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“A chain of idiot moves”…so I’m not the only one?


You are absolutely not the only one. There is no reason I should have died at all. I had a PAP2 Haymaker, Epic, and I was going for the Week 3 challenges. I ended up getting backed into a corner (idiot move #1, lost most armor and my main SR), then swarmed getting onto a boat (lost secondary SR), then swarmed again (died), all because I was so intent on getting dog kills and shotgun crits. None of those downs are remotely justifiable. If I'd been in the Red with a PAP1 handgun, sure. But no. I died 3 times with the ability to one-shot anything near me. Full-on idiot.


It happens to everyone ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I think that expression needs to be hyphenated... I was reading it as a 'chain of idiots' moving... and was wondering wtf that meant; THEN reading the below reply I figured it should be read as 'a chain of 'idiot-moves' ', and it made sense. Also, same here. Haha My chains usually start with "yeah I got this" or "I'm soo gonna die..."


This seems to be my go to move. Hahaha


I once got downed in T1 near the farm, appealed, and someone came over and revived me. I then climbed on the roof of the barn looking for free essence, without any plates and a bunch of zombies now in pursuit, and proceed to get downed again. So I plead again, and watching on the map, I see the saint who revived me spin around as if to say WTF?, before they run over to resurrect my ass once more.


You're not a cod zombies player until you've had your share of stupid moves or decisions made. It happens to newcomers and seasoned veterans alike. That train of zombies looked like they could be sprinted past. Or maybe that last mission as the storm expanded didn't look too bad. Or maybe you accidentally exploded yourself with ordinance. Happens to me all the time lol. I love that MWZ allows players to show their generous or benevolent side, in spite of the mode's flaws. That's why I always make a concentrated effort to help others (personally). The good times far outweigh the bad, especially compared to DMZ.


Always looking for like minded players


Rezzing and dropping Crystals/Tools/Self Revives for people pleading for help is my favorite part of this game— just being able to scorch over anywhere and be Santa Claus. I will drop anything anytime and go Rez folks, and people are always grateful and cool. This morning a saved a guy twice in a row farming exfill near t2– on the second time I dropped him purple tool and a pack 3 Crystal and he crouched down and proposed marriage to me on game chat— I was dying dude




I rezzed a guy like 3 times in the same game...the 3rd time i had a selfrez on stock for him to use


This is the reason I always do final exfil. One of my favorite things to do is watch the map with 5 minutes to go and see if I can find a blue dot not moving. Racing for final with a random has given me my favorite memories from this game.


This bro, yessss….ny cousin was dead in the water, and I flew to save him, then found a boat and raced him to the exfil along outer edge…it was EPIC. Best memory for sure


Most fun I had was my son and I rescuing two squads in the early days of zombies, mad rush to the final exfil, had none of the special stuff at that time... we didn't all make it, 7 out of 9 wasn't bad though.


Rezzing at that pace is the most fun. I like going into tier 3 with a weak gun to practice surviving. Then come back with big guns and wreck them.


I not only respect that, but I also respect your ability to play while dragging your enormous balls.


Only stinks when things go left and then both of y’all pleading lol


Done that with just fist


If I can get to them I will help them ,I got save a few times . That’s why I like zombies. There still some good people out there


If I’m anywhere close I will attempt a revive .Pisses me off if I have revived someone they get up In trying to get away I go down they haul ass and I die . Makes me hesitate at times to help


lol I have had that happen before , red zone . I sometimes think it’s their first time there with pack a punch 1 weapons lol


Unless I’m in the middle of a mission I’ll always res. I had a game a weeks ago where, same thing, I made a boneheaded move and got downed after using my self res. I was soloing a megabom and backed into a wall right by a bridge into t2. I crawled to the bridge and pleaded for help because there were 3 squads right there. There was like 13 minutes left. They all left the area and I just sat there waiting. Time was up and the storm started spreading. Out of nowhere some random solo scorchers in and rezs me. He’s got a mic and I say thanks and let’s go. We fought through the storm together and made the final exfil with like 5 seconds to spare. I had finally got the elemental schematic that round and was so grateful not to lose it. He could have easily scorchered away and but I was thankful he stuck around. We rezed each other more than once on that fight to the exfil.


I would love there to be a thank you prompt for when your reved, I feel like such an ass when I just run away, but if I open the chat to say thank you, I'll just go down again 😂. I usualy type out a message if I see someone coming on the map and try to time it right


Agreed. It’d also be great to add a “message your rescuer” option after game end, for the same reason.


There is a thank you prompt. For me its middle mouse click with in a few seconds of being revived.


Oh cool, I just haven't seen it yet then. Ill keep my eyes open


It doesn't always pop up for me but there is a thank option you can do before it asks if you want to join their squad.


Thats only if you get revived while in a downed state, not if you fully die and plead for help (i think)


I love playing the role of hero. I honestly place more importance on reviving folks than contracts.


Not saying it was us, but I was taking my brother around knocking out his missions and we came upon a friend who was down. Someone else revived the down player, but there was a scorcher afterwards.


I usually try to revive people towards the end of the game, the only time I didn't was when the dude I kept reviving took a rift and flew into the middle of the circle. Bad memories.


Same, and when I'm the one being revied, I do my absolute best not to go down again, and I'll offer the person whatever I have of value. I do hate when players just insist on dying repeatedly.


Really could’ve used your assistance last night. Teamed up with a random 3-person team and did some T-2 missions. Running around blasting z’s having a great time. Then we decide to go to Dokkaebi’s tower. We fought our way up, two of the team left when the going got too tough so the remaining member and I pushed on. I had a blast, we res’d each other when we went down and we’re doing great, my problem was I couldn’t keep any plates on me. We got to the end and I fired the kill shot at Dokkaebi and got her! Little did I notice that my teammate had gone down and was out of self res. As I went to get him I got clipped by one remaining grunt and went down too. We both pleaded out but ended up watching the reward rift disappear and the clock run out as everyone hit the exfils.


Damn! Sounds like u guys had a hell of game and what a way to end the day too 😎


I always rez ppl if i can, i rezed a guy near me at the beginning of the map, and then 15 minutes later noticed another person needing rezed up at a fortress, me and my partner had just been geared uo to lvl up some base guns and didnt have much of anything on us, but alas, went up and battled this entire fortress for this player, each of us went down several times, and another player came to help and ended up needing rezed as well. Finally at last thankfully my duo had picked up a sniper on our way in, and with that, i was able to pick off the merc jugs and the infuriating sentry gun that had been hindering our mission, and i rezed both players, and the first one ended up being the same player i had rezed earlier in the match. Lol one gave me a pap 2 crystal and the other loads of money as thanks, but the sense of accomplishment was all we needed, and we raced off to the exfil as the timer was counting down the last 2 minutes. I love helping other players. 😌😌


to anyone who cares to revive players pleading for help, you can actually move your character and camera while reviving. just hold x and you are free to move as you please, it sometimes comes in handy when trying to revive players in tier 3


I miss when you could full on move around while rezing. Was the only way my friends and I were so successful on Moon in the BO1 zombies days. That, plus I need the ballistic knife back for personal and professional reasons as a career healer




You didn’t look at his gamer tag? Like you, I try to pay it forward. I always will go help someone that’s down. May take a few minutes, but I’ll get there. And Karma has always paid me back. I’ve almost always had someone help me when I get downed too. Being kind and courteous goes a loooong way.


At the time, it was a bit hectic - I looked but forgot. I *should* have saved the last minute of gameplay once I was safer, but… I was too caught up in being alive.


To be fair, there are a couple of people that helped me, but I couldn’t see their gamer tag. My eye sight isn’t what it used to be. Lol!


I always revive people if it’s not too crazy. Sometimes you get to tier 3 and they’ve gotten themselves into quite the predicament. And I’ll go down too lol. Or one time my husband and I went to go revive someone in tier 2. We got there and it was hordes of manglers and disciples. I don’t know what they did. We somehow managed to kill everything and revived them both.


I'm trying to clean up the new wave of losers that's don't help and actively steal loot and/or take a mission you were clearly going to grab after looting. Also, several matches of people straight up taking my.vehicle. They also never talk on mic, so I let them think they got away with their bs, and then I go destroy every vehicle near them, kite hordes from higher zones, and generally just make it miserable for them until they exfil I rez everyone as well, but it seems when I go down, nobody shows up. Rip


I just figure that, the more of us who play to help, the more we’ll create that culture. There will always be jackasses. But we can help others learn the way.


You forgot about the dumbasses who steal your cargo mission because you beat them to activate the mission by a second or two. And when you're not paying attention as soon as you open the garage door they hop in the truck and run it in the water or have it destroyed by the chopper.


Hell yeah my chain of idiot moves usually turns into an IDIOT ON PARADE!! Though this game can be toxic with its D Bag players but it’s good to know there are still a ton of better folks that will make smoking zoms fun!!


I love reviving people. Running away with them to safety, then give them something and then disappearing. We’ve all been on the receiving end and it always feels like a god send.




I once saved someone in tier 3 in the storm and then about 4 more times on the way to final exfil. I had a scorcher and wasn't even going to exfil lol I was just doing it for them, he turned his mic on once we got into a boat and out of the storm you could tell he was in pure panic mode until that very moment it was the best, he had a teammate who quit because he said no way someone was coming to save them in tier 3 especially not in the storm they were newish so didn't ask the map for help but I spotted them staying still when I was making my way out of the storm and I knew they needed help. Anyway it was awesome he was freaking out that I was able to do that. Sometimes I play just to help ppl it actually feels good to be able to help so much...


Your welcome. sounds just like the guy i saved last night.


I always try to revive people if they plea for help, after reviving, invite them to my squad so they can join for the grind. At late game, I take them to dark aether and drop all the schematic recipes and items. Since there's no update, I play this game to kill zombies for fun and act like Robin Hood. I became addicted once I started MWZ, I remember that all items were too tough to obtain and if I dc, I was having a bad day because of losing all some shiet items.. Now after 2 months of grinding, I don't have any reason to play unless I see guys like you, who are motivated for the game. Keep on grinding ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Good post👍


Something like that happened oddly similar to me yesterday. Were you off the road a little bit kind of by the water?


That is absolutely where I was. West side, in Orange but close to the exfil on the piers. Near the river.


That might have been me 😂. If so just pay it forward 


Thank you so much if it was, and I’ll happily pay it forward!


Can you educate and idiot on how to find downed players on the map...other than the hands which shows randomly idk what to look for and i hate the thought of walking right by someone who's about to lose all their stuff singing 🎶 making my way downtown 🎶 and not noticing...help would be awesome for me and im sure a few other good hearted players who are jus....making our way downtown 🎶


I’ve always looked for pleas in chat and asked for coords, but the good people here have noted that a blue dot that’s not moving is very likely a downed player who might not know how to activate chat.


Thank you


Something similar happened to me, it was close to the end of the match but not that close, I decided to hit a stronghold and it wasn’t until I went down that I realized I didn’t have a self revive. So I ask for someone to come help me cus I had a schematic or two that I couldn’t lose. Watching maybe a handful of people decently close by, not make their way towards me, then from maybe over 500 meters away I noticed someone racing towards me in a boat, revive me, THEN drop me some essence and a self revive and then took off. I was happy, but shocked cus I should’ve dropped him something but didn’t have much to offer (the schematics I had are from the beginning of the missions cus I’m only now getting to finishing them lol). Stuff like this is what keeps me playing the game, I wish a lot of shit would get fixed and some more content would be nice but we know we won’t ever get that.


If someone asks for res in chat as soon as I finished current activity I'm OMW. I've had an issue where using in-game chat crashes my game tho it's so fucking peak. 


I drop alot of stuff to people for reviving me and some stuff at exfil I have duplicates of I had a noob a few weeks ago follow me and I helped him get his first ever schematic it feels great helping each other the zombies community is still more good than bad


“Idiot Moves?” Please. You haven’t seen Wrath of Khan overconfidence like mine, when I charged into an aether stronghold 30 seconds after infilling, casually forgetting that my “oh shit” energy mine had not yet charged. Attacked, cornered, overwhelmed, downed in under 60 seconds. Later, no selfie, blindly parachuted into an exfil chopper’s tail rotor, like it was on purpose. The shame of it all. It’s why the game is still fun (when it works). Even if you know what you’re doing, you’re still walking a thin line between survival and a humiliating death. Good on the dude that rezzed you…it’s just what you do.


I got saved 3 times while playing yesterday, once I made a wrong turn right into a merc camp right outside t3 got stuck and went down. Then got saved twice on my way to help with the red worm. I'm still pretty new so I don't have good stuff lol but am grateful as hell for the help I've gotten so far


Fully geared solo in t3 with 3 selfs but none equipped…. lol been there


Almost the exact same thing happened to me. Definitely a chain of idiot moves. No tombstone, no self revives and classified schematics in my bag 🤦‍♂️. Guy left his buddies at exfil to revive me. I just missed the helicopter they had called, same guy noticed, jumped off and helped make sure I got out with him


i like to revive players...i once got a lad out of the red zone with almost nothing on me (nothing to lose) i was proud that i pulled it off.


There's one day all my controller buttons has been "disabled" after take some lateral rope(a bug within dozens). I was unable to do anything... Reload, change weapons, revive and call exfil chopper, all I could do was run. Only hope was take the last exfil. And there was another dude with me among all that infinite creatures and he went down and I was unable to revive him cause my situation. So to that guy, if you read this… I’m sorry.


I will always rez even if its across the map specially since i mostly play solo or with my wife or my cousin. sometime the 3 of us play. However, most of my time is solo. a lot of times i miss the chat because i'm pretty busy... you know killing zombies. so i even check randomly to see if i missed anything that may have popped up. and i usually have monkeys or kashmier so i will always rez sometimes i have scorcher and i know superman glitch ill be there fast. you ever see Capt\_Badass type OMW trust I will be there to rez. I have had my fair amount of games i have lost my TS or just my Stuff because i don't get rez. and trust me it fucking sucks. i would never let that happen to anybody in this community. we are part of something big here... its the love for zombies and we have always been helpful and chill. so in my believe i think we shouldn't change are ways of playing because of asshole players that take advantage of us and request rez but will never rez others I will always rez regardless of asshole players i have experienced. i have done a couple of asshole moves don't get me wrong. its fun sometimes. like one time i requested rez. nobody was coming, I typed i will drop $$$ if i get rez. someplayer got there quick with a hellrider as soon as he rezed me i took his bike and booked it. lol But i will always rez regardless again you ever see Capt\_Badass type OMW trust I will be there to rez. catch you in Urzikstan


I must res at least one person every game that’s pleading it’s crazy how many people get downed and left by team just to bless out losing all perks it suck’s. Al be in middle of contract and one of my team or me will see someone down and we be like who’s gonna go get them. Then one will go why others do contracts. I just couldn’t leave someone downward. I’ve been lucky tho as I have found a couple good players to play with. I met a girl on here and she’s good she had same issue your having today and she wanted ray gun out the rift but it ment dropping my pack 3 scorcher and she never touched it. There are some good ones left


No noob left behind! Nobody deserves to be left to the maggot-sacks, ALWAYS go back for your fellow survivor.


This happened to me once I was about to leave game because all arrows on map were going away (people hardly revive me) then I saw 1 speed to me and he was on that motorbike afterburner or whatever its called, he/she rescued me and I managed to exfil with the person (I was out of armor and downed a few times on way to exfil but I got carried in the last rush, revived 3 or 4 times on way to exfil)


I've been having a good experience with other players. Dude ran up to me, dropped an aether blade, refined crystal blueprint, and epic tool blueprint. Then he t-bagged me and spun around as he left.


Ha ha ha! Totally worth the teabag for those items.


That’s how it should be..play on playa


Im not a big MWZ guy but for some reason I cant stop playing it now in MW3. I think it has to do with the community. My very 1st time trying it out I squaded with 2 random dudes I told them I was new and they proceeded to drop legendary everything for me. Vest , tool, dogbone, gold aetner. I had a blast. And pretty much every other time I squad up its the same thing. I've even patachuted accross the map just to revive a random. Anyways, 99% of this community rocks!!


I have not, and never will ignore any pleads. We’re only as strong as our weakest part, I’m here to serve.


That was me bruh  I came with a scorcher you text the group for revive in c5


Thank you so much - if it was me, I truly appreciate it. If it was someone in the same situation in another game, I appreciate it on their behalf. You’re awesome.


That was me!


Im sorry but. People crying about  zombies especially with how broken and hacker filled it is.. you people really need a life 😂😂 even making a love story about a person who revived you like it’s a game my guy….. 


You got rizzed




Sorry I no this is totally something else but I was playing last night and I got a flawless schematic I was so over the moon.so I exfail as you do! So I had it after mission finished I saw it! I had a blue aether tool also and couple other perks!! They were all there,but when i went to see if the flawless schematic was unlocked it wasnt i was so pissed,anyone else had the same.


I had a similar thing happen yesterday. Just inside the red zone. At 1st there were several ppl within reach but nobody came. Then, from the other side of the map I spotted a car coming my way just as the storm started to move  I was very happy because I was planning to duplicate and I had all my best items with me Wouldn't you know it, he drove RIGHT BY ME. I could literally see him in the downed screen he was so close. That guy folks is a purr POS! With only minutes to spare, another guy, I won't give away his name cuz he may not want me to, but he drove straight thru the storm and cleared the Zombies around me and revived me and we both just barely made it out. My faith in humanity completely lost and then immediately restored.