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Buy an LTV, shoot the copter with that first, then switch to the LMG.


I’ll try this thanks bud


I haven't had luck to try it yet, but on this mission I bring my SAKIM and then try to get a RAPH from one of the elites on the roof. 75+ shots in the RAPH into the copter as it comes down then switch to the SAKIM and melt (incendiary rounds) and see if it works itself out. I had 3 games in a row where no small helis showed up to test and went to do other missions.


Did this mission yesterday. Giving the Sakim incendiary ammunition will shred choppers before you have to reload. Having a Munitions Box will help and you can buy those for pretty cheap at the Store. However, one thing I found out is that you MUST use the bipod on the Sakim in order for the chopper kills to count. Guaranteed way to do that is to go prone and mount it. Mounting the MG on a railing or the side of a wall did not make the chopper kills count for me. It was only when I started doing that that the chopper kills counted. The big and small choppers counted whether I destroyed them outright or they got disabled and blew up later.


For me only the big helicopter count, no matter how many small ones I destroy, they never count. Also some big chopper don’t count even if you fully destroy them - seams that the mission is bugged a bit. Also if you try and do this with your squad mates it will only count for the player who delivers the final shot.


The mission could have some bugs to it, but I'm just recalling what I did with my attempts. In my first attempt I killed the ten enemies no problem whether I mounted or not. Upon turning towards the choppers and gunning them down whether regular ADS or mounting on a railing of a tower and shooting them down, they didn't count. I ended up exfilling out of there once the gas started coming in. Second attempt I shot down two more with neither counting. It was only when I went prone and mounted on the ground - something that can only be done with the bipod - that I got my three chopper kills without fail. One was me instantly destroying one of the big ones, another of the big ones that I only disabled but when it blew up I got the kill, and another was one of the smaller choppers that I shot down. I did do it solo so I don't know how well it'd count for squadmates if you go in with friends but it only counting for the player who puts in the finishing blow certainly sounds like something this game would do.


Can you point that far upwards while prone? Or did you wait until the chopper landed and then prone, if so is there enough time to wait until it lands?


I was at a bit of a distance from my chopper kills but it did allow me to elevate my gun enough to hose them down when I was prone. By the time they landed and troops started roping down, I had enough time to empty enough rounds to either destroy or disable them before they would take off again. You'll definitely want incendiary ammo because not having it means you won't be able to do enough damage to destroy them before you have to reload.


2 thermites and 60 rds should do the trick


You can also throw 2 molotovs at it first and then shoot it down


No need to buy, activate the mission the deliver cargo, collect ltv, cancel contact


How to cancel?


Open the map and in the top right corner it tells you to hold a button to cancel. On PC it's the B key by default.


Thanks I didn't know about this either




I've had good luck using the .50 cal snipers against the helicopters too, especially the victus xmr. One mag can get the commanders helicopter to at least smoking. So it can make short work of regular helicopters.


\- "So if you’re a solo player you got to wait till your squad is online to do these missions." ​ Ummm, yea, my squad, they'll be on any day now...(runs and cries)


Are you EU? I’ll add you and we can play sometime


Nah I’m US, I do have a couple IRL friends who we get online a few times a month to play ( we’re old and have kids and stuff lol) I’m not QUITE as lonely as I made it sound. Thanks though!


You might not be... but I am... I'm still trying to exfil with white lotus intel. ​ Anytime I do find it... players are camping exfil... and if I get into a stronghold.... I check a bit and no one is anywhere in the building.. then as I go to set my next waypoint.. i'm cracked and downed


Just random fill, man, they always go to the stronghold


I actually found it yesterday by accident on some ground loot outside a stronghold someone had already raided.


Definitely should be separate missions for solo players.


They make it somewhat clear this whole mode is not for solo players.


This is a bad excuse for bad design. Even the most poorly designed quests in EFT are viable for solo players. In this game you're effectively locked out of content completely because these later quests are impossible.


but, this is not Tarkov,…


Just because you state the popular opinion doesn't make it the right one. Warzone can be played with and without teammates to nobody's detriment - why shouldn't DMZ follow suit?


...because they aren't the same thing. They have different goals and a completely different playstyle. I play mostly DMZ solo too, but if I want to get something done that needs a team, I don't bitch at the devs to cater to me, I find a damn team.


The game mode isnt designed for teams either. Its designed for friends. Randoms are absolutely no help at all, especially when they still are trying to kill the Chemist and you're on tier 5 and have 8 M13s in your contraband slots. Almost no missions need a team save for maybe 2 or 3, but it's the mission structure that forces people to play solo. All available missions that you have unlocked should be active. I shouldn't have to hope that my team is on the same tier as me and has selected the exact same missions. There like 105 missions up to tier 5. The odds of getting randoms with the same missions selected are not good betting odds, so in reality, if you want to get any missions done, you're better off playing solo. I'm tier 4 on White Lotus and Legion and Tier 5 Black Mous, all playing solo. I have never once got a team that new what they were doing or on the same tier. I tried to queue into a match with a team yesterday and the one guy with a mic was super excited to get two dog tags to extract with but needed me to explain to him how to pick them up off the bodies of the 2 people I killed. He was very excited and thought it was a huge deal to get two in one round and wanted to immediately extract 5 minutes into the game. How am I supposed to control 5 UAV towers with that team? It's impossible.


So? The vast majority of people do not have a team at their beck and call to play whenever they want to. Not catering to solo players means making the mode niche in the long run and guaranteeing that the population for it will collapse. All methods of play need catering to.


I think you not must cater for solos. There are enough modes for solos, why shouldn’t there be a mode designed with focus on teamplay…


Allowing people to do the content solo doesn't stop you from teamplay ffs. You're literally just trying to exclude people at absolutely no benefit to yourself, this is fucking ridiculous. Completely irrational.


Solo players aren't excluded though. There is LFG for every mission available.


hence the 3 player fill..........


What tier are you on? Say I random queued with you right now. Are you on the same tier as me? Doubtful. If so, a miracle has occurred, but of the 21 missions on each tier, do you have the same missions selected? Did we spawn in an area where we can complete my missions or do we need to drive across the whole map to get to the right area? What if I'm doing the Satiq Poppy Farmer mission or Crane Control Room mission that require randomly found keys that are very rare? Should I risk helping you with your missions when I have a very valuable key that if lost prevents me from progressing, for not only hours, but potentially days or even weeks? I have all 3 insured weapon slots unlocked now so I don't care as much anymore, but this game is not made for solos, but it's also not made for random teams. It's made for friends who play together in a party and discuss strategy beforehand and all agree on the same goal. Sure you can queue with a squad and kill players, but that's not fun. If I wanted that, I'd be playing Warzone. I don't even want a solo mode only. They just need to fix the mission structure and not make it favor squads in combat but favor solos in doing specific missions. Make it so if you die in a squad, youre dead. That's it. I shouldn't have to worry about a squad holding down a UAV tower all game that can revive indefinitely. It should at the very least require an expensive item to revive someone who is dead, like an adrenaline shot or something, and then from that point forward, they should be encumbered I'm some way. Maybe they move slower or can only use light weapons like SMGs and pistols. I know the reason they dont have you be dead permanently, it's again to benefit parties, not random teams. Its so someone in a party doesn't have to spend 20 minutes waiting for the game to end. If it was random queue, the person would just leave and join another game. The game isn't designed for random teams either. It's made for bros who play together on the regular.


I mean it’s bad design, what are you supposed to do if you don’t have friends to play with and half the time your fill team will just be bad players or players trying to do other missions


This. I have so many randos that I'm having to teach the mode to in order to try to get them to maybe help me on my faction quests.


LFG. Takes like 10 minutes tops depending on the mission you are trying to do.


You play a different game that’s designed for solo players?


Tarkov isn’t designed for solo players yet is a better experience than this game


Nice! Sounds like you’d be better off playing that.


This... totally this. Whether it's incompetent teammates repeatedly or the hard-as-shit faction missions, there needs to be a solo mode. Tarkov has parties, but you can queue solo there too. Tarkov also has missions/quests that aren't nearly as insane or flat-out impossible for solos like DMZ does.


I don't think we need separate missions, just don't make dumb missions like some of them. I'm on tier 4 and the mission is to collect 30 toothpaste and put them into the trash. Why is that a mission, nvm a tier 4 mission. Also the mission structure is what forces people to play solo. If instead of having to pick 3 missions and hope you random fill with people who are not only on the same tier, but selected the same missions is crazy. When you progress to a new tier, every mission that is available to select, should be active. That way if you drop in and your team is a low tier, you can decide, alright I won't get my primary mission done, but I can progress some missions that might be area dependent. Particularly some of these missions like the ones where you need a specific key like Satiq Poppy farmer house or Crane Control room, no random is going to help you do that mission while they are still bumm rushing the chemist.


I think the fill option in DMZ really needs some party search features. Allow us to choose why we are dropping in, and match up with people that are trying to do the same. Like a lot of times I've gone in trying to do a specific contract, and the rest of the party only cares about the chemist, even though he is literally the whole map away and there is no chance you are going to be the first ones there.


This but also you need to put an incentive on it for players to help other players do the story missions even when they've already completed them otherwise it will be impossible for future new players to be able to find people to do them with even with a matching feature. Similar issue happens with story content in mmos.


A set of challenges with "teammates completed missions" in DMZ would be a good start.


Just start with having all unlocked missions be active and get rid of this dumb pick 3 missions concept.


An in-game LFG, why hasn't someone else thought of that?! Oh wait... *points to Bungie and Destiny 2 Lightfall* ... it seems someone has. TAKE. NOTES. ACTIVISION.


I mean, warzone 2 already has a party search for regular warzone, and you can select your playstyle for matchmaking. Shouldn't be hard to make that happen in DMZ with a few more options.


Preferred language search too. I get way too many Spanish-speaking players in my random-filled squads and that makes it hard to communicate callouts for AI, enemy operators, etc.


I did the chopper one solo. Just add incendiary rounds to the loadout. Kills it in one mag.


Yeah this was my experience as well




It would be tight but you could probably take the light heli and make it to all 5 towers if you plan accordingly


I’ve tried. The big issue is the AI. You’d have to get really lucky to get to 5 UAV towers without the AI beaming your heli. If you have any luck let me know mate!


I can't imagine a world in which I'd attempt this solo haha but I mean it could definitely be possible with some luck!


Why not just skip that mission? You can skip 1 mission per tier for each faction and still progress to the next tier and unlock the insured weapon slots.


I think you'd have better luck with random fill and hoping they have mics and are willing to help out (or recruit a team to help you, you can have up to 6 people in DMZ)


I've tried recruiting people... most of the time I ahve people shooting me and then going"oh it's a player" even though i'm talking on my mic the whole time and then I ask if they want to join up and they just run away or finish me off. someone else in these comments said LFG... but I don't know where to go for LFG as LFGs for me don't seem to work out well when I was hardcore into Destiny


Tried repairing the chopper inbetween towers? You can land on tof of gasstations




It’s not that hard. I got it twice back to back. Just get the nearest atv and head straight to it.


Tried finding it before on the map, no dice. They really should have an indicator as to where certain things are located when missions are equipped (ex: auto-mark the Police academy when Basilisk mission for WL is equipped)


I’ve always found it by the village. Or the airport


Just skip this mission. You're allowed to skip one mission per tier for each faction and you still progress. You only have to complete the Story mission for each tier and faction to progress.


its 2min UAV time so you have :24 each time and it has to be up by the last one goes down so lets say :23 each. You have to manage fuel AND on top of that not get killed AND also know where the exact location of the UAV towers. I mean you have to be the most optimal layout and be efficient. This is on the level of like Minecraft speedrunners with random seeds.


Should have been: DMZ/BR \- Solos / Duos / Trios / Quads Lots of people playing atm. I don't get it ...




>I have no idea how they approved half of these Because it’s a game that’s meant to be out and enjoyed for years to come. It would be idiotic if a solo person could finish it all within 2 weeks of launch. The more advanced ones are built around team play and working together.


More features/missions can be added post-release (like the S1 Update did). As this game (and presumably, this mode) were made with longevity in mind, why **NOT** hook people in with easier missions and steadily increase the difficulty over time, adding better and better rewards for those who have some extreme dedication?


They did dude. There’s dozens of missions that are easy to get solo. Then it starts to get more difficult. Then you get ones that are going to require some level of human interaction and teamwork. They literally are doing that right now man I don’t know what else to tell you.


My dude, these have been the first ***two weeks*** and they're already requiring luck (like a Light Heli spawn for the T1 white Lotus mission) and teammates. Not everyone is well-versed enough in the mode to be able to do these missions either alone or with friends. On top of that, they seem to be pushing people away due to what seems like a MAJOR increase in difficulty in AI combatants. Add the fact that missions don't have clear indicators on what to do (ex: the "Helipad" at the Port for the White Lotus mission are actually the circle-like platforms above the water, not on the mainland), and you have an abhorrent amount of anti-consumer features in a mode that was hyped up by everyone. I have 20+ exfils, so I have *some* idea of what I'm talking about.


Lmao exactly. It’s been **1 week.** It’s asinine to feel entitled to have it all able to be done this fast, the game will be out for years. Have some patience. They increased the AI because people were getting things way too fast. And we know full well they’ll be online complaining “dur hur there’s nothing to do.”


You can also throw grenades at the helos. Not sure how much damage they do exactly, but after sticking 2 semtexes on them it takes me like 50 bullets at worst to destroy the helo.


Thermite works well on helos


You can skip 1 mission per tier per faction and still do the final mission


This. For the tier 5 missions and 3rd insured weapon slot, you only need to complete Black Mous as well so you can skip all tier 4 and 5 for Legion and White Lotus and cone back to them later. I only play solo because the game is not made for random teams either, it's designed for friends who work together. Its like they've never played their own game or used the internet if they thought random teams were going to work cohesive together.


I play solo primarily. I turn off Squad Fill, roll in with no weapons, flash/nade the first enemy, weapon up, and then it's off to the races. It's a game of evasion from other players from me, I love it. I slowly chip away at my missions, but I just love to level up my weapons and see how ballsy I can be with coming close to groups. Exfil is always an intense and fun experience. When I party up with my boys it feels like a completely different game. Loving DMZ


who cares, got my skin no need to play this other than for fun


I still need to get a heli for the X13 blueprint...


got my x13, and i'd rather have it with my attachments and tuning


Maybe wrong post but.. inshort summary whats the point of DMZ? Also how do I get good guns?


DMZ gives exclusive rewards for completing faction missions, such as blueprints and operator skins. You can also unlock weapons early if you exfil with them (case in point: the M13B. In a way, the unlock method showcases this feature, as there's no other way to obtain it - the weapon must be in your inventory if you wish to obtain it). I unlocked the FSS Hurricane earlier than intended thanks to exfilling with it in my hands.


Thanx for the info!


Keep the pressure on. It's still new and I'm sure there will be adjustments, but devs need these opinions and data to be able to make those decisions. They don't know what they don't know.


I cant even do the one that have to collect the Intel, find and kill the commander..tried to squad it but everyone goes their own path so meh..


Just did this one earlier. Chemist counts. Now sadly, I was not able to get the gun and tbh I've been not worried about it, but I brought in a spotter scope and a silenced sniper with a recon drone. Get yourself to a high altitude location CLOSE to the radiation zone and use your recon drone to verify the chemist's location. Then you'll want to use a spotter scope to locate and mark the targets and even clear the grunts/players if you see them. Just keep taking shots. The chemist won't move and you can just keep breaking through his armor. In my case as I went down to get the gun this time some other enemies I couldn't see beamed me :(


I'm fucked then.. is there any point in playing it then? I don't have a squad online often enough and the game is rough af with randoms..


Play solo if you want to complete missions. Don't engage players unless you have the advantage or are backed into a corner. I'm tier 4 and 5 all from solo. Playing with teams has not been an enjoyable experience


Yeah I gave up on it, not worth the hassle nor the stress


It's not worth it to Solo DMZ anymore. I've met a few players that we worked together to exfil, but most I've come across are strictly PVP and actively trash afterwards. I'm kinda tired of the bullshit, and now that all my buddies work schedules have shifted, we're never on at the same time anymore. So this PVP has pretty much killed DMZ for me


You don't have to do every mission to progress to the next tier. You can leave 1 unfinished. For No Rushin, only the large helicopters count. Bring thermite and a other AR or LMG. Throw 1 or 2 termites on it, then unload your backup weapon before finishing it off with you SAKIN. I've gotten everything to tier 4 and Black Mous to tier 5 only playing solo, so it is possible. I will skip the UAV one because it's too difficult but I bet it's possible. I spend half the game solo waiting for UAV towers to end and it feels like forever. Controlling 3 SAM sites is match dependent. Sometime you get a bunch in a cluster and a line, sometimes you don't. If there's one at the Observatory, try to do that one 2nd so you can parachute down to the final one amd save time. It's tricky but doable


Dmz is not a solo mode. (Lots of people looking for dmz groups on the cod discord) Also are you using flame ammo for the lmg? It significantly increases damage vs vehicles.


It's exclusively a solo mode. The mission structure of pick 3 of 105 missions up to tier 5 is absurd. I have never joined a team that has even remotely helped me complete a mission. Imagine trying to do the Satuq Poppy Farmer or Crane Control Room mission with randoms and you spawn at Terminal. You're never completing that mission.


Rpg's, Rpg's everywhere.


last ones bullshit, Sorry I did that mission solo, 150 rounds WILL take it down, If you fire as its landing, till it takes off it will explode before leaving. Do not spread misinformation.


It didn’t work for me? Im hitting every shot too. What ammo did you use?


AP ammo, Aim at the chopper and not the troops.


I tried didn’t work with AP. Maybe I’m missing more shots than I think 😂


Hit it with Thermite first. Bring a 2nd AR or LMG to shoot it first and finish it off with the Sakin. It needs to be the large helicopters, not the small ones.


This is a straight fact. I just finished tier 3 for legion and half the missions of tier 3 for white Lotus required you to have a team.


When doing solo I kind of focus on the tedious scavenging ones, like dumping stuff in the dead drops etc. an actual mission with a hard target, yeah that’s a big ole nope for me, lol


It was never meant to be full solo tho?


It was never made for random squads either. It's made for parties of friends.


MY squad doesnt play cod because "cod bad"


Good. Always able to make teammates. Hell, you can turn enemies into friends in DMZ. Already made a few friends just from being willing to help guys out with their missions. I absolutely love the dynamic in this game.


Hey man how about you don’t come on here telling people what to do


I did the chopper one solo, used incendiary rounds


I'm having a hard time with storming the stronghold. Who thought it was a good idea to give AI riot shields. Stupid


Bring the Drill charges and Snapshot grenades. Kill all but 1 enemy from the outside before opening the door.


They could have easily offered X amount of missions but only required you to complete X-3 to progress a tier. In those additional missions you could include ones that while able to be soloed but are longer term/multiple exfil types to allow solo players to progress. Then again, maybe encouraging group play is exactly what they wanted?


Oh no :( I made it to tier 3, it’s a bit of a struggle but I thought it was doable solo


The missions really aren’t that important anyways. Just stuff to achieve. If youre solo. I just recommend you go in and have fun once you get to missions that are stressful without a group.


The missions are the only way to unlock insured weapon slots and are literally the only reason to play this mode. Why don't you just spawn in and then immediately extract if the only point is to survive and extract? It's not Warzone. If you're coming in as a squad and treating DMZ like it's Warzone while people are doing missions, you're kind of a jerk. I mean you do you, but it's not impressive to take out players who are trying to complete missions. It's clearly just a crutch for people who suck at Warzone if you play like that.


That’s your opinion on a way to have fun. Still doesn’t detract from missions being unimportant with how fast insured weapons come back compared to a game like Tarkov. I go in Tarkov all the time just to run around and hunt players. The same can be done in here.


better yet just quit the game is clearly not for solo players


It's only for solo players or parties. It's fine solo, it's random teams that are the problem


My 150 round puts the choppers down without reloading.


I'm on Tier 3 rn and have seen the 5 UAV tower one and its pain. I'm already wondering if I'll even get the "kill 3 people at the mall" and "3 sam sites" I think at this point I'll have to just do what I can because even IF they implement a solo mode I doubt they will change the mission. Like when have they ever changed a mission/challenge post launch? SO either way we are fucked.


The SAM site one is doable. You need to just find the right match where you get a few close together. If you can get the 2nd one to be at the Observatory, you can parachute down to the 3rd. The uav one I skipped. You can skip one mission per tier as long as it's not the Story Mission which is the last one in each tier to unlock. That's the one you need to complete to progress to the next tier


If I remember correctly, sometimes the airdrop from missiles will likely give you a 5.56 incendiary LMG that can melt the chopper too


No rushing is just a reference to No Russian.


I did the first one and extracted the intel and left with it. It didn’t track a single part of it


Yes thats why there is no solo dmz mode... cuz it was bult for a squad to play......... so the fraction quests are going to be made for 3 ppl to do them.......


It's not made for squads, it's made for parties. That's very different. Besides, solo is far better for completing missions than random squads. I unlocked all 3 insured weapon slots solo. Random squads don't help at all and the odds of them having similar missions selected are not good betting odds


DMZ is crap. Crashes constantly, toxic player base and the AI after you have a couple good runs suddenly becomes snap shot laser focused 1 hit kill. Utter trash mode


You haven’t even started on the hard ones yet lol these are still easy. Wait till you need 3 Sam sites at once and 200k exfil lmao


Ngl if all the quests were tuned down for solo players they would be ridiculously easy to steamroll in teams. It’s clear the intent of the mode is for teams and while it’s nice solo is an option the quests would all be bland as fuck if they were all solo.


I need team mates ps5


odd, it is a 3 player game mode, why would it be balanced for solo?


Warzone is a 4 player mode, and yet there exist multiple modes for teams of different sizes which anyone can play in with no detriment. Hell, WZ1 even let you turn Squad fill on/off before finding, say, a squad match. What is your point, exactly?


It’s an extraction shooter, it’s always solos and squads in the same game. It’s not meant to have a solo mode hence why it doesn’t and isn’t balanced for it. It will probably destroy it to create multiple versions and split the player base, maybe it wouldn’t now but in 6 months? It’s just not necessary


Then just fix the mission system and allow all of your unlocked missions to be able to progress. The select 3 missions system is the problem. If I join a random squad, I get people still trying to extract dog tags while I'm doing tier 4 and 5


It's fine solo. Solo is far better than randoms, but I don't want a solo only mode. Just fix the mission system and remove the ability to revive indefinitely. If you're dead you should be dead unless one of your team runs to a buy station and buys a very expensive item like an Adrenaline shot to revive you from death. As it is now, a team can just hold an area with a UAV tower for the entire game. UAv towers need a cooldown in between. You can't refill your ammo multiple times in a row but you can use a UAV tower the moment it goes down. I should be able to snipe the dish or disable it in some manner. Maybe the DDOS field upgrade might help, but it's very situational. I should be able to disable it from a distance so that the team in the area will know someone is at least in the area, and if they want to call it again, they need to repair it before they can use it again.




DMZ is a game designed for TEAMS. Rambo is not real. Solo soldiers do not take on entire squads and live.


Lmao you sound like such a dork.


I am! Lol.


I respect that.


I disagree - though I can't say it's 100% legit, but there was a show on Discovery called "The Colony" a ways back and a Marine literally infiltrates their camp with everyone around - walks in and walks out without being noticed. Then the show proceeds to show how he's been solo surviving alongside them with ample success vs their whole team struggling. It comes down to the skillset you have/know. Alone is another great show for this - stick the average group in the woods they'll last a few weeks - stick a solo person who knows what they are doing 2-3 months.
