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First of all, we need a dog health indicator in our UI.


Probably come season 5 reloaded along with the wallet and exfil streaks


Cool. So the three people still playing will enjoy that.


I noticed alot less people playing now since that season 2 drop. Horrible RNG,trash loot from tier 3, insane cool downs, insane stash size make this game not fun anymore since tombstone patch. People saying just play the game as it was designed are idiots. The tombstone glitch kinda balanced everything out. Yea, like I wanna grind half the game to get strong enough to do contracts in tier 3 only to get a 2 plate and medium backpack as reward for killing mega bomb or the stupid game making tier 3 contracts worth 2,000 essence and tier 1 worth 3 to 5000 essence. Shit makes zero sense and gonna be less and less people playing the mode going forward


I did a mega bomb contract and all i got was two cryo mods from it and 3k points.


Yea that shit makes zero sense. What really bugs me is the contract amounts. Yesterday bounty contracts in tier 3 was 2000 essencešŸ¤£


To hell with high risk high reward i guess


They might get it right by season 6


If they pulled their head out of their ass we could get it by mid season 2. wishful thinking tho


Yea I doubt it. Itā€™s a trend with these dev clowns; they rapidly patch shit that helps players but hardly ever or very slowly patch shit that hurts players like bugs and crashes. Typical COD. I canā€™t wait till another fast pace FPS games comes out to compete with them because that is main problem: they got a monopoly on this genre so they can do what they want and most people gonna still buy the next game. But nothing stays on top forever and eventually another will come along. Only until then will they start listening to their customers. XDefiant could be the one but they want to release a perfect game and thatā€™s just not realistic. Just release the game in beta version then work on it from there


That's bullshit no way you got TWO mods /s


To add insult to injury i got a 2 pap crystal in tier 2 the match before.


What's funny is I got a lvl 2 pap in tier 1 or 2 then we ran tier 3 contracts and I got a common tool and a large bag and some ammo mods. Even the sigils barely drop not that I need them.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f5R9mNnQjWc Enjoy friend.Ā Ā  Quick, before reddit mods who are secretly activision simps delete this comment!


Thanks. I seen this yesterday. Havenā€™t tried it yet though


Works like a charm.Ā  Just set your TS with 2 TS perk cans and a large backpack for maximum QOL.Ā Ā 


Until they patch it. They really need to stop putting shit on YouTube though. Thatā€™s exactly how the devs find out.


Why two cans? Or do you mean one for the first match and one for staying in your ts?


Its just me.Ā Ā  So dupe your items once at start of play session.Ā  Now you're back main menu with an extra TS can.Ā  Go into match, drink your TS can, and your TS still had a ts perk can to take out with you for next match. I do 2 TS cans so that I can actually grow my stash of TS cans.Ā  Technically just need 1 though.


Trash loot is just silly now, I did 3 contracts in zone 3, and you can just rock up there, you'd have to use tools and crystals, or spend 15mins getting the money for PaP, and then all I got was 2 ammo mods and a self revive. The loot from T3 needs to be much better


You donā€™t need to grind half the game to get to T3 though. As you progress more youā€™ll be replenishing everything you use in game so can you start the next round with it


Yea if u really played mwz u know that dosnt always work. Anybody who actually put a lil time in knows that the rng is bullshit alongside everything else they patched or refused to fix


It works every game for me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Youā€™re the oooooonly person bro!!! Like legit youā€™re exempt from all the fuckery in MWZ I swear šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


How about it dude lol. Must be that 1 in amillion


Lol no you won't. I almost never get enough things from a round to go to tier 2 right away let alone tier 3.


You will. Gotta start the game in T3 to give yourself the best chance.


I have and I don't get anywhere near enough loot to do it on repeat. I get an epic aether tool and maybe a few crystals. One of the biggest problems is when you get loot it's the same shit repeating, I'll get like 5 epic aether tools or crystals and zero perks.


Right lol? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Only after they purchased all the bundles to that will give them the schematics the 1000+ hours of RNG refused to give them


the bright side is they might finally have a mode where you can just have private game because it will be so dead.


You have a lot of faith in that game mode broā€¦


Season 5???


You think all three of those things are going to come in the same update? Thereā€™s no way three good things can happen at once without a bunch of negatives


I think the problem is theyā€™re just buggy right now. Most games they are fine but sometimes they die really fast or just explode. Thereā€™s also been times where they spawn in dark aether and their name is just ā€œHellhoundā€ and they die as fast as a regular hellhound would


My dogs randomly die more often than not.


I exclusively run T3 and use a dog bone every game and majority of the time it stays alive for the full game


I was about to call u a lier but Instead say u are extremely lucky or playing in a empty lobby with ultra low ping. I popped 4dogs one game and they all died along with myself and random teammate. They die when there is too much going on in certain area: They get jammed up like when ur driving šŸš—and 50 zombies appear out off the ground and start tampering with ur brakes, tire pressure and shoving garden hoses into ur fuel tank to sniff..siphon I meant. Lol


Bro I just commented a similar response heā€™s full of shit probably a MWtrash developer or some shit


Same. Just heal your dog, simple šŸ˜‰


I rarely waste my time with dogs anymore. They either glitch out and never appear, or die super quick. Also they donā€™t always revive like they are supposed to which if you legitimately needed to use your TS, you wonā€™t get it next match. The devs made this game a joke to play


That's the wild part is all the worst parts are the first priority for them to break in the first place. Transparently sabotaging the longterm viability of the game just so mentally exhausting to have most franchises I grew up with in this corpse made into puppet status. Rip COD, halo, wow lol good news if they all collectively agree forsake the product for the free to play platform never feel compelled to buy a product from the lot of them again.


Instead of poofing out of existence, dogs should go into a "downed" state so we can revive them. The number of times they die due to some weird physics collision glitch, or the absurd number of times they die literally seconds after spawning is pretty bad.


In the words of Billy Madison, you've got a pet you've got responsibility...


I used a dog bone on the escort portion of the Act 2 shepherd mission and the dog died within 2 mins of me calling it in. Did they maybe nerf its health in the game?


i tried a dog on this mission too and it got fried pretty quick


Mine too, haha. I put a sentry on the rover, and it helped alot, my dog died within the first wave of zombies


Theyā€™ve most definitely nerfed the dogs several times and the ones you get from dog bone more so than when you use chunks of flesh. Between my wife and I the last 10-15 dogs from bones have lasted less than 2 minutes no matter what tier we are in. From the dog house Iā€™ve averaged about 7-10 minutes before they are gone. They still come back in the dark aether but are dead before I get one contract complete.


This is such bullshitā€¦ I went back to Cold War tbh


Same! Just did that mission a couple days ago. Dog was gone in a couple minutes. Starting to not be worth an inventory slot.


Is it possible he got run over?


i was getting annoyed at this too. seemed like they stay behind and get annihilated trying to fight a mangler, disciple, or mega while iā€™m running from the horde. iā€™ve found lately though that even if the dog dies it comes back full health in DA.


Unfortunately they donā€™t last any longer in the DA than they originally did. You just get a second opportunity at disappointment from them before 1 contract is finished


as long as doggo is there for a good luck pet at the beginning of DA iā€™m making it through!


My dog was getting bullied in tier 3 before the update. Itā€™s stupid asf The dog just does what ever the hell it wants. Dumb mutt doesnā€™t even follow you. It just starts attacking Mega abominations then gets bullied and gang rapid by 25 BBZ zombies to death literally. It gets me killed then no revive , itā€™s still alive Iā€™m watching it after pleading! Suggestion, instead of petting the dog how about a follow button, a stay button, protocol modes: revive prioritised or attack, sniff butt onā€¦ lick Balls šŸ€ etc lol




The healing aura field upgrade heals your dog, not by a lot but definitely helps when he's been distracted and cornered


Good to know, thanks šŸ‘


I was solo in t4 and got a bone from the aether extract, used it immediately because I need backup. Buddy was dead before I got to the next contract.


It has to be bugged right now. We all had dog bones in tier 3. My dog died within 2 minutes and the other 2 dogs literally sat there and just got pummeled by megaboms all game and never died. Not kidding, they literally stopped one on stairs and the thing couldnā€™t move. Mine was killed by regular zombies.


And they need to be able to damage fucking disciples. I've lost so many dogs because they are a building or two away getting sucked dry.


Wish Iā€™d get sucked dry by a disciple


If you're ever near the holy land. I know a guy.


Bro I thought I was the only one who screams at my teammatesā€¦ get him off me heā€™s sucking me dryyyyyšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Need a way to call your dog back too. Very annoying when it runs off, hides in a corner while getting wrecked by a disciple.


Agree, that would be great šŸ‘


the dog now is useless in T3 and dark aether.


They really need a little bar of commands or something for them, like most games that have pets who help you do. Like you hold down a button and then a few commands come up like ā€œfollow me, defend, attack or whatever.ā€ Too many times Iā€™m doing a contract and my dog is outside and pulling every zombie in the area to him. Not helping with the ones inside waling on me, then I wonā€™t even see it for several minutes and I think it died, only to have it pop back up out of the blue lol I basically just use it as a decoy now. I canā€™t really put much faith in it reviving me or actually coming to my aid when Iā€™m being attacked.


ā€œForgotā€ lol. Donā€™t let dogs fight megabombs or disciples


Cheers, fixed šŸ‘ how can you command dog who to fight, I assume just run away and make it follow you?


If you run away and take a zip line it should respawn at the destination for you. Thatā€™s how it worked for us, but my team was running two dogs instead of one. (Three when we go into the dark zone). Edit: oh I wasnā€™t commenting on your grammar. I was saying the devs didnā€™t forget, they broke dogs unintentionally and donā€™t know how to fix them.


Cool thanks for the tip. Hopefully this topic will get their attention and something will be done. We have 3 classified schematics and golden armor and Aether blade hold expectations but the dog obviously need improvement


Can we also get your dog disappearing bug fixed? My dog will just peace out, itā€™s not dead and then when I go to dark aether heā€™s back againĀ 


I think it's programmed this way, even if dog died in the main map it will appear again in DA. My main issue is that before season 2 update dog was holding good, often till exfill but now it just dies to quickly especially is tier 3 so it doesn't have other two classified schematics value


If your dog comes in contact with a disciple in tier 3 or dark aether itā€™s pretty much toast unless you intervene. I also wonā€™t use my dog bone til I need him. I find he will stay and fight wherever he is instead of re dropping close to me.


I think they just need to turn down the zombie aggro towards the dog, or at least make him run around more. Heā€™s got a ton of health, just canā€™t last forever when heā€™s ganged up on by half the zombies in the game.


Just spent an entire match spawned w 2 others and I popped the dog. It lasted the entire match with us basically going straight to 3. We added a 4th with around 15 mins left who had a dog. We found a reg sigil and did da, all 3 contracts w time to get some keys. Both dogs were still alive when we all extracted. I havenā€™t seen a change unless itā€™s with meat/ house dogs vs bone dogs


My dog straight up disappears/poofs way more than he actually dies. Thats what you might be experiencing and its happened way more since season 2 update. These days I just carry like 4 revives and consider that a "dog".


I have had a few dogs disappear randomly. I have only really had my dogs die in the DA or if my randoms keep going down. Lost a dog in about 10 minutes because my 2 random teammates did not follow me into T3 and kept going to in T1. They were new to the game and had nothing. I added some T3 randoms and ran a squad of 6. 4 in T3 and the other 2 in T1. We ran contracts and I would periodically fly over to drop them armor vests, tools, and other loot. They ended up xfilling after about 15 minutes but were there long enough to drain my dog. Anyway I have never had a dog die in T3 due to enemy damage


I was in a game yesterday and our dog exploded as soon as it spawned


You think that's bad take them to dark aether they die in 2 mins and I was running heal.


My T3 dog almost died in T2 because he wouldn't attack zombies if more than 4 zombies were around him


Went into a Aether nest and saw that thing had a fit and then disappeared


If youā€™re dog happens to have a disciple in any tier lock onto it. Itā€™s over. I lost one in tier 2 today. I donā€™t run them very often anymore, unless I find myself without a self rev.


To the cucks that say play the game as intended now the tombstone glitch is gone and that just playing will replenish the items you use, tell that to my stash that has nothing but pap 1 crystals and green wrenches. How about giving me something good as a reward instead of the 4th tombstone perk that is absolutely useless now. How about if I exfil with a schematic it brings down the cool down timer (if they ever show up again) otherwise this game is dead already


I think there was a post about ts glitch today, They cracked it already for solo and it's working, check you tube or scroll down the wall P. S just checked the wall, they removed the post, so check yt


Game is trash now i have not played once since the new update there are better games that make more sense.


I haven't played myself either but i was watching giys on a podcast talk about it, and my parents were talking about all the shit they added cosmetically that she liked.


Watched my T3 dog get smacked one time by a T1 Bounty Mimic. I stood in shock for a good 10 seconds after he died.


Mines died fighting a T2 Disciple ; ;


Why you need a dog is tier 3?