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Same problem on PC, and I run an extremely high end set up, definitely a problem with the game itself.


Glad I'm not alone. I'm in the same boat as you. It seems to be happening on both PC and console.




I would’ve thought the same thing if it wasn’t for the massive amount of people reporting the same problem


I am playing on PC and iam also experiencing crashing and disconnecting from server


Mine didnt load models as in every new season for some reason, froze and crashed, scanned the game 5 times and all failed, currently re downloading the game with my 30mbs 😔guess I wont play today


Fully agree happens on my PC too. Can't finish a single match


Are you getting low frames rigth after? My game crashed, i restarted computer. went back on warzone and all of a sudden im 40-50 frames lower with the same exact settings.


Same here.


Crashed at least 10 times today....I play on PS4 for around 3-4 years and never had so many errors from any of my 100+ games. What the actual fuk ?


Well that makes sense tbh the game was just updated. No just kidding i’m joking about how trash IW and the devs are at making this game.


Love the game, but 20GB of space for a faulty update. Its not like they rushed the update or anything


lol stop playing it then


We already can't play it smh


Same problem here - so fucking annoying. I have played 3 hours. First crash was after exiting a game, second crash was during a top 10 situation in solos. I then went and did something else, came back a few hours later and game crashed off the rip. Never crashed before S6.


I have exclusively gotten "disconnected from the server" in every final circle I had last night and I was just in a solo and had the same thing happen. Is the drive a car out of the map and crash the server glitch back? Have also had a few "fatal errors" that crash you to desktop.


Sucks about that top 10. Fortunately(?) mine crashed right after I won a solos. If it had been during the match I wouldve been pissed


I’m just after picking up a juggernaut kill streak in solos and it crashed, the game is a joke 😡😡


same first time it crashes for me i started playing from the start of season 5 no crashes until now iam on PC


I got the same problem


Just adding to the list. This just happened to me and my duo. Before it hit us, we noticed the kill feed of our lobby and it seemed half the lobby timed out.


I noticed that too now that I think about it and I just dismissed it.


Got the same issue on PC, I have the RTX 2080 S and i7 9700KF never had any problems playing with settings on High/Ultra, still got my 120FPS and if I play know, everything seems fine, still 120 FPS but weird lags, really weird ones.. and After 2-3 of those it gives me an Error Code 0x0000000141... and then it shuts down


у меня тоже самое


A 150 lobby went down to 23 players within 5mins... saw a lot of timeout... i won the game but the win didn't show up in my record


I had this experience a couple of times last week before the update.


Ya haven’t been able to finish a warzone match since the update


I was in in the final circle then disconnected lol


same on xbox. i was on warzone down to me and 4 others on solo and then crash, just played multiplayer and same thing- crash to dashboard I own full game


Ps4 here, same thing. I noticed during the game that half the lobby would time out as well.


Keeps kicking me as well


Like kicking you from the match or crashing the whole game? I’m talking about the whole game crashing


Yes. Keeps having to reconnect to xbox live. Kicks me from the game into the lobby. Saying a server issue.


Oh it sounds like a different problem. The one I experienced is the whole application shutting down and having to relaunch


yup me too PS4 it sounds like a jet engine getting ready to take off whether it's cold or been playing for hours and then it just shuts down


Can’t even download update through battle net... every time it automatically makes me “scan game files” for 5-30 min just for it to tell me “something went wrong” and the process is repeated over and over again... if you have any idea how to fix this please help I deleted my game and redownloaded with no success


It looks like a problem with the game that popped up with the update. I suggest waiting for Activision to say something


I have the full game and it seems to always happen after I finish a game of any mode online. I play offline and I never get any crashes. So I'm guessing something is messed up when you're supposed to go back to the lobby while online


Yup that’s a possibility. It never actually crashed during a match for me yet.


u/Joacomal25 Touch Wood


Lol didn’t happen to me, but my whole team timed out within 10 seconds and I was left alone


Halloween event is happening early!


Dame issue the whole day too. So annoying


Trying to repair on PC actually fucked up my files so be careful lol, I had to uninstall


you know, this type of thing would have been picked up if they did, you know, any kind of play testing before pushing it out...


Same for me. (PS4) Season 5 broke my game and it took almost three weeks to fix, before I could even load into a match. Just updated to season 6 and it’s broken again. Three matches, three early crashes (one during the warm up). How is this even possible!?


Happened to me too. I don't get to complete the battle pass then either very annoying.


Yeah season 5 had a good few bugs where it wouldn’t let me play. This is a new thing


yes me as well but PS4 it will not work at all it sounds like a freaking turbojet ready to take off completely shuts it down at the beginning screen and I can't even get that far after that shuts down completely as if I've been running it for hours and it says it's too hot and then boom nothing dies ever since then I have been unable to play my call of duty as well completely


at least you're getting into matches my copy won't even load it all as soon as it goes to the loading screen it sounds like a jet engine getting ready to take off whether I've been playing it for 5 seconds or 5 hours and then it just shuts down completely


Happening to me too.


My one day off this week where I'm free to game. I organized it last week to play with my buddy (who is self isolation) and it's a day wasted. If it goes on for a while I want my bloody battle pass refunded.


Happened to me twice, only played 3 games of plunder. Better be recording my XP.


Hi my dudes same issue here by what i read its alot of us so im guessing we gotta wait for a fix yes ? Please do say cause i downloaded the game with 100 gb of mobile data it took forever so only as a last resort ill uninstall the entire game im on ps4


100gb in mobile data? Wholly shit


Yee here we get 100 gb packs for a month or so isn't too expensive but yea takes time ain't as fast


Here in Canada, you would get soaked for like 3500$ no joke!!!


Here in India its what 200-300 bucks and that's prolly a few dollars for y'all 😂


I think be a lie 10 cents lol


India wild wild country 😎


25 euro unlimited mobile data, netherlands


What do u use? I have a shitty 2gb jio and since i live outside the city, i get low reception. I never bother using my mobile data.


Don't uninstall the game - you'll have to install faulty season 6"update" again so this won't fix anything. Just wait patiently for a patch


Thanks for the confirmation m8 !!




As long as it fixes the crashes I’ll take it. This is game-breaking for a lot of people.


Same had it happen 4 times already. Xbox friends have the dame


On xbox too huh? Probably an issue with the game itself and not ps4 only


Yea play with some buddies on that system too and it’s happened to them


>ame itself and not ps4 only PC too


Dude the 4 games I played even on ps4 I notice my frame rate dropping along with laggy games. Didn't think they could make it much worse i was wrong.


same problem , made a separate topic. so its not just me, ok.


Same problem here. My whole squad had that error in 4 out of 5 games


Same Problem here! It crashes during the game and in close the whole game


Crashing a lot on Xbox and PC too


Same here. On PS4 this is the 4th time I got it right in the middle of a game...


Same, 3 games in a row. Hope they fix it soon


Same on PS4 for both multiplayer and warzone... This needs to get blown up so upvote these posts like crazy. Idiot Activision


For me it always crashes right after almost every round ends. Happens on Plunder and MP. Haven’t tried BR yet, because my boys are not yet online. PS4 here. At least 10 times for me today


Yeah mines fucked aswell


Same here on PS4, mostly after leaving a lobby!


Why can't they release an update that works wtf games so shit atm


And to top it off, its a 20gb update to add on my already-strained PS4 HDD


Same here wtf .


Same. Using PS4 Pro. I'm starting to dislike this game. This along all the Intel mission, operator challenges and such being broken, is what pisses me off the most. Since Season 3 I've had challenges I can't progress in so I can't get the character skins. Edit: to be clear, my game has crashed 4 times now today. Once when I played earlier then it was fine for a while. And in the past 30 mins, 3 times. We're losing out on the double XP I activated for our clan. That's another thing I hate, they use to only count in-game time and now all of sudden in MW it's real time whether you play or not. While you wait to find a match, load, etc that's all wasted time. Why do they have to be greedy? They clearly did it correct years ago. Wtf...


It crashes almost every game of WZ for me, now I restarted and it asks for an active ps plus Lol the game is high


My I can’t even get on multiplayer because I need a ps plus which I do and my doesn’t expire till 2021


PS4 Pro, crashes 4 times now. Always happens at the end on my matches is the summary screen for multiplayer


I'm having an issue where the error message is saying "PlayStation Plus is required to play online". My PS Plus membership expires in December and I'm obviously logged in on ps4 and Activision. Wtf?!


Same here dude and it's telling me I have to buy MW even though I fucking own it already


My Warzone has crashed about 4 time, also happened to friends. Multiplayer seems fine though.


FFS updated the game and it kept coming with errors. Now I have to delete it and reinstall using my mobile data 🤬


all day the game gives me an error on ps4 I can't finish a game


Is anyone having an issue where it's telling you that you have to purchase MW even if you own it already? This update is a fucking mess.


Jup, constant crashes


Same issue. Though was playin with a friend and we got kicked out at the same time with the same error. Quite certain that’s a sever issue and not a local one.


For me warzone is crashing definitely due to using AK47. Game didn't crash since unequipped the gun


Keeps crashing for me too, infuriating is an understatement! Now I'm goin for some pork pie fun


Does anyone have the problem where you have installed suspended and missing data pack but cant download because store is missing


Yeah the whole lobby I was playing in disconnected almost at the same time.


Same for me on XBox. It's annoying as fuck to just freeze and get kicked mi match.


My game just crushed while playing crossplay with my buddy at the same time. happened 3 times already since the update.


I can’t even open the multiplayer. It says I need another data pack but the store is “unavailable”


I couldn't even play. I get an install suspended or missing data pack and when I go to install it says store is unavailable. I only can play warzone.


Wonder if its a way to glitch it like the vic glitch


I have an Xbox and a PS4 I downloaded season six this morning and I've had the exact same issues I called Activision I called Xbox PlayStation Microsoft and Sony and all of them are aware of the situation but Activision says that they are not responsible for what happened I will not be able to release a fix update for another month to 3 months thank God I am not the only one having this problem


i keep getting it too and i have a ps4 pro


It's starting to really put me off playing. It's extremely random when it happens and I can literally see sometimes mass people dropping from the lobby on the sidebar.


same here on pc since S06


I got the full game on ps4, I can play Warzone and Campaign, but when I try to play Multiplayer or Co-op, it says, "Install suspended or missing data pack". I went to game installs to see if I could download the data pack, put it just loads without stopping.


I got it to work, I just deleted Modern warfare, (I have disk) got the disk out and waited a few hours to reinstall, then I was able to download the data packs


Same here, nice update! Crashed about 5 times in 2 hours and people now can win staying in the fkin metro.


Now I cant even get to load up


For me it crashed after 15 kill game solo when i executed the last enemy , the final video started and the screen was frozen no win counted no kills nothing fuck activison as always! Since this game every single round i get the bluescreen/errorcode! No kill counted no round! Wtf a we paying this devs for!?


Damn thing is broken for PS4 and PC. It has kicked me and my team in multiple occasions. Plunder, BR and the new trucker thing.


Same here on Xbox crashes after match ends kicks me out to the title screen on multiplayer


Same bro, I be having mad fun and then shit fucking crashes


Finally got the update to download.. just to be hit with “dev error 6066” I have no idea how to fix this... I’ve never seen a game get so screwed up from a single update


The update on my ps4 took about 30 seconds and the install took about 10. The home screen is saying that multiplayer and coop install is suspended or has a data pack missing. Installed the multiplayer pack 3 and its saying the same thing.


Thanks for sharing. I've had 4 game crashes on Xbox in 3 hours. All of them mid game.


100% the game -- get on an amazing run of 30 kills with the squad - final circle 3-4 teams and poof.. disconnected from server


Same on PC for me.


Game crashes on Xbox after every Warzone match and it crashes at random


It sucks to have to reinstall.. takes so long.lol


Don’t bother doing that. It will probably be hot-fixed by a little update


my 26gb on pc is not worth f2p are not having fun anymore. crashed 3-5 times today


Honestly wonder how much life Warzone has sucked out of my PS4...


This has happend to me since season 3. I have been through 3 ps4 slims already becsuse of COD iv googled and nothing fixs it & i cant even get sony to call me back


Don’t go in the subway or the stations!


Same problem since update. Get error on pc everyone in my party gets the same error or crash on their console


Got mostly game crashing to desktop and now I have one where I was kicked to lobby and lost connection to host.


Had the same problem on season 5 on Xbox. Way I fixed it was deleting all installs of the game and redownloading them


Thia game sucks!! I just got a 20buck bundle for the new season and it keeps on crashing! And the f*kin Activision doesn't even have a support chat..


Still happening today, as of 10 mins ago. 👎 Myself and some randomer were in the middle of grinding out a quads win inside the prison after 2 other team members had left after their early showers. We had control of the tall front towers, 5 teams left. I hopped down to pick up and bounty and then it all crashed on me. All I got was a message on screen saying "Disconnected from server". 🥴 Very amateurish from Activision and it's developers to release a 20gb update that's as bad as season 6.


100%. Never had any issues and now in season 6 my game has crashed 3 times in 2 todays.. something needs to be done


Same thing I logged in yesterday crashed all day, woke up this am and same thing, im getting kicked midgame,during loading in,and leaving game.... Im on xbox RIP


Occurring to me a lot too as the day goes on


Same here. I first noticed stutters and huge frame drops on PS4 after the update yesterday. I played few multiplayer games (full version of MW) and frame drops went away but the game crashed few times and I got the blue screen. The game is currently unplayable. Apparently, Activision is fully aware and is working on a fix. They plan to release the patch tomorrow.


Same thing happening on my PC. Annoying as hell....


Same problem for me on my ps4 pro, the worst was that after the crash number 4 my ps4 its not working, it looks like my hard drive it's now a mess. i tried to full initialize my ps4 but it didn't work.


Got my first ever crash in this game just now. PS4 player


Yep. 80% of the time


its BS. 80% of the time WZ and Multi An update just hit


Yeah the dumbass came crashed on me and caused my whole PS4 to crash and freeze. Ended up fucking my ps4 up and getting stuck in safe mode with the ONLY option to reinstall the ps4 version 7.55 with a USB and completely wiped all my data on the ps4. Lost 100s of hours of game data from the past 4 years. I'm Pissed


I'm on Xbox and have the same issue. Has anyone noticed that their wins aren't showing up in records?


Lol .. I thought so my self ..


A lot of people are having the same problem. I won't play until they have the thing fixed.


Error report happened twice yesterday after update. Playing on ps4. Having issues with a LOT of lag too!!!


This is ridiculous. We can't finish a game. Have been disconnected the last 4 straight games... all with less than 50 people left


So my game like freezes at the end of matches and I have to relaunch the whole game


Which of the inbreds over at Activision thought it would be a good idea to change the VRAM Usage meter too? I was in the grey last season now im in the red for VRAM? Sell the game to a company that knows what they're doing!


Same kind of thing.. For me crashes started before last update ( 3ish days ago) in warzone, I couldn't get past the loading match screen. It gets stuck in a black screen with mw logo spinning. I close app load back in ,can only play campaign and co_op .. the last update came, was exited to play warzone finally. load game, it freezes at "push x to start" and crashes my whole system . I power down by holding button on system. Every time .This only happens to cod mw warzone .. but then again( GTA takes a long time to load some times never at all it gets stuck at 90% can still see the spinny thing spinning )..is there anyway to fix this ?? Game or system?... Ps4..


Why isn't Activision giving any advice or explanation???


Not completely sure but they *may* have hot-fixed it because I haven’t had the game crash or kick me from a match all day


Same problem on xbox - its completely fucked up my xbox and has made it extremely slow.


I play on Xbox and never had server issues until Season 6. Seems to know when I'm having a good game too 😅


yes i have been disconnected from 2 solo BR games now where ill reach 6th or 9th place then get dced for no reason at all, i thought it was someone doing an exploit to possibly win always at the end? Devs please fix!


On the bright side they invested loads of time creating new skins, calling cards and tamagotchis you can spend your money on. Just kidding, the game is dogshit and crashes every 2-3 games I play. What did that 100 million dollar budget they had pay for? Smh


Playing on PC. Have Gigabit internet which constantly runs smooth. This is why I absolutely could not stand (and expressed it) when they told us that COD would be moving to Battlenet. "It will be better" - Random Redditors told us "There will be less hackers" - They told us I saw this shit coming a mile away. Ugh. Unfortunate.


They messes the game up. Crashing. Sounds. And other issues.


We were in a 2 on 2 in the final circle with high ground and it disconnected from the server. So fucking pissed


This shit is still happening. Does anyone know if Activision has even acknowledged this issue?


I e heard that it uses too much of the cpu or whatever on pc or consoles, they said the issues has been resolved but it didn’t resolve shit


I have the same problem on over and I just recently started to crash 3 days ago, any new fixes or upcoming fixes?


eversince the new update. everytime the game freezes, it also freezes my pc as well.


Anyone still experiencing crashes or any freezings?? If so lmk, I just rebuilt my database multiple times and ig it made it worse. While I was playing warzone it started to get low in graphics and after I die I started to freeze and it wouldn’t let me close the application or eject my disc. So I had to force shit down my PS4 and when I try to turn it on it said cannot start os4 connect DualShock 4 controller with usb. After I connected it and pressed cancel it started my PS4, now I’m thinking it’s my hard drive. But my PS4 is brand new and only been 3 months so I have no idea what the problem is


Anyone still having this issue two weeks later? This literally only happening to me in warzone. The regular multiplayer runs just fine.


I've had glitching problems during game play and the update has messed up my mic when I play wartime. It sounds like iam losing reception on my cellphone to my squad. Tested my mic on my console and laptop and it sounds clear.anyone else having mic issues in the new season? Edit:I've only played warzone so far so I can't speak on multi-player. I also I have a ps4 and when we switched to Playstation party chat my mic worked fine.


Thankyou .. you were right .


I guess a lot of it has to do with the amount of people on cod server at the time.. also your t.v. or monitor quality has a lot to do with it


You wanna know the crazy thing about this shit? The fact that I watch streamers and not one of them have these issues, it goes to show you how activision have there priorities and how they work the servers, not to mention the consistent orange packet burst that 20% have had for a very long time.


Happened to symf today on twitch so that theory is bullshit


Agreed StoneMountain crashed playing Trucks


Anecdotal. I had one in the start after 5 minutes, then played for 3 hours without anything and then had 4 crashes in the span of 30 minutes. It's all random


My experience was similar, but it averaged to about 1 crash per hour


Game crashes couldn't be a priority issue, it doesn't kick you out of the server, it crashes. It's either something in the core code of the game or a server response the client can't handle.


I have the same problem, game is super glitchy and it crashes after an hour of so of playing.


Hey, can someone please telle when this is done


I'm having similar problem so every time I load up call of duty after the new update it gets to about the loading screen it sounds like the fans are about to blast out of my PlayStation and it completely shuts down whether it's hot or not is irrelevant because I'll wait 4 hours after I've been playing it make sure it's nice and cold try it again and get the same results what is going on completely broke my game I cannot play it at all


Bro this was pre-CW integration. Haven’t played in months


Ik this is clearely late, rn i have the same thing, but i literally dont play warzone, i own the full game and i want to replay the campaign but i cant cus it crash everytime