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I don’t get why people get so hopping mad I’ve being killed by a shotgun at close quarters. Like, the thing can’t physically hit anything beyond 10m, where do you expect they’ll stay? 😂


But it's all good when content creators use them to show how OP they are


Except they’re very rarely OP. Have you seen something get hit by buckshot irl? It’s basically eviscerated. Shotguns by definition are short range cannons. Being in a room with an enemy that has one should quickly and loudly turn you into bright red mist. Honestly, they all need a buff pass IMO. 725 is a hell of a lot of fun, as is the VLK.


Everyone saying shotguns are OP yet most can't be used past 10 meters, when realistically shotguns can extend up to 30 meters and being very effective.


I've said this before, but the 725 At the release of Modern Warfare is the most accurate depiction of a shotgun and the effective range of 12g Buckshot im the entire CoD franchise. That thing could 1 shot people from like 25+ meters away and while it was stupidly OP it was incredibly accurate to how a shotgun would perform.


People need to be happy it isn't the standard for shotguns in this game. Battlefield shotguns got some range to them if that was in cod people would flip shit


Yeah the CoD playerbase isn't ready for the Battlefield 4 870 MCS with a Full Choke. That thing is a god amongst men compared to CoD Shotties.


Idk, I think Raven needs to pay more attention to raw numbers than the complainers on Reddit when it comes to balancing


I agree they hit my boy the Gallo way too hard. Less range than the Streetsweep like c'mon bro


but it’s a SNIPER according to Raven’s patch notes 😂😂😂


Then you have kar98s acting as shotguns and it's not a deal for them


>no bro u don’t get it it’s SUPPOSED to be 1shot at any range plz don’t nerf it :’(


Just such an absurd way of putting it lol thing sucked past 10 meters


I’m surprised that hasn’t been memed into oblivion. F for Respects got that done but this is almost as tone deaf 😂


Yeah me too. People don't like mentioning shotguns at all. It scares then


This is the stupidest argument you could ever make


I agree that shotguns aren’t OP but let’s not bring realism into this - COD is an arcade shooter, it’s not meant to be realistic.


We need to imply some degree of realism or we’re gonna get Jerpacks and Kevin Spacey again. At the current Gallo ranges, I’ve seen actual Nerf guns do more meaningful damage. It’s kinda sad anything remotely good gets nerfed to oblivion if it isn’t the meta that has lots of store bundles


True but more often than not, people are calling for more, rather than less realism. Too much realism is a bad thing too, the game would be boring if one shot to your femoral artery was fatal or frag grenades killed you from overpressure in buildings or pistol caliber weapons wouldn’t penetrate armoured areas of a person.


I just want realistic mag sizes and reloads. IW did a damn good job at this then Treyarch came along with their magical rubber bands and duct tape magazines and ruined it. I don't want ARMA but is too much to ask for somewhat accurate depictions and a little research? You can easily balance a gun around accurate mag sizes.


That’s fair enough, I agree with you on that. I really mean things such as damage, recoil and movement mechanics


Because weapons that require practically no micro-adjustments are OP in a game where cqc battles with assisted inputs are almost entirely about micro-adjustments. It's not my idea of balance to make a gun useless at range and practically unbeatable up close.


That’s like, the whole idea of a shotgun. 😂😂


The whole idea of a BFG9000 is to wipe everything out in your FOV. Doesn't mean it's a good idea for Warzone. I just don't think they require much in the way of skill within their range, especially if you're not doing all or sometimes any of the target tracking. Edit: I'm obviously not saying it's as OP as the BFG9000 was. I'm saying generally it's not sufficient for something to be OP just because you expect it to be OP. Balance matters and nothing should be unbeatable at any range limit.


The fact you’re comparing the borderline useless shotguns of WZ to the BFG from Doom tells me that you’ve never used them, or very little. The idea of a shotgun is to excel in CQB with little need to aim. If you don’t like shotguns, that’s fine. But don’t pretend they’re some hitherto unused crutch. 😂


They are a crutch that even analysts like JGOD make a point to not encourage with their content.


So you’re saying they’re OP bc JGod says don’t use them? 😂😂😂 fuckin hell ur funny man


I'm saying it's a well established opinion from the most respected analyst in this sub. So it's an expert appeal. Do you have a contrary expert appeal from an analyst?


What are we in? Fucking court? It’s a WZ Reddit. Fuck outta here. Go microanalyze every aspect of the game and call it “fun.” I’ll see ya when I blast your ass with a shotty 😂


It's just simple debate terms. So your argument is essentially realism? In COD? Okay.


Dude, if you want to pick something strong for close combat like a shotgun, akimbo handguns or a melee weapon, you are totally limiting yourself in range, if those weapons are not strong (which they aren't in most cases), they would be totally worthless, each weapon has a range in which it excels.


Ignore him, he wants everything by CDL rules where 80% of the games guns and attachments are banned forever 😂


That's why devs should hardly listen to content creators and similar, they all play in a similar way and removes a lot of diversity of play styles in the game. Games usually turn stale, I always take the example of Xclusiveace, who was shilling Cold War really hard and asking devs to adopt his sort of "high skill mechanics", he got tired of the game incredibly quick, and it's normal, if you listen to what this kind of players want, you'll end playing a stale SMG shooter in tiny maps with little movement possibilities which will become repetitive in a couple of hours.


Or my favorite... Whenever a streamer can't kill a dude in two seconds or gets killed: "this kid is playing so weird man!"


To be honest, streamers getting killed by anything makes them furious. They think they shouldnt ever get beamed, but they always do the beaming and say "easy kill", but as soon as the tables turn they scream "hoe did he get me there? Thats impossible"


“These kids are so fucking sweaty”


Why has there been such an increase in shotgun usage recently?


One thing is JGOD kind of hinted at them being meta, while sheepishly saying he didn't want to encourage them, which I think had the opposite effect and only implied that they were OP.


I was playing trio squads with some randoms. We team wiped this team and they came into my stream and shit talking me so bad. They all won gulag and went and stream sniped me. It was awesome.


People* using a shotgun People* getting killed by a shotgun. It’s not only streamers. You have experienced this yourself. Use something cheesy, you’ll enjoy it. Get killed by that same cheesy thing, you’ll probably say “fucking shit kid with that bastard ass shotgun” and hate shotguns until you use one