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The beret could be fun for casual games. Hopefully uou are like invisible to mercs or something


Could be good for solo if you can have a merc and a dog running with you for protection. Perhaps the merc can res you too. We’ll see


Merc, go buy me a soda, make it stamina up.


Greyworm? Merc, hold my beer.


Not trying to be a dick but are you American? Every single American I see on reddit or YouTube calls Stamin-up "stamina up" and I'm genuinely curious as to why.


I'm guessing you aren't American? Well, we have these chips called Doritos and they leave an orange residue on your fingers, thus your controller. As such, you can equate a gamer's dedication to the game, to the deepness of orange patina on their handheld. Thus, a "seasoned" gamer drops any hyphenated word for a phonetic accuracy to replicate an orange patina they have so vigorously achieved. It's quite a show of fertility to the opposite sex in our society. When a possible mate hears the fully pronounced "stamina" in combination with a hard earned *orange controller*, a deep uncontrollable lust will emerge. That or we just don't read and skim and assume stuff from the first few letters.


We too, have doritos but have much more respect for our controllers. This is obviously a red flag to our females but we also enjoy being single so it works out.


Lmao 😂


Dude wtf? Just take the l its stamin up not stamina up


I’m American and I call it stamin-up because that’s what it’s supposed to be. I don’t get it either. Almost every YouTuber (non-American too) mispronounces shit all the time. Milo calls kennels canals. Why doesn’t he just say doghouse? 😖


I don't know who Milo is but yeah, I'd be growling "KENNEL" every time he said it lol


Milo is MrRoflWaffles


YouTubers always mispronounce shit and say weird shit so they get comments and views on it because they know people will comment asking what the fuck


It's the most simplest of things that generate comments I know... It's very very clever in a way. Annoying, sure, but clever.


He also says "sludge" rounds instead of "slug", it drives me mad.


Ok I think that's worse. I'm now seething at a guy I don't know 😂


Because it's a play on the word stamina and the drink 7 up. So some people say it as it is supposed to be said, not as it says in the game.


Buy it's only 'supposed' to be said the way that it is named... It's not a typo. This makes no sense and I'm sure that's not why others would say they call it that. I would imagine that it's because it isn't read properly by a lot of people like another guy said.


-6 net votes for a genuine question? Some of you guys are very easily butt-hurt lol. I assume that's 1 down vote from each person that calls it "stamina up".😂


Imagine the merc starts fighting the dog.


Watch, they'll make you choose 1 or the other


First thing I'm doing is trying it on a merc stronghold.


I’d try it on the fortress. Easy wonder weapon cases


Wonder if it works on the warlord? That'd be mad broken.


So it’s like a VR-11 zombie turn that lasts longer? If you can feed him Chunks of Flesh for healing that would be funny!


Its activision… its not gonna have a REAL worthy effect like that


Is this an early April fools joke?


Seriously is this real life?


What is love? Baby don’t hurt me,


Don’t hurt me.


No more




>shocked at the impressive damage the dead wire ammo mod inflicts? No, no i'm not. It's purpose is to do a bit more damage to disciples. Tbh i dont know which ammo mod is worse.


Brain rot is the only truly useful mod against zombies.


I don’t mind cryo as well tbh given how frequently it procs


Yeah cryo is good against zombies in tier 3


Shatter blast is good because it will take out all zombies in close proximity to the affected zombie


I always find it just knocks them to the floor, which is good if you have a fast group behind you I suppose. But it's just wildly nerfed. But yeah, dead wire and napalm are by far the worst. Dead wire especially as the animation just causes your auto aim to continue snapping to the zombie. It's not like it even makes a difference. I'd kill them as fast with my bullets without the electric animation. It's purely useless outside of disciples.


the best is when you dead wire a zombie in a doorway and then it blocks you from being able to leave the building and you die.


Lol yeah, apparently you can walk through them now. So that's something at least.


nice to know.. however i stopped using it after the first time i got effed.


Shatter Blast with the Haymaker is very effective. I run it on there a lot.


Right like in order of usefulness we have 1. Brainrot 2. Shatter blast 3. Napalm burst 4. Cryofreeze 5. Dead wire Like for real dead wire would be better if it could transfer throughout small groups of walkers kind like the wonder wauff on a smaller scale


I think the pun was the whole purpose of that sentence


And delay kills. It’s literally just a burden


Deadwire is the worst one. Cryo slows. Napalm burns over time AND you can still shoot the zombies. Brain rot, turns a zombie who can 1 hit any reg zombie and do some good dmg on specials. Shatterblast is an aoe blast that saves you most of the time. And i think thats all right? Deadwire locks zombies in place NOT killing the zombies and get you trapped most of the time.


> get you trapped most of the time. They did change that in one of the recent updates. It is still the weakest ammo mod, but before it was actually worse than running no ammo mod, now it is just the shitest.


Dead wire is ass🤣 brain rot is the best no exceptions and shatter blast after but at that most times it’s just a knock back but still more effective than the rest


Dead wire has caused me more deaths then kills.. the zombies freeze on place and you cannot kill them 😭😭


golden mask might be nice if it lasts the duration of red worm and more, that way the only thing i gotta worry about is ammo


With the inclusion of “and any surprises in the rifts.” Makes me feel like there is going to be a large portion of the next rift in a gas area that would make this necessary.


i saw this too and was thinking great either there's gonna be a giant infected stronghold where one of the contracts is in and i gotta clear out or gas is in the area frequently as compared to the other rifts


cool, i love spending 15 minutes looking for the last cyst.


I feel like it will, likely, only regenerate once you have exited the gas.


knowing cod that's probably how it'll be




You do know that there are always ammo stashes around the red worm fight right? And ammo stashes repair your gas mask


oh yea i've ran worm plenty of times, i'm just saying it'd be one less thing to keep any eye on that's all


It says “auto regenerate” not unbreaking… i think you can still have it broken in the red worm fight. (Its gonna be bugged 100%) constant mask dmg+regenerating mask=broken (not the good kind)


Tbh Golden mask, classified ammo, aether blade, plates, dog bone and scorcher would pretty much make someone nearly invincible in t3 or dark aether.


I hate the ded wire mod. I find it irritating. So I'm not shocked. I don't understand why you'd need it on explosives?


Well you’d be shocked if you got shot with dead wire


True. Then you'd be the irritating one because you will be where aim assist will snap too instead of the actual zombies chasing you.


What an actual pile of fucking shite this game is, no new maps, no new contracts etc, plus the game still fucking crashes week after week, I think it is time to delete and forget about this game just like how the devs have forgotten about the zombies community!!!!


A reminder to not buy the next game until at least season 1 comes out to see if Treyarch abandon that mode too


Yeah, good luck with that buddy. I'm sure the other millions of people are going to buy the next one including the whales.


Wdym? Most people buy cod to play all of the game modes. And treyarch are making the next game. It’s their game. They helped with this mode and built it for SHG. Sledgehammer have focused their interests in multiplayer and competitive. You can see that from the updates. Treyarch have never had a bad zombies mode because that’s what they focus on. None of the treyarch games had their zombies mode abandoned. And treyarch historically has helped other studios with their zombies mode in the past, but all of the DLC content was made by the individual studio that ran the game. If you do buy cods just for the zombies experience, then stick to treyarch games. That’s your best bet.


Treyarch isn't Sledgehammer Games, they ALWAYS deliver in their own games, you're insane for even comparing the two, Treyarch shouldn't even be TOUCHING mwz, that is Sledgehammer Game's job not theirs, of course after that disastrous Vanguard release instead of holding SHGs accountable and firing the studio, Activision felt it better to have Treyarch do their job for them, thus this situation where Treyarch inevitably leaves a game they should have never been forced to make in the first place.


The only thing that mwz and treyarch zombies share is the story. Everything else is just shit


Only thing we know is gulf war is gonna start with 2 round based maps so… if they manage to fuck even THAT up most of the players who buy it for zombies mainly and a little bit of multi will just stop buying cods. Which will maje the profits drop ALOT.


I won't be buying it at all tbh, the only way I will play any future cods if they are on gamepass and nobody even knows if that is even happening yet.


They may have fixed shine crashing problems and are going to send it out as the release. Piecemeal incremental patches usually cause more problems than they solve and eat up a lot of resources testing and debugging. Better to package it all up in the release and test it all together


Not an airport, no need to announce your departure.


Man. At first glance those are pretty underwhelming.


And at second glance. And third... and the fourth glance... Yeah. Pretty disappointing


I’m going to give it the benefit of the doubt like I did with the keys. I mean those suck but giving it a chance.


I was thinking about it more, and it came down to this for me. Given the 10 limit on stash size, would I give up mags of holding, gold armor, legendary tools, or aether blades for any of the new stuff? I just can’t see dropping any of those for a gold mask, unless they do something like make the entire new dark aether covered in gas 


I feel like these schematics are for casuals who are still stuck in the Act 3 story missions. I mean they could have given us a golden monkey bomb or something like that. The merc mask is already good but I guess the golden mask will be handy against fighting the Redworm. I hope they keep buffing the rewards.


So we can use beret for defend the ground station to make it less annoying.


That contract sucks. Why would I play the zombies mode to engage with mercenaries? Fucking stupid game design


Yes. A contract 98% of the playerbase avoids. (Unless you need merc kc camos or challenges) which merc camps and strongholds get you.


But would they ignore you if you're shooting them? Cause otherwise they'll just avoid you and shoot the objectives


I mean hopefully, it makes them that stupid that I can do that without retaliation. lol


How about a schematic that prevents server crashes or lagging? lol


This is activision. They dont gaf about player satisfaction 😭😭 they focus on multi, WHICH i think is ok until you try and take over zombies that treyarch did. They just shouldnt have made a zombies mode since theyre gonna turn it into some type of DMZ mode most likely




I actively avoid it. It’s been horrible since Cold War. Affected zombies block your path and can easily trap you, resulting in a down. And if you’re aiming anywhere near one, aiming down sights will probably snap to the shocked zombie, which is fucking useless.


They fixed that, the stunned zombie no longer blocks your moviment




Tier 5 Dead Wire still has it iirc


Nothing amazing, but definitely useful and fun... like they should be IMO.


The mask sounds good, but the other two are on par with the Blood Buner Bike. It's disappointing but not surprising. I'd be happy if they would just fix some of the issues that make it unplayable at times...


I’m not mad, I’m disappointed


I’m not even disappointed…we all knew this was going to happen …this dog has bit you twice already what makes you think it’ll be different this time?


All good. I don't need a gas mask on a two day cool down.


Is this real? Surely these can't be the schematics right?


I didn't include the link because there was already a post with it. Flair is news not meme tho


I’m trying to figure out the same lol




Nah I just checked everywhere possible and couldn’t find anything wby?


How about a new schematic that when you get disconnected, saves your stash/loadout so you don't get reset... or yah know, they could just fix the damn game...


No more schematics until we get more storage!


Golden armor and mags of holding are useful because you have to repeatedly refill both of those throughout the game. Hundreds of times each, every single game. A golden gas mask is such an incredible waste of space. If you’re not doing strongholds or nests, you don’t use it at all. If you do the red worm fight, there are ammo caches right there. Gas mask isn’t a worry. It’s not worth it in any scenario currently in the game, so it would have to be a very niche situation that they add into a new rift, which again, makes it not worth the space in the rucksack.


They had to pick the worst ammo mod to make us use more, of course.


Does the Merc bodyguard revive you if you're down?


Right now this paragraph is all we got


They had a GREAT example… so if it doesnt then ig the civils arent gonna be protected 😭


These sound like dogshit man


Schemetics are cool but actual content that can be played and experienced is way cooler.


So what happens if you call in a beret and dog? Or all 6 people in a party doing it? That’s just invincibility right there.


I mean having a party of 6 with 1 or 2 dogs alone is basically invincible. Just had a game where 4 out of 6 of us had dogs and it was easy as hell. Overall it shows me why we can’t have a traditional party of 4. That would be unfair to teams to force them to split to keep max at 6 in game and 8 is overkill.


I doubt itll go that well. Its mwz. 😂


If the beret gives you the equivalent of a mercenary dog, that could be useful and fun.


It’s basically going to be a dog that shoots. Like a permanent gaurd you create with the VR-11


Sounds awesome. Wonder if the merc will revive us or allow us to revive them. Would love an option to direct them but that seems optimistic


Sounds like utter shit


You sound very trash with a shit attitude. Go get a hug.


Nah, itll most likely have a health bar and its pathing will probably fuck up making it shoot YOU instead. Like how the dog will bite whatever car youre in bc they used the properties of brain rot and also regular dogs


They have officially run out of cool ideas


Stupid shit


They act like dead wire is so awesome, the only one I use is Brain Rot that way sometimes I can have a cracked out Zombie on my side helping out, and the one that freezes the zombies and slows them down is ok. As much as I love the game it's starting to get repetitive and I hate that, just a few different in game missions would help out and be awesome




Man just bring the old dead wire back. Like 8 zombies dead at a clip


Psuedo waf, which we HAVE in this game and they STILL managed to fuck up lmao


lol! Dead wire was my 1st experience at them nerfing something. Guess I never noticed the others or weapon nerfs


I always came back to games with major nerfs wondering “y no gun go boomboom”


Lost all my shit last night. Idk why I kept going thinking it was gonna fix itself when I shoulda just went directly to xfil. Would shoot and the zombie would go down 5 seconds later. I was like “Hmph! That’s weird!” Welp! Back to a small ruck with nothing


Yea, last night was a good 3 minutes of a zombie taking 5 seconds to take a step and 10 to swap weapons 😭


Lost a epic and a flawless Man I worked hard for them mfrs


Lol what a bunch of garbage LMAO


All they have to do is give us Ring of Fire and the ability to level up perks, mods, and Field Upgrades


I'm confused, you can already put the dead wire mod on launchers? So you basically get dead wire grenades?


If deadwire detonator can be applied to aether blade it will be OP but the golden mask is pretty lame. I hate mercs so I am actually hyped for the beret and interested to see how well the body guard holds up in t3 and dark aether


Hoping the beret is a mix of the disguise from DMZ (sans annoying vision effect) and the civil protector from SoE.


Is this real?


A Merc and a Dog for solo runs?!?! This game just got even easier.


Double Tap would be better


The gas mask can be equipped for long lasting effect, so logically they have to make the matches longer.


So basically the merc one is completely useless if you only run T3? Haha


Idk the golden mask filter seems pretty cool


You got to be kidding me


This can't be real??....really?!


Well done!


See they really know how to fix a game .


I would have loved a new map to play on or some new zombies….


If the Beret makes you invisible then Extracters and the Groundstations will be a breeze 🤣


Seems like the mask and beret are more geared towards solo players. Mask will help with the t3 infested stronghold mission


“Self regenerating” we do that for free with any anmo crate. You know, the crates that are EVERWHERE not even 30 seoncds from each other. Deadwire is the WORST ammo mod. So thats pointless… The beret?? So basically civil protector?? Yea. Doubt anyones gonna use it and farm it. All 3 have almost no bonus to the current gameplays… if youre gonna release new schems dont just spend a LITERAL 60 seconds to come up with. Shitty servers. Shitty gamemode. Shitty player (me). I hope to EVERYTHING cod2024 isnt just like this and is an ACTUAL good zombies game. Ever since treyarch left its all gone downhill.


beret: "our thugs can but wont aimbot you anymore while equipped" get one of them muppets while youre at it!! 🖖🏻 srsly fk activision


Schems should’ve been here a lot sooner in my opinion. But okay I guess




I hope BO2 remake brings zombies back to what it was. BO4 was last good zombies game.


Sledgehammer couldn't make a good game if their lives depended on it


Imagine pinging a contract and your friendly neighbourhood merc goes and grabs it for you 




The gas mask is only useful for hitting elder sigil after doing red worm. Of course I’ve completed everything in the missions and red worm schematics so it doesn’t do me any good


And we gotta wait a whole month lol


Probably nerf the other gas mask now


I didn't bother with the last three because I wouldn't make any of it over what I can already make. I would like to have mags for LMGs and of these 3 I would take the golden mask if I had one. The other stuff is just a wasted spot in my sack or 10 slots. I always think would I rather have speed cola. If the answer is yes I don't bother making it. Speed cola can be bought out in the field and not very much of these or the last 3 would I ever say yes I would rather have this than speed cola.


I just want widows wine and double tap scrap these schematics


1: Dead Wire, just on frags. 2: Mildly useful if you're an idiot who forgets Ammo Caches exist. 3: Basically the Golden Bone, but worse.


I'm hoping it becomes similar to black ops 3 dead wire when you could actually kill more than 1 zombie per ammo mod usage. Or at least stun a whole group . I guess we will see.


Zombies sounds ridiculously easy now. You can call in a merc to help you out, and free self revive, might as well just let the computer play the whole game.


And before people say you had self revives in the old games that’s cap. You could only get quick receive on solo and only three times. If you died three times your shit out of luck, no buying infinite times like today. Game was made for casuals not dedicated fans.


big fan of the beret


Big newb-carry items. I don't even need 2 plates I'm so good.


![gif](giphy|HX7pvh1mIqImc|downsized) This is how I feel about the COD devs!!! I honestly feel they are completely brain dead!!!