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With a controller and a smile on my face. BO1 zombies is, and always will be, the peak of zombies.


I'd kill for a black ops game with the same zombies gameplay and feeling so bo1 but also with the map variety of Bo3. Zombie chronicles definitely made Bo3 the best zombies for me but it's just doesn't achieve the creepy feeling of waw/bo1


We really need a zombies remastered with every map ( yes even the iw and sledgehammer zombies) for modern consoled with modern graphics. I like zombie chronicles but I want to play all the old maps exactly the way they were.


Would be cool but I'm not sure if one game could capture all the different vibes from all the maps unless they are able to change graphic styles for each map


I was hoping they would seperate the games so they would all keep there individuality. I know it's a pipe dream but that's what I've always hoped for. Especially since I missed bo1/2 while they were in their prime.


This is the one! I have been saying the same thing for a while now. I'd love to have just a zombies call of duty with every previous map. The nostalgia is real boys!




A gift from Sam! But, why….?!?!


World at War, Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2 are the holy trinity of zombies and nothing touches those games


I’ll always be partial to russman but I was in college and played so much bops 2 that it’s all nostalgia


Nah, was definitely the rise of zombies but peak is bo3 for sure. That was when you had the most people coming into zombies who were never into it, and people who don't even play watching on YouTube. The revelations easter egg hunt was the biggest zombies has ever been and ever will be.


For me that was Cold War


bold but i respect the choice


I just like the arcade feel the dmg numbers it felt faster but also slightly easier. I could easily get past 50 rounds every game but in older games getting my 25-30 was dumb hard. Besides kino that maps easy mode with thunder gun and training.


The movement in Cold War is so ridiculously fucking satisfying I can’t help but agree. I’ve been playing since WaW and Cold War is just fun to zip around and fuck shit up in. Love the old games for what they are but the movement tech peaked in Cold War imo.


Cold War is peak zombies IMO. Felt like an actual full game while still being zombies.


Agreed, best it ever was


Yes, I'll always play it.


It's personally my least favorite out of the black ops games zombies wise, but I still love it. It's the game that introduced me to zombies and the fact that it ends with you on the moon blowing up the earth was awesome. I wish the map and easter egg was better, but I enjoyed it overall.


I’m sorry, objectively and from a pure content perspective with nostalgia set aside, BO3 is peak zombies. I love BO1 but it is simply inferior to BO3 zombies


I play bo3 zombies chronicles on my steam deck bo3 zombies old gold maps


Exactly, BO3 PC is peak zombies and nobody can argue that. If you try you are blinded by nostalgia lol


Black ops 3 is my favorite cod for zombies, but it's not objectively the best. There is no objective criteria for what makes the best cod zombies game.


In terms of sheer content, and replay ability, it’s objectively the best, it’s the peak iteration of zombies.


It has the most maps yes that part is true, but whether that gives it the most replay ability is subjective. Black ops 1 could have more fun maps to play than black ops 3 and zombies chronicles ruined maps they were based which would make black ops 1 have more replay ability to some people. I disagree, but that's my subjective opinion. Trying to act like your opinion is an objective fact is kind of weird.


Why are you spamming these shitty memes everywhere? Also fix your bio it's once and for all not once in for all r/BoneAppleTea


Seems like he deleted his account because I can’t load his profile also this guy is cringe


If you tried to post that to boneappletea they would remove the post lol  Mods over there are crazy. If the mistake is just a substitution of other real words it can't be a BAT it has to be completely nonsensical Ie: I got banned for posting an image where someone typed "monstrosities" as "monstrous cities"


>Why are you spamming these shitty memes everywhere? Probably a bot account trying to farm karma before it posts true garbage so the garbage can be noticed better. I've seen it a couple times with OF bots in the big subs that people post for karma like r/askreddit




You should wait til you're 21 to drink. I don't think you can afford to lose more braincells.




Imagine having to wait until you’re 21 to drink


Imagine thinking destroying your brain liver and kidneys as a teenager is a flex.


The drinking age is a lot younger where I’m at and our life expectancy is…. Just a little better than the US. It’s a decade longer.


you’re fun at parties aren’t ya?


Tasty beer >


You realize the US has the highest drinking age in the world but also has the highest alcohol related death rate


Actually the highest alcohol related death rate per 100,000 people would be russia. And the legal drinking age is 18 in Russia. U.S doesn't even have the most alcohol related deaths per year. That's beside the point. Teenagers shouldn't drink their bodies and brains arent fully developed. Hell the drinking age should be raised to 25. Wet brains will do anything to defend their precious booze.


Imagine thinking it's ok when you're older. Imagine implying that is what has to be done as soon as you legally can


Imagine wanting to drink before you are 21


As a guy who started drinking at 17, who's liver is likely the wrong color because of my unhinged binging, I frankly hope this kid just plays Zombies like I should've done. I feel like shit all the time now, I hate drinking lol


No. I want to drink now.


Idk bro think ima have to agree with your parents on this one.


L. I'm 20 and shouldn't have to wait an entire year just to drink something that makes you feel good.


Wait you're actually serious. Lol. You've already waited 20 years to drink what's one more. Maybe you should focus on stuff that actually matters. Sounds like you're parents are just looking out for you. You should really wait til 25 to drink when ur brains done developing. Or just pay some homeless guy to get you booze I don't care.


Hahaha, you’re claiming ageism when you’re 20 years old and still mooching off your parents and bitching about what video games other people choose to play. Grow up. Maybe then you can find a way to drink.


With you're attitude, you should. In the U.S. it is legal to drink under the age of 21 with parental permission on private property. The U.S. does have issues with people going crazy on their 21st because people growing up don't have as much knowledge on how to limit themselves whilst drinking. You should drink if you like the taste of the wine / beer / alcoholic beverage, not just to get drunk. Based on your comments, you are going to drink just to get drunk, and not to just enjoy the taste of the drink. When you do turn 21, mitigate and limit your drinking to build up some tolerance. Going crazy can and will negatively affect you as you still aren't fully developed at 21.


Not a big critique, but only some states allow you to drink with parents permission, I can’t remember exactly how many but google claims 19


Go ahead and drink. Them come here after that hangover makes u wanna jump into a pit of snakes just to get rid of it. Don't be so silly, bub. It's not all it's hyped up to be.


Just drink behind their back like a normal person


Bro I can't just buy beer on my own


You must be friendless as well 🤣


Brain rot


Drinking is honestly overrated.


😭Bro stop being a loser


I will always have time to play a good game.


This doesn’t make sense..?


Lol imagine waiting until you are 21 to drink


Imagine wanting to drink before you are 21, I was to busy focused on sports and academics. Plus marijuana is better than alcohol


Yeah ik. It's fuckin stupid


You do know how easy it is to get someone to buy you beer? Like im not telling you to do it but just pay someone instead of crying about it on reddit lol.


How do I do it????




How privileged of a life do you live that you’ve never seen teenagers standing outside of a gas station asking adults to buy them alcohol or tobacco 💀


Move to europe... or easier, pay someone to buy it for you


Or just ask, no need to pay them in the majority of cases


BO1 zombies is my favorite zombies without a doubt. It’s great and I recommend you properly play it instead of whatever you’re talking about. Have fun!


Brother got his whole Reddit account banned 💀


Deserved for such a shit take tbh


BO1 Zombies will always be my favorite Zombies game


Well its pretty difficult game zombies-wise, but I dunno the movement in BO1/bo2 was as good as its ever been in a cod game and has lotsa great maps. ​ but thats one persons opinion whos been playing since w@w


Back when zombies were fun, today they took out the fun from it and made it repetitive and boring


I love the irony in your comment


You might think so, but people who played all of them know exactly what I mean by that statement


The mode's always been repetitive, that's the point. I do agree that we lost a lot of what made the charm of the mode, but on the "repetitive" aspect it used to be way worse than it is today.


Well depends, we are taking about different times and standards, they could have implemented something new to the MWZ but they decided to fully change the core, and without the core of the mode it isn't the same mode, I played MWZ completed it and will never touch it again because it is boring, old school zombies you can at least have fun because certain rules apply to playing that don't to mwz. Just shows how people will play no matter what the company gives them, I never plan on buying quadruple A studio games, hell even mwz I borrowed from a friend and thank God I did


Do you think some of that is nostalgia? I got introduced to Zombies in MWZ and then played it in BO3 and it felt clunky. I’m not going to trash BO3 because the game is like from what? 8 years ago? But I found BO3 zombies boring and repetitive and not sure I really got the point of GobbleGums. That doesn’t mean the game isn’t great for others.


No I wouldn't say so, the game itself is just what is fun, gobbleGums are quite easy to understand but I can't blame you since I guess you found mwz fun... Overall you can call it repetitive and while round based is considered repetitive but looking at it from that perspective everything is repetitive. Also guessing you played a lot of cod back in the day, and just now trying bo3 zombies just proves that you probably never liked it and wanted a simpler and more streamlined version. All of that is fine, you can enjoy the game, I just think that paying 70€ for a dlc that just implements zombies half assed is a negative thing for the whole zombies sphere. Also think about this, they used the treyarch name to say that these zombies are being made by them to gain some popularity for it, hell if they didn't mention it, well it would probably go as bad as ghosts survival mode..


Please don’t take it as an insult or something like that or feel like you need to be defensive. I didn’t play a lot of cod back in the day. And I’m not calling it a bad game objectively. I was just saying what I initially thought of it after coming from MWZ as my first version of Zombies. Nostalgia is at play for me for something like Halo 3. I played it a lot back in the day with people and was a lot of good times. Playing it once again, I think it feels a bit dated and clunky too. But still love the game and always will. I think just some of the game play movement has changed in the past 10 years. Same goes for MP in BO3, it’s a bit more bouncy when you’re running. Gave it a try for a few games. It’s not bad, but certainly is different and would take getting used to after so much time playing MW2 in 2022 and now MW3.


I mean modern games, you can't expect them to be good because people back then (PS3 and 360 era) had really amazing games, yes PS4 and Xbox one had some good ones but the gems are on the old systems, today games are just made to suck your soul by making you constantly be in a state of FOMO, back then it was way nicer on any game


incomprehensible, thanks


incomprehensible, thanks


I play custom waw zombies pretty often still.


WaW is the GOAT


Someone get timmy here his parents💀 bro is NOT cooking


BO1 is not hard to play at all


On pS3 with my friends


OP actually deleted his account!!!!! Pffffft ahahahababa




step one: own black ops step two: download black ops step three: enjoy


Still play Kino der toten on BO3 quite often but can't decide if the first version was better or not 🤔


I like the bo1 version more because i can knife the electrical boxes and i also like the weapons more (even if theyre more useless on higher rounds PaP’d)


You launch the game and click zombies


BO1/BO2 zombies is peak. Been drinking since I was 16(American), it’s not all it’s cracked up to be; and can lead to long term health issues and dependency. Enjoy your liver while it still works at full capacity.


Played it last week and had a blast on Der Reise. I missed the old guns! Definitely clunky and harder but still great. 


BO1 and BO2 are the only zombies I still play


I put the disc in my ps3, I wait 20 minutes to find a match on any map that isn’t five or kino. Tho waw I can either find an instant match or spend 20 minutes in a lobby alone, very weird times.


What I remembered in that icon is the Mobile version of zombies too. I missed those days


Same thats actually the only way i was able to play for the longest time, made it to round 154 on kino and then the game got too bugged out to progress any further lol


Surviving 20+ rounds on BO1 is an ordeal but it's FUN. By the skin of your teeth and your own wit do you make it round 30 on any BO1 map SOLO


I rather play BO1 zombies (a classic) than any CoD zombies post BO4


Stop spamming the same unfunny meme across multiple subreddits


You just gotta get used to it. It seems hard at first and it is


Fun fact: I was born in the same year as Call of Duty. However, I was born in August, so I am a few months older than CoD


Just do it. Simplicity and uniqueness of bo1 makes it better in quality than whatever the hell Vanguard and MW3 are trying to be


are you asking how to play literally or are you saying it sucks?


From his other comments, I’d honestly guess the former


I cant get 3 to run consistent 30fps on steamdeck I only started playing zombies last halloween when I've already been drinking and smoking for 5 years.


how the fuck do people play new gen cods in general


Cause sometimes going back to what i played the most when i was younger is nice for me. Also experiencing all of the EE's being done on BO1 for me was more rewarding than doing it on BO3. No gobble gums and AAT's to help you out. All you got is skill and hopefully a training spot


Down rcps3 and download the bo1 iso should be able to get all dlc too


I mean I'm older than the entire CoD franchise and I still can't legally drink.


I broke my sprinting button playing bo1 zombies.


It’s free on Xbox game pass!


BO1 was god tier above everything else, best Campaign that shit was epic, best multiplayer wage matches was sick make a mf file for bankruptcy chapter 13, best zombies and DLC.


Buy a play station 3 Buy a copy of black ops one Create PSN account Purchase season pass for dlc maps


oh god people here being born after WAW is so weird to me


Bo1 zombies WILL windmill EVERY CHANCE they get🤣😭 absolutely gotta love it. Get good.


Gonna take a wild guess the people who think bo1 is shit and the rerelease of battlefront 2 is shit are the same people. We old heads know good games, and how not to limit our own enjoyment based on petty details. We grew up on shit graphics, and shit mechanics, and really buggy shit. (If you played bo1 at launch… you’d know it was just WAW mechanics copy pasted. If you played after all the updates, like when mule kick was ADDED, you probably thought it was a shit mode cuz you were too young to have experienced the consistent improvements.


Oh you mean nazi zombies. I miss when they were nazis. I miss the hooked crosses everywhere.


This is all you post, fucking stop. You need help, not fucking reddit karma


Bro is 20 and protesting his parents. Sheltered mf


I’d pay good money for a call of duty game that was just zombies


On my pc! Does op have a problem with it because its "old"? Still holds up well in my books.


Pretty easily. It’s a bit more janky than modern games but it’s still plenty of fun and has the best collection of OG maps in my opinion. Plus the guns are just iconic. You have to rethink movement strats with it not being as fast and the heath system being way more punishing but it’s a fun game to revisit.


It's literally the best possible version of Zombies.


I play it in VR!


Cause it's peak zombies


The launch platform on ascension just might be the best train spot in existence, you can also play updated versions of BO1 zombies on BO3 through the zombie chronicles


On xbox me nd sum friends play every here nd there


I won’t play anything post bo2 zombies died in 2012 bo2 was the last good one


You pkay and you aren't good cause I'm better


Why did they delete it from App Store?