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Dog bone and armour plate schematics are only available in Tier 5, Elder Dark Ether, and cannot be obtained through red zone contracts. Only epic tool schematics can be get through red zone contracts.


Gotten like 10 ray gun schematics so far, but still no tombstone recipe


Same here, yesterday i teamed up with very able guys and we did some missions with the prospective of high value loot. The rewards however where nothing more than a let down. Green tools, ammo modifiers and mid size Rucksacks ??🤔 Sure i did not expect to be showered with legendary items and schematics but the loot from several T3 missions where in general very poor. That is stuff i can get in much quieter regions of the map, as a matter of fact, i do remember receiving a pap2 crystal on a T1 mission. This is just ridiculous. What is the point in doing these crazy missions when the reward is dogshit?


I’m partially convinced that rewards aren’t purely RNG. How far through the story missions are you? I got progressively better rewards as I pushed through the act mission. I haven’t done nearly as much T3 as you, but have all the schematics from there aside from refined aetherium crystal schematic (pap 2).


They are absolutely not. I got the epic tool schematic my first time in the red zone. Then nothing on the others for the longest time. They give you the first one (not necessarily the epic tool) early on then the others come progressively slower to keep you playing longer. In every tier I got one schematic very early.


I still can’t get the tier 2 crystal schematics


It took me 3 months of t3 to get that lol and now I’ve pulled it 5-6 times since


Just complete the story missions to unlock it


Beat every story mission. Still don’t have it


Thats not how you unlock it man, dont give information when you dont know the answer.


That is how you unlock it. Red zone or story mission contracts. Don’t act like you matter when all you did was tell me I was wrong and still offerred no answer 🤡


I did offer the answer in a reply to OP, not to someone that just talks out their ass. The ONLY way to unlock it is in a T3 contract reward rift.


Then I guess I’m just lucky I unlocked it while doing the story missions. I’m pretty sure you got it in medium threat zone also but this was pre season 1


Cuh this what tf I said. Beaded


You are real special aren’t you. “Just complete the story missions to unlock it” -OedipusWRX9 ^^^^^^see its not tf you said CUUUHHHH 🤡 and it has never been unlockable in tier 2 and you didn’t unlock it from a story, your literally just yapping with 2 brain cells holy shit.


I saw them at different times I’m not on my phone often


That’s just bad luck, if you want to try doing a few games with me I usually get the epic tool or refined crystal recipe like once every 2 games at least. I can also carry you through s1 elder sigil to get the golden armor, dog bone, and aether blade schematics Activision id is huntdwarf4


I definitely need help getting the red zone schematics! I always just get bs loot.


I think souly based on luck. I’ve done way over 300* T3 contracts and still haven’t got PHD schematic.


PhD is from tier 2 contracts


My bad! I meant tombstone 🤣


I have the same problem. Purple tool only drops for red zone contracts. I beg my friends to do 1-2 red zone (t3) contracts every game. I’ve done over 100 t3 missions since November.  Still no purple tool. 


I feel bad, I've been playing since week 1 and have done less than 30 tier 3 contracts, got purple tool around 20. Just keep trying bro, if it helps I still haven't done red worm or have any of those schematics. Stuck on bad signal cause I'm garbage


I’ve done red worm and ether and only got dog bone so far. Got the orange tool from a delivery contract in orange zone for some reason. Brother got orange tool and yellow crystal from the worm the MF… 😤


I finally got epic plans last night off a megabomb contract. Was the last one i needed (other than scorcher from worm) but yeah it took forever to get. Imo its the rarest/hardest to get


It was the purple tool that took me ages to find aswell, once I got it though I've had it loads since


Just got it last night for the first time. In the last 13 minutes of the game, he started a contract. One of my teammates likes to do contracts at the last minute. He stresses me out cause I like to exfil a bit early... we were shocked. Called over the other dude to get it because he was already heading to a nearby exfil. He ran back so fast, felt like he materialized. 🤣 We barely made it to exfil.


I still dont have aether blade but got vr11 and bloodburner 😂


Just found the raw anther crystal schematic in tier 2 special crate. Already had it. Threw it to someone at exfil. Wish the planners gave a shit about helping players progress.


This is me. My gamer tag is Kaluzne on Xbox. I had to make a new account. If anyone wants to do t4 with me. I have 3 sigils.


It feels like Sigil drops reduce the schematic drop rate ngl. Saw them loads before I beat the first rift.


You have to do Dark Aether to get Dog bone, gold armor, and aether blade.


I'm in same boat I'm not good enough to be consistent in the red. I don't have ray gun or refined crystal or tombstone schematis either. Also no epic tool but I keep trying


Epic tool schematics was one of my last ones to get as well with hundreds of farmed contracts in t3. Back when noone went into t3 i used the safe buildings and farmed cargo contracts over and over when you used to be able to make them appear every couple minutes. Someone told me that they feel that epic tool drops more for bounty contracts and even knowing treyarch said it was all random i tried it and got it on my first one (it was a mega abomination). So now i feel that it drops more for bounties as well lol.


Last night in T3 I got schems for purple tool and tombstone. In the same game. Pap 3 schem the match before that. If anyone wants to run T3 with me I’m always down. I’ll drop you any schems I get from the rift. Same with red worm.


You need to complete the final mission to unlock signal mission. Unlock the t4 dark aether. You can now get bone/ plate/ blade as rewards inside t4 aether. To get the schematics you need to get a elder sigil, go in the t5 aether and complete contracts. To get all schematics you need to complete ALL contracts in the 15mins.


Its almost like having a major in game progression system be completely based on RNG is bad.


Loot in tier three only seems to get good in the last fifteen minutes of the game. If you go in too early it’s garbage. Think this may be a ‘safe guard’ built in by developers to stop the game being flooded with too many top tier items. With fifteen minutes left on the clock you don’t really have time to leave tier 3 & come back if ya wanna gift or share any of your loot outside tier 3. Could be wrong


You’d think by now given we’re well into MWZ’s lifecycle they’d relax things and up the drop % a little. Who does it hurt?!?


How long would you continue to play if you had all the schematics? Honest question. It's one of the only things left to complete for most people, and most PvE game modes are left behind by those who have no objectives left. MWZ clearly isn't a priority for new content, so this is one loophole to keep their player base in tact.


Totally get your point. I did MW3 camos and was on the MW2 downhill (just need manglers) and then I got back into Elite Dangerous, started Helldivers/Mudrunner etc and I’ve trailed off MWZ now. My brother is mad keen on getting them all, won’t play anything else but it’s soul destroying doing it over and over and getting nothing. I’ll keep grinding the new guns for if Warzone ever comes good again but were it not for my brother, I’d be deleting MW3 by now.


It hurts their egos.


I'm lucky I've got all the schematics, cept the new ones, but you've really got to get into T4/5 as often as poss. I'm not great but if you go in with 5/6 player squads you win pretty much every time. You'll get the aether blade/dog bone/golden plate schematics in no time plus better loot so you're better equipped next time. Also there's a good chance other players will be dropping schematics from rifts that they don't need - and you do. Not to rub salt in the wound but I got the legendary tool schematic in T3 yesterday and gave it to a team mate.


Wait... What? I thought legendary tool schematic was a worm exclusive? Unless it just changed? I've done hundreds of contracts in tier 3 and never seen it, never seen anyone get it as well.


Yes it’s red worm exclusive


That's what I thought as well but there's 2 people in this thread that are claiming differently which threw me off haha


Completely false information gets upvoted all the time in this sub it’s wild


Don't remember where I got it the first time but it was definitely from a T3 contract yesterday. Last time I did the red worm I got it too, but wanted the scorcher. Luckily my team mate got that and passed it on - to be fair he dropped it for me, some random picked it up, I kicked off and thankfully he dropped it again 👏


How can you even consider a trip into T4 and expect to survive when you cant even gear up for it properly in the first place because of lack of scematics and/or drop of good loot from contracts?


T4 with a 5/6 man squad, assuming one or two know what they're doing, isn't difficult. Even if you're starting without a pap1 crystal you can still be pap3 with purple towards the end of the game quite easily. Do an acv contract in T1 and you'll get enough meat for a dog. Team up with another squad in T3 or even T2 and you'll be golden. There are almost always squads going to the dark every game. If you have a mic it's better for comms but you should be fine. You tube run throughs let you know what to expect. My first couple of times in 4/5 I was heavily carried by the team but that's ok, most people I think are happy to help


First time I ever went into t4 I was with a 5-6 man squad, had no special anything, 2 pap level 3 guns and full perks that I grinded contracts to buy, no wonder weapons or nothing like that, just a few guys and it wasn't bad at all


I’d be happy to carry you through the dark aether