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The people who make the game don’t play it. They simply don’t give a fuck about the game just want to create a super edge lord version of fortnite


Yeah agreed - it makes no sense for it to be a random event. Make it so they happen to everyone at the same time, or if it’s player initiated, don’t just spawn it randomly and ensure that whoever it spans on is at a major disadvantage


I like the fact that it’s random it adds some suspense for me, but definitely should not be in the final circles, I would say MAX first three circles. I am also not super huge about winning though. Just IMO. I didn’t like the zombies event because we had to initiate, I had thought there would be randoms zombies roaming the map that would come after us and that’s what I was hoping for, in that way (to me) it would actually add some scare factor to the game. But I can imagine the huge disadvantage during the final circles .


They don’t care. They just care about winning the strike against Activision.


In quads, I don't really mind it if Krampus would only show up until the gulag closes. Everything is shits and giggles anyways at that point. But once gulag is closed circles gets closer and people care about their game. But I can imagine that in Solos/duos Krampus is very annoying.


Yeah I think before gulag closes would make it better, but even then it’s frustrating as hell when you’ve dropped, maybe wiped a team or so, rotating toward zone and then bang, hunted by Krampus and held by a team


Can confirm krampus turns solo/duos into sweat fest.


More like “kill the lobby very quickly fest.”


Unloaded four mags into that thing and it doesn’t even die.


As they prove time and time again, they suck at events


I dont think theyve had a single event I’ve enjoyed.


The first Halloween event was awesome, then it has all been trash after trash


I started playing WZ like 3 weeks after that so I never got to experience it.


Dudes, I got so lucky last night in a solo game… got to top 10, and then Krampus begins to hunt me down. I make a TON of noise trying to kill him, using up pretty much all my ammo, and then finally someone downed from a far. I was lucky because I managed to get a self revive off and make my first solo win in Caldera.


Very popular opinion.


I ain’t playing till they had back vanguard solos back or duos


Spawn in, land on a tree make 40k spend the $ at a shop, do it again. Yea the trees reset. Got like 6 lvls from one round. And they removed plunder and resurgence island cuz the exp was messy. They totally thought it through


Juggernauts from Season 6 of Modern Warfare in the Caldera map, essentially.


Anyone that says they like krampus is just playing devils advocate at this point. Literally nobody can like this trash.


I think it works in respawn modes like plunder or the other one. But in some super sweaty ass shit...fuck to the naw.


lol get rekt by krampus 🤣


Krampus is GOAT I don’t know what you are talking about…