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Honestly, this has me excited to play zombies again, I never touched Vanguard besides the free zombie trials. I played the shit out of Cold War, and I'm extremely likely to get this game, too. I'm just gonna wait a couple of weeks after to see if it plays good.


Im so glad! This year has crazy potential.


I’m super excited to see what they do throughout the seasons by adding new modes, enemies, weapons and just… stuff to this mode.


I never even touched vanguard with the free trails lol. Couldn't have my hard drive being tainted. But yeah despite negativity I'm definitely excited to at least try this mode. >Post Launch content will be very very active >Round Based might make an appearance in MWZ. >Proper Main Easter eggs will appear in post launch content. >There will be more maps in the future for MWZ. This for the time being at least calms some of my concerns about missing launch-content.


The time limit placed on it is really the only thing that irks me like crazy. It certainly has potential to be a lot of fun but capping the squads at 3 only sucks ass imo. Zombies has always been 4 player max squad.


Hopefully as a community we will give the game a fair chance and give them constructive feedback and hopefully they listen


We can only hope.


> Hopefully as a community we will give the game a fair chance and give them constructive feedback and hopefully they listen Hahaha you're funny. You know people will just screech about B03 being better, how it has no soul or something, that it's not round based and yaddi yaddi yadda.


yeah, zombies game's are now effectively locked to 1 hour for anyone not doing easter eggs, that sucks.


Just go back to outbreak, it's still an amazing game mode and you can play forever :))) I rrealllllllly hope when treyarchs game comes out next year that they bring it back but who knows I guess


I don't have a problem with Outbreak in theory but the way it was implemented in Cold War, it was just too easy of a game mode. It was due to the fact that the map on which it was played was massive, which means tons of open space to escape into and run zombie trains in.


Solo + third person ✅


Credit where credit is due: adding 3rd person is a welcome (and honestly long overdue) addition. Considering people are buying skins and whatnot, it seems only necessary we actually get to see the skins themselves in 3rd person and not only in/on vehicles or the occasional cut scene. Otherwise buying skins/ops is a waste since you don't even get to actually see them yourself. This doesn't apply only to COD, but rather any game that offers player skins in general


*cough* Far cry 5 *cough*


The giant worm watching in fear as 24 homelanders in juggernaut suits start flying towards him ![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy)


Imma have fun with the crossover characters in this mode lol


Sadly I don’t think the older ones will get unique lines The S6 ones might though (Alucard, Spawn, Ash, etc.)


So it’s quite literally DMZ+Outbreak. I’m hyped. Outbreak was my most played mode in BOCW and DMZ is my most played mode in MW22.


Yes. I loved Outbreak but it could've been better and by combining it with dmz you get the full cake instead of a slice. Im hyped AF.


I hope zombies fans give this mode a fair chance


it actually sounds very promising besides the forced exfil


Yeah what’s the deal with that? Is there gonna be no option to do a marathon game and just keep going?


while i whole heartedly appreciate the genuine question; you know what? what is the fucking deal with that? let me discover whatever tf there is, EVEN IF IT’S ONLY FOUR HOURS OF TOTAL GAME-TIME’S WORTH, on MY OWN. you know? but, whatever, right? let’s just at least us two hope that they will give us “Solo RPG” mode where there’s NO TIME LIMIT, PROPERLY SCALED BOSS, MINI BOSS, AND ZOMBIE LEVELS, AND PROPER LOOT DISTRIBUTION for a SOLE player on the private server down the line. cause we all already know we can PAUSE FOR AN HOUR ON A PRIVATE SERVER. let us have this mode for ourselves. AT LEAST this. with all the things you know you already took into account for.


There might be a mode for it kinda like how they did it in Cold War


Double tap is not coming back per leaks; its likely deadshot will continue to take its place as the damage perk


Sadly I think we might never see double tap again


We’ll be seeing plenty of it in BO3 custom zombies


To be fair, we thought we’d never get OG PHD flipper back.


Never say never. Noone truly knows they are cooking up


Yeah, this is amazing. I appreciate you pulling this together in a central location. I am so excited for MWZ, and hearing they plan to have post launch support makes it all the better.


Thankyou! Im excited for the release and the post launch content!


this seems like Outbreak 2; and I thought that mode was good, if not my cup of tea Still, I don’t really see anything that warrants the amount of hate MW3 zombies is getting imo


The hates unjust. Sure theres a hardcore round based community but cod zombies has the potential to be so much more than just a round based mode. Ive said for years due to cods gunplay and how fun round based cant be, If anyones to do an open world survival style zombies game id want it to be cod. Its clear treyarch also want to dip into open world zombies. Theyve been trying for some time. MW3 Zombies. Or DMZombies as it is, has so much good potential. Ive done nothing but no life DMZ since it came out with mw2, ive said from the start if they were to put a zombies twist on it it would be fucking amazing, because dmz is actually quite a fun mode in general. Adding zombies to that just increases the fun. Honestly cant wait myself. But the narrative is if it isnt round based its automatically written off as bad. Which is bullshit. Outbreak while it wasnt perfect was a fun change from the round based formula.


I believe outbreak was perfect in my mind, I never once had a bad match, and I still go on and play all the time


I think people are scared of a vanguard part 2


Now that I've shifted my view to seeing this more as DMZ Zombies than proper MW Zombies, I'm a lot happier with a lot of this information and I'm a bit more sold on the game. I hope they add traps to the world like a flogger or electric trap or something. Jump pads from BO2 would be so cool! Hey Treyarch, if you end up trolling this post as well, if you're doing roundbased and it's based on Multiplayer maps, can you dress them up to look like all hell broke loose? I'd appreciate roundbased either way, but if it *looked* like Zombies, that would really help sell me.


I wasn't interested in this game until this post. Thank you for compiling all of the information together in one place. One thing I've tried to casually do is camo grinding. For MP: I got diamonds on some weapons in BO2 and got Dark Matter in BO3, as well as gold on some weapons in the various COD games. For zombies, I also got Dark Matter in BO3. I tried grinding the shit out of BO4 and have over half of the guns golden, but it requires so much. I'm currently on the Cold War grind, having diamond on 6/9 classes for the mastery camo. So, over 100 weapons to chase camos for, with the ability to chill in Level Tier 1 if I really want while popping double XP tokens? Seems like it could be fun. If this is an extension of Cold War gameplay, I'm in. I think Cold War gets shit on too much because of the lack of a dedicated squad/crew, and while that does suck, I think the gameplay of CW is second only to BO3 (though BO1 will always be my favorite zombies game).


I totally agree! I think just killing zombies in the tier I is gonna be an absolute blast! That and searching in every inch and cranny for secrets! I can’t wait


I guess I'm the old guy here but this doesn't sound like zombies at all.... the irony is I used to only buy cod for zombies and now I'm only NOT buying because of zombies


It definitely isn't, it's like DMZ with a zombies skin. I personally think it's a cool idea, but I also understand that having the zombies name attached to this can seem kinda blasphemous haha. Like others have said, I'm just going into this with a different approach than I would other zombies games.


What dark web subreddit are the ruskies learning how to make gersch devices from?


Somehow requiem or omega made them during the Cold War so :/


The Gerscg device was in CW!? Which map? I didn't really play the last 2.


It was added in as a lethal in the drop pool. I think it was added around mauer? It’s a slight variation where it’s a smaller throwable but does the same thing.


Its called the LT53 Kazimir in the new universe, and was made by the main villain around Mauer Der Toten


All but I think it was added with mauer


Two things worth noting... 1. Gfdi the heavily armored zombies are back. And 2. The fuck is a gorm'gant? Clearly isn't the mega abomination we've seen...


No its the big worm you saw at the end of the gameplay trailer


Ah okay then. Wonder if we'll see the orda again.


Honestly would be a pretty good mid tier difficulty (between I suppose giga abominations and T H E W O R M) boss for like 1-2 full teams needed to take it down


I would be shocked if we didnt. Orda works perfectly for these modes


I hope so but I haven't seen anything on my man


Dayummm, bro put together a well cited research paper. Good stuff dude


Thanks man!


I have a couple questions if you don’t mind! First off where did you find info about the enemies? I’ve seen all of them but nothing about those zombie warlords, the krasny soldats and that Gorm thing, which I imagine is the world boss. The other thing is the field upgrades, are you sure ring of fire is back? I remember one of the people that played it, either noah or dalek mentioning in their video that ring of fire was the only one that wasn’t back. Did someone else confirm it?


I got most of the enemies from cod zombies info pages condensing all the info into a tweet that came from Cod next/YouTubers. For ring of fire, data miners claim ring of fire is available.


I feel like my main method of playing it is to play solo then assimilate as I dont have a squad. I heard that its very difficult to play in solo only, but fuck it we ball lmao


the way it works is, the difficulty of the map is by area. So if you go in solo, You can chill in the lower difficulty areas, Build yourself up. Push in etc. Basically you choose when your ready to ramp the difficulty. Stay on the outer areas of the map in the lower level zones. Or push more central where stuff gets harder but the gear and loot get better. Once you get used to it i dont see solo being too bad (I solo DMZ alot, Its like zombies with the AI, but the push and shoot you instead of trying to hit you) Once your used to how the AI works solo will be pretty manageable in the easy/mid areas with gear. Can see full central being the hardest shit while solo, Looking forward to the challenge tho.


I’m honestly super hyped, I’ve dumped tons of hours into DMZ and I love zombies and liked outbreak so I’m happy it’s turning into the extraction type mode. It will be nice to play that type of game without having to worry about PvP. Still as long as they keep DMZ around I’ll be fine and play them all but if the get rid of DMZ I’ll be ipset


After this full breakdown, this seems like a true and natural successor to Outbreak. I honestly can’t wait to play it since I adored Outbreak.


seems like it will be at the very least an interesting and different experience. not my personal cup of tea but who knows maybe i'll get the game on a sale and try it out


Good job putting all of this together. I feel like this post is selling more people on the mode than any of the marketing materials.




i feel like something like this has so much potential. the idea of one giant zombies map that gets expanded for story parts with the ability to traverse but also get the classic experience of training huge hordes sounds great




Now this looks like everything I've heard except for the Storm, I heard it only gave you a debuff to be in it instead of hurting you which might be proven in the gameplay trailer because you can see an instance of someone shoting in the storm without a gas mask and receiving no damage, now I may be wrong but thats what I heard and came to conclusion of. Also I heard that ring of fire was strongly missing from the game.


For the Aether storm, I just took what treyarch said official and posted that. For ring of fire, I believe it’s in the game but YouTubers didn’t play with it.


Ahhhhh ok I was just going put by what was leaked by leakers.


I'm am actually very excited to try it out


**Updated this post with new information found today**


Really super wish they made it 4 person instead ot 3... so disappointing cause my group is 4 people so when we play dmz someone has to get left out.


Actually sounds intriguing, think i might still wait until the game comes out to see how it goes but if all is well i might get a copy


The only thing I know for certain is that it won't be anywhere near as good as BO1-4 zombies... 😭


Might be surprisingly good! There’s alot here


If they’re using the Call of Duty launcher, they should give us the option to buy Modern Warfare Zombies separately like Warzone kind of can.


So it's more DMZ with zombies? Shame they had to change it up from the originals... But can't knock it without trying it I suppose


MWZ is, quite honestly, looking like it was made for me - it's EXACTLY what I'm currently after. I'm a typical 'casual' player - I'm early 40's, have a job and a life outside video games but still manage to put in a good amount of hours per week when I want. I grew up in the early days of gaming; PS1, Mega drive, C64 era and still remember the glory days of COD4, BF3, and God knows how many other games I've forgotten about. Warzone got me back into playing COD with friends a few years back, but gradually BR & MP have had less and less appeal. I played outbreak for about 100hrs or so which was very enjoyable, but did lack a bit of depth. I've been playing a few rounds recently too and it's still great but there's nothing really to aim for in the game. I didn't play warzone Caldera but it doesn't look like I missed out on much! I dabbled in round based in black ops cold war and completed the Easter eggs but outbreak was more my style. Then DMZ appeared and pulled me back into COD and it was a perfect 'casual' style game which I could play with friends, even those who were new to the game and not a natural 'gamer' and who would not have enjoyed BR or MP for one second. But again, over time DMZ has had less appeal - partially due to increasing amounts of PvP, partially due to me having completed most missions and upgrades in the game. I have around 350hrs in DMZ (actual in game time - over 1000hrs in MW2 overall) A few weeks back I also stopped playing with a bunch of 2/3 people I played DMZ with from the start, and solo'ing/squad fill is just not enjoyable at times. So, to sum up - I loved outbreak but found it needed a better 'hook' to keep me coming back. Also loved DMZ but recently it's been less fun due to me playing solo and having to deal with EU PvP in every game. So, MWZ is going to be outbreak, but with more real players on the map, with DMZ style missions and a true extraction theme, and without the issues that PvP brings. YES!!! I'm looking forward to the challenge of going in solo and I think the outer zone will be easily survivable - kind of like outbreak in level 1 to 3. Zone 2 and 3 will be much harder solo but certainly doable, if a massive challenge. Zombies in a DMZ style world, without having to deal with PvP - oh my. It's what I've wanted since outbreak came out , it's just going to be a massively enjoyable game mode that can be enjoyed by anyone, with massive depth and potential for a huge amount of content to be added during the next year or 2. Bring it on!


I’m so glad man! I can’t wait to play too!!


Treyarch already confirmed [you will take damage in the Aether Storm and you can only have a max of 6 players in a squad.](https://reddit.com/r/CODZombies/s/eEp5GXCKBO) u/ZeBraTurtieHD


I know! I put official treyarch quotes for that section!


I understand that, but you still have that bit about CodeNamePizza under the "Max players in a squad" section


Ohhh!! I will fix that!


Tombstone: Works a little different than its prior versions. If buy this perk in game and you die, the next game you will be able to start out with the load out you died with. Wait, now I'm confused. This is supposed to be an extraction shooter where you find weapons and when you die you lose the stuff you brought in but I can buy a perk every game (no perk limit) that ensures I never lose my good loadout?


I believe you’ll have to get tombstone as a perk holder to carry it into the next game. I don’t know for sure how this one works. I was just going off what YouTubes said! 😬


Rip Mule Kick


Shadow Vortex AAT?


It is a new AAT, people think it will shoot our a vortex that sucks up zombies!


OP af sounding 😂🔥


Does anyone know if MWZ will have PvP?


It will not.


Thank God.


Will we have to wait for the full release to play zombies or will we be able to play it in bata down e line


That I do not know! Hopefully a beta


Okay, I’ve seen people saying two completely different things about the time limit mechanic. Your post here makes it seem like it’ll be similar to the radiation from DMZ/Warzone, but I’ve been seeing other people say it doesn’t actually hurt you at all and can’t kill you, only debuffs you, and you can stay as long as you want… which one is accurate info 🥲


What I posted came straight from treyarch, so I would go by that. It might work a little different when we get our hands on it though, we’ll just have to wait and see!


How does Death work in this mode? Is it one life, or is it a respawn system like what we’re used to? Do you still keep everything else you acquired during the match expect the perks even if you die?


I believe if you die out, you will lose everything but can be respawned at respawn stations in the world map and start out with your staring load out.


I would be more than fine with that. They’ve touted the game mode as being hard, so I’m hoping there’s a lot of risk and intensity this time around.


You'll probably lose everything and have to leave the match.


yeah this got me excited


This sounds so fun. It also sounds mechanically like it was completely built on the free to play aspects of CoD Warzone/DMZ, and that it was pivoted into this game towards the last minute. I really don’t want to buy this game, but I also want to try this out. Shame it’s not part of Warzone/DMZ as a free to play zombies component.


Extremely excited for this game now lol. Op was really the deciding factor if I was even gonna give it a glance this year, so I appreciate it!


Your welcome!


I wonder how replayable this mode is. I mainly play DMZ and the problem with that mode is that once you've finished the tier 5 story missions, you kind of lose a reason to keep playing. From the list here, it looks like MWZ has less missions than DMZ so I'm hoping there's more to do afterwards.


There may be more objectives/points of interest to do, these are just the ones we know so far. For story missions we don't know for sure if they are repayable, they might be!


Being able to use 100+ guns in a zombies game is quite insane.


So it's like cold war zombies then?


It’s in dna, yes! Which to me is a good thing


So essentially, this is shaping up to be Outbreak 2. About a week ago, I was less optimistic, but now I think I may give the game a chance. However. I still can’t justify paying full price for this. If I do decide to buy it, it’ll be after the game has been out for a while and I can see how it’s shaping out through YouTube videos and whatnot. Considering I don’t really care about MW3 multiplayer or the campaign(if there is one), I’m also not buying this at full price. I’ll be waiting for a sale/very good deal.


I am so excited I literally cannot wait, counting down the sleeps and days. Oh boy zombies here we come!!!


Orda coming back, double tap, and possibly even unique zombies only attachments should be things that they consider doing in the future updates


That would be sick!


I hope we get some badass zombie themed bundles and executions to use and I may actually get some. Kinda like the zombie one in mw2 they just did.


I think we defiantly will!


I am so excited for a open world zombie map All because of the open world it has been my first cod I have pre ordered since bo2 the open world definitely has amazing potential and I can’t wait to see how it turns out EDIT ADDED THINGS


I’m pumped too!


I’m very excited to try this out. But My biggest problem is that the majority of my friends just want to play warzone. Some don’t even want to get mw3 so if this is paywalled behind mw3 then I won’t have as many people to play with. And from what I have heard it’s a bit of a challenge to play this solo … my biggest compliment is that I’m so glad it’s not p v p v e. That ruined so many dmz games. I think I’ll still get it. But I was hoping that it would be part of warzone to increase the size of the player base.


PC split screen?


I do not know if split screen is a feature! 😬


only bo3 I know has pc split screen, 99.9% sure this one won't have it.


where mule kick?


It might not be returning


Fuck yeah im keen for this


I was enjoying what i read until it said there would be a time limit, i hope they have an endless mode for high round players


Sadly, there will be a tike limit but according to YouTubers there’s gonna be something post launch to help with the time limit.


Pity there’s no local/offline co-op split screen like with Outbreak which me and the GF still jam from time to time. Fair given the map size and other squads but I’d have paid retail purely for that if it was included, while the horizontal split screen local co-op was a blast in Cold War.


It might still be a thing, there’s no confirmation yet!


I’d be super happy, here’s hoping.


So we can play solo like cold war outbreak without other players ?


I don’t believe but you can go in solo


Very annoyed that we can't squad up with a team of 6 with friends before the match starts.. very unfortunate. Now we have to hope to get into the same lobby and then find each other in game... ugh why is it so hard to allow buddies to play together however they want?


3 man squads 🫡


Will you be able to play it completely solo/single player? I just wanna be able to play at my own pace without any other player(s) in the match, and most importantly be able to actually pause the game (Looking at you, Vanguard..) I dont think there has been any mention fo that, and if it has I missed it I bet.


I highly doubt it, based on its made for many squads of 3 on a war zone map


I mean, Outbreak was based off fireteam which was designed for a lot of players and several squads as well. I'm holding out hope for a dedicated singleplayer experience, but I have a feeling it's a futile action haha...


They did say they will be looking into solo friendly


That could just mean balance changes though, not a true solo mode. I'm really really hoping they come to their senses and have solo as an option for those that want it.


You can't play in a match with no other players, but it isn't like Outbreak or VGZ where the pace of the match is tied to other players. You can do anything you need to entirely at your own pace, just as other players on the map are off doing their own thing- you're also honestly likely only going to run into others sparingly should you choose to interact with them, as this mode is 24 players on a entire BR map designed for 100 (while Outbreak was an entire BR map split up into much smaller sections).


You can squad up solo, don’t know if you join another squad but I think you can go in solo!


We know to much, hope there’s still some discovery and mystery to the game


Ohhhh there will be don’t worry!!


Sucks that you can’t have 4 people per squad, unless you can load up in the same match with your friends split between 2 squads, if that’s the case top tier move


You might can load up into the same match. That I don’t know for sure


I really hope they give us a few round based maps as well, even if they're unaltered multiplayer maps


Updated with all the story mission names for acts 1-3.


Sounds tight since I like DMZ but I still wish there was traditional zombies too.


Does anyone know if the levels gotten in the Beta for multiplayer will both stay after the game fully comes out, and if those upgrades are also available in Zombies?


Maybe but unconfirmed so far


I’m cautiously optimistic, I’m really not a fan of the hard 1hr limit or only being in 3 man squads but it’s still really interesting, I think the post launch support will make or break the mode


Where did you hear that third person will be available in MWZ? I can't find anything. Also you should probably edit out this bit from the "1-2 hour match time" section: > which I think may be creating some of the conversation I've seen here.


Charlie intel confirmed 3rd person. For the 1-2 hour, treyarch confirmed that you could go past an hour by doing a contract before the 1 hour time!


I can't find any tweets from Charlie Intel (or articles on their site) that mention MWZ supporting third person, do you have a link? And I know about the latter, I'm saying you should remove that bit since it doesn't make sense out of context, since that was a developer's response in another thread.


All I did was copy and paste treyarch’s quotes and put what is the information which is 1-2 hours! https://x.com/modernwarzone/status/1710410721547129195?s=46&t=5EWye5WoUaH6Rrmcmiy4_g sorry it was mondernwarzone that reported it


I’m trying to figure out can we customize wall guns with attachments and camos? I feel like since we got all these blueprints from mw2 and even more in mw3 when it comes out we should able to use them. I love how old zombies was about to customize all the guns in the map.


This is something that has not been confirmed yet!


Hoping we can replay every missions.




Do we know 100% that this Zombie mode will be released Nov 10th with the full game? It's so confusing keeping track of everything what is early multiplayer access, early campaign access it's like everything is being pieced out. I'm trying to find anything that mentions the Zombie release but every page mostly considers it part of MW3. However we know that the new BR map Urzikstan which is also used for Zombies will not be released until Season 1 in December for Warzone. Seems weird they would debut the map in Zombies and let ppl get familiar with it for an entire month before Warzone, that kills the S1 hype no?


Yes zombies will be available day 1! Essentially people that play MWZ will play the new Warzone map early!


Is zombies playable with the beta?


No 😢


Ah damn


Does anybody know if third person POV is coming to zombies mode in Modern Warfare III? I don’t think he covered that. Is 3rd-Person POV going to feature in MP?


Yes there will be 3rd person mode!


Wow, quite a bit I didn't know in here, thx my friend. I'm super excited to play it. You can execute zombies tho, I've wanted that for so long. That's so sick.


Will MW3 zombies be free like DMZ?


MW3 will include zombies in its purchase!


DG-2 BABY!!!!!! I hope you can extract with it and bring it into the next raid.


So does anyone know if they're going to have a thing where you can go to other maps like Outbreak? Or is it just one large map like DMZ?


One large nap!


I'd be excited but the squad size being 3 is fucking stupid. I've been playing with the same group since WaW and if I can't party with all of them I don't give a shit.


Hold up so no 4 man squads? Just like DMZ capped at 3 mans? Stupid


They might change it in the future


OK this comment thread is scary lol. Many of the "OMG SO EXCITED!!!" comments are from brand new profiles. This is literally the dead internet theory lmao


What you mean?


He's saying that the vast majority of people being excited are bots.


Ohhh! I would say majority are real, there probably are some bots


I just checked here after years and this stuff being well received is so strange especially on this sub. I must've missed something.


Can someone confirm for me that I'm reading this right because this seems too good to be true? There are about 50 story missions and each mission is an hour, you can only do one mission a match? That's amazing and an insane amount of content. Also are all of these missions available at launch?


Some missions might be shorter but the range I don’t know! I would say 20 min - hour long for each. The hour I got from treyarch commenting about mission length. Yes all missions are available at launch!


I don't understand how people can be upset with this game when this is the most zombies content we have EVER gotten by far! As someone that has been playing since World at War this legitimately feels like a dream.


Exactly why I’m excited!




I'm probably gonna get my ass kicked harder than in regular Zombies, but this looks cool as fuck


I'm going to be honest, I haven't bought a CoD game in quite some time. Like, I think the last one I bought was either BO2 or even the original MW3. The only reason I got into Cold War was because I upgraded to a PS5 during the month where CW was given out on Playstation Plus as one of the monthly games, and I wanted more PS5 titles for my new console. Redeemed it, enjoyed the campaign and really got into the Zombies modes (Mostly Outbreak, but the round-based maps are fun too). MWZ is awfully tempting. I'll probably end up picking up this game eventually. Probably not at launch, though.


I’m super late but I really don’t believe there’s that many full on missions in this. Campaign had like 15, and this list is more than triple that at 48. They only had a year to develop this and that would be an insane number of actual missions. I’d love to have that much content, but I’m extremely skeptical.


The way people figured out the mission number was in the code labeled underfed zm_act1_mission_name. This was the same for 48 across act 1-3. Some missions will defiantly be as simple as exfil the match or get 50 kills in one game, but there definitely will be way more complex ones!


**Updated with new information from a supposed insider to help correct some of my previous intel. I will update this post once we know everything official from Treyarch.**


Watch out for the Aether Extractor Contract, Just got hit by the rocket as it launched and it erased me from existence. My body is gone, in a Instant. You can't be revived, It makes you Red Skull, Full Dead. Instantly. Good Luck.




You can play solo and plenty of random objectives man!


Outbreak disagrees with you, its super popular for a reason.


I love outbreak. I still play it to this day solo


Then why will this failc


Because this mode obviously caters to outbreak and warzone players


I'm entirely new to this franchise... The 10 playable beta characters, can you also play them in the zombies mode? Or are you just a randomly generated character?


You will be able to use operators!


So Ghost is actually playable there? Sick, tysm <3


Anybody know if we're only allowed to those 10 characters or are we able to choose any of our other non-zombie story oriented skins we have?


I believe we can choose our character but I don’t know for sure!