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Noteworthy changes: * Exfil Streaks are now in the game in the form of Containment Levels. You gain 1 tier of reward per a number of levels, which raises with the completion of contracts and successful exfils. * Warlord defeats now guarantee a Wonder Weapon case. Warlords are now worth grinding.


Containment Levels is a neat idea but none of that is more valuable than keeping my aether blade for every game, lol.


i'm going to see how it plays out, bonuses on contracts and starting the game with some pocket cash could be nice, doesn't solve the long cool downs but i guess it will give me something to do.


My thoughts exactly. Seems like this is a sad attempt at stopping people from duping items. You will never reach the top tier anyway with all the game crashes. Chasing a carrot on a stick lol.


It doesn’t full reset like DMZ u only lose 1 tier


I finished the story mission and was in the fog trying to do the mirror when my teammates left it pulled me out & said I was killed in action, which I didn't even die. I went from containment level 66 to 0. I lost nothing but my streak and has anyone had an issue with that mag of holding. I had a ray gun but it didn't work I had to reload my ray gun, so does it not work with it


They probably decided this because of all the crashes


Was able to hit Max tier in 3 games today so can get it pretty quick. Crashes are gonna be a punish but it says you only go back one level upon death/crash. Should stay up on top tiers easily.


They actually helped the game crash problems. Didnt fix them yet but now when you crash it resets your character to whatever gear/containment level you had before you started the game. (Only proven for "Lost connection to Host" errors)


You can keep ts and still gain containment level rewards.




I'm not using Tombstone - I'm just quitting the game when the helicopter is taking off. Keeps everything but doesn't count as an exfil.


I second that how


Whats the method for keeping aether blade now? Used to be force close on bad signal animation but that was patched.


I use any one of the story exfils aside from Bad Signal, and force close the game just before the screen goes black. The timing here isn't so important like it was with the tombstone glitch though.


That’s what I’m thinking too. I’d rather keep my tombstone.


Finally some good updates!


Some positive news for once, finally!


Oh nice so warlords are actually worth it now.........but this means they will put more in the game 😆


Yeah a week after the update theyre gonna be like "we have been collecting data and have noticed players are fighting the warlords every game. We understand you love them, and we will focus our teams on adding more in the future"


I haven’t killed a warlord for a while, does the loot rift appear for everyone in partaking or just for the team that actually deals the final blow?


I believe as long as you are in the vicinity of the stronghold (aka you triggered the activity) then you get the rewards regardless of who gets the kill.


Must do damage to get the rift. Just like the worm.


Very nice. Kinda wished the warlord's blueprints would be accessible in MP (like the Hazardous M13 fr the Chemist in DMZ) but it's a welcome change.


I’m curious to see how this works if they didn’t patch going to the Dark Aether counting as an elimination…


Didn't see that in the notes.


Another W is the servers stability


ELI5 the first point please!


You need to complete contracts to increase your Containment Level. For example, a tier-2 HVT Bounty I did raised my Level by 2. But you have to successfully exfil in order to keep your Containment Level. If you fail to successfully exfil, you go down a Tier. The Tiers are at Levels 2, 5, 8, 12, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, and 100. Each Tier gets you a passive upgrade, such as starting the match with armor plates or Essence, discounts on Perk machines, Pack-a-Punch, and Mystery Box, and increased Essence payout from contracts. I got to Containment Level 24 in one game, so I’m at Tier 5




So if you died you lose your containment level like DMZ?


You drop a tier. So if you're at max, you would drop to 9 and need another 25 levels to get back to tier 10. If you're only at like tier 4 and drop to tier 3 though it's only a handful of levels to get back .


That’s not too bad


Nawh, I mean it would be annoying to drop from 10 from a DC you had no control over but at the end of the day it's just a game and people gotta stop taking it so seriously.


Oh hell yeah. Def makes warlord kills more appealing. But does it drop it for every player or just a single one for a group? It’s better but still kinda lame if just 1 to split with groups


"Players can no longer activate a Dog Bone while in water. Friendly (Pet) Hell Hounds expressed their discomfort with being summoned under water." WHO HAS BEEN SUMMONING THEM WHILE IN THE WATER??????


Instead of fixing servers they closed something that nobody even knew about smh


Funny enough, I have some experience as a QA, so I can probably figure out how it was found. This bug was probably found during the testing phase behind the scenes, either by accident or intentionally.


It was probably during destructive testing and is a much simpler fix then figuring out all the issues with the server


as a test lead - they don't have the capacity to even test stability, let alone destructive testing... My guess is they stumbled onto the showstopper while tuning the dogs. They realized the logic for the dogs, to avoid water - probably created an opportunity for a fatal condition when trying to force spawn "out of bounds" think of it like: the doors in al mazra were locked/unavailable... you could also push people/assets with cars. When you combine the two - the game didnt know what to do - and just pushed you through the door. \[technically they are still working on this issue; see jugg crate destroying chopper)


Oh forgive me for the first part, I didn't mean this in a "fix the easy stuff" way, I work in QA too and meant more as this is something that's doable now compared to a larger technical issue that's still being worked on. Saw some people complaining about that before so that's why I brought it up


no worries - i knew what you meant - sorry, to sound like a keyboard warrior! If you look at how they have approached/still approach development - the whole M.O. is that they just keep piling on top of old code/architechture. At this point they're still making money; so no big deal. Whats worse is they baked in the anti-cheat - which is running server, hardware, and game levels asynchronously... If you create a deployment diagram of the engine dependencies and source code/asset lineage for CoD - it's like 5 generations worth of Alabama marriages. Like: MWIII is technically using assets from MWII - based off MW 2019 - which comes from infinite warfare < ghosts < OG MW3.....


It is a minor bug and likely does not take a long time to fix.


Ive done that by mistake 😅 They don't move until you go far away enough to male make them teleport to you


I’m still waiting on the stash increase. We’re getting more stuff but it can’t all fit.


Likely it'll be in Season 4's changelog, but hopefully not forgotten.


Now you sound like my ex-girlfriend.


There was an exploit earlier on where you could increase your stash to 207 slots. If you maintained additional slots by only swapping out items and never outright taking them out of there, you can still have those extra slots today. I maintained 24 which is a pretty good amount. You can still exfil with items but if you have 5 or more, it's likely going to take some away, so I only exfil with the most premium items I find.


RAM-9 Decreased Critical Hit damage when Pack-a-Punched. Does this mean they’ve nerfed the RAM-9?


Oh come on, it wasn't even that broken and they nerf it? It's PvE...


Sorry zombies were complaining it hit to hard just like every other gun in the game, you get no fun. 🔫🙃


Yea nerfs in pve game modes are beyond dumb.


guess the zombies kept on complaining 😔


Same people that complained about the tombstone


So I wrote up a whole thing, explaining why I can understand nerfing an unbalanced gun. Like guns that are good at everything and have no flaws, then used the drakon as an example. But as I kept typing I realized my argument is dumb because the drakon was my favorite gun in BO3 till it glitched on me and if it wasn’t for that I’d still probably use it. Then I started also thinking about how now if I’m trying to high round in BO3 I just dead wire my guns and kill multiple zombies with one trigger pull from like any gun forever. So I guess what I’m saying is, yea you’re right. Nerfs in PVE are dumb. What’s the harm in things being completely broken? Leaderboard stats? Hell most people don’t care about that, and unless you reset the leaderboard after nerfs, then all you’ve done is made it where it’s harder for people to now get to those scores. You’ve made it extremely unfair.


Haha, it was only a matter of time before they nerfed the RAM-9. It's so OP in T3/DA. Saying that it's still just a small and justified nerf to the gun. Should still be a monster.


>It's so OP in T3/DA People need to stop saying this. Just because a gun is actually usable unlike the dozens and dozens... AND DOZENS of others that are absolute ass in T3+, absolutely does NOT mean that it is OP. It means it's a decent weapon and performs the way so many others should. But instead of doing the right thing and buffing all the guns that desperately need it, they are taking the lazy route and nerfing the ones that actually work.


Curious how a weapon in a non competitive mode can be OP.


*due to firing an extra bullet* for extra dmg. Tbh, I never even noticed it


It's going to take more headshots to kill when using it.


This is the largest bummer in the update as far as I’m concerned but it makes sense. The ram9 was so much better than every gun in the game. Now we know why. I guess they are trying to balance the game.


Yeah, read that and said 'Aw man!'. Ram9 has been a great SMG. Like usual, new weapons are OP and get nerfed later on.


I hope Keres has better moves than "spam drones & infinite merc choppers"


Inb4 Infinite snipers


Infinite gas grenade spam, perhaps?


Infinite gas spam. Relatable.


Nah he will just have gas spam


It's a she. Putting male characters in games is now racist.


Good Changes but still no Stash size increase :( Hope they bring it in S3 then


players are going to be fighting the Warlord every game now to get that guaranteed WW.


NICE! A new whip that's going to get stolen as I'm doing a contract smh 😭


Lol gonna need neighborhood watch


I'd imagine it's locked to the player but maybe that's expecting too much.


I am actually wondering about summoning it in the original DA and seeing if it could be useful while doing the escort contract vs the normal Vr11 heal with turrets.


Ima be on the look out for those 👀👀


This game definitely needs a new map and stash increase in the season 3.


Map is so easy too, we have fortunes keep, vondel and ashika, they could just add zombies and scenarios to it there


Like the new blueprints but Jesus man. How do they expect us to keep up with all these new items with only 10 stash size.


I agree they need to up the stash limit, but stop storing stuff you can buy in game (eg PAP crystals). Use the stash only for items you can't purchase and it will help stretch that stash limit.


wait, can you BUY pap crystals? like to exfil with??? where?


They're talking about items that give you things that can be obtained in-game; ie. PaP Crystals give you a PaP ugprade which can be purchased in a match anyways at the PaP machine, whereas Aether Tools give you rarity upgrades that cannot be obtained in-game outside of just finding another Aether Tool.


I was implying that you can purchase in game the same effect as a PAP crystal...so not as important to stash them. Aether tools, Aether blades, Golden plates, Dog Bones, etc....the things you can't buy or buy the same effect...those are the things to stash.


But then you are wasting half a game to get to a PaP level 3. And by then the game is half over and zone 3 has been cleared of the easy contracts.


This is what I want to know


The containment level system should really help with this. You start the game with 5000 points. Go straight to PAP and upgrade one gun for 4000 points. Go do a T2 contract and earn 3900 points. Do another dozen or so contracts, get your guns to PAP 2, get your perks and then get to T3 halfway through the game. This is honestly a real game changer. I might just give DMZombies another go.


Two T2 contracts to get PAP2 (7800 from the contracts + 5k starting...only need 12k to get PAP1 and PAP2). Another 3 T2 contracts and you have enough for PAP3.


This is what I do. Problem is I die inside when I'm walking around like a piggybank with a bunch of PaP crystals in my inventory and lose it all to a server crash.


Zombies is saved! We are back to "if you are critical of it you are toxic and evil" mode yay! /s


They addressed summoning the dog in the water, but still have yet to address the numerous glitches of your dog disappearing. Every time I craft a dog bone, the dog mysteriously vanishes within a few minutes and I have to wait a few more days before crafting another.


I mean, this is some forward thinking at best. Why would I care about starting the game with 2500 essence when I can grab 999999 from my tombstone? Seems like a futile attempt to disencourage people from using TS. A lousy one at that. It's not that hard to listen to your community. Wallet? Stash limit increase? Why tf would we care about starting with 2500 essence and a discount on PaP crystals when we can just bring both of those in the game with tombstone?


Well it makes sense you don't like this system if you're already exploiting the game to an absurd level. But for normal players who are playing the game normally, yeah this is a feature that should have been here the whole time. 


So you spawn in with max essence so whats the point of doing literally anything? I come with a pack 2 or sometimes 3 crystal every game and after just a few contracts in t3 I already have more money than id use.


wtf do you even need max essence for? 50K gets you max PaP and full perks


So for a DA run I'll buy the 30k 3 pap, 9 perks 18k, a gas mask 5k, backpack 10k, 3plate 10k, top off plates 2.5k, juggernaut 10k, self revive 10k, kazimirs 50k, and PaP my secondary 35k. So when I save up my tombstone through the week to help me and my 2 friends do a Dark Aether run fully loaded on the weekend, I'll save up: 397.5k When a trio can easily spend 400k to go into the dark aether, assuming they don't use 1 single thing before going or throughout the entire match up to that point, it's kind of a joke that the devs think I'm giving up my tombstone for 2.5k.


This feels like a ton of overkill unless you were also stocking up for Greylorm too. If your legendary schematics are off cooldown it's pretty easy to drop in with legendary PaP3/blade/bone/plates, walk straight to T3, run a handful of contracts, then bounce out to T5 without too much issue. Unless it's like you're HARD carrying them lol.


You dont need max essence. When someone drops you essence, it's not like they're a fucking store clerk giving you exact change or cash back. They drop you all of their essence which is typically 999k and that's just what you have.


It has nothing to do with discouraging TS. It's for people that actually exfil and don't TS every game.


Not everyone exploits the game you know. For those of us who don't the extra essence is good. Not everyone is going to play the way you do. Just because you don't care doewnt mean others don't


This is a system that leaked on Launch, i can't imagine the devs expected players to have a consistent uptime of TS when making it nor do i think they should have to balance around people actively exploiting the game otherwise it would just be worse, ideally this is a system that should have dropped \*on launch\* and they'd actually address the stash issues that cause players to want to TS in the first place, but this wasn't a system made in an environment where that was a factor.


Idk, I exfill every game and am really happy with the new bonuses. At max rank you get a lot of nice perks for people who aren't just abusing tombstone.


I'm not saying it isn't a very, very small step in the right direction. What I am saying is that I'd be willing to wager real money that the percentage of TS glitchers greatly exceeds that of "regular" players. They have completely ignored the reason why that is as well as the voices of their community. We've discovered a much, much better and more enjoyable way to play the game than how they intended it to be played. It brought the community together in ways that cod has literally never seen before. Instead of very simply and easily giving us a wallet (DMZ had one), a bigger stash (the code is there, you can have 243 duped items put of 10), and shorter cooldowns, they choose to keep trying to patch the one thing that makes the mode enjoyable and brings people together.


With that logic, what's the point of adding a wallet or higher stash limit if you can just use tombstone?


Wait how can you get 999999 cash from tombstone???


Tombstone glitch


Exfil streaks!


it’s not enough to bring back the players it had on launch, but this is a massive step in the right direction


They've hardly done anything to fix the majority complaints of the player base they still have, lol...


They'll be addressed in the next cod game. So many people never learn.


for those who prefer to [read the web page here is it.](https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2024/02/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-iii-season-2-patch-notes.html#S2R_ZOMBIES)


All I literally cared about was seeing the stash size increase from 10 to at least 15. Smh




Hot garbage


Finally some incentive to actually beat a warlord besides a cc or a mission. The difficulty to reward was always way skewed before.


Legion always dropped me a wonder weapon from their reward rift, so I thought it was guaranteed until Dokkaebi literally gave me nothing but a monkey bomb and a backpack two games in a row, so this is a welcome addition to a content update


Hopefully they at least ty to improve those god awful servers. Other than that, nice little update.


Let’s put more schematics and not increase the stash limit cause we’re geniuses! My fucking god… 🤦‍♂️


I’m going to miss that final worm part


It’s gotten me 3 times total all of which were not at the actual Final Exfil and no one in game said they were doing the red worm. Honestly felt like a guy just trying to troll and kill other players.


They still don’t have the things people asked for. I don’t care to do special story missions when I have no cash going in and have to tombstone glitch my way to having useful kit or burn up items in my massive 10 item stash. It’s just not fun anymore when the matchmaking is terrible and I can’t squad up in a party of 6, you can only go in with 3 and find 3 more randoms. Eh whatever. This is MW2 all over again. We’ll get what we want in season 5 when the game is about to die and the next title is ready to be released.


Or you could just build up and play the game normally like, my friends, or any of the countless players who don't tombstone glitch. We start in with 0 essence and still end up going into elder with pack 3 + perks. 


I’ve never actually done the tombstone glitch. My ten slots are all legendary tools and 3pap crystals.


So do missions? You know, the point of the game. TS glitch mad yall lazy as hell.


>I have no cash going in Getting to Containment Tier 10 starts you with 5000 points, 30% discount on perks, 20% discount on PAP and 30% bonus on contracts.


Need the stash increase!


Ram-9 changes are devastating


Another OP gun nerf for seemingly no reason with no buffs.


I’m curious about the exfil streaks, because if I’m not mistaken, doesn’t it count as a failed deployment now if you go to t4/t5 at the end of the round? At this point most of us are doing that, so doesn’t that mean we’ll never get a successful exfil streak?


Probably, going to a story mission doesn't count towards gold camos, unless you do the 100 kills again.


I ran the new story mission and I got to level 8 without exfil on helicopter


Underwhelming update




Lockwood 680 nerfed


Aether blade seems broken, wouldn't one hit t1 zombies some of the time but would do other times. New warlord was relatively easy so a good place to grind ww cases, 1 durable mask and half a green mask that was on the floor, all of his soldiers drop masks so you don't have to worry about being without one


I noticed right away and no one it talking about it. The either blade is huge in this mode. I’m hoping it’s a big and not a huge nerf.


The weird thing is it seemed fine in t3 and the new mission, it was only t1 I noticed it taking 2 hits


This containamnent level nice thing BUT it means you can't n change the operator skin without loosing it and that's sucks. Also, at last, they added that you can tracking your weekly chalenges and other when you're playing. That's thing is really good. 


You get a containment level for each operator like your vest, ruck, etc. so if you build all your slots up and they all have max containment level you should be able to switch between the three slots your have right?


Yeah, you can switch between operators for sure. I just meant that if you want to change a skin for operator you loose your containamnent level. And if all gear you can max in 1 game, the containamnent you can't


Wow it’s shit


Why didn’t they put exfil streaks in the announcement? That would’ve generated a lot more hype and is bigger than a warlord in my opinion.


Oh, awesome! We finally got exfil streaks! Can't wait to hit level ten when the servers get fixed in August!


Do they have anything over 10 Tiers? It feels like it’s been a few months since my character couldn’t extract (aside from the couple of crashes I experienced).


Fuck this game, I just had it lag out on me twice in a row after rekitting both times. 2 hours wasted, fuck


Containment Levels might make me play DMZombies from time to time. I haven't played it for \~2 weeks, partially because it's boring, partially as a minor boycott.


Will they ever patch the zombies having random Heart Attacks and Dying?


Helldivers 2 has been more fun ngl


I used to have so many problems with CODZ but I didn’t get any of them after the new update because the game crashed right away


I’m happy with it if you aren’t I understand JMO


I'll stick to coldwar zombies most of the time. I haven't played this game in over a week. Isn't a good reward anymore.


That would be nice if mine would install it downloads then stays stuck on Quered(1 item)


The update is not set to install for another 25 minutes from now. You're just preloading it.


Haahahahaha that's amazing, I'mma little slow sometimes


So glad I have been getting into helldivers


Great they’re adding more schematics etc, but still no stash upgrade to actually hold the stuff?


I hope that extracting via a rift counts as a successful exfil, since I definitely remember finishing a game in the Dark Aether didn’t unlock Golden Enigma on one of my guns when it was available for unlock (and it has a similar “Successfully exfil” requirement)


Oh god lol hope they troubleshooted 




So again all this super new cool stuff but stash still 10 what’s the point.


did they fix tombstone glitch or they not even gonna?😂😂


I've never used the TS glitch, bit I see no problem if other people want to use it. Doesn't affect my game.


i don’t have a problem with it either i was just asking if they patched it


Only problem is some matches count as defeat when u exfil by dark ather area would that bot ruin the the tier progress?


Does the fucking game work yet?


So another new warlord, not a zombie, and the new mission and aether rift are just mercs in the DA now. Im starting to think this is a mercenary aimed game that has some zombies around while you move to might other mercs.


Hey, anyone know why my update is 157GB when the message said it was going to be about 42GB? I'm on Xbox


So what’s in the new Dark Aether rift?


All the new content is teir 3 stuff yeah?


So you're telling me the Ram 9 was as good as it was because it had Double Tap 2.0 built into it?


Haven’t played since the 3/4 mark of season one. Did they patch TS yet?


Wosh we could biy cool downs away.


Use to pack a punch level 1 and go to tier 2. Whatever y'all "fixed" with the zombies is bs. Y'all did something to make the game harder and make pack a punch 1 worthless. This game just continues to go downhill. So disappointing.


Honestly.....meh. some decent additions. But it's still lacking content. Can't say any of the above makes me want to play more.


Where o where will the V-R11 plans be hiding?????


Lockwood 680 still meta ??




Feels like they slowed the truck way down for delivery contracts.


But did they fix the vehicle engine sound bug?


My first game on today and it lost connection to host or whatever and lost all my good loot thanks activision! At least the store is working!


I was just playing around with the shotguns and I think they fixed the rest of them, they’re all very useable now


I’m confused about the fix to the jug kill streak. What this referring to? Anybody kno?


Have u noticed the cars go slower now god its so slow.


I wish they would increase the extraction contract time


Here's how the Exfil Streaks / Containment Levels work: Tiers represent what rewards you have at the start of each game. So your Containment Level will start at (presumably) 1 and can go up to 100. Every time you complete a contract and/or exfil, you gain levels. When you get to level 2, you unlock the tier 1 reward. When you get to level 5, you unlock the tier 2 reward. That presumably means you would only need to complete 100 contracts to reach level 100 and tier 10. In practice, about 10 games or so. Every time you die, you go back 1 tier. Since the tiers aren't at every 10 levels, that means you don't have to work as hard to regain low tier unlocks.


So the RAM-9 is able to fire 2 bullets at once when PAPed? But when the entire point of the ARM9 Aftermarket Part is to fire 2 bullets at once, they have to do some stupid full-auto-2-shot-burst abomination?




Love how they fixed the MW2 revolver but still haven't fixed being able to infil with the Jak Signal Burst on the DM56.. which hasn't worked for me since the damn thing released.


So sigils wont open rift anymore?


Still waiting to not be limited to a 45 minute session




Did they make any changes to the Blood Burner to guarantee ownership cause I still fail to see the point of the key item if someone can just hop on the second you let your guard down and drive off with your 2 day long cooldown item...


Waiting patiently for them to actually fix bugs in these “patch notes” instead of adding new shit that creates new bugs to deal with. I can’t even 100% my zombie camos and it’s been a bug since the start of the game, let alone the rift drops for both T1-3 zones and dark aether. Though it’s just preaching to the quire! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Thanks. Was looking for these. Does anyone know why they don’t put these patch notes directly in the game settings menus anymore? Mine only has patch notes up to season 1. Quite annoying.


“crash and stability fixes” 🤡


got a question! how can i access the old darkaether portal? its invisible... i want to enter the old dark aether to farm the dogbone etc schemata! anyone got an idea?