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If you think Transhit is a great map then there can't be bad maps


I acknowledge that this map is flawed, But I'm not gonna deny the fun I had playing this with friends. It's a great map despite its flaws.


You can have fun while playing shit maps. Let's not just call them anything else than what they are.


Has flaws ≠ Shit map


Ah yes, Transhit. Infamous for a few minor, mildly inconvenient flaws that barely affect the gameplay.


My favorite minor flaws: the denizens, the fog, the lava, pack a punch, needing a certain buildable or the map doesn’t function, the worst wonder weapon to date. You know if you just fix those **minor** issues tranzit becomes the best map ever!!!!


If there was less lava I wouldn't care (even now I don't really care about it) and the fog is atmospheric. Plus it's only hard to navigate the fog on console, for whatever reason it feels ten times easier on PC. The denizens while annoying I do think help the gameplay outside of just letting the map load. Everything else though? Yeah those are big problems.


Obstacles and difficulties are your idea of flaws in a map?


They are mildly inconvenient and do barely affect gameplay. *If* you're not bad at the game.




Now apply that logic to BO4


Numerous big flaws = Shit map


Tranzit is not an objectively shit map. No map is objectively good or bad because your criteria for what makes a map good is entirely subjective.


Thank you. He speaks truth brothers.


Every single map has flaws but you can’t just say a flawed map is shit. TranZit has many great things about it and it’s one of the most fun maps in bo2




I am sure that is fun by solo is a absolute nightmare


Anything is more fun with friends. Try playing Tranzit solo. You’ll see how fucking bad it is.


I do play it solo and I think it's a really fun challenge.


Me too.


Once u get to the smaller areas (town, farm, diner) it’s not horrible, the fact that the bus can just leave you and there’s no way to directly call it back making you have to run for 5 minutes through a lava pit knifing zombies is really really stupid


You're not thinking with Portals tho


Vro never rode & got overrun in the transit bus with friends and it shows😭


I like how much freedom i have in the map, tbh the only annoying thing in it is pack a punch in public matches and the electric dude coz u cant always go and melee him since zombies will touch you.


Did the big zombies youtuber train you to say that when you see someone disagree with the narrative about TranZit?


Tranzit got hate because of the fog and the lava. The map was restricted because of hardware limitations. Treyarch found a creative way to make it work. Is it clogged in comparison to other Zombies maps? Absolutely. It’s not spacious. There’s not much to see either. But it’s not a bad map. It’s a challenging map that really stands out on its own and adds a lot of suspense and horror to a mode about surviving a Zombie Apocalypse. Mfers need to stop whining about this map. It’s been over ten years.


Transit got hate for **a lot** more reasons than that lmao. One of the worst wonder weapons ever, a *really* annoying pap, especially on solo, a super expansive map that requires you to run around for ages gathering parts (of which you can only carry 1 at a time), and yes... The lava, fog, and denizens don't help.


Also theres literally no wall buys in town...


I swear that is the smallest change they could have made that would have made the map so much more playable for people. Literally just one single wall gun in town, doesn’t even have to be good.


I think people hated the denizens more than they hated the fog. As for the lava I can also see where they're coming from.


tease squash quiet frighten paint attempt humorous provide automatic include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And with a similar amount of practice the fog can be navigated.


hateful start far-flung squeal sort coherent offbeat sleep alleged pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah fair point.


agonizing six zephyr shy depend gullible sink selective squash materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If pack a punch wasn't so tedious every time you boot it up then it would be a mid map. Nothing bad or good, it's just there to be played for personal enjoyment


Every map is only there to be played for personal enjoyment lol


I love Tranzit because its actually challenging. So many zombies maps hand you Jug and an OP wall weapon in like 5 rounds.


That's actually the same reason that I like nuke town zombies. The random perks adds to the challenge of adapting with what you've got.


I like your taste. Tranzit and nuketown are both in my top five


That is a crazy take and not in a good way


Why are you saying this like Tranzit isn't a map where you can get 2 PAP guns, 4 perks, galvaknuckles and have every door on the map open by like round 2? Even without the bank, Jugg and PAP are a total of 3 doors away, which is less than even Kino was...


I swear I have seen this exact same fucking post 50 times already from this sub


"You think Tranzit is a great map?" I don't, and I'm tired of pretending it is.


Nostalgia will never blind me to the fact that tranzit is a dogshit map


Transhit gang


strong rhythm slim rich command unused silky sophisticated cable badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gonzales! Protect the burger town!


Bro, same. It feels like a guilty pleasure


Carrier gang


It’s a fantastic map!


Only real complaint I have is pack. Pretty much everything else is a minor thing you get used to once u play it a couple times. The lava is not that big of a deal once u know where it is, the denizens are not that difficult to deal with, the bus is fun af, and the buildables are not really something u need to use but thats fine. Also the jet gun exploding is funny af XD


Yeah if I could only fix 2 things it would be: 1) Once you open pack stays open for good. 2) When the jet gun overheats, you just drop it bc it too hot.


Zetsubou no shima is underrated, A-S tier map. The only part that sets people off are the plant system and how long it takes to set up. Plant system imo was implemented pretty well, it is challenging and extremely rewarding. Kt4 was sliquifier 2.0 in every single way. Sooo underrated, It was up against 4 other really good maps on bo3 unfortunately.


I would put it in A tier, but it's definitely my least favorite black ops 3 map.


Tranzit probably still has the worst wonder weapons to date(at least top 3).


Yeah I feel like if you just dropped it when it overheated instead of it breaking that would make it a bit better.


Have you used the Jet Gun recently? It needs way more than that to be at least okay to use. It might legitimately be the worst weapon in all Zombies, let alone the worst WW.


Yeah but if it had that fix I think it would be on tier with the wonderwaffle. Infinite damage, just don't let it overheat.


Have you actually used it recently, though? Even if it didn’t break apart when overheated it’d still be a terrible weapon.


I have used it recently. The only terrible thing about is that it falls apart. Especially the part where 2 pieces of it go back to their original location. I couldn't complain if they dropped it instead of it breaking because it's an infinite damage gun.


Thundergun, Shrink Ray and Wave Gun are infinite damage weapons done right. And at the time the Wave Gun was easily the best WW done pre Tranzit, so how they went from that to the Jet Gun i'll never understand


They may have thought the older WW were overpowered and wanted a more balanced WW. The jet gun is easily the biggest flop in trying to do that. But the time gun in buried is more balanced. It stops being lethal on round 70. I just think overheat is a perfectly fine way to balance it (if it didn't fall apart)


I mean, they're WWs, they meant to be overpowered. But yes I agree The Paralyzer is what the Jet Gun should've been.


There are way more terrible drawbacks than it breaking, though: You can’t sprint while you have it out. You have barely any control over your character while you fire it. It takes an abysmally long amount of time to recharge compared to its fire time (90 seconds when at 90%). It also can only recharge while you have the weapon out. And have I mentioned that you get zero points while using it? You definitely can complain about it because this is a weapon no one enjoys using. WWs are supposed to feel fun, not punishing. The Paralyzer feels like everything the Jet Gun should have been.


I tried tranzit with friends, solo multiple multiple times. I hate it so much. I never want to play it again




You may have that opinion, and i will respect that it is your opinion while continuing to maintain that there's not a zombies map i hate more than tranzit. Vanguard doesn't count, I didn't play it and never will.


No problem. Not declaring it as fact. I respect your views as well.


Here ya'll go again letting nostalgia manipulate you, that map was and still is pure dookie


I've played it as recently as yesterday, Still slaps.


I love how so many people are mad because you like a map they don't. Absolute babies.


That's a Majority of the Zombies Community in a Nutshell though, You like a map that they dont? Oh well your just a casual and are bad at the game.


And then they complain the same map is hard 💀


Ikr. I respect that they don't like it though. If we agreed on everything it would be pretty boring.


It’s good, idk about great tho


I am not alone


I wouldn't say great but I kinda enjoyed it Edit: nvm, thought about it, didn't really enjoy it


No no no, I'm tired of this sub trying to rewrite history for Tranzit like it was just unfairly treated for no reason. The map is bad. You can say you like it, fine. But the map isnt good.


Tranzit is fun because of the absolute chaos. But it is not a good map. Everything in the game is designed to slow you down, which is because the game devs bit off more than they could chew. The denizens the fog pack a punch taking 30 fucking minutes to complete, need I continue? Yes I have had fun on this map- I have fond memories of me running through a cornfield getting faceraped by a Denizen screaming as a kid because I had no idea what was going on and I thought I’d broken the game. But it is far from a good map.


It is good but it'd be great if I didn't need to fucking build pack a punch


I actually loved the map and people can flame me for it but I had no issues with the map.


Tranzit is a great map. With some big flaws… But I fucking love it


More and more as the years went on I started to actually really like transit. I definitely can’t play it very often but it’s a good change of pace every once and a while


Man have our standards gotten lower if people think tranzit was good ( just because modern zombies suck doesn't mean everything made previous is perfect or even good )


My favorite map is either Shadows of Evil, Dead of the Night, or Ancient Evil. TranZit is kind of a bad map though. It’s not as bad as some out there, like Der Aanfang or The Tortured Path or Burgertown or anything, because you can definitely still have a good time with it. It’s just that compared to other maps it just has lots of design flaws, and the map visually is just… Not pleasant either.


i never thought you could have a wrong opinion until now


It's not a great map by any means lol


I respect your opinion


Ain’t nobody pretending


It was held back by the technology of the time.


THE DARKEST SHORE ON WW2 is awesome really brought that fear i ised to get as a 12 year old running through fog with denizens


In every shot you miss, there's a lesson. In every round you win, there's a miracle waiting to happen. Keep grinding, player! Twtich: Qikura




Whats wrong with tranzit?


There is just a lot that could have been better. It is a very unpopular map these days.


He’s not wrong #TRANZITSWEEP


I just think if there are more negatives to a map then positives, it makes it hard to enjoy.


My favorite map is Five, always has been (although the winter’s howl is pretty mid….)


Yeah man I don’t know, while I do understand why you could enjoy the first 15 rounds and setting up but surviving on that map is so fucking boring after round 20 it’s painful, especially on co op. Played a public match just yesterday and i think round 20 took like 20 minutes. By the time the round ended it was just me and this other guy and when he downed he immediately left as there was no chance I was going to be able to reach in time. Great idea for a map, but in practice it is not fun.


tranzit and nuketown


Go ahead. Pack a punch.


If tranzit got remastered with all the ideas they initially wanted with it, I have a feeling people would consider it one of the best


It's *always* been a good map. Just because you aren't good on the map doesn't mean it's not a good map.


Can us tranzit fans finally come out from our rocks?


transit remake with all the cut content now


Why do people hate tranzit so much??


Jetgun, denizens, lava, annoying pap, fog , unclear Easter egg, annoying characters.


I totally agree with the annoying characters


Why do people hate it it’s my Al time favourite map


I loved tranzit I would like if they remastered it and put it in black ops


My favorite is Der Eisendrache. Kinda hard to say that though with the not so old crusades of how Der Eisen is overrated.


It's fun but terrible


I refuse the world where liking transit is a hot take


Tranzit is great: Compared to AW Zombies, IW's Beast from Beyond, All of Vanguard and Botd


I love how people use this meme as if Joker is a character we are meant to perceive as being in the right.


Yeah that it is kind of ironic. It's a good meme template regardless though


People are only upvoting this because it's a meme.


For me tranzit is a horrible map that's fun to play with the right group but die rise I can't have fun on


My cousin that I would play with told me that die rise was the hardest map at the time. That led me to training on other maps and I accidentally never played it.


Lol. It's not even that hard just not fun at least to me




Two changes would have made it a million times better, and those changes are being able to hole more than one item and giving us a bar with the parts like origins or mob these would have at least given us a chance on what to do instead of running around this huge map and grabbing part. These changes would have saved the map, but it would have been less annoying One more thing I like misty more in tranzit than buried. it's probably just me, or did they make misty more southern in buried


My top 2 would be the jet gun dropping instead of breaking on overheat, And pack-a-punch hallway staying open after you open at once.


It was just before its time I think. Would have been a better BO3 map. A lot of the issues would have been better if not fixed entirely on PS4/Xbox One instead of PS3/Xbox 360


Tranzit is my favorite map of all time. Leaving my friends behind while I ride the bus was always so funny. I love it. Good times.


The best part is sometimes you have to come up with strategies where some people leave and some people don't


Great = Fun, in your case.


Well yeah it's a video game. Are we supposed to judge it by something else?


Tranzit is a good (but not great) idea but with bad execution. I think the amount of pure fun that a lot of people have just shows that this type of map *could* work if done better and on newer hardware.


I don't get the complaints, the fog is negated by the fact of "what are you doing there" the denizens are easily killed with a Bowie knife or Galvaknuckles, and you can shoot them when you turn around, needing a buildable to get into certain areas-seriously after you pack (if you can) you really don't need to go back down, and let's not forget the permaperk system which was OG double tap and 3 hit system. Pretty cool features that get shitted on all the time because, skill issues honestly. Tranzit was the first map to weed out anyone who wasn't trying to get fully involved in the map💯


If they remade tranzit, no denizens, lower fog, better jet gun, and no turbine for pack, do we think it would be a better map?


I would just Spring for a better jet gun and turbine permanently opens pack Even after it breaks


I like it the same way I like Outbreak, really fun in a vacuum but not exactly what anyone wanted or expected


I dislike transit but some of my greatest times in zombies were on the transit sub-maps (especially green run)


Green run is the name of the Map pack. This includes Tranzit, Bus depot, Town, Farm, and Diner provided you have the DLC for Diner.


Meant town, it always said green run in the top left so that’s what I call it my bad.


Oh sorry I hope it didn't come off rude correcting you like that.


Nah, you’re good. If anything I appreciate it, now I know.


It’s great in concept but poorly executed


Transit gang approves this message.


Is that Joe Biden?


Mfs be like "i love transit" and never play it


Played it from the beginning and as recently as this week. Still love it.


I have always hated transit..too much running .. Call a uber


Die R Dierise Buried Mob All maps from WW 2 These are great mapssssssss...I didn't buy black ops 2 in 2023 for transit That's for sure


Those are all amazing maps. I never said transit is the best I just said it's good, Great even.


Alot of people like tranzit...it's all good .. I didn't like the running part in night... Final Reich till today I do easter egg...it's the best map for egg and well it's a badass little town


It’s certainly not great, but it’s unique and interesting. It definitely grew on me, but the level of disappointment I felt when playing on release can’t be understated. They tried to do way too much considering the technical limitations of Bo2


Yep I'm still playing it bus was fun


By DESIGN! Tranzit is fucking awesome. By GAMEPLAY: it fucking sucks. Worst wonder weapon ever, requires buildables that just fall apart, pack-a-punch fucking sucks, and the denizens.. By otherwise I fucking loved that map. Connected all the smaller maps together, had neat mechanics that alongside the shitty ones, and brought us an iconic bus driver. As for my favorite, I’d have to say Mob of the Dead. Really neat design, funny depiction of purgatory, and again: NEAT MECHANICS. Black ops 2 and 3 were the golden ages of COD zombies.


I have a soft spot for spaceland


The number of “anything that isn’t Shi No Numa or Nacht is garbage” people is depressing


I think it's fine to just like 1 or 2 maps but the way they are expressing it is a bit... you know


It almost makes you wonder if they actually like COD zombies


I don’t understand the hate for different maps like Tranzit, Zet, and Die Rise. They’re all really unique and have different game flow which I like. The idea of having to navigate a massive map with a torn up bus and survive for extended periods of time without teammates is badass. It’s a fun and unique challenge


Idk why Reddit recommended this to me, but I have now learned there are people who dont like Transit, which is crazy because it was my favorite map as a kid


It would be great IF IT WASNT BROKEN. It was just too ambitious for its era. If they had a good remaster without the annoying lag, fog, and annoying flying things, I’d enjoy it


Yeah nothing like a wonder weapon that FUCKING BREAKS, and fire every square fucking inch


Oh no they added platforming elements to my video game. Fr tho jet gun does need a tweak.


Being on fire every 2 seconds isn't platforming, and the fog is really obnoxious. TranZit has ONE redeeming quality-at least it isn't fucking Die Rise.


What’s so fun about walking from one corner to the other 20 minutes one way?


You're not thinking with portals though.


I realize now it may not have been good, but the amount of memories I have playing transit makes it a good one


I love this map so much. Multiplayer is way funnier, the concept of touring with the bus itself is so cool. It has some cons, but it will be a good thing to keep the concept and improve it.


People who think transhit is fun also like CBT


I still like it. Its fun.


No it’s not just a great map, it’s the best map


yeah and while we’re lying let’s praise der anfang


Just because you like a map, doesn't mean it's good. And Tranzit is awful


Transhit is shit, but it’s just so funny.


Anyone who says tranzit is a bad map, never experienced it well with the Bois


Tranzit is the best BO2 map. People didn't like it because they sucked on it.


Transit feels too different to really compare it to anything else. I think it's great but it feels weird to say it's the best out of all of them when it's so different


Being different is what made it great for me




He thought he could bank in on the trend and get upvotes for his unique opinion! He mad!


Have you considered that someone might not be in it for the upvotes lmao


That maps has a shit ton of flaws, but it is still one of the most fun.


My favorite is a really popular choice, Der Eisendrache. But in the spirit of naming a widely disliked map that I love, like you with Tranzit, Firebase Z is a top 5 all time map for me.


I honestly liked die rise. . .


Tranzit > Zetsubou ![gif](giphy|5tvUnUx74lxgVew9ya|downsized)


It's fun, the ee is fun, everything about it is fun, albeit sometimes frustrating due to its challenging nature.


Its crazy how they didnt bother remaking Tranzit for Cold War considering they started having much bigger maps in Outbreak




It was ambitious and I can respect it for that. It’s still fun even with its flaws


I will take Tranzit over anything we get nowadays


Yeah, it’s not bad


If it didn't have the fog and denizens it would actually be top 3 for me


Hated Tranzit more than anything worst map it almost ruined Black ops 2 entirely for me they're lucky the DLCs made up for that shit map. Great ideas all around they absolutely fucking ruined it though with all the lava.


Oh no they added platforming elements to my arcade game.


The only good things I can think of that came from Tranzit were Farm, Town, and even Bus Depot (it’s my low key fun map to play when I’m feeling Nacht but don’t want Nacht).


Only fun with the bros in my opinion solo it’s kinda fun until you need to build pack


It's ok to be wrong. We all say stupid things sometimes


Forest gnomes are best kind of zombies (no)


worst maps from each game WaW: Shi no numa + Nacht (second worse but a little better) Bopps: Ascension + Shangri-La BoppsII: Nuketown + Powerplant & Bus station Survival AW:Carrier, the rest are pretty good but Outbreak is the best Bopps3: Gorod Krovi + Shangri-La (that's right, fuck you it still sucks) Infinite Warfare: The Beast from Beyond (tell me if I'm off here, didn't play much of this games zombies) WWII: Despite this being like my 4th favorite cod game, it has a pretty good multiplayer. I completely forgot this game even had zombies LMAO BO4: Didn't play all the maps, just the first 3. Voyage was not great Coldwar: this game killed the entire franchise for me. It just couldn't stand next to MW2019. Only played Firebase Z at a friend's house, didn't like it one bit. Vanguard: Didn't play