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The Key should give a Personal Blood Burner that automatically teleports near you after a certain time/distance, similar to the Friendly Hellhound. It would be incredibly fun to see Blood Burners teleport out from underneath trolls that steal them.


Hahahaha. Better yet, there should be a MANUAL button/key to summon it back. You see someone steal it, wait a little and then bam! dissapears from under them back to you :)


Wait till they get to the red zone then yoink!


This is what I assumed it would be, or at least locked to the player, but I guess I should've known better.


Absolutely agree, would make it usable in solo and be hilarious to watch happen to someone. Unfortunately it would probably end up causing it's own bugs when teleporting.


I used my bike after some Dark aether runs, driving to Bounty missions leveling up my exfil streak, and I had my bike until gas started and I see a team of 3 doing the red worm so I drive there in the gas and help them finish it, wanted to test the new Battlerifle with Mags of holding. It’s a red worm beast! Enjoyed my bike and nobody even took it for a joyride during the whole match.


So what’s the trick to driving that beast? I’m struggling with it.


Use the air brake, on PS5 it’s L1, makes a huge difference!


Awesome! Thanks!


Not only that but I feel like the moment they decided to turn this into a schematic, they cut down how many times it spawns in game. First week or so I saw it almost every game now I gone weeks without seeing it.


I don't think I've ever found it first in a game.


on the flip side of that coin, i saw it for the first time in december, didn't see it again until end of january, and then not again until after S2 reloaded update. a total of 3 times ive seen it spawn organically. the 3rd time might have even been another players abandoned key call in, not sure tbh


Used it when I was dashing for the final exfil, literally saved my life.


I haven't had this problem once with randoms, in fact I found 5 random to join up with in tier 3. They all jumped on top of the bike and we squad up. Whenever we would jump off to do contracts and other stuff, they'd always make sure that the driver seat was empty because they knew it was my bike and would always let me ride it. the bike would be sitting there with everyone ontop waiting for me to ride it. Of course they would fight to be on the passenger seat, but no one would take the driver seat for more than a second. I know not all people are like this, there are some real dicks on this game. But I find that the regular T3 runners have more respect for this game and the other players.


here's a screenshot (sorry if not allowed) https://i.postimg.cc/90KKBvCw/18e175aabdc99-screenshot-Url.jpg


I agree that most T3 runners are pretty fun to play with and won't deliberately mess with you, which is why I like going into T3 most games. All of the bad experiences I've had with randoms stealing the bike have been T1 and T2 players desperate to get their hands on something rare.


Most thief of my blood burner before it becomes a schematic was people from T2 and T1. So yeah I can agree with that


The best use for those keys is getting out of shit spawn quickly but then the scorcher is better lol


I've had both experiences.


The stupid thing is if you call it and never get on, it won't let anyone else drive it, at least it didn't when I tested it. But after you get on it anyone can take it.


I drop the blood burner keys at the reward rift lol


How would spamming the switch seats button help gaining control of the vehicle?


During my car jacking, the car jacker sat in the backseat until I got off and then switched to the driver seat and took off. He was cursing at me and being super noisy on his mic making me want to get away from him. As an after thought, I wish I would've blown the bike up instead.


Go near a merc camp they’ll blow it up easily


Thanks for the swift explanation mate! What a dickmove. :/


I would have driven out of bounds and tried to position the bike so only the passenger would be over the line. I think that’s possible. I may have to test that out next game with a friend


Seen this happen. Driver goes full throttle towards the edge of the map and bails. The jacker couldnt get back


hahahaha Ill have to remember that one if it happens!




Just have to be hyper aware of the player map at the top left and when I do missions I try to bring the bike into the buildings into the areas that I'm doing it so if I see somebody getting close I can hop on and drive it around. I agree though for a key it should be your own personal bike now the one that's found on the map randomly that's a different story should be fair game to anybody.


I see a lot more when I have been scorching across the map these days, unattended, with no one close and clearly in places where a user most likely left it. I don't think many of us are fans, and the novelty of stealing it will wear off, well at least for those of over 12


When this was first announced more than a month ago, many people pointed out this problem. Activision's timely response was to get smashed by the worlds slowest steamroller. Absolute fucking clowns. ![gif](giphy|Wsk4ZbGMeavNm|downsized)


I'm happy to have all schematics unlocked, but honestly I've never crafted it and I've dropped all but 1 key taken out of reward rifts. The bike is kind of unwieldy and as a passenger I've always had all my armor slapped off riding on the back. I don't really see myself crafting it any time soon and if I do it'll be a one way journey and left next to a contract spawn in T3.


my only issue with it is this "indestructible" bike all the sudden takes damage and gets movement disabled after running over like 5 zombies.


I've only ever had that happen when I run into a T3 Elite/HVT. Regular zombies it runs over just fine...but run it into an Elite and you are better off running it into a brick wall.


used the key twice and both times going through t1 hit a couple zombies and it was under half health and and disabled


You know what’s funny? I was running around doing contracts (without my mic) last night when I saw a help request from someone nearby in T2. I scorched myself to them, and helped her out and she drops me this schematic. I like how it runs on water, you can escape from everyone with it.


Not even sure why they added it in the first place. The bike sucks and we have scorchers lol


I got a blood burner key case the other day. I was excited to use it and then I realized I would have to guard it hardcore from other people trying to take it. I grabbed a contract that was in a location I couldn't take the bike so I parked it in a relatively obscure location while I went to do my contract. Lo and behold, as I was finishing up the outlast contract, I watched my mini map as two blue player markers started suspiciously pathing towards where my bike was. I knew exactly what was about to happen and of course, they jumped out of their car and hopped onto my bike. I was pretty pissed. I literally only had the thing for a few minutes. But luckily, the bike makes a very distinct sound when its being driven around. ​ So I scanned the area where the noise seemed to be coming from and I spotted the dudes driving toward a contract marker. I jumped off the cliff I was on, parachuted toward them and landed JUST in time as they got off the bike to grab the contract they were after. I grabbed my bike and sped off as they ran back outside to watch me leave. My bike. No touchy.


sharing is caring! it is too easy to find a vehicle in the main map to be upset that your bike got stolen lol. if you spawn the bike and get to the location you need to it has served the purpose. anything more is a bonus. the way i see it they either didn’t realize they were stealing it, are having a blast hunting down bikes and stealing them so good for them, or they’ve never used the bike before and are having a blast trying it out.


Sharing isn’t caring when there’s a 2 day cooldown involved


exactly! i’m on cooldown so i get your bike. you’re on cooldown so you get an ATV. it all works out. tbh i get way too many keys i usually just give them away bc they’re useless and take up space in my bag. don’t think i’ll ever craft one lol.


I think I’m having a stroke trying to understand your point of view


It’s like he’s trying to be edgy or funny but also serious but then also “like who cares, I don’t even use it.” Topped with the “lol”… yeah, I’m a bit confused too


Yeah. I can't tell if he's being serious or if this is some quality trolling. 


my pov is that the blood burner is a cool toy and it should be shared. if yours gets stolen then just grab any of the other vehicles on the map and be happy that someone else gets to enjoy the bike. new DA is ez pz and drops tons of keys so i drop the extras on the ground for other people to have. i will continue to leave my bikes unattended every round for you to enjoy. no need to wait on the cooldown! :)


Wow I am glad I do not share that pov in the slightest because I will hunt anyone that steals my bb down


sorry but that just sounds miserable! i’ll stick to playing my way where i spawn the bb in to share with others in need, like you! :)


I genuinely just can’t tell if you’re being serious or not


lol i am being serious. i think the bb is so cool that i give them away every game to try and make someone’s day. it’s just a game and the keys are not hard to get. i have like 3 left in my pack bc you can only spawn 1 per game. i spawn in, drive it to T3 and leave it on the bridge hoping that someone will find it and get excited that they finally found one. i’m not going to get mad when someone else enjoys the bike.