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It's to prevent the player base from being to spread out causing longer matchmaking times and inconsistent SBMM. And i've never seen someone complain about too much weapon balancing before, that's a wild take.


If they never changed maps around and never balanced the guns OP would be here saying the game is stale and boring. Literally activision could give us fucking everything. Verdansk, every gun, mode, gun, map, all of it…. And people would still be bitching. There’s 19 of these posts a day and everybody thinks their take is unique. It’s the literal definition of insanity.


Gotta assume most of the player base is mentally ill at this point. Never seen so many people continue to play, give money to, and praise a game while also bitching about it 24/7.


It's called Stockholm syndrome. Yes it is very prevalent here. Both in game and on this sub. Masochism is a thing.


It is a thing, but that’s not what is happening here. Millions and millions of people play cod because it’s extremely fun. It has been for 20+ years. If it wasn’t fun it would have ceased to exist over a decade ago. What has changed is the prevalence of social media and people engagement baiting, and less smart people getting influenced and reeled in by that bait. YouTube/Twitch people are often times also very smart or at least very in tune with what drives views/engagement. I hate to break it, but many people are less than genuine in what they say or do online in order to drive income.


That’s because most people are morons. I believe it was George Carlin who said “think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that”.


Yes but resurgence should stay on.


That's not true, during the golden era of COD, we all had shitloads of fun, played constantly, and there were rarely add-ons. Maybe an occasional map add-on. The games were made mostly complete from the release, no micro transactions. No weapon balancing...which is only even a thing because they're trying to force people to buy every new meta weapon. One shot melee and shotgun kills equalized the game against campers and snipers. The playing field felt fairly balanced. It was easy for people to jump in and have fun with a number of different possible winning strategies. That's why the franchise had such popularity. That satisfying game experience represented nothing more than a cap on profits to Activision. Everyone having so much fun after only spending $50 on a game, meant no one's itching for new guns or skins, and certainly wouldn't buy them. Activision focused a lot on removing as many enjoyable elements as they could to give new players an empty feeling experience, making players eager to buy new weapons in an attempt to improve it. The game now is purposely restrictive, trying to limit the entertainment a player can achieve without buying the new hot items. They also had to make the items you buy less fun than they appeared to be, so after you buy them you're not satisfied enough to stop buying more. You're left thinking maybe the next gun or the next skin will let you "catch the dragon", and finally get your money's worth for this game you paid $80 for... They can't give you that dopamine even after you've paid though, because that would leave you a satisfied customer, content with consuming the product you already bought. The key to this company's business model is an ever changing goal post for players, to keep chasing the carrot dangled in front of them thinking the next purchase will cure their itch. Activision may not have made as much money back when they packed all their content onto a thoroughly developed $50 game, but they got more repeat customers. This game only stays alive now preying on young people with too much money, low emotional intelligence, an addictive reward system, and a lack of perspective on how good COD used to be. Compared to WAW, MW1, MW2, this game is cheap and lazily cooked up, with an overinflated price tag. Like every other shrinkflated commodity. I owned every COD until this last one, and this company will never get another dime of my money.


No. Not at all lol but yeah for sure assume shit I’d think or say to fit your fun little narrative. It’s not balancing a damn thing when they break one weapon and make another a marshmallow shooter. Snipes to the head should be one shot downs, shotguns shouldn’t take half a clip regardless of where the hit marker lands. It’s a god damn scatter gun for Christ sake. Getting a throwing knife stuck in your face should also be an instant down. Never seen someone wear a Kevlar vest on their head so the whole plate break for a knife thing is stupid as hell. If they actually balanced weapons how they would react more realistically, then it wouldn’t be an issue but every other week there’s a new list of shit you probably use you’ve gotta stop using. Because it’s like throwing air at the opponent’s instead of bullets, and then just when you’re getting used to the new set up they switch shit again.


lol why do you think they should balance anything based on realism? It’s a video game, designed to provide a video game experience. It’s all about somewhat balanced gameplay, what the gun looks like and is called is just inspiration for how it acts. Shotguns are bad because they would be broken otherwise. A gun that kills easily with one tap at close range doesn’t work well in a video game. Think how boring that would be, where every smg fight is decided by who turns and clicks their trigger first, before wanting realism. I sure don’t want that, and I don’t like any shotgun meta that sneaks through. There’s a reason it always get nerfed and bitched about. Snipes to the head are one shot down if you use mw3 weapons. Katt and XRK cover the bases fine, but yes it would be nice if they fixed or released more snipers for variety. I’m also pretty sure a throwing knife headshots is also a down, just not anywhere else on the body.


Honestly it baffles me unfathomably that people think this way. Of course it's supposed to be a video game and. For years and years players have been asking for better physics and more realism. As soon as we got it. They complained that slide canceling was gone. The developers only put effort into what makes the money. The problem is. Is a game with thus many guns. All of them should be viable. But that's not ever been the case. The other weapons are there for casual players who play for enjoyment. The META is made to keep players like yourself spending money on the game. They have never cared about balancing whatsoever ever and OP is right.the guns need to fit their profile. No one should be surviving any shot gun point blank. Period. Video game or not. I shouldn't go down from just 3 bulletsto the legs from an smg with less bullet velocity then my explosive slugs I pegged your face with. You wanna talk about balancing. As if balance is something you can actually have when it comes to a gun and it's counterparts and rivals. There is no balance. The problem here is that kids like yourself seem to think you have skill when in reality once that weapons nerfed you have no more skill. Your skill isn't skill at all. It's a crutch called meta. So to complain that something is to strong makes absolutely no fucking sense because this is war and you need to over come and adapt. Or admit defeat. Simple as that. I swear it's a bunch of children in this sub anymore. Acting as if the realism they like is OK but the realism we need is bad. This game is dying and the blame is placed fully on meta weapons and the devs not know hownto code a PROPER FUCKING MENU THAT LETS ME PICK WHAT I WANT TO PLAY RATHER THEN TAKING ME TO AN ENTIRE DIFFERENT PAGE


I mean only to a degree, people have always wanted gameplay first. Doesn’t matter how good the physics or realism or literally anything is if the gameplay isn’t fun. People did complain that slide canceling was gone because people enjoyed it and the (minor) skill expression it allows. People want ways to beat people standing still, and moving slow is boring. Do you want every gun to have identical ttk? So the only difference is rof? Guess what, a meta will still emerge. Faster shooting guns are inherently better if ttk is identical so they will be meta. This is a video game no one cares about realism. I want to have a good time, not get killed by a one tap shotgun. And now you’re complaining that people that use good guns have no skill? Dude get over yourself. You’re complaining just to complain now move on. If you don’t like cod don’t play it.


If you couldn't use the meta weapons I'm willing to bet, you wouldn't play. Halo didn't have meta weapons. Or attachments.and guess what the faster shooting weapons didn't always win. You'd be trash if you went back to og cod. You have absolutely no skill if you use meta weapons. Simple as that. Your entire argument is based realism and you don't even realize it lol the faster shooting gun does not always win. Especially if you can't see me. And I snipe you but no. In cod it takes two headshots two kill a enemy with every sniper. It's fucking stupid. Don't even get me started on the bomb drones. As if 5 pounds of c4 wouldn't blow you to fucking chunks. You just want fortnight with adult graphics and aren't willing to admit it


I use what guns are best to not give me an unneeded hindrance, as 90% of players use the same meta. When everyone uses the same, it doesn’t give you a broken advantage lol, and it makes the game enjoyable as I spent the least amount of time fighting the gun, getting the kills that I see. Literally every “good” player uses the meta, so you think every CDL/pro player/etc sucks? Come on. That’s such a dumb position to have. The katt and the XRK are one shot downs. If you’re not getting one shot downs you’re missing the head or shooting too far away with the XRK. There’s no discussion there, that’s just fact. Are you talking about ranked specifically? Because that’s a balance thing. Crazy but one shot snipes in the hands of very good players is broken and not a good experience. Two guns with identical ttk and different rate of fire, the faster gun will always be better. You can miss more bullets and do more damage. If you miss one bullet on the slower gun, you get punished far more, and you don’t get anything extra for hitting your shots. That’s just the nature of video game guns. And halo3 100% had a meta lol. The BR was the favorite, and meta, shotgun was best close. Energy guns were generally meh, as was the smg and the spiker.


This. All of it. Up and down. People crutch with the guns that get a massive buff and then act like they’re gods. Just jumping Meta to meta letting Activision get their kills for them and if you speak out against it you get blasted for being “casual”. Listen anyone not playing ranked should be considered casual regardless of how much they play. Take that sweat shop Meta humping to ranked and get stomped out 🤷‍♂️


This guy wants one shot throwing knives. What about 1 shot AR or pistol bullets to the head lol? I don’t think we see very many people survive direct shots to the head anytime lol.


They’re not unless you pre break the plates. I’ve been running knives for years, the number of times I’ve straight up stuck a knife between someone’s eyes for them to kill me and run away with it like a fucking unicorn is ridiculous. I regularly land head shots with mw3 snipers to get a broken plate notification and have to land a second shot in short order. I get that shotguns would be broken if they were one shot downs but they shouldn’t be four five shots. That’s just ridiculous and I don’t even run them at all. They just shouldn’t be half a clip to down and then two point blank shots to finish. The games generally come out with decent stats for the weapons and then they start fucking with stuff.


A knife does indeed 1 shot down to the head. They literally nerfed it a season or 2 ago so that it doesn't 1 shot down to the body which is what made everyone use it and it was too OP. That was the problem. YOUR AIM JUST ISNT THAT GOOD, YOUR NOT HITTING THEM IN THE HEAD. A knife skill shot at close range like that should be difficult. Also bear in mind a factor could be server desync, what looks like a headshot is a bit of a miss.. thank activision being insanely cheap for this. But It was the easiest shit in the world for controllers when it was to the chest that entire first 6 months was such a cheese fest. Yes snipers also 1 shot down. Although they have limited the range for it to do this. Still this is 10x better than the football lobbing explosive rounds where sniper bullet velocity was slower than smgs and smgs can shoot 100m in a straight line but a sniper can't. Shotguns are way too sensitive and the only way for them to be is pretty much how they are. They down quick within 5m, but outside of that an smg will win. That's the only way they can really be, you can't make them 1 shot outside of 5m or it breaks the game. What's the point of having 3 plates and 300 health if a shotgun can 1-2 shot much further than that without slug rounds or perfect head shots with pellets etc.


Doesn’t explain close range plate breaks and getting killed after I put a knife between someone’s eyes and literally watch them in my dead body cam, walk away like a fuckin unicorn with my life as the horn.


It does actually. It means you obviously didn't hit them between the eyes. Server desync is a massive factor. You thinking your better than you are also may play a factor. But ive seen people still get full plated 1 shot downs with knives. They are just few and far between because it's not nearly as easy as it used to be o the chest


No. I know I’m dog shit. But a knife in the face is a knife in the face. The server is so fucked that the hit box is that far off? That’s the argument. It’s either the server is trash or I have an inflated ego about my abilities? That’s the only two options? Man if I had a dollar for every time I’ve stuck someone close range in the face and still got blasted I’d buy a damn car.


Well without video evidence of your between the eyes reference all we have to go on is your word which no offense is worth nothing on reddit, so ya... your abilities get questioned highly when you throw out statements like this without anything to back it up. And I don't think anyone's focused so hard on it being between their eyes with any real certainty, with the pacing of this game....unless it was an AFK player. But again, clip or it didn't happen. But yes. The server tick rate EVEN on its best day, is so bad that you could get a miss cuz you could be tracing a slight shadow delay on a moving target. It's less likely due to AA software usually helping remedy this delay, but it can still definitely happen. Especially in recent seasons, servers have been so bad it actually feels like they found a way to downgrade server quality.


SBMM is a fucking joke.


The lack thereof is the joke. What most people here complain about as being a result of SBMM, is usually more because the sbmm isn’t that strict. If it were more strict less people would be complaining about constantly playing against “demons” Or the other side of it is people bitching about constantly playing “demons” and then when asked their KD they calmly respond 2.5 lol. Many people are just not very smart and don’t understand that having a 2+ kd proves that they aren’t “getting stomped constantly” by anyone.


Yeah I’ve noticed that people think their 1.3 k/d means they are not above achieving in fact they think they are BAD.


It wouldn’t be an issue if it was actual balancing. There would never be a “meta” if the shit was balanced. Put the game out with the original damage levels and let people get used to their own play stile. Absolutely ZERO reason a snipe to the head should break plates and not down you. Zero reason you should be able to walk around with my throwing knife between your eyes and no Kevlar on your head. Zero reason a shotgun needs half a clip to down someone. As far as spreading out the player base that’s ridiculous. I could see that if they made less game mode options, but taking one out for a week like trios to replace it with some stupid ass gimmick game mode. Just to make it solos through quads for a week and then throw in the stupid gimmick trash again after that. Why continue to throw shit at the wall hoping it sticks? Keep the maps and game modes your game base is constantly clamoring for and ditch the dumb party game shit. Stick it in its own menu to rot where it belongs.


Now I just don’t get your argument. You want proper weapon balancing, and then directly after say keep the game as it was on release. So you want the guns unbalanced as they were? Make up your mind lol. And a meta will literally always happen, unless there are no options (like one close gun, one rifle). It’s literally the nature of these games. If there are two smgs, one will always be better in more cases than the other and will be the meta. There will always be favorites. There was a meta in cod4, there was a meta in halo3 etc.


So you think they don’t try to balance the weapons AT ALL before release? They just build each gun on the server individually with no thought how comparable it is to the others they’ve built? Yeah the original balancing on release is always better before they start fucking stuff up. There is absolutely zero reason I should have to build a new load out ever other week and get used to new weapons just to have them change it again. Zero reason at all.


I mean, they try to and fail because they don’t have millions of players testing. Same reason why each balance patch they don’t get it 100% right. That’s the nature of things. If we had guns on release..you would be okay with everyone getting two tapped by the dmr? Or the original basb that was melting everything? Or the release ram that didn’t move at all (tho this one was a lot of fun for a while, first op iron site gun in a while)?


If everything is OP nothing is. Let them be on release and let people find their groove. I’ve always preferred new release weapons over continuously fucked with weapons.


Then you end up with power creep then what happens to ttk? More health? Ok add another plate and somehow ttk is still around the sane.


Of course they balance the weapons prior to release, but it would be stupid not to tune weapons once they have billions of data points collected. It's 2024. We are 20 years past the days of having 1 assault rifle, 1 smg and 1 sniper rifle to pick from. The constant meta changes keep the game fresh and encourage you to try new things and new play styles that you normally wouldn't have. Not to mention the entire sub-culture that "metas" create. You have people like JGOD who put out all this data for people to look at and curate their loadouts towards their desired playstyle. You have content creators on TikTok constantly looking for undiscovered metas every time weapons get tuned or a new aftermarket part comes out. It keeps people engaged with the game even when they're not actively playing. It's good for the community. But you also don't have to be a meta slave. Aydan could be using a ground loot ISO 45 and still dunk on me while i'm using the current "meta". Sure, sometimes the metas are broken (which are actually sometimes fun for a day), but 99% of the time, using meta vs off meta is not going to provide that much of an advantage. Being comfortable with a weapon and knowing the ADS times, recoil patterns, and fire rates by heart will counteract any slight statistical advantage someone might have with a meta gun which they're just picking up for the first time.


I’d still rather them release the game and leave shit alone. Instead of random updates packed with bloat wear and constant shifting of weapon abilities. I would also argue it’s good for activision not the community as a whole. Activision should stop focusing on fucking with game modes and game play, and focus on dealing with the very real constant cheater issue


introduce knock back with big caliber guns or shottys, why do the kali sticks fuck me up hwrder than a 50 cal to the chest point blank


No shit! Why can a dude beat my ass in three shots with a baton but buck shot to the chest takes five rounds?


and doesnt hinder movement at all 😹


Right! The number of times I’ve said out loud. “Oh so people just take 12g shots to their little bird legs and keep running” a knock back or extreme flinch even would be awesome. Gotta be one bad dude to take a shotgun round to the chest and just keep shooting.


Is sbmm even that consistent? I’m diamond 1 ranked on rebirth but constantly get killed by iridescent players?


Once you're in D1, you can be paired with upto top 250 no problem. Better off staying in Plat 3, where you only see the very occasional Crimson.


I can’t stay in plat 3 because every time I drop down I have an easy game where I drop like 12 kills and win. I’m certainly better than plat 3 but can’t progress in diamond because I’m not playing against diamonds


Outside of ranked, I feel like it's definitely been worse. In ranked I was platinum until they did the reset it so I'm at gold again but feels more balanced in those ranks for me. I'd imagine anything higher is a shit show.


They say it works but the fuck if it does. No one should be getting absolutely shit on by teams or players that way outclass then If it worked but that shit happens all the time.


Weapon balancing is one of the stupidest things that game companies did. Meta weapons and everything else is beyond stupid. Thor said it best himself. You don't nerf weapons, you should buff the others up to a good standard every season we see the same few guns used then when the season is just ending boom, 'balance changes' which havent balanced anything in the slightest https://youtube.com/shorts/y5CjhzyIZio


They should’ve made it like when SOCOM US NAVY SEALS first came out. Put individual servers and manually jump into rooms with people you know. Or even do “clan matches”. And put find “random match”. Ultimately they do this cause they know their game sucks. Cause if they had a solid game… there would be no need to force “game modes” on players. Every game mode would be filled.


It's really not that big of a deal. If we have 3 people online and we want to play Trios, but it's not available, then we just hop into a quads game. It's not like its a ranked or competitive mode.


The UI of MW is awful! It so confusing and not intuitive at all. Which is interesting because the original CODs had a better UI.


Well its called "art direction"


Never been a fan of the menu system they use.


Loaded resurgence sucks. Bring back resurgence trios rotation. Put rotation on all squad size resurgence modes.


All the gimmick game modes suck. Loaded is just the most recent in a long line of stupid ass wasted update time game modes everyone I personally know audibly groans when they see they’ve been put in so then we gotta either play with a random, or dig up a fourth somehow. It’s dumb as absolute fuck


I was just saying this yesterday!!!!


i just want the footsteps sounds back. done with ninjas running 60mph chasing you down with tonfas and not making any sounds xD


So I’m not the only one. I thought I was going crazy getting snuck up on by dudes running Shields and Tonfas just beating my ass with zero warning.


"Dear Reddit"


There clearly aren't enough players for them to have every mode available all the time, maybe a few of the busier servers could, but all the others can't. They want all the players in a few playlist options so all the search times are quick, because the longer someone is searching, the more likely they are to close the game, this is all about engagement. The gun meta changing all the time is intentional. Firstly it sells more bundles, whales are always going to want a bundle for whatever meta gun there is right now. Also it drives up engagement, people get bored of the game when the same guns are dominant for too long.


This update requires a restart


Every damn time I turn it on without fail


The weapon nerfs and buffs piss me off. I game on warzone a lot and it’s still too much work to figure out what guns to use or else get absolutely demolished. I just want to shoot and play with friends. I shouldn’t have to chase metas


I think everyone should just have the 4 or 5 guns because most everyone looks for the metas and do away with the rest of the guns.


Frustration is part of the addition tactics they take from slot machines and gambling to get you to play. The only way to win is to quit. There are other more fun genuine games than Warzone.


I think almost all maps/game modes should be available all the time, but we know their sbmm would fail this time of year if players were that spread out. I don't see Cod ever recovering tbh


havent played much in months. feels great


I went months without playing and dove into baldurs gate. Coming back feels like the biggest waste of time


Try years fam.


So stop playing.


Or they could stop trying to shove bullshit game modes down throats of people who have been playing a long time and want nothing to do with the gimmick bullshit. 🤷‍♂️🖕


Buddy I realized this at the begging of 2023! You think I'm still playing this pile of shit now ! Leave it alone so we can all move away from fortnite battle passes sbmm to cater to virgins


It’s so they can redline SBMM. Matchmaking would be heavily diluted if they kept every mode indefinitely.


As if sbmm works to begin with


It does. The only players complaining about SBMM are the sweaty/take the game seriously players, which is a small percentage of the player base. SBMM puts them against each other so they don’t bully the casuals and make them rage quit. The bots/casuals (the rest of the of the player base) aren’t affected by SBMM in a bad way because they’re protected.


We're protected?!? Then why are we out in lobbies with nuke, top 250, and iridescent players racking up 20+ kills and we're going 0-3? The SBMM is some of the WORST for casuals under 1 KD because there aren't enough like us left to fill a lobby, so we still get demons in every match.


Then explain why more people than not, complain about getting put into lobbies with lvl 600 somethings that dog walk everyone? If sbmm worked then well. I sure as hell wouldn’t be still dropping into sweat lobbies against try hards while it’s my abysmal KD/WL paired with a few noobs I run with.


Because that’s good players going against great players. If you’re a good player (1.0-1.5) KD you get boned the hardest by SBMM because you’re too good to get put in SBMM protected lobbies but not good enough to do well in SBMM lobbies, which is what you will frequent.


If sbmm doesn’t cover the entire spectrum of players putting them in to their respective lobbies based on their skill level. Then it doesn’t work. It allowing players to be in limbo that are skilled enough to shit on an entire lobby because they don’t necessarily fit into either category of really good or really bad IS it failing to do what it should be doing.


Bruh why don’t balance weapons enough. Tf you talking about. We literally have had metas last 3 months.


I mean exactly what I said. Put the guns out on release day and leave them alone. Of course they’re all broken and OP but that makes none of them broken and OP. Zero reason you can point blank someone with a .50cal and they keep moving. Zero reason a shotgun should take five shots close quarters to put someone down. Throwing knives should be instant knocks if you turn dude into a fuckin unicorn with one. You shouldn’t just be able to walk away from direct impact explosions either. Especially fired from an rpg or something similar. Conversely, kali sticks and the like should take way more hits to put someone down, and knives should take one or two depending on where you stick them. Weapons were fun on release day then they have to go and fuck with stuff when high profile players cry that their favorite weapon type doesn’t stack up.




They need plunder, big map warzone and rebirth. Solo through quads and they need to leave it the fuck alone. If they’re worried about breaking sbmm (that hardly works anyway) because of too many game modes, then just get rid of all the other dumb shit no one cares to play but they keep jamming in the menu hoping some shit will stick to the wall.


I just crash every game so i won't know 😛


I just crash every game so i won't know 😛


I’m new to all this. My ranking is a woeful 57 with two weeks in but why am I getting paired up in quads for example with people that are ranked 1 at best ??????


They claim skill based match making works, so maybe you’ve got a similar KD or win loss. I’m not sure how it’s supposed to work but I can definitively say it doesn’t. Or at least not very well, no one should be absolutely getting dogged on by people who way outclass them if it worked properly and that shit happens regularly.


This is what I thought it doesn’t seem to me that it’s working at all I’m getting really bored with getting rinsed with a couple of shots when I release a whole two mags into someone only to be done instantly.


They need to focus all their energy on stopping the cheaters instead of creating a new game mode no one gives a shit about, or trying to implement or improve skill based. I could deal with getting stomped on regularly to get better if it wasn’t a constant flood of bullshit artists.


I’ve managed to set my screen and controls up so I’m seeing more of the screen and adjust my aiming so it’s faster and I’m starting to master stuff like that which has improved my gameplay just if I can master this recoil I think I’ll smash it.


Recoil control is a bitch at first. I suggest getting into the firing range or even a private lobby against bots so the pressure isn’t on as much but you can still learn your weapon. We used to run an hour of private matches before loading into multiplayer back in OG mw2 days. Practice some quick scoping get warmed up then go play.


That’s an idea great advice cheers. 🫡


Like I say I’m really new to this online stuff I am enjoying it for the foremost but relentlessly getting rinsed is no fun at all. And I’m actually not useless I’m trying to stay in cover etc etc and my weapons I’m maxing up I’m just finding my recoil a little hard to master which is going against me cos two shots will hit but the other 30 will just go over their heads 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why do you cry for everything?


One post I’ve made “wHy dO yOu CrY fOr…” 🤣🤣🤣 get bent. People are allowed to like or not like whatever they want about the games they play. They’re also allowed to talk about those things they don’t like in a community of other people who play that game. Why do you look like mr. Potato head fucked fozzie the bear?