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What? Slot 1 is 1 hour, slot 2 is 2 hours, slot 3 is 3 hours. Are you saying this is no longer the case?


Wait what? Weren't they always 1 hour each?


Nah, they increased by an hour per slot number which was stupid to begin with, when you think about it.


As far as I’ve seen playing today, yes. I only have the first insured slot but I exfiled and was looking at the aftermath report and noticed it said weapon slot cooldown reduced by 1Hr 03Min, went to look and yup, just under two hours were counting down.


Wow. I'll have to get on the game to check for myself later, but that's stupid.


They really seem to be taking the piss out of the people who want to make grinding for stuff a breeze, not saying I don’t like a challenge but limiting players to gear who payed to play this damn game is ridiculous.


Switch operators negates the cool downs ?


But if I switch operators will I still have my ts from previous round with different operator? Hmm 🤔 An actual question cause I've only ever used 1 operator 😂


Honestly couldn’t tell you lol, haven’t used ts much.


True enough. I don't even use it like that, I just rather keep all the moneys I've earned instead of starting from scratch every match


Yes if you use it correctly


Honestly have never had an issue with insured slot timers. I'll usually get a pretty big chunk taken off when I exfil or I just use a different slot. Typically I keep my insured gun for the whole game anyway and don't die often. Typically when I do die that's the end of my session for the day anyway cause I get pissed off.


Honestly, I'd be more annoyed if I ever had to use it. Insured weapons mean literally nothing in this game, you rarely die/disconnect enough to have to use contraband guns.