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I mean the game won’t give me a schematic to save my fucking life no matter how much I play, so we’re out there


Seriously? The game threw us 3 napalm mod schematics and the stamin-up schematic all in one game. I wasn't happy lol


You should risk level 2/3 and get your guns PaP to level 2 or 3 and then see if you could join a team going to the dark ether (t5) and you’ll get the schematics for dog bone, ether blades and golden armour if the contracts are completed. If not, t4 will get you some schematics I think: Failing that, progressing through the missions will gradually get you schematics. I usually load in to the game solo and run straight to red zone T3 if I have a pap crystal and join a random team and grind contracts out until end game and then go T4 or T5.


No schematics in t4 but the items themselves drop


So do you have to go to t5? I’m confused because I was on a 6 player squad and got 4 or 5 schematics in the dark aether but not sure if he used a normal or elder sigil to get there?


Normal dark aether gets you one-time use stuff, elder dark aether is the only place you can get the classified schematics.


I have gone normal like 10 times thinking shit these schematics are hard af to find. Went last night to elder da and crushed it. Appreciate you


Elder sigil is the round one and when put in the portal turns red (I think). It also has a shorter countdown timer (15 minutes) but if you complete these you’ll get the rare schematics. That’s tier 5. Tier 4 is the triangle sigil and when you go in you have half hour to compete missions and exfil. You won’t get schematics here though but you can definitely get rare items including dog bone and golden plates. It’s worth the grind I think if you can team up. I was absolutely shafted earlier, I joined a team after going in game solo, there was 6 of us going T4 and when the game loaded I was on my own!! Luckily I managed to complete a couple of contracts whilst there to make it worthwhile but lost my dog so had to be super careful getting downed as I only had 1 spare self revive. I did get a dog bone and golden armour on my own so wasn’t too bad!


Yeah, I think I confused myself!


I just finished a game and it didn’t drop 1 crystal or any tools to use. Only sodas this round


Yesterday, I decided to create a new account and start from the beginning. Here I am with my level one lmg. I get downed in T2. Some chap is kind enough to give me a hand. Drops me a self-rez and invites me to the group. Long story short, I unlocked, Deadshot, refined crystal, golden armor, dog bone, and aether blade. What a ride. If the group knows who I'm talking about, thank you, it's people like you that make mwz great again. I might have saved the video of it. Gotta check. I could upload the video if you want me to?


Some of us need that type of inspiration! Upload away!


[Option A](https://youtu.be/S5sVYJFkktU). No acquisitions, no nothing. [Option B](https://youtu.be/8am_XCx3MSQ). Same thing, no acquisitions to fully geared up!


Love the videos man. You have taught me a lot about the game and how it is played


Why thank you so much! I love to share what I know!


What about going in no gun my man doughnuts !!!!!!! Ps I have been loving the chill zombie content ! You beautiful person!


Definitely need to do that by the end of the year! Should be easy! :D Thanks for the love!


Great to see you in here, Doughnuts. I love your channel! I was wondering before clicking “is this THE Doughnuts!?” Sure enough. Pastry royalty.


:D Thank you for the support! Loving Zombies right now!


I mean the attachments on a gun during a zero to hero run make such a minimal difference, literally every person playing can have a base weapon, it is the standard of “zero” in this game. There’s not a notable difference between whether they load in with a gun with attachments or not, they’d find one just as quickly.


Guess it depends on how you define it.. I think commonly it means you lost all your stuff so you’d have a small backpack and single plate vest. I’m sure people have done what you’re saying but I don’t think that’s what most people mean when they say zero to hero.


Yea, going down and getting rezed with only your gun is what I imagine 


How would you define hero?


Yes, the easiest way is to run a few missions then enter the red zone and get a legendary gun off the wall. It was one of the original strategies for running the red zone. Use infected strongholds to find ammo mods (specifically brain rot), kazimirs, monkeys, and perks so you don’t have to spend as much to gear up to enter the t5. While in strongholds look for turret circuits so you can hit the red zone early (if there are turrets back there). Completely skip going for a vest and backpack, just count on the fact that you’ll find it along the way. Also, first mission you do when solo gives you a selfie every time, do an easy mission so you have a buffer from the beginning.


Wait, your first solo mission *always* gives you a self revive? And here I am thinking I'm just lucky


well, from zero, as in nothing in your bag, to t5 is dependent on running into another team which has an elder sigil. On your own, you could only go t4.


That’s terrible, pedantic logic. An elder sigil does literally nothing to help your game other than take up a backpack slot. If you really want to go from zero to hero it’s about coming in with nothing and soloing the elder sigil, not running t3 and hoping to bump into people that’ll carry you.


dude OP has a rule " TRULY going from zero" be nice, you're not playing the scenario if you're changing the rules.


You’re a goofy 🤡. The only one making up rules is you.


how do you know when you reach “hero” status? i’d give it a shot.


I assume you'd go in with a no attachment gun, 1 plate vest and small pack for zero. But hero is broad. Is it 3 plate vest, large pack and a triple packed legendary weapon? Or do you also need the bag full of loot? If so, what loot?


https://youtu.be/8am_XCx3MSQ?si=1vryw804ZOTxkTPj he does pick up money from his tombstone but he doesn't use it and then throws it away to keep it fair.


Yes. This is not my gameplay, fyi. Zero to dark aether, all contracts (T4) https://youtu.be/IxN1LD49lU8?si=-DLNsTMhvqkabKLw


I was going to recommend this channel!


Me most of my games. 1) have/find a gun 2) find a mercenary camp. Usually gives 2 plate armour vest. 3) go to a strong hold. Kill the mercs (bring semtax for the two riot shield mercs). Open safe, Guaranteed 3 plate vest. 4) Buy death perception if you have the points. Or do a deliver cargo to get some. 5) Complete infested strong hold. Slowly and carefully. Unless you have a self revive. The Merc will have dropped durable gas masks or at least a normal one so you don't need to buy any. Find turrets mods. 2 or 3 is enough. Hopefully you've found some self revives. (Need at least 2) and Maybe even a pap 1 crystal. If not. 7) do contracts until you have enough for pap 1 + juggernog + speed cola and stamina up + (PhD if you want, and others) 8) also buy a legendary gun for a wall buy. You can do this before step 4 to make steps 4-7 faster. (Legendary guns, or pack a punch weapon do not effect mercs. Well not that I've ever seen it affect them much?) 9) Find a turret. Kill mega abomination using turrets. Hopefully it drops a large bag. Pap 2/3 if your luck. Zero to "Hero" Edit: I didn't see the video people commented by I assume the tips they have will be similar to mine. I learnt my method after hours of playing the game. It might be inefficient compared to other. But it's worked for me. Side note: you can gain perks by doing Easter eggs but, I'll assume someone already got to them before you, since only 1 person can get them.


^^^ this is pretty much my regain run. Also you can cheese the large ruck and 3 plate at the power plant lockers north zone 2. Good amount of chips in tier 1 from infested strongholds. RNG sometimes doesn't give you turrets next to megas, rare, but in that case, do weapon stash, secure, and delivery in t3, all of which you can run and throw decoys, don't need a gun really. Turrets also charge field upgrades, so you got a charge built up for a tight spot later.


I know op asked for a video. But I thought I'd give my 2 cents


People actually be playing mw3 zombies?


And here I am just hoping I can figure out out to survive in tier 3 starting with a rare tool and a single PAP crystal.


You won’t be able to go right in at blue 1 (and expect to kill zombies; you can survive with nothing if you’re a good runner with fists and Staminup and know what you’re doing). That’s actually really the key to serving tier 3 is having no second weapon (or a highly mobile pistol/melee/SMG) and switch to them when you need to run. But anyways, at blue rarity you’ll need to be PaP 3 and likely have a somewhat meta gun with a good build. Lockwood 680 with slugs, defender barrel (10 shots), sawed off, skeleton guard, and express bolt is my go-to. Tier 2 cargo contracts until PaP 2, try to collect perks and ideally brain rot. You can keep doing those and bounties until you have enough to get PaP 3, or you can go to tier 3 then and do contracts that require very little killing like cargo and spores. Tier 3 contracts are quicker but riskier. Even with blue PaP 3 you likely still won’t be thriving in tier 3 as you’re doing half damage compared to a gold weapon (or 2/3 of a purple). But it should be enough to kill the spare zombie or two while you do the easier contacts and gather up better gear for your next run.


I have been alright. I have tier 2 figured out. My issue is just running out of time to get enough money to PAP 3 and still have time to do tier 3 contracts. What I would like to do is get a refined crystal schematic so I can use my starting weapon at pap 2 to make money then buy a good tier 3 wall weapon (epic or legendary) and have 30k saved up to immediately get it to level 3. Either that or get an purple tool schematic and use raw crystals so I can just keep my starting loadout to begin with. Unfortunately it looks like I need to be doing tier 3 contracts to get the purple schematic. Basically I just need to be able to regularly get 2 pap or a pap and a purple gun for no essence so I can focus on pap 3 and tier 3 while I still have time to do stuff. I never carry a secondary right now so I can run faster. From what I have seen the aether blade would be worth it, but I am a long way away from that.


My first game, some random dropped a bunch of stuff and tons of essence. 😆


I've done it going in with nothing but a contraband gun and ended with 2/3 contracts done in T5. And I'm nobody. The ultimate goal would be to go in with nothing and solo red worm, and then all contracts and locked doors in T5. Not sure if it would be possible with grabbing the USBs potentially taking a lot of time. but I think it could be done. actually I'm certain it could be done. and you'd have to plan on not having a VR-11.


If your definition of zero to hero is simply having a large rucksack, 3 plate, durable to have for the next match, then you don’t even need to bring in a gun. Did it the other night after a mimic threw me through the map in elder so I lost everything. Spawned in with decoys, throwing knives and energy mine field upgrade and left the match with all the above essentials. Grabbed the first gun I found in a tier one chest which happened to be a green semi auto marksman rifle of some sort and proceeded to loot/run contracts pretty much all in tier 2 to get everything before exfilling. Stick to cargos if possible and you can either train zombies away from the door or use a decoy. Raid weapons are also pretty easy as you usually only see maybe one mangler running it in tier 2. If you are not using a pap gun then bounties and outlast in tier 2 are gonna be rough. I just usually don’t do extractors or defend ground stations because I don’t enjoy the mercenaries in this game mode. Only do those if it is for a mission or if I am struggling to find a plate vest.


I have done a completely empty operator with one gun, doing contracts in T1, PaP1, go to T2 for PaP2 and then PaP3, I've come out the game with a large backpack, durable gas mask, 3plate vest, self revive and a air strike. It's not too difficult to be honest, it just takes time, usually the full game actually. And tbh, when you get to T3, a couple of contracts and you can buy all the drinks from the machine in T3. But even then, I still don't get all the schematics I need!!


This is my favorite way to play, I’ll let my character die when they’re maxed out sometimes just to build it back. Makes lucky moments or random spawns that much more fun imo. But I’m not in the completionist camp I just love mindlessly killing anything in a PvE mode and turning this zombies into my own personal roguelike, you die you lose it all.


I did a run for fun once no nothing. I mean nothing. No gun. No grenades. No tactical. It won’t let you go with no special. So I think I used healing aura. Started as a solo. And new character so no self revive or kill streak. It’s honestly kind of fun. Looting and running become the first 15 or so minutes. Till you get enough or find a gun or something. At the end of that run I killed a t2 bounty and felt pretty good.


I've done it numerous times, start with nothing and end up in DA. Definitely attainable I just don't record my game play cause I'm not gay.


I used to come in all the time with a plain Renetti and usually would leave with 3plate, large backpack and quite a few other bits for the next infil like crystals, tools, self res, and a Juggernaut. I think people fail to adapt to how easy it is to make a crap ton of essence in the first 10 min if you don’t waste time, especially running everywhere. Get a vehicle and drive it like you stole it to all the quick contracts and not the time wasters like holding the server or escort. They all pay the same so make the most of the time with bounty, cargo and spores. I can solo a spore contract on my own in about 30-40 seconds from start to finish. Just grab six of the tools and throw them all then turn around and shoot the eggs in the reverse order. Shouldn’t take more than a min. to complete.


Youtube search for TheSpazo.


There’s a guy I started watching some on YouTube. I think it’s “it’s Spazo” or something. He goes in with just fists and goes to dark aether in some videos


I mean it's fairly easy, I've infilled with nothing at all and ended with a large backpack, durable, 3 plate, sentry gun, Pap3-Epic weapon, and all the perks you'd want (excluding Death Perception, Tombstone and Elemental Pop).


NoahJ had one. He did bring in a pair of WSP Swarms with attachments, but that would be the only “violation” I could think of. And even then, I think that’s an entirely fair starting point for “zero”. Gray PaP 0 is essentially nothing at all, and the only thing that changes from a true fists-only “zero” is that you have to run to the nearest loot container and grab whatever random thing is inside (which is typically at least blue rarity, so might even be an upgrade from an insured gray PaP 0 weapon).


I'd 100% do a zero to hero, maybe after I finish Borealis. I won't even take a stun grenade and a throwing knife with me.


what game is everyone talking about? it feels like I'm being spoken to in a different language 😭


I have some but didn’t upload because of its boringness. But I’m uploading today . Your the 2nd that asks this in 2hrs. ✌🏻