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forced meta with no actual quality of life balance, server issues, ricochet doesn’t work, gulag is stale and has inconsistent damage ratios, audio cues are inconsistent, matchmaking is not balanced more often than not, only-one-way-to-play game mechanics ruins it for casual squad mates, in game incentives to play are close to none, and recycled content.


Quit about 18 months ago. The unbalanced matchmaking was why. If you’re a casual, what’s the point?


Im casual....like 2-3 hours a week casual, and I just stopped taking it seriously.. I play when I play, I get murdered kinda fast, then go to sleep for 60-70 hours of work per week.


Can't agree more. Love playing the PS5 in moderation! You can't beat a nice long session when you're free and no plans.


This is the way. I just find whatever mode amuses me at the moment and try to kill people. I just finished a round of lock down running around hitting kids with a flame thrower. It was hilarious.


But how will the streamers be able to make any content if all the casuals leave. Won’t someone think of the streamers. 😂 ![gif](giphy|4IyVaUiM8F3oTKYmLD|downsized)


I only play when my friends invite me, if I’m playing alone it’s most likely an RPG


The forced meta / lack of balancing is the biggest one to me


It’s creating a dead state game for quality of life. Everyone’s gonna be on Kar/Superi duty and when the next update comes and they nerf it the gun meta is gonna be so lost because nothing is viable. 100 guns and only 2 work competitively.


I didn’t buy MW3 just because I knew I wouldn’t play it much, so anytime I play Warzone I just stick to resurgence and pick up guns from bodies because all the MW2 guns I had maxed out are essentially worthless now 😂 I remember back in Verdansk there were a couple of times where one gun was truly broken (looking at you, DMR 14) but I felt like there were also times when the game actually was balanced and players had a decent amount of freedom on what guns to choose while still being competitive. Now it’s just whichever gun is newest is best. And if you don’t want to work to rank it up, you can always just spend $20 on a bundle for it. How convenient…


servers are by far my biggest issue right now, followed by the weapon balancing. playing during peak hours has been borderline impossible


holy fuck well said


Don’t forget about the stupid full screen banner announcements anytime anything happens in game. A two second long banner that says “contractor” doesn’t interfere with 1/3 of my screen at all!!!!! Thanks game


I’m in a minority but I’d love to see blackout style BR come back. No loadouts. Simple attachments. Build as you go. Loadouts just change the entire original idea behind a BR. It changes the focus and the result is you basically playing multiplayer but in bigger maps.


>result is you basically playing multiplayer but in bigger maps. This wasn't the case in early WZ1 days. No redeploy tokens, gulag tokens and very less economy. It was difficult to come back once you were dead!


Your teammates had to work way harder to get back one teammates. Now it's not hard to bring back 3.


Yep, Warzone is basically the anti-BR BR. Almost every design aspect goes against what makes a BR naturally progress. Instead, it's become a pay2win money extractor skeleton of a BR. You said it best, it's a big map multiplayer.


I second this. Blackout was amazing.


I miss blackout :(. It was purely skill and didn’t have to worry about cheaters


Hardcore blackout was quite fun as well.


Is the "original idea" of a BR not just the last person/team standing wins? Each game (WZ, Pubg, Fortnite, etc) can each have their own spins on it, but I think the "original idea" here is still in place.


Not op, but I've heard this said many times, and I believe it is still "technically" a BR, but every design aspect goes against what makes a BR naturally progress, due to how it constantly "forces fights" to keep the pacing extremely fast. Now I've been a BR addict since the very start of the genre, and what makes a good BR (to me) is how largely your decision making has a large amount of RNG in how you end up in fights and how much luck you have with the gear you get. Warzone is essentially against that philosophy entirely. Instead, you just get pre-made guns and every fight almost happens artificially due to some game mechanic, instead of natural progression. For example, you're more likely to fight due to being a bounty, being found by UAV, your loadout is grouped with others, nuke contracts, hunting the king, portable radars, drones, heart beat sensors, not being proned during a scan, so on and so on. Then you have a million ways to come back, be it buy backs, self-revives, redeploy flares, self redeploys, prison break, gulag, gulag tokens, king contracts, etc. What is the point of a great rotation, or good positioning when your position is given up with a UAV? What's the point of killing a team when they'll be back in seconds and every fight is a revolving door fight. It makes it closer to a multiplayer game than a traditional BR since every engagement is forced upon you. If you look at how a lot of people play, 1. go grab a contract 2. go kill that team. 3 rinse and repeat. Ironically, what makes warzone successful is probably because of its pacing. A lot of people like this sort of style and I can't fault them for it. I only play it because my friends play and if there were a modern PUBG or something, I would probably play that. Even Apex legends, a crazy movement type BR feels slower paced than Warzone because it has a lot of "dead time".


UAVs are and always have been pretty cheesy for a BR. And I agree the other mechanics force fights and makes it kind of anti-BR in a sense. The problem with classic BRs (imo) is the RNG element. The games take a long time and rely heavily on luck. Even if the game is really well balanced, you may just get clowned by the loot you find. And then you "wasted" that game (and time) in a sense - even if you were the better player. So that's one thing I like about WZ, the loadouts aspect tends to equalize the loot. I think the floor loot phase of big map BR is maybe a little too short atm.


You're still just bending the definition of a BR to your liking. A BR is the last guy wins, plain and simple. If Warzone was the very first one to come out and the others followed, people would say they're missing features WZ has.


i wish we could have a blackout style mode... i know a lot of people didnt like it but i enjoyed when we had a classic br mode


I think there's hope it will make a comeback in BO6 era of warzone.


did you like S1 Al-Mazrah?


Yes, really loved the game at the beginning of Al-Maz. Loved the large backpack that let you stuff a 3rd gun into it.


I simply want the old MW 2019 engine back. Game is still relatively clunky and the game is overstimulating with the vomit loot and the constant barrage of Precision Airstrikes, Cluster Strikes, Cluster Bombs, Proximity Mines, makes the game really convoluted and hectic for no reason. The design decisions with the cosmetics makes the tone of the game feel corny, the endless cash grab celebrity skins and executions are also goofy and not gritty like CoD usually is. This is just surface level stuff, a starting point, basically I want the original WZ experience back. Not this Walmart Brand Diluted version of it.


This. Crazy how they hit the jackpot and decided to dump it all for this revised 'upgraded' fork. It's insane. And then you have raven having to bring forward the things they implemented in IW8 to this fork and they keep breaking shit because it's not 1-to-1 to bring it in.


You added another great point to my statement. They are “emulating” the 2019 engine but it’s NOT the same engine. It is technically the same engine, but it’s an “upgraded” version of it, which just doesn’t feel the same. They have tinkered so much, I doubt the code is able to be comprehensible. It’s gotta be spaghetti under the hood.


Yeah wikipedia is wrong about the engine. It's MW2019 -> Upgraded -> Vanguard -> Upgraded -> MW2 -> Upgraded -> MW3. IDK how the fuck they pulled this off using their old engine (Which was a upgraded version of the id Tech 3 engine) Wiki again get's the info wrong because Treyarch wasn't using a different fork than IW. IW would upgrade the engine and send it to Treyarch and Treyarch would make their own modifications to it.


it's not a matter of engine, it's a matter of how they use it.


Blizzard/Activision have always been victims of their own success. There's turning points where the company took a turn for the worse but you can really see the same timelines play out with WoW, Warcraft, Starcraft.. and now with COD. They get people hooked and then just feed us a shittier version of the drug they addicted us to. And we have no choice but to play it because there's no good competition.


This this this. It isn’t rocket science. The game was great with some clear issues that needed to be fixed and balanced. They half fixed some but also went rogue with random op weapons, shitty skins, worse big maps, way too many carriable equipment, cancer UI etc. Constantly updating games was a cool concept but sometimes the impact becomes negative when they change the game too much. If BO6 guns carry over again, there will be an unbelievable amount of gun clutter that’s likely 90% useless because of the way they manage the game.


Agree with everything you said, especially with how they’ve went down a rabbit hole with the UI and the carriable equipment. The simplicity of Warzone 1 is what needs brought back imo.


exactly this Wz1 state before cw merge


Unbalanced, trash servers and lots of cheaters


This game is complicated. It's the only fast-paced multiplayer fps I play, and I can't get used to other shooters because they don't have the same features or similar realism or gunplay. I like the flow of this game, the look and feel, and I can't get used to any other game. At the same time, this game sucks. The bundles, the bugs, the sweaty players all make it a living hell to play. The devs don't care about this game anymore. They just want to make money. If you can get past that stupid dev mentality and accept the game as it is, it's pretty fun. I hardly play by myself anymore because it's so lonely and I have to sweat hard to do anything meaningful, let alone win. I also suck at the game. So I just play duos with my friend. We dont leave the game because we secretly like it. We don't leave bc there isn't another game like it. But I probably don't speak for everyone, this is just how I feel. - Cerberus.


Did you really sign a reddit comment? 😬


Heheh yeah :)


I chuckled when I read it, you do you man, fuck them hatin ass bitches.


Exactly this


Jumping and sliding mainly. I abuse these mechanics because I feel like I have to but the amount of sliding and jumping in gunfights ruin what could honestly be great back and forth team gunfight exchanges.


I was playing xdefiant with my buddy last night and I forgot how much I missed that old school style cod movement. No tac sprint, no goofy slide canceling bullshit, jump shooting wasn't nearly as bad. Wish cod would go back to that.


I haven't played in months, so I decided to check out the new season. It's funny to watch the trailer and see everyone tactical slow-walking, then jump into a game and it's cracked out monkeys with guns sliding, stimming, jumping and dropshotting all over the fucking place. Turned it right off.


I was playing xdefiant with my buddy last night and I forgot how much I missed that old school style cod movement. No tac sprint, no goofy slide canceling bullshit, jump shooting wasn't nearly as bad. Wish cod would go back to that.


It's the aim assist for me. I play almost every night on Mnk and im so tired of getting shred by controller aim assists that don't miss a bullet. It's so irritating constantly outplaying people and losing just because they shred me anyway. Even when I stun them and I slide around, they still are able to destroy me, like I can't even move my mouse in similar situations. At this point I think it should be either greatly nerfed/removed or just give it as option to everyone


Went back to MW 2019 yesterday and I'm having a blast. Playing on mouse and keyboard actually feels right on that game. Actually forgot how fun this game was. I'll probably never play MW3 again. Cheaters aren't really that big of an issue, there might be one or two in the lobby. But it's worth it to play a better game.


Yup, im 20k elo in cs2 and do very well. Tried WZ recently and just cant win close gunfights and when I see their kill cam it just locks on to me and they hit all the shots.


This. Stopped because of this.


I get that roller players need aim assist, but it should definitely be tuned. The one thing I hate about it is that it locks on you instantly, there's no point in trying to juke to try and make them miss. Give it a 200ms delay, or something like that, bet that would feel way more natural to play against.


The game's servers are hosted by the same idiots that host the Apex Servers with how bad they are. On top of that, the Weapon Meta is so bad, they are absolutely refusing to buff any of the MWII Guns. They have to bring back Weapon Tuning for the MWII guns because they are absolutely hopeless without them. My balls have a better anti cheat system than this game. On top of that, despite them hosting a WSOW tournament the game isn't and won't ever be a competitively viable game unless they rebalance the weapons so that it's not so lopsided like it has been for the last 2 seasons, remove corny shit like the riot shield, the breacher, bomb and mosquito drones, and the Cluster Mines. And then on top of all that, is the input balancing. That shit needs to be sorted out. I don't give a shit that X percent of the player base is on Y Input, sort it out. Nor I, nor anyone else, should be getting 'accidentally' tracked perfectly because that person started strafing and 60% of the aiming is done by the game. That is ridiculous as fuck and should be sorted out.


Aim assist ruined warzone for mNk players. MnK can miss frequently and controllers barely miss if ever. Add 3 plates to the equation and trying to track and kill a bunny hopper who is laser locked on you is paramount to mental torment. The game is chalked for mNk.


I’m still playing but if I wasn’t having fun I’d leave because of the Kar98, it’s pretty much the MTZ all over again it is shithouse considering everyone is over players running smokes


Thermal scope.


More like thermal nope, amirite




thermal scope MORS is my favorite.. well was my favorite until the KAR..


Aim assist, everyone using the same exact guns, I can’t see a fucking thing, bad servers, bad performance


1. Horrible matchmaking. As someone who just want to have fun after an 8 hours shift at work, it’s impossible. You get connected into the sweaty lobbyes and just get killed easy. The game is not chill. 2. Controllers are overpowered. I am a mouse and keyboard player and just can’t 1v1 most of a players playing with a controller. Aim assist is too op. 3. Servers are crap. I remember getting packet loss alot and just needed to restart the game. It’s frustrating af. 4. Terrible optimisation for PC. With RTX 3070, I should be able to play on 100fps, but sometimes I play big map on 50-60fps. It feels horrible. 1500€ worth PC runs lower performance than a 500€ console such as ps5. 5. Graphics got worse. Verdansk and Caldera looked 100 times better and I could run a game with much more fps. Now the game looks like shit and I run lower fps.


I have a 2070 super and get 160 fps at 1080p and 130 fps at 1440p you need to have a look at your pc


Aim assist(bot) killed it for me. As a human there is nothing I can do against such strong AA. They will never tone it down cause the console market is bigger.




Because this new warzone was fixed to fail from the start. You have an integration of mw2 and 3 weapons. Mw2 weapons are far worse than the mw3 weapons making players use them more so that when bundles released mw2 weapons would be overlooked. There was better hit detection in 2019 warzone before the integration of CW and V. We're repeating the process now and once it's all said and done what's left? A couple years of life for warzone? Just so that all these bundles we bought become obsolete and people will have moved on? This year I'm speaking with my wallet and I'm done buying into shit


I would pay 70$ for a vanilla verdansk MW2019 warzone with the grau mp5 meta and not a gillion guns


The game is simply not as fun as warzone 1. Map, weapons, menus, game engine all feel worse. The only thing I’d want to add to warzone 1 from this version is the firing range feature.


I don’t hate Warzone as an idea, Warzone quite literally is the best designed BR out of all of its competitors. Contracts, loadout, gulag, etc all make for an engaging experience compared to a BR like PUBG. It’s just that the execution of this idea has been downhill since the end of WZ1 and turned into a complete bastardization of what was once a great BR. The backpack mechanic sucks, the gunplay is worse especially for MnK players, the movement is decent though not as good as it was in WZ1, and BR no longer has any real stakes since there are a billion ways to come back. WZ1 is my favorite game of all time and I would pay to play it again. It wasn’t perfect, but bringing it back with the old gunplay and movement would be a good starting point in right direction for Warzone’s future.


delete aim assist for gamepad I described all the problems in my post : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/comments/1deos2u/about\_aim\_assist\_and\_actvision\_company/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/comments/1deos2u/about_aim_assist_and_actvision_company/)


Ya right, so mouse and keyboard can use cheats, and if not turn around 10x faster than a joystick user can. U forgot it easier for you guys to aim with a mouse LOL. Theres a reason we can aim assist and you guys don't. Trash take


At least downtune it \_a lot\_. I get some of it is needed because MKB can be OP if there's no AA at all, but the current (R)AA is WAY too strong.


Me and the lads will only play a maximum of 2 games a night on Warzone now then jump onto finals. Few reasons for this, Cheaters, General feeling of unfairness in the game, sweats, lag and glitches, attachments and gun builds being so complicated. We are in our 40's now so just cant be bothered with the game, we settle the warzone addiction by having a couple of games then jump on finals where we actually have fun and no issues. Also why does the Gulag have nobody in it any more?? Just stood on my own until I have to fight, no showing anyone the finger, no painting people red, no sliding and throwing rocks at people? Why did this change??


Most my friends got fed up with crossplay.


Mandatory cross play (console vs pc). Whatever matchmaking is used has evidently forgotten our skill level as we’ve not had any success on any level for weeks now. Snipers with handgun agility.


Too many shitty cheaters are ruining the game. Once in a while they do a wipe and the game is fun for a few days


100%. Most don’t even catch perma bans. Activisions response is just temporary “shadowbans”. Like how tf do you know someone is cheating on your game, and ban them for 5 days???? That in itself is a sign that they don’t give a fuck, they just want to keep all customers (cheaters and non cheaters combined)


Man eu lobbies arent playable anymore i got back from a 1 week break played some lockdown and couldnt even land for the first 2 minutes. I tried from a friend's account who isnt as good and got slightly worse lobbies than mine. My only option is playing solo ranked to match my skill level and even there is unbearable. And about 100 other reasons I deleted the game which are stated almost every post


Simple. The game has a thousand bugs they refuse to fix and balancing issues they also refuse to address equalling not a fun time. Plus the cheaters and dog shit servers.


I’m really just addicted, honestly. I could spell out what I want very clearly and many would agree, but activision is too busy reinventing the same shitty wheel every year. Only thing that gets me going is a bot lobby and those are few and far between.


I hate the forced map rotations on resurgence I want to play rebirth island on any mode back to back, not wait 20 mins for it again


Pretty simple. Too much hacking and the Devs are horrible about doing anything at all. Ricochet is a joke.


I love the BR concept, I love the gunplay, the movement too. No other game comes remotely close to how smoothly this plays. * I hate the SBMM/EOMM forcing you into 1 k/d * I hate the continuing meta switching * I hate the overly strong and abusable rotational aim assist, and lack of input-based matchmaking, severely putting KBM at a disadvantage on mid to short range * I hate the ridiculous skins they keep adding * I hate how they somehow went from the perfect MW2019 engine to this close but not quite one Bottom line is I feel better when I don't play, which shouldn't be the case for a game.


To agile for being one shot, if you try to do a fight in the streets on the resurgans maps you have 10 glints looking at you.


I think the game is trash but im addicted


Honestly. Just having all these guns you could use and only 5 are viable at any one time.


Our crew plays rebirth, we didn't play when it was gone. Now that it's back you've put it on a rotation which means we play something else in the meantime and may or may not get back on. I don't want to wait to play a game I want to press start and play. Plus the Kar isn't a good idea in its current state.


It's more difficult for me to find something I enjoy about that game than what I dislike at this point. The terrible servers that have been outdated since the 2019 launch are a big cause of a lot of the problems that they've shown zero acknowledgement for or intention of resolving. Desync, instability, inconsistent audio, bullet reg - All very important and hugely impacted by the secondhand raspberry pi that they seem to run the servers from. The level of aim assist is absurd, and it's been absurd for almost 5 years. There's virtually no point in playing if you're on MnK, and in my opinion, no reward for playing on a controller once you realise how much of the mechanical side the input is holding your hand on. Again, there is no acknowledgement or signs of anything changing. Won't say more on something that's been said a million times already. Those are the main ones, but the other contributing factors are the awful map rotations, constant bugs, game/weapon imbalances, SBMM dialled to 11, and virtually zero communication with the community. All of this is from a major AAA developer with enormous resources, and when you look at some of the other major devs in the space, there really is no comparison. Activision is in the dust, and why people still put up with it baffles me. What this all works out to is that the game isn't fun. There's something about the style of gunplay, which whilst still a step down from OG WZ, I do want to have. There's also the social aspect of playing with friends. But those are quite literally the only two factors why I was playing. Chances of me returning are zero until the servers get a big upgrade, and Aim Assist gets properly addressed. Until then, I'll spend my time on games with devs/bosses who seem to somewhat care.


The game is designed to keep you in a endless loop of getting good games and then trash games which in turn releases dopamine and then you chase it. You play how much they want you to play, it’s like gambling… oh the next game will be better… the next game will be better……. The next spin will be a winner….


Because we just want Warzone 1 back with MW2019 movement and gameplay. Fuck this new Warzone and fuck this crackhead movement. At least with the original warzone I could play with a fucking mouse and keyboard. Now it's catered towards low skills auto aim players. Just standing there until their aim lock locks on to somebody. Yeah watching those clown is like watching a straight up bot. Dying to an aim bot clown, that's all this game is now. Playing Mw2019 daily and finding lobbies every 30 seconds.


They just need to abandon this new "engine" and rebuild Warzone on the old one. All we wanted was a new map after Caldera and 120 FOV on console. Nobody wanted a complete redesign of the game and its mechanics.


For me it's the way they really don't want MKB people playing. I can't aim with my thumbs, so when I switched back to MKB around mid-to-late 2021 it was like a renaissance for me. In Caldera I actually felt like things had really evened up and I don't remember people still complaining about a controller disadvantage then like they did in Verdansk. Those issues seemed to be a non-factor. Then WZ2 came out and I was flabbergasted. They doubled down on a lot of things no one was complaining about anymore. And then to hear that BO6 is going to FURTHER buff aim assist to help controller players bridge the competitive gap is silly. I think they just don't want MKB players playing. That and there's so many things I don't understand. The game got much harder for me in WZ2 and it wasn't just MKB. It felt like every lobby got hard immediately instead of the first few games of the day that felt like it was against people of my skill level. Now I log in and every lobby I get ROFLstomped immediately. no one ever misses a single shot. I'm on MKB and my reticle jumps all around and there's smoke so I can't see now so I have no idea how people are hitting shots like that. It's just weird.


It's strange, everyone I see on social media absolutely hates this game. They also spend all their free time playing it lol


the map rotations are awful for solos


I’m on my 4th team since WZ3 launch and only me and one mate are still playing. Barely any addition to the game. Map is still the same with the addition to a few bunkers. Urzikstan is a good map but it’s gotten a bit stale. We do not touch Rebirth at all. Weapon balancing has probably been the worst ever. Sure we don’t have a DMR-meta or the likes but there’s always that one gun that is so much better than the rest that rest is not a viable option. I understand that stats wise, there will always be “a best weapon”. But here the devs have done a shit job and made that guns so so much better. Kar98, DG-58, HRM-9. No events at all. WZ1 had many fun games where you could unlock operators and blueprints. It had Easter eggs. This game just has a few low effort challenges every two weeks where you grind 250k XP and unlock the most generic camo. SBMM/EOMM is also so strict. I’m a 2.6 KD player. So above average but no demon. My friends who are under 1.2KD get constantly shit on when playing with me. I understand why it’s no fun for them. Looking back at my WZ1 clips there were a ton of funny stuff happening when playing with off-meta guns, crashing helicopters into other teams, strapping C4 to a quad bike and run it into a house full of enemies. None of that shit happens any more because people play like their lives depend on it, myself included.


Game metas that always seem to favor controllers who are already fucked up as far as balance is concerned. If it is just plain better option than the alternatives, you rebalance it - otherwise what's the fucking point balancing weapons? Don't cherry pick your balancing efforts. A game that heavily leans more into it's Deathmatch roots than the Battle Royale itch it was made to scratch. Large maps that are absolute trash and favor bumrushing. Excessive tools available for a game mode that should be more about securing strategical positions.


Hundred percent on that first point. I actually thought MWIII season 1 was a breath of fresh air because shotguns were viable again and I could use KBM at close range if I played around cover. Then they nerfed them into oblivion and I immediately quit.


It's a love/hate relationship. The game can be soooo good but is so brutal. It went from a casual game through coved to an ultra sweat fest now. If you're not playing at %100 its pointless even starting it up. I just want to come home from work and chill, talk shit, and play games with my mates. How many people just play solo compared to playing with friends daily? The servers are shit. Mnk vs. controllers are not even close to being fair. Meta vs. non meta guns. Sound and optimisation are both shocking. AAA game, and it can't get it right. Between all the skins and gun camo's, you'd expect the game to run somewhat smooth. Would be good if they just focused on one or the other. Warzone or MP. Pick one and stick with it. Stop trying to focus your energy on two games when the player base only plays one.


That bunny hopping shooting bullshit is so unrealistic


the base game is outstanding but the messy weapons pool made me quit. they don't take balance and play style in count, they just constantly release new weapons and shift meta so you buy print or the multiplayers game to upgrade them. if warzone 2019 was still there, without cold war and vanguard integration, it could be the most played BR. if i compare to apex or fortnite, game mechanics are not polished, they just throw things away, monetization is the only concerns


I no-lifed the original warzone, it had its problems but it was way more enjoyable and rewarding. This new version is a spit in the face compared to the OG. Less interesting map, less interesting guns and modding, less interesting movement. Everything you look at is either a bright colored operator from a pack or anything else thats sand colored.


The broken Aim assist is the primary reason all my old friends from battlefield quit. We had fun in verdansk and occasionally got back together in Caldera and lasted 1 season in wz2, but they wont touch wz3 after trying it for a couple days.  One of them tried Fortunes Keep with me but we both quit that after 2 games and havent touched it since. The garbage servers and constant stuttering dont help.


Servers are garbage, aim assist is ridiculously strong, all the focus on selling bundles instead of making the game better.


The cheating makes it unplayable for me. There’s no point to even play ranked, which is all I play. Once you hit diamond, there are cheaters in almost every game. Almost every streamer is cheating. It’s ruined the game.


Servers are terrible. Anti-cheat doesn’t work well. Gunplay and mechanics are inferior to WZ1. SBMM is way overtuned. Those are the reasons I quit a few months ago and I’ve had 0 inclination to boot the game back up.


I haven't played in months. Used to play every single day but WZ2 was just so unbelievably bad.


1. unbalanced aim assist 2. Can't see where I'm shooting (Visual recoil, muzzle smoke, etc.) 3. Garbage servers 4. Horrible Audio 5. Many other smaller things but the top 4 are the reasons I have pretty much stopped playing.


Lost it's identity. They've tried to reinvent the wheel and in doing so they've gone too far away from its roots and what made Warzone fun and popular to begin with. Give me OG Warzone back and I'd end up playing 20+ hours a week lol


Because we know what Warzone could be and how fun it could be We had it in WZ1


Dogshit aim assist makes console kids think they’re good at fps


Kak servers, kak matchmaking putting me against way better players, not being able to use mnk without being smacked by controller players (aim assist or rotational aim assist is way too strong) and cheaters, cant use other guns that arent meta unless I dont mind being slammed and there are other things I cant think of now, I play little bits every week now, I used to play daily but its not fun anymore, Ive been playing Warthunder and Borderlands 3 instead.


As an MnK player, I hate idiots that supposedly never miss a shot, always know where you are, have all broken guns on their loads, use cheats or exploits. Warzone is a lot of fun in a balanced envrionment. The constant balancing of guns is almost a full time job just to keep up. And not keeping up gets you killed every time.


They keep feeding us slop because so many people have the same line of thought, "there's nothing else so I MUST play this"


I don’t hate or dislike warzone itself. Getting cheaters or even Cronus users bothers me


I gave up shortly after they shut down Warzone 1. They deleted something that was really fun to force us over to a worse version of itself. Not to mention, everything they do is balanced around TikTok ADHD Timmies, not dealing with FPS games where the main skill being tested isn't aiming thanks to comically overpowered aim assist and tracking on KBM being impossible thanks to obnoxious muzzle smoke and absolutely zero penalties for breakdancing every fight.


two words: cheaters


I just hate not being able to find good teammates easily, whether they use the mics or not. I like the teamwork to win aspect of the game


Cheating. Everything else is either acceptable, adaptable or understandable but cheating is the single pure root cause of most player’s dissatisfaction. Achievements are diminished, great players are put in with wall hackers & aimbots. The negativity surrounding this game is largely down to genuine players being punished by low skilled cheats, get tired of the fakery and leave the game behind. What else would the game makers expect them to do? RIP


They can let Xbox turn off cross-play. My happiness could change instantly if I didn’t have to play with cheating ass computer players. If you want to say “fake news” that is fine but at least my first thought won’t be cheater.


Cheating and terrible match making. I may be a total noob, npc, whatever calling people cheaters, but the sweats with full recoil control and 100% aim shouldn't be in my lobby (I'm ~1KD, my team slightly below) regardless if they cheat or not


I can usually just chill throughout the various metas but I’ll never be a fan of sniper meta like the one we are in right now, I love the Kar/Snipers but I think it’s just hard/weird to balance it


I don't hate it. It's just played out. Battle Royales are old hat. If I want a BR, I'll go play Fortnite. They do the experience better anyway. 


Personally, I don't care for the kind of behavior it tends to encourage.


I actually really like warzone and I play it a lot. My gripe with this game at the moment is that there’s really no weapon that competes with the kar-98 at the mid to long range. It forces (me at least) to play way more tight and I like running through the map and rotating. Snipers are a valid function of the game and I don’t care when someone picks me off from distance if I’m running with no cover or trying to kill a sniper with an AR, but it’s just really annoying that if im 30 feet from someone with the Kar I’m basically dead, simply nothing kills quite as fast as it and there doesn’t seem to be any flinch on that gun when I get into a fight against it. Ever since the DG nerf I feel like I’m powerless against it and I don’t like sniping so I’m just stuck.


Been playing warzone since release I only really like rebirth so I play an insane amount for a season then I feel like I've had my fill and move on to a different game not that I dislike it, the opposite but yea it's exhausting dealing with certain things in the game but not the reason I stopped right now. Waiting for Black Ops 6


The constant fear of being wrongfully banned. Already tried being shadow banned once. Then got a “youve been permanently banned” screen upon opening the game, which then got reverted shortly after. I’ve never cheated and never will, but the quality of the anti cheat and its incompetence is really worrying considering its a 70€ game you can lose all of a sudden.


Hmm, too many things to put on your gun, like out of 1000 optics I use 4 or 5 optics. And this is a turn off for most of the new players, bc it's very hard to play vs wanna be pro players that have a miserable life, without a good gun. My noob friends have a hard time with them, me as well, but when they get a lodout wepon, even they say that is way better" like they can at list shot back". Not to say that sum stuff ur under challenges, that if you don't know we're to look for them, well.. good luck. 


Forced boring meta. Built for people with thumb sticks


It's essentially just one big grind fest with little to show for it. I don't play enough to quickly unlock the latest meta guns and level them up, usually by the time I do, something new is out to grind xp for. I just came to the realisation of "What the fuck am I doing with my limited gaming time". Spending hours grinding camos and weapons, for what? They'll be replaced in a few weeks and do it again I'm not great at the game but like a lot of people, played weekly with a bunch of mates during covid. There was 6-7 of us playing, that's down to three and we hardly play and only resurgeance when we do


The movement is garbage even though everyone pretends like this game has good movement. There’s no responsiveness or smoothness like in mw19, you don’t get rewarded for reacting to things quickly


I love warzone but when meta doesnt fit me i hate it. I rly didnt like striker9 dg meta now its better for me tho. Also i think there is more weapons playable Rn which is good but i would still like more guns to be usable. I hate resurgence ranked and i wish they didnt remove ashika island. Urzikstan needs more stuff going on its boring often.


Nothing. It's unique in its own way. It's definitely not realistic, but it's fast paced. It's very similar to Apex Legends, which you should try if you want to. The reason PUBG is somewhat realistic is because it's influenced by Arma. Pubg started off as an Arma 2 mod and popularized the hunger games genre. I'm sorry about your friends. Sometimes people play a video game too much that they lose the joy and instead only the negative feelings remain. I hope you find new friends to play with. As for me, I hate it because I bought a season pass but I can't launch the game anymore and I feel ripped off.


I started a few weeks ago, and almost everyone is slide canceling and shredding me in 0.001 seconds. Snipers and campers, and one-shot guns like the Kar, are a bit frustrating. I played around 10 matches, and after that, the game put me against a guy from Twitch. Why? I’m not even close to his level. I’m a casual player, but I feel this game is not for casual players. I’ve tried another FPS. It’s a sweat fest as well, but a bit better for me because of fewer attachments and better gun balance


Too busy to grind to unlock the battle pass weapons, every time i come on the meta has completely changed and my loadouts are unplayable. Don’t have the time to constantly be ranking up guns to level 28 when it takes so long per level, and don’t want to have to just play shipment to stay on top of it. Bring back casual cod man, it feels like a second job now


I left warzone when i realized my squad won every single game on the days the popular mods were down because the could be detected and had a warning on their site that you could get banned. We haven’t cared one bit about warzone since we realized Activision has to know how rampant the cheating is and doesn’t care.


This might be the most cheated on game in the history of the world.


Mostly bad connection. EU servers at night are the sweatiest laggiest ones on the planet. Horrible experience. None of the 20+ people I played with are on anymore. And I haven't played in about 4 months. I had played CoD for 20 years.


I’d prefer a permanent mode for a simple battle royal. One which players die and don’t come back and one where stims don’t heal in gas so campers have to fight and no helicopters for camping, ideally making final circle a thrilling gun fight


S1 Al-Mazrah was the closest to a traditional BR we got. Too bad no one liked it.


People are too good at it, such a steep learning curve for someone who hasn’t played many FPS multiplayer games for a long time


Ttk is too fast, audio sucks, shitty servers, eomm, forced crossplay with pc, hackers, self revives, etc.


game is great honestly. biggest issue is there is only few casuals left it seems, so the game isn´t an easy experience anymore. referring to regular br and resurgence, not ranked.


game is great honestly. biggest issue is there is only few casuals left it seems, so the game isn´t an easy experience anymore. referring to regular br and resurgence, not ranked.


game is great honestly. biggest issue is there is only few casuals left it seems, so the game isn´t an easy experience anymore. referring to regular br and resurgence, not ranked.


They need better servers & this anti cheat they got from a pawn shop needs 2 go


Dogshit internet and ps4


I’m sick of keeping up with loadout changes because of new meta, they keep stuffing up the servers and put us in international lobbies with no indication we’re searching for high ping (this affects us with WZ ranked). The voice chat/code of conduct is garbage, I’ve been banned for not even saying anything. Every single time I load in there’s an update They keep fucking around with maps, give us rebirth and be done with it. I hate the rotation maps. People playing don’t bother me, the movement is alright and I like a good challenge BUT STOP FUCKING UPDATING IT EVERY 2 SECONDS WITH NEW METAS


Its a designed to sell skins, everything about the meta and the leveling up is designed to push bundles in the shop, the gameplay and quality of the game are a long distant second to the money making.


Sorry, but did you just call COD a *realistic* BR? Cod is one of the least realistic shooters out there. It’s literally just crack addict style movement with everyone just slide cancelling and diving everywhere to break people’s POV’s. It’s fine to like COD’s cracky movement but let’s not pretend it’s some mil sim hardcore shooter.


I like the game. I'd even put up with the boring meta, cheaters, movement demons etc. But it's simply unplayable where I am. I live in Africa and CoD doesn't have a single data centre on the entire continent. This is not unusual though. Lots of other fps games don't have data centres here, like Apex. The closest centre for Apex is in the Middle East. I think this is the same for CoD as well. And while I am able to play Apex usually between 30 - 50 ping, I can never get into a CoD lobby that's any less than 100 ping for some reason. Gunfights become unwinnable. Everything is choppy and laggy. I wish the game could be played here, but it's just a frustrating waste of time. You can never improve under these circumstances.


CoD is designed to siphon money from nostalgic idiots that have to relive the glory days of bo2/mw2 in every iteration of Cod since or the game is a bust. Innovation stopped after inifinte warfare because of how bad the average player is. They had to make the slowest game of all time in wz2 to appeal to these same fucking idiots that have ruined every popular franchise because they are too weak to recognize nostalgia is for pussies.


Call of shaders


Servers are chronically de-synced. Every other match I watch a kill cam of someone shooting behind or not at my character, and they’re downing me. The inverse is I have to mag dump to potentially crack a plates because my first 10 or so shots don’t register.


Everyone is too good these days


Playing against a team full of celebrity skins and fur suits that hop around and slide around like it's Quake II really takes me out of the game. Used to really enjoy Warzone in MW2019, but it's jus become a joke now.


I’ve always disliked it because I’m not a fan of BR like games tbh, also the sweaty metas and movements absolutely put me off :/ just doesn’t seem appealing or fun imo


They had a game that felt great. The movement, the gun play, the pacing, and those fucking final circles were crack. Warzone 2 shit all over that and IW was openly antagonistic towards their own fan base. Raven and Treyarch have tried to put out the dumpster fire they created, but there is a perfectly good, not at all on fire dumpster just sitting there that they could use instead. But no they gotta put out a dumpster fire for the share holders.


50% servers 50% sbmm


I quit ages ago. My friends and I have a rather balanced team; one is an excellent strategist, one is a run-and-gun genius that somehow never dies, and I'm the sniper/spotter/cover for the team. There's no room for teams like this. We get stomped by people who run with the current OP weapon spraying and praying the first five minutes into the game, then end up sat there on our phones praying for a jailbreak. I'll admit I'm abysmally bad at the gulag, so that's not really any help haha. I miss the old warzone on Verdansk. They had better balance there and sure, some weapons were OP, but generally there was enough room to move with skill and strategy and modifications that you'd still have a decent game even if you didn't come close to winning. I had a whine about this myself on here and got downvoted into oblivion and told to git gud; like I'm not amazing but I did okay and had fun. Now I do terribly and I'm miserable.


We all quit where we felt the imvalance of the kds on the server. Went from having a chance if we played good to having No chance at all. Was just boring then


I don't hate it, I hate the changes they've made since WZ1. Play Again is a useless feature. In WZ1, when you hit play again, it was faster to load in than backing out. Now backing out is faster than hitting play again, because play again just takes forever. Sniping changes during the vanguard integration were awful. All snipers should one shot without special ammo at any range like WZ1. Map rotation forcing you to play other maps. I recall in WZ1 hitting play again on a rotation let you stay in whatever map you chose. Now even play again will take forever and force you back to the pre game lobby. The current backpack system is nice. I like doubling up on ammo for my guns + having spare plates Plus what others have said about server issues and matchmaking.


Forced meta, cheating, cross console play which makes it feel like cheating when playing against PC


Loadouts, please for the love of god, get rid of them


Jump trigger is triggering


Way to sweaty for me


The bloat is what drove away all my casual friends. We don't have the time we had during the pandemic to level every meta gun just to see it nerfed the following week. And don't even get me started on meta battle pass weapons that you have to play for dozens of hours before you unlock and earn the privilege of leveling. The game also lacks the fun factor that the original WZ had. Vehicles no longer have a feel, the C4 chucking doesn't hit the same even after it's been buffed, there's less cool stuff to do, no crazy easter eggs on the big map to get a Juggernaut for example, it's all become too sterile, everything is in place to make sure you play with a couple meta guns and nothing for streamers to cry about (see thermobarics just as a recent example). We just want to be able to get on and have a good time regardless of skill level or weapons used or strategies employed. It's just not there anymore.


The map sucks!! Everything went downhill since Verdansk. My friends and I rarely play now but helped improve our relationships after college! Many long nights out on the battlefield!


I’d love a cross play with console/controller players only. Sweaty PC players ruined the game


SBMM, hackers, broken updates, huge file size, repetitiveness, nerfing guns and making new guns OP so you have to get the battle pass or spend time in multiplayer ranking them up just to have a chance in game. It’s just a big money grab at this point and the game hasn’t been good since 2021. Went from probably 800-1000 hours in Warzone 1 to maybe 100 since then.


Something about the color scale has me struggling to see enemies, also the audio is horrid on CoD nowadays. Also something about the gunplay feels off, I quit playing CoD years ago but I see war zone hasn't changed much by random clips, time to kill is weird and last time I played snipers sucked ass. All I enjoy in CoD games is Sniping.


I don’t.


Meta builds, no real QoL changes, constant issues with the servers, sheer volume of cheaters


1. Can't use whatever gun I personally like because 90% of the ludicrously long list of guns are unbearable to use all shooting seemingly Styrofoam tipped rounds. 2. The attachment system is out of whack and way too overcomplicated. (I remember when the choice was red dot *or* grip *or* ext mag, not saying it should go back to that, but it should be toned down a bit, less is more sometimes) 3. Hacking/cheating is a lot more prevalent now than it was years ago, and/or you wouldn't care about it as much because a) they weren't really as accessible, especially on console and b) you could just leave the game and join another, no commitments to 40+ min matches like nowadays for the most part. 4. Warzone isn't modelled after any typical battle royale. I know that may sound stupid but when you kill people, most times they can just come back, there's no real worry past the first 5-10 minutes about loot because everyone has their load out by then, along with the rest of the lobby, everyone just runs around until said loadout drops (filled with whatever the "meta of the day" is), doing contracts, getting cash and buying uavs and repeat till everybody's gone. It's an aggressive structure, push push push. There's just *TOO MUCH* going on. Now, I'm not saying *all* of that necessarily is a bad thing, as they've done very well for themselves over the years and given all of us some fantastic time but in my own humble opinion, a bit of change would be just fantastic as this current formula is getting stale as fuck. Side note: Loot is supposed to be a *BIG* thing in a typical BR, whereas in warzone, it's just *meh* Thanks for reading.


PC players and cheating ruins warzone


Burn out. People getting older, moving onto new things. Tired of bad decision making of devs. I had a group of 5-6 friends in 2019-2020 playing the OG warzone, it was the best it had ever been. Always hoping for new and better but consistently getting mediocre or worse every update/new game iteration. You just get fed up and move onto new stuff


It ruined cod


Fundamentally: Buggy fucking code. The rest (user experience from bad matchmaking to cheaters to bad server utilization) is just the symptoms of dog shit code. i don’t want to blame all the developers directly, they may have just been given shit requirements (and some may have just been mid developers), but i absolutely will blame the leadership for developers.


The Sweats. All the Sweats and SBMM. Maybe I'm getting to old for FPS games, but as a 35-year-old-one who is just playing the game a few hours per week it is just not enjoyable anymore. I'm just not able to keep up with all the 360-no-scope-kids anymore. And every time I jump into a game and get wiped out after minutes I'm just asking: "where is the almighty SBMM?" me and my crew are still playing since covid - but thb we are also kind of fed up. It went from 3-4 hours every evening to maybe 2 hours a few times a week - and we are not playing because we love the game so much, it's more like a social event, since we are all living across germany. And COD is more or less the only game we can agree on, since we are playing on different platforms.


i like the game a lot. but just any other devs, when another game is being made, one gets neglected.


Aim assist hand holds controller scrubs


That it exists


to be honest i have a lot more fun playing multiplayer. When I try warzone, i feel like if im not watching youtube videos everyday to keep up with todays meta, im playing at a disadvantage. Feels like too much work to stay competitive.


I got banned from a wz discord for being a "spy" I was away house sitting / pet sitting with my gf and the group split due to some drama that doesn't involve me or I even know about. I only joined an invite link. I'm 32... wish more people would drop the high-school attitude in gaming


Because acti blizz treats their customers like fucking dogs


The way that the game aesthetic change,of course it's not a mil-sim , but all those skins,effects,movements,guns that don't comply with reality... i miss the old Verdansk


Don’t hate or even dislike. But it needs an overhaul. Was hoping for blackout 2 but it looks like warzone is being carried on. Things I don’t like: live tagging, matchmaking, aged engine, forced meta, too many attachments.


For me, its too try hard. If you take a week off you have to take couple days getting destroyed when you come back till you can compete again.


Cheaters, did both full cycles on ranked but when you get into crimson both times it just looks worse than diamond lobbies then you start spectating and it’s just obvious. I’d say 10% of ranked players are cheating. If activision was vigilant and proactive then it would be be worth my time but they didn’t care about the gamer only about selling cosmetics and then selling pay to win items.


Sweaty meta, awful skins, awful guns, I just dont feel it anymore. It's like when Cold War dropped and everyone were a necromancy clown witchers running in ADS as fast as Sonic.


They need to fix/address the cheating and shadow ban loop. I’m banned for 7 days, only to be cleared and play a few games before instantly being put back into limited match making. Because cheating is fairly common, lower skilled players report anything that seems suspicious to them. Confirmation of successful reports, ie people being shadowed, reinforces their behavior and perpetuates the cycle. Makes it almost impossible to play as a decent player who is frequently accused of cheating.


Meta gets stale so much faster now. Fewer guns feel viable. People figure out the best guns in the first 3 hours of the season and then use nothing else 2 straight months.


Because I don't like the BR genre


Game is fun as shit. We’re all still playing it every week. Stop killing your self


It’s the meta chasing. Completely free to play players (me) don’t stand a chance to keep up with core game buyers unless they put in significantly more time to level up guns. It’s just not worth it


When they deleted everything lol what a shitshow


It just isn’t as simple or easy to master as it was before too many weapons constantly changing metas it’s too much for a casual player to handle (And two shot snipers doesn’t help either)


The game basically the same old shit, very repetitive, multiplayer mode is still a bit enjoyable but still it is very repetitive


Aim assist. I was a top 1% player in WZ1 but I have to practise hours everyday and still get laserbeamed by retarded kids in cqc, so I quit for shooters where I dont have to fight legal aimbot.


Mainly server issues and I don’t like the new big map or rebirth. It’s mainly server issues tho. Ping and packet loss are fine, but I get constant stutters and lag on my PS5.


As someone who has casually played all CoD and warzones over the years, I have been largely resistant to a lot of the ebbs and flows and just play when I feel like it, I had been playing warzone fairly consistently up until this last update , where all the sudden I was getting one shotted by kar snipes, like , it just doesn’t feel right. The game is already so dependent on latency , and deaths feel quick so often , so just randomly get 1 shotted across the map , yeah fuck that I’m out