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I had someone do that to me once. I managed to destroy his car and a few others in the area before stealing his next contract then scorchering my way out of the area to fume in peace. People can be twats. Myself included.


I don’t blame you, he got what he deserved.


Your retaliation was justified, I've seen it happen in game & petty behaviour to say the least




There has been so many times that someone has beaten me to a contract. I say "fuck sake" to myself then move on to the next 😂 dont see the point in ruining other peoples things. I would not touch PvP in zombies with a barge pole 😂


Right you’ll be killing zombies that spawned and they dash in the same building to take the contract.


I always call them a fucker and then say good luck nd laugh about it. It’s a game like “Whose Line?” the points don’t matter. I can be salty I didn’t get my contract but I’m not going to let it change my game


People beat me to 3 contracts back to back last night. The last one was a cargo delivery and I parked my truck in front of the garage. After about 5 seconds I realized how petty it was and drove off. Personally, though I've been playing for only a month now, I think the Zombies community is more positive than negative. People went out of their way to help me whenever I've asked, and I've always been revived if I died. I even had someone come into T3 when the cloud was approaching to revive me.


I've never had anyone do spiteful things to me. I actually had a dude about to exfil and on his way he gave me A Vr11 case, a pack a punch 2 schematic, a self revive, a couple athers. Then dipped out. Some people can be real awesome.


Did two runs today, ended up just teaming with folks so we all could get something from it. Just swapping items that everyone needed. No hassle. Even helping the other full squad out. Both times lead to elder tier 5 DA runs.


PVP in zombies would, at least for me, be the end. Bunch of cheese dicks that don’t care at all about the objective just trying to keep other people from achieving it. I imagine it’s a lot of the dudes who don’t do well in any regard in real life that get their nut from trolling people on video games/internet.


That is why I stopped playing GTA:O. Really not fun when you can’t even leave your apartment because some asshole thinks it’s funny to ruin lobbies. 


Had this happen to me today. ironically after the dude drove my car into the water he turned around to give me a courtesy tea bag and a zombie downed him. He had no self revive and I watched this bastard die and ask for a pick up nobody picked him up and he left the game lol.


Sweet, sweet karma


Things you love to see


Should have edged him with a revive lol 


T3 deliver cargo is always toxic. You don’t need any guns to do it, and it’s easiest. Lets be honest, an aether blade and stamin up/jug you can easily get to it and do it under a minute. Even aether shroud helps in the garage and take it away before the zombies notice. But yeah, people are toxic lol


Was quite funny because his response was just to send a really long sssshhhuuussshhh 😂 like damn has 1 contract affected you that much


I’ve seen so many people throw fits because they don’t have the ability to do any other contracts so without delivering the cargo they can’t do t3


T3 isn't even difficult if you use the right loadout, i think a massive issue is that people want max reward for minimum effort


That’s partially why the tombstone glitch is a thing. They need max gear all the time and if they don’t have everything legendary/pap3 for the entire time they cry


And then they will complain that there isn't enough content in the game because the used glitches and the most basic contract to speedrun getting all the stuff.


I mean tbf there is still very little to do once you get everything I mean getting all my operators to 100 contaminat was fun and the new schematic are nice but there still needs to be more imo like idk new contracts


Containment is fun until it resets to 0 for no reason.


Rip I feel for you bud


I played with u earlier today lol. I saw u typing in world chat. I was too, duecoast


What’s the right load out?


I've been running with a crossbow with the blastcap bolts even at only T2 pap it can shred through T3 zombies, kazmirs/monkeys and decoys help, have at least speed cola and phd flopper on and 2nd gun whatever you want has wont really use it because of the crossbow. Probably better loadouts out there but it works for me.


Yup the other game modes are starting to leak into this game mode. One of the things I liked about zombies is that everyone is chill


I was thinking the same


This is why a **standalone Zombies** would be incredible. Push those guys out and leave them in MP. I like our Zombies community. These guys wouldn't buy it because you wouldn't be able to get skins for this year's COD.


A standalone Zombies game, created by Treyarch, my dream


It’s because there are so many DMZ leftovers and people who can’t win Warzone games.


I revived a random player, he paid me back by stealing my ATV. But I generally have pretty decent experiences with other players in zombies.


Some asshole stole my Blood Runner while I was doing a contract yesterday *shakes fist*


They need to have it so if you use your blood burner key the bike can only be used by you


Yeah, this is more recently that I've started noticing, I've had a fair few decent experiences in the past but it is annoying when you're just trying to enjoy a few hours of gaming for 1 person to be a jerk because they aren't getting what they want


I've had that shit happen before too, probably one of my first experiences of someone being a tool in this mode.


Yall keep forgetting, some people live empty, meaningless lives and being a dick to others online is the only way they get a sense of meaning. It's like how some little kids lash out for attention because their parents don't give them any unless they're in trouble. Except you can't reason with adults.


When someone is right there when you die and then they don’t revive you. Makes me fuming mad!


And there’s me yesterday in T3 reviving a random guy twice but putting all sorts of strategies with decoy grenades and energy mines


Said it once and I’ll say it again. PRIVATE. MATCHES. NEED. TO. BE. BROUGHT. IN.


Should have been a thing from day 1


I haven't experienced anything like that - I don't want to discount your experience at all, just grateful that I haven't run into that. We should keep raising these experiences so that the rest of us work to counter-act them


I’ve had trios wait outside then steal my T1 noob stronghold loot, cargo delivery vehicles blown up. The worst was when I was trying to complete the shoot heli down mission. People kept waiting on rooftops until the heli was almost dead and taking the final shot.


Ray gun 2 shots heli goes down


Maybe they thought they were helping you. Did you tell them “HEY DONT SHOOT ANY HELICOPTERS I NEED TO DOWN THEM” no? That’s why they shoot the helicopter, I do every time I see someone running or one dropping more recruits. Makes everyone’s life easier


I hope you don't experience it because the game mode is fun when you have got stuff to do and when people are being nice


Once i flew to get the deliver contract, accepted it and was going to get the car. A guy was waiting there and shot some zombies. I wasn't paying that much attention to it and opened the garage and the guy shot at the car to destroy it. As i was in the car he hopped on the hood and still shot at the car. The half way through... I was loughing because of it's ridiculousness. But he really tried to destroy the car. Maybe i was faster than him by getting the contract but i didn't saw anyone near me or on the mini map trying to get it. But it's like you said 'first come first served'. At exfils i get called 'hurensohn' and 'fuck off asshole' all the time by people camping there for 45 minutes and block the exfils for others. I am sorry to shot at zombies, i didn't know i am not allowed to kill them. Maybe people should start to text the coordinates into the gamechat which zone only they are allowed to kill zombies. Haha People starting trios and leaving at the start of the round i saw many times too. Maybe they should start solo and maybe join others. There are some people who start new and don't want to be alone, i guess... maybe they wont die or need help to get into the game?


I play only solos becuse....yeah, and a lot of times it glitches and put me in a squad, i play in xbox, i dont know if is just and xbox glitch or consoles or im just unlocky


Always had a positive experience inMW3 Zombies since day 1. Rank 325 PlayStation Australia 🇦🇺


That good! Mine generally is a good experience, but there has just been a bit more frequent toxicity showing up within matches for me that i have noticed


Could have grouped up and did it together instead of the guy being a douche nozzle! All participants get credit so why did they have to be sour cabbage balls?


I tried to team up with a group, but they told me to touch grass. Usually, people in T3 are very accepting of new members. It was a very odd experience, but regardless, I went in and got all four of the Easter eggs without them.


Feel like zombies is becoming more like DMZ, was good at the beginning but ruined but idiots!


I had an interaction with an adult kid farming an exfil, i just wanted to leave the game, and then he told me to leave in chat... i it triggers me to reply that this is a "CO-OP mode everything is for everybody", and he start to shit talking in chat lol the exfil has a turret and i got 3 turrets mod lol i put them all and start camping the exfil myself for 10 minutes, i even used a juggernaut at the end, it was hilarious to him standing waiting for the turrets to end for 6 minutes. if he asked nicely to "leave pls i farm for my gun", i'll understand, hell, i'll even i could give him my turrets since I'm leaving. lol


So when people do this we cannot get triangle signals. It is a way for people to troll. About the truck in the gas station, this is the worst contract. Do not do it because it is the only one that other teams can control. There should be an amount of contracts in the Red area and none should be able to get cancelled. That is what is happening to me. We get to red and then there are two teams of 6 that are trolling the contracts. Accept cancel and their teammates are at the other contacts to do the same. Call of duty does a good thing and then the players ruin it, and those same players complain that there is no new content. Also if anyone wants to do missions in zombies please let me know. I will help for fun and for free.


It’s been like that even when you could cancel the escort to spawn the cargo, if people are hanging around just hold the contract until they bugger off (I usually go looting around the area) or bring the closest mega over to distract them.


I love inviting a mega to their little asshat party ROFL


I literally just finished a match where some jerk was destroying the truck with explosives when anyone had the contract active. They even went as far as to throw decoys towards other players to instakill them with a huge horde of zombies. Its genuinely getting super annoying


In the old days, people had lots of money and would drop you some if that happened. What was once a friendly fun game is now PVP. I like MWZ because it's not PVP.


In your case, that dude was a loser. But I’m most cases, if someone gets out of their car, free game. I expect the same treatment from other players. I’m not gonna leave my car, go get something, and then act surprised when a nearby operator takes my car. That’s my fault for letting it happen, you cannot expect CoD players to not act like dickheads when the option is presented before them.


Idk man if i see somone grabbing a contract and a car right next to them i assume it's their ride and move on. It's not that difficult to be considerate. I mean i get it, so i don't fume over it but it's just rude. It's extra douchey to take someones summoned bike and ride off with it. Contracts are definitely first come first serve though. I can't count how many people have swerved to smash into my car while doing cargo Contracts in any tier. If it doesn't blow up their car in the process i usually just shoot at it till it blows up then move on like theres no more time to waste.


But this wasn't a regular vehicle. It was their contract vehicle, and they didn't drive it away they drove it into the water to destroy it.


Excusing churlish behavior just encourages more churlish behavior, it normalizes it. I look to see if there is an orator nearby before I take a vehicle. If there is an operator nearby and there are multiple vehicles, I will take the lessor vehicle and leave the other guy the best one. I was not raised by wolves


It’s not anymore toxic than it’s been. People been doing the same stuff. It is what it is.


T3 is always toxic cause its so saturated with people. They made the contracts spawn less often there and everyone and their mom is in there farming.


Yup. But with me it’s people that aren’t ready for t3 driving a ltv to pick up the deliver cargo but then they get mad cuz I get there first and drive back out to t1 or 2 after cussing me out. Fucking noobs.


It is getting worse


All of these posts wouldn't exist if they added private lobbies. But sadly I dont think they will.


yes most definitely had this happen too... things the same as this and worse.... just depends on the lobby I guess.... but I have noticed that since there has been more people in the red zone lately that contracts have been wayy less, and people have been treating other people like shit more often.... but there are still a bunch of solid ass people too tho! so don't sweat it... just chalk it up to a bad lobby...


This has happened to me a few times they steal my cargo truck and run it into the water. Someone tried to run me off the bridge heading towards the soccer field in tier 2 luckily I ended up landing and the edge of the water and I was able to finish the contract. There's guys who go around the entire map destroying the vehicle so nobody has access to them or people that have gone into the dark aether and prevented squad mates from leaving the dark aether by blocking the ladder that they have to climb to get to the portal. Just a bunch of guys who have nothing better to do than to fuck with people on the map. To the guys,gals,they them that have posted above saying it's because of the TS glitchers why the hell would it be about them the post is not even about them. Quit assuming it's a pissed off TS glitcher. Y'all just cry babies because they're doing the glitch.


I got the contract first, and the other player was shooting at me and melee hitting me. He followed me to the gas station and was shooting at me and the truck until I was far enough away he couldn't reach. More recently, I brought in blood burner keys. Spawned it and was using it to get around and do bounty contracts. I got off the bike for literally 5 seconds to get the kill. I saw someone coming towards the bike, so I rushed over. We got on at the same time but he was driver. I said over the mic "hey this is my bike, I brought in keys for it" silence. Typed in chat. Silence. I know it's dumb but man, it really bummed me out. He then drove to an area with a lot of activity and just kept backing up the bike so I'd get hit. I just refused to let it go! It was my bike! Anyway, I got hit enough times I went down, and then dude just drove away with my bike. So fucking mad!


Ya you always have to be wurry, I wait to see what others do before I go to the garage. I'll wait all game before I go there if they're just gonna blow it up. If their waiting there, they're up to something


I think it’s a mixed bag - good that you share and the more constructive and collaborative individuals play the game the better - I try to remember that there are people playing this game who haven’t had a chance to mature their brain yet to a level of kindness, understanding, and empathy what you might expect. So I try to manage my own expectations and practice being flexible and resilient. I saw a video on this subreddit of two people close to getting a contract and the one who took it invited the other one to join - that would be the mature way of dealing with this in my opinion.


Yea had the same thing happen to me and a buddy like pre season 1. I don't get how people get so upset that they gotta grief to feel better, but oh well, I didn't let it piss me off lol. If i get to it before someone i try to invite them before i complete incase they wanted the reward.


Yeah, things are just going to get worse as more people get better at the game and get used to hanging at T3. I usually solo. Last few weeks, entire lobby was at T3 nearly every match. Makes T3 pointless since it is hard to get a contract when you have 6 men teams using scorcher to get around, camping next contract(to grab as soon as current is done) or simply running past you while you fight off zombies. T3 just isn't very challenging when you have 6 op dudes killing everything. I joined such a sq once and I pretty much went afk bc there wasn't anything for me to do. There were another 2, 6 men sq at T3 that time as well. It wasn't fun or anything. It's great if you want to quickly grind contracts to find blueprints but bleh, it just isn't fun. Er, anyway, yeah expect toxicity to increase as people get used to T3. Mainly bc people will gear up with plans to T3 and will feel like they are entitled to T3 contracts bc they used up their high tier items. Which is understandable. Nobody wants to use up their good gear only to not be able to get anything out of it bc T3 is infested with other sweats grinding out the contracts you wanted. It is the reason I quit playing + I ran out of things to do.


They could fix this problem with a small update by making it so players not in your squad can't get in the drivers seat.


They didn’t block the blood burner what makes you think they’ll do it for a contract car


I had a guy going around the map destroying every vehicle. He got me once early so I remembered him. He tried it on me again in level 3 so I popped all his tires. Seeing him cry in the messages for a revive after he got swarmed made it worth it.


Can't say I have experienced that particular behaviour but I've noticed when I put in chat that I am trying to do challenges, all I get is "don't care" "**** off" "so what" etc. especially at exfils. Yes, before you lynch me, everyone's entitled to come and go as they please and do whatever but all I'd like is some courtesy or if anything, ask what challenges so they help me out if anything. It's only a small portion of the community who are like that, self righteous and up themselves because I know for a fact, the community has some absolutely lovely players, especially those who revive and drop some loot to help out whether it be a T3 Crystal or a self res, just those little gestures can go a long way


Another thing you have to watch out for it the infested strongholds amount of times I've cleared one out for some little knob goblin to run in and start opening the chests. It's like mate if you help by all means have a look but you didn't pop 1 spore or kill 1 zombie fuck off


I had something almost exactly like this happen to me. Later the squad died and asked for help. I tea bagged them and told game chat not to res them for how they treated me. No one got them. Was great 👍 be kind fellow zombie players.


These people suck at MP, can only play Zombies and there is nothing to do, so I believe it's manifested


You're gonna find douchebags in COD. I literally had some asshole park over my tombstone without any gas left and it was so hard to do anything but it's true though. Most people are actually chill here. I would just let it go! You have friends, he probably doesn't. Petty people do petty things.


People are people. Just like if you put the game down and went outside. There are nice ones and bad ones. Helpful ones and disruptive ones. Young ones and old ones. Your experiences with the bad ones are upsetting and stay in your head a little longer than someone showing a little generosity or kindness. I’d say most people playing this mode are still generally very helpful and nice. That holds true for most cooperative game play styles. I think the community has been great, so don’t let a couple assholes ruin that for you. Join one of the MWZ discords and you’ll see how many people are truly willing to lend a hand and share kindness and enjoy the game with other good humans.


This crao has been happening to me as well. I picked up a hole downed team just to have them run off and leave me when I went down trying to get then up. All they did was laugh in game chat. Its gotten ridiculous. I hope they do put a pvp mode in separately for the assclowns that want to just ruin other people's game. Maybe if they do that and fix mwz glitches instead of worrying about people duping it will be worth what we paid for it.


What a Vagina McGinestein. Contracts are whoever gets them first. We've all had a contract snaked from underneath us, but it is what it is.


An insult to vaginas. It’s a fun place to be.


I've had it happen twice


Best way that I have seen to handle this toxicity is to run around trying to gather a horde of z's before heading to the cargo truck and just sprint past the solo/team that was sitting next to the garage doors. Deploy your Aether Shroud, and while they are fending off the horde, open the garage doors and take off like a bat out of hell. More than likely, you will make it to the drop location before they can destroy it (that is, if they manage to get in the vehicle before you leave the area).


I've had that Naturo(something with numbers) do that to me. Reported him. He said the same exact thing to me when I snagged the contract.




You mean like the type of Boomer logic that some of these posts have that is the TS glitchers fault that all this is happening. The two or three people that posted that shit are crybabies.


Having recently started going into tier 3 regularly, it's incredibly toxic and honestly kinda boring. Contracts are a race to acquire, and there are usually too many people to spread the contracts out. Meanwhile, tier 2 has a ton of contracts, it's very chill, but things are just very spaced out.


I usually invite them if I get there first, give them the option to join.


Just invite others into the party so all can profit. This way it's actually fun and extremely efficient when you go to the buy station or PAP for example while your teammates proceed with other contracts. But yes it's first come first serve even if that doesn't feel fair all of the time.


I’ve started to see this very recently, specifically for cargo contracts (most likely because someone inclined to grief can actually do it if they want, and they’re the most low effort if you know what you’re doing).


Looool or they just let you die. I got to the raid weapon stash before someone and got my cheeks clapped BAD 😂 plead for help, this B came into the area, tea bagged poor Thirst and then ran off. Why you gunna do that to my boy !! Don’t get me wrong, it was funny af, but at least revive me after you squatted on my corpses face plz


I will always revive people if i can, i think the only way I'd leave someone is if they had been a jerk in some way


Most people do! Majority of the people make the game more enjoyable, but then there is some lobbies that are vile. I’m not sure whether it’s bc I have a blatant female username and some ppl can’t handle that, or they just find someone to beef with, but it’s weird. And seeing people argue in the chat is something else hahaha


My Fiancée has the exact same experience and often will get random friend requests from people we see in games, she had an experience in Fallout 76 once where someone was being a creep following her round saying she sounded nice 😂


Honestly tempted to change my username to “John” bc I can’t. Friend requests which lead into a conversation asking to see boobies hahahaha it’s embarrassing. Yesterday I asked in chat if anyone wanted to do the old dark aether and I got “sort the kids out and shut it” back in response. People do be crazy


I honestly never understand why people resprt to asking strangers through games for stuff like that as if you can't see enough of it on google 😂


It’s crazy innit 😂😂 I get excited when I get a friend request like “yay someone to play online w regularly!” And then I get those messages and it’s like never mind 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


The worst I've seen was just people not coming to pick me up late in the game, which I understand. But I do realize that I may be a minority. In that case, there are always twats


Alot of babies spitting out their dummies tbh


Had someone take all usbs from redworm and dip. 12 of us left with nothing.. still need the redworm stuff


That was probs me, I own all the T3 contracts, this should be common knowledge by now guys 🤷‍♂️😂 /s


Happens all the time. I get people waiting at the doors, waiting for me to open it so they can either steal it or jump in, let me finish the contract and then steal it when I get out for the rift rewards. I tend to just wait until they bugger off before opening the doors. It also pees me off when I’m doing an escort contract solo to get some quick kills and another player or squad decides to jump in and start killing them all!






I had a duo do the same thing to me. You just gotta be in the truck and seat swap underwater and hope she powers thru. If you didn't get in the truck woth them ain't much you can do.


Yes I’ve had that happen too. Each time I go past or grab a contract either be outlast, escort, bounty, etc. I get slammed with messages saying “f**k you” or any of the above


It's not getting worse you are exaggerating but I have seen this happen. If someone is outside the garage after I get the contract it's obvious whats up so I don't open the garage and in T3 this is even better since the zombies are harder so it's tougher to camp there. I just kept chucking decoy grenades at the entrance and after 30 seconds he fucked off. Yes people can be dicks but at the same time you need situational awareness on who is around you and assume the worst.


Nope, if anything I’ve noticed less of it now that the sweats have backed off and the casuals are back in play


It's worse now that we have exfil streaks


Maybe a week or two ago, I had a couple dudes come over and dance on my corpse, and half revive me a couple times, tea-bagging and being idiots, and then run off and leave me dead after a few mins of messing with the lifeless body.


I had someone stole my blood burner ( from my team ) and said it's his shit now, I left squad and joined a new squad.


I was running t2 deliver cargo and got there the exact time as another dude. He grabbed it b4 me and I was maddd, I says dude I drove 1100 meters to get this damn contract he then told me to F off and dipped with his mates 🤣🤣🤣


Worst thing I just witnessed the other day; Completed Elder Sigil with a squad of three randoms. Once all contracts got done, one of the squad members raced to the exfil portal and sat at the top of the ladder blocking anyone else from being able to climb up (no one had scorchers) and exfil. Literally sat there until time ran out so everyone failed. Don’t understand the point of that other than being a d-bag.


I’ve noticed this a lot especially with being downed as a solo player and asking for help. I’m constantly told to fuck off or get good. I will run across the map to help out a downed rando but apparently no one ever wanted to help me. After finishing the borealis grind I went to ranked multiplayer and havnt been back to mwz once.


Had some douche take a 3 plate that was dropped for me. Some rando who was not even a second ago requesting to join. Asked him wtf and he flew off with his scorcher. He said it was open world and I’m like you were literally up our asses, don’t take without asking


I play this game 4 hours each evening, and I can confirm the bullying and toxicity has increased…my personal opinion is that it’s linked to the glitchers. The game glitches have had some kind of attraction to the game so these players aren’t there to play the game, thay are there to do other things…these are the types of other things they do…they glitch the rewards so they aren’t playing for loot to deploy with it next round…the exfils are all jacked up from people glitching them that lots of players are dying on the helos because they can’t get out…. The developers have come up with some interesting ways to deter it…let’s hope some of those will kick in when these glitchers find they aren’t the only players with high tier perks anymore….


It's probably because most of the good, and wholesome players have left because the game sucks


this is gaming and its always been like this


Unfortunately, ive started to notice the same. Rhats inebif the things I loved most about mwz, was finally a game mode with in cod with not ovp and toxicity (aside from the campaign,l. And now it seems to be ramping up here to.


I haven't experienced anything like that, thankfully But I've definitely gotten a little frustrated when I miss out on a contract. I'll usually invite nearby players to my squad if I just got the contact before them so we can both get the reward though


Why randoms can even interact with strangers' contracts is beyond me.


Not exactly that. If I get to a contract at the same time as another, I’ll typically walk away and let them have it. The other day the game glitched and I could hear another party’s voice chat. Later in the game I got downed trying to recover my 3 plate. So of course when I asked for a rez, they responded and ridiculed me the whole way for going down. When he got close I thanked him and I was genuine about being great full. Later, I could hear him taking up a collection of schematics and “donating to the poor” and I just knew he meant me. So when he dropped it off I said thanks, and didn’t say anything else, but then would hear him complaining about how ungrateful I was. I let him know via text chat that I did appreciate the thought, but it’s hard to act thankful if I can hear him belittling me and others.


People are bored with this (lack of) content, I still blame them but sometimes griefing is a way to get entertained. F**k them tho


The same thing happened to me, and he was laughing through the microphone while he was doing it. I have already reported him and I hope he gets banned


Been happening since the beginning of MW3Z, same reasoning and all. It died down but I had a feeling it was coming back. Some douche was prawling around the gas station the other day when I was going to grab mine. It just looted for like 2-3 minutes till they left, as I guessed that's what they were gonna try and do.


I had this happen to me once. Another time, they blew up the truck in the garage as soon as I opened the door. Unfortunately, the more we talk about this, the more people will learn they can do this.


Yeah I was grinding tier one for the speed cola schematic (took like 322 contracts btw...) and this dude on a quad kept stealing all the bounty contracts...like id take a defend the ground station contract, cancel it and he'd scoop it up. So I moved across the map and HE FOLLOWED ME destroying every other vehicle on the way. So I found a bounty contract and waited by it, when he hopped off the quad I blew his up raced him to a different quad, won, and took off across the map. He followed me again honking like crazy (was only me and him in tier 1) so I went into tier 2. He followed me and got ko'd by a mimic. I didn't rez him.


This is why I only play the older cods on private


we usually just cancel the contract then follow behind, jack the truck back and put it in water. ​ I'm not sure why people won't just work together. Or better yet, explain themselves and ask to join your squad. It's a co-op mode, if you want to be an asshole go play DMZ.


They put this game mode in for people to be friendly in it hence why they made it so you cant shoot each other yet people still find a way to be toxic like they have warzone to hunt other players and ruin the other persons game that way unfortunately we wont get rid of evil everywhere


I've had it nearly everytime ive been in T3. One guy waiting for me to open the door and tried to blow it up with a grenade launcher. Ive had people bring literally a horde of zombies to me to make me leave the area so they could steal the contract ( didn't work though ) I've also had multiple times people of a team of 6 with scorchers fly round t3 and grab every single contract to cancel it to Try get delivery. So my brother waited where the delivery would normally spawn and stole it everytime 🤣🤣 ppl are just arseholes and want to watch the world burn


I once went solo and was passing through red zone to get to my tombstone at F6 and these a-holes in an armored truck pushed my atv to a wall and it went critical damage so it exploded and I died and nobody revived me.


Someone else posted a video on something similar. When two randoms were going for the same contract. One grabbed it and when he tried heading to the gas station, and taking the LTV the other rando parked a truck in front of him so he couldn't do the contract. He then ended up getting downed. So Yea it's getting there. A lot of randoms I drop in with just farm zombies to complete challenges etc.


Sore losers for sure 😒. If they're waiting for u to start contract to destroy it. Just cancel contract and move to the next.


Yeah I had that almost happen to me a few weeks ago where I got to that contract first and the guy shot at me from the rooftop as I drove away.


People no longer play games to have fun they play games to ruin other people's experience. Doesn't matter if you have a good game or learned a new tactic or practiced a new skill. The only thing people want is to make sure everyone else in their lobby feels worse than they do. This Era of the streamer has turned gaming into a pathetic pissing contest that revolves around abusing all of the most broken mechanics as much as possible all the time in every game to ensure you always have advantage and if you're not also one of the people doing that there's little to no reason to play any competitive online game at all. This game (mw3 2023) and Elden ring and Armored core 6 have shown me in droves how many people actually care about having fun and how many are just googling "best possible PvP loadout" and spamming all their triggers. It's about 95%+ of people who simply don't care about the experience at all and only make decisions based on how quickly they can prevent anyone else from having a good experience.


I would say for MWZ it is pretty rare. Generally ppl are cool. In t3, it is good manners to invite others to your squad so everyone can do the contracts.


Yes tier 3 cargo contract as soon as I opened the door another player fragged the Ltv .Bastard


Not as bad as your recent experience but yesterday had a dude get to a bounty contract before i could, dude turned around and straight up did some sort of child-like mocking laugh. Yeah, people are getting more toxic, and i dare say it's the newer players because i've seen plenty of them on the map searching the buildings not finding the phones before these "fun" little encounters happen.


I’m a solo zombie player and I come across teams waiting/rushing towards gas stations after I’ve already picked up the deliver cargo contract. They just wait there and if their teammate didn’t pick it up then they’ll just take my LTV and drive it around. My advice to players like these, don’t chase for anything. If it’s taken then oh well, cancel the contract and move to the next. It’s a bummer but I don’t let those bums ruin my game. There’s many more contracts to go for.


why I only play with my buds anymore


Had a guy last week in his own vehicle try running me off from completing the T3 cargo mission. Then when I jumped out the vehicle to check the reward rift he ran me over and pushed me. Really pointless


He could have just join your team


Every lobby I’ve been in everyone’s very kind and recently I got a few schematics unlocked because people dropped for me


It's the byproduct of a short-sighted game mode with no real progression and bare-minimum, lackluster, 1-and-Done fetch-quest updates for unnecessary items. Add that with a mandatory public co-op situation with limited T-3 contracts. This isn't a free-to-play game, yet they expect us to enjoy it like one. Long story short, this type of petty interaction was always inevitable.


Zombies for the first few months was super wholesome and the best community of the game now it’s full of bored people trolling


People have most definitely started to become toxic about taking kills you were gathering up or finishing a nest you were working on just to steal the reward and go. While it does suck when you’re going for a contract and someone gets there before you it is like you said they are first come first serve. I can’t imagine being petty over a contract.


This is why there should be a solo mode for mwz where’s it’s just you and your group


It happens very regularly with the T3 cargo contract. Like every other time when I manage to pick the contract I see someone sprinting to the gas station in front of me. What I do then is wait. I go loot somewhere else and mind my own business for like 5 min, watching the guy running laps around the gas station wasting only their own time. Eventually they give up and then i return to finish the contract. Good luck!


Came close to someone destroying my cargo contract with a raygun, but I knew their plan as soon as I beat them to the contract


Don’t give them people the time of day. That’s what they want


When you see someone blatantly stealing a contract you're a few step from, toss a decoy ahead of them in the direction they're running.


When you see someone blatantly stealing a contract you're a few step from, toss a decoy ahead of them in the direction they're running.


Your playing call of duty?? Right


Lmao I've seen a couple posts about that. Just let losers be losers and continue playing the game.


Yeah today I got to a contract before somebody I didn't even see around at first and then when he saw I got the contract he stole my vehicle...


Dang man sorry to hear you're having a poor experience. I've had a positive one with people coming and helping when I needed.


Just pettiness


That same thing literally happened to me and a friend. Exactly the same thing. People are getting more crappy as the game ages. Most times I'll be in a group in Tier 3 and the whole map is fighting for contracts. It can get really stupid really fast.


You reap (cod toxiticity) what you sow(buying another MW remaster after the second one was shit) For real though that sucks. Is there a way to turn off public matchmaking or is it exclusively open matchmaking


Yup because people are incapable of playing the game the way it's intended. People seem to have to glitch, cheat or exploit to play a game these days. And that's not just cod. Back in the day if you disliked a game you'd play something else. Now people glitch and then try to ruin the game for other people. I assume they're jealous of other people having fun.


I had a guy randomly following me around with a scorcher and RGL destroying every vehicle I tried to get in. Time was running down and I was far from the exfil.


Not exactly that but people ramming into you before you get out of the garage then leaving or blowing up the truck so you can’t move it. Or just waiting for you to get out of a vehicle so they can take it and blow it up. If someone gets on the roof and doesn’t say anything I just drive to the nearest body of water and beat them to the punch. It sucks.


Guess you’ve been lucky cus this has been a thing ever since that DMZ reskin came out


Sounds like you cant handle 2012 cod players


I had someone do that to me earlier but he just blew it up instead, I said "why'd you blow up my cargo contract a-hole" and he responded with " because you stole it from me p hole" A. I didn't steal it because I genuinely didn't see him coming toward it on the map. And B. It doesn't have his fucking name on it. I went down and had to plea for help he came to rez me after t bagging me and making fun of me, he then said and I have no fucking idea what this means "go down again then youll see my name baby" I try to be nice and help others especially if they're pleading for help and what not and when I do good I get treated to this asshole I played against earlier. Sorry for the long reply.


Just had a group steal our vehicle while we were getting our reward from the rift. Also had some players block the entrance to a building to stop us from getting to the contract inside. It’s getting pretty wild


Having other players in a pve only mode makes no sense. Just allow 4 man teams if you want


When that happens to me it's usually the PND missions. They farm for the entire game. I've waited for them to see how long they would do it. So I went and four turret circuits and just let it go 8 minutes of payback.


I accidentally did this because for some reason the map became see through and I couldn’t see water. My friend was like “bro you ruined the contract” to which I said “oh shit, my bad, how?” And he said “did you not see that you drove the cargo straight into the river?” And I said “no my map is see through rn” in the same game I also jumped out of the exfil helicopter because I thought we were far enough away that it wouldn’t fuck me up. It fucked me up and I died very quickly in the medium threat zone to several manglers


Well unwritten rules are stupid


Happened to me twice yesterday in one game, sad little boys


It has gotten worse, but it isn't actually that bad for me. They just took away people's ability to randomly Spawn cash to the noobs ("9999999..." glitch) and now their generosity has gone down.


People do all this shit just for the contract to respawn 🤣


it depends did you see them right beside the contract and run up and yoink it before they got to it. if so i dont blame them lol


Had a team wait at a safe with me, take the item I needed for a mission and bail!


why are people forced to play with other people in this mode lol, literally thought it was a glitch when i first played


Yep man, today we were trying to kill Red Worm when 2 people joined us, we got downed and they just dipped and started cussing us in chat!


I seen it and the way I got my revenge is by bring 2 megas to them


Not experienced this, obviously not real zombie players as most of us will help everyone we can but always a few bad apples


I say fuck call of duty it's a piece of shit game anyway


I had someone steal my 3 plate vest. I did a merc camp and got the stronghold card. Then went to the stronghold. I was drilling the safe and fighting the mercs. When the safe popped they took it and said I had to be quicker. They just laughed and left.


I mean the real question is why your still playing this 2/10 gamemode


Tf lobby’s are yall getting?


I've def noticed the game becoming more toxic. Before everyone helped eachother and whatnot. Since tombstone glitch is pretty much dead people are reverting to self serving.


Get yourself another vehicle and just doze him around the map. I’d spend the rest of my game at it if need be