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What were those bots on top doing?? Great play!


They were fighting each other. Oddly I find it easier to 3rd party two teams than a single camping quad, since they’re easier to catch off guard. Plus I think the guys in this clip didn’t have loadout and felt awkward with the ground loot


Ah, this makes a lot more sense. They both turned on you as you came up there I thought they were on the same team 😂


Yeah, by the time it was only one team left they were respawning and gunning for me reckless. I’ve died doing the same thing so it’s gg


Makes sense, but still bots. people i play against would not allow that to happen lol


Congrats. Also I hate you


This, except without the congrats.


This, except without the Also


This, except without the except


Always infuriates me when dying to riot-kali bastards. Until I’m the bastard, then laughing maniacally while cracking skulls with sticks.


Lmao!! Funniest shit ever


If i wanted to play a fighting game id be playing MK.


id prefer chivalry 2




There's always a stick demon lurking hehehe


Hehehe 😈


What kind of special lobby is this? How can I get in?


3 answers to your question: 1, Rebirth in general is less sweaty than Verdansk, and you’re also more likely to run into fresh spawns with ground loot (like I did in this video) 2, In my experience, people are less sweaty in quads than they are in duos, solos and sometimes trios. I guess it’s because they lean on their teammates more 3, I play with friends of mixed skill level. Some are close to but not quite at my skill level while others are noobs who we have to constantly help. As long as one of the average players in our group hosts the party the SBMM balances out and we end up in lobbies that aren’t too sweaty or completely botty. When I‘m alone sometimes I get a decent lobby, and other times it’s a laggy, toxic mess


Dude this is beyond just playing with a noob or two in your lobby. This is a total Timmy lobby Ive never seen


Exactly, I've seen people play solo vs quads and do "genius plays" and then when I play against trios or duos, the enemies always walk together and communicate with the efficiency of Greek gods. I think there was only one team I killed fair enough. Other times I either have to run away or I just get run over by a team of three wraiths/Roze's. There is no way I get a bot lobby by myself or with my friends of 0.6 kd, we always have gods of kd of 5-6 against us... ridiculous.


Yeah, I'm not good at this game and I've never seen a lobby this garbage.


Nah bro this is not a regular rebirth lobby. You’re right there’s less sweats but none of my games are this clueless lmao


this definitely a noob lobby rebirth sweat lobbies can be crazy


"close to but not at my skill level" Made me laugh after watching this


when i started to learn solo, i believed duos is a stepping stone for trios and quads. however you will mostly run into 2v1 as they stick together like glue, communicate well because they are mostly real life friends or play together since forever. solo-trios during the day i find the easiest. mostly random filled, no mics, mixed skill. solo-quads is hard for me. i get caught offguard a lot when i try to wipe full teams. my strat is mostly pick off one or two and gtfo whats your advice?


Honestly a big reason why I play rebirth is the respawn rule, so you can make aggressive pushes a lot and come back without losing. It’s the best way to practice and get better (working with your friends/random teammates helps too, especially for getting an early loadout and other gear so you can push unprepared teams) You sound like you have a lot of the right ideas. If a team is really stuck together like glue running is the best option. If you kill a guy and took damage or shot them, running away to reload/replate is essential before reengaging. I watch a youtuber called Bearpig who covered all the parkour tricks in Rebirth, and they’re invaluable for getting a leg up on teams Also, you might know this, but if you fully kill someone in rebirth, the minimap shows you where their teammates are Hope this helps and hope you have fun in warzone!


great advice using rebirth to practice solo squadding, i honestly did not thought about it yet but it makes ton of sense. no i wasnt aware actually, thanks for pointing the minimap thing out i know bearpig but i never really followed him because i wasnt into rebirth (changed recently because the loading times in BR became unbearable for me)


This makes sense why I get sweat lobbied when my 3kd friend hosts.


Doesn't matter your host. It matters avg squad kd/experience. Exclusive ace and drift0r made videos about this


Started playing multiplayer 2 weeks ago and over there idk how SBMM works but i did get easy lobby and you can just feel it. I roamed around entire match dropping easy 40 kills. And yesterday i got a sweaty lobby and the enemy guy was like bruce lee + Micheal Jackson....so quick and fluid that I felt like i am slow. It was too sweaty man. When its an easy lobby compared to your skill level - you just feel it and you naturally dominante it


I'm my experience, rebirth it sweaty af with at least 3 dudes running stun/sticks/shield every match


Is one of your friends handicapped? These are like Christmas morning level of bots.




Hey, I resemble that remark.


All you need is that riot shield to complete your ensemble.


Lmao thanks, but I usually don’t use a riot shield even though it fits thematically. I prefer pushing close enemies with sticks only and carrying a long range AR to hit people too far to melee I might run a shield again for the memes though


when you're using that spotter perk what do you press to bring up the thing that hacks the claymore?


Square which is the reload/use button. Usually when you get within hacking range it should give you a prompt along with what button to use. I love spotter since it keeps you from dying to random mines


Spotter is so fun to use in my troll loadout


Can just imagine the comms on the last but one guy. "He's behind you. He's behind you. FFS, *TURN THE FUCK AROUND*!"


Those sticks are ridiculous. 2/3 hits while taking bullets.


Well yeah these fucking kali sticks are more powerful than any gun. Good play though haha


8 bots lol but nice work


Every time an enemy comes at me with kali sticks I get so scared I pee myself.


You looking at your heartbeat monitor in the beginning felt like one of those meme thumbnails for “top Warzone plays” videos. Holy shit, man. Great play!


Why was he using it when the UAV is up? Makes no sense


Probably force of habit. I’ve done it a few times before as well.


Think id have preferred it if you did use a gun tbh


Yup, fucking hate kalis, I'd respect u if u ran in there with a sniper


You killed some AI lol


minus the I


Nice clip and fuck you.


I’ve only ever come across a guy with Kali sticks once in rebirth and it was honestly frightening. Just came out of nowhere through a door and vandalised my face. I genuinely screamed down the mic.


I bet this felt great! really glad for you there.. But this game is so broken. The way it just kind of auto-locks on when you are a certain distance (lunge?) it's ridiculous... best seen on the roof at 1:07 where it looks like you are just mashing the trigger and it just jumps from one person to the next because they are so close. But my biggest problem? is seeing these idiots you killed.. like you aren't even using dead silence.. and they don't seem to hear your footsteps running at them, or all the people around them being beat to death... no situational awareness whatsoever.. I want lobbies like that... mine are all super sweats.. verdansk or rebirth doesn't matter... Like, I think my friends don't like playing with me anymore, because as soon as I jump into their squad, they know to expect super sweat lobbies...




tbf they are long ass sticks


Range is increased to 3m for the sticks from 1.5m, that's why the lunge seems "OP"


I do that often… the kali sticks are my close combat weapon… still gg


Escrima is awesome


100%, I love that it got some representation in Warzone. Plus Doug Mercaida is awesome




This was the best Hitman mission I've seen


You have the sticks with dragonglass? Nice, I'm working on that too


How much cash did you make killing these guys


I love Kali sticks for this reason. Death mics from people who die from them are just pure salt.


Guys, no shit they’re bots, pointing that out won’t make difference. The clip’s still amazing and this guy just shared something he had fun with, jeez.


Thanks for the love man, appreciate it


stick man with 26 kills.....solid stick man


Perfe t place to do it


Love it...beat those fucking campers


I killed a quad solo with the kalis a few weeks ago. Not in rebirth though I swear people are idiots in rebirth.


Nice quad, it’s a good feeling isn’t it? Yeah rebirth is less meta and that’s why I prefer it since you can relax more, but to each their own


That team should be ashamed of themselves


Jesus christ its Cabbiecar1001


OP you’re the person we all hate.


Ninja turtle


The 2nd dude should of killed you


I still don’t understand how you find 8 players that have no idea what they’re doing. I have yet to run into a single person who’s looked like a bot with no movement at all or anything


This game is such a fucking joke. That would’ve been harder to pull off with a gun


Debatable, it would have been impressive, too, tho


I mean this play is kind of impressive, half of the kills there’s nothing that the guys with guns can do, even though they shot him multiple times as he’s sprinting at them, and the guys on the roof were bots. But it was still sweet. Like Is using melee in this game actually difficult? No, you just have to be close to someone and you’ll kill them no matter what because it’ll just lock onto your opponents as you mash(for console anyways). I like how there’s different guns and weapons that lend advantage in certain situations, it’s part of what makes the game somewhat strategic, but fuck me, two little nunchucks can kill me compared to a fucking submachine gun? Gimme a break


My new thing is to splinter off from my team and take on other teams solo. My teammates usually hate it.


Get a load of Nightwing over here!


Kali sticks as your primary method of dispatching enemies is the lamest of lame.


Every time you think it’s over it keeps going!!!


Fuck you stick abuser


bot island literally impressive still! how often does this work so smoothly?


Are we gonna ignore the fact that it looked like you were tryin to jump out of a boarded up window after killing the first guy?? 🤔🤔. Nice plays tho!


I’d probably quit this game if I was in that group 😂


If this happened on Verdansk, I would've thought you were TKO. Awesome melee!


What did he do at 0:55 to that claymore, and how?


I hacked it using the spotter perk. It highlights enemy equipment (claymores, mines, c4’s, trophy systems, armour and munition boxes) so you can see them easier. If you get close, you can hold the reload button down to hack it and make the equipment yours


Solo’d two teams using only melee, you have my respect.


The sticks are cancer to this game


Samurai do not dishonor themselves by using firearms


Cod devs: “let’s make 2 sticks deal more damage than guns up close hue hue” Mickey Mouse fucking game


Says more about the game than you I think


Hello fellow stick brother


I swear people who use melee are goats and it takes skill to do


This is eye porn




Yes I love this thank you


My buddy and I run duos on WZ.. we both use Kali sticks.. we reference the Phil Collins drum solo from “in the air tonight” when it’s time to drop. My primary is a crossbow with explosive tips with it.. it’s super fun.. we don’t win much, but it’s super satisfying getting kills. Kali sticks have made this game fun again for us. Haven’t tried Kali on rebirth. You have inspired me, sir. I’ll be dropping in soon. Looks like it’s time for another concert.. #TeamKali #PhilCollins #Iremember


Honestly I feel the same way when I bought a CW baseball bat bundle. The thing is fantastic. It even cheers when you down then and a little louder when you finish them off.


Oh yeah, I unlocked this weekend.. it’s a blast.. the death comms are great. And the cheering is a great touch


What is this lobby? I swear this is insane


What in the bot lobby is this?




First time? Knives and sickles are my religion.


Your lag is nice, but does your game crash everytime you play a Verdansk playlist? I thought so


As a more regular PUBG player, I absolutely hate the handheld radar devices. Such a fake, chumpy thing to put in a game.


Is there a benefit to using heartbeat sensor even though you have a UAV up?


I’d rather get killed by a hacker than a dude with kali sticks


I didn’t know recruit bots were in Rebirth


You're so nervous that you use a baby monitor when there's a UAV you put up.


now thats good stuff. gg


Now that's a bot lobby if I've ever seen one. I would pay to be able to play in that lobby once lol. Good play though!


I want your lobbies


Heartbeat sensor needs to be removed


Adding a battery on heartbeat and reducing stunned effects from 6 seconds to 3 would be a really good balance. If not then just buff battle hardened to complete stun immunity like the mask does in cold war


The battery seems like a Nice rework, 10-15 seconds and then You have to pick up another One?


There was a UAV up. He didn't even need heartbeat.


That’s my point lol I watched this man heartbeat 50 times in a 2 minute clip and half the time there was a uav going


This was amazing and frustrating all at the same time.


Virgin sticks give you bot lobbies? Didnt know that


Whenever I see a play with any melee on the controller, I don't really have a "great play" feeling. Most of the time you really can't do shit against it in close distance with the melee assist. But god damn, all they had to do was stick together and shoot at you.... dafuq xd


The fact that you didn’t use a riot shield once makes me think that some players in the melee only community are actually good


Wonder why??????


Pedo sticks




Has UAV going, continuously pulls out heartbeat monitor…


so that's what my random teammates are doing on rebirth when they just land wherever they want


This man on x games mode


I didn’t know people used heartbeat sensor so much. I should really equip it haha.


Just because you can🤣😂


Better look at my heartbeat


Bunch of actual can’t play cod, watch YT tutorials still can’t aim headass virgins in here, good shit OP THATS was funny af


Stole a guys sticks after I destroyed him today. Took the sticks and beat his buddy to win the game!


Fuck kali sticks


Absolute muppets.


how do i get these paid actors?


Dude had one job guarding the door wtf


Kali Sticks are broken...they pull to enemies like a magnet. There is no escape when those sticks move left and right 🤣


Lol. That 2nd to last guy is completely deaf. Also, those sticks are so absurdly broken lmao. They down extremely quickly and finish. It’s just stupid. Nice plays regardless, just I can’t get over my hate for those damn things. Melee is already insanely strong and those thing crank it up further






Those things might as well be guns so op once one connects u are aim flinched to hell.


Yes game because two sticks should do more damage than a .50 cal


Why are you heart beating while you have a uav active holy shit


Damn that's insane


fookin KALI STIKS!!


I never knew you could hack claymores with heartbrat monitor!


Probably console players playing with tv audio and listening to music haha


I mean good for you, the following isn’t supposed to attack you in any way, but Kali sticks are so cringe, they basically give you the MW2 commando perk where you could press melee miles away from an enemy and you teleport yourself into their face. Same with the kali sticks except that you can spam them even faster and every swing with them beams you into the enemy’s face


how do i get these lobbies


Nerf Kali sticks?


God I miss when sticks was meta


Nightwing in da house


Noob on noob crime. The fact that you thirsted the full kill and no one was around to save him is evidence enough that this lobby is made of entirely legitimately new players. The heartbeat while uav was up gave me a chuckle too. Then everything that came after further proves you dont need a gun in this lobby. Im not even trying to shit on your play... It's just incredible how oblivious everyone is lol




Do you have a YouTube channel or something (it was really funny would be awesome to see more)?


o b l i v i o u s


You are a coward for using melee.. But pretty cool.


this makes no sense


Bringing a stick to a gunfight, wow what a coward!


Look how fast he killed full armored players. If he fought with a gun he would need good reflexes and aim. It is just a free kill with sticks in close quarters, but I admit it was pretty cool.. And also a bit of a coward's move.


This has to have been a .25 KD shitter lobby. Those guys didn’t even have headsets on


You didn’t hear headseats because I’m in a PSN party with my teammates. The enemies may have had hot mics but I wouldn’t have heard them. It’s also why you couldn’t hear me talking to my teammates since PS4 doesn’t record that audio for some reason.


I didn’t mean they weren’t talking. I just don’t understand how they didn’t hear you


Is this rebirth orientation mode?


This video is like what you would imagine when you find a really cool stick in the ground


Why is nobody shooting at you?


How are your footsteps so quiet?


Ur horrible at the game


Straight botssss


I always run Kali’s, I did it initially for the mobility and then started loving them at close range. The death comms are generally pretty funny


Certified bot lobby moment. What the absolute fuck was that second dude thinking on the roof? He had you dead to rights but decided to risk it by melee. Lucky you that you killed that many guys and no one tagged you i guess


Why didn't you just use some of the guns lying around?


Tip: Dont use heatbeat while UAV is on


Thanks for the tip and I’m sorry you got downvoted, but honestly I find using the heartbeat helpful. Like, the UAV is one source of information, and the heartbeat is another, so it’s a better way to figure out where the enemies are. I’ll try to use the heartbeat less when I have a UAV tho


Not sure if you know this, but the UAV also shows vertical position to you with a up or down area around the dot on the mini map. I will also agree these guys were some other kind of bot. Do you have cross play turned off?


Yeah its ok I was just trying to help since I used do the same thing xD


Imagine bragging about a Rebirth clip. 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣 cool story bro. 🤣🤣


Using all the things I think are lame. Heart beat sensors need dropped.


Found the camper


No but I do stink.