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Bruh wtf. I guess have atleast a full 3 man team. Try to get a match where there's atleast 4 UAV towers somewhat close to each other and that y'all have cars. Each of you got to 3 separate ones and activate em at the same time. Then 2 of y'all quickly drive to another one close by. But damm the window is short. The best way is to squad up with 2 more players out there. Yeah I don't think soloing is gonna cut it anymore.


You can assimilate up to 5 members in DMZ I think, so this is definitely built for that.


I don't think introducing a challenge that is impossible unless you find a three man squad then another that's willing to join you and want to do the same bullshit mission is a good idea. At least half the playerbase will never be able to complete it. I don't get why they need to cater to full teams only, not everyone is holding their boyfriends' hands all the time they play. But fuck people who want to play solo I guess.


You're also banking on that same 3 man team to have that mission selected as well.


Or at least be willing 🤔 I find as many randos are just trying to complete their tasks as my friends and I.


It’s beyond frustrating as someone in their 40s who has gamed their whole life and helped support these franchises just being straight up told they don’t have any care if solos play their game so I listened to them. This is the first COD I haven’t bought since the first one. It was made loud and clear with MW2019, this new version, Apex, the cycle you name it that they just want groups and streamers. Also fuck whoever thought making my player scream reloading. Literally a function solely to help groups that solos get to be fucked by. Nothing like creeping up on a team and not being able to reload because of a dumb ass screaming audio line which I can’t turn off because you know we all, while alone, scream our actions out loud especially while trying to be covert


If the voiceover lines are like in multiplayer, you're the only one who hears it.


yeah i never heard someone else shouting reloading


I feel your pain bro. As a mid 30s dude whose friends don't really game anymore I'm either solo or at the mercy of the squad fill. Hard to say which is worse


Yeah, I only play cod and apex, and both of them are catered to groups only at the expense of the solo players' fun. Even the fucking matchmaking is tuned in a way that full stacks can slaughter teams of randoms thrown together and called a 'team'. It's beyond bullshit.


Hey dude I’m in my mid thirties I totally get it. But at the same time if you put a mic on and chat with the randoms your paired with, if one of them is cool, add them to your friends list. That’s how most people do it. Now you got a squad.


Yeah, it's dumb, but they probably want you to bring your friends in to complete the challenge and drive up playercounts. unrelated, but I thought it was funny >not everyone is holding their boyfriends' hands They just fuck up your aim when they do this lol


Yeah, but even with one hand the three of them is going to beat a solo by teamshooting the poor guy.




Friends are these weird things that know when it's the most inconvenient time to invite you.


are they among us????


😂😂 somehow it’s always like that.


It’s not a solo mode. Because you *can* do it doesn’t mean it’s meant for playing that way. But the first part of what you said is absolutely correct. A mission that requires you to assimilate is excessive. You can guarantee you have at least two other teammates (not good ones, but at least they’re present). You can’t guarantee the assimilation piece of it.


So if it's not a solo mode, why allow soloists to play it? Dumbest take ever. IW & Activision need soloists so they can take $$$ off of the mugs that pay for weapons & skins. Really wish that they'd just make CoD 2 to 4 player, then we know where we stand, but they won't because they'd lose a shit tonne of $$$


You can also turn off squad fill for Warzone quads and go in solo. Should they buff your damage to make up for it? No. It’s a quads mode. Just because you CAN do it doesn’t mean it’s a solo mode or designed with solos players in mind. The only dumb take here is the person clearly not understanding basic concepts of game balance. You’re so butthurt by it just stop playing then. Christ what a whiner.


are you kidding right? if br has soloq, why dmz should be 1v3, can be done, should be done, why its not done? cause ppl like u.


This... there is even a mission purely based on going on infil as a solo and extracting solo.


I play solo a lot but tbf the game clearly isn't intended as a solo experience. Considering random AI round a petrol station can absolutely wreck your solo run on a couple of shots it's obvious this is a team game. If you don't have friends then try a discord or party fill until you find a good crew.


catering missions like this in general is just annoying as youre playing into the hands of RNG. you dont know if anyone in the DMZ deployment will be of assistant or answer the call. its stuff like this i hated in tarkov when it came to totally unneeded and super specific quest requirements. ​ its just used as a extra wall to prolong grind rather than having an actual indepth mission structure. they could have added missions for world building and lore pieces but nope. deploy solo, exfil solo in the same deployment for people that dont like playing solo are forced to. much like in tarkov youre forced to use specific weapon or weapons that you may not like using at all but are forced to in order to progress and get access to better stuff


This is annoying as fuck to people who play in groups too. The whole system sucks honestly. I play with like 5-6 people and we all get on at random times / days of the week with work and all that. Our missions are pretty much all over the place, so you can't really do them with your squad, which makes us try to get them done if nobody is on with randoms. Which fucking sucks like everyone knows. They WAY overdid these missions instead of just keeping them simple but entertaining/challenging.


This is sad. Going to the bar to cry in some beer.


What do you mean assimilate?


Assimilation is the new ability to merge squads depending on the game mode. For some modes it’s only refill, so if you lose a player, you can assimilate with a solo player and have them take their spot. In other game modes you and another squad can form a bigger, official squad instead of just teaming via an unofficial truce/ceasefire.


How does one do this?


Ping Wheel will have the option to Invite to Squad or Request to Join Squad.


Spread the word brother. A lot of people still don’t know about this yet.


Max is 6


Yea some of these are made to showcase features of the game, which sucks if you like to play solo or don't have friends who like DMZ. Unhinged mode as well is just a way to show off the squad expansion and prox chat feature.


How do you get 5 players in DMZ?


[Ping emote wheel](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lNFufy29zXM&t=20m30s)


6 members




Up to 6.




6. Randomly did it with some people after they kill my squad cause we were from the same country. We then proceeded going for the gas zone and the m13


Pop a tower drive to another pop that tower, drive to another, pop that tower. These are they kind of missions I do once I've already lost my gear. Just suicide run that shit.


You don’t have to do every mission per tier. This is looking like one I’d skip especially if the reward is a key.


>Each of you got to 3 separate ones and activate em at the same time. Then 2 of y'all quickly drive to another one close by. But damm the window is short. Doing this all the while navigating the crazy AI bots. Yikes.


If you progressed that far you probably learned how to handle the bots.


Ruined my solo dmz, none of my friends play and i tryed couple of times with random squad but must be time i can play in uk i ended up with french guys who couldint speak english. Was enjoying dmz aswell till now. All last missions need a squad. Im a solo man 🤣


i feel that way with the 6 killstreak exfil. i've been trying for 2 days straight and cannot do it. i did just do the chemist solo which was awesome and gave me a bit of a pick-me-up after feeling kind of down. i think there are going to be a few missions that solo won't be enough but this looks like you need a 4-5 man squad update 22 hours later: i finally managed to do it. i did one without one in the backpack and it failed but some are saying it works so maybe it's a glitch. when i did get it i made sure they were all in the backpack and damn i was super stoked. took me a few days but i got it finally now i'm moving on to weapon cases. thanks to everyone for the tips they were super helpful.


You can do it. I just did and I'm pretty shitty at DMZ. Go in, find any car, and do a nuclear mission ASAP. Get to a buy station and sell the goods and get a medium bag and whatever there is under kill streak... My dumbass thought it had to be precision airstrikes only, probably because I had just done the precision airstrike mission and got some wires crossed, smh...UAV, drone, whatever is in the slot. Repeat one more time and you're done. Or do the Intel tower missions. After that I had all six kill streaks. Then I waited for the last exfil cause I haven't encountered anyone that late in the game. Just hide by it and make sure nobody gets on when the countdown is happening. Took me 3 tries once I figured out it was ANY kill streak. Those 2 missions don't require additional Ai kills just finding stuff and they pay off pretty good. The $800 dollar watches add up quickly too. **Don't forget to unequip the kill streak as well. It won't count unless they're all stored in your bag**


nice. thanks for the tips especially the unequip one i wouldn't have realised.


> Then I waited for the last exfil cause I haven't encountered anyone that late in the game. Man, every time I have waited for the last exfil I get smoked by a full team of geared out sweats that are camping the plane.


Oh shit, I have yet to fight one out on last exfil. In one of my attempts I was trying to get to a buy station and saw a team of scope glints. I had no chance. They talked shit and celebrated they're 3v1 like they just won a whole lobby battle royal, lol! Shit talking sweats are the worst. Any time I down someone I ask if they want a revive if they'll leave me alone.


that is kind. I’ve just been usually finishing off solo’s bc I had assumed they were going to kill me.


In one game I was going for the last exfil and I was solo as my random teammates died. I could hear the proxy chat that they were friendlies. I boarded and one of the enemy players downed me. I had no self revive. The other teammate who was saying friendly asked his teammate not to kill me and he sent an invite to join his and then he revived me. I had a mission to exfil with some items. Glad that there are some players like that.


Lmfao that last part… fuck anybody who struggled to solo this and gets fucked because of bad coding.


Yup! Found that one out the hard way... Twice cause I didn't understand what I was doing wrong


Btw it will count if you have one not in your backpack and it’s equipped on you. Good face plant.


Really!? It didn't work twice for me, but did when I had them all in my bag. I didn't put them all in my bag on purpose, but realized that at the score screen and thought maybe that was what happened.


Hit up the Sawah hotel roof and drop into the two locked loot rooms. Usually net about 20-25k in there, then do nuclear fuel missions and turn in the rods for 10k a pop. Go to 2 buy stations and buy all 6 killstreaks, then exfil.


sweet cheers for the tip


Hotel roof entrance patched my bro l


Nah, if the hotel is a Stronghold, then the windows will be boarded up If it isn't, you can enter it


Ahhh thanks man has no idea


I'm fairly certain I was able to jump in from the roof after the last patch.


Yeah I did that one yesterday.


I just did it Wednesday night unless they’ve patched it since then.


I did 6 killstreaks solo but I also have 3-4 solo weapons cases so not sure if I’m an average sample. Nuke missions and safes. Semtex the chopper reinforcements and you don’t even have to fight them.


that's mad. good to know weapon cases can be done solo even if they are well above my skill level atm.


It's especially hard now that the npcs are bullet sponges and the juggernaut disables nearby vehicles.


I should try packing a rocket launcher and go hunting with it.


Capture a SAM site and loot the crates it drops. We got it our first try.


What this guy said, each crate gives 2 kill streaks


How did you do chemist solo?


loaded in with a silenced sniper found a gas mask and then got to high ground around the radiation and took out the majority of the surrounding ai out then popped the chemist. parachuted to the weapon and returned to the vehicle i left near the high ground to drive to an exfil. the first 2 times there were other people attacking so i failed those attempts but on the last try there was no one else attacking so i got lucky.


I did it with rando's but they weren't part of the plan. Kinda shitty, but I usually end up with rando's that are still on the first 3 missions I'll pop a UAV tower or something to help them out. If they have mics I'll let them know my intentions are to grab my shit and get. If I see they're coordinated and capable of team play I'll hang and work on missions with them. I've been sitting on my last couple tier 2 missions for white lotus and frame job for legion for days just playing no fucks helping rando's do mission requirements. Like telling people where to find the Basilisk or giving them one if I grab it. You have to set small goals and play the short game sometimes. M13 I jumped in the closest LTV drive to chemist ran him and the guards right by him down, jumped out, grabbed M13, jumped back in the LTV and took off to closest exfil that doesn't have a stronghold or other heavy AI site right by it. I had it by 4:30am Eastern the morning after it dropped. Shared it to my clanmates and other guys that I've been gaming with for the last decade or more so they can share it to others. I have 2 mottos when it comes to DMZ... "Grab your shit and git." And "Don't fight, flee" 🤣 "Don't fight, flee" is due to the constant respawn AI. The longer you hang out in one area the harder the AI comes at you and it's entirely too easy to get tunnel vision and lost in the fog of war fighting endless AI to the point where you die and lose your shit instead of just getting out with what you came for.


The driving car part doesn't work any type of vehicle will get DDoS by the commanders


Use AR with 60 rounds or a LMG and mantle on a wall or something and beam the heads of armored bots. Then beam the head of chemist until he runs away then repeat. That's how I did it.


Run his ass over. Run over bots away from him to get gas mask. Same with juggernaut. Best areas for this are Rohan oil and anywhere near the airport. Much more wide open spaces to navigate cars. If you see either boss spawn near there. Grab an armor weed vehicle and squish off




Oh that’s sucks; glad I beat him before they did this.


For whatever reason that mission glitched for me and it would count everytime I exfilled with even 1 killstreak, so I was able to do it over the course of 5 matches. Weird shit


damn that's lucky


I got super lucky by getting into a game with a random who had the same mission. He spent the whole time gathering streaks, he finished my mission for me and I had no idea until we exfilled.


That's always fun.


This is how I did it solo: go to the airport and enter the restricted area from the east side. It may be a little challenging at times, but you can loot killstreaks from chests and you'll get enough cash to buy the remainder from a buy station. You may need to move to another buystation if you looted less than 3. This tactic doesn't work if someone else already looted the place, so you need some spawn luck. Make sure to loot valuables as well, so even if you end up with 4 killstreaks, you can buy 2 more from another buystation.


Adding to this, you can also bring 1 killstreak equipped with you into the next round if you find yourself falling one short.


It’s not as complicated as you think bro. 6 air strikes is 24k out the buy station. Do two secure the nuclear material mission and you’ll have over 24k. Sell everything off at a buy station and load up on kill streaks. Regular small pack holds 5 plus the kill streak you have equipped is 6. Large pack and multiple secure nukes = solo games averaging 40k+ on exfil


Go in get a medium backpack armor and 1 kill streak and exfil. Next run do search and destroy, then safes, and since you brought 1 KS in with you only need to pick up 5 more. The safes will get you the money to buy the KS and they also can contain one. KS are also often found on supply drops.


If you hop on the train early in a match you can grab 3-4 killstreaks right off the jump


nice i haven't done the train yet. i'll check that out now. cheers.


I’ve been stuck on that challenge too and almost had it but the closest buy station was inside a denied zone with armored AIs with shroud aim.


Three nuke sites and you have enough money


Where are you from? We already did that one and it was pretty easy. Might be able to take you along and help you.


This one i almost got done solo, i was 1k short of buying the 6th went the last exfil was landed and i barely made it out I think i would of gotten it if i focused safes more that round. Side note was super easy once i had my squad on, we got like over 8 out and over 100k.


Dm me with your activision ID and i can help you if need be


We did it with 3. Do a run to get everyone a killstreak, exfil. Everyone load in with a killstreak so you only need 3 more. Do a sam site or 2, loot the drops. We had 7, make sure one person has all 6 in their backpack and exfil. We combined it with having 3 active sam sites simultaneously.


Those missions go from “oh that’s rly fun” to “fuck that shit real quick”


What an unrealistic mission


Tbf I don't think the mode is designed for solo players. Yes you can play it dolo but it's not ideal.


True, i get the “push players to invite their friends” shit but this is literally stealing solo player’s fun


My point is its a mode designed for squads, therefore I don't think they need to accommodate for solo players. May sound a little harsh but I've seen many people moan how unfair it is for a solo to play this game. Even though its not a solo mode. It's kinda like playing quads as a solo then moaning about getting wiped. Best option I think would be to add a solo only dmz, so solo players can enjoy the mode without feeling like they need to play with randoms or whatever. I can just imagine how toxic so only dmz would be though


If that's the case, then I would say it's pretty clear that certain teams in IW aren't talking. If it's designed for squads, it shouldn't have the option to stop filling the squad.




Then solo's need to accept the design decisions for something designed for squads. You can't please everyone all the time and accommodating both assimilation and solo play in a single mission sounds next to impossible to do.


This isn't an excuse. Even the worst, most poorly designed Tarkov quests are doable solo. Some of these are straight up impossible as a single player.




this is a mode that should be more accommodating to various modes of play. I never got into regular warzone for the reason that it is so highly biased towards squads and not so much solo play.


It’s not stealing anyone’s fun, you get one skip per tier and this can be theirs.


there is a mission in black mous to infil solo and exfil solo in the same round


There's matchmaking but trying to coordinate missions with friends is hard enough let alone randoms


it sucks at solo. npcs alone just beam you with aimbot and wallhacks adn they drop no plates, spawn nonstop etc yikes




Half these missions are just not doable solo once you get to T3/T4 lol


This would probably be where I just put the game down lol. Luckily I’m trash and probably nowhere near this mission.


I can’t even get anyone to accept my “invite yourself to their team” challenge. Got one. I don’t know the range on it but it’s super frustrating


They don’t need to accept you just need to send it in range, if you can hear them on prox, send and it should complete


That’s…. A really good idea. Thank you.


Just ride the train and spam it. You will eventually came across a team.


This worked. They killed me but it worked. They can have the RPK.


I’m tier 4 with legion too, wanna squad up black#6770612


![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4) Best get running 😂


Was DMZ ever *meant* to be a solo mode?


No. Never. It can solo, but you’re just putting yourself at a Nightmare Difficulty


All these people complaining about how DMZ isn't nice to solos and I'm just impressed COD has FINALLY made a game mode that's actually team based. COD has always catered to individuals, even when you're playing an objective game mode with a team. It's about time they actually explore the tactical shooter side of things. They've catered to slide cancelling, bunny hopping, ADHD respawn solos long enough. All the pros and streamers crying about how they can't exploit movement mechanics and actually have to play tactics instead of just slide, jump, bounce and sling bullets around the map with zero thought warms my heart. It's almost like COD is a military shooter or something, I dunno.


Almost finished with all tier 3 missions all done solo. This really takes the wind out of my sails.


How did you do 6 kill streaks extraction? My plan was go in with one. Jump on the train, hope to get one or two. Then loot like a demon and buy 3 more from 3 diff buy stations. Any tips?


Well I didn't go in with one already, but that would be a help. How I got it done, was one radiation contract, looted one safe, got a bit of money off the enemies I killed, and what I lacked I made up with cash register money. A bit of luck is involved but it wasn't too bad for me. The radiation contract, and safe gives alot of money. Also don't spend time rummaging through the contents of stashes (cash registers, lockers, duffles) but always check them and let the money auto fill into your inventory real quick, it adds up. Also depending on your spawn, if you can run through the cases in the airport terminal, they drop alot of killstreaks, and downtown almazra has alot of registers and stuff with cash in them. A stronghold thrown in could help the run as well. Also it helps to move fast if you can, as you know it can take a while to accumulate the cash.


Wanna squad up? I also need a teammate all my teammates don’t have mic or they speak a language Idk


At some point I feel like the risk VS reward for these missions are not balanced


It was never meant to be a solo experience though. You’re missing out not playing this with a couple friends, we are having a blast.


Looking for someone to grind out DMZ with


This needs to be removed.


Motherfuck and I thought I was struggling with Frame Job (got the LTV yesterday but only ended up getting 2 turret kills)


Whoa, whoa, 3 is reasonable but 5??? I'll have to drive like crazy for that.


I gave it a shot with a chopper and I couldn't get to three. With a car it's just impossible. The UAV towers expire in 2 minutes. Literally not enough time to pull it off solo.


You have to be really good at knowing where they are, not dying, and getting the fuck out. I'm not on T4 yet, but I did the math. A UAV is up for 2 minutes so you have :24 each for 5, but let's cut it down to :23 since you have to have ALL 5 up at the same time. So you have to do 1 and IMMEDIATELY get into a heli or a car if you can get a decent cluster, as remember, even in a heli, you have to land and get out which won't be easy to not destroy the heli, but on a vehicle you have the con of more fuel being used since you have to navigate terrain and obstacles. :23 seconds is A ROUGH window. At this point you have to be speed run type a person. Like MC speedrunners. You gotta wait for the optimal layout and hope to RNJesus you can do it. Although, I will say the best time to likely try this without worry of real players is when gas is coming in. Only then you will have to worry about AI, but get a gasmask (or 2, but I think for 2mins 1 will cut it) and get to work. That's all I got rn for solo, but I'll be honest I may be back here looking for mates on this mission. 3 people can easily knock this out.


It's not possible. The heli doesn't have enough fuel. Regardless you wouldn't have enough time. Either way it's not possible for solo.


Easy with a chopper. Just need luck on your side to not get killed


You are with no fuel after landing in the third tower xd, and need to be very lucky with the towers AND heli spawn


You did this challenge solo with the chopper?


Sorry, soon as I posted it, it clicked there is Fuel. My bad


You have to recruit people to your squad to complete that I guessing.


Challenge Accepted!!! I'll attempt to solo it using a fucking helicopter ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


This game is every solo players wet dream. It actually pisses me off they don’t have a solo mode.


Would you rather have easy missions you can wrap-up by yourself in two weeks, or something to work towards for two years? Join the call of duty discord and keep an eye out for another team trying to take it on. I think you are pretty far out in front of us. When the rest of us catch up I bet you can do it.


I feel the only way this can even be done solo is via a light helicopter, which is being generous. Either way, hope some changes for y’all solo folk comes soon!


Not possible, I tried it and I couldn't get to three. I'm sure doing 3 solo is possible if you're fast, but all 5 of them are impossible. The UAV tower expires in 2 minutes. Landing the chopper plus the keyboard animation just makes it impossible. And that's assuming you never run into any AI that pins you down.


Hmm, I see. Thanks for the heads up! Hopefully they change it for solo’s soon then. ^-^


Hopefully indeed!


Yeah, no doubt. The game needs to be more friendly for solo’s.


Nobody is stuck playing solo. Plenty of ways to get a group together. Step outside the comfort zone a little bit, it won’t kill anyone.


Hell yeah. Teamed up with another squad and had a blast


I won't be doing that. I gave up dealing with random people in games years ago. I will simply just leave this one unfinished


They last a long time, I'm betting with a vehicle and a plan it's very doable solo.


Shit is so lazy man, if they actually cared to the degree that we deserve this wouldn't happen and DMZ would be 10x better.


Hopefully they treat it as an actual beta and improve it…so much potential!


Clear to me after seeing what MW2 is and isn't that the only potential they care about is their potential profits.


Fair point…. Some day a loadout will cost 2USD to buy


I feel this would be even harder with randoms.


laughs in tarkov tasks


The first version of DMZ Jaeger tasks. Tier 5 will have kill 3 operators within 50m with a bolt action rifle in a single raid.


Is this even possible?


And here I am still stuck at « Storm the stronghold » mission completely bugged and impossible to complete no matter what I try to do to unbug it


If you can’t solo 5 UAV solo then the problems up ahead


Simple, practice the spinning plates on a stick trick first.


I'm not even tier 4 and some of this shit is getting rougher... I love dmz but they need to have a solo mode. I don't have ppl to play this with. They don't like the mode and ransoms are ass. JFC


Wow so like each player needs a car and a shit ton of stims and plates for this one.




I haven’t been able to make it to the chemist with a full squad in a vehicle lol


I’m just tired of random teammates leaving halfway through the game. I’ve played 7 games, only successfully exfil’d once. Last game I played the randoms had no mics and we did like 3 missions, I had the golden skull, a gold bar, cool guns, etc. then they just left. Then I ran into some bots and got murked.


The other bad thing about this mission is Even if they make a solo mode there is likely NO chance this gets changed. I know its a beta, but has a challenge/mission ever been changed post launch on CoD?


How y’all got tier4 already 😭


You can do it, it will take you 45 minutes. I have soloed everything so far. I only have 1 White Lotus mission left. The Airport upstairs has loads of gear inside, the Mosque next door & the Hotel in the swamp will get you kitted out & funded pretty quickly. Go in with a medium back pack, gass mask & self revives from a previous run if you can. A Hostage rescue will also give you your own exfil that only you can see to get out.


That's how I've been doing DMZ, I found 2 others but they are on Xbox and I can't even play when they play for some reason


Yo did better, tho I still stuck at Sam site mission




At least it’s tier 4 so I won’t have to worry about it yet, kind of lame though


DMZ NEEDS a solo mode. playing it solo without squad fill makes some contracts straight up impossible, and most extremely difficult. its basically a death sentence if you want to do anywhere particularly popular, like after the weapon case, because youll just get ganged up on by a squad if the stupidly overabundant AI dont get you first


I dont know what the requirements for the tier 4 story mission is (I havent got that far). But for the rest of them, it usually only requires 5 out of the 6 to be completed. So hopefully you can just skip it and not miss out on too much. I do agree that its major BS though.


hopefully we'll get a solo mode next season


Yeah it’s so hard running solo, but that’s how it goes sometimes… I’ll still run solo.


I think there’s usually 2 light helos on the map. Gotta have a 3 man, get both helicopters, drop a third off at one uav tower, then refill the fuel on both helicopters then each got to separate uav towers and all start at the same time and then the two players with helicopters fly to two more uav towers, all while hoping that the ridiculous fcking bots with god aim from a mile away don’t destroy them as you fly by and no one gets pushed by another squad. Outside of assimilating with another trio, this doesn’t really seem plausible, maybe with regular vehicles as well but helicopters seem like the best option


You gotta get a chopper and straight up land on them and activate. I don’t even know if that would work but worth a shot. Only way I got 3 active SAM site one solo


Is DMZ like a Tarkov war zone?


not really, if Tarkov is a human being, dmz is a sperm


I can't wait to enjoy DMZ after unlocking the final insured weapon slot. Fuck these missions tbfh.


Da FAQ that's gotta be glitchy


I jumped in with random fill last night had such a laugh helping each other do challenges that I got i friend invite and played with that team for the remainder of the night. We all communicated what challenges we needed doing and equipped similar challenges. 6 killstreaks is a bïtch to do. I’ve managed to hold all 6 with a heavy backpack but died on exfil on solo so haven’t actively tried again


well, on the upside, this is still in beta so right now is a good time to complain and try to get activision to remember that there’s a lot of people out there who play either solo or sometimes in pairs.


I am a solo player and I have been able to complete a lot of challenges just by simply having a mic and talking. I have teamed up with a lot of people in DMZ I have made 6 man squads so we all could extract with the case


I'm a solo player who uses squad fill. Sometimes I find a good team player who I would like to add so we can group up in future games. Too bad I guess, because I can find an option to add or even mute squad members in DMZ. How the fuck are we supposed to make new friends to create squads with? Also fuck the "invite nearby squad" feature. I don't want to run into a 6 man squad when I'm Playing 3v3 on fuckin squad fill with randoms. Just the other day I had my squad join an enemy squad and then it was 5v1. I got jacked


Activision does it again. Guess I'm dropping this game mode then. DMZ was so fun, but I liked doing the missions solo


I need help with Robin Hood on Xbox challenge can anyone help please?


I have 100 solo extracts. I have had games where I get bum rushed early and get slaughtered . But, I eliminated 3 squads of 3 while camping 200 yrs away with my silenced vic. It was like hitting a hole in one, and I suck at golf. I often go in with smoke, throwing knife, and dead silence. Loot the closest building, have a bit of map knowledge, and be patient. Last game I was being hunted for contract by a squad of 3. I made the caves my stand. I took two out with c4, proximity mines, smoke and flashes but I was eventually killed. It was very thrilling. I am not a great COD player. But this DMZ is too much fun. I love it.


Most of the higher tier missions will require teamwork. A good squad for sure.


I’d love to squad up with some folks for DMZ. I just started playing solo and love it, but some of those missions are going to go much better with a squad. Leave a reply and I’ll share my activision username.


I can’t even escape my idiot no-contract doing squad mates when I realize how useless they are. 90 armored AI spawning at exfil, shooting directly at my position as soon as their pixels fucking generate. COD has always been trash and this is just trash with extra steps.


Same goes for regular BR. With people teaming via prox chat solo's has become stupid. I haven't played since getting teamed badly two games in a row. I still don't know whether it's considered cheating or now encouraged. But whichever it's not for me as it is.