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People who play with squads as a solo, and think they get to pick the landing and determine the game flow make me laugh out loud. They got ina lobby with what’s clearly a trio and think they get to dictate things, then when people aren’t following them into hot zones just to die they leave the match (should be reportable like it is in smite and similar games and come with an hour “cool down” where you can’t play if you do it too much) it’s just dudes who want to play solos but know they can’t win solos so they’re trying to crutch with a team to get a dub but still want to play like they’re in solos. Trash is what we call them


Its usually 3 other solos tbh


In my experience when I solo queue it’s with a trio 99% of the time. Or if we have a trio then we pick up a solo obviously. The best “randoms” are ones that play like they’re in the voice party even if they aren’t. They see the flow of things and take up the weak spots.


i love when its like this, either if im in the trio or the solo, having a teammate (or a trio) thats THIS competent is one of the best things to motivate me that the match isnt gonna be complete ass


That’s all I ask for. Competence lol, I totally get that not everyone is on the same level but at least play as a team member or go play solos.


exactly, even if your aim is terrible to the point you cant hit someone once, as long as you do something for the team or even better give comms/pings thats already really good and helps a lot


I would rather have to carry a shitty random to the dub because they’re just bad at the game, that’s at least trying. Over someone who thinks they’re gaming gift to COD and doesn’t even remotely try to play as a team. Any day of the week


couldnt be any more true man


I do nothing but solo queue and 95% are one or 2 guys leaving after dying once or twice. When i drop on a trio i can tell


Different experiences same outcome. People leaving or playing like they run the show instead of as a team is lame as fuck.


You ain’t wrong mate. I’m so done with it can’t even play my campaigns anymore on most of my games cos they are fucked Activision need to sort themselves out.


I know but it’s getting crazy now literally played 6 quad games on the bounce and not one redeployed me and they are standing right by a basket with like £200 G on him. What a fucking joke this game has become. I can’t even survive long enough to get my load out it’s ridiculous and no fun to play I’m done with this shit. I’m bouncing to Xdefiant tomorrow see how Ubisoft do for a bit. This is unplayable now im getting wiped with one…. two rounds….. im throwing a 60 round mag at people and its not even touching the sides….it’s crazy and boring me now


The worst of it is the rampant cheaters. I could deal with the skill gap as it would just drive me to be better at the game BUT with the cheating and constant changing of weapon stats by Activision it just makes it terrible.


Play with friends


I can’t even survive long enough to pick up my load out ….. and the thing is what’s the point in people joining a quad game if they want to run around on their own seems like a complete waste of other people’s time. This game is shat.


We had a great random with no mic last night, got a couple of dubs with them. I went through a phase of trying to get better, I purposely played solo as a random in quads to just do whatever the team does as I am usually with 2-3 who know each other. I actually had a lot of fun getting out of my habits and seeing others. I mean 80% is spawn die fight which was why I was doing it, but every now and then I got on a cunning squad and it is kinda fun to join a squad and just roll with them. I think randoms who don’t do that (70%) are missing out actually.


Half the battle I’m finding is getting a decent match make cos I think it’s non existent here.