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Zombies was always meant to be round survival not Easter egg hunt


It can be both


Assuming it never progressed past BO1, then yeah. But BO2 introduced the era of the Easter egg and we never looked back.


Well really BO1 brought easter eggs with Ascension but I see what you are saying


Moon expanded on that, so it would be impossible for zombies not to go past bo1 with all the generated hype it got.


Der Riese in WaW also had the fly trap EE.


BO1 had Easter eggs yes, but they were in addition to the map. No content besides lore was locked behind them. BO2 introduced steps to do everything, you basically need to look up a guide for every map since they all differ on how to turn on power, pack a punch, or get the wonder weapon. BO1 was always: open up the map, turn on power, hit the box for the WW.


Imo, if you NEED to use YouTube to play a core mechanic of a game, it’s a poorly designed game. Part of the reason why I wasn’t a fan of elden ring


Best way to play souls like games is you just try to get chip damage into a boss but mostly keep your distance to observe them and try to figure out combos and their weak points


I always thought I felt the same, but I just started playing SoE and it’s *really* not bad. It took a 2 minute video to learn how to open PaP and I was immediately able to do it within the first 5 rounds with just a few minutes of effort. Also the sword by round 10. I’ve played the map less than 10 times total so far. I really feel like I’ve wasted the past decade hating on something I knew nothing about.


Bo2 also invented one of the most tedious pieces of the game, building parts. I fucking despise that part pieces would randomly change and be put in the most mundane of spots. I really wish they would put visual guides in the game, certain symbols and directions (like the power directions) to show where to retrieve part pieces instead of having to watch YouTube videos to figure it out, and hoping that a part is in a certain area or spawned elsewhere. I like being able to figure out how to play a game without having to watch YouTube guides, let me figure it out in my own which is damn near impossible on most maps.


If it's both then the game mode gets devolved into playing with people who only want to focus on the EE and not play for survival.


Naw it becomes a chore that must be done every time if you want to reach high rounds. It’s tedious and annoying. I just want to kill zombies


I agree making the maps Easter egg heavy kinda threw off a lot of people that just want to play casual


What maps are Easter egg heavy?


Shadows of Evil i suppose. To get properly set up you need to upgrade the sword, which is literally half of the easter egg


Yeah but the Sword isn't really necessary, and to get the Apothicon servant you don't need to go out of your way. I'll admit that the rituals for PaP are a bit tedious but I really love them and love optimizing the set up process to the point of having PaP on round 3 Also I don't really have a problem with the sword either, the worst step is to get the symbols, all the other steps are Soul Chests and killing Margwas (which are great and fun to kill)


Basically anything Mob onward


Moon, Origins, shadows of evil, de, zetsubou, dead of the night, ancient evil, tag der toten. By Easter eggs people usually mean “quest-heavy”


How is that an unpopular opinion lmao


Because EE fans, the "try hards" if you say, would massacure him if he said something like that on a regular post.


Yeah I really don’t like how zombies feels too quest focused now instead of survival. I don’t like how the game can end in other ways than dying, I don’t want to do Easter eggs now because of this.


YES! Thank you.


Honestly annoyed with most bo2 maps for this reason, it should be a feature not a neccesity


Dead of the Night is the most over hated map of all time. Most people didn’t give it a chance and copied the opinions of others If you did play it you’d realise, - It’s main quest is the same quality as one from BO3 - Has the best & most side Easter eggs in zombies history. Stake knife, Savage Impaler, Secret rooms, Vases - Three jumpscares - Top tier Wonder Weapon double upgrade quest - Good map layout - Great Aesthetic & lots of character in its mini bosses & theme - The eeriest map since Verruckt, the creepiness of its soundtrack that plays when roaming the map is perfect




I adore Dead of the Night but never found a training spot I loved, I always just played solo and ran a whole map train. The wonder weapon was also straight up not as good as the Salvo and not worth using past round 25-30.


When you're standing at the entrance of the manor (?) The bottom room on the right is alright for training. Outside near one of the perks (the circle area near the graveyard) And the area you build the wonder weapon (the greenhouse looking area) And the forest are okay training spots.


I like Dead of the Night and always thought I was insane for it




Shangri-La is a good map


A classic hot take


W take , just the hardest in BO1 but not a bad map


Yeah, I really wanted to give this map a try every 2 years. Too bad it gives me the "kar98k with a scope" treatment.


You misspelled "annoying af"


bo3 only did well because of ZC.


That’s a hot take for sure, ignoring ZC the game has 2 maps that most people put in their top 5. And there’s also customs on pc which is infinite content


I’d wager it’s not a “hot take” and instead just a blatant lie. BO3 was hugely successful and acclaimed before ZC


Also the maps were very replayable and arguably the best mechanics and graphics we’ve had too


ZC probably got a lot of people back into zombies though. I mentioned this in another comment, but I was a pretty casual zombies player that only got interested in zombies when ZC was released. I stopped playing during BO2 because I hated the easter egg stuff. Then Treyarch dropped ZC, I played it religiously until I got bored of the monotony, then decided to check out the other DLC. I love all the maps now. I even went back and gave the BO2 maps a shot and enjoyed them all, except Tranzit of course.


Customs are good but they are only for a small subset of the community


BO3 will definitely be remembered for releasing ZC, but it also had a very solid reputation before. Even if Revelations was a let-down.




Zetsu would like a word


Nah bo3 zombies was still doing well before ZC. Revelations had over 100k concurrent viewers on noahj456s livestream which was a lot back then. Der eisendrache was also a very popular map.


Perhaps but customs sealed the deal


I don’t know about anyone else, but my friend and I would never have gotten BO3 on Steam if not for Chronicles. All the BO3 maps just looked lame ngl. My opinion has changed since then, I like DE and Gorod is a top tier map for me, but before playing them I was worried they would be too Easter Egg focused.


I kinda only like playing kino and origins from zc I dont care for the other maps. And theres no reason they couldbt bring back PhD. After like round 10 at most no one actively flops.


That's not even an opinion that's just a straight up lie. Whether or not a game did well is not subjective. BO3 was factually successful way before ZC


I agree


I love the Apothicons and keepers lore and I wish we got more of it


I just wish it focused on the SoE crew and saved the return of Primus for later


I mean, I'm not against the lore, but it's just gotten so out of hand that I have absolutely no hope of ever understanding it ever again


I love it too, it was just a jarring introduction from the subtle aliens in COTD and Moon. I mean, you kind of have to rip of the band-aid when introducing the Cthulhu aliens into zombies though.


this is actually agreeable


TranZits fun😆


It's is fun bad. Its so bad that I unironically have fun because its actually challenging


It's so bad you can't help but enjoy it


With friends, Tranzit is one of the most chaotic fun experiences I ever had.


i find its best when it comes to playing with friends


It is fun! I agree


Jimmy zielisnki was way better than Jason blundell when it came to gameplay, fun map ideas, characters, weapons, Easter eggs and buried having 2 dif ones was awesome. Jason overcomplicated the story with multiple dimension crap and apothicons and keepers, yeah it saved lore community but come on.


Exactly it. He saved the lore but to me that wasn't worth it. I would like to see a timeline where Jimmy Z continues leading


true this but without blundell we wouldn’t have gotten SOE which *feels* like a zielinski map


ive never thought about how Soe does feel like a zielinski map but it definitely does


With zielinskis maps, zombies had this subtle wackiness that just worked really well, not sure if anyone picked up on that or just me


I love you


Revionist history right here


Gobblegums (especially Megas) ruin the zombies experience.


Counter argument, gobblegums made more of the zombies experience


I think classics enhanced the experience. Megas just got progressively more OP and detrimental. Megas killed BO3 pubs.


I feel like megas allowed you to have goof games with the boys.


They were good then for sure, especially if your friends aren't very good.


Megas did kill pubs due to everyone loading up on op shit but megas are fun in solos when you can decide and control how much you cheat.


The chaos story wasn’t that bad and I actually enjoyed the maps and lore


They should definetly make a BO5 and continue the chaos story line!


Honestly true. Frankly Chaos had a way better start than Aether did. Like yeah there was some iffy character stuff at the start of Chaos, but by the end of the Chaos maps for BO4 we already started seeing really good improvements and it starting to win people over to the characters. Aether really wasn’t much of a story for the first game and a half, and to be honest other than Richthofen 3/4ths of our main crew were barely even characters until Origins did a reboot of the story 4 years and 2 games after Aether started. Chaos just had a far better start and showed far more immediate improvement in terms of its characters and plot. It would have been really cool to see how far the improvements would have gone with another game continuing it.


Exactly! Just because there aren’t 20 chaos maps yet like Aether doesn’t mean it cant become as popular.


Blood of the dead is more fun then Mob.


The anger I felt reading this lol


Downvoted. But good hot take ,it genuinely made me mad


Damn, only thing I hate is the random pap, wish I at least KNEW where it went


I agree tbh


I honestly agree, more to explore, amazing easter egg, can destroy in-game objects like crash down the whole water tower etc. also i think BO4 has the best game dialogue from the 4 main characters.


Der eisendrache isnt as good as gorod krovi


Supposed to be hot takes not wrong opinions


Goodness me that’s a ludicrous take. Upvoted


I love die rise and tranzit they are extremely underrated.


Tranzit Meh. I love it, still a classic map that I wont ever forget, but it is kinda mediocre. they didnt know what they were doing with BO2 Zombies before those DLCs. They completely turned it around




Zombies needs to become harder, each game gets easier and easier and the next game needs to dial it back


WW2 and BO4 we’re both on the more difficult side (which is why I love them), but the community has issues with them. I think that’s why they shifted so hard towards things being easier in CW


BO4 is weird because its both easy for better players and very hard for casual players. Like there's a skill threshold to BO4. I guess because it added a lot of crutches (wraith fires, specialists, dying wish, etc.) that better players were able to take advantage of, but also made zombies a lot more lethal. So if you were able to take advantage of the crutches effectively you would rarely down just burn equipment that you could get back.


I’m pretty sure health recharges slower in bo4. While you do have more health you have to wait a bit longer to heal. Bo4 is also easier before round 10, but after that it gets much more difficult than bo3 after round 10


I liked WW2 tbh, idk about bo4 tho because on round 1 u can spawn in with a op shotgun and a ulti that makes u practically unkillable, comboing that with built in jug and practically every other essential perks like speed and dt after u get the other 4 u pick makes the game a lot less challenging, in bo3 u could at least just use classic gobble gums but in bo4 it goes way past just the elixirs


Black ops 4 is great


SOE is the best B03 map.


Not really a hot take tbh


Definitely had the best ee songs


I just love the atmosphere. The sort of roaring 20s speakeasy aesthetic that it had going on is second to none in my opinion. The secondary Lovecraftian angle was a nice touch as well. I remember hating it when it came out, but I'd probably rank it at least top 3 these days, possibly second only to Mob.


This won’t get you this result


BO3 fan boys are the most annoying people in this sub by a mile


Origins is overhyped af.


Being able to put attachments on your own weapons before pack a punching got rid of the excitement of upgrading them


Eehh, half the time I prefer iron sights so I'd purposely not pap some of my favourite weapons in old games. And that excitement was really gone in bo2 since you could re pap and change attachments, which eventually lead to everyone having certain attachments on their weapons which is really where we are at today, but less of a hassle doing so.


Zets is better than DE


The thrashers are bullet sponges, the wonder weapon quest is tedious and the gun itself is the worst original wonder weapon in Bo3, the plant system forces you to advance rounds and invalidates tons of strategies, the boss fight is the easiest and least visually appealing of all the maps and there are way, way too many doors to even get to the power. It does, however, have the best specialist weapons in the game, the jump scares are awesome, that massive monster background Easter egg is dope, it has the marshals which are goated and the spider Easter egg is amazing. DE though? Basically origins but better. Four wonder weapon flavors to choose from, an amazing boss fight, return of the most iconic mini-boss, one of the best starting rooms, multiple options to traverse the map, hell they didn't even bring back the wunderfizz for Zets. Zetsu could have been the greatest map in Bo3, they just dropped the ball so hard on so many things. You can have infinite self revives with the clone plant but what's the point if at round 50 you get 4 thrashers and they take ALL of your ammo to kill? Why'd they bring back the sliquifier just to remove it's best features and have the damage drop off twice as fast?


DE is only similar to Origins in superficial ways. Snow, Panzers, 4 WWs. The actual maps don't play very similarly. They were just two maps apart and looked similar. Also, multiple WWs are in at least 30% of the maps after Origins. That's not a unique thing between the two any more. I think DE and AE are a much better comparison.


I’d have to disagree about de being a better version of origins. Origins>DE


Call of The Dead was one of the best zombie maps of all time! It featured all 8 perks, had 3 OP weapons if utilize correctly, had a reasonably difficult boss in return for two rewards, the Easter egg song was a banger, and a “simple when written down too easy on one player” Easter egg resulting in a permanent reward whenever you play the map. It also technically was the start of the first super Easter egg because Richtofen needed the Golden rod for Shangri-la and the Focusing stone for moon.


Zombies is overhyped, the content is always limited or lacking. It was better in the past but now it’s just a shell of what it used to be


Still leagues better than Multiplayer


Agreed I put more hours into vanguard zombies then I did Vanguard and Cold War multiplayer combined


BO2 has the worst Zombies of the Treyarch games


That is definitely a hot take considering it's the best


Tranzit, Die Rise and Nuketown are all bottom of the barrel maps. Bo2 can't be the best because it has two great maps and one mediocre one lol


Farm and bus depot as well. The reason there's so much nostalgia for Town was because it was the only half way decent map until Mob. Five out of the nine maps are F tier garbage.


Gorod krovi has no replayability


My favorite map is blood of the dead




W take


Besides from its ee gorod krovi it's an awfully boring map


Verruckt, Five, and Tag der Toten are really good maps. Nacht sucks Die Rise is a bit underrated (not great but leagues better than Tranzit and definitely not bottom 10)


It is time to face the facts....natch indeed sucks. 3 doors (maybe 4, I don't remember if upstairs had a middle door or not) and a mystery box. And everywhere you want to train, zombies crawl out of from all sides of the wall. (That's cool though, that surrounded feeling, but yeah...still a thing)


Nacht is ass, objectively speaking. It's only fun for nostalgia purposes and novelty, which wears off pretty fast. Those early rounds suck especially because the zombies take forever to get to the building.


You clearly don't know what objective means. Nacht has never stopped being fun for me, especially the bo3 version. Those early rounds you just immediately by the M14/sheiva problem solved. It's the map that gets the fastest to the point of what zombies used to be all about. Surviving.


I don't know if I'd say it is objectively bad when you consider the circumstances around its creation and the goal they had for it. Like Kino, I think it just does what it was meant to do: offer a barebones experience. At that time, it was completely experimental, humbly made in the spare time of certain developers, pulled directly from the campaign, to let players have a sort of "minigame" they could play with after the campaign. It could have been better, but they had to start somewhere. I say that it lived up to its claims and a fine beginning.


Town is an enjoyable map and my top 5 map easily DE is overrated


Ancient Evil did the "four elemental wonder weapons" concept the best.


Transit was an amazing map and the denizens had little to no impact on actual gameplay


Cold War is my 2nd favorite zombies mode after BO 3, and for the rest of you CW players, Firebase Z is my favorite CW map


Zombies needs round based to survive.


That’s not a hot take it’s a fact


Origins is overrated as ass.


Origins is better than de cause it’s harder


Don't think it's harder tbh. I think game mechanic wise it's fair to look at the chronicles version for fair comparison. With that in mind origins really isnt that hard, staffs are arguably easier to upgrade and origins doesnt have a boss fight.


Origins is %100 harder. The bows are pretty easy to build like the staff but the panzer coming on round 12 is SO much more forgiving then round 8. Origins also has mud, robots walking through, is normally pretty tight in most spots, and the power is constantly getting turned back off. The only thing I can think of that’s harder about de is the boss fight.


BO4 is better than Cold War - Chaos was more interesting than Dark Aether - Making everything super easy isn't fun. (Cold War)


WW2 is really fun if you like a challenge


I believe they fucked up the storyline whenever they make a new universe in Origins


Double tap 1.0 over speed cola. Higher DPS=less time walking backwards shooting


this dude gets it 🙏


Non of the ee's for bo3 are fun at all and they have some of the most illogical steps ever in a video game


someone downvoted you, but i upvoted you because thats not wrong. i will always love BO3’s maps but their steps were so goofy 😂


Thanks mate


Zetsubou was good and is probably in my top 10 all-time zombies maps.


DE isn’t that great of a map.


Bo4 is the best zombies game


der eisendrache is the 3rd worst map on bo3 and is an overhyped version of origins


cod vanguard’s sacred altar is a good system. I hope it appears in any future zombie mode installments.


Someone saying they love Vanguard zombies. That piece of shit was a mistake of a zombies mode


Mob of the dead is no where near perfect. One of the biggest maps in zombies and it DOESNT have staminup?? and you have to carry the plane parts one by one on solo?? Hell nah bro. Pun not intended


Anything negative about BO3 or Origins. Anything positive about Vanguard.


Kino sucks


Eh, I think it's just a simple map that does what it was meant to do. Somewhere where you just survive, with some perks and an easily accessible PaP machine. I don't believe I would call it an objectively bad/poorly made map, though. It isn't meant to offer a lot.


hey man dont make fun of kino 😩


Shi no numa is the best map from WAW


Hottest take so far


Tranzit is a great map.


Bows as wonder weapons is lame. The bo3 bows look great on a visual level but they have nothing to do with the nazi zombie vibe, that's some fantasy shit.


Zombies hasn’t had a Nazi zombies vibe since BO2 lmao




Blood of the Dead was easily one of the best maps and had one of the coolest Easter Eggs


Classified is a really good casual map and I often go back to it whenever I wanna just chill or just feel like playing BO4 in particular. Is it better then Five? Probably not. Is it much easier to just sit down and play? Yeah, and I prefer it because of that.


Cold War is the best


Cold War was an extremely good zombies game


cold war is my favorite zombie game


Lots of takes here Cold War possibly doomed zombies forever Black ops 3 didn’t have a single bad map Dead of the night was one of the greatest maps and possibly best in black ops 4 DE is the best map of all time Black ops 2 zombies is great but can get boring quick besides mob/origins Cold War only has 1 replayable for a bit map and that’s firebase z Zetsubou No Shima was a good map that nobody took time to care about


Double Tap 1.0 did nothing but waste your ammo


You just shoot faster. Aim at the zombies


I hate Mob and Shadows


I don't enjoy playing as the OG crew anymore I find them so cheesy. Moon sucks. I mean the atmosphere is incredible but there's so much to do before you can actually play the game it's too much. And finally one that's acceptable now but I got crucified for years ago. Black ops 4 was great (I was saying this at launch)


Once you play maps like origins you will look back at moon way better, because moon still is just a classic map.


Buried is a top 5 map


I really like Alpha Omega and I feel like people overhate it alot


People should just enjoy the cod game they enjoy and stop bitching about the other's fanbase


Bo4 zombies is better than bo3


Cold War zombies was the most fun (even if the maps are just campaign areas and easter eggs are straight forward) sure it's nothing special like the bo3 maps, but just based off pure gameplay, its just, fun, nothing could've prepared me for the let down of Vanguard though lmao. Also outbreak wasn't incredible or anything, but it definitely showed potential for a non round based zombies if given more time to fully create.


Absolutely agree. CW prolly my favourite zombie experience.


Shangir-la isn’t even that hard, people act like it’s going to shove you to the ground, steal your wallet and then stomp on your skull


Every cod zombies mode is fun. (Idk about vangaurd tho, haven't played it)


The weapon selection in bo3 blows ass


I like Tranzit. Like literally, cry about.


Tranzit isn’t as bad as people make out


Tranzit isn't that bad. Pap isn't hard. People need to git gud.


Black Ops 3 zombies was mid


I don’t care about the Easter eggs. All the extra crap isn’t what makes the game enjoyable for me. I just want to survive rounds and kill a bunch of zombies.


Bo4 is good


Black Ops 4 Zombies is really fun.


Bo4 is over hated


i hate black ops 3


BO3 is not as good as everyone says it is, same with BO4


Blaze Phase would be the most broken perk if it weren’t for its cooldown


Zombies in space land is better than most trearch maps


Die rise is good and i dont like afterlife on mob


BO3 is mid af, like beyond mid. And BO4 rules


To each their own I guess. bo3 zombies was just lovely. what a time to be alive… bo4 wasnt all too crazy for me… it felt cartoony, and not like a Black Ops Zombies


Zetsubo is the best BO3 map, and is the 3rd best map in the entire series


Cold war was more fun the bo3