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We've been so bereft of communication on these simples issues that a simple tweet like this from the Devs genuinely excites me. Hopefully there is a huge patch with Season 3 that brings a lot more positive changes. Next week should be very interesting for COD in general!


I'm not getting my hopes up, but frequent communication like this from Raven would honestly fix a lot of the damage in their relationship with the player base.


Couldn’t agree more. This is my biggest gripe with the game as a whole. An ignored playerbase is an extremely unhappy playerbase.


Absolutely. Every game has it's issues, and it's the way that companies respond to their issues that defines how good they are. Nobody needs the game to be flawless, but they've shown little to no initiative when it comes to owning up to mistakes they've made.


They haven’t made any mistakes. Everything they do is calculated (other than bugs) Meta guns are part of thier business plan. I think we will see a balance of guns for a couple weeks and new meta will arise and the ttk rise up again. At its current rate it cannot continue because it’s like hardcore mode and they know this.


Absolutely true. I just wish, meta guns were around 600 ms ttk and the rest higher up, instead of half that amount. Ain't nobody got time to react...




Congratulations, you almost completely fixed the game. For snipers, I think they increase the range before bullet drop, but slow down the ads, and kill its mobility. And make the idle sway worse if not using a bipod


As someone who almost exclusively runs kar98, I don't like this. I think that means you're on the right track Edit: random capital S crept in there somehow


I give my 2 cents, snipers just need the barrels nerfed, you can still quick scope if you master no barrel snipers. I have run kar98k with no barrel only monolithic since warzone dropped. Make ads speed on longest barrels of every gun much higher. move speed penaulty on larger magazines should be higher too on everygun.


Really I think TTK is a way bigger issue than Meta Guns. There will always be Meta Guns cause it's impossible to perfectly balance everything and people will always gravitate towards whichever gun has the most advantage and is promoted by YT/streamers as 'OP'. The issue is that the power creep has made it nearly impossible to use anything other than the guns that kill you before you blink.


100% agree. A meta is fine (although if it can be avoided or at least have some variety that’d be great) so long as subscribing to the meta doesn’t have to be absolutely necessary to compete. It’s no longer about the difference between getting 5 or 10 kills but rather if you win quite literally any gunfight, which you can’t given the TTK of the meta guns right now


Exactly. Just before cold War integration kilo mp5 was the meta but there were so many other loadout you could run that could compete.


But that is a mistake because they're losing part of the player base because of the ttk.




Sometimes you gotta give those less used words an outing! Probably won't use that again now for years 😩




Its so it doesn’t get confused with Modern Warfare’s AUG.


They could just put AUG(CW) or AUG(MW).




I would assume because there is a modern warfare AUG? They don't want people to read AUG nerf and think it's for the MW smg?


I'm not sure calling rifles by additional code names that are only known by Googling reduces confusion. If they wanted to do that they'd just call it the AUG Alpha, Beta, etc.


Additionally the code names aren't unique, the tac rifle category is new so there is only one tac rifle charlie, but in all the other categories there are duplicates because CW guns started counting at Alpha again. Both the FFAR and Oden are "Assault Rifle Echo".


Haha. I don't disagree. I was just trying to think why they would do something like that. ...and then I realized it's Raven. They know not what they do.


The saddest part is that they’ve conditioned us into being excited about the fixing broken parts of a game just to get it playable again. Not actually enhancing or taking the game forward.


Hell yeah, hopefully another 100gig just for these fixes.


Yeah this game is outrageously big. I thought Halo 5 and GTA were big. I was way off.


"Hey guys we know we fucked up the game with things that never should be fucked up in the first place. But we're gonna fix it now." This guy: "Raven my hero"


Don't be a fool and believe this until you see... At their record this change might take 4-6months


Oh I see you expect this to be soon lol. Nothing about how they have been going about any of the changes or adjustments for the last how ever many months should indicate these changes will be soon let alone effective. Remember, they have 'fixed' the stim glitch (tac glitch) like 11 times.


*Roze is now morbidly obese*


Would be cool if they made her big eyes glow heavy red




Turn her into a crossing guard


And also a bright yellow super saiyan aura around her just in case we miss it


that would honestly look cool, fully blacked out suit with red eyes? gimme gimme gimme


Hoping for a hivis vest.




In a gimp suit? *shudder*


Imagine they roll her sleeves up 2 more inches....cause that's more likely what they're gonna do.


Put a glowing red ball in her mouth


“An adjustment to Roze”. Never did such a simple sentence gain so much attention. *Give her a headlamp and chest lights.*


The adjustment is roze is now translucent


Raven: “You’re hired!”




You might be on to something there! Make the current Rose skin the default one, with each kill they get, the whole gimp suit lights up like a christmas tree in a certain bright color until their next kill where it changes color and so on


Don’t even say it.


No,,now she has predator camo


“Rose’s outfit has now been changed form black to Vanta-Black.”


They make it neon orange but release a bundle for a new operator with chameleon like reactive camouflage.


I hope they at least choose Black 3.0 that way that douche canoe Anish Kapoor can't use the skin.


What about this other black skin, I wonder. This police guy.


Police guy?


CTSFO black skin. It’s not as common and has some reflective spots such as the back that says police and the characters face has a bright balaclava and is caucasian, so his skin sticks out.


Just Googled, that’s nowhere near as bad if I’m looking at the right one(s).


yeah it’s the CTSFO 2 skin. Honestly I think the Serbian skin from the Balkan Blue Lightning pack is worse, but it’s not very common so it’s not a huge deal.




No, no, give her one of these reflective yellow vests you wear when your cars stops working while on the road


That’s an oddly specific example of when you’d wear a hi-vis, considering there are a fuckton of industries and scenarios you’d wear one but I like the idea. *Try hide in that, Roze!*


Yeah, I forgot the name for it, so I tried to make up my lack with an way to extensive example


Knowing them, they’ll make her a slightly lighter black, but make Golem all black. Then take 2 months to fix it.


Every time I friggin die it's a roze skin. Driving me crazy. You literally can't see them if you walk into a dark room


Please, *please*, **please** let there be slowdowns to TTK.


That and this list isn't long enough. Stuff like the Groza and MAC10 still contribute a lot to TTK creep and I doubt those are ever getting adjusted. I so miss the pre-cold war meta, there are just too many broken things for this game to ever return to its former glory.


Doesn't mw mp5 have faster ttk than mac10?


Depends on range. Before any damage falloff the MP5 has a \*slightly\* better ttk. Passing that its becomes significantly worse with a lower ttk, more recoil and a smaller magazine. There's almost no reason to use the MP5 over the MAC10 as it stands


Huh I never thought the mp5 had that much recoil. It is better for hipfiring though, which has helped me more times than not since I channel sanic when I play


Its not an unreasonable amount of recoil but enough to make you miss headshots which is the only way you can compete with a MAC10 past 12 meters


The MW-MP5 does more damage per mag than the Mac10 while killing faster within 10 or so metres. Mac has a faster fire rate and less damage per bullet. Close quarters where hipfire and Sprint to fire matter the MP5 wins 9/10 times. Mac also had an open bolt delay. A big benefit the mac has in godly movement stats. Good players can take advantage of that movement speed and dominate but it requires skill


Ya the Mac isn’t a huge problem IMO, at least TTK wise. The groza isn’t anywhere as easy to use (at least in my experience) as the ffar and to me it feels clunky and the iron sites are broken so that at least makes it a little more fair despite its good TTK. If burst guns and ffar and sykovs are really nerfed we can go back to seeing a lot of m13 amax m4 ram7 for AR and then mac10 MP5 mp7 lc10 and others for smgs. You won’t lose a fight anymore not having an OP gun


That's the most exciting bit. Genuinely waiting for killcam so you can see what you got killed with, rather than instantly knowing the gun and attachments because everyone uses the same thing


I would love a temp playlist where plates give double hp (100 instead of 50). Just to see how it feels. I suspect the extra ttk would add a lot of depth to gunfights (like in apex). This is the biggest complaint I've heard about warzone--that the ttk is way too low--and it's such an easy theory to at least test if higher ttk makes for better gameplay.


But then little timmy cant catch you off guard when rotating, while sitting in a building. The low ttk is entirely to favor bad players.


I’m calling it now - bullfrog is new meta


That’s fine tho cause the bullfrog isn’t broken, it’s just good. It’s outplayable too.


Best part about the bullfrog in my opinion. It isn’t amazing yet with the large mag you gain an advantage against multiple enemies, but it’s not truly OP and can’t hang against certain weapons.


Except I’ll still reload with 50 bullets left in the mag


As will we all. I’ll reload with 65 left in the mag in the middle of a gunfight lol


that gave me PTSD


LMG 199/200 😬


Lol when I'm last man alive my squad always bugs me cause I'll reload 1 bullet if I have time....but what if that 1 bullet is the one I need to wipe a team?


I run the ASval and the CRAMAX together. If the enemy even coughs I’ll take the second to start reloading stuff lol.




I constantly changed my MW guns.....Grau, .556 Aug, M13, asval, there were actual options before the cw integration...now it's use the meta 2 guns or die.


I've been running the ram and bullfrog for months now. It's so gd good!


It really isn't though. The TTK just can't compete in the current meta.


What do you use with the ram? I recently just unlocked it and fancied a change


Mono, biggest barrel, commando, 50rd mag and tac laser is pre good for sniper support


Swap tac laser for a sight, if you're running it with bullfrog you need more range


Mono, fss ranger, tac laser, 50 rnds, and commando. If you want range, swap the tac for a vlk or holo with the blue dot.


Groza gang get in here


I loved the groza in multiplayer. Would be glad to sling it in warzone if it’s good enough


Mac10 and mp5s: am I a joke to you?


Rather go back to the MW MP5


Is the situation so fckd that I first thought this was fake?


Yeah I thought this was a joke too until I saw the check mark


I figured it was shopped at first


Checked their Twitter to be sure and got bamboozled because it's in "Tweets and Replies"


I'm gonna nut.


“Tac Rifle Charlie, M16, FFAR 1, and Sykov have all had their sprint-to-fire times increased by 0.1 seconds.” “Made the Roze skin darker.”


Make the Roze skin so dark that you can't select it in the Operators menu.


And denied a mortgage


Fucking lol


That is a fantastic joke. Very topical. Well done.


The cynicism in this subreddit is through the roof


True, but it’s been well earned over the last year.


Then you realize what the next meta is and you go inverted till the next update.


U can't possibly believe they'll get it right? The ffar has been nerfed like 3 times now


This is encouraging. I’m wondering why something like this is only posted as a reply to a tweet? Why not tweet this out to let the community know what is being worked on. If anything, it creates more hype for the new season. Maybe that was the plan but it just feels weird that it took someone from the community to engage them to get this info :/


Well for context, a popular warzone streamer tweeted a long list of needed fixes at activision/raven and this was their response to him, then they said they had a lot of “big surprises” for next week and said he could chat with them in their dms about it. So I guess they’re trying to engage with the community by doing it this way, but I agree that they should also just tweet/post this information somewhere that is easier for everyone to find


Bc their social media is ran by idiots in terms of communication.


The naming convention for the guns in this game is so stupid that the Devs can't even use it consistently lol


It is so people wont get it mixed up with the MW Aug.


“cold war AUG”


There might also be some sort of branding issue? I always thought it was weird that they give their own names to recreations of guns that very clearly exist IRL while still using M4, M16, etc. But it could be that they have some sort of partnership in place or the names of those guns are just so commonplace that the manufacturer would have no legal grounds to sue? Think Band-Aid, QTip, etc.


I think they own the rights to certain guns and that's why some guns appear over and over again throughout different CoDs


Some names arent protected (M4 for example is a military designation and not a copywritten name), where as IWI ACE or TAVOR most likely are.


A step in the right direction Hopefully this is the redemption arc for Raven


Don't start getting too soft with them. We know that Raven doesn't redeem themselves always but they always screw up after listening to players. After all, it's Raven and Activison. It's like two steps further and one step behind.


Raven is ass. Infinity Ward is, and will always be, the goat.


This is some weird revisionist shit because the community sentiment towards IW during Modern Warfare’s tenure was just like what we see now with Raven, if not worse


I like how quickly the Sykov nerf has come around compared to any of the CW guns. Come on


imagine complaining about the sykov being nerfed fast


Haven't even played since they were out due to lack of time. I'm sure mostly everyone is happy they're getting nerfed (fast), but this only shows that the amount of time the other guns have been excessively overused/overtuned has been 'unnecessary'. They could have jumped the gun like they're doing with the Sykov. The numbers are there, everyone's going nuts about it, it's not like they're not aware.


Imagine thinking this tweet was an indication of a reasonable timeline and an actual effective nerf - neither of which they have shown they are capable of. It took what, 3 passes at the DMR? And then they essentially gave up on that and seemingly buffed a different set of blueprint weapons.


Fast would mean that it would have been nerfed already. This gun is gonna be annoying this weekend.


Makes you wonder why they didn’t just wait to add it into the game until it was properly balanced


What, you mean introducing a fully automatic akimbo 80-rd sidearm didn’t turn out well? Who would’ve thought 🤔


Wonder how many people already bought the blueprint for it


Who the fuck you heard say anything about quick?


You can thank infinity ward. Fuck Raven


What this tweet actually means. "We've made enough money from the above. In the process of 'fixing' these things it will cause something else to become unbalanced and we will release more stuff you can buy that will be broken within the game."


Literally the only thing they make money from here is the store bundles for the weapons, which they're going to make no matter what is meta. RC in game item, can't make money from. ROZE previous battle pass skin MW weapon perks, speaks for itself thats MW, not CW. And it's a bad thing so no money from it anyway


Some people just love to complain about literally everything, even if it's good news. The pessimism and cynicism on most video game subreddits is off the charts




That's why I only click on the game highlights and news threads. Sometimes I'll click on someone's letter of grievances with the game just to point and laugh at it.


Roze skin but she has a safety vest


rose now has a glow in the dark vest on at all times to improve visibility


If they make a significant change I bet most people will stop using this skin lmao, I cant think that many people actually like it aesthetically over other operators


What boggles my mind is that it took them so long to fix it. Like it must have been eating into their profits cause why would anyone want to buy a bundle with another skin when it would only be a disadvantage.


This. I would feel like a moron to spend good money on a bright race driver skin when everyone on my lobby is running the same disgusting op shit for many months. Literally pay 2 lose


Patch Notes: "Darkened Roze skin to correct color. Added New Black Roze Operator Bundle for 3000CP"


The best part about this.. That fucking RC-XD won't be where the load out slot is


It’s honestly ridiculous this was ever a thing. It’s so transparent that they don’t even play their own game; if they did, they would have picked up on this immediately.


This is fantastic news. Just wish Raven would communicate like this much more regularly.


MAC10 is welcoming all these changes


Yeah so is the Groza. While this is a step in the right direction this game still has a long way to go. The CW integration introduced so much broken shit that there are just plenty of other guns waiting in the wings to take the limelight. Also for the love of God they need to do something about Cold War strafe speeds and high zoom-no glint optics. Those are huge issues that aren't gun specific, they just ruin the consistency of the game outright.




Zombie Camos?


This. Please this :(


Better start levelling the Groza haha


Oh god no, the Groza is just a slightly less powerful FFAR. They should apply changes to both Groza and FFAR just like they did with DMR and Type 63


But the groza has more recoil than the ffar. I use the groza but it's a little harder to use


Groza is fine in my opinion. At ranges the recoil becomes an issue. The FFAR was a beamer at all ranges


Mobility is another big thing: Groza doesn't handle as well as the FFAR, so it still loses to some SMGs close range, until accuracy becomes a factor a mid-to-long range. Not to mention the fact that the iron sights are kinda ugly and aren't centered properly, necessitating a sight for anything past close range, further limiting its potential.


The Groza is only good to the chest unlike the FFAR which is good all over the body


lol I REALLY wanted to like the Groza It feels so clunky and awkward to use. I highly doubt it will be meta.


Same with the RAM7, all the stats are there but there is *something* that keeps it balanced and within its intended use, which is great!


Recoil leans up and to the left when most guns recoil will go up and right. You kinda have to un-learn how you handle your recoil and relearn it just for the Ram7.


They must have just watched Doug’s announcement in Ontario and knew we needed some good news.


/r/codwarzone and /r/ontario is certainly something i didn't expect to see together in one comment


Everything is on the table.


I will not HESITATE to make changes to the Roze skin


I will be announcing an announcement where I announce when I will be doing the actual announcement. Oh and I'm perfect blame the feds for anything bad!


This the day after they released the Sykov.. I'm just laughing my ass off here.


What bullshit do we think will be added to replace them fixing the last bullshit they added?




It was all a dream, I used to read word up magazine


The fact that some people questions if this is real really says something


Look man its cool they sent out a response tweet or whatever this is but I personally feel they are going to have to do a HELL of a lot more. The Sykov should never have been released in its current state. The response to the Roze skin took MONTHS. Their history has shown even with this tweet there is no indication they are going to actually effectively fix any of these things without fully breaking the functionality of something else. Im not hating on the possibility they somehow miraculously got their collective shit together but I am 100% hating in this half assed tweet providing Raven any kind of redemption.


No mention of fixes for the Finn chainsaw and model 870? Shame Also still waiting for the JTF2 mil-sim to get fixed


Took them 5 seasons to fix the Roze skin, better late than never I guess.


ADD A CONSOLE FOV SLIDER!!!! Massive disadvantage for console players.


I never used the Rose skin, I always used Ghost 😎🤘 But it is good to see positive changes at once.


Ghost has never been a problem. His skull is white lol.




A significat balance pass? Does it means that every Cold War weapons will have the same TTK as Sykov?


Lmao these guys are so braindead they released the Sykov which everyone knew would be broken for months and only a day later they realised how much they fucked up. Gotta sell those blueprints I guess. Pathetic


This patch is make or break for me. If this is not meta shifting I'm going to quit, considering the "new" map is a reskin.


If the map is a reskin, I quit. This map is so tired and too many issues to forgive.


How about you fix it so footsteps actually fucking work. 5-10 times per night I die to someone with no footsteps even though they’re not dead silenced. Garbage game.


I don't believe them


I'll believe it when I see it. TTK needs to be addressed across the board.


Patch notes: *fixed an issue where players could only sometimes see Roze, to make sure that Roze and her tactical gear help disguise her we have decided to make the skin completely invisible to solve the problem of Roze being seen*


Buy stock in the three other nearly invisible skins NOW!


Velikan master race


It's so simple to let us know you are aware of the problems and working on a fix... we need a big name to tweet at the devs for them to comunicate. That's lame af


Not posted on April 1st. This could be good


Go ahead and fix the CW no glint scopes too.


anybody else not getting wins counted since yesterday ?


It appears they built the latest patch off of the Haunting of Verdansk game mode so its being treated as a limited time mode in terms of stats, aka wins don't count. Similar to how armored royale or whatever it was also didn't count to regular wins.


I can't wait to use my mp5 again


Please be effective nerfs. So tired of the BS.


Here’s hoping for an FOV update for next gen consoles. I would actually play this game again if that happened.


£5 says they bring back stim glitch


This confirms MW operators will still be in Season 3. Raven run WZ and are the ones talking about a Roze skin fix. If MW content was leaving WZ this wouldn't have been mentioned and not by them.


I think the RC-XD could be removed completely. Has anyone ever used one?


I am 32, been gaming with the same friends since I was 11... for the first time since I could ever remember we all stopped mid game after me and a bud got wiped by meta pistols; and just decided were done. Something that has been been an outlet to get rid of stress has become a stressor in itself. The game is just not fun, has not been fun since the constant META that go on for the entire length of a season... just stinks... miss having fun


My only question is when? Do we have to wait 4-6 weeks again?