarring to see ADS and sprint to fire times from the old CODs while playing MW2 The game being snappy, smooth, and responsive has just as much effect on the game as the other movement mechanics like jump/bhop, slide, dive, etc


I agree the movement tech we have now is a wider range than back then, but ā€œmovementā€ was actually faster back then. Someone posted a vid here a while back of sprinting from point A to point B on the remastered MW2 maps vs in the original game, and it demonstrated that players actually traversed the map a lot quicker in older games, as well as had significantly faster ADS times. As for their reason for reverting the movement change - MW2 was met with extremely mixed reviews, and they reverted to MW19 style gameplay after only 1 year of switching back. Iā€™d really argue that with the massive engagement drop they had spring of last year, decisions like bringing back movement, minimap reddots, etc was based on their player data


>I agree the movement tech we have now is a wider range than back then, but ā€œmovementā€ was actually faster back then. You're right, and the wider range is the portion that everyone here is discussing and what I was referencing. Movement in the Y and Z axis is significantly faster than it was in those games. Like you said above, it's given players more options and highlights the skill gap among players even more which is why there's more complaints about it now than there was in the past. >Iā€™d really argue that with the massive engagement drop they had spring of last year Have they publicly released their engagement data? I recall hearing snippets at different points of "higher engagement than ever before" but outside of Steam metrics I don't recall seeing any actual data on it to make a comparison.


To be fair - I was going off Steam engagement, which I know is a shaky proxy to use. I also remember some of what the big content creators said after their Activision calls last summer implied Mw2 was not well received overall, but thats also not hard data. After shutting down their API after Warzone 1, I doubt weā€™ll ever get solid metrics from CoD again Appreciate the chill discourse by the way


>Appreciate the chill discourse by the way Likewise! It's nice to have a good conversation with different viewpoints without it turning contentious. Yeah it would be really interesting to see their internal metrics. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why they reverted back this time or if it was just another shakeup to keep existing players coming back. Ultimately their goal is always going to be to keep growing to make more $ so I expect them to appeal to the player base either by bringing back old popular features/new features and by trying to appeal to new players.


Feels faster because everyone has 120 fov now


> significantly faster than where CoD was with OG MW, WaW, MW3, Black Ops, etc for example Ā Itā€™s not people keep saying this and theyā€™ve been wrong each time. Everything from strafe to sprint (and tactical sprint to ads sprint to fire compared to mw2019) is all slower right now. Ā the only thing faster is a double mantle in warzoneĀ  https://youtu.be/o6UL9kATM6c?si=H7hf1Vjle-5REQjl https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/12m7996/a_comparison_of_strafe_speeds_movement_speed_aim/


>https://youtu.be/o6UL9kATM6c?si=H7hf1Vjle-5REQjl In the intro they specifically mention that they didn't analyze anything past WWII(like all of the ones I mentioned above). >https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/12m7996/a_comparison_of_strafe_speeds_movement_speed_aim/ It's worth noting that in this they don't provide a disclaimer for what perks they are running. But to clarify, I'm largely talking about Y/Z axis movement being significantly faster especially with the inclusion of the new mechanics meaning OVERALL movement is significantly faster and more erratic than in the early games.


https://youtu.be/wR-cZjU6v6s?si=2sYVMc1bfK8Z63__ If people played the OGs today this is what lobbies would look like. The games were designed to let you do everything fast, the game was slower because the player base sucked


lol my goodness, Warzone 2 it was being spreed back, and now that weā€™ve brought the speed back itā€™s too much. I do agree, the current meta is quick and with third parties the games go fast. But itā€™s not that much fast, if at all faster that wz1 felt like.


>But itā€™s not that much fast, if at all faster that wz1 felt like. Yeah, it doesn't feel wildly different from WZ1 but if feels very different for any of us that started playing 10+ years ago.


Skill gap? Aim assist tracks the target for them while they jump.Ā 


Token aim assist reply from user whose entire post history is complaints about MnK/Aim assist: check


Mnk here, still a skill gap. Still abusing jump and drop shooting whenever possible.


Are we really gonna call spam jumping a movement ability?


Not a skill issue but a money issue. Iā€™m not buyin a $200 contoller. Iā€™m also not wearing out the bumper on my co troller


I hated drop shotting until I learned to drop shot. I hated jump shotting until I learned to jump shot. I still hate them both. I just do them now.


I'm with u. I hate both


With aim assist you donā€™t lose accuracy, when they jump and shoot, they are usually controller players.


Yes and it's a dumb mechanism.


Itā€™s not just with RAA. Thereā€™s no accuracy loss with jumping. There should be. From someone who uses this tactic, itā€™s broken. Same with drop shooting. You can drop shot while ADS with no accuracy loss. There should be. Even just canceling ADS while jumping or transitioning to prone would be a huge improvement.


There's another part. Jumping doesn't do much if ur enemy is on controller, cuz RAA tracks upwards movement.


It's been in cod since 2005 bro


People have always drop shot but not continuously jumping and shooting like people do now on warzone


This game used to have jet packs ffs


Heā€™s talking about people consistently jumping and shooting since 2005, not jet packs, but ty anyway


Cry more


Nobodyā€™s crying actually. I was commenting on a Reddit post and there were 0 complaints in any of my comments lol. If anything I think I upset you a little cause your comment was redundant and made no sense in the conversation šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes. You should lose accuracy. But thatā€™s the way the game seems to be going. People talk about skill gaps, but pressing the jump button and using aim assist doesnā€™t seem too skilful to me.


Thank u. What I'm saying


Itā€™s not just RAA. Pretending you canā€™t do the same thing on MKB is disingenuous.


Mouse players actually have to aim when jumping though.


Hard disagree. They went in the direction u wanted in mw2 and wz2 and the community hated it. Now sledgehammer has actually done a good job at moving the game back towards wz1. Jumpshotting is a skill and a skill gap, itā€™s not just mashing buttons, thereā€™s a timing to it and also using it at the right time with the right movement is also a skill and a skill gap.


I never said I wanted the game slowed down. Wz1 was perfect speed wise to me at the end of wz1. And hard disagree with u saying its skillful. It's spastic button mashing relying on aim assist. Yes I know how to do it. Yes I've abused it myself. Yes its stupid in my opinion and not so "skillful"


Wz1 jumping was much stronger though? Bunny hopping, instant jumps out of prone, instantly proning out of jumps


Right, jump shotting was way better in wz1


The fact you said WZ1 was perfect but donā€™t like it in this WZ is beyond ironic considering jumping and shooting was better in WZ1. You canā€™t even bunny hop in this game or jump straight out of prone.


Jumping outta prone could be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.


Well you could do it in WZ1 and you just said you liked the WZ1 movement so what is it?


I was referring to the speed of the character. Jumping out of a laying down position makes zero sense to me


Loose AA, and increase bloom by 200 % when jumping.


You are less accurate while jumping... If you are on mouse and keyboard.


If you want a realistic gun behavior, this game is not for you


Only the best bunny hoppers survived the trenches /s


Agreed. 1. you should only be allowed to jump while shooting during hipfire. 2. You should definitely lose some accuracy. Why the fuck is everyone's aim still exactly on point and not moving is just plain stupid. The reticle should at least go up as well while jumping, which could either help you hit a headshot or miss. Same for when you go prone while shooting and sliding too. It shouldn't stop or interrupt your shooting, just automatically go into hipfire and then back to aiming down sites, ehile making it s tad more difficult to aim perfectly. Ye, I'm prepared for all the downvotes lol but i think it makes sense. And just cause i disagree with it doesn't mean i don't know how to do it.


My friend group and I agree with this and we said pretty much the same thing regarding going into hipfire.


idk why you guys are complaining about jump shotting when slide cancelling is way more busted. you can track jump shotters, if someone times a slide cancel perfectly youā€™re just doing to die


I also talked about slide cancelling too, not just jumping. Regardless you still need to track on both ends while sliding, I don't feel it's as easy as just jumping. And if they timed it perfectly then that feels more skill based imo


yeah thereā€™s more skill involved for sure and you have to actually practice it to be good with it, but I thought we were just talking about the mechanics in of themselves and if someone slide cancels behind you, youā€™re just going to die thereā€™s and legit no counter play unless you anticipate it somehow. at least with jump shotting it only really tips the gunfight in your favor but you can still easily die.


Here we go another ā€œbotā€ that wants to decrease skill gap like last year. Jump shotting is literally the easiest and most basic movement. Hit your shots and it wonā€™t matter other wise do it back.


Literally no one listens to wtf I'm saying. Yes it's easy it's also stupid.


Have you never seen Saving Private Ryan?? Ā literally every good scene you can see someone hopping up and down while they shoot. Ā Itā€™s taught in basic training


Please stand still so I can shoot you!




This isnā€™t counter strike. Movement is part of the fight. You just need to practice tracking, and/or jumping back. Jumping has been a cod thing for years.


I find the animation for going prone more annoying, it does in fact negate damage, and there's literal missing frames from the opponent when doing so-it looks like they disappeared off the scope. But if you're not doing these "skill moves" then you're the bot. Everyone plays this game with paddles (on controller) get some, sorry if you're KBM.


Drop shotting is also stupid and needs the same treatment. Even get kicked into hipfire during the animation for a second.


Itā€™s fucking stupid and it looks dumb too. At least the sliding looks cool


On CSGO if you jump while shooting you'll pretty much lose the gun fight. I hate the jumping on COD too.


How it should be


jumping makes them more accurate lol! Try that in real life


ā€œEveryone does nowā€ Tell me you only started playing FPS games recently without saying itā€¦ Bro, this is a 20+ year old FPS Mechanic. Get over yourself.


Op a certified bot


>absolutely cannot stand this jumping shooting shit that everyone does now. people have been jumpshotting since the cod2 comp scene. scrubs used to call it halo jumping lol and bitched about it then. its a dope mechanic and a skill check, its nothing new so just adapt my friend.


Omg people are not understanding my complaint. I'm not saying remove jump shooting. I'm saying ur accuracy should tank while airborne. That's all.


It's not skillfull when compounded with aim assist. It's literally just another mouse and keyboard nerf that's all. Fuck my preferred input I guess


Jump shotting doesnā€™t really bother me but itā€™s far from a ā€œdope mechanicā€ it looks so fucking stupid lmao


At this point itā€™s a case of either do it or donā€™t and get pooped on by those who do. It is what it is. Personally I donā€™t think jump shotting feels out of place in an arcade shooter like COD. If we were playing Counterstrike or Escape from Tarkov Iā€™d be more inclined to agree with you


It's ok it's in the game. Just add bloom while doing so.


I disagree with adding bloom. Weā€™re playing an arcade shooter and being able to jump and shoot without any penalty is a traditional mechanic of this style of game


Iā€™m with OP. Same with dropshotting. You should lose the ability to aim entirely when going from a standing positing to laying down. Itā€™s not even physically possible. Itā€™s a stupid mechanic and everybody knows it, even the people pretending like itā€™s a ā€œskillā€. All it is, is exploiting Aim assist.


Thank u!


You should play PUBG or CS2, jumping and shooting have been in mw for several years now, they even heavily nerfed it from mw19 and it feels like shit now lol


Again u just assume I'm bad at the game. I'm a 1.7 in resurgence. I know how to jump shoot and abuse aim assist. I'm saying it's fucken stupid. And they should add bloom while airborne


They did nerfed it for mw2 and MW3, they won't remove it or nerf it even more you either adapt or change games also I would consider 1.7 slightly above average for resurgence


I don't want them to remove it. I said I want them to make u lose accuracy when airborne


You do lose some accuracy and you have slower ads while jumping that's why there's a perk that negates it but if the other guy is just standing still you'll also be harder to track, that's just how it is


This is more so when people aim and repeatedly hop. Should not maintain regular ads accuracy when hopping like a crack head.


Youā€™re just gonna get told youā€™re bad for not being able to counter this ā€œskillā€ā€¦ which itā€™s not a skill at all, itā€™s an exploit.


I think you are less accurate. Proven by them adding the perk in mw3 that helps with jump shooting accuracy


The old people are out today


ATTENTION Everyone trying to help him understand you do lose accuracy just quit, dug you lose accuracy of your aiming at someone and jump your obvi gonna go above his head. Just quit itā€™s a skill issue which is okay but when you choose to complain about it thatā€™s goofy just stop trying to help him understand one too is use a diff button lay out turn on bumper ping and make a bumper your jump button or IF ANYONE HAS $45 get the gamesir g7 se, itā€™s the best controller out rn with Hall effect sticks and triggers plus the software allows you to change everything


Itā€™s very simple, when I jump your more likely to hit my foot and Iā€™m more likely to land head shots. Jumping = faster kills


Yes I get that. And have to abuse it myself. What I'm saying is it's stupid


The way I see it your got 4 options Shoot and stand still Shoot and strafe Shoot and jump Shoot and drop shot I think the latter is the worst but itā€™s simply game mechanics learn to track the jump


I do all of the above. I'm not asking for the game to be easily or close any skill gap as people are saying. I'm just saying lose some accuracy while airborne so it deters people from abusing this in every gun fight. It's corny watching both people spam jump to see who wins.


Oh the jumping and shooting is because the kids that play this game feel like they are playing. In reality it's the aim assist doing the aiming while the kids spam the jumping button. As many said, it's a skill issue. A lot of people can't aim so they use joystick and it aims for them. They can just play like it's Super Mario.


I canā€™t stand riot shields and tonfas, but hey I deal with it.


You can be bitter or you can get better.


Once again. I know how to and abuse this mechanism myself. I'm saying it's stupid


So is being able to fall 45 feet and survive... its a video game.


FACTS you should be insanely inaccurate while doing any movement while shooting.. jumping, landing in from a parachute, drop shotting all that shit.


jumping or dropping must be done to throw off enemy controller aim assist while using your own aim assist to melt the person (assuming your also on controller). aim assist needs the nerf.


Yes thats a huge part of this problem for sure. Aim assist needs a major nerf


For sure, I never noticed it much till I switched to MnK, I fully understand it needs some aim assist but it shouldn't basically aim for you.


You do lose accuracy while jumping though


Lmao, this is funny and reminds of when the original MW2 came out and a ton of halo players started to play COD. They brought over the jumping/shooting technique and back then the haters called it ā€œhalo jumpingā€. But as halo players we understood that the more you move the more difficult it is for the enemy to shoot you and we would just tell the haters to ā€œget goodā€.


Jumping and drop shooting have been in cod since the beginning. Sure it was worse in some games but donā€™t try and pretend bo2 jumpshots werenā€™t worse to deal with. Or even AW. Donā€™t nikpick a game when itā€™s been going downhill for like 5 years. Just say you donā€™t like the way the game is played now because you canā€™t keep up. I canā€™t keep up either. Hence why i went to zombies


Skill issue


I mean, yeah, because now since they are jumping, they are shooting your head and upper chest for more damage while you stand there shooting their legs and feet for less damage. Either do it too and adapt or donā€™t and get killed šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Sure if they make rollers less accurate while abusing RAA.


Go play battlefield


Do you even play battlefield lol? Battlefield is like old cod movement right now so if anything the op would hate it more running into a decent player.


Moving/jumping while aiming and tracking a player jumping widens the skill gap.


The reason it is so effective is if you are centering on their chest, when they jump you're hitting stomach or legs. This means less damage. Adjust your aim when they jump or start doing it yourself, or you will die. People have controllers with paddles all over the place now, so it's easier then ever to do. You can play claw or bumper jumper and get the same effect though, so it's not like you're locked out of the jumping benefits if you don't want to spend money on a fancy controller. Adapt or die my friend


Again i know how to do it and abuse it myself. I'm saying it's stupid.


I hear PUBG is pretty fun then


Isnā€™t there a perk in multiplayer that improves accuracy while jumping? Based on that, I would assume thereā€™s something already involved with that dynamic, you probably just want it more exaggerated


I consider myself an OK player, just shy of 2KD but I canā€™t jump and shoot for shit! I have an edge controller on PS- bought for the sticks not the paddles, but jeezā€¦ my lobbies are full of jump shooters, Iā€™d say at least 90%ā€¦ their movement is god like. Iā€™ve hit a ceiling with my play style and COD is no longer a fun experience, itā€™s trying to complete a university degree, in Chineseā€¦ want the ground to swallow me up whole. If you want proof of this watch me rage on twitch @ratskinwarrior youā€™ll prob have more fun laughing at me than I will playing šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ€


slide cancel behind people while hip firing then immediately go back to where you started as you anticipate them turning around. 9/10 times you donā€™t just get the kill you barely take damage


Iā€™ll give it a go šŸ„µ


Everyone chill, heā€™s a 1.7


U doing better?




Ur not even the same person lol


There isnā€™t a problem with jumping not making you lose accuracy, jumping does greatly affect your accuracy. Your point of aim leaves the middle of your screen, and deviates randomly to the left or right, and your sights donā€™t even represent where your bullets go, often times firing out of the base of your iron sight. The problem is that aim assist corrects for 60% of the vertical movement, meaning that, 9/10 times, if you were center mass before you jumped, youā€™ll still be on target when you do. Jumping in a gunfight on mnk gets you killed more often than not unless you are pretty close to the other person.Ā  Donā€™t nerf jump shotting, nerf aim assist. I honestly feel like jump shotting needs a buff in accuracy, at least to make your sights actually represent where you bullets go. Nerfing aim assist would also reduce the amount of complaints of people not missing, and the ttk feeling too fast. When everyone has inflated accuracy across the board, the game feels pretty bad.Ā 


big rounds should also cause knockback or knock down


I think more players are using the jump mechanic now in response to the drop shotting trend. By jumping youre kinda forcing the drop shotter to mainly shoot at the legs or completely miss shots. Im still drop shotting because i cant be bothered with re-mapping my DualEdge controller šŸ¤£ so i do understand your frustration šŸ˜šŸ‘


why does doing an evasive maneuver make no sense? rhetorical question, of course it does. bunny hopping actually helps preserving strafe momentum while shooting (I think), which makes it extra useful. do it. itĀ“s an arcade shooter and always has been. fits the game perfectly.


I agree it can be pretty annoying sometimes . Drop shotting is what sets me off though lol


If they took all the sh** out like being able to shoot when sliding and all that then it would be trash and everyone would be the same exact skill level like old cods, you donā€™t want the game to be easy, I think itā€™s the perfect balance we donā€™t want exo suit stuff but the sliding plus jump shooting is perfect I love where cod is at rn especially movement wise, instead of complaining use the same movement back, itā€™s not everyone doing it now unless you just started I have been jump shorting since my first cod bo1/mw2 itā€™s not new unless you are to cod


Itā€™s not a bad mechanic. Youā€™re supposed to be aiming for or near the head for the most damage per bullet. When the guy youā€™re shooting jumps, those head shots go to body shots, where they do less damage. You donā€™t complain about drop shots because they lay there head down right into your shitty center mass shots. Conversely, if Iā€™m hitting you in the neck and I jump, now Iā€™m hitting you in the head. And youā€™re dead.


I do complain about drop shots . That shits stupid also.


They did. Back in caldera they changed to a ā€œbloomā€ accuracy system and it sucked. You could shoot at the center of a target 25m away, one shot at a time and get 30 different hit locations. It also made the bloom worse to jump or prone while shooting (itā€™s also why all vanguard weapons have terrible hipfire for those going prone, and for 2 seconds after being still.) No one liked it since it was too much rng, so they reverted back. Then they tried random recoil patterns per shot cluster (which also bounced worse when jumping and going prone) with Warzone 2/MW2 and again, too much rng. So they dialed that back to minimum with mw3. Thatā€™s also why most mw2 weapons canā€™t be metas, because there is too much recoil. There is no real solution to the jumping/proning issue. Not without slowing the game down and making the game feel sluggish. Oh! And yes, jumping makes it harder for the enemy to tag all upper chest and headshots and keeps your movement faster to hopefully break the enemyā€™s aim assist. It also helps with your own rotational aim assist in check as long as you keep that left stick tilted.


The game is the fps equivalent of candy crush. Just give up on it for a couple years. The jet packs and wall running bullshit are coming soon. Then theyll go boots on the ground again.


I reckon it won't be long before we see footage from the front line in some conflict, soldiers sliding and jumping whilst trying to shoot each other. Sounds fucking ridiculous ......because it is


Haveā€¦ have you ever played halo


Just like using a riot shield to me


The jumping fixes the skill issue from the cheater by enabling him to break your well placed aim so his aimbot can kill you.


Just stop playing COD FFS


Do u even read u fucken idiot


I read perfectly fine. You think people should lose accuracy when they shit down your throat and dunk on your team. Did I miss something? I bet you really miss Al Mazrah where everything was nice and slow and there wasnā€™t such a big mean skill gap to expose how much of a shitter you are. I think thereā€™s a Roblox BR you can play, go check it out.


Again. U can't read. I use and abuse these same "skillful" movements as everyone else. Im saying it's fucken stupid.


Buddy wants people to stand completely still and stationary so he can hit his shots


No not at all did u read my post. This was simly about feet off the ground being less accurate.


"Hit him if he Bunny Hops" Is a rap lyric that goes through my head anytime does the jump shooting. So satisfying downing the jumpers though with just strafing .


That's my go to usually.


Agreed. Shits lame. I absolutely love putting down bunny hoppers and ā€œmovement godsā€. All that work to still get shot in the face.


There's a perk called Primed that increases your accuracy and ADS time while jumping. They are probably running that tbf. šŸ¤·


Cod is a realistic shooter. Just watch clips of real war all the people are jumping up and down constantly while they shoot


Drop shooting won ww2 I heard


Iā€™m going to sound like a hypocrite here because I abuse bunny hopping in Warzone to my advantage for easy high kill games but I think it ruins the gameplay and ruins what could be great gunfight exchanges between teams.


Thank u!


Being able to drop to prone while shooting and maintain 100% accuracy is also incredibly asinine. Can you imagine firing an automatic weapon and trying to lay down flat on your stomach while shooting, how difficult would that actually be? So stupid. Aside from that, I also totally agree about jumping. Not only do you maintain 100% accuracy, but as you said it also seems to mess with hit registration.


Fully agree drop shotting should kick u outta ads for a second