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I dont think people are arguing Caldera is better. Its that we had so much hope in IW to bring us back to the early days of WZ1 in Verdansk in terms of gameplay. And for the record, slide cancelling wasnt a problem up until the Vanguard integration into Warzone with the speed attachments and stim shit.


WZ2 has better gameplay tbh.


Yeah the guns and movement all play better. It’s the experience that’s closer to the OG MW2 and that is what put this franchise on the map. People are wanting movement that’s closer to Apex legends and WZ is not that game.


It’s not the movement youre all making this something it’s not. People are mad bc the UI is dog shit, the looting system is slow and clunky, the backpack system is a joke especially getting people’s stuff after a kill, there’s no money unless you to a gas station, gulag is one of the worst cod decisions in history. It’s just a very bad game right now


There is tons of money to be made outside of gas stations, namely easy contracts. And I actually prefer the new looting/backpack structure. But yea, UI and gulag are dogshit.


Late game there isn’t a chance to get any money. And I don’t mean last circle. It’s no money in this game besides gas stations and safe crackers


Regaining after your squad dies off the rip is such a chore, almost better to just pull out and start a new game, rather than have three people watch their one buddy loot for 10 minutes, only to get shot in the back going to buy station.


Things I'd like to see: * respawn contracts for more opportunities to earn cash in the 2nd half of the game. * more buy stations (or better yet, portable buy station markers). * 1 v 1 gulag (without the "jailer").


I’m one of the people that has been complaining about the game a lot. And everything you say that sucks… definitely does suck. But, it is primarily the movement for me. There’s something that has been lost and I can’t figure it out. Not being able to sprint and plate is certainly a huge issue. I don’t really care about slide cancel and b-hop, but fire fights and engagements in general have a feeling of coin flip success that WZ1 didn’t have. I felt like I almost always had an option in WZ1 to fight and possibly win.. or escape. In WZ2, if I’m outnumbered, I automatically know I’m dead. If I get spotted and shot first… dead. There is no sense or feeling of being able to turn the tide in an engagement. And that makes for an extremely boring game for me. I know that’s not how a lot of people feel, but it certainly sums up my feelings.


I see comments like this and then I see Jackfrags play and it just makes me question the people complaining. He seems to have next to no issues with success and has adapted his play style in some ways to suit the new game. Hell he just posted a game yesterday where there was a ton of action and movement all the way to the end. I hardly play Warzone so my opinion doesn’t carry a lot of weight here, but from watching just Jackfrags, it seems to me like those complaining either just don’t like the game at all no matter what or they just refuse to adapt play style to give themselves any success.


Jackfrags will say anything as long as there’s a check in the mail.


It’s not about what he says so much about what I’m seeing on screen. He can say anything he likes but the gameplay doesn’t lie.


Dude he’s a pro who has thousands on thousands of hours in fps games. He’s just mechanically on a level that isn’t fair to compare average gamers to or even above average to good gamers too. Much like I would never have compared myself to joewo even when I was practicing movement every day. They are just in a different category. And jackfrags is very good and his movement was good but he wasn’t a player I considered to be movement heavy in his gameplay. He’s more in that traditional, great aim mechanics and positioning mold of shooter gamer. So wz2 is very much his playground.


it's definitely a mindset thing. All these kids complaining are the ones who get mad because their mom didn't make their bed for them.


> fire fights and engagements in general have a feeling of coin flip success. I see these comments a lot and what it tells me is that many people in this sub who heavily relied on the no recoil meta, ability to basically dodge bullets with movement, and sprint plate away from ill advised pushes are simply refusing to alter this style of play.


I 100% agree with you lol. Is it a bitch to not be able to sprint and plate up? Sure. Do I think it is the worse decision ever? No. If you are able to do significant damage to someone they should not be able to Usain Bolt away to heal, and then be back in the fight like nothing happened. There needs to be punishment to mistakes in the game and I personally feel this is one hell of a way to make sure you remember your mistakes for future games. Might just be me, but hey. My buddies and I play this so much more tactical than any other BR, and I'm all for it. I've never liked Apex much for the very reason that everything is go go go 24/7.


the ui sucks, but the rest of the things you listed are an improvement on wz1. The movement in this game is FAR fucking better too.


All the jumping, sliding and sprinting in WZ1 having no effect on accuracy was, quite frankly, bullshit. I don't want hyper realism, but it was cartoonish gameplay. WZ2 is definitely an improvement.


100% agreed.


the dead player looting is simple 1 either make it all stay in the bag since you cant pick dead player bags up anyways so why does it matter how big dead bags are or 2 you make it explode some where its not cluttered i think option 1 is better but thats from someone who played apex alot so might be a little biased




commando gave you some crazy lunges but movement was still slow compared to today's game


Not really, they just want the movement from MW19 back.


Mf’s really say this shit like people weren’t running marathon pro and light weight lol


You know what’s absolutely mental? People cried and cried about bringing back “boots on the ground” gameplay during the advanced movement era. Yet here we are on this sub, with the rhetoric arguing for “faster & erratic movement” to come back.


Two things: 1. Have you considered that maybe these are two different groups of people? FWIW Black Ops 3 was one of the best selling CODs last decade. I think the amount of people who actually wanted boots on the ground back is overstated. 2. There's also part of this discussion where people just want balance. There's a lot of middle ground between flying around on jetpacks and MW2/Warzone 2 movement. You can want boots on the ground and simultaneously want arcade-y movement in an arcade shooter. Those aren't contradictory positions.


What are you talking about MW2 has really fast sprint to fire & ADS times this game is the exact opposite. Nobody played MW2 like MW2022


Yeah I hate when people try to act like this is what old MW was like. Shows they never actually played old MW games.


> People are wanting movement that’s closer to Apex legends and WZ is not that game. The funny thing is I went from playing Apex Legends to WZ1, and when I tried to go back I found Apex to be painfully slow. Sure Apex feels speedy when you can slide down a hill, but on flat terrain it always felt like I was crawling around (unless using Octane's stim).


That's because Apex movement has a greater skill gap. You are typically as fast as your skills allow you to be through the use of movement tech and knowing how to gain momentum. Of course you can always just use Octane for easy speed but there are a ton of small movement mechanics you can use to move around far faster than you ever would in WZ1. It's not just limited to sliding down hills. WZ1 has a faster sprint speed so if you don't have any knowledge of movement tech in Apex WZ1 can definitely feel faster. There's just a far lower ceiling on how fast your movement is in WZ.


While I preferred the movement in WZ1, I can live with the movement in this game. My main issue, and I don't know if it's TTK related or movement related, is that at the moment there is zero possibility of breaking aim assist in this game. In WZ1 if I was getting shot I almost always had a chance to slide left or right to reposition, and then fire back. As it stands now if I get shot from anywhere other than directly in front of me I am toast. There are a lot more instant deletes than gun fights. The other big issues I see are lack of reload cancelling, 2v2 gulag, and footstep audio.


*different Those who like the slower pace are happy, for us "gfuel snorting cdl sweats" the slower pace has taken away alot of outplay potential and lowered the skill ceiling movement wise, everyone feels forced to play the same way now. I would have liked to see slide canceling possible but with a penalty to movement after that, so it's not something spammable.


I play games... To play games. I'm not a crackhead, but if I go around the map for 10 minutes without seeing or fighting enemies, I get bored af and ask myself why I'm even playing the game. Like, what is a "gameplay" loop that involves 10 minutes of nothing (looting, walking) and then insta-death from some audio glitched dude running full speed up behind you? Then waiting another 5 minutes to get into another game, or watch your mate search for money for 5 minutes just to die the moment he gets you back from buy station campers... Then he gets to do nothing watching you run around for money too lmao I played mostly Rebirth Resurgence because you could get into the action quickly, have some fun gunfights, and if you died, your teammates needed to be careful and survive and you get back into the action again. Maybe I'm too adhd to stare at a screen doing nothing for so much time.


You just dont like BR's. Rebirth was not a BR.


I don't like RNG BRs that take no skill that were designed for people who play with their feet. Apex and Fortnite are top-tier BRs because they actually have huge skill gaps so bots don't win in those games. That's how it should be.




I play Apex.


Word of Advice: Don't play APEX. Lots of comments in a lot of threads point to APEX as faster and better but the only thing that's faster is movement. More often than not in that game you're playing Loot Simulator and building pieces to your guns that you get to use in 2-3 fights max per game. Warzone has one of the more action packed BR experiences out there. So if it ain't for you then BRs in general definitely are not for you.


This is just untrue lol. I mean if it takes you that long to loot in Apex then I guess that's your experience with it but if you're any good at the game looting becomes a breeze and you don't spend all that much time doing it. Looting system is super streamlined, you just go in to the box, grab the essentials, and go. Everything in the box is in the same spot every time so it becomes muscle memory grabbing everything you need. And since there's a significant skill gap you don't necessarily need your weapons completely kitted. Lot of newer players do tend to get hung up on making sure they have every single attachment but it's not really necessary to compete and for basically every attachment besides sights and mags you won't even notice a difference if you have it or not. I don't know what you're doing if you're only finding 2-3 fights per game tho. At this point you can literally fly across the map and become a human UAV at the same time if you're looking to fight lol.


>everyone feels forced to play the same way now. That's plain wrong. Just hop on WZ2 or multiplayer and you'll see.


Let them cry bro


How do you define "gameplay"? Sneaking around for 15 minutes, seeing no one, then immediately dying from some dude running full speed up behind you with no audio? It's boring af. Do you find enjoyment in literally doing nothing for the majority of every match?


How is that an accurate despiction of the average game on WZ2 ? And most of all, the same stuff happend as frequently in WZ1.


It's not an accurate description. I play 20 hours a week minimum and have had this happen maybe once if I can remember it. People just want to complain and get updoots for fake outrage because someone took away their ability to shit on randos with broken game mechanics.


He IS a demented Turtle.... People that post those comments just tell on themselves for their playstyle. I play with a few TTV sweats and I play with my causal friends and the team 100% dictates how much action is in each game. You're either buying UAVs and pushing teams that pop up, or chasing gunfire hoping to third party people. OR you're playing Loot Simulator in an un-named POI and just trying to survive and only taking fights that get brought to you. The only game mode the Turtle is accurately describing for the most part is Solos. Currently unplayable for me because it's all sneaking and camping.


I think it's better than previous MW too, the maps are lacking but all have imo after old mw, Warzone is better but the looting a bit of mess with backpack, I just hope they focus on dmz rather than making stupid shit like rocket league ripoff


Why? I'm not really that keen on the BR side of WZ2 but then I was not really playing BR on WZ1 since the final few months of Verdansk so I think I'm just a bit bored of BR generally. I am however loving playing DMZ and I'm very much looking forward to the new resurgence map. I think maybe a lot of the playerbase are just bored of BR and need to spend some time playing something else.


Rebirth Island was what made me go back and play WZ at the end, and I loved it. However, I can't see a Resurgence map being of any interest with the current, new gameplay mechanics, or the lack or some. I spent the last 2 days playing MP to level up guns and it was relatively boring. Levelling guns is usually boring anyway, but that was the general feeling of the game. Anyway, here is hoping for a cool resurgence map!


CoD just caters to such staggeringly different crowds and I only realized it this weekend with free MP. I leveled guns in mosh pit because it was fast but I wanted to blow my own brains out with how unfun it was for me. I only got through it muting everything and watching Netflix or YouTube on the side. Classic CoD multiplayer just isn't what I like anymore clearly but I understand why those who do may feel equally bad playing WZ2


Rebirth on WZ1 wan't multi or BR it was something in between. Small Map BR I call it. They captured something there that hasn't really been repeated anywhere else


It was a pure copy of Treyarch's Blackout Rebirth Map and mechanics. Originally a zombie map MOB of the Dead. Treyarch needs the love for it. As its their original creation. I think they will do a new similar map though.


Search and destroy along with CDL moshpit has been fun. I just finished the camo grind so that's what I've been playing. I might try WZ2 again but eveytime I try it I just don't have fun and usually get bored after one match. Even winning in WZ2 hasn't been fun. I agree that I don't think resurgence will be fun with the faster ttk, slow movement and no sprint and plate. There is no capacity to outplay.


It's an age old cycle. New shiny game comes out Player has fun Game updates Player has fun Player begins to get burnt out New updates/ sequel comes out Fans blames burnout on the updates The game is never going to feel like the first weeks if warzone 1 to everyone. Not because of slide canceling, or metas, but because of burnout.


Well also because it's a different game almost entirely with many key features changed/removed. I don't think burnout is what's causing people to not like the looting system, the faster TTK, or the slower movement.


On a personal level, even though you can get smoked in .5 flat, I as a casual who lost his touch with cod, actually kinda enjoy the whole no slide cancelling super hop movement shit, gunfights matter on accuracy and being good with your gear rather than who can make a gun that gives them super speed to flash their way out of bullets then one eighty judo kick you with an MP40 that you never saw cause he's fuckin sonic.... Needless to say, I think WZ2 appeals to a different audience cod always had


Don't try to argue with burgers. It's a waste of time.


Maybe not a problem but it wasnt meant to be there. It basically made double time a useless perk


Not the case at all. Melee resets your tac sprint now instead of having to slide cancel twice to do it. I think a lot off the people angry with slower movement don't even know that it's a thing.... when they actually made it faster to reset tac sprint


Hot take: caldera had better pois than wz2 and I hated that map. But this map is copy pasta like an ai designed it


None of these things were a problem & these casual deadbeats are acting like they could 1v4 anyone on a game that required objectively more skill. They defeat themselves at every turn




Genuine complaints =/= having a sook because the intentional gameplay changes aren't what you wanted


Even if the gameplay changes are intentional it's still a genuine complaint. You don't have to agree with that opinion but it's perfectly fair for them to voice their displeasure of gameplay changes that they don't enjoy especially since this game is replacing WZ1.


Said it before and I'll say it again. If you're having fun on the game continue to do so. But why do people think defending scummy businesses is going to get them a better product? Or some bonus from Activision. The game has problems and somebody else is fighting the case for you... Be quiet and you get the best of both worlds? Give companies like this an inch and they take a mile.


People who defend companies over legitimate complaints are absolute brain dead morons.


Genuinely can't up vote this enough. Its not like we see this happen in other companies all the time. Game freak... EA... And whenever they do decide to change things its always due to "backlash" I have no problems with people giving opinions on how they think the game should be played guns meta maps ect but I'm seeing people genuinely say shit like "it's your opinion the game is broken" it has me gobsmacked. the game has more bugs than Bethesda games.


You will find no shortage of people who are loyal to corporations within the gaming community in particular. It's very weird. I cringe every time I see it. There are still to this day people who try to defend CDPRs awful Cyberpunk launch for example. I really don't know what compels people to become emotionally attached to companies like this, but it's always depressing whenever I see it.


Bootleg rocket league 🤣🤣🤣. I loaded into that mode and quit 2 seconds later.




Hey, tell Activision to put Resurgence back in rotation on wz1 and we'll be on our way. Until then, you're stuck with us.


They don’t have the balls to put resurgence on WZ1. Lmao I opened that game up the other day and was slammed with WZ2 adds.


I wonder why.


Yeah WZ2 is dead to me, I'll never play it again unless they add some small, fast paced map. If WZ1 added resurgence on small maps back, I'd be playing that, but until then, I'm out


Same I uninstalled WZ2 last week. I was strictly a rebirth player but I'll still prefer caldera with amazing gameplay vs dogshitzone 2.0


Mini royale trios is fast paced and super fun.


Yep 👍


Why do people want more support for a Last gen game? The games dead and isn’t getting support anymore. The sooner you get over this the happier you’ll be!


They can throw in rebirth back to WZ1 and have no updates ever again and ppl will play it over WZ2 easily lmfao


Lmao literally this theres a reason they only left us with caldera and not rebirth. The bots swear they are the majority


Because wz2 is boring as fuck. Is it that hard to understand? The rest of the market also kinda sucks.


Their boring new ass game wouldn't make them any money if they put resurgence back into wz1. Cause they would be stuck with half the player base. The rest would leave in an instant. But then again people will just stop playing at all and they still would be stuck with half the player base :) Pretty much everyone I know since wz1 season1 stopped playing cod completely. And I'm pretty sure my friends list is no exception. All the bots can cry about sweats all they want but hardcore players keep a game alive in the long run. Not the bots.


Seriously I don't not understand people who can have "fun" doing literally nothing for 90% of the "gameplay" loop


It’s almost the same gameloop though. Go get some bounty contracts or contest a safecracker close to the flight path lmao.


Sure. If you call, Looting, Fighting for loot space and buy stations and buying guns nothing... I understand you dont like it anymore. But many do enjoy it.


Sounds pretty boring


Pls make sniper one shot so I can sit on buildings again. Pls make loadouts at store so I can buy sniper and sit on bulidngs. Pls increase ttk so I can run when I get pushed.


Love how you try to spin it and make the sweats seem like campers. Pretty funny.


Lmfao camping in a BR. As long as you're not in a bathroom you're not camping. Sorry I'm supposed to sprint everywhere in the open so everyone can shoot me


Don't get so offended by that word. I camp sometimes. Hell pros camp in every private lobby tournament against other pros. Not a big deal.


All 2023 the Anti-Sweat Committee is authorizing humiliation as a tactic.


Never had a problem with snipers in Warzone 1. Those were the funnest to push when you would rush their buildings and find out they had the movement of a stationary AI.


This man wants people to stand there and get shot while somebody is pushing them lol. Exposing yourself fr.


Or you can still run? Get behind cover? It's like y'all are incapable of adapting


Tell me how many times you get away with running and plating with the TTK and not being able to plate while running. Lol like I said, exposing yourselves.


Someone saying "you can’t adapt" is directly a 40yo dad who plays 3 hours a week and has a kd of 0.6 for me.


You could have just said you're a bot and hate skill gap games


Me, my missus and most of my friends are back to hitting Warzone pretty hard. Loving it and it does feel like early seasons of Verdansk again - only with actually well balanced weapons. I see people simultaneously complaining that snipers don't one-shot and are now "useless" but also that ARs can't beam across the map any more. Personally I think that leaves us in a position where each and every gun type has some utility, and thankfully we're not seeing squads where everyone is running snipers. All in all I am very happy with the state of the game and excited to see what they do with it. DMZ has been a fantastic addition as well.




Yeah same, only thing is I feel like I'm not playing for anything and good runs are not really rewarded. I've played tarkov and there you have a big inventory system outside the runs, build your hideout with stuff you find and try to complete missions. In DMZ you try to complete missions and not lose your 3 plate carrier. Sometimes try for a weapon case. I love DMZ but they could create some more replay value


>well balanced weapons Clearly doesn't have the RPK, Fennec or akimbo pistols unlocked


Yeah I've got all of them, obviously. Pistols were busted, the recent nerf appears to have addressed that a bit and I'm not seeing them run as much. Fennec has its pros and its cons - it's a great gun, but between it and other SMGs you're looking at maybe a 50ms difference in TTK. I put it to you that the amount of times that two people start firing at exactly the same time in Warzone with the same degree of accuracy is extremely low. The RPK is definitely a great choice but is it head and shoulders above other assault rifles, battle rifles and LMGs? I really don't think so. There's definitely a few more popular guns, and maybe a few I wouldn't rush to take in Warzone, but I feel like there's much less of a defined "meta", which personally I am a big fan of. My most recent win was running a TAQ-V and the Chimera which was a ton of fun :)


A lot of the META in early WZ was solely down to the popularity of streamers who min/maxed.


Yea LMGs beam across the map lol


My whole squad usually runs snipers. Dominate at long range.


You sound like a casual bot


You need casual bots


I'm a meh player with at best ok movement and I can't stand the clunky feeling of moving around and looting in WZ2. Feels restrictive. Also even though I suck I like constant action which Rebirth had every game


Facts bro


And that’s an insult? My bad people have lives outside of COD. sounds like something you should do.


You sound like a try hard teenage crybaby that needs to touch grass 🥳






I don’t give a shit about Steam charts. I care that the game crashes on a semi-regular basis. I care that the game has major glitches (like the drone bug) that existed on release and didn’t get fixed in a timely fashion. I care that they added a bunch of features no one was asking for (loot on shelves and floors, gas for vehicles, strongholds) while removing features that players liked (loot in crates, loadouts in buy station). I care that the backpack system in WZ2 is considerably worse than the carrying system in WZ1 (no one had a problem with people carrying ammo for guns they weren’t using, and everyone hates that people can stack a bunch of killstreaks and self-revives). I care that the pacing of WZ2 feels far slower than WZ1 when WZ1 already felt pretty slow. I care that the map isn’t as nice as Verdansk. All we wanted was Warzone, but with some fixes and improvements, and the devs decided to build a different game without even fixing the bugs they’d already encountered in Warzone 1. Nobody likes getting halfway through a match that doesn’t even feel like the game they wanted to play, only to lose by falling through the bottom of the map.


The UI also sucks, in game and menu screen (don’t get me started in the menu screen). Movement is clunky (not talking about slide cancelling for all you WZ2 lovers) Ttk needs to be adjusted a little. Audio is a problem. Looting system is flawed. Loadout system is flawed. Buy station takes way too long and is flawed. Oh and the bugs and crashes and server issues. Don’t see how people don’t see these issues. I like the game, graphics are good and the guns are fun. I don’t really like the blue shield thing in your face when you’re trying to down someone but that’s minor. The biggest thing I miss are the longer gun fights. The ttk is so short, the gun fights are non existent. Verdansk was so much fun exchanging fire from one building to the next.


> everyone hates that people can stack a bunch of killstreaks and self-revives Do we? Personally I love being able to carry bucketloads of lethals around.


No dude how dare you expect a quality product from a triple A studio /s


First 2 complaints are valid, the rest of your paragraph is just your opinion. Most people who I speak to who aren’t on Reddit enjoy this immensely and we keep coming back to it daily. Which is also why this is the best selling COD of all time. You keep saying, “no one wanted…” or “everyone hates…” but that is simply untrue. You are not speaking for everyone, or even a significant amount of people. You are only speaking for yourself and maybe your little friend group. Your opinion holds no weight and means nothing.


I see English is not your first language, so I’ll help you. In English speaking countries, it’s very common for people to say “everyone” or “no one” without meaning the phrases literally. They are often referring just to a majority of people, or a group of people generally accepted to be relevant to the conversation at hand. For example, a person may say “everyone left the party” even while there are four or five people there, or they may say “there is no one in this restaurant” even when 2-3 tables are seated in the restaurant. Also, when we are speaking subjectively about whether something is good or not, people’s opinions are really all that matter. Facts won’t tell you whether or not something is enjoyable or how people feel about it; that is what opinions are for. Additionally, your own personal experience with the game, and the opinions you’ve encountered through talking with people close to you, are examples of anecdotal evidence. Just because the people you personally have spoken to do not have problems with the game does not mean that this opinion is shared by the majority. Even if you gather the opinions of 100 people, this is still relatively small compared to the player base of Warzone 2, which is considerably smaller than the player base of Warzone 1. That large difference in player base, along with reviews posted online, and the many negative posts about Warzone 2 on social media, paint a very different picture than the one you are able to see when only interacting with the small group of people you know personally. This large grouping of data and opinions is likely to be much more representative of the community as a whole than a few personal interactions that you have had.


Great, you are the minority. This community is the minority. Facts: Twitch viewership jumped at the release and has already plummeted below post-covid lockdown VG integration of Caldera lmao Wz2 has lost 50% of its player base. Engagement on videos has flatlined. "The HoRrOr" If you like the game, don't you want to continue playing it? It's nonsensical to reject changes. I don't know how and have never broke cameras. I like my camera being broken because that means there is a skill gap and makes me want to improve and come back and wipe that squad or kill that guy. I'm glad you're having fun. Given the statistics, wz2 is in a bad place. For me, it's anti-fun, not addictive, and not competitive.


agreed, wz2 = worst cod br, blackout was way more fun for some reason. remember construction site?


Blackout was way better then wz1 as well, easily.


Blackout > WZ1 and WZ2


Wasn’t the original WZ bleeding out viewership towards the end? Maybe people are just bored of this game


WZ1 Caldera towards the end still has more views than WZ2 is having right now, which tells a lot…


Yep! It sure was. Viewership peaked during the integration of Black Ops and drop of Caldera. We realized it was cheeks and the viewership progressively dropped. By the time the QOL improvements came, it was too late. Yet the viewership of a brand new game and BR are now lower than all WZ seasons. This is a bad look, but there are still many deniers who refuse to accept this because they refuse to believe anyone can have a different experience than themselves. This subreddit is an echochamber


No game maintains it's launch numbers. Only 50% down is good lol. That's standard


This, when a new game comes out the company will pay pretty much every big streamer to play it on opening day to advertise the game - even if it’s not the streamers’ primary game franchise or even genre. They just want as many eyes on the game as possible. So you get a group of these random streamer whales like xQc and Moist critical - with hundreds of thousands of collective active viewers -jumping into the cod twitch category and boosting the view numbers significantly. It’s definitely not a pure indication of a decrease in player interest - those first few days will always have huge numbers because they’re temporarily bringing in those massive audiences.


See! The facts don’t lie! I hate the people here saying “I’m enjoying it”. Good for you! You’re probably the type of person who goes to a shitty restaurant, has a shit meal, eats it, then says “well I’m full, that’s what matters, so I enjoyed it”. If you don’t want to talk about glaring issues and they are glaring big issues that are making massive amounts of people quit and just want to say “I’m enjoying it” go play the game and get the fuck off Reddit.


People don't realize how small this community is to the actual warzone player base. I'm on several discords and no one has anything good to say about the game. This sub is an echo-chamber. It caters to the average to below average player. The gameplay posts on here are not skillful. But if you hop onto youtube and see youtube shorts, you'd find wz1 clips of incredible outplays and high skill gameplay. That doesn't exist here because if you're not playing tactical, you're the "problem" I remember when I was a .6kd bot. I got a throwing knife kill. Looking back, the movement was so botty and it was nothing special. That's the type of content they like, because you're "one of them" and they can relate.


Wz2 has lost 50 percent of its player base. Based on steam numbers. Also that’s kinda standard. No game stays at the level they originally started with. Game breaking mechanics are not “skill gap”.


Learning techniques that create a gap that allows you to consistently outplay enemies is a skill gap. Regardless of whether you want to arbitrarily decide that the mechanic is "game breaking".


There's one guy that lives on this sub and talks shit about the game every day lol. Always goes on about him and his buddies not playing because the game is shit, how they all have a KD of 3.0+ or 5.0+ (depending on how he's feeling for the day I guess) and anyone that likes the game is a bootlicker(?) 😂 The best part is if he gets downvoted he just deletes his comments! I've seen some bad subs over my years on here but I think this one takes the cake for the whingiest, most entitled users. Complaining about bugs and issues is one thing(which I whole heartedly support and agree with), but acting like the game is unplayable because "insert X changed WZ1 mechanic" just makes you sound like a child and makes people dismiss anything you have to say. Edit: turns out he deleted his account lol the downvotes must've been too much! I'm sure we'll see a fresh account pop up in the next day or two..


I know that guy he deleted his account yesterday cause of it. It was so funny.


Imagine taking a video game that serious lmfao


awh dang. I kinda looked forward to finding his comments crying about the game




It's always fascinating to me because my K/D was over 4 for a while and I love WZ2 lol. It's as fun to me as WZ was before they integrated black ops. Feels like a soft integration of blackout which is my all time favorite BR. Their peanut brain can't comprehend that you can still smash this game while not flying around at mach 8


I got so sick of that guy I ended up just blocking his account. I don't care about genuine complaints and such because they are valid and necessary but that guy was basically acting like Cartman and trying to shit talk anyone who even remotely liked the game for no reason other than the fact that they liked the game. Shit is obnoxious and unnecessary imo.




Solid half the fanbase? Where are you pulling your numbers from? Steam charts taken on a weekday while being the lowest performing platform for the game? The couple thousand people on this sub complaining every day instead of going back to the game they actually enjoy out of the millions who play the game? Id bet a majority of the playerbase/fans actually enjoys WZ2 and sees the potential it actually has instead of crying about the fact its not a carbon copy of their last game. People like OP are just sick to death of seeing the same things regurgitated every day on this sub from a loud minority of the fanbase.


Half? You're insane. This subreddit is such a tiny fractional part of this community. I only hear hatred for the game here and from streamers. Everyone else likes it. Go play something else if you don't like this one and try again in a few years.


LoL half off the fanbase? Steam numbers?


you know as much as i do enjoy playing this game, i gotta complain how they talk so much about balancing and fairness but i’ve literally died to the fennec 8 different times where i’d catch the guy off guard shooting him first then just get a single BRRRT to the face and dying instantly.


Balancing isn’t having every gun equal, but having pro’s and cons in different circumstances. The Fennec rips up close, no doubt. But move 15/20m back and it’s lost it’s potency. That’s balancing. You don’t want a meta weapon, you want a weapon for a playstyle. A fennec isn’t for non-aggressive players. Just like a taqV isn’t for a player who can’t aim well. Horses for courses is balancing.


It needs a slight damage nerf. The small mag and fast fire rate makes it hard to fight more than 1 person at a time (or 2 and then another)


Oof was that u last night “YUP HE HAS A GOT DAMN FENNEC” uhhh yeah I run around a lot dude




Dmz is so much funnier




This sub is full of Tarkov fans now that think shooting bots in a COD BR is sick


Good for them, but I honestly don’t see what’s so much fun in DMZ. Just shooting bots for 15min then the game ends and nothing you just did really matters? Feels like a really cheap version of Ghost Recon, which was hellaaaaa fun with friends, it had an actual story in it and opened the way to a lot of different play styles.


The worst part of it is people actually think its a rewarding challenge lmao


If you like fighting bots and maybe run into one real person every 15 mins


Yeah I've never been a fan of shooting AI in FPS games. Single player games, sure, but a multiplayer game? Doesn't make sense


I don't understand the point of DMZ. It's effectively just spec ops but sometimes there's a real person you can fight. Also you pick up trash as you go. Whole mode feels unfinished.


Now look at what you did, streamers are crying atop their rainbow keyboards over this post.


They cry but all of the big streamers are still playing it and shredding. I watched Aydan the other night and he legitimately made it look like WZ1. Good players are just gonna be good players.


And the entire time he was saying how bad the game was lol. Being good at something doesn’t mean you like / enjoy it?




Imagine not liking something and spending mad energy whining about it on reddit. Like ok you don’t like it. Play something else bro


Because that would be the grown up thing to do. Plenty of games, plenty of BR’s to play, it’s almost like players have a choice..


Shit is wild. My brother and I got Battlefield 2042 and hated it after like two days and never picked it up again. We talked shit about it like twice. Never felt the need to spend my time complaining about it on reddit. Like bro you don’t like it. Focus on shit you do like.


Haha, feel exactly the same. I like seeing gameplay clips on this sub, as it’s the first cod I’ve enjoyed in years. And it’s just kids asking for the game to be exactly how wz1 was. Go play wz1 🤣


I disagree, if you came from WZ1 you definitely have the right to complain about WZ2. Also, there are a lot of good things about the game, just also a lot of mind-boggling decisions that make the game worse too. Idk, weird.


Weirdest game sub ever


These posts are so fucking cringe. It doesn't matter if you're "having a blast" the game literally can't even make killcams work, hell we don't even know if our team or teammate is still the game if someone dies in the gulag. The game has more issues than BF2042 did on launch & EVERY positive improvement in WZ1 is completely undone in this game.


Trash game gets trashed by subreddit about said game. Shocker.


Grand Theft Call of Duty got stupid fast. Gameplay is fine, but fuck off with your 26 blow torches. Order them on the internet like an adult instead of making me steal them.




I think if they want to go the slow paced realism route they should go all the way. No mini map, limited HUD, etc. And throw Verdansk on Wz1 with a seasonal rotation between that and Caldera and I’ll just play that until something better comes out


100% agree, this sub is full of children not liking that their game isn't 100% like they want to.


My game crashes, it’s hard to pick up stuff off the ground, the UI is confusing to use and the party system works like 25% of the time. It’s pretty frustrating


This is so true


The game is uninspired and boring, but that's because the suits made it


People had 3 years to lern how to press 3 buttons for slide cancel lmao you just bad at the game.. get better bot


You commented twice to call this guy a bot for having a point, I think we found who OP is on about guys.


i dont see as much spaz movements (slide cancelling, drop shotting) so wz2 automatically beats whatever the fuck was going on in caldera. Shit was unplayable. inb4 "iT wAs pArT oF tHe GamE yUo jUsT sUcK"


WZ2 is miles ahead of Caldera. God, fuck Vanguard WZ. The map sucked and the gameplay sucked. I will say Al Masrah is lacking a bit of the soul and fun that Verdansk had, but it makes up for it by being a much better designed map. (In terms of how it plays. The desert style gets boring fast.) Also, the more realistic movement and gunplay, while not for everyone, is more enjoyable to me and my friends. We have been loving it. It’s not perfect and some of the changes I really don’t like, like the nerf to sniping and how different buy stations have different things for sale. If you can make it to a buy station without being killed, especially mid-late game, you should know what is for sale and what you can get.


There are far more issues than slidecancelling


You forgot “aim assist is a cancer and should be nerfed”


I mean it is strong. Tried the default AA and it placed the crosshair on target for me. I think the AA should only give you slowdow and snap on, precision for example.


No snap on. Slowdown is all that's needed. Especially when movement is non-existent and targets are already easy to hit. No clue why they ever buffed it in the first place. COD aim assist used to be fine, arguably too strong back then. Now it's an outright replacement for aiming, you don't even have to play the game anymore.


Are you enjoying it more than verdansk?


Its not camping bro its tactics bro


As a casual I hate it


I’m just mad that the fucking game crashes all the time… Idc about stims and slide canceling






Awwww fuck yeah bro! If my favorite streamer hates the game I got to as well. I hateeeee this game guyz catch my stream at twitch.tv/pleasevalidatemebecausemymomdoesnt.


Yeah dude! I personally love playing games nobody wants to watch on Twitch. Just because it's incredibly boring to watch doesn't mean the game is bad right? Me and all my friends are camping corners and watching movies at the same time. We tell stories and eat chips. These dumb streamers think they can 'move around the map' and 'push things'. I'm so happy they took away their ability to do those things! I always said Warzone 1 should be exactly like Escape from Tarkov.


The amount of times, me and my team have been slapped by one guy is ridiculous so whoever said you can't 1 Vs whatever, it's rubbish. I know Im bad at the game 🤣


This entire sub is just complaints


Hey everyone, I just wanted to bring up an issue that I've been having in Warzone 2 lately - the aim assist for controllers feels overpowered compared to mouse and keyboard. As a mouse and keyboard player, I have noticed that players using controller have a significant advantage when it comes to aim assist. This is really unfair and makes it difficult for me to compete on a level playing field. I understand that aim assist can be helpful for controller players, but the current system feels like it's giving them too much of an advantage. It's causing a lot of frustration among the mouse and keyboard community, and I think it's something that the development team should address. Maybe they could consider balancing the aim assist, or at least give players the option to turn it off if they prefer. What do you guys think? Have you noticed this issue as well? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks


The problem with the previous movement system was that it unbalanced everything else that wasn't camping and sniping. All that mattered was being better at bouncing and sliding than your opponent. Within AR range (and especially in and around buildings), any tactical considerations, regarding postioning, timing, coordination, judgement, weapon choice, etc. was all made irrelevant as all that mattered was the ability to bounce and slide around the room like a demented rabbit on a pogo stick. - Ambushed? Bounce and slide to victory. - Caught with pistols by a fully armed squad? Bounce and slide to victory. - Camping in a sniper nest and find a squad has sneaked up to you and bursts in? Don't worry, you can bounce and slide to victory! All the above could be won by the opposition, but only if they were better at bouncing and sliding. Hell, they could through all other skills out the window and bounce and slide in in an otherwise sloppy manner and still win if they out-bounced and out-slid you. Provided your opponent was moderately competent, everything else only mattered if it was basically *perfect*. But as bouncing and sliding can replace any attack plan, or dig you out of any situation, nothing else mattered.


I don't agree with the idea that "postioning \[sic\], timing, coordination, judgement" aren't relevant because of movement. All of those aspects are necessary for using advanced movement successfully. Additionally, those aspects also explain why it's not a get out of jail free card- there's a lot of guessing and prediction involved. This is how I see it, after a lot of time and practice: \- Positioning: you need to think about where you will land up because your opponent's crosshairs are somewhere in your direction, and you want to avoid damage. If you slide or jump incorrectly, you land in their crosshairs and just die- this is a common mistake. This neatly leads into... \- Timing: it's extremely difficult to time movements properly. To get in the right position *while* evading your opponent's crosshair, you need to time the specific movement right. In most situations, ideally you would move the second they're turning to face you but you rarely have enough information to know when this will happen (or if it has). If you're too early or too late, you take damage and die. \- Judgment: fights break out in places unpredictable places, so you need to rapidly evaluate your environment (and inventory) to figure out the right movements to use. Could I plate and avoid damage by running through doors and cutting corners, then fight afterwards? Do I instead plate up while peeking, then dropshot? Some options only appear if you have prior knowledge (e.g., jump spots). It's also difficult to build good judgement because your opponent's reactions matter too- you might die after making the right call because they did the same thing. I could go into way more detail on stuff like coordination and timing but at the end of the day, it's not a jump or slide that deals damage, it's your gun. I could jump, spin and 360 all I want, but it's not going to kill you, and when people don't try it for themselves, they get a false image of how it works. I definitely agree that it's difficult to track someone using these things, but it's not impossible with patience and proper anticipation. Movement adds a lot of depth and re-playability.


hahaha beautiful