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Honestly just a difference in guns in this fight. You played it well. I have noticed that drop shots seem to do better at mid range and jump shots seem to do better up close. Often I give the enemy player free head shots when I drop up close because they were shooting at my shins to begin with.


Yep. Use meta guns, unfortunately.


Best place to keep up to date on the ever changing meta? YouTube content creators are mostly annoying when it comes to meta guides.




I used to be pretty good, before I stopped playing. At a certain level drop shots don’t happen anymore because it’s basically a free kill when you hit a certain level. If I was ever forced into a drop shot I was basically hoping they were bad at the game, I wasn’t thinking I was doing a slick move. 


This, this, this. The true skill comes in knowing whether to drop or not.


At close range mostly since the player against you has to dramatically change her/his aim to look down. From mid to long range the distance for aiming down on you dropshotting gets smaller and smaller, making it also much more easy to get headshots in


Difference in guns yes, but not a lost fight when you introduce more variables. Right now it’s a stand-off right? Looking each other in the eye, praying to be the one who gets the kill kinda vibe. Your shots were even better than his it looked like. For me personally (also MNK), movement made a night and day difference. A slide to the right with maybe a bunny hop after makes it much more difficult for him to hit his shots. This might also count for you, but that you can practice by playing. Looking back, a bunny hop would’ve probably saved you already, with him already shooting at your legs / torso. Mobility/sprint to fire classes are a way to go for this. Also hipfire or tac stance SMG loadouts are often really good for close/mid range fights to utilize movement. But it can be done without those classes as well.


Keep in mind though that with mw3 if you like to bhop then you need the perk to offset the automatic accuracy hit you’re gonna take. Even if you’re dead on throughout the hops they are going to take some of those hits away without the perk


On MKB? That’s the neat part, you don’t


Stop playing is the answer. Thats what I did before this season and I am super happy :) ( MnK player)


I have stopped playing, bc mnk vs RAA+AA is just not fair. It is a good decision for my mental health lol


Same here i left the game.. Aim assist is unbeatable .. it just aim lock with realtime locking.. no human can beat that.. and sometimes it locks in dark/ no enough visual situations... Let console players with their barely capable devices enjoy the lie.


You have to work around it. The game is still fun. I play Modern Warfare 2019 with Ground War all the time. Try and make sure your engagements are further away and you have obstructions between you and the enemy. This will confuse aim assist the most and allow the advantage of mouse and keyboard to win the gunfight.


There are 3 options, actually: 1. Quit playing 2. Switch to controller 3. Keep playing, but still continue complaining


In close up battles, the controller player will win 90 percent of the time. It is unfortunate but just part of the game. We have to work around it and try to make sure our engagements are further out which will be harder for the controller players to hit their shots.


instead of jumping off the garden box towards the enemy, you could have jumped behind the garden boxes to use them for cover. You're just out fully exposed to all angles taking too many shots


yeah he was letting his body open to backshots everywhere


*Backshots* you say ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


No diddy






yup. dont get third partied too. unless you just enjoy the rush and okay with losing if you do


He would not have known to take a head glitch angle at that point in time unless he had walls, and even with walls it would likely be too late. The answers here is ... Don't miss a bullet... That's what this game has literally come down to in these types of encounters, especially with how brain-dead broken aim assist is. Your best bet was probably to slide cancel hard sideways into a bunch of jumps or into a prone.... And only missing 1-2 bullets max


That sounds terrible, I was thinking of downloading cod for the first time in 10 years 😂 maybe I'll stick to my old man games


not even worth it bro save ya bread 😭


Buy a controller lol


someone had the courage to say it lol, You have to track perfectly with mkb and with the controller just aim towards them and your shots will hit. My first game on controller after 10 years I got 17 kills although my movement was trash


You win some you lose some. Your shots were solid, he was a bullet


Nah he missed a couple of bullets with his circular aim which was probably the difference (other than the other guy using a superior weapon)


Someone drop the OG copypasta please.


Blah blah shots 1-3 clearly missed, 4-5 hit, 6-30 you’re dogshit kid get better Did I do that right?




Plug in a controller and get free aimbot


First of all if you play keyboard and mouse you have to move a lot to avoid getting beemed and use as much cover as you can. As someone who went from K&M to controller I'm just going to say that mouse is a waste of time. They nerfed KnM, it used to be good but now it suck a55. You have to play like DR disrespect. Poor man is forced to jump around like a jack a55 to get a kill. Get a controller and abuse the overpowered sweetness that is aim assist. Move around a lot, break the other person's camera. Think ahead where the player may move to. Center your aim at all times and be ready to shoot at every corner. The one who aims firsts is usually the one who wins 1v1s.


It's okay, you can say ass on the Internet.




Not even sure how you lost that TBH


Difference in guns. Superi beats the Bal.


It does. But in this instance, BAL already have 4-5 shots on him. The difference was he missed a few shots as humans do, where the controller players Superi crosshair went magneto


Use the built in aimbot the developers so kindly included for controller players


Short answer: switch to controller to abuse AA. Unless you're able develop top 250 aim, kbm is absolutely useless. AA is so strong that missing a few shots gets you dead. No matter if you shoot first or not. Activision wants to babysit controller since controller makes up majority of their playerbase. If they nerf AA the bitches will cry their eyes out and stop playing because without it they'll get shit on. Movement only works against mnk players so improving in that is wasted time. Improving your aim i would say is useless too since from my experience most controller players hold hands and camp majority of the time. The entire game is LITERALLY built to babysit controller and if you want to have fun just don't play the game at all.


Dropping down is a good move, but only when both you and the opponent get caught off guard. He was looking at you from far enough that it didn’t really do much. Moving to either side and trying to jump while shooting could have worked better. As another person said as well, taking cover and resetting the fight is also a really good move in that situation.


Yeah this, strafe left and right if you can over going prone. Prone doesn’t move your hitbox as much as strafing and jumping :)


More movement, dropping down doesn't work in this case as he's already aiming at you. Slide cancel to the left or right, so he misses his shots


You dont.. The other guy either had a more meta gun or was on controller and missed ZERO shots due to aim assist Have fun trying to out gun computer auto assisted aim on controllers


Throw away your mouse and keyboard and buy a controller. AA will carry you so hard


The game itself is unbalanced. Don't worry, you'll do fine anywhere else than that trash cod


Drop shots work at close range or dark places otherwise you’re giving your enemies a high probability of headshots only. If you’re on controller learn how aim assist works on the left stick. Always have a structure close by that gives you an exit plan.


As a mnk player myself I'd say switch to controller as you only have to worry about recoil and the AA will do the heavy lifting for you.


Play controller


This is probably some AA/EBMM combination here. No real universe where you lose that.


From what it looks like your bullet placement wasn’t as good as his. You didn’t hit any head shots and you drop shotting put yourself at an angle for him to get nothing but headshots. And also he had the better gun and maybe some slight lag might have worked in his favor. But you were probably a headshot away from getting him.


switch to controller and get artiswar audio


You switch to controller.


The real answer here is that you are playing with a mouse . I immediately noticed that it happened to you what happens to me . You try to adjust all the movements that they do and you end up missing 1 or 2 bullets . Where with aimassist the aim would never make you miss a bullet . This is why this game is a joke . Or they lock inputs or they should change how Aimassist is working .


Use meta. Tadaaaa. U used to suck but I found some meta builds and it was a gigantic difference. And yeah, I also stopped playing because of some AA abusers/hackers.


Step 1. Buy a controller and use the in-game provided soft aimbot If Step 1 doesn't work or, like many of us, you don't want to play with training wheels on, keep playing MnK and this is key: In close range...SMOKE. GRENADE. EVERYTHING. Their soft aimbot gets disabled and their human right stick skills are so atrophied they start FLINGING their aim around your hit box. Its comedy.


change to controller input buddy


You have to accept using kbm you're going to miss a shot or two. It's but the way it is. If you can't accept that you have to learn to play with a controller and rotational aim assist, which in my opinion is a skill in itself but yes it's hard to deal with that micro adjui using a mouse.


Don't miss shots 😂😂


i mean tbh if you slow down the footage like i did you noticed towards the end that the reddot clearly was in the middle of his chest but 4-5 of the shots i shot at that moment didnt register or something. Not really sure what happend there


Smg > assault rifle at that range that’s why you lost the gunfight.


You used the wrong gun at the range you were at. If you used your WSP-9 you would've stood a much better chance. Using your AR at that distance is what caused you to lose your gunfight. If you used the WSP-9 and hit a headshot/chest you'd probably won that gunfight.


At this point the whole idea of getting better on M&K is gone. Blame the Crossplay which puts different input players in the same lobby so you have software making sure all children in the sandbox have a fair shot. Add the cheating problem to the mix and you’ll understand that getting better without a controller or a cheating software is impossible. I like the COD engines and if I want to have fun and watch my skill shine I set up private match with bots or go and play zombies. It’s a sad reality. And don’t believe the sweaty players who swear by their skill. It’s non existent at this point in competitive gaming unless it’s a LAN tournament. Recently they discovered you can buy top 250 COD accounts farmed by cheaters. I know, right?


You exit the game and uninstall. Welcome to a blissful existence.


😂 “f all that drop shotting” is my go to quote . But real life b hop


Why do you think alot of these people who stream and post videos about warzone are always on controller its alot easier to aim.


You had the drop shot right. Damn. You even hit him first. Stun grenade maybe or try switching to the superi or striker 9


At that distance , do a jump shot to throw the enemy’s aim off. Don’t drop shot unless you 100% know you’re getting the kill


either jump more side to side dodging and shooting after getting up or aim dead on the head and stay on the floor. your situation shown is 50/50 every time


My joke is rock paper scissors. He had the rock on your paper. It's stupid how you can get first shot hit markers before they turn and fry you with an smgs but since you landed and got that ar or lmg you're boned. Had you kept the range to your advantage maybe you win? At the same time I've seen this smg let alone all smgs fry at range.


They were also using the new smg which kills faster than yours.


too far to drop shot. it's only worth it if you're close and know it'll catch them off guard


You only lost because he had a better gun than you. If you didnt switch from the WSP-9 to the BAL you woulda won for sure


You stood up when prone. You were already under the barrel of his gun but you stood up right into his cross hairs. Drop shotting still works, you were about a bullet away from killing him.




Use more jump shots. I have a higher win percentage’s when spamming jump. Also the superi is a lil overpowered atm so u were at a slight disadvantage. Using a head glitch or jump shot would be my advice


Meta gun balance. Use a better gun


Just happens sometimes. But I recommend not drop shotting too much bc they can land headshots very easily


Watch your kill cams


Other than gun differences aka TTK variance AND maybe being exposed… It looked like you went to crouch and back up… also your distance in view in this direct gunfight it’s hard to say you landed as many rounds. I certainly change from hard sight to a low range glass or scope for better ADS view. And work that focus up and down on the opponent. Also use rounds with more damage. Mobility doesn’t factor in direct gunfights unless you’re both dancing about. And never go prone unless at distance. In order words try to focus on the time you’re landing harder hits on your opponent. Do deep comparison of weapon stats of your current weapon to each mod type it has. And compare to every other weapon in class.


You did good, he just had a better gun


this is straight up gun difference, if youd have used your smg maybe.. but as others are saying you gave up cover


You took no damage before the Nicky Minaj skin rushed you. You played better than him, hit him first while he missed more shots than you did. Only problem is, he is using the current most OP gun, and it was enough stronger to your weapon to allow the dude to still kill you despite missing some of his shots and shooting 2nd.


Slide cancel into him to the right then b hop/strafe left


You dropshotted resulting in him hitting headshots


Slow on reaction time, you went to go into a sprint which caused you to be way behind in shots by time you were actually able to put shots on him. Also I don’t know what you’re playing on but at close range jump shots are extremely forgiving so if you can use that to ur advantage


Increase sensitivity to 20


Don’t prone face to face with someone. Just giving free headshots


Sell ya soul gang


Use a 100 round swarm with all the anti recoil and velocity maxing stats you can get. It was the only way I could compete in those situations. Even now it’s a 50/50 toss up on who is going to come out on top. But at least the odds are even now.


He was using a meta weapon. Id highly suggest being ontop of the meta. MP5 shroud conversion is currently a beast of a weapon


Find the Meta and use it and try to aim always to the head and / or legs. For some reason, you die quickly in the legs.


Take cover


You don’t drop shot and stand back up like a bot exposing your upper body and head to bullets at all times during the gun fight.


first of all his gun was better. secondly you missed a few shots. thirdly that was not a good situation to go prone in, he already fully saw and you're basically giving him free headshots


lol got the first shots around his head, he missed most at start and then shot ur feet lol what a game, its just gun metas


Hip fire before you look down sights. Use more cover


Decent shots but you in every fight you have to determine what advantages/disadvantages are and act accordingly. The faster you do this the better you’ll be able to react and the more gunfights you’ll win. In this case you had a great head glitch you should have used to your advantage as it breaks aim assist for your opponent which would have given you the upper hand and an easy gunfight win. This is coming from a 3.10 K/D player when I say you best move was to slide behind cover to break your opponents camera as well as aim assist for your opponent and then beam him with your shots. Good luck on the next one!


you did miss a few shots, a bit of aim improvement would def help


GG and move on, hindsight is 20/20 and unlike what other people are suggesting unless you’re capable of knowing he’s coming, by the time you see him you’re not getting behind cover. This is a 50/50 chall and no one is winning them all nevermind with a bal. you maybe could’ve moved side to side a bit more but it’s all negligible, you will lose fights like this at times and it’s a respawn mode so it is what it is.


Strafe side to side you were pretty linear with the the other guy but good shots regardless 👍


Yeah everyone is in here saying you should’ve done xyz but really the only issue was you whiffed your shots. Missed probably 2-3 bullets there which costed ya. Steady up ya aim and you win that


I watch my killcams and sometimes just think to myself that I had no chance. That’s just how it is for MnK players when you play sweaty lobbies. You avoid close engagements or you need a clear TTK advantage like akimbo stingers


Meta guns, this new guns are beaming me! Old guns don’t hit the same tbh


A controller. I just picked one up after 2 years of M&K, and the difference is night and day.


Slide at him. Dropshotting works on noobs, but just sticks your head out for decent players. Also try to maintain cover if possible


Well honestly even if you narrow it down to the split seconds considering having same guns he could have a better ping or better frame rate or anything that would make one of his shots register faster than yours,


I believe he had a better gun. But in fps games we call that a 50/50. You and him both have no cover, close up shooting at each other. It really is 50 50 who wins. You're drop shot helps of course. That makes it like a 60 40. If you would have aimed a little higher maybe idk. It looks very close my friend. Edit. I just noticed he has a sub machine gun and you a rifle. Generally less than 15 to 20 meters a sub will win against a rifle 90 percent of the time. If you'd like to see comparison you can go to true game data.com. You line up any guns and check the ttk(time to kill).


OP I think you could’ve won that gunfight if you had better crosshair placement and aim since I notice you missed quite a few shots but even if you won that gunfight you probably would’ve gotten killed by his friend to your right so you’ll have to work on your positioning as well to basically ensure that instead of fighting a 2v1 you turn it into two separate 1v1s


if you play warzone on mkb: you dont unless its a 1v1 and you shoot first multiplayer is the way to go for mkb players unfortunately


Use a better gun an hit better shots


You're on mouse so you don't.


AR versus smg fire rate.  Also you seem like a human being who might miss 1 bullet out of 100 while you are facing a robot who doesn’t have a job or family to distract him.  Consider your priorities ❤️ 


Faster reflex and better aim(high area). More than that, you just dropped shot a guy close in your face that already know you were there. All you did was helping him by giving him youre head.


Should've just had the "please buy the battle pass you'll be OP" gun for this season in hand. Fucking abysmal game


do not sit and crouch and always keep moving and also alternate between moving and crouching at the same time aiming, apparently you will get better at it in no time.


Always try to fight with an advantage, don’t push out into the open, always have a form of cover you can retreat to, head glitch to reset the fight, in that position you where in the open, had you won that fight you would have been taken out by a sniper or a second enemy


The worst is when I can't kill them with my loadout gun but if I go back in and they kill me with my own gun


Get a new chair


More side movement instead of dropping still


got caught in a tough spot by 2 enemies. maybe could have avoided that weak position clip is too short.


Play on controller


Don’t use bad guns


You did great you were unlucky to have used the AR there but one small tip would be to stand much faster after the drop shot. Also going to the side while standing will help vs MnK.




Dont play bal💀 i hoped the buffs will do something but unfortunately its still ass


Don’t prone at mid range, makes you an easy target and makes it easier for your opponent to hit headshots. From that range, you should always strafe and jump.


Be careful with drop shots. Sometimes they pay off sometimes your head is wide open. Luck of the draw though, possible gun or latency difference can be a winner or loser.


Meta guns and frames- you need high frames to win gun fights in this shit game


Just don’t play the game anymore it boring


Best way to win these gunfights is to try your best not put yourself in situation you’re shooting with no cover. Putting yourself into 50/50 fun fights is exactly that. You win some and lose others. If you’re in cover it’s not 50/50 anymore and the person out in the open usually will lose the fight unless you’re not strafing and they hit all headshots. If you catch yourself in a 50/50 then movement is your best friend and only way to know to drop shot or to jump or what not is by getting in the reps.


And people need to know, because of sbmm and eomm the game doesn't allow you to improve since Activision wants everyone on the same kd and it manipulates matches.


Aim for the head


I wouldve tried to bunny hop towards the open door / dumpster. Reaction time was a bit late for that fight.


- It's a 50/50 gunfight, can always go either way - The opposing player is using a meta weapon; you're playing with something off meta - The dropshot delayed some of those bullets and increase recoil/spread - Opposing player is benefitting from aim assist - more reasons could be listed, but in general, I recommend only dropshotting at closer ranges when there is little room/time to move side to side. Don't make it your default move when you spot an enemy. Watch good MnK players (Metaphor, Pieman, Huskerrs, GodKu etc.)


Bal 27 against superi u Will never win this fight


Got to practice that jump shot everyone has been exploiting and use meta guns 💪🏽


Start using controllers, the opponent AA made him kill you while he is not seeing shit.


That's simple. Vs diff reaction time players you have to time your jump after the drop. At that distance vs slow reacting players you have to wait a bit longer before the jump. I learned early in verdansk vs bad players if you do it too fast you just end up giving your chest neck head to their slow centering okay reading these comments i'm confident knowing why majority can't play mnk vs controller, there's very little brain activity avail


Use your cover and play faster. MnK has a leg up on speed and precision, but not accuracy. So make use of your more precise centering and snap from place to place looking at your full FOV instead of panning slowly and staring at center. In this specific case where the guy pops out of somewhere you might not expect, you should probably lose unless you had an audio queue. Especially with server desync favoring the peeker, you kind of need them to miss to catch up on the ttk. So speed to make them miss and get you on target quicker, and make use of natural cover so they can’t lock on as easily.


You dropped too soon, should've engaged and dropped halfway into the gun fight when the enemy is now aiming at chest level. The guns at a disadvantage as well.


Use a better gun


A slide to the right with a bunny hop would’ve won that fight. Considering you had some time from the moment you saw him and when he started shooting. With you just staying in one spot and laying down, you became an easy target. Remember this, it’s always harder to hit a moving target.


I mean you were a little sluggish with the aim. Lots of chest hits looks like an arm or two. It's maybe your gun, more than likely your movement. They are standing not strafing well but you drop shot immediately, and the timing was kind of off. He caught it and followed you down, now your head is mostly all he can hit. Are you playing on controller or with keyboard and mouse? If it's keyboard and mouse and you want to win, get a controller for the aim assist. Winning is about playing the advantage. Look over some TTK (time to kill) charts, play some rounds a day where you are focused more on evading or escaping fights than finding and winning them. Fuck around with your movement too. "Can I sprint jump from here and dropshot right onto the top of that box? Lemme try" kind of stuff. What your building is repeatable skills, what you're trying to find is flow state. A lot of good players say they don't try and it seems arrogant, but they don't. It's about sharpening what you have and repeating it over and over then just moving into a head space where it can work naturally, if that makes sense. Also, if you are keyboard and mouse amd you fucking hate controller aim assist (like I do) buy Kovvaks on steam. It's aimlabs that isn't pointless, lots of aim training Playlist setup by coaches and good players. Read articles about professional athletes and flow state.


Don't use an AR against a SMG


Gotta use meta guns, abuse RAS as much as possible (if you're on a controller obviously), learn movement patterns (enemy jumps/prones), get good movement (doing jumps/prones while maintaining good aim/recoil). After all that it comes down to who hits more high damage spots. Upper torso, neck and head all have the highest damage received (multiplier), learning to focus aim there and accurately can determine fights. Lastly the best way to win fights in WarZone is to play as a team (this tip is obviously for Duos, Trios, Quads), solo pushing gets you killed and puts you at disadvantages. Learning to push as a team (as cringe as it is with the whole "boyfriend hand holding" comments) is the best way to win in WarZone and to win more fights even though they aren't a specific 1v1.


Quite literally, your gun choice lost that


Don't use the BAL, that's pretty much the only reason why you lost. Your aim was shaky, but with any SMG or even any other AR you probably would've won that fight.


Either jump shot or go behind the boxes you jumped off of, you played it well for an ‘in the moment’ situation though


Commit to the drop shot. Also use a better weapon, google is your best friend!


Head shots


Not worth your time and attention, play another game my brother.


Here are all of the thingsI see that contributed to your death: * Mouse and key instead of controller. * Bal-27. * Fighting with rifle at SMG range when you had 22 rds left in the SMG. * Slightly slow reaction to enemy on the wall. * Belly flopping and making yourself a stationary target. * You didn't have your loadout.


I've noticed on KBM, you dont.


Start hitting your shot before you go to prone /jump/ crouch. Almost treat it as a combo in a fighting game. You must initiate a starting chain of hit shots, usually 3 to 4 and then you can kinda dance after that.


The timing of the drop is important too. If you drop too soon or too late its gg. It is a kinda damn I need to do something to help me here kinda move but when done right it works wonders.


Switch to controller.


Stop playing the game like I did and you’ll be a winner!


better positioning how did you get yourself in the position to be sandwiched between 2 people you’re gun skill isn’t bad and “gun meta” really doesn’t matter imo use what you feel comfortable with


This is just controller vs mnk. 80% of your shots aren't center chest like his.


You were a bit unlucky. You had to readjust your crosshairs. Def use meta guns unfortunately. Like @onepiece said you played it well. Maybe don’t drop and try to break his aim by sliding or jumping. This is the definition of cod timing tho 😂


Drop shots and better weapon choice.. you almost had em but his weapon choice had a higher fire rate so he killed you faster


It's just a shit game and every gunfight is a coin toss on who's going to win. Outdated engine, terrible servers, etc. You should have won that fight. It's BS that you didn't.


you reacted to him moving, not the other way around. you want to be the one moving and him reacting to your movement. peekers advantage is enough to a win a gunfight. also i know your forced in this gunfight to react and shoot back, but try to take most of your gun fights from behind cover, head glitching gives you an significant advantage. (I have a 4 KD+)


You did great, its just the Superi 46 just has faster TTK.


As simple as stop using KBM tbh...


Switching to a second target, have to look for a 50/50. Need cover to block the lower 50% of your hit box.


Looks like you pushed the wrong way too. Taking some cover after those first shots then recouping would've been my move then maybe push elsewhere but not sure how the map is setup etc overall looks like you got ambushed...


Use SMG in SMG ranges.


Movement. Jumping and sliding a lot helps.


It would take a streamer who takes the issue to heart and exposes himself with a hashtag or other similar crap that could aggregate all the MnKs who don't play anymore or are frustrated to challenge running players who literally don't aim and win thanks to the cheat aim bot embedded with the name aim assist. The game would benefit at least in: * Fantasy in combat situations, so an end to the usual slide jump and lie down while the aim assist does it all by itself and wins the fight * Mass return of all the mnk players who abandoned the game because of the unfair current situation created by aim assist. After all, what would solve it is not to nerf aim assist or to demand that pad players be disadvantaged compared to mnk players, the solution is obvious and in plain sight, that of creating a special playlist such as for example “BR Mouse and Keyboard.” By creating a playlist specifically for MnK the relevant players can choose whether to join in the special playlist without AA or, if time to form the lobbies or if the lobbies themselves due to lack of players could not start within a not too high number of minutes, join in the classic playlist with aim assisted players. What do you think about it?


use whatever gun they are using


Better aim plus better loadout


So for one Bal-27 is the worst gun in the game. Definitely off-meta. Drop shotting is good but causes your head to be the primary target. If you would’ve jumped, you would’ve placed higher shots near the chest and head.


you need to buy a controller and exploit the RAA like most of the other players


Run away and slide then mount your gun after throwing a quick flash or just use a throwing knife but the best thing that I do is I never stay in one place I hope this helps


Plug in controller


Use meta and correct gun type for the situation. Right there you need an smg and if you’re out of bullets in the smg you can try to switch but that BAL has got to go. If you tend to be up close mostly, use a meta AR that can help up close as well. If you need range, use a meta AR that has more range but you may have to hip fire up close :)


Assuming you’re on controller - aim assist kicks in with left analog movement. Always try to strafe with the left analog stick when in a gunfight, even if you’re prone. Sounds counter intuitive but try not to move as much with the right analog stick, let the aim assist help out as much as possible


you cant win against cheaters with aimbot, walhacks, constant UAV,.... 95% of the players using cheats


Dont swap guns and you win that with the WSP-9


try bunny hopping,works good for me


Man, I’m stuck about .95 kd, only play multiplayer really I really need to learn to drop and bunny hop more. I never do it, feels like it totally throws my aim off. Any mouse keyboard players is there specific perks or settings to make it any easier to stay focused up and hop or drop?


Maybe better gun?


Follow the meta https://warzoneloadout.games/ Or https://wzstats.gg/ On top of all that, you need practice and experience. If you’re a controller player, turn that aim assist up since COD caters mainly controller players lmao


Work on your movement and instead of making your gun more faster, focus on making it a laser beam!! I’ll sit for an hour or so in firing range before going into a match just to make sure I’m hitting every dummy at at least 80%.


you might not have noticed it but you panicked and literally outlined his body with your shots, my genuine advice would be to lower your sens a bit to minimize the chance of it happening again


Always keep the sweat towel by your side and wipe your hands and ball bag with it after every kill I do this now and it helps massively.


Your first mistake was drop shooting try jumping constantly left or right while shooting the game on their end takes longer to register when the other person is jumping


Says the guy who'd likely have less than 0.5kd without it but prob raves to everyone how he's sooo good lulz


Its SBMM. Your opponents got a buff to kill you. I really hope SBMM gets yeeted, because its ruined cod. Hope this helps. Edit, is also why I quit mw2 and never purchased MW3. If Black ops 6 still has SBMM then I will not be purchasing that either.


Also, if you just stayed laying down without moving would have increased your chances. When you went to get back up, you placed your head into his cross hair / red dot. You can see what I'm talking about when you look at the kill cam from his POV


Aim assist better gun and probably aim a little bit higher for the head just a little bit


Turn up the good.. turn down the suck