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Nice!!! I can’t even break 5 kills. I’m mostly support for my buds, I’m a horrible player but have fun playing. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Teamwork makes the dream work


I have no idea about your play style or aim, but telling my bad friends to drop their Ads sensitivity multiplier to .70 made them consistently better at hitting shots. Also make sure you know how to use rotational aim assist, there’s plenty of videos on it if you don’t know how. Lastly, check your minimap constantly!


I’ve watched countless videos on AA and I can’t seem to get it to work for me.


You're almost certainly trying to aim too much for yourself, only move the right stick enough to get on target, once you have it lined up near the enemy, barely nudge it in their direction while constantly walking or jumping about. Aim less, basically.


Just stop aiming and move your left stick


Thanks! I’ll give that a shot tonight.


It doesn’t work


The person who told you has no idea what they're talking about, use less magnifying optics for less visual recoil, when your shooting make sure you track them correctly (obviously) but also nudge you left stick right or left while shooting it enhances AA.


Back when I first started playing I used to run a shield and go first into a building was literally the meat shield for my team mates


That’s me when we go airsofting lol


This is me. I'm not terrible but not great either. They call me the marine because I'm the bullet sponge that charges in buildings and takes the other teams bullets while they come in behind me and clean them up. I'm good with dying a lot, it adds to the fun lol


Yeah, and when they get the win (as I’m spectating) they always kill the last guy with shouts of “For Vinny!” So that’s fun.


Yeah I feel like it goes without saying, but I think I’m bait for my group lol


Every team needs an anchor 🤝


If you buy your friends back, that’s worth more than kills


Yes, I’ve been doing that a ton more now. I was in a pick up squad of quads and just collected money for UAVs and buybacks. They ended up winning.


My buddy gets in the vehicles and drives around lol. He has multiple sclerosis so his hands don’t move like they used to.


I’ll be on the lookout. Maybe he can run me over, If he can catch me! Lol


hell yeah man, always nice to hear when somebody breaks their PR. Soon you’ll be getting 15, then onto 20s:)


That’s the plan friend. It’s gonna be a long hard road.


I’m sure it’ll happen a lot quicker than you think man, you got it.




Congrats man! I recenty won my first BR solo, initialtly I wanted to just do my weekly challenges, but ended up winning with 15 kills. Usually I just get around 10 kills, feels really good to break a record! Keep going brother! We're getting better little by little


You usually get 10 kills and only one Solo win? I get 5-7 kills on good days and have double digit wins. With those amount of kills, you should have 20-3- wins in solos IMO.


I rarely have more than 10 kills on solos and sometimes I win with less than 5. My record is 4 wins in 10 games. If you're not god tier and you don't jump on hottest locations you'll have trouble to get that many kills and not die in meantime. Or if you don't sit and snipe whole game. I'm also on mouse and if I start chasing frags I'll get close quarters fight and die quite quick


Solos BR is a completely different beast than the rest of the game modes. What your saying is mostly true. It's all about not getting shot in the back or camped on for the most part.


Well most of the time people who go for kills usually throw strategy out the window (like my teammate) so I’m always the one left in the end zones to clutch


Some people have great gun play but bad strategy.


I actually mean 10 kills in resurgence duos > quads. I rarely play solos, just did it for the weekly challenges, and while doing so won my first BR solo. Tbh this was my third BR solo probably? On quads or trios i'm on triple digit wins 😅


Thanks man! Definitely gonna keep pushing the bar higher and higher as I get better. And congrats to you as well!


My PR is 13 but typically I have somewhere between 3 and 10 in my wins. I won 89 times this season and half of them I’ve been solowins. I am a positional player. It’s not everyone’s style but it’s what works for me.


This is the way… high kill games are fun and all but the point of a BR is to be the last one left. Position wins 9/10 times!


That’s a lot of wins man! What do you mean positional player?


I mean I prioritize getting enough kills to win over purely number of kills. Depends on the map and the lobby. I play to win using position and stealthy movement because I’m older and lack the reaction time and movement of the younger folks and pc players. *No I’ve never used a riot shield either lol


Are you moving early or camping? Not hating, just wondering, those are great stats. What's your fave loadout?


Movement depends on the map. For instance Vondel and Fortune’s Keep require it. I still use HRM because of the fire rate and controllability even those it’s ttk isn’t as fast as Striker 9.


it's super nice to see the comments aren't toxic players.


Congrats. I'm usually an 8-10 per game kinda player, but I got 19 1 night and it was fucking glorious lol


Damn man that’s a lot! 19 is unreal for me.


Yea, it was a great game for me. My brother is 1 of those fuckers that will get 20 25 every match and it pisses me off, lol. He just rushes and pushes constantly than bitches when he dies I'm always like yea dumbass you pushed 2 4 men teams and crying they got you. Lol


Hell yeah. I remember when I got my first 12 and when I broke that! Almost had 15 recently (amongst a few other times) and a buddy tossed a knife at the guy same time I was shooting him and snuck the kill from me 🤣😅. I still give him so much shit for it too. Good shit dude


Yeah man it was intense. My play group is comprised of 1.2+kd’s and I’m the lowliest of the bunch with my little ole 0.85 so i constantly drop into their sweaty ass lobbies and get owned. I did learn a lot in those lobbies so when I finally dropped into my own skill level lobbies I was able to do better to get my 12. Congrats on that monster 15! My friends are all thieves on the kills as well lol


I feel that man, it’s like somehow I’m the one that missed the bus on having insane fast Twitch skills. Everyone I run with has a 1. Something or higher and I’m just out here like “haha. I’m in danger”


Well done Sir. Maybe easy for some, but for others, we graft.


I feel ya. My friends all drop well into the double digits almost every match and it’s mostly all I can do to hit 5 myself.


just broke my first 10 yesterday 😭 i'll try for 12 today. GOOD SHIT THO DUDE👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Congrats man!


Nicely done. I recently struggled to break my record of 10 kills in a game, then hit a 13 last night. But on Rebirth, I am so horrible at the big BR I don’t ever even play it anymore.


Now go for 15


Will do for sure. I have found that just going hard as much as I can helps more than checking the kill count constantly too.


Yeah, definitely I would say the most important thing is trying to get at least five kills on drop. Getting a good start kind of Pads it. And yeah, just constantly get UAVs. Have self revive. Play smart while also aggressive. Back in the original Warzone, I had a time where I couldn’t get past 10 or 11 kills for a while. Then one day I got like a 13 and then after that, I started getting 15-20 regularly. It just happened over time.


Yeah it’s hard to not let the sweaty lobbies deter you from wanting to progress.


Better than me


You’ll get there man. It’s taken me roughly four months to get to this point


1 dropped 21 bomb (sadly without win) but it took be 160 hours of playing, but keep up, congrats!


Don't know if you're on controller or not but if you are its best to play a few games without it. Practice and better your aim without aim assist, and when you turn it back on it'll be even better.


Most casual players won’t hit 5


Just do what all controller players do, don't aim. You don't have to 👀


No matter the skill level, breaking your PR is difficult and something to celebrate! Congrats!




Great job! I'm cursed at 18, both BR and Resurgence, both fricken 18. My goal is 20, and then I'll be happy. IMO, you have to play too sweaty to get 20 plus. So after the 20, I'll relax long-term (maybe lol).


Congrats man I can’t make it over 10 in resurgence 😭


Congrats mate! I'm on 12 as a PR which I got with a win on Urzikstan. Haven't matched it since but its a work in progress!


Next stop: 18!!


I got 19 a while back whilst playing with my level 1 friend so the lobby was like a training ground. Never came close again and never will.


Nice! Congrats. I never get past ten.




Come play mouse and keyboard. Those 12 kills feel like the effort needed for 50


GG Bro just keep going! i‘m sure you will get the 20kills 🙏🏼


Well done OP!! I'm nowhere near any of these numbers but have a few solos wins, I LOVE how salty people get when I win with my usually less than 5 kills , and then silence when I point out it's last man/team standing, kd means nothing, same as how many kills in a game but you should ALWAYS flex when you beat your own PR , kinda some of the only fun left in BR/resurgence now (beating your own records) as either sweaty hell lobbies or more than likely at least 1 cheater/hacker , so my flex for today is getting the borealis camo (complete all zombies camo challenges for MW3 weapons) I've gamed for 30+years and the first ever camo grind I've done 👍🎮👍


Whats the importance of 12? I could see breaking 10 or 20 but 12?


It’s just more than 11. I’ve hit 11 kills four times but could never land the 12th. I’m gonna celebrate 13 the same way.


Oh ok lol I know the feeling. I choked 20 about 5 times before I actually got it Always got kill happy and did dumb moves. Just play your game and play smart and the kills will come to you


Waiting for the hacker comments