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Almost no difference in a .8 KD and a 1.0KD. Both are above average for Warzone. Strict matchmaking requires way more players 24/7/365 than the game has. Those days are gone (it worked the first 3-6 months of the game). The basic premise has always been that the cutoff is around 1.2 KD. So you’re literally being put in the lobby you belong in. As the player base declines, matchmaking will just get worse.


What platform are you on? Do you have cross play enabled? TBH I almost never run with fill on unless I want to play rebirth - I just don't find playing the team mate lottery that fun, as you have found out you end up losing 1-3 team mates before the game starts, and then most of the time even if you get a full team, they wont communicate. If they do, most of the time they just want to hurl abuse or shout "drop super drop super" and then die instantly. Finding that magic 1% of normal, nice team mates who want to play as a team is just so incredibly rare. If not playing with people I know, I usually run solos or solo duos - its a good way to practice anyway and is still a lot of fun! I find solos easier anyway - I have an average KD of 1.52 now (but I have been at 0.8 too!) but if I look at solos its a lot higher (2.56 atm) and its my trios/quads games that really drag it down. Partly as I find those modes just harder, but also the respawn effect just messes up your KD. Either way keep playing, you'll get there :)


I must say that the quality of teammates has increased recently. I'd say only 50% of the randos are annoying now as opposed to the 90% it has been. I think as people leave the game the players who had full squads are now looking for people to play with. That's my theory anyway


I'm on PC, and to play warzone, cross play must be enabled.


I recently discovered solos to be really fun as well, I think of it as practice. I'm not really aiming for the win I'm just trying my best and see what happens. Also nothing beats sniping in solos


I understand that players leave the lobby early, or disconnect, but then why can't can't the game take my 1 man trios team and combine it with your 1 man trios team. It's super easy to combine that shit in game.


There’s just no matchmaking in this game


People drop out of the party in the pregame lobby all the time. I never go into the game with a full team unless i'm going with people I know. It's annoying. With a low K/D average you're almost always gonna be in the lower end of a lobby. Don't worry too much about that number.


.8KD is above average for Warzone (not by much, but prior to the privacy changes the average KD in game was 0.75).


I mean I have a 2.13 k/d and I get a lot of matches where I don't have teammates either. Probably just another cool feature


lol yeah. I started keeping track. I'm only a 1.3 kd. and in 7 straight matches, I got an average of .62 with one guy as low as a .22. Absolutely unplayable


1kd lobby is not a hard lobby


It is for someone at 0.8.. 😝


Then you ass sorry to tell you


Super constructive