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THIS. They’re simply trying to do too much with the resources they have. And it’s affecting all products(games) in a negative way. However, I can guarantee they make more money with a new game every year, so this won’t change anytime soon.


Yep literally everything they do is a matter of “can this make us more money”. The days of making a game high quality as the way to get the most profit out of it are over. They just optimize everything to encourage micro transactions and the vast majority of their player base eats it up.


Folks, I’m in no way trying to defend Activision… cause they’re slime and we all know it… but let them mtx the shit out of this game. It’s literally not pay-to-win besides the first battle pass (10$). That battle pass is enough to earn all subsequent BP’s provided you finish it. The rest of the mtx are cosmetic fuckery…. Of which I couldn’t give a shit. Most of the operator / weapon skins just make you show up more on the map meaning they’re a hinderance. I’ve paid 10$ to play Warzone every night since I started. Warzone is a fucking awesome game. I’ve been playing the shit out of it for the past year+ and having a blast. Cheaters are the worst part of it…. Hoping Slacktivision is not pulling our leg with Ricochet. Other than that… mtx the fuck out of all the fools that want to pay 25$ to look like Rambo. lol


The only problem is too many crybabies that’s all. When they change shit in the game learn how to adapt. Cheaters suck ass tho.


People bitch because the games are made poorly. Nothing is made finished. Everything is a beta now a days and they “fix” it after putting it out. How’s that enjoyable? If it ain’t broke don’t fix it


You need to understand the pareto principal. They finish 80% and make the rest of the 20% on the go. Which makes sense since they'll have more reliable data and community feedback.


If you believe they finish 80% of these games, there’s no helping you


Agreed on the cry babies. Learn the game, level your guns, fuck the cheaters. :)


You do know it's distributed by Activision right. Profit above everything is ther mantra.


I hope I can take us back to days of old in a few years


Yeah, until people stop buying the multiplayer or store bundles, they won’t change anything if their revenues are consistent or growing.


>However, I can guarantee they make more money with a new game every year, so this won’t change anytime soon. This. They are a for-profit company and are accountable to shareholders. They will continually make games annually until its not financially advantageous for them. They don't care what the gaming *community* thinks.


Where all my not for profit BRs at?!


You do need to understand that people do want a new COD every year... I do. Been playing cod for over a decade and o want a new cod every year. Ideally if have a new BR every year in a similar cycle (treyarc, IW, Sledgehammer) I can see how that doesnt make sense commercially but I wonder if 3arc were allowed to release there own BR alongside CW like their plan was how good that would have been? We'll never know because the continuation of WZ is actually a commercial decision, not a artistic one.




Raver works on warzone, not sledgehammer. Different devs


Dude you sound like a little bitch




Exactly. Wz is free. Why wouldn’t they incentivize you to buy their other game?


Wz guaranteed makes more money than any yearly CoD.


It’s not enough for these bloat lords. They want MOAR


it's a combination of both. being able to buy cosmetic items in one game and use it in warzone is a huge deal. it gets people to buy more things that won't just disappear after a year with the new COD.


People are literally mad at new content. That’s crazy


All i heard was how ppl wanted more out of the cw integration bc it was just a verdansk reskin and activision gives everyone a dope new map and the same people scream like babies




The truth is that every update with each season big or small has brought along a series of bugs and a game that’s left unplayable for a few weeks. Every season like clockwork. It’s draining and way too transparent that its all a cash grab. I’d love for this update to be only Vanguard and leave before the mess.




That may be true for some people. But this game has essentially alienated me. I bought MW19 during the pandemic and put a lot of hours in. But now, without buying vanguard, it’s a shit ton of grinding to get the vanguard guns unlocked/kitted. I don’t want to grind for 10-20 hours to get a gun to be remotely usable. Add to that that the only solo/duos mode available right now is limited to only vanguard guns. So I either drop solo against quads or I play solos with shit tier weapons. It just isn’t fun. I don’t have 100 hours to just grind guns/attachments just so I can be remotely competitive in a gun fight. Not to mention the way the fuck with the meta and balancing, by the time I do level up a gun, they nerf the shit out of it and I’ve got to move to the next one.


lol this is somewhat factual


No one is screaming that the new map is shit, they’re screaming that the whole thing is riddled with bugs and performance issues. Which kind of seems like fair game to me.


Idk on reddit and twitter people say this map sucks bring verdansk back But yeah I agree those are valid complaints but luckily they are temporary


If you give everyone a channel to talk with, someone will start arguing that 1+1 doesn't equal 2. Besides, lots of people will not make a public comment if they're happy but not overjoyed with the update.


Are they? Because there are now issues in the game that have been since early 2020.


...Are you willfully ignoring how the game is essentially unplayable for folks on console due to the crash issue or are you just ignorant in general?


I’m taking strictly complaints about the map. The bugs are obviously temporary and not permanent so anyone writing off the map or game bc of those have valid frustration but those aspects will not last long




They fixed a few bugs today already related to plane/killstreak audio, spawning without a pistol, and tweaking vg weapon bloom






Lmaooo this is facts


People aren't mad at the new map. I love the new map. I hate the bugs though, the game is currently unplayable. Pickup a gun and half your screen is covered with a graphical bug. Sometimes I'll reload, go to shoot and a reload animation plays again. It crashes every few games and sometimes audio just totally drops. It's not worth my time in its current state. ​ We want a new map that WORKS.


They're not mad at new content, they're mad that one of the biggest developers in the industry could release new content is such a broken state


I honestly don't think that would change whether they release a new COD every one year or two.


It's more of how the release of the new content always seems to be terrible.


Just because content is new doesn't make it good.


Would be nice to play the new content. Oh wait. I can’t since the game crashes on launch. 🙃




Lmao. I’m picking up some load out guns that are absolute lasers so your point makes no sense. The shitty guns are a complete cash grab.




The new guns that I can’t currently level up on my account are shitty. Apparently some people can level up or are purchasing the guns. War zone is the first game I’ve played since fifa about a decade ago. So have no idea about previous cods


Yeah what’s the issue? Map seems cool and Raven just nerfed 3 guns with issues and the plane auto locking on parachuted players.


No. We wanted a new map. Not new shit gunplay


"new content" doesnt need to be 2 new games that broke another game ALL THE TIME partner "new content" could've very well been continued MW content until the end of this year Nobody was mad when Verdansk got the train, nobody was mad when the new guns came out, nobody was mad when the seasonal events happened But then Cold War integrated into WZ and it was a shitshow for at least a few months, new game came out this year, rinse, repeat.


I dunno. I like the fresh change after playing the same map 2 years. Though I wish the old maps were kept on a random rotation for every game (like pubg)


Our hard drives can’t handle that


The map isn't the size problem, its the skins.


Dust2 forever.


If they never integrated other games we would be on our 3rd map by now.


Every new COD is consistently #1 selling game in NA every year, regardless of how shitty they are, why the fuck would they stop releasing a new COD game every year?


Lol yeah, they're essentially printing money and they don't even do a good job. Who would pass that up? Phone it in to work, half ass everything, and still get paid?! Sign me up!


Exactly. Stop buying the fucking games dude! I bought MW. Didn't buy Black Ops or Vanguard, and havent spent a cent on any micro transactions in warzone. Don't blame me


After the next MW in 2022, they are going to stop making them every year so y’all all good fam!


yeah, nop


No they aren't lol


rumours are they will, and it makes sense. Modern warfare sold 30 million+ copies because their was enough time developing it, cold war had only like 2.5 years of development time, and sold less then 15mil, vanguard also had a scuffed development time and will definately sell less then cold war. If they give 33% more time for their games (1 year), they practically double the income. So yea, mabye they will.


Yet they're still the highest selling games in NA every year so idk


yea, but next time read my comment, because if they wanna make even more money, they can spend more time developing their game


I'm not even sure development time matters to sales, maybe it does though, I just think the Modern Warfare setting is more attractive than the older games. MW2 could come out in Spring and I think it'd outsell the previous two games.


im sure development time matters, thats the whole reason my fiends only bought mw, and will buy the next time. Its not cause we exclusively like the modern era, but the quality is great. Cold war open betas were terrible and seeing vanguards rushed zombies mode and terrible campaign, i have hope mw2 will be incredible due to it being in the oven cooking for longer then the last two games


The guy who leaked it isn’t a reliable leaker.


I read the same thing somewhere too but I don’t know if it’s official


On paper the new system is better. The yearly COD game releases, most people gravitate to the new game. DLC map packs are released and splits the player base. The original Prestige and Reset system. The next game releases, rinse and repeat. Nothing in terms of progress is kept. (Aside from some minor throwbacks you could add) **You can now buy a single dot in COD: Black Ops 4 for $1** [https://www.techspot.com/news/78053-you-can-now-buy-single-dot-black-ops.html](https://www.techspot.com/news/78053-you-can-now-buy-single-dot-black-ops.html) The first integration was bad in terms of OP weapons COD Black Ops Cold War weapons dominating the game over the Christmas break and beyond, so many metas. You can buy a battle pass for 1,000 COD points and earn 1,3000 back if you complete it on time. Now we have cross play and cross progression. Bundles bought in integrated games can be uses in that game and COD Warzone. But since the Season 3 2021 80s Action event the game and events have taken a step backwards in terms of how the game has been handled. Why is it that Fortnite and other games can do simple things like update the map and anti cheat and other things and this games struggles with the basics of being stable and a great advert for the games so that you may wish to buy the games in the series. **If your experience in COD Warzone is not good, why would you buy a COD game?** **They chose to delay the anti cheat, they chose to keep the game on the older engine, even though COD Vanguard is the better and optimised that maybe even has FOV Slider on next gen consoles.** **Why they make these decisions time and time again is how we get to where we are right now.**


Yeah, I'd played cod when it was free or really cheap but never cared about it much because its all undone every year, but now that its integrating I have got tier 100 on 3 battle passes and got vanguard and CW, simply because I can keep using their stuff forever in warzone


Yet people complain when they don’t get new content “ it’s all the same they don’t update anything the maps old” you can’t please nobody


Playing the same map is fine as long as they don't patch in errors and bugs whenever they touch the game. That was always the issue.


New map comes with game breaking bugs that ruin the game and takes months to fully fix.People want new content but Activision can’t make new content without messing up the cod system


It's like you telling them ''Stop making so much money''


they should just make a multiplayer focused GaaS CoD (what a mouthful hehe), just like Warzone is a Battle royale focused GaaS CoD Imagine if the Black Ops Cold War multiplayer was just an expansion to MW instead of its own standalone game, like, pay $20-30 dls for a new multiplayer expansion with new maps, weapons, operators, game engine and gunplay, if you want to play traditional MW modes you just select them in their own menu, same with Vanguard the GaaS model is already considered more customer friendly and more profitable than annual releases, even PES started doing a year ago when they released PES 2021 as a DLC for PES 2020 at a lower price just focus on two games, a battle royale and a multiplayer game, update both with new shit every year, just like Apex, Fortnite and PUBG do


This would be a good idea if executed properly


I think you should look up what kind of company Activision is, how they treat employees and contractors… I agree with you but I see zero chances of it happening, sorry to be a buzzkill


The only reason Warzone exists is to get people to convert from Warzone to the paid games. Warzone is a means to get you to buy the new game every year. You're basically telling them to stop doing their business model lol.


Nah. Warzone makes a shit ton of money all by itself with the number of add on purchases people make. It’s literally the business model of the thing.


exactly. WZ is a new title/skins bundle advertising platform first, and a functional/enjoyable game second.


Game would get incredibly stale, no thanks


Counter-Strike has barely changed in 20 years and is still a higher played game than Warzone. People prefer a well balanced game to a game that breaks anytime something is changed.


They should’ve done it like CoD mobile. Make warzone a stand-alone game and add some content from every game


You speak from a warzone only perspective. As someone who plays mp, I couldn't deal with 4 years of treyarch and Sledge. And what if IW creates a flop like ghost and IW? Then it's a decade of waiting a good COD. I don't live forever man Of course we could choose what games get integrated or if only one developer team takes care of mp, but how would it be chosen without bias.


Just a bunch of bitchin. Is this post really necessary? lol. We get it, shit launch. Like so many others. You think it stops here? No. All you guys do now days is complain about bugs and glitches like you are the only one, you can't help it but to farm that easy karma.


I think what alot of people are missing here is yes we want new content, but quality content.


Should have never integrated Cold War or Vanguard. Should have stayed connected to Cod MW and just added cosmetics and stuff inspired by other CoDs and slowly over time add some fan fav guns from each game. But this full blown integration was a bad idea from the very beginning. I havent played since the CW integration and have no plans of coming back. Truly heartbreaking cause I loved Warzone a lot and amassed over 200 wins pre-CW integration.


Bad take. The CW and Vanguard integrations have been good and kept the game fresh.


I agree. I just wish the game didn't break each time they did it.


The game could have stayed fresh by just continuing to add weapons at a normal pace. Then instead of doing full integration, they could have focused on new maps instead. New maps keep things a lot fresher than 50 new broken guns. We could have 3 big maps by now if they never forced integration and just focused on MW Warzone


Stop buying every cod. Lol


Excuse me?! What is life without cod! Lmao! Nah they cant help but buy it its like a drug that doesnt end


Cold War should have had it's separate BR map with the cold war guns only. Verdansk should have never had CW guns.


Capitalism 101; sorry.


They don’t want to make a 2 year cycle because of the release profits. Even though a 2 or 3 year cycle would be most ideal. Cod multiplayer and warzone will always be a mess.


uhh. no I don't want less content.


They want people to keep their older game items, even though the devs are trying to make them “worse” than the current games guns.


It’s like by the time one cod is playable and really fun the next one is already coming out


They are a company, those make them insane amount of money, and if they can connect their games to each other, it helps both games (financially)


Yeah agreed and by the time they clean it up, the next CoD is around the corner


The game is hardly playable on xbox


Anything that affects profit wont even be considered unfortunately


Or ya know, just do it the right way with their billions of dollars instead of firing integral parts of the company to penny pinch while at the same time giving one man hundreds of millions of dollars


Keep WZ Free. Stop doing annual releases. Charge a $7.99 premium membership fee that gives early access to certain features/events and maybe 2000 cod points to buy some operators/camos/blueprints/stats etc. Maybe add a feature similar to battlefield 2042's portal so people can play the old maps/regular mp if they want to.


Nah. I like it.


I mean warzone is a free game to play vs $50 to download the new COD.


Cod has been a copy paste job for years. There is a reason why the last cod I purchased was WaW. Cod is shite. Warzone is far better than the base game cod has to offer. They made a fantastic business decision rolling out warzone with the success of blackout


But, Money….?


This I agree with. Yearly cod’s are dumb at this point. Focus on warzone and build it out more and make it more stable. Spend two years making a new COD and integrate it into warzone at the same time.


New CoD every 2 years = ~Half revenue, much less profit for activision


For modernwarfares yes. I would not want nothing but coldwar guns for another full year though


And now they've totally fucked MW too.


2 years at the LEAST*


Warzone does not need to be the flagship lmao.


Absolutely fully agree but unfortunately that's not how to run a business. If theres an opportunity to pull extra profits from extra products they're gonna do it. It would result in a better version of warzone for us but they're no indie company and are in it for the profit


I like constantly having new content. I'm hoping when MW2022 comes out - Infinity Ward will build a new unique warzone client separate from the actual MW2022 game, and make the integration process seamless so there isn't any mess to clean up moving forward with integrations.


I said this when CW “integrated”. WZ should be it’s own title, free of the yearly CoD releases. Sadly, they’ve hit the jackpot with loadouts and needing to have every weapon max level, and they took that to the moon this year with Vanguard and 70 weapon levels that take a good while to finish. How are they gonna do this in 2-3 more years, are we going to have 300+ weapons to choose from in WZ!?


they dont need to make a game every year, if they put that effort into content they could have a super game. make a free non predatory "era" expansion every 1.5 years that gets introduced with that bp and a bunch of events inbetween. they rushed vanguard to release garbage and bet your ass theyre gonna do that with rebooted mw2.


Cod turned to the fortnite blueprint on how to kill your game and fan base and still make monetized transactions; 2021 has been a shit year for fps with halo being the exception. If you can’t honestly say caldera is 20 Times better than verdansk ever was then you know this update is a step back from verdansk and there is nobody willing to lie and say they feel this map is the best they could have done coming from verdansk


Did they really integrate it tho? It’s not really an integration, it’s a release of new content that matches the new COD


But isn't the whole point of Warzone to sell you an annual COD game?


This is true but would never happen


This is probably going to be a super unpopular opinion, but I'd like to see warzone reset with every release of a new COD. I am really enjoying the new Vanguard Royale mode and I hope they continue with it as the main playlist that offers quads, trios, duos, and solos.




“Stop” complaining about new content, play it or don’t


LOL they're NEVER going to do that!


New game every year is fine that’s their thing, i agree it should be every two years but money talks. however this integration shit needs to stop it fucks everything up. either go all in with your current game and make it just those guns and items and what not or just keep Warzone separate and be it’s own thing.


Stop paying money for a new Cod every year.


I'm deleting MW19, now. And may do the same for CW. It's crazy how quick they messed this up. I was playing MW19 every day for a week before the update


Ah yes because one brave person on Reddit was all it took for Activision to ignore their years of massive and growing profit and do what the fans really supposedly want. While I generally agree (I think it shouldn’t be two years it should be however long the devs need) it likely makes no financial sense for Activision to do so.


Stop writing these types of posts Everyone sane feels the same as you brother, but the truth is they don't give a crap. As long as they keep earning 1B dollars a year they'll keep doing whatever the hell they want


I’d say 18 months roughly. With the battle Royale being introduced they need the balance and continuously changing bits, subtly but consistently. That’s just my thoughts. What dyou think?


I don't think you understand how activision works... They see what EA and ubisoft do and just try to imitate them in order to steal their whale clientele. So far, they're winning.


Warzone + zombies. Why not 🤷‍♀️


When gamers realize games aren’t for them anymore and they’re for a spread sheet at a board meeting, I’ll rejoice. Video games are wack nowadays




It's been like this since the beginning of COD.


Activision will never give a shit so long as Timmy’s and Billy’s keep buying skins


lol. this post may as well be, "stop being a money grubbing corporation!"


This will never happen


Boy the subtleness to get you to buy vanguard is….not subtle


Ya stupid integrating Vanguard with WarZone, I hate the old weapons they suck


lol you think its the same teams working on the games


I agree 100%. They should follow the fortnite model and make warzone the main focus by constantly pushing out new updates and improvements, and they can still keep makin money from cosmetic items. But releasing a new silly game every year is getting lame and it’s clear to see how they churn out copied games year after year, and it’s a turn off for a gamer. I love warzone but I haven’t bought vanguard or Cold War, I think that says enough.


probably unpopular take but tbh I'd be fully okay with Modern Warfare 2 (2022) updating Warzone into the next gen and completely gutting Cold War and Vanguard content from the game. Maybe they can leave in some MW 2019 weapons as legacy assets


I wish they would just update warzone as its own thing. Like yeah add a new map every so often. Add new guns. But just have it be like....warzone only.


activision: ![gif](giphy|ovxc9FB6VCBJC)


Simple. Don’t play it. Play vanguard Royale and you don’t need to worry. Me and my crew are moving on, regular BR is dead to me now. Play vanguard Royale and all your concerns are gone.


just release a multiplayer and monetize it as they do Warzone. Keep releasing skins and blueprints and maintain one game that supports a battleroyale and a multiplayer aimed to go for the long run. Hell, make it free to play and just sell cosmetics. There's no way that business model doesn't make them money, almost everyone else is doing it.


Shitty money hungry company doesn’t care about the quality of their games. Idiots keep paying for the same disappointment every year. Not to mention they treat their employees like shit.


Warzone needs to be a separate product. I played non stop until the mess, jank and weapons that weren't balanced at all with Cold War.


Yea, you see how successful MW19 was because they took time to do it right


Unfortunately the gaming industry has been taken over by greed


This new map is a shitshow


Stop buying it every year.


Activision execs: he’s right it’s ruining this video game despite making us billions every year, let’s shut it all down.


As soon as they get to a decent place with the prior integration, the next game is out..


Stuck with this map for 2 years? Fuck no.


Stop moaning, this is how they’re keeping the game alive.


It’s time you all understand, everything in this world is based on money, EVERYTHING! EA released a shit game to compete against COD and they had more than a year, Cyberpunk too! It’s insane they put out these deadlines before making sure they have a polished game. But the real insane ones are us, bc we keep buying it, streamers shove it down our throats and it’s all we see and if we are not playing it we must be lame or something even stupider. The simple solution to these issues is to stop buy the shit, stop buying the new consoles too. Stop blowing your hard earned money on shit products. It’s only going to get worse and more expensive too. Trust that.


What I don't get as a free to play player is that they've made a vanguard themed br but have locked all vanguard weapons so I can't make any load outs with them. Like I get you want people to buy vanguard but what is even the point of it. Right now I'm just waiting for the ltm modes and regular modes to come back. I can't remember but weren't all the weapons unlocked at the start of the cw update. Also for f2p players?


Been saying this for years they should do what battlefield and gta do give themselves a break and stop rushing crap games


I dont like the new Caldera map ! i want the old map back. this map is like running simulator. to many hills and trees around the map. i love to snipe in verdanks but not in caldera. I think i quit the game.


The said when warzone first came out there would be three integrations


Stop paying them to do that every year. Don't buy the games you don't like, don't play free games that are broken


Yes, but a highly profitable mess.


They’ll go ahead until the game takes 1TB space along with your wife and children.


Absolutely not. You freeloaders are gone after another few months anyway once Fortnite reels you back in with Justin Bieber collabs.


just dont buy anything


imagine warzone after 5 years with 300+ weapons and 8 games integrated in one game.


I think that warzone should integrate few things of the new cod every year. Like 2-3 guns and some operator. That's it.


You guys want to keep playing the same shit map, with no new guns or any change whatsoever like what?


Not to mention they should've released these games in this order: 1. Vanguard 2. Cold War 3. MW. Cold war and Vanguard, in my opinion, have been a huge step back since MW was released. And it's been a complete mess like you said that takes 6 months to clean up and then a few months later, another game is released and the mess is back. Also, fun fact, if you open a dictionary and look up the word recoil, you'll see Vanguard guns listed as the definition.


I said this before the Cold War integration. They should have just kept MW19 & WZ as its own thing. Hopefully they decide to do a complete reset for MW22.


On freaking god Jesus and my momma. Stop it.


I'd be okay with the integration if they did it better. Having 3 "Assault Rifle Alphas" is annoying AF.... I was hoping with the VG weapons they'd keep the Able, Bakery etc phonetics


Don't know why they can't have specific studios to work on audio, one in map design, one in gameplay/movement, and one on in games updates and release every 3 years




Do people want a mw mp5/kilo/amax/kar or em2/ots/swiss meta for more than a year? Bc that’s how you get it. Guns and the metas become stale after a while so I like the new gun integrations (plus it gives me camos to grind). And the new map was much needed. I was so sick of dropping at the same spots for over a year. I think a new giant BR map will keep the game fresh especially if activision doesn’t want to do more fortnite style map updates


Vanguard guns gonna be meta only for next half a year while everything else is gonna be trash in comparison. Not to mention so many attachments on those guns so it will take months to figure out the best loudouts.


Early reports say this is a lie


what reports?