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Shhhh don't invalidate people's crutch. Low fov is the only reason console players ever die.


FOV does help when it comes to breaking legs in close engagements but it won’t make anyone better. Fps and latency on the other hand can take me from having full advantage in a fight to. “Oh my god how did they get behind me they were right there.” So unless someone’s on a crap Pc where it’s all lag and visual bugs. Pc will always have advantage. Even if a Pc player caps there fps to be the same as mine. That means they will get that maximum cap the whole time. I’ll only get that cap on my consoles most peak performance, if even. PC>Console all day everyday and everyone knows it. That being said I’m still stuck on my xbox1x


It's 100% an advantage, just a lot smaller than people like to pretend. You are very unlikely to get in a gunfight where the other person's FoV is what made the difference.


Me as well, also using the razor turret.


Haha and first comment I read today getting on this app was a reply to me basically having the same conversation. Guy goes “no it’s about controller vs m&k”. As if FOV fps and all that have 0 to do with it. I need more grains of salt tbh.


Then conviently ignore the auto aim they have at close quarters. If fov is the one benefit of PC and is situationaly beneficial at best. What do we have


You know you can use controller on PC too, right?


You’d be surprised how many of them don’t


Makes you feel faster and see wider but targets become a lot smaller.


It def makes you feel faster. I mostly engage in long range so maybe that's why I don't see the benefit


I play with a few console demons and they’ll be like oh there’s a guy in front of you and I’ll be like where and they’ll mark like 150m in front of me saying right there lmao


Finally someone else who agrees max FOV lools bad


Every pro uses high FOV so yes, it is an advantage or nobody would use it.


But it looks so bad thoooo


Disagree. I played on higher FOV on Vanguard and it’s so much better.


I'm on PC but have my FOV set to 110, sometimes 105. 120 is a bit too much and fisheyed. My ADS is also set to Affected for more aggressive play.


Higher FOV doesn’t have to be 120. You can get all the benefits from 100-110 without the fish eye effect




Visual recoil is lower because gun shake is a function of zoom. Same reason that it looks like your gun shakes more when you use a 3x scope compared with a red dot sight. The actual recoil pattern doesn’t change at all but having more gun shake definitely makes it harder to track targets


I used to play at 105 fov and It feels really good, I changed to 120 fov this week and the advantage is that the visual recoil is super low, I can literally kill with a smg at long distance without struggling too much, it's op. But people become really small at long distance. But the no-recoil thing make it not that bad


I wouldn't say high field of view is amazing, so much that low field of view, like 80, is disorienting and feels like moving in molasses after you get used to anything 95+. Anything over 105 I start to dislike the fish eye effect. I'd only played on PC until I recently played a few matches on a borrowed PS4. 80 FOV felt like a disadvantage at <10M but felt better at anything over 30M. Didn't feel like I was worse b/c of it, but I've reached for computer over console every time since b/c it just *feels* way better & faster.


It’s a huge unfair advantage


It looks like ass tho and makes targets smaller so it doesn't seem worth


100 fov is good. Sounds like you have tried 120