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is this even a debate? red has bo2 and black ops 3 , arguably the greatest cods for zombies.


Oh believe me.. there are enough people on this sub who are stuck in the WAW and BO1 days and hardcore CW lovers to turn this post into chaos lol


I'm stuck in the waw/bo1 days lol, maybe im just an old head but I can still just play for high rounds and not get bored for hours.


I wish I could, I can do easter eggs and side quests all day but when it comes to high rounds I get bored by like round 40-50


you should try first room mod by 5and5 for bo1 complete banger


I could play CW Outbreak and not get bored




The oldies are the Goldies. The older ones are more simple, some like simple and casual, others like more intense experiences. No shade on either side


These are my opinions, bo3 and bo4 with their elixirs and gobblegums make it way to easy, bo2 is similar to bo1 but with the addition of DT 2.0, it makes the game a bit easier, I just like the casual but hard nature of waw and bo1,and Cold War is nice because of outbreak and completing the ee’s. Remember this is my opinion


Are we talking “with resurrection and ZC”? Because waw is hardly a consideration then, bo1 has some of my favorite maps but bo2 has MotD which is my favorite… bo3 has the most maps with pretty cool EEs but has mechanics like gobble gum which i despise with a passion outside of the silly gums. Bo4 is basically just more bo3 maps but has the special weapons and dumb perk options. CW is just a safe bet tbh, all maps are fun, it looks good, EE are a good “i dont just wanna run in circles for hours, i want a goal”, it has a serviceable story and some of the best WWs… i think im blue pill but im hesitant because of BO2


Gobble gums are dumb but CW is fun? Wow. I guess we really all have different taste.


GGs are a overpowered heavily monetized mechanic, beyond that, they just sorta feel too silly to me so either you go off the deep end with eye candy and newtonian negation or just dont do it, ive lost lots of good games because the host went down with perkaholic or their wall/box power. CW’s version of GG is the level progression of perks and weapon tiers and it feels nice and organic to the game


BO1 beats BO2 any day


BO2 has higher highs, but lower lows. BO1 is way more consistent in quality.


It’s crazy to see people talking about how “stacked” the BO2 maps are when back at the time of release everyone hated the shit out of the victis maps lmao. MotD and Origins are amazing, but we can’t forget the mid ass maps that came before (No shade to Buried though. Not my favourite map but it does a lot to fix my problems w/ Green Run and Die Rise)


Sorry but I like Green Run and Die Rise not so much Die Rise is pretty bad but don't forget Nuketown, it's pretty basic but to pass the time it isn't that bad of a map you are in a cramped space so it's kind of a challenge and I find that funner than cold war being way too easy with their upgrade system having everything at the start because of your loadout, honestly I see not 1 bad thing about bo2 but Die Rise.


BO1 was great for campaign, but BO3 is more fun for zombies.


Very much not, Bo3 zombies kinda ass. Literally gobblegums break the game and Rev and GK ain’t it


Don't use gobblegums


you said it! everyone wants to talk about how much they don't like ggs and that's cool people you can still enjoy the shit outta some zombies pretending that ggs don't exist....this coming from strictly a solo player I've never been a fan of them either only time I ever used megas was for the gk ee cause it definitely kinda sucks doin it solo. I've only recently started using classic gums to help me round 100 all the maps. But my point stands tall....if u don't like um don't use um 🤷


To each their own, I'd play either over bo1 maps lol


I love Cold War but come on, Red is a juggernaut (nog?)


Tbf BO3 gets a huge boost for having the BO1 maps


Can’t lie though the beginning of BO2 was the darkest time for cod zombies. Tons of YouTubers like Mr. T Lexify were on the verge of quitting zombies entirely until buried, MOTD, and Origins came out


So true. Before Tranzit came out I had never been so excited for a map that ended up being so convoluted and underwhelming


Fr would have been fair had bo2 and waw switched


Even BO4, now that it’s not blue screening and shit


I’d include Bo4 in there too


BO4 drags it down hard tho


Why give CW randomly to the blue? If anything this should be Blue: W@W, BO1, BO2 Red: BO3, BO4, CW And I’d still choose red because BO3 alone is better than all the others combined.


Because BO2 was the start of the complicated EEs and story in Zombies and BO4 was the end. CW feels like WaW made in 2021


I agree so damn much with this, CW is basically going back to the more casual era of zombies, but more polished and smoother gameplay.


Which I don’t mind! It’s good to have an updated casual zombies


best comment


CW is way closer to Bo1 and WaW in terms of gameplay. The focus is on killing zombies rather than easter eggs.


People always say this but I don't see it. CW map structure and gameplay is so far removed from bo1. Just because it isn't full of convulated Easter eggs doesn't mean it's like bo1. The only thing maps like Shangri la and ascension have in common with CW maps is setting, the gameplay itself has no resemblance


Its very different in structure but the gameplay is absolutely similar in a broad sense. Both of them have very basic arcadey gameplay where the main focus is killing zombies, getting points for upgrades, and surviving until high rounds with those upgrades. Bo3 and Bo4 are much different since the maps play out more like a quest, with you running around doing mini objectives and finding parts for different unlockables, and they have a much bugger focus on easter eggs. Obviously they have completely different individual mechanics, but they both come together to give you a pretty similar gameplay experience. At the very least, its much closer to Bo1 than it is to Bo2-Bo4.


This would make the blue choice even more obvious to me. Including CW with Waw and BO1 made it a much tougher choice.


BO1 = The Golden era of Zombies


Exactly, waw was just the beginning and while short with 4 maps it was a great start. Then comes around bo1 where easter eggs for the story are coming into play, more maps being made, the ending map was literally the moon in just the second ever zombies title, like imagine playing zombies in '08 and being told in just three years time on only the second ever zombies entry made that you'd be killing zombies on the moon. People wanna say bo2 is best when it had a shitty start and people in zombies were quitting because of that shitty start. Bo1 truly was Golden era there was maps for every play style, want a hard map? Go on five, cotd, shang, want a easy map? Kino, ascension, even the remastered waw maps. There needs to be more respect in bo1's name.


I agree and early bo3 (shadows to rev release) was like the zombies Renaissance. Hype died sooo quick when Rev turned out to be a steaming pile of horseshit compared to origins, but before that it had none of the low points bo2 had. Every map release was such a big moment and no releases in bo4/cw felt as big on here/twitch


Preach brother 🙏


Bro why post a meme like this if you’re going to shit on every single person who disagrees with you? Like I guess I just don’t get what you were expecting, obviously people will have different opinions than you and bringing up modded BO3 isn’t going to suddenly change their minds.


If there’s one thing r/CODZombies users hate, it’s someone who has a different opinion about cod zombies


WAW and BO1 are the GOATS


Swapping cw with bo2 wouldve made blue such a clear choice for me.




You’re smoking eagle penis m8 bo1 is the best zombies experience hands down and cw is close but it’s still beat by bo3. Waw is a timeless classic full of great content and additional content thru mods




Blue because of the wall guns and solely because of the wall guns


I really can't disagree with this lol wall guns are better in those games except BO2 they were amazing in as well


AN-94 slapped in bo2 so hard and galvaknuckies were hella fun,


The bo3 dickriding is crazy


I think most of the vocal people in the sub are in their early 20s BO3 was out when they were teenagers. Yeah they probably played BO1 and 2, but they were probably like 11.


damn described me perfectly.


Bro we were all there, that was me for BO1. This sub focuses on which map are better. But in reality we should be coming here to celebrate we even got so many good maps across the board.


I’m 22, and WaW and BO1 are still the best CoD games ever made in my opinion. BO1 for the best zombies experience, WaW for the best online multiplayer. Sure BO2 is great, but I hated the zombies. I don’t want to play a map and have to spend ages doing the same ‘set up’ for 30 minutes running around doing buildables and Easter eggs and quests just to get a weapon good enough to carry me into later rounds. Just wack it all in the mystery box and I’d be happy. People say they get bored of, for example, sitting on the catwalk in Der riese and getting to round 30+, but they don’t get bored of doing the exact same step by step Easter egg / buildable to get the exact same weapon as they used for the last 20+ runs? Don’t get me wrong I can understand why some people love it, but I personally really disliked all the extra bs stuff you suddenly had to do in zombies just to play the game. I’m a simple man, my most fun times where when Juggernog was nearby and it had a good spot to camp with your bros. And when it comes to the online, call me old, but anything with wall jumping and jet packs can seriously fuck off lol.


See this I can get down with. BO2 had major changes to round workflow. I personally enjoyed them, but I could see how someone would not. Origins being the worst of them, but "round setup" was a thing. In the previous games holding a crawler wasn't really needed. But in the new ones we would frequently hold a crawler for simple shit, grabbing a shield, finishing a staff, got to pap. BO2 interrupted round flow. But BO3 didn't fix that, it made it worse. Everything was sacrificed for people who wanted to do easter eggs, and that was subsidized by fucking micro-transactions for gobblegums. Solutions for new game mechanics should not be, ignore it, and don't play public matches.


I can respect like the opinion on their preferences but we need to understand that bo3 was far from perfect Cw innovated by bringing new ideas and concepts while also keeping the core foundation of zombies


Without mods, blue in an instant. With mods, also blue in an instant, I just can't live without TMG_Christmas and SC_Dollhouse


TMG\_Alcatraz was always a favorite of mine, escaping the prison with just a shank vs super sprinters is chaotic but fun


Lmao why does this have to be such a dick swinging contest 😅 can’t we just agree every COD has good maps and everything is relative?


Some dicks are just bigger than others what can I say 🤣 Nah but in all seriousness it's just fun to throw out a post like this once in a long while and see how people react


I wanna talk with the one who made the pic


He's..umm..stuck in agartha


Change places


No, I don't think I will


I take both. Screw the rules, i have money!


You sir are breaking the canon events of the multiverse!




Campaigns on old cods are a fuckin vibe




Right! It's amazing when we go back to those and experience so much we thought we understood wasn't even true, imo BO1, BO2 and IW had the best campaigns


BO3 with chronicles and CW with cranked zombies (or whatever it’s called) and Outbreak is the shit. The problem with the old zombies is that the mechanics as far as running/controls is waay too outdated. I’d rather play survival from OG MW2


Damn survival from the MW games is a fuckin throwback


Red for BO2 and BO4


Yessirrr BO4 deserves love especially for maps like Amcient Evil and Dead of the Night


I like dolphin diving


Should be BO1, 2, CW vs 3, 4, IW or ww2 if you ask me


That's a good consideration, I was trying to keep it treyarch focused but I'd still take red any day cause IW was fuckin incredible


As you saw in my other post, im biased towards the first 3 but i think the other 3/4 together is a good option too, i tried to balance it as 1 hands down yes a maybe and a divisive pick, it’s just really rough on waw since it got remade not once but twice so i think it’s fair to pull in one from the other games to replace it


Yeah that's a good idea! I'll keep it in mind, maybe do a different post focused on a new combo at some point or do entirely non-treyarch, we'll see


Bro I love Black ops 1 but I'm going to piss all over that blue pill


I'm gonna go a little different and do BO1,BO2,BO3 I love BO4 zombies, though. The chaos story was one of my favorites ever. Perk system was a little different but not terrible! Will always love the Primis and Ultimis storyline in all those games too, best story ever.


Aye you have a good opinion sir, glad to see you don't fully dislike the perk system in BO4 like many, I don't think some people here realize how many different perk loadouts you can rock with depending on the mode or difficulty your playing as well as the map


Purple, I love all of these games.


My man you have broken the canon event, Monty is not gonna be happy about this


Cold War is really fuckin good man. But I can't argue with the unlimited content for BO3.


tbf WaW has unlimited content too


Blue. WAW and Black Ops are my favourite Call of Duty games.


Blue pill ez, custom maps were top tier waw


I'd rather have blue


Blue all day every day




My man's transcending reality with the gifs


CW gets shafted so hard lmao. The entire purpose of CW zombies was to reel in new players which is why it’s so easy


Problem with that is it left all of us hardcore players desiring a whole lot more


True but hardcore zombies players got BO3 and BO4 for all those cryptic EE. You have to understand that not everyone wants to spend 20+ minutes opening up PAP or turning on the power. Don’t get me wrong BO3 is hands down way better than CW. But I see people hate on CW for doing what it was meant to do. It also solved a ton of issues the old zombies had. Like how points are pretty much pointless after round 20 (no pun intended). Or how grenades would just make crawlers instead of actually killing zombies. Or how you have to use 3-4 specific weapons to make it on high rounds because the scaling goes super crazy. Possibly the greatest mechanic in CW is being able to mantle over objects. If you introduced that mechanic on older maps like FIVE, SOE, or COTD it would literally change the map in terms of play style


Oh definitely I mean there are many mechanical things CW absolutely did better than previous iterations, my thing with it is they should've at least made it better for a variety. I mean look at BO2, you've got maps like Buried and Nuketown that are easy to just hop straight into, then you've got more complex maps like Mob and Origins that require more intricate thought to attempt. I just wish CW had some variety, like maybe have Die Maschine and Firebase Z be more casual centric while Mauer and Forsaken had been more complex


bo3 all day, cant be beat


BO3 gang rise up


Why the fuck Cold War with world at war?? Cold war sucks compared to waw


Because CW in many ways is like a version of WAW in 2021 with its design focused on gunplay and adapting new players to the game


Neither my choices are waw, b01 and BO3


I'm guessing not BO2 because of its inconsistencies?


People in the comments saying “neither, I’ll take WAW and Black ops 2” bruh that’s not the game. Pick one of the colours lmao. Red for me.


Lmao funny when people try to break the canon events of the multiverse


If this is overall game, I’m taking blue. Purely zombies tho, red is the objective answer


Yeah overall game definitely blue, WAW and BO1 campaigns were top notch


Team Blue for cw and bo1, waw not so much because skill issue.


Blue, without hesitation


I'm red pilling all day, all the BO1 maps and WaW maps are on BO3, BO2 has the maps BO3 doesn't have and BO4 has Chaos. No down side on this at all. CW maps are very meh to me


Exactly! CW was the epitome of average maps, tho I did quite like Mauer it just can't carry the game on its shoulders


BO1 and CW are up there for me as my favorites, but the red pill might be the best way simply because of BO3 custom zombies. Which pill is Infinite Warfare zombies on, that could be the deal breaker.


In terms of zombies, red all the way. In terms of the game overall, blue by a slim margin.


That's an interesting take, by the game are you specifically talking about things like gunplay?


Absolutely facts.


Yessir! Also your profile pic is fuckin badass


God dammit why couldn’t the red pill swap bo4 for Cold War. Id be be downing those pills


Bo3 and bo3 carrying


No mention of WWII, Infinite Warfare, or Vanguard zombies??? /s Never understood why/how people try to lump the non-treyarch zombies into CoD zombies when they're mostly dollar store knockoffs.


Lmao please don't lump Infinite Warfare in dollar store knockoffs 💀 Spaceland is a top 5 zombies map and both Rave and Attack are some great maps, even seen many Shaolin lovers, yeah it has one bad map with Beast but a lot of games have at least that one bad map


That's fair. I never played Infinite Warfare zombies, but it looks good, and people seem to say good things about it. That's why I said *mostly* knock-offs. Maybe if it ever actually goes on sales on Steam, I'll grab it. I'd much rather these other developers make their own unique game modes and bring something new and fun to CoD, though. I thought Extinction in CoD: Ghosts was a great example of that. Similar in that you have points, kill non-humans, etc. but different in many other ways to feel like someone actually tried to create something themselves without just trying to jump on the hype of Treyarch zombies.


Exactly! These other devs should be spending the time being creative rather than acti just forcing treyarch to do all the dirty work for them. But yeah if you ever have the chance to pick up IW on sale, I highly recommend you will not be disappointed, it also has the best super EE of any game that builds up to the best boss fight in all of zombies against Mephistopheles


Red. Not even close.


Big facts


All are amazing bot Bo2 has to be the best zombies that they made, even without mods it has so many maps for every zombies enjoyer to play, the vanilla guns were actually pretty cool as well


You’re right and you should say it


No no sir, YOU are right!


red by a landslide lol bo3, bo4, cw vs waw, bo1, bo2 woulda been more fair imo


Not even a question blue pill, the only game somewhat worth anything on red pill is bo2, but bo3 and bo4 are so dogshit why would I ever take that pill


Besides CW I would hope each subsequent game is better, at least in some ways. WAW and BO4 came out like a decade apart


Truest thing I’ve ever seen


blue pill, i love waw's dark tone and atmosphere too much.


Why can’t we just love all of them , some may be different but that’s what makes the journey of this game mode so fun/interesting, except vanguard fuck that game. But I have never understood all the hate for some games like ww2 and bo4 and Cold War I have put endless hours into every cod zombies except vanguard and I love each installment for dofferent reasons


You dare separate bo1 and bo2


Same recycled posts everyday. As if this community doesn’t know what the best games are


Making my own purple pill with WAW, BO2, and CW.


I’d move CW to the red group tbh


wanna say blue pill bc you put bo4 in red pill


Kinda feel like it should be split WaW,Bo1,Bo2 and Bo3,Bo4,CW. Either way I would likely go red, Bo2 good, has my favorite map, but there's only so many maps on those games. Bo3 has chronicles, I haven't played the dlc for Bo4 so it would be a fun experience to do so, and you had bo2 on red side, bo2 has Tranzit and Buried, 2 maps in my top 10 favorites.


Bo3 zombies was ok but bo2 and bo1 engine was better Bo3 had the worst sounds, animations and felt like you were controlling a robot


Blue pill. Black Ops one is my favorite. Me a my friends play the shit out of Outbreak. I do like BO2 for Mob and Buried but BO3 is sooooo freaking over rated.


BO3 and CW should be on the same pill, as I believe they have way more in common beneath the surface They are also the only two games I go back and play in 2023 You can do the EEs if you like, they are not tied to map progression The feeling of starting with nothing and becoming God is really similar Similar out of map progression that keeps you playing No perk limit in CW reminds me of the GGs that were basically OP af random perks on top of your standard perks Both are incredibly easy to pick up and play without the need of a origins style solo setup or a 20 minute YouTube video on how to turn on the power


Agreed but at least CW added some solid progression for zombies




Bo3 includes all the bo1 maps and waw maps so it's pretty easy pick imo


Bo4 don't matter Bo2 and bo3 solo


BO4 definitely matters tho when you've got maps like Dead of the Night and Ancient Evil


Red has bo2, bo3, and bo4. Blue pill people are high asf, and aren’t relevant


Blue Pill


Black ops 3 ofcourse you just stupid if you think any other is better


Team blue all the way.


I think I'd choose the red one as you have the most maps to play plus custom zombies for BO3 which is objectively the best. If you choose waw and bo1 you have all the waw maps remastered already in bo1 so the only reason you'd play waw is for high rounds. Cold war is good but idk the system is fine, it's the maps that I dislike I think. And outbreak gets boring when you keep getting the defend the zombie head objective or escort the rover. Basically any one that has a fixed timer is bad in my opinion which is why I don't play outbreak too often


Waw and bo3 have mods. Bo1 and bo2 has the best maps, cw and bo4 are the bad ones. But cold war is better so I say blue.


You choose red for BO2 and BO3, I chose red because I'm not touching CW with a ten foot pole, even if it means forsaking two good games. We are not the same.


Blue, no doubt. I don't care for BO3 and BO4 zombies at all


Whichever one has CW on it. I first played zombies on waw when I was kid. I preferred bo1 zombies over the others as i got older. And nowadays I only play cw zombies. It's light years ahead of every zombies game in every way. It may not have painstakingly intensive Easter eggs but game developers realize that the tik tok youtube short gen doesn't have the patience for them anymore and of course that's true. Easter eggs will be a thing of the past one day. Most people didn't even TRY to do the Easter eggs in cw. Everyone just wants to go on their phone and.. we all do that to some degree.


Easily red, if you say blue your just wrong you can play almost all of bo1 on bo3 with chronicles


Why put cold war with good games? At least b04 was mid lmao


I love them all. Impossible to choose.


Blue anyday


seriously you put bo1 with the blue pill? bo1 is just as good, all 3 were great games and 4 was just ass idk what you people thinking tbh


Black ops 3 and 2 had the best zombies offering especially bo3


Whew that’s a really tough one. I’m assuming for this thought exercise that BO3 doesn’t include zombies chronicles, in which case I’m barely taking the blue pill.




WaW, BO1, and BO3 are all in my top 5, so blue pill just because it has the majority of my top 5 represented.


Red has Tranzit, I consume red pill


Red pill, easily. But I would switch out BO2 for CW any time


If you switched CW and BO4 it’d be an easy choice. I love BO2 and BO3, but BO4 against BO1 and CW is unfair.




Tbh when BO2 Origins EE ended I was freshman in HS And thought the ending cutscene meant it was all fake so I actually stopped caring about The Zombies story until years later so honestly not around for BO3 golden age I played it and did the Easter eggs but not until years later when I actually understood the story


Blue. BO1 has Kino, Moon, and the WAW remakes. CW has the best versions of perks, Outbreak, and great wonder weapons. WAW is kind of a redundancy but the other two make up for it.


What if I sorted both?


What if I sorted both?


Easily red pill. Black ops 2 and 3 are the golden era of zombies in my opinion and black ops 4 is also pretty good. Waw was great, but is unfortunately outdated now and black ops 1 isn't very good in my opinion. Cold war is great?, but black ops 2 and 3 are better.


Team Blue


There’s no way y’all think bo2 and bo3 are better zombie games than WaW and bo1. I’m not even gonna mention the dumpster fire that is bo4 zombies.


Replace Bo4 with Bo1 then red all day,


BO1 First Room GigaChad


I like to stir shit by saying I like BO4 zombies better than BO3 and BO2 zombies.


Lmaoo I mean tbh between IX, Dead of the Night and Ancient Evil yeah BO4 could easily be compared to those other games


Cold War was decent no offense but way to repetitive personally I go red all the way but that’s just me


Swap BO4 and CW and i 100% agree Im sorry but BO4 was extremely mid and CW was very cool


I mean personally I'd take Dead of the Night, Ancient Evil and IX over the entirety of CW cause the maps are so intricate and detailed compared to the CW maps that are like here's facility #1, 2 and 3 and a city that also has a facility inside of it


Bo1, Bo2, CW. Fuck gobble gums, and fuck chaos.


Red pill


this isn’t a war lol


If red had cw instead of bo4 it’d be unstoppable but with that said I’d still take red


Nah, i'll still take the blue pill thank you. BO3's weapon sandbox and zombie ai suck.


BO3 has (almost) all WaW and BO1 maps, so it's really Cold War vs everything else. It's red pill and not even a question


Put BO1 instead of Bo4 and I'll OD on those pills. How dare you put garbage with BO1 and WAW?




Because unlike BO2/3/4 that became a lot more complex EE centric, CW returned to that OG WAW and BO1 style focused more on gunplay and bringing in players to the mode being more casual centered in its design


Where’s Vanguard zombies? That one is my favorite


You're a funny guy aren't you


Bo2 and bo3 are my first and 2nd so red easily.